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File metadata and controls

449 lines (446 loc) · 24.2 KB

PSS framework profile

PSS all the configuration files are in XML format, including all the parameters of the running framework. you can modify these parameters according to your needs, to achieve the purpose of the control framework. currently supported is,main.xml,logger.xml,forbiddenIP.xml,alert.xml,FileTestCfg.xml,ConsoleCommand.xml。

mian.xml(Main frame configuration information)

Label Label description Attribute information
NetWorkMode Framework network mode configuration Attribute information
ModeNetwork mode, currently supported for windows is IOCP,Select;Linux下为Epoll,Select,poll,Epoll_et
BackLogsocket length of receive wait queue
ByteOrderServer word order, buffpacket according to this word order to resolve the number in the packet, the parameter is HOST_ORDER或NET_ORDER
descCurrent label description information
ServerType Basic service information Attribute information
TypeSet 0 to run in foreground and 1 to run in background ( 1 to start in service mode under windows )
nameName of the current service ( used in windows service state only )
displaynameDisplay name of the current server ( used in windows service state only )
DebugWhether debug mode is turned on, 0 bits off, 1 is turned on, and the framework will output additional data to run the log after turning on
DebugSizeIf debug is on, the maximum output length for a single log is set here
IsCloseRemote shutdown service is supported, 0 is not supported, 1 is supported
descCurrent label description information
ServerID Server ID Attribute information
idServer ID
descCurrent label description information
ServerName Server Name Attribute information
nameServer Name
descCurrent label description information
ServerVersion Server Version Attribute information
VersionServer Version
descCurrent label description information
TCPServerIP Server listening IP ( can be multiple ) Attribute information
ipListen for IP, default is INADDR_ANY
portListen port
ipTypeIp address mode, IPv4 and IPv6 support
descCurrent label description information
PacketParse Packet resolution plug-in location ( can be multiple ) Attribute information
ParseIDParse ID
ModulePathPath to plug - in
ModuleNameFile name of the plug - in
Typethe type of plug - in H&B or STREAM
OrgLengthIf H&B refers to the packet header length, and if stream mode refers to the maximum packet length
descCurrent label description information
Console Frame control instruction receiving port Attribute information
support0 is an open port and 1 is an open port
sipMonitor IP address, default is INADDR_ANY
sportMonitor port
descCurrent label description information
Message Message worker thread control related parameters Attribute information
Msg_High_markHigh water mark for worker thread queue
Msg_Low_markLow water mark for worker thread queue
Msg_Buff_Max_SizeMaximum number of bytes held by work thread queue pending commands
Msg_ProcessProcess mode runs worker threads, and the number represents the number of worker processes started
Msg_ThreadNumber of worker threads started
Msg_MaxQueueMaximum number of unprocessed messages allowed for worker thread message queues
descCurrent label description information
ModuleManager Maximum number of logical plug-in modules Attribute information
MaxCountMaximum number of logical plug-in modules
descCurrent label description information
ModuleInfo Logical plug-in module information ( can be multiple ) Attribute information
ModuleSPathLogical plug - in module path
ModuleSNameLogical plug - in module name
ModuleSParamLogical plug - in startup parameters
descCurrent label description information
CoreSetting Coredump file generation configuration ( Linux only ) Attribute information
CoreNeed0 is off and 1 is on
ScriptWhen a program sends a crash, if a script path and file are set here, the script is automatically called for execution.
descCurrent label description information
CommandAccount Message command access statistics logging Attribute information
AccountPackets are counted by number of signaling, 0 is off, 1 is on
FlowAccountPackets are counted by signaling traffic, 0 is off, 1 is on
MaxCommandCountMaximum number of message command lists supported
