Native applications for Windows or Mac OS to run Fixinator scans.
If you do not have Java installed, or you're not sure if you have the latest version of java, start by downloading and installing the latest version of Java 11 from AdoptOpenJDK.
Download the latest Fixinator-Setup-x.y.z.exe from the Releases section.
Double click the setup exe. The exe is signed with a code signing certificate, however Windows Defender may prevent you from running the app because you have downloaded it from the internet. Click More Info and verify that the publisher is Foundeo Inc. and then you can hit Run Anyway.
Download the latest Fixinator-x.y.z.dmg from the Releases page.
Double click the dmg file, and then drag the Fixinator icon into the Applications folder.
Go to the Applications folder, and right click on Fixinator and select Open.
You can also run Fixinator GUI as a web application with CommandBox. Just download or clone this repo, and then run:
cd resources/cfml/
box server start
This will open the application in a browser window instead of a native Windows or Mac app window.
Open the Add Remove Programs from the Windows Control Panel, locate Fixinator and click Uninstall.
Application data is stored in C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Programs\Fixinator
and configuration data in C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Fixinator
by default.
Delete the from the Applications folder. Configuration data is stored in ~/Library/Application Support/Fixinator