π‘ Unleash the Power of Your Email Signature! Make a lasting impression with our eye-catching HTML signature β‘οΈ example. Embrace elegance and stand out from the crowd. Transform your signature from mundane to memorable, leaving recipients eager to connect. βοΈ Elevate your digital presence today!
Click here to view the LIVE DEMO
This repository to create FREE π HTML email signature that is properly designed, professional and attractive.
Clone this repository and navigate to src/
folder and edit email-signature-template.html
to get your own professional email signature.
git clone git@github.com:franciscogsilva/email-signature-template.git
cd src
open email-signature-template.html
π₯·πΌ Follow this to add signature to Gmail. Check this out for installing HTML signature in Outlook.
Fork this repository.
Add a new template for email signature. Follow the same coding style as
. -
Name your file as
and send the Pull Requests.
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