A version of the tagged running format corpus in the /eagles directory has been added which includes the EAGLES tagset. This tagset is much more fleshed out than the simplified tagset in the /tagged directory. For information on the tagset refer here:
Báez/NP000P0 .../Fs Carrizo/NCMS000 ./Fp ¿/Fia Te/NP00000 escribió/VMIS3S0 ?/Fit ¿/Fia Quién/PT0CS000 te/PP2CS000 dijo/VMIS3S0 ?/Fit Ibáñez/NP000P0 .../Fs Sí/RG ,/Fc me/PP1CS000 llegó/VMIS3S0 una/DI0FS0 carta/NCFS000 antes/RG de/SPS00 ayer/RG ./Fp Moes/NP000P0 .../Fs ¿/Fia Y/CC qué/PT0CS000 dice/VMIP3S0 ?/Fit Garrido/AQ0MS0 .../Fs Todavía/RG no/RN la/PP3FSA00 abrí/VMIS1S0 ./Fp Alonzo/NCMS000 .../Fs Miller/VMN0000 .../Fs Anuncios/NCMP000 por/SPS00 altavoces/NCMP000 ¿/Fia Qué/NP00000 tal/PD0CS000 ?/Fit Hola/I ./Fp Gracias/NCFP000 ./Fp Voz/NCFS000 de/SPS00 mujer/NCFS000 ¡/Faa Bruno/NP00000 !/Fat ¡/Faa Bruno/NP00000 !/Fat ¡/Faa Concha/NP00000 !/Fat Sonido/NCMS000 de/SPS00 tren/NCMS000 ¿/Fia Me/PP1CS000 vas/VMIP2S0 a/SPS00 dejar/VMN0000 esperando/VMG0000 acá/RG afuera/RG ?/Fit ¿/Fia Está/NP00000 obra/NCFS000 es/VSIP3S0 tuya/AQ0FS0 ?/Fit Sí/RG ,/Fc es/VSIP3S0 un/DI0MS0 guión/NCMS000 ./Fp
Note that the reliability of these tags are most likely to be less than the simplified version which has been documented in the following paper:
Francom, J., Hulden, M., & Ussishkin, A. (2014). ACTIV-ES: a comparable , cross-dialect corpus of "everyday" Spanish from Argentina, Mexico and Spain. In The ninth international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (pp. 1733–1737).
DESCRIPTION: ACTIV-ES is a comparable Spanish corpus comprised of film dialogue from Argentine, Mexican and Spanish productions. Titles for each of these three countries were seeded from the Internet Movie Database, subtitle data for the hearing impaired was provided by and was post-processed to correct/remove subtitle, OCR and diacritic artifacts and annotated for part-of-speech.
The data is available in two main formats: 1) running text for each document and 2) 1:5 gram aggregate files. Each format includes a plain text and part-of-speech annotated version. Document names reflect the language code
, country
, year
, title
, type
, genre
(first genre listed in the IMDb), and IMDb ID
For more information about the development and evaluation of these resources and to cite this work refer to:
Francom, J., Hulden, M. and Ussishkin, A.. (2014) ACTIV-ES: a comparable, cross-dialect corpus of ‘everyday’ Spanish from Argentina, Mexico, and Spain. In Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland. European Language Resources Association (ELRA).
Báez ... Carrizo . ¿ Te escribió ? ¿ Quién te dijo ? Ibáñez ... Sí , me llegó una carta antes de ayer . Moes ... ¿ Y qué dice ? Garrido ... Todavía no la abrí . Alonzo ... Miller ... Anuncios por altavoces ¿ Qué tal ? Hola . Gracias . Voz de mujer ¡ Bruno ! ¡ Bruno ! ¡ Concha ! Sonido de tren ¿ Me vas a dejar esperando acá afuera ? ¿ Está obra es tuya ? Sí , es un guión .
Báez/N .../PUNC Carrizo/N ./PUNC ¿/PUNC Te/PRON escribió/V ?/PUNC ¿/PUNC Quién/PRON te/PRON dijo/V ?/PUNC Ibáñez/N .../PUNC Sí/ADV ,/PUNC me/PRON llegó/V una/DET carta/N antes/ADV de/ADPOS ayer/ADV ./PUNC Moes/N .../PUNC ¿/PUNC Y/CC qué/PRON dice/V ?/PUNC Garrido/ADJ .../PUNC Todavía/ADV no/ADV la/DET abrí/V ./PUNC Alonzo/N .../PUNC Miller/N .../PUNC Anuncios/N por/ADPOS altavoces/N ¿/PUNC Qué/PRON tal/DET ?/PUNC Hola/INTERJECTION ./PUNC Gracias/N ./PUNC Voz/N de/ADPOS mujer/N ¡/PUNC Bruno/ADJ !/PUNC ¡/PUNC Bruno/ADJ !/PUNC ¡/PUNC Concha/N !/PUNC Sonido/N de/ADPOS tren/N ¿/PUNC Me/PRON vas/V a/ADPOS dejar/V esperando/V acá/ADV afuera/ADV ?/PUNC ¿/PUNC Está/V obra/N es/V tuya/PRON ?/PUNC Sí/ADV ,/PUNC es/V un/DET guión/N
- ar_: Argentina
- mx_: Mexico
- es_: Spain
- aes_: ACTIV-ES
- Observed relative frequency (_orf): Word occurrence per 100,000
- Observed relative dispersion (_ord): Occurrence of a word per 10 documents