diff --git a/CoqOfRust/M.v b/CoqOfRust/M.v
index 369e83aab..95efe5e4f 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/M.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/M.v
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
(** * The definition of a Rust monad. *)
Require Coq.Strings.String.
+Local Open Scope list.
Inductive sigS {A : Type} (P : A -> Set) : Set :=
| existS : forall (x : A), P x -> sigS P.
Arguments existS {_ _}.
@@ -79,11 +81,13 @@ Module LowM.
| Pure : A -> t A
| CallPrimitive {B : Set} : Primitive B -> (B -> t A) -> t A
| Cast {B1 B2 : Set} : B1 -> (B2 -> t A) -> t A
+ | Loop {B : Set} : t B -> (B -> bool) -> (B -> t A) -> t A
| Impossible : t A
| Call {B : Set} : t B -> (B -> t A) -> t A.
Arguments Pure {_}.
Arguments CallPrimitive {_ _}.
Arguments Cast {_ _ _}.
+ Arguments Loop {_ _}.
Arguments Impossible {_}.
Arguments Call {_ _}.
@@ -94,6 +98,7 @@ Module LowM.
CallPrimitive primitive (fun v => let_ (k v) f)
| Cast v k =>
Cast v (fun v' => let_ (k v') f)
+ | Loop body is_break k => Loop body is_break (fun v => let_ (k v) f)
| Impossible => Impossible
| Call e k => Call e (fun v => let_ (k v) f)
@@ -108,6 +113,8 @@ Module Exception.
| Continue : t
(** exceptions for Rust's `break` *)
| Break : t
+ (** to translate the [match] patterns with (de)references *)
+ | BreakMatch : t
| Panic : Coq.Strings.String.string -> t.
End Exception.
Definition Exception : Set := Exception.t.
@@ -167,32 +174,15 @@ Definition continue {A : Set} : M A :=
Definition break {A : Set} : M A :=
raise Exception.Break.
+Definition break_match {A : Set} : M A :=
+ raise Exception.BreakMatch.
Definition panic {A : Set} (message : Coq.Strings.String.string) : M A :=
raise (Exception.Panic message).
Definition call {A : Set} (e : M A) : M A :=
LowM.Call e LowM.Pure.
-(* TODO: define for every (A : Set) in (M A) *)
-(** the definition of a function representing the loop construction *)
-(* Definition loop (m : M unit) : M unit :=
- fix F (fuel : nat) {struct fuel} :=
- match fuel with
- | 0 => LowM.Pure (inr Exception.NonTermination)
- | S fuel' =>
- let- v := m fuel in
- match v with
- (* only Break ends the loop *)
- | inl tt => F fuel'
- | inr Exception.Continue => F fuel'
- | inr Exception.Break => LowM.Pure (inl tt)
- (* every other exception is kept *)
- | inr (Exception.Return _)
- | inr (Exception.Panic _)
- | inr Exception.NonTermination => LowM.Pure (v)
- end
- end. *)
Definition alloc {A : Set} (v : A) : M (Ref A) :=
let- ref := LowM.CallPrimitive (Primitive.StateAlloc v) LowM.Pure in
LowM.Pure (inl ref).
@@ -257,3 +247,51 @@ Definition catch_return {A : Set} (body : M A) : M A :=
| _ => raise exception
+Definition catch_continue (body : M unit) : M unit :=
+ catch
+ body
+ (fun exception =>
+ match exception with
+ | Exception.Continue => pure tt
+ | _ => raise exception
+ end
+ ).
+Definition catch_break (body : M unit) : M unit :=
+ catch
+ body
+ (fun exception =>
+ match exception with
+ | Exception.Break => pure tt
+ | _ => raise exception
+ end
+ ).
+Definition loop (body : M unit) : M unit :=
+ LowM.Loop
+ (catch_continue body)
+ (fun result =>
+ match result with
+ | inl _ => false
+ | inr _ => true
+ end)
+ (fun result =>
+ catch_break (LowM.Pure result)).
