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org.hyperledger.besu-maven-archetype 1.0-SNAPSHOT Latest version

Install 1/2: Add this to pom.xml:
Learn more about Maven or Gradle
Install 2/2: Run via command line
$ mvn install

About this package

Hyperledger Besu Maven Archetype


Installing the archetype

  1. Clone this project.

  2. From the project directory:
    mvn install

Using the archetype to create a sample project

  1. From any directory on your filesystem:
    mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=local

Running the sample project

  1. Compile contracts, build project, and install Hyperledger Besu:
    mvn clean install

  2. Start Hyperledger Besu:
    target/besu-1.5.0/bin/besu --config-file=config.toml

  3. Wait until you see Ethereum main loop is up

  4. From another terminal at your sample project directory, compile and start your application:
    mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.sample.App"


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