Install Python
Install .Net 8.0 .Net 8.0
Install all requirements [install.bat]
Click on Astral.exe [Astral.exe]
Complete the configuration
You have your .exe/.py file enjoy
💲 = premium join discord or telegram ( Piro Sentinel )
> Default:
- Steal Steam / Minecraft / Roblox / NationGlory login / Epicgame / Ubisoft / Growtopia
- Add a Fake error
- Steal Chrome Passwords / Cookies / History
- Steal all Chromium Passwords and Cookies for OperaGX/Opera/Chrome/Brave/Chromium/Torch/Edge/Mozilla and others
- Systeme Informations
- Inject Discord / Discord Canary / Lightcord / Ripcord / Xcord
- Steal AntiVirus Detected
- Debug Killer (Kill task gestionary)
- Bypass TokenProtector / BetterDiscord
- Take a Screenshot
- Grabb System Informations
- Steal Latest Clipboard
- GUI builder
- Bypass Virus Total machines
- Bypass VM machines- Hide Itself in Background
- Replace the BTC address copying by your
- Icon / Name / Description Customizable
- Steal Wifi Password
- Steal Screenshot
- Steal Webcam
- Add to startup
- Chrome Extensions Injector
- 2/64 Detect Virus Total Builder (.exe)
- Steal Sensitive Files exodus login / a2f backup codes / tokens / passwords... (can be customizable)
- Steal Wallets App: Zcash, Armory, ByteCoin, Ethereum, Jaxx, Atomic Wallet, Guarda, Coinomi
- Steal Wallets Extensions: Exodus, Metamask
- Steal other Minecraft clients (lunar, badlion, etc...) [💲]
- Detail Minecraft Files/Session [💲]
- Detail Twitter Session [💲]
- Detail Steam Session [💲]
- Steal Putty, totalcommander, shadow, etc.. (sftp, rdp, ...) [💲]
- 0/70 Detections even in dynamic analysis [💲]
- Steal all crypto extensions [💲]
- Inject exodus / atomic [💲]
- Custom Installer / Setuper [💲]
- Steal NordVPN | OpenVPN | ProtonVPN [💲]
- Parse All Bots & Guilds owner|admin & UHQ Friends [💲]
- Steal Pigdin | Tox | ICQ [💲]
> Injection Discord:
- Nitro Auto Buy
- First Start Reporter
- New Passwords
- New Emails
- New Login
- New Credit Card
- New PayPal
- Disable 2FA auth
- View Backups codes [💲]
- Auto Change Mail [💲]
- Anti Delete system (re install after Discord uninstall / Bypass Discord Update) [💲]
> Injection Chrome:
- Logs new cookies
- Logs new tokens
- Re install Discord Injection [💲]
- Logs new credits cards [💲]
- Logs New Passwords [💲]
> + More!
v1.5 ⋮ 2024-25-05
- bug fix to launch the builder
- Requirements file not found
- build with pyinstaller fixed
+ Custom assembly
+ Custom Icon
+ Custom Name
+ Webhook tester
+ Better obfuscator
v1.6 ⋮ 2024-25-05
- Builder bugs
- back door that won't open
- base64 encode error fix
v1.7 ⋮ 2024-05-06
- Icon compilation error
Hazard Grabber
ETH adresse : 0xeE1BBF0FfF362215d0F70F2B1C530b6F7b5e3dcA
BTC adresse : bc1q6x7n5zf3w5z9qwuu23fn66d7tuqntmlptfe6m3
USDT adresse : 0xeE1BBF0FfF362215d0F70F2B1C530b6F7b5e3dcA
LTC adresse : LfSWX4wLHthgh1ih2dftsbLtkvDJQqjbar
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