+Fixpoint match_operator {A B : Set}
+ (scrutinee : A)
+ (arms : list (A -> M B)) :
+ M B :=
+ match arms with
+ | nil => impossible
+ | arm :: arms =>
+ catch
+ (arm scrutinee)
+ (fun exception =>
+ match exception with
+ | Exception.BreakMatch => match_operator scrutinee arms
+ | _ => raise exception
+ end
+ )
+ end.
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/core/iter.v b/CoqOfRust/core/iter.v
index 322db5ad2..ca0728e6e 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/core/iter.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/core/iter.v
@@ -427,8 +427,8 @@ Module traits.
I: Iterator,
- Global Instance I_Iterator (I Item : Set)
- {H0 : iterator.Iterator.Trait I (Item := Item)} :
+ Global Instance I_Iterator {I Item : Set}
+ (H0 : iterator.Iterator.Trait I (Item := Item)) :
IntoIterator.Trait I := {
Item := Item;
IntoIter := I;
@@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ End traits.
impl<'a, T> Iterator for Iter<'a, T>
-Global Instance I_Iter (T : Set) :
+Global Instance I_Iter {T : Set} :
traits.iterator.Iterator.Trait (slice.iter.Iter.t T) (Item := T).
@@ -451,9 +451,9 @@ impl Iterator for Zipwhere
A: Iterator,
B: Iterator,
-Global Instance I_Zip (A B Item_A Item_B : Set)
- {H0 : traits.iterator.Iterator.Trait A (Item := Item_A)}
- {H1 : traits.iterator.Iterator.Trait B (Item := Item_B)} :
- traits.iterator.Iterator.Trait
- (adapters.zip.Zip.t A B) (Item := Item_A * Item_B).
+Global Instance I_Zip {A B Item_A Item_B : Set}
+ (H0 : traits.iterator.Iterator.Trait A (Item := Item_A))
+ (H1 : traits.iterator.Iterator.Trait B (Item := Item_B)) :
+ traits.iterator.Iterator.Trait
+ (adapters.zip.Zip.t A B) (Item := Item_A * Item_B).
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/core/ops.v b/CoqOfRust/core/ops.v
index 40d42fb71..86ed649bb 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/core/ops.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/core/ops.v
@@ -603,6 +603,22 @@ Module control_flow.
| Break : B -> t B C.
Arguments Continue {_ _}.
Arguments Break {_ _}.
+ Global Instance Get_Continue_0 {B C : Set} : Notations.Dot "Continue.0" := {
+ Notations.dot :=
+ Ref.map (Big := t B C)
+ (fun α => match α with | Continue α0 => Some α0 | _ => None end)
+ (fun β α =>
+ match α with | Continue _ => Some (Continue β) | _ => None end);
+ }.
+ Global Instance Get_Break_0 {B C : Set} : Notations.Dot "Break.0" := {
+ Notations.dot :=
+ Ref.map (Big := t B C)
+ (fun α => match α with | Break α0 => Some α0 | _ => None end)
+ (fun β α =>
+ match α with | Break _ => Some (Break β) | _ => None end);
+ }.
End ControlFlow.
End control_flow.
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/core/option.v b/CoqOfRust/core/option.v
index 7f09bcf4a..3c38ee83a 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/core/option.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/core/option.v
@@ -44,6 +44,21 @@ Module Option.
| Some : T -> t T.
Arguments None {_}.
Arguments Some {_}.
+ Global Instance Get_Some_0 {T : Set} : Notations.Dot "Some.0" := {
+ Notations.dot :=
+ Ref.map (Big := t T)
+ (fun α =>
+ match α with
+ | Some α0 => Datatypes.Some α0
+ | _ => Datatypes.None
+ end)
+ (fun β α =>
+ match α with
+ | Some _ => Datatypes.Some (Some β)
+ | _ => Datatypes.None
+ end);
+ }.
