There are no STACK in Python, so the best solution to create this abstract STACK would be to create an object using a class, but we will see that later. now we will simulate it this way:
stack = [3,4,5]
stack.append(6) # Remember that append() adds an appendix to the end of the list
a = stack.pop() # .pop() extracts the last data from the list and if it is not stored it is lost.
print(a) # This is the last data entered and the first to leave (LIFO)
[3, 4, 5, 6, 7] 7 [3, 4, 5, 6]
They are container objects of the deque type, they can perform operations in both directions, adding or removing elements. To create a queue in Python we need to import the «deque» class from the «collections» package.
from _collections import deque # First we import the deque class from the collections package
stack = deque() # empty
stack = deque(['Paco','Luis','Alvaro'])
stack.append('Oscar') # we add an element to the queue
stack.popleft() # It will take out the first one in the list....
# and since we haven't stored it, that element will be lost...
deque(['Paco', 'Luis', 'Alvaro']) deque(['Paco', 'Luis', 'Alvaro', 'Oscar']) deque(['Luis', 'Alvaro', 'Oscar'])