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File metadata and controls

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Model is the basic unit to encapsulate State, together with some functions to manipulate states. A Model:

  • defines the shape/type of the data (propTypes) and comes with default values (default)
  • defines the shape/type of context data that it provides (childContextTypes and getChildContext()) or depends on (contextTypes)
  • defines bubbling events that it fires (eventTypes) or watches (watchEventTypes and watchEvent())
  • contains pairs of sender and receiver functions that handles data flow logics (sendSomeAction() and recvSomeAction())

This chapter introduced how to use the ModulaJS Model API, and explained some necessary design details. For a complete references of the API, please refer to ModulaJS Model API.

Creating a Model

The static factory method createModel(options) is used to create a ModulaJS model class.

Props and Values

Assume you need to create a "todo item" model which contains a piece of data like { marked: false, text: 'some text' }. We want to make sure marked is always a boolean and text is always a string. We can use propTypes, which you already got familiar with when learning React. By default, marked is false and text is undefined, we can use defaults to define these.

Once model class is defined, you may create its instances by using new keyword and a props object (its keys/values should match propTypes) as parameter.

import { createModel } from 'modulajs';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';

const TodoModel = createModel({
  displayName: 'TodoModel',

  propTypes: {
    text: PropTypes.string,
    marked: PropTypes.bool.isRequired

  defaults: {
    text: undefined,
    marked: false

const todo = new TodoModel({ text: 123 }); // Error: text is expected to be a string
const todo = new TodoModel({ text: '123' }); // good

// models come with some default methods like `get`
todo.get('marked') // false
todo.get('text') // '123'

Unlike many other model implementations, in ModulaJS models will refuse to take in "unexpected" data. For example:

const todo = new TodoModel({ text: 'some text', createAt: 1463691281790 });

todo.get('createAt') // undefined

So if you need any additional data, you need to define it in propTypes first.

When defining defaults in Model, please make sure to use functions to define non-primitive defaults values, so those functions only executed when the Model is initialized.

defaults: {
  // `list` is initialized when Model instantiation, so that every new Model
  // instance will have a new instance of `List`.
  list: () => new List(),
  name: "model"

// BAD
defaults: {
  // `list` is initialized before Model instantiation, so the value will be
  // shared by all instances of current Model, which may cause unpredictable
  // issues afterward.
  list: new List(),
  name: "model"

Display Name

It's recommended to provide a displayName for a Model, which allows ModulaJS to build friendly error messages.

Extra Methods

You can provide some extra getter and setter methods to make the Model easier to use. In the following example, we provide a setter function mark to toggle marked, and a getter function isValid to check if the text is undefined.

Please note that any setter function should always return a new instance, just like set.

import { createModel, PropTypes } from 'modulajs';

const TodoModel = createModel({
  displayName: 'TodoModel',

  propTypes: {
    text: PropTypes.string,
    marked: PropTypes.bool.isRequired

  defaults: {
    text: undefined,
    marked: false

  mark() {
    return this.set('marked', !this.get('marked'));

  isValid() {
    return this.get('text') !== undefined;

const todo = new TodoModel();
const newTodo = todo.mark();

newTodo.get('marked') // true

Updating the Model and Immutability

A model comes with a set function, with which you can mutate the data in the model. However, models are immutable, so set will always return a new instance, and the old instance remains the same.

const todo = new TodoModel();
const newTodo = todo.set('marked', true);

newTodo.get('marked') // true
todo.get('marked') // false
todo === newTodo // false

There are other APIs to mutate the immutable model:

  • get(key) like Immutable.get.
  • getIn(path) like Immutable.getIn.
  • updateIn(path) like Immutable.updateIn. Returns a new instance of Model.
  • set(key, value) like Immutable.set. value can be a function. Returns a new instance of Model.
  • setMulti({ key: value }) set multiple key-values at once. value can be a function. Returns a new instance of Model.
  • attributes() returns an object with all property-values.
  • toJS() returns an plain object representation of a model, all child model will be converted to plain object as well.


One model is not enough to express all your data. Naturally you will want to nest your models, just like how you nest up your components. ModulaJS is designed in a way that you can easily manage deep nested models and localize data for every component.

The following example is a TodosModel which contains a list of TodoModel.

import { List } from 'immutable';
import { createModel } from 'modulajs';
import ImmutablePropTypes from 'react-immutable-proptypes';
import TodoModel from './todo_model.js';

const TodosModel = createModel({
  displayName: 'TodosModel',

  propTypes: {
    todos: ImmutablePropTypes.listOf(PropTypes.instanceOf(TodoModel)).isRequired

  defaults: {
    todos: new List()

  addTodo(text) {
    return this.set('todos', (todos) => {
      return todos.unshift(new TodoModel({ text }));

  markAll() {
    return this.set('todos', (todos) => {
      return => {
        return todo.set('marked', true);

TodosModel.fromJS = function(definition) {
  const todos = definition.todos || [];

  return new TodosModel({
    todos: new List(map(todos, (todo) => new TodoModel(todo)))

In above example code, TodoModel.fromJS(definition) method is not provide in ModulaJS Model API, but it's strongly recommended to add this static method to your model class if the model contains a hierarchy.

In business module or library component development, the model usually forms a model tree.


In ModulaJS model, a Context is a special prop, that is shared with all descendant models. It has a similar design to the Context of React. The context is useful to avoid passing a prop down manually level by level. The following example demonstrates who to define and use context.

const GridModel = createModel({
  displayName: 'GridModel',

  propTypes: {
    table: PropTypes.instanceOf(TableModel)).isRequired

  childContextTypes: {
    someContext: PropTypes.string

  getChildContext() {
    return {
      someContext: 'some text'

const TableModel = createModel({
  propTypes: {
    rows: PropTypes.instanceOf(TableRowsModel)).isRequired

const TableRowsModel = createModel({
  // ...

  contextTypes: {
    someContext: PropTypes.string.isRequired

  someMethod() {
    const someContext = this.getContext('someContext'); // 'some text'

A context can also be a function (PropTypes.func), so that the descendant model can invoke methods defined in an ancestor model. But please note that, the function-as-context feature is usually used to pass some utility functions, DO NOT abuse it in other use cases. For example, if a descendant model would like to mutate ancestor model, do not pass set() method as context, but leverage Sender and Receiver mechanism that will be introduced in next section.

Method Delegation

Sometimes you define some convenient instance methods in a model, then add the model as a child of a parent model, and you need to "expose" those methods in parent model. It's possible to add a wrapper method:

const GridModel = createModel({
  displayName: 'GridModel',

  propTypes: {
    table: PropTypes.instanceOf(TableModel)).isRequired

  getRowIds() {
    return this.get('table').getRowIds();

  getSelectedRowIds() {
    return this.get('table').getSelectedRowIds();

Think of the situation that you have many methods to expose. There is a better way to achieve this, which is delegates option:

const GridModel = createModel({
  propTypes: {
    table: PropTypes.instanceOf(TableModel)).isRequired

  delegates: {
    table: [
      { method: 'getRowIds' },
      { method: 'getSelectedRowIds' }

The delegates way is recommended for most Method Delegation cases.