End Option.
Module Impl_Option. Section Impl_Option.
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/core/result_types.v b/CoqOfRust/core/result_types.v
index 47b064db6..70ad81d0a 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/core/result_types.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/core/result_types.v
@@ -48,4 +48,18 @@ Module Result.
| Err : E -> t T E.
Arguments Ok {T E} _.
Arguments Err {T E} _.
+ Global Instance Get_Ok_0 {T E : Set} : Notations.Dot "Ok.0" := {
+ Notations.dot :=
+ Ref.map (Big := t T E)
+ (fun α => match α with Ok α0 => Some α0 | _ => None end)
+ (fun β α => match α with Ok _ => Some (Ok β) | _ => None end);
+ }.
+ Global Instance Get_Err_0 {T E : Set} : Notations.Dot "Err.0" := {
+ Notations.dot :=
+ Ref.map (Big := t T E)
+ (fun α => match α with Err α0 => Some α0 | _ => None end)
+ (fun β α => match α with Err _ => Some (Err β) | _ => None end);
+ }.
End Result.
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/cargo/concurrent_tests.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/cargo/concurrent_tests.v
index b4494e80a..38baaee22 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/cargo/concurrent_tests.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/cargo/concurrent_tests.v
@@ -11,38 +11,54 @@ fn foo(o: Option) {
Definition foo {A : Set} (o : core.option.Option.t A) : M unit :=
let* o := M.alloc o in
- let* α0 : core.option.Option.t A := M.read o in
- let* α1 : M.Val unit :=
- match α0 with
- | core.option.Option.Some _a =>
- let* _a := M.alloc _a in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "some
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ o
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* _a := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "some
") in
- let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
- let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
- M.alloc α5 in
- M.alloc tt
- | core.option.Option.None =>
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "nothing
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
+ let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.None =>
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "nothing
") in
- let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
- let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
- M.alloc α5 in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
- M.read α1.
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
+ let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.read α0.
Module tests.
@@ -88,51 +104,73 @@ Module tests.
core.ops.range.Range.start := Integer.of_Z 0;
core.ops.range.Range.end_ := Integer.of_Z 5;
|}) in
- let* α1 : M.Val unit :=
- match α0 with
- | iter =>
- let* iter := M.alloc iter in
- loop
- (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : core.option.Option.t i32.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
- (Self := core.ops.range.Range.t i32.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (borrow_mut iter)) in
- match α0 with
- | core.option.Option.None =>
- let* α0 : M.Val never.t := Break in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Ferris
-") in
- let* α1 : ref (slice u8.t) := M.call (str.t::["as_bytes"] α0) in
- let* α2 : core.result.Result.t unit std.io.error.Error.t :=
+ let* α1 : M.Val (core.ops.range.Range.t i32.t) := M.alloc α0 in
+ let* α2 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* iter := M.copy γ in
+ M.loop
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : core.option.Option.t i32.t :=
- ((std.io.Write.write_all
- (Self := std.fs.File.t)
+ ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
+ (Self := core.ops.range.Range.t i32.t)
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (borrow_mut file)
- α1) in
- let* α3 : ref str.t :=
- M.read (mk_str "Could not write to ferris.txt") in
- let* α4 : unit :=
- M.call
- ((core.result.Result.t
- unit
- std.io.error.Error.t)::["expect"]
- α2
- α3) in
- M.alloc α4 in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
- M.alloc tt)
- end in
- M.read (use α1).
