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Add support for color output
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awvwgk committed Sep 8, 2024
1 parent 97b848b commit 98ffc24
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Showing 2 changed files with 227 additions and 16 deletions.
238 changes: 223 additions & 15 deletions src/testdrive.F90
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Expand Up @@ -115,6 +115,7 @@ module testdrive
public :: test_interface, collect_interface
public :: get_argument, get_variable, to_string
public :: junit_output, junit_header
public :: init_color_output

!> Single precision real numbers
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -336,6 +337,66 @@ end subroutine collect_interface
end type junit_output

!> Container for terminal escape code
type :: color_code
!> Style descriptor
integer(i1) :: style = -1_i1
!> Background color descriptor
integer(i1) :: bg = -1_i1
!> Foreground color descriptor
integer(i1) :: fg = -1_i1
end type color_code

interface operator(+)
module procedure :: add_color
end interface operator(+)

interface operator(//)
module procedure :: concat_color_left
module procedure :: concat_color_right
end interface operator(//)

!> Colorizer class for handling colorful output in the terminal
type, public :: color_output

type(color_code) :: &
reset = color_code(), &
bold = color_code(), &
dim = color_code(), &
italic = color_code(), &
underline = color_code(), &
blink = color_code(), &
reverse = color_code(), &
hidden = color_code()

type(color_code) :: &
black = color_code(), &
red = color_code(), &
green = color_code(), &
yellow = color_code(), &
blue = color_code(), &
magenta = color_code(), &
cyan = color_code(), &
white = color_code()

type(color_code) :: &
bg_black = color_code(), &
bg_red = color_code(), &
bg_green = color_code(), &
bg_yellow = color_code(), &
bg_blue = color_code(), &
bg_magenta = color_code(), &
bg_cyan = color_code(), &
bg_white = color_code()
end type color_output

interface color_output
module procedure :: new_color_output
end interface color_output

type(color_output), protected :: color

character(len=*), parameter :: fmt = '(1x, *(1x, a))'
character(len=*), parameter :: newline = new_line("a")

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -376,8 +437,11 @@ recursive subroutine run_testsuite(collect, unit, stat, parallel, junit)
!$omp if (parallel_)
do it = 1, size(testsuite)
!$omp critical(testdrive_testsuite)
write(unit, '(1x, 3(1x, a), 1x, "(", i0, "/", i0, ")")') &
& "Starting", testsuite(it)%name, "...", it, size(testsuite)
write(unit, '(1x, 3(1x, a), 1x, a)') &
& "Starting", (color%blue)//testsuite(it)%name//color%reset, &
& color%dim//"..."//color%reset, &
& color%bold//"(" // color%cyan//to_string(it)//color%bold // &
& "/" // color%cyan//to_string(size(testsuite))//color%bold // ")"//color%reset
!$omp end critical(testdrive_testsuite)
call run_unittest(testsuite(it), unit, stat, junit)
end do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -492,30 +556,33 @@ pure subroutine make_output(output, test, error)
type(error_type), intent(in), optional :: error

character(len=:), allocatable :: label
character(len=*), parameter :: indent = repeat(" ", 7) // repeat(".", 3) // " "
type(color_code) :: label_color

if (test_skipped(error)) then
output = indent // test%name // " [SKIPPED]" &
& // newline // " Message: " // error%message
end if

if (present(error) .neqv. test%should_fail) then
label_color = color%yellow + color%bold
label = "SKIPPED"
else if (present(error) .neqv. test%should_fail) then
if (test%should_fail) then
label = " [UNEXPECTED PASS]"
label_color = color%magenta + color%bold
label = " [FAILED]"
label_color = color%red + color%bold
label = "FAILED"
end if
if (test%should_fail) then
label = " [EXPECTED FAIL]"
label_color = color%cyan + color%bold
label = " [PASSED]"
label_color = color%green + color%bold
label = "PASSED"
end if
end if
output = indent // test%name // label
output = " " // color%dim//"..."//color%reset // " " // &
& color%blue//test%name//color%reset // &
& " "//color%bold//"["//label_color//label//color%bold//"]"//color%reset
if (present(error)) then
output = output // newline // " Message: " // error%message
output = output // newline // " "//color%bold//"Message:"//color%reset//" " // error%message
end if
end subroutine make_output

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2229,5 +2296,146 @@ elemental function is_nan_qp(val) result(is_nan)
end function is_nan_qp

