GreekHeroes is an application inspired by my interest in Greek Mythology.
This project was started with Rails New.
GreekHeroes deployed through Heroku here
To run this project you have to have rails installed on your computer
To use this app you should fork and clone this repository to your local machine. Then cd into the project folder and run these commands:
rails db:create
rails db:migrate
rails db:seed
then rails s
to start the server
Once you start the application on your browser it will automatically redirect to the welcome page. A user must sign in to do anything interesting. Once signed in there are options on the home page for other pages to visit or things to do in the app. The point of this application is for a user to be able to create heroes decended from an Olympian God and inherit their affinity. They can have their heroes battle a monster and see who won.
If you want to contact me you can reach me at
This project uses the following license: MIT License