+ (borrow_mut iter)) in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t i32.t) := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.None =>
+ let* α0 : M.Val never.t := M.break in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Ferris
+") in
+ let* α1 : ref (slice u8.t) :=
+ M.call (str.t::["as_bytes"] α0) in
+ let* α2 :
+ core.result.Result.t unit std.io.error.Error.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((std.io.Write.write_all
+ (Self := std.fs.File.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ (borrow_mut file)
+ α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "Could not write to ferris.txt") in
+ let* α4 : unit :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.result.Result.t
+ unit
+ std.io.error.Error.t)::["expect"]
+ α2
+ α3) in
+ M.alloc α4 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.alloc tt)) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.read (use α2).
fn test_file_also() {
@@ -177,51 +215,73 @@ Module tests.
core.ops.range.Range.start := Integer.of_Z 0;
core.ops.range.Range.end_ := Integer.of_Z 5;
|}) in
- let* α1 : M.Val unit :=
- match α0 with
- | iter =>
- let* iter := M.alloc iter in
- loop
- (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : core.option.Option.t i32.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
- (Self := core.ops.range.Range.t i32.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (borrow_mut iter)) in
- match α0 with
- | core.option.Option.None =>
- let* α0 : M.Val never.t := Break in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Corro
-") in
- let* α1 : ref (slice u8.t) := M.call (str.t::["as_bytes"] α0) in
- let* α2 : core.result.Result.t unit std.io.error.Error.t :=
+ let* α1 : M.Val (core.ops.range.Range.t i32.t) := M.alloc α0 in
+ let* α2 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* iter := M.copy γ in
+ M.loop
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : core.option.Option.t i32.t :=
- ((std.io.Write.write_all
- (Self := std.fs.File.t)
+ ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
+ (Self := core.ops.range.Range.t i32.t)
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (borrow_mut file)
- α1) in
- let* α3 : ref str.t :=
- M.read (mk_str "Could not write to ferris.txt") in
- let* α4 : unit :=
- M.call
- ((core.result.Result.t
- unit
- std.io.error.Error.t)::["expect"]
- α2
- α3) in
- M.alloc α4 in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
- M.alloc tt)
- end in
- M.read (use α1).
+ (borrow_mut iter)) in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t i32.t) := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.None =>
+ let* α0 : M.Val never.t := M.break in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Corro
+") in
+ let* α1 : ref (slice u8.t) :=
+ M.call (str.t::["as_bytes"] α0) in
+ let* α2 :
+ core.result.Result.t unit std.io.error.Error.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((std.io.Write.write_all
+ (Self := std.fs.File.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ (borrow_mut file)
+ α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "Could not write to ferris.txt") in
+ let* α4 : unit :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.result.Result.t
+ unit
+ std.io.error.Error.t)::["expect"]
+ α2
+ α3) in
+ M.alloc α4 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.alloc tt)) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.read (use α2).
End tests.
@@ -267,49 +327,73 @@ Definition test_file : M unit :=
core.ops.range.Range.start := Integer.of_Z 0;
core.ops.range.Range.end_ := Integer.of_Z 5;
|}) in
- let* α1 : M.Val unit :=
- match α0 with
- | iter =>
- let* iter := M.alloc iter in
- loop
- (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : core.option.Option.t i32.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
- (Self := core.ops.range.Range.t i32.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (borrow_mut iter)) in
- match α0 with
- | core.option.Option.None =>
- let* α0 : M.Val never.t := Break in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Ferris
-") in
- let* α1 : ref (slice u8.t) := M.call (str.t::["as_bytes"] α0) in
- let* α2 : core.result.Result.t unit std.io.error.Error.t :=
+ let* α1 : M.Val (core.ops.range.Range.t i32.t) := M.alloc α0 in
+ let* α2 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* iter := M.copy γ in
+ M.loop
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : core.option.Option.t i32.t :=
- ((std.io.Write.write_all
- (Self := std.fs.File.t)
+ ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
+ (Self := core.ops.range.Range.t i32.t)
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (borrow_mut file)
- α1) in
- let* α3 : ref str.t :=
- M.read (mk_str "Could not write to ferris.txt") in
- let* α4 : unit :=
- M.call
- ((core.result.Result.t unit std.io.error.Error.t)::["expect"]
- α2
- α3) in
- M.alloc α4 in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
- M.alloc tt)
- end in
- M.read (use α1).
