The Cloud Resume Challenge is a project created by Forrest Brazeal, Head of content at Google Cloud.
- The final deliverable is a serverless website hosting my resume
- Technologies powering this:
- AWS - S3 buckets | DynamoDB | CloudFront | Route53 | Certificate Manager | API Gateway | Lambda | Terraform (Infrastructure as Code)
- GitHub Actions is used for CI/CD
- Setup GitHub Actions
- Build a website in HTML/CSS
- Host website with S3 Bucket
- Use Route53 for custom DNS
- Use Certificate Manager for enabling secure access with SSL Certificate
- Use CloudFront for routing HTTP/S traffic
- Use DynamoDB for database, storing website visitor count
- Use API Gateway to trigger Lambda function
- Use Lambda function (python) to read/write website visitor count to DynamoDB
- Use javascript on website to call API and display visitor counter