!> Initialize color output
subroutine init_color_output(use_color)
!> Enable color output
logical, intent(in) :: use_color

color = new_color_output(use_color)
end subroutine init_color_output

!> Create a new colorizer object
function new_color_output(use_color) result(new)
!> Enable color output
logical, intent(in) :: use_color
!> New instance of the colorizer
type(color_output) :: new

type(color_code), parameter :: &
reset = color_code(style=0_i1), &
bold = color_code(style=1_i1), &
dim = color_code(style=2_i1), &
italic = color_code(style=3_i1), &
underline = color_code(style=4_i1), &
blink = color_code(style=5_i1), &
reverse = color_code(style=7_i1), &
hidden = color_code(style=8_i1)

type(color_code), parameter :: &
black = color_code(fg=0_i1), &
red = color_code(fg=1_i1), &
green = color_code(fg=2_i1), &
yellow = color_code(fg=3_i1), &
blue = color_code(fg=4_i1), &
magenta = color_code(fg=5_i1), &
cyan = color_code(fg=6_i1), &
white = color_code(fg=7_i1)

type(color_code), parameter :: &
bg_black = color_code(bg=0_i1), &
bg_red = color_code(bg=1_i1), &
bg_green = color_code(bg=2_i1), &
bg_yellow = color_code(bg=3_i1), &
bg_blue = color_code(bg=4_i1), &
bg_magenta = color_code(bg=5_i1), &
bg_cyan = color_code(bg=6_i1), &
bg_white = color_code(bg=7_i1)

if (use_color) then
new%reset = reset
new%bold = bold
new%dim = dim
new%italic = italic
new%underline = underline
new%blink = blink
new%reverse = reverse
new%hidden = hidden
new%black = black
new%red = red
new%green = green
new%yellow = yellow
new%blue = blue
new%magenta = magenta
new%cyan = cyan
new%white = white
new%bg_black = bg_black
new%bg_red = bg_red
new%bg_green = bg_green
new%bg_yellow = bg_yellow
new%bg_blue = bg_blue
new%bg_magenta = bg_magenta
new%bg_cyan = bg_cyan
new%bg_white = bg_white
end if
end function new_color_output

!> Add two escape sequences, attributes in the right value override the left value ones.
pure function add_color(lval, rval) result(code)
!> First escape code
type(color_code), intent(in) :: lval
!> Second escape code
type(color_code), intent(in) :: rval
!> Combined escape code
type(color_code) :: code

code = color_code( &
style=merge(rval%style, lval%style, rval%style >= 0), &
fg=merge(rval%fg, lval%fg, rval%fg >= 0), &
bg=merge(rval%bg, lval%bg, rval%bg >= 0))
end function add_color

!> Concatenate an escape code with a string and turn it into an actual escape sequence
pure function concat_color_left(lval, code) result(str)
!> String to add the escape code to
character(len=*), intent(in) :: lval
!> Escape sequence
type(color_code), intent(in) :: code
!> Concatenated string
character(len=:), allocatable :: str

str = lval // escape_color(code)
end function concat_color_left

!> Concatenate an escape code with a string and turn it into an actual escape sequence
pure function concat_color_right(code, rval) result(str)
!> String to add the escape code to
character(len=*), intent(in) :: rval
!> Escape sequence
type(color_code), intent(in) :: code
!> Concatenated string
character(len=:), allocatable :: str

str = escape_color(code) // rval
end function concat_color_right

!> Transform a color code into an actual ANSI escape sequence
pure function escape_color(code) result(str)
!> Color code to be used
type(color_code), intent(in) :: code
!> ANSI escape sequence representing the color code
character(len=:), allocatable :: str
character, parameter :: chars(0:9) = &
["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"]

if (anycolor(code)) then
str = achar(27) // "[0" ! Always reset the style
if (code%style > 0 .and. code%style < 10) str = str // ";" // chars(code%style)
if (code%fg >= 0 .and. code%fg < 10) str = str // ";3" // chars(code%fg)
if (code%bg >= 0 .and. code%bg < 10) str = str // ";4" // chars(code%bg)
str = str // "m"
str = ""
end if
end function escape_color

!> Check whether the code describes any color or is just a stub
pure function anycolor(code)
!> Escape sequence
type(color_code), intent(in) :: code
!> Any color / style is active
logical :: anycolor

anycolor = code%fg >= 0 .or. code%bg >= 0 .or. code%style >= 0
end function anycolor

end module testdrive
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion test/main.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,7 +15,8 @@
program tester
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : error_unit
use testdrive, only : run_testsuite, new_testsuite, testsuite_type, &
& select_suite, run_selected, get_argument, junit_output, junit_header
& select_suite, run_selected, get_argument, junit_output, junit_header, &
& init_color_output
use test_check, only : collect_check
use test_select, only : collect_select
implicit none
Expand All @@ -36,6 +37,8 @@ program tester
call get_argument(1, suite_name)
call get_argument(2, test_name)

call init_color_output(.true.)

if (allocated(suite_name)) then
is = select_suite(testsuites, suite_name)
if (is > 0 .and. is <= size(testsuites)) then
Expand Down

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