+ (borrow_mut iter)) in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t i32.t) := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.None =>
+ let* α0 : M.Val never.t := M.break in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Ferris
+") in
+ let* α1 : ref (slice u8.t) :=
+ M.call (str.t::["as_bytes"] α0) in
+ let* α2 :
+ core.result.Result.t unit std.io.error.Error.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((std.io.Write.write_all
+ (Self := std.fs.File.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ (borrow_mut file)
+ α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "Could not write to ferris.txt") in
+ let* α4 : unit :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.result.Result.t
+ unit
+ std.io.error.Error.t)::["expect"]
+ α2
+ α3) in
+ M.alloc α4 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.alloc tt)) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.read (use α2).
fn test_file_also() {
@@ -354,46 +438,70 @@ Definition test_file_also : M unit :=
core.ops.range.Range.start := Integer.of_Z 0;
core.ops.range.Range.end_ := Integer.of_Z 5;
|}) in
- let* α1 : M.Val unit :=
- match α0 with
- | iter =>
- let* iter := M.alloc iter in
- loop
- (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : core.option.Option.t i32.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
- (Self := core.ops.range.Range.t i32.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (borrow_mut iter)) in
- match α0 with
- | core.option.Option.None =>
- let* α0 : M.Val never.t := Break in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Corro
-") in
- let* α1 : ref (slice u8.t) := M.call (str.t::["as_bytes"] α0) in
- let* α2 : core.result.Result.t unit std.io.error.Error.t :=
+ let* α1 : M.Val (core.ops.range.Range.t i32.t) := M.alloc α0 in
+ let* α2 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* iter := M.copy γ in
+ M.loop
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : core.option.Option.t i32.t :=
- ((std.io.Write.write_all
- (Self := std.fs.File.t)
+ ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
+ (Self := core.ops.range.Range.t i32.t)
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (borrow_mut file)
- α1) in
- let* α3 : ref str.t :=
- M.read (mk_str "Could not write to ferris.txt") in
- let* α4 : unit :=
- M.call
- ((core.result.Result.t unit std.io.error.Error.t)::["expect"]
- α2
- α3) in
- M.alloc α4 in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
- M.alloc tt)
- end in
- M.read (use α1).
+ (borrow_mut iter)) in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t i32.t) := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.None =>
+ let* α0 : M.Val never.t := M.break in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Corro
+") in
+ let* α1 : ref (slice u8.t) :=
+ M.call (str.t::["as_bytes"] α0) in
+ let* α2 :
+ core.result.Result.t unit std.io.error.Error.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((std.io.Write.write_all
+ (Self := std.fs.File.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ (borrow_mut file)
+ α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "Could not write to ferris.txt") in
+ let* α4 : unit :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.result.Result.t
+ unit
+ std.io.error.Error.t)::["expect"]
+ α2
+ α3) in
+ M.alloc α4 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.alloc tt)) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.read (use α2).
