CiviCRM Shoreditch Helper is a Drupal 9/10 module that adds certain body classes to CiviCRM admin pages.
The Shoreditch CSS styles rely on body classes like page-civicrm page-civicrm-contact page-civicrm-contact-view
which are present in Drupal 7 but not in Drupal 9/10.
This module sole pupose is to provide a hook_preprocess_html() function which adds these classes.
- Drupal 9/10
- CiviCRM
- CiviCRM Shoreditch theme
Since this module is not available as Composer package for now, installation in the custom module directory is recommended.
# Navigate to your custom module directory, e.g.
cd modules/custom
# Download the module
git clone
# Enable the module, e.g. with Drush
drush en civicrm_shoreditch_helper