FTC KSU Mobile Application Backend Built Using Spring Boot.
Remember to list any work you do (making contributions, writing issues, etc) in the app for points. 🔥
If you'd like to contribute to the app:
- Fork the project (fork to contribute).
- Create a new branch to work on.
- Send a pull request.
If you notice a bug, have a new feature to suggest, or just want to discuss something about the app be sure to post an issue about it.
- characters
- dio
- equatable
- firebase_dynamic_links
- firebase_messaging
- flushbar
- flutter_bloc
- flutter_secure_storage
- flutter_speed_dial
- google_maps_flutter
- place_picker
- image_crop
- image_picker
- json_annotation
- meta
- rflutter_alert
- share
- swipe_stack
- url_launcher
- flutter_config
- get_it
- flutter_native_splash
Make sure to remove application android:usesCleartextTraffic="true"
from AndroidManifest.xml for the release build.
- When first opening the project, if you get
(lots of red .dart files), use theflutter pub get
command. In VScode, you could also click "Get packages" when receiving the following notification: - (Seen in VScode) If you get
DioError [DioErrorType.RESPONSE]: Http status error [500]
, make sure to debug code only and rebuild the app. - Some used packages have yet to update and use null-safty, to run the app with them use "flutter run --no-sound-null-safety"