When Bob and flit are together, picking up a box gets confused
Add Big stones for bob- Add push only objects
Split Loader from Play Level- More Flit specific stuff?
BridgesPressure switches- Do audio (Ouch, squeak, death, garden background)
- Splash screen image and position (Landscape, portrait)
- Nested switches
Drain pipe- Fencing
- Branches
- Washing Pole
- Foliage
- Washing Bag
- Fruit Bat
- Shed
- Gnomes
- Fencing
- Trees
- Flowers
- Vegetables
- Rhubarb
- Cat
- Bird
- Foliage
Trellis- Wheel Barrow
- Compost Bin
When standing on a box, space goes a bit wierdWhen both Flit and Bob are by the same box, Bob always seems to pick it up even if flit presses space