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/conversion/try_from_and_try_into.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/conversion/try_from_and_try_into.v
index 39c21f4ec..fea7cff16 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/conversion/try_from_and_try_into.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/conversion/try_from_and_try_into.v
@@ -164,54 +164,82 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
(try_from_and_try_into.EvenNumber.Build_t (Integer.of_Z 8))) in
- match (borrow α1, borrow α2) with
- | (left_val, right_val) =>
- let* left_val := M.alloc left_val in
- let* right_val := M.alloc right_val in
- let* α0 :
- ref (core.result.Result.t try_from_and_try_into.EvenNumber.t unit) :=
- M.read left_val in
- let* α1 :
- ref (core.result.Result.t try_from_and_try_into.EvenNumber.t unit) :=
- M.read right_val in
- let* α2 : bool.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.cmp.PartialEq.eq
- (Self :=
- core.result.Result.t try_from_and_try_into.EvenNumber.t unit)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0
- α1) in
- let* α3 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc (UnOp.not α2) in
- let* α4 : bool.t := M.read (use α3) in
- if α4 then
- let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
- M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
- let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
- let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
- let* α1 :
- ref
- (core.result.Result.t
- try_from_and_try_into.EvenNumber.t
- unit) :=
- M.read left_val in
- let* α2 :
- ref
- (core.result.Result.t
- try_from_and_try_into.EvenNumber.t
- unit) :=
- M.read right_val in
- let* α3 : never.t :=
- M.call
- (core.panicking.assert_failed α0 α1 α2 core.option.Option.None) in
- M.alloc α3 in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- else
- M.alloc tt
- end in
+ let* α3 :
+ M.Val
+ ((ref (core.result.Result.t try_from_and_try_into.EvenNumber.t unit))
+ *
+ (ref
+ (core.result.Result.t try_from_and_try_into.EvenNumber.t unit))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α1, borrow α2) in
+ match_operator
+ α3
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_, _) =>
+ let γ0 := Tuple.Access.left γ in
+ let γ1 := Tuple.Access.right γ in
+ let* left_val := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* right_val := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* α0 :
+ ref
+ (core.result.Result.t
+ try_from_and_try_into.EvenNumber.t
+ unit) :=
+ M.read left_val in
+ let* α1 :
+ ref
+ (core.result.Result.t
+ try_from_and_try_into.EvenNumber.t
+ unit) :=
+ M.read right_val in
+ let* α2 : bool.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.cmp.PartialEq.eq
+ (Self :=
+ core.result.Result.t
+ try_from_and_try_into.EvenNumber.t
+ unit)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0
+ α1) in
+ let* α3 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc (UnOp.not α2) in
+ let* α4 : bool.t := M.read (use α3) in
+ if α4 then
+ let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
+ M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
+ let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
+ let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
+ let* α1 :
+ ref
+ (core.result.Result.t
+ try_from_and_try_into.EvenNumber.t
+ unit) :=
+ M.read left_val in
+ let* α2 :
+ ref
+ (core.result.Result.t
+ try_from_and_try_into.EvenNumber.t
+ unit) :=
+ M.read right_val in
+ let* α3 : never.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.panicking.assert_failed
+ α0
+ α1
+ α2
+ core.option.Option.None) in
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ else
+ M.alloc tt
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* α0 : core.result.Result.t try_from_and_try_into.EvenNumber.t unit :=
@@ -225,54 +253,82 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
let* α2 :
M.Val (core.result.Result.t try_from_and_try_into.EvenNumber.t unit) :=
M.alloc (core.result.Result.Err tt) in
- match (borrow α1, borrow α2) with
- | (left_val, right_val) =>
- let* left_val := M.alloc left_val in
- let* right_val := M.alloc right_val in
- let* α0 :
- ref (core.result.Result.t try_from_and_try_into.EvenNumber.t unit) :=
- M.read left_val in
- let* α1 :
- ref (core.result.Result.t try_from_and_try_into.EvenNumber.t unit) :=
- M.read right_val in
- let* α2 : bool.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.cmp.PartialEq.eq
- (Self :=
- core.result.Result.t try_from_and_try_into.EvenNumber.t unit)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0
- α1) in
- let* α3 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc (UnOp.not α2) in
