It parses EPG XMLTV files and converts it to a regular JavaScript object.
npm install epg-parser
import fs from 'fs'
import parser from 'epg-parser'
const epg = fs.readFileSync('./epg.xml', { encoding: 'utf-8' })
const result = parser.parse(epg)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE tv SYSTEM "xmltv.dtd">
<tv source-info-url="" source-info-name="Schedules Direct" generator-info-name="XMLTV/$Id:,v 1.70 2008/03/03 15:21:41 rmeden Exp $" generator-info-url="">
<channel id="">
<display-name lang="fr">13 KERA</display-name>
<display-name lang="ar">13</display-name>
<icon src="" width="100" height="100" />
<url system="example"></url>
<url system="other_system"></url>
<programme start="20080715003000 -0600" stop="20080715010000 -0600" channel="">
<title lang="en">NOW on PBS</title>
<sub-title lang="en">Pilot</sub-title>
<desc lang="en">Jordan's Queen Rania has made job creation a priority to help curb the staggering unemployment rates among youths in the Middle East.</desc>
<category lang="en">Newsmagazine</category>
<category lang="en">Interview</category>
<keyword lang="en">physical-comedy</keyword>
<keyword lang="en">romantic</keyword>
<orig-language lang="en">French</orig-language>
<length units="minutes">60</length>
<url system="imdb"></url>
<episode-num system="dd_progid">EP01006886.0028</episode-num>
<episode-num system="onscreen">427</episode-num>
<stereo>Dolby Digital</stereo>
<previously-shown start="20080711000000" channel="" />
<premiere>First time on British TV</premiere>
<last-chance lang="en">Last time on this channel</last-chance>
<new />
<subtitles type="teletext">
<subtitles type="onscreen">
<language lang="en">Spanish</language>
<rating system="BBFC">
<rating system="MPAA">
<icon src="NC-17_symbol.png" />
<star-rating system="TV Guide">
<icon src="stars.png" />
<star-rating system="IMDB">
<review type="text" source="Rotten Tomatoes" reviewer="Joe Bloggs" lang="en">This is a fantastic show!</review>
<review type="text" source="IDMB" reviewer="Jane Doe" lang="en">I love this show!</review>
<review type="url" source="Rotten Tomatoes" reviewer="Joe Bloggs" lang="en"></review>
<image type="poster" size="1" orient="P" system="tvdb"></image>
<image type="poster" size="2" orient="P" system="tmdb"></image>
<image type="backdrop" size="3" orient="L" system="tvdb"></image>
<image type="backdrop" size="3" orient="L" system="tmdb"></image>
<actor role="Walter Johnson">David Thompson</actor>
<actor role="Karl James" guest="yes">
Ryan Lee
<image type="person"></image>
<url system="moviedb"></url>
<director>Bart Eskander</director>
<producer>Roger Dobkowitz</producer>
<presenter>Drew Carey</presenter>
<icon src="" width="100" height="100" />
channels: [
id: '',
displayName: [
lang: 'fr',
value: '13 KERA'
lang: 'ar',
value: '13'
icon: [{ src: '', width: '100', height: '100' }],
url: [
{ system: 'example', value: '' },
{ system: 'other_system', value: '' }
lcn: [{ value: '36' }]
programs: [
start: '2008-07-15T06:30:00.000Z',
stop: '2008-07-15T07:00:00.000Z',
channel: '',
title: [{ lang: 'en', value: 'NOW on PBS' }],
subTitle: [{ lang: 'en', value: 'Pilot' }],
desc: [
lang: 'en',
"Jordan's Queen Rania has made job creation a priority to help curb the staggering unemployment rates among youths in the Middle East."
date: '20080711',
category: [
{ lang: 'en', value: 'Newsmagazine' },
{ lang: 'en', value: 'Interview' }
keyword: [
{ lang: 'en', value: 'physical-comedy' },
{ lang: 'en', value: 'romantic' }
language: [{ value: 'English' }],
origLanguage: [{ lang: 'en', value: 'French' }],
length: [{ units: 'minutes', value: '60' }],
url: [
{ system: 'imdb', value: '' },
{ value: '' }
country: [{ value: 'US' }],
video: {
present: 'yes',
colour: 'no',
aspect: '16:9',
quality: 'HDTV'
audio: {
present: 'yes',
stereo: 'Dolby Digital'
episodeNum: [
{ system: 'dd_progid', value: 'EP01006886.0028' },
{ system: 'onscreen', value: '427' }
previouslyShown: [{ start: '20080711000000', channel: '' }],
premiere: [{ value: 'First time on British TV' }],
lastChance: [{ lang: 'en', value: 'Last time on this channel' }],
new: true,
subtitles: [
{ type: 'teletext', language: [{ value: 'English' }] },
{ type: 'onscreen', language: [{ lang: 'en', value: 'Spanish' }] }
rating: [
system: 'BBFC',
value: '15'
system: 'MPAA',
value: 'NC-17',
icon: [{ src: 'NC-17_symbol.png' }]
starRating: [
system: 'TV Guide',
value: '4/5',
icon: [{ src: 'stars.png' }]
system: 'IMDB',
value: '8/10'
review: [
type: 'text',
source: 'Rotten Tomatoes',
reviewer: 'Joe Bloggs',
lang: 'en',
value: 'This is a fantastic show!'
type: 'text',
source: 'IDMB',
reviewer: 'Jane Doe',
lang: 'en',
value: 'I love this show!'
type: 'url',
source: 'Rotten Tomatoes',
reviewer: 'Joe Bloggs',
lang: 'en',
value: ''
image: [
type: 'poster',
size: '1',
orient: 'P',
system: 'tvdb',
value: ''
type: 'poster',
size: '2',
orient: 'P',
system: 'tmdb',
value: ''
type: 'backdrop',
size: '3',
orient: 'L',
system: 'tvdb',
value: ''
type: 'backdrop',
size: '3',
orient: 'L',
system: 'tmdb',
value: ''
credits: {
actor: [
role: 'Walter Johnson',
value: 'David Thompson'
role: 'Karl James',
guest: 'yes',
value: 'Ryan Lee',
image: [{ type: 'person', value: '' }],
url: [{ system: 'moviedb', value: '' }]
director: [
value: 'Bart Eskander'
producer: [
value: 'Roger Dobkowitz'
presenter: [{ value: 'Drew Carey' }]
icon: [
width: '100',
height: '100',
src: ''
To get the same result as in previous versions you need to modify some queries:
npm test
If you find a bug or want to contribute to the code or documentation, you can help by submitting an issue or a pull request.