No mutable types allowed in eventTypes payload for models (no-mutable-event-types-payload-in-models)
No mutable objects in eventTypes payload defination.
By default, this rule checks for the following object-types within the eventTypes/watchEventTypes
definition in createModel
- array, arrayOf
- object, objectOf
- shape
- func
Use immutable data in payload
definition of eventTypes/watchEventTypes
as follows:
eventTypes: [
type: 'reload',
payload: {
foo: PropTypes.string,
bar: ImmutablePropTypes.listOf(PropTypes.number)
watchEventTypes: [
type: 'reload',
payload: {
foo: PropTypes.string,
bar: ImmutablePropTypes.listOf(PropTypes.number)
This can be configured to forbid / warn against any valid eventType/watchEventTypes
. You can provide an array of object types you don't want to be allowed within the ModulaJS Model
Class in your .eslintrc
configuration file.
default value: [ 'func', 'array', 'object', 'arrayOf', 'objectOf', 'shape' ]
"rules": {
"modulajs/no-mutable-event-types-payload-in-models": ["error", ["object", "array", "arrayOf", "objectOf"]]