- let* α4 : bool.t := M.read (use α3) in
- if α4 then
- let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
- M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
- let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
- let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
- let* α1 :
- ref
- (core.result.Result.t
- try_from_and_try_into.EvenNumber.t
- unit) :=
- M.read left_val in
- let* α2 :
- ref
- (core.result.Result.t
- try_from_and_try_into.EvenNumber.t
- unit) :=
- M.read right_val in
- let* α3 : never.t :=
- M.call
- (core.panicking.assert_failed α0 α1 α2 core.option.Option.None) in
- M.alloc α3 in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- else
- M.alloc tt
- end in
+ let* α3 :
+ M.Val
+ ((ref (core.result.Result.t try_from_and_try_into.EvenNumber.t unit))
+ *
+ (ref
+ (core.result.Result.t try_from_and_try_into.EvenNumber.t unit))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α1, borrow α2) in
+ match_operator
+ α3
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_, _) =>
+ let γ0 := Tuple.Access.left γ in
+ let γ1 := Tuple.Access.right γ in
+ let* left_val := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* right_val := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* α0 :
+ ref
+ (core.result.Result.t
+ try_from_and_try_into.EvenNumber.t
+ unit) :=
+ M.read left_val in
+ let* α1 :
+ ref
+ (core.result.Result.t
+ try_from_and_try_into.EvenNumber.t
+ unit) :=
+ M.read right_val in
+ let* α2 : bool.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.cmp.PartialEq.eq
+ (Self :=
+ core.result.Result.t
+ try_from_and_try_into.EvenNumber.t
+ unit)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0
+ α1) in
+ let* α3 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc (UnOp.not α2) in
+ let* α4 : bool.t := M.read (use α3) in
+ if α4 then
+ let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
+ M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
+ let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
+ let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
+ let* α1 :
+ ref
+ (core.result.Result.t
+ try_from_and_try_into.EvenNumber.t
+ unit) :=
+ M.read left_val in
+ let* α2 :
+ ref
+ (core.result.Result.t
+ try_from_and_try_into.EvenNumber.t
+ unit) :=
+ M.read right_val in
+ let* α3 : never.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.panicking.assert_failed
+ α0
+ α1
+ α2
+ core.option.Option.None) in
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ else
+ M.alloc tt
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
let* result :
M.Val (core.result.Result.t try_from_and_try_into.EvenNumber.t unit) :=
let* α0 : core.result.Result.t try_from_and_try_into.EvenNumber.t unit :=
@@ -288,54 +344,82 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
(try_from_and_try_into.EvenNumber.Build_t (Integer.of_Z 8))) in
- match (borrow result, borrow α0) with
- | (left_val, right_val) =>
- let* left_val := M.alloc left_val in
- let* right_val := M.alloc right_val in
- let* α0 :
- ref (core.result.Result.t try_from_and_try_into.EvenNumber.t unit) :=
- M.read left_val in
- let* α1 :
- ref (core.result.Result.t try_from_and_try_into.EvenNumber.t unit) :=
- M.read right_val in
- let* α2 : bool.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.cmp.PartialEq.eq
- (Self :=
- core.result.Result.t try_from_and_try_into.EvenNumber.t unit)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0
- α1) in
- let* α3 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc (UnOp.not α2) in
- let* α4 : bool.t := M.read (use α3) in
- if α4 then
- let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
- M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
- let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
- let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
- let* α1 :
- ref
- (core.result.Result.t
- try_from_and_try_into.EvenNumber.t
- unit) :=
- M.read left_val in
- let* α2 :
- ref
- (core.result.Result.t
- try_from_and_try_into.EvenNumber.t
- unit) :=
- M.read right_val in
- let* α3 : never.t :=
- M.call
- (core.panicking.assert_failed α0 α1 α2 core.option.Option.None) in
- M.alloc α3 in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- else
- M.alloc tt
- end in
+ let* α1 :
+ M.Val
+ ((ref (core.result.Result.t try_from_and_try_into.EvenNumber.t unit))
+ *
+ (ref
+ (core.result.Result.t try_from_and_try_into.EvenNumber.t unit))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow result, borrow α0) in
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_, _) =>
+ let γ0 := Tuple.Access.left γ in
+ let γ1 := Tuple.Access.right γ in
