This set of notes is from the Udacity AI NanoDegree. It has the following sections
I have separated the whole course into 5 sections (not exactly four )
- pac-man lab: use A* search to guide pac-man to find the fastest way to eat all the food
- simulated annealing lab: implement simulated annealing algorithm to solve the Traveling Salesman Problem
- constraint satisfaction lab: use constraint satisfaction algorithms to solve the n-queen problem
- Sudoku Project: use Constraint Satisfaction algorithms to solve the Sudoku problems
- Isolation Game: use Adversarial search to create a computer agent to play the isolation game
- Air Cargo Logistic Planning: use search with (domain specific or general) heuristics to solve to air cargo logistic planning problem
- American Sign Language Recognition: use Hidden Markov Model(HMM) to recognize American Sign Language (ASL)
- pac-man Labs
- simulated annealing lab
- constraint satisfaction lab