descCurrent label description information
RecvInfo Receive packet configuration correlation Attribute information
RecvBuffSizeSets the socket receive buffer size
RecvQueueTimeoutSet receive socket timeout
descCurrent label description information
SendInfo Send data queue configuration related Attribute information
SendQueueMaxMaximum number of data sent by the send data queue
TcpNodelaySets the nodelay algorithm parameters for socket
MaxBlockSizeMaximum packet length sent
BlockCountMaximum number of packets in the send buffer pool that can be buffered
SendTimeoutSocket send timeout ( in milliseconds )
SendQueueTimeoutMaximum write time to send queue
SendQueueCountNumber of transmit queues
PutQueueTimeoutTimeout period for sending packets into the sending queue
descCurrent label description information
ThreadInfo Worker thread self-test configuration Attribute information
ThreadTimeoutWorker thread self-test cycle, in seconds
ThreadTimeCheckThe maximum time, in seconds, that a worker thread determines whether to execute a deadlock or not respond
DisposeTimeoutWorker thread processing timeout alarm
PutQueueTimeoutMaximum time-out for data to be placed in a worker thread
descCurrent label description information
ThreadInfoAI The worker thread filters the timeout signaling configuration according to the signaling processing time Attribute information
AI0 is off and 1 is on
CheckTimePacket processing time detection period, in seconds
TimeoutCountPacket processing timeout, in seconds
StopTimeWhen a packet continuously times out, the time, in seconds, to stop receiving a signaling packet
ReturnDataTypeReturns the instruction type, 1 - bit binary, 0 text, that does not process the packet to the client when the packet continues to process the timeout
ReturnDataReturns a binary text information packet body
descCurrent label description information
ClientInfo Client access connection management configuration Attribute information
HandlerCountMaximum number of data connections allowed current pool size
MaxHandlerCountMaximum number of maximum buffer pool sizes allowed for data connections
MaxConnectTimeWhen data link connection, more than this time does not send data, will automatically disconnect, in seconds
CheckAliveTimeThe period of time, in seconds, that the data state of the data link is detected
MaxBuffRecvMaximum size of received packet
descCurrent label description information
ConnectServer Configuration of connection information between servers Attribute information
TimeIntervalMaximum timeout, in seconds, for connection alive detection between servers
TimeCheckSelf - test cycle time, in seconds
RecvbuffMaximum size of packets received between servers
RunTypeReturns packet processing mode between servers, 0 is synchronous and 1 is asynchronous
descCurrent label description information
Monitor Pss framework monitoring information Attribute information
CpuAndMemoryCpu and memory monitoring, 0 is off, 1 is on
CpuMaxMaximum CPU alarm limit
MemoryMaxMaximum memory usage alarm limit
descCurrent label description information
AceDebug Acedebug setting output Attribute information
TrunOn0 is off and 1 is on
DebugNameDebug information output file name
ChkIntervalDetection period
LogFileMaxSizeMaximum size of a single log file
LogFileMaxCntNumber of log file loop overrides
LevelLog output level
descCurrent label description information
TSTimer TSTimer configure Attribute information
TimerListPoolThe maximum number of tasks allowed for the current timer pool. if it is 0, the ts timer thread will not be started by default.
TcpRedirection Data forwarding Attribute information
SrcPortLocal ports that need corresponding forwarding
RedirectionIPForward IP
RedirectionPortForward Port
Mode0 only forwards data and does not respond to the client with response data. 1 Forward data and accept the response data from the forwarding server to the client
ConnectState0 is out of sync with the forwarding connection. 1 is synchronized with the forwarding connection
ServerToServer Connection information configuration between servers Attribute information
S2SIDRemote server ID, must be unique
S2SIpRemote server IP
S2SPortRemote server port
S2SPacketParseIDThe ID of the corresponding message parsing plugin PacketParse

