Prototype creation of a web service wrapper for Quantlib using oat++
See more:
A prototype to demonstrate exposing Quantlib as a webservice. Uses oat++ including the Swagger module to expose creating a Vanilla Swap object
|- CMakeLists.txt // projects CMakeLists.txt
|- src/
| |
| |- controller/ // Folder containing SwapController where all endpoints are declared
| |- dto/ // DTOs (data transfer objects) are declared here (VanillaSwap and helpers)
| |- AppComponent.hpp // Service config
| |- App.cpp // main() is here
|- test/ // test folder (to be updated)
|- utility/ // utility script to install required oatpp-modules.
|- .vscode/ // configuration to build and run using Microsoft Visual Studio code
|- // will require C++ / Intellisense, CMake and autoconf extensions
module must be installed. You may runutility/
script to install required oatpp modules (or get the source viagit clone
and make) -
must be installed
$ git clone
$ cd oatpp-swagger/
$ mkdir build && cd build/
$ cmake ..
$ make install
must be installed. Follow instructions at
To build the service
$ cd QuantlibWebService
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ ./QuantlibWebService # - run application.
Go to http://localhost:8000/swagger/ui#/ or get the results inline if you have curl installed
curl -X POST "http://localhost:8000/echo" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"id\":0,\"notional\":10000,\"type\":1,\"currency\":{\"currency\":\"USD\"},\"startDate\":40527,\"mtyDate\":47832,\"fixedRate\":2,\"fixedFrequency\":{\"frequency\":\"SEMIANNUAL\"},\"fixedDaycount\":{\"daycounttype\":\"THIRTY360\"},\"fixedDayConvention\":{\"businessDayConvention\":\"FOLLOWING\"},\"floatSpread\":0,\"floatIndexFamily\":{\"indexFamily\":\"LBOR\"},\"floatFrequency\":{\"frequency\":\"QUARTERLY\"},\"floatTenor\":{\"frequency\":\"QUARTERLY\"},\"floatDaycount\":{\"daycounttype\":\"ACTUAL360\"},\"floatDayConvention\":{\"businessDayConvention\":\"FOLLOWING\"},\"dateGenerationRule\":{\"dateGenerationRule\":\"FORWARD\"}}"