WesternMusicElements is a set of Objective-C classes that helps manipulating Western Musical Scales and Chords.
- Access the most commonly used chords and scales
- Easily add your own scales and chords via a set of Ruby scripts
- Uses ARC
Copy all the files in the WMLib folder to your project and #import "WMPool.h"
where needed.
The WMPool is a singleton instance that provides the most commonly used Western Chords and Scales.
You can add your own scales and chords using the Ruby facilities provided. (see the wiki for details )
You can ask for notes:
gSharp5 = [[WMPool pool]noteWithRoot:@"g" accidental:@"#" octave:5];
c1 = [[WMPool pool]noteWithRoot:@"c" accidental:nil octave:1];
or more simply:
[[WMPool pool]noteWithShortName:@"c1"];
You can also ask for "Note Collections", that is , scales and chords, even inverted:
fSharp2Mixolydian = [[WMPool pool] scaleWithRoot:@"f"
C3MajorChordInv2 = [[WMPool pool] chordWithRootShortName:@"C3"
The easiest calls are the one using "root note short names" like this:
[[WMPool pool] chordWithRootShortName:@"C3"
(Check the WMPool.h
for what's in store)
Root short names consists of:
- The note name
- The accidental
- The octave
The note name is written in "Letter Notation" and is not case sensitive.
The accidental, if any, is a "Sharp" noted "#". "Flat" is not supported. No accidental == natural.
Octaves are in the range of -1 to 9
Example of valid Note short names:
WMPool will provide notes in the range of:
- Notes:
C-1 to G9
- Hertz:
8.176 to 12543.85
- Midi Note Number:
0 to 127
Of course, each WMNote embed that information, as well as the cpspch
value used by programs like CSound.
Check the WMPool.h and WMData.h for more details
Copyright (C) 2012 - 2017 Frederic Cormier
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.