logger.xml(Framework log configuration information)

Label Label information Attribute information
ServerLogHead Server log file header Attribute information
TextServer log file header
LogFileMaxSizeMaximum size of a single log block in mb
descCurrent label description information
LogPath Log folder path Attribute information
PathLog folder path
descCurrent label description information
LogPool Logging pool related configuration Attribute information
BlockSizeSingle log block size
PoolCountNumber of log buffer pools
descCurrent label description information
LogLevel Log level related configuration Attribute information
CurrLevelThe log level, only more than this level of the log will be recorded, below this level of the log will not be recorded
descCurrent label description information
LogInfo Specific log information ( can be multiple ) Attribute information
logidId of the current log, must be unique
logtypeLog type, 1 is the operation folder log, 2 is the servererror log
DisplayWhether to display output, if it is selected to display, no longer output to the file, 0 is no, 1 is yes
LevelThe current log level, which can be set as desired, corresponds to currlevel
lognameLog name, which is generated one day
descCurrent label description information
## forbiddenIP.xml(Ip disable configuration information)
Label Labelinformation Attribute information
ForbiddenIP List of client IPS that are not accessible ( can be multiple ) Attribute information
ipClient IP to disable connection
typeConnect type,TCP or UDP
descCurrent label description information
## alert.xml(Framework alert configuration information) Maximum number of packets sent for a single connection in 1 minute, exceeding this number, alerts the message
Label Labelinformation Attribute information
AlertConnect Connection information alert configuration Attribute information
ConnectMinThe current minimum number of connections ( within 1 minute ), if 0, is not monitored and the message is alerted if this number is exceeded
ConnectMaxThe current maximum number of connections ( within 1 minute ), if 0, is not monitored and the message is alerted if this number is exceeded
DisConnectMinThe current minimum number of disconnected connections ( within 1 minute ) is not monitored if 0, and alert message
DisConnectMaxThe current maximum number of disconnected connections ( within 1 minute ), if 0, is not monitored and the message is alerted if this number is exceeded
ConnectAlertThe maximum number of connections currently in existence, exceeding which alert messages
descCurrent label description information
IP Client IP connections monitoring alerts Attribute information
IPMaxThe maximum number of IP connections ( in units of time ) for the same client, exceeding which messages are alerted
TimeoutDetection period, unit time is long, unit is seconds
descCurrent label description information
ClientData Per unit time, a single connection receives the transmit data monitoring configuration Attribute information
RecvPacketCountMaximum number of packets received for a single connection in 1 minute, exceeding this number, alerts the message
RecvDataMaxThe maximum total packet size threshold for receiving a single connection within 1 minute, exceeding which the message is alerted
SendDataMaxThe maximum total packet size threshold for sending a single connection within 1 minute, exceeding which an alert message is sent
MailIDId corresponding to the message sent
descCurrent label description information
CommandInfo Signaling monitoring configuration information ( can be multiple ) Attribute information
CommandIDSignaling id to monitor
CommandCountThe maximum number of minutes to process the signaling, 0 is not monitored, more than this number will alert the message
MailIDId corresponding to the message sent
descCurrent label description information
Mail Alert mail related configuration ( can be multiple ) Attribute information
MailIDAlert mail id
fromMailAddrSet up the sender of the mail
toMailAddrSet up message recipients
MailPassMailbox password
MailUrlMailbox SMTP address
MailPortSmtp port for mailbox
descCurrent label description information
## ConsoleCommand.xml(Framework control instruction permission configuration information)
Label Labelinformation Attribute information
CommandInfo Background command permission configuration for PSS framework ( can be multiple ) Attribute information
CommandNameCommand name
UserAllowed user information, multiple users separated by commas
descCurrent label description information
## FileTestCfg.xml(File test interface configuration information)
Label Labelinformation Attribute information
FileTestConfig Test file interface entry packet configuration Attribute information
PathTest file packet path
TimeIntervalTest time period, in seconds
ConnectCountNumber of unit cycle connections established
ResponseCountNumber of unit cycle packet processing returns
ExpectTimeThe total time spent looking forward to testing, in milliseconds
ParseIDParser plug - in id that needs to work with the framework
ContentTypeConnection type, 1 is a binary packet, 0 is a text packet
ContentTypeConnection type, 1 is TCP,2 is UDP
descCurrent label description information
FileInfo Test package configuration ( can be multiple ) Attribute information
FileNameTest packet file name
descCurrent label description information