They can be text strings, characters, other lists, they go between brackets [ ] and are MODIFIABLE
list1 = ["Python",1,2,"3",[4,5,"six"],7,8] # We can see another list between brackets inside list1
print (list1)
['Python', 1, 2, '3', [4, 5, 'six'], 7, 8]
We can do Slicing with lists too:
print (list1[2:6])
[2, '3', [4, 5, 'six'], 7]
Modify them.
print (list1)
['Python', 1, 2, 'THREE', [4, 5, 'six'], 7, 8]
Using the len function we can know the length of that list.
print (len(list1))
We will use the following functions as we progress...
list = list() # Declaration of a list
len(list) # Counts the number of elements in the list
list.insert(pos, x) # Adds an element (x) to the end of the list.
list.extend(list2) # Joins two lists (joins list2 (the one passed as parameter) to the list)
list.remove(x) # Deletes the first element from the list whose value is x. If it does not exist, an error is returned
list.pop(pos) # Deletes the element at the given position from the list, and returns it.
del list[:] # Deletes all elements from the list (list.clear())
list.index(x) # Returns the index in the list of the first element whose value is x.
list.count(x) # Returns the number of times x appears in the list.
list.sort(cmp=None, key=None, reverse=False) # Sorts the items in the list
list.reverse() # Reverses the elements in the list.
listCopy = list[:] # Returns a copy of the list (list.copy())