#####Removed all js crons in favour of simply setting more reliable crontab entries.
Set inbox to be cleared every 15min
*/15 * * * * coffee /Steno/lib/inbox.coffee >> /Steno/cron.log
Send daily group email at 17:05 every weekday (05 to ensure 17:00 the inbox will cleared)
5 17 * * 1-5 coffee /Steno/lib/sendgroup.coffee >> /Steno/cron.log
Send individual email reminders at 14:30 every weekday
0 14 * * 1-5 coffee /Steno/lib/senduser.coffee >> /Steno/cron.log
To get started, create a config file (sample_config.coffee is provided) in any commonjs module format e.g. JavaScript, JSON, CoffeeScript.
// List individual group users
├── 'user1@example.com' : user1
└── 'user2@example.com' : user2
// Time to email users with reminder email
reminder: '14:00'
// Group details include:
// Team name to include in daily group email title
// Team email address to send daily collaborated email to
// Time to sen out daily collaborated email
├── name: 'Team name'
├── email: 'team@example.com'
└── time: '17:00'
// iMap account details
provider: 'Gmail'
email: 'steno_account@gmail.com'
password: 'supersecretpassword'
host: 'imap.gmail.com'
secure: true
port: 993
To start Steno, simply install dependancies with npm install
and then run the steno.coffee file with either Forever, Upstart or similar.
The package.json file includes some standard startup methods:
npm run-script deploy
to start the app as a daemon with it's own local copy of Forever and CoffeeScript.npm run-script list
to check all Forever running processes.npm run-script kill
to stop ALL running Forever processes.
Steno will immediattely process and delete any new emails on the selected imap account, so use a dedicated email account.
Only Gmail has been tested, but any imap account should work.
Individual daily tasks can be updated at any time before midnight by simply replying to again.
Email signatures will be stripped at either the custom --END-- delimiter or the standard --[space][newline] email delimiter.
Messages are stored in a sqlite database at the root of the Steno directory.