+ let* left_val := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* right_val := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* α0 :
+ ref
+ (core.result.Result.t
+ try_from_and_try_into.EvenNumber.t
+ unit) :=
+ M.read left_val in
+ let* α1 :
+ ref
+ (core.result.Result.t
+ try_from_and_try_into.EvenNumber.t
+ unit) :=
+ M.read right_val in
+ let* α2 : bool.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.cmp.PartialEq.eq
+ (Self :=
+ core.result.Result.t
+ try_from_and_try_into.EvenNumber.t
+ unit)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0
+ α1) in
+ let* α3 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc (UnOp.not α2) in
+ let* α4 : bool.t := M.read (use α3) in
+ if α4 then
+ let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
+ M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
+ let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
+ let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
+ let* α1 :
+ ref
+ (core.result.Result.t
+ try_from_and_try_into.EvenNumber.t
+ unit) :=
+ M.read left_val in
+ let* α2 :
+ ref
+ (core.result.Result.t
+ try_from_and_try_into.EvenNumber.t
+ unit) :=
+ M.read right_val in
+ let* α3 : never.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.panicking.assert_failed
+ α0
+ α1
+ α2
+ core.option.Option.None) in
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ else
+ M.alloc tt
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
let* result :
M.Val (core.result.Result.t try_from_and_try_into.EvenNumber.t unit) :=
let* α0 : core.result.Result.t try_from_and_try_into.EvenNumber.t unit :=
@@ -349,53 +433,81 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
let* α0 :
M.Val (core.result.Result.t try_from_and_try_into.EvenNumber.t unit) :=
M.alloc (core.result.Result.Err tt) in
- match (borrow result, borrow α0) with
- | (left_val, right_val) =>
- let* left_val := M.alloc left_val in
- let* right_val := M.alloc right_val in
- let* α0 :
- ref (core.result.Result.t try_from_and_try_into.EvenNumber.t unit) :=
- M.read left_val in
- let* α1 :
- ref (core.result.Result.t try_from_and_try_into.EvenNumber.t unit) :=
- M.read right_val in
- let* α2 : bool.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.cmp.PartialEq.eq
- (Self :=
- core.result.Result.t try_from_and_try_into.EvenNumber.t unit)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0
- α1) in
- let* α3 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc (UnOp.not α2) in
- let* α4 : bool.t := M.read (use α3) in
- if α4 then
- let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
- M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
- let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
- let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
- let* α1 :
- ref
- (core.result.Result.t
- try_from_and_try_into.EvenNumber.t
- unit) :=
- M.read left_val in
- let* α2 :
- ref
- (core.result.Result.t
- try_from_and_try_into.EvenNumber.t
- unit) :=
- M.read right_val in
- let* α3 : never.t :=
- M.call
- (core.panicking.assert_failed α0 α1 α2 core.option.Option.None) in
- M.alloc α3 in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- else
- M.alloc tt
- end in
+ let* α1 :
+ M.Val
+ ((ref (core.result.Result.t try_from_and_try_into.EvenNumber.t unit))
+ *
+ (ref
+ (core.result.Result.t try_from_and_try_into.EvenNumber.t unit))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow result, borrow α0) in
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_, _) =>
+ let γ0 := Tuple.Access.left γ in
+ let γ1 := Tuple.Access.right γ in
+ let* left_val := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* right_val := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* α0 :
+ ref
+ (core.result.Result.t
+ try_from_and_try_into.EvenNumber.t
+ unit) :=
+ M.read left_val in
+ let* α1 :
+ ref
+ (core.result.Result.t
+ try_from_and_try_into.EvenNumber.t
+ unit) :=
+ M.read right_val in
+ let* α2 : bool.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.cmp.PartialEq.eq
+ (Self :=
+ core.result.Result.t
+ try_from_and_try_into.EvenNumber.t
+ unit)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0
+ α1) in
+ let* α3 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc (UnOp.not α2) in
+ let* α4 : bool.t := M.read (use α3) in
+ if α4 then
+ let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
+ M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
+ let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
+ let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
+ let* α1 :
+ ref
+ (core.result.Result.t
+ try_from_and_try_into.EvenNumber.t
+ unit) :=
+ M.read left_val in
+ let* α2 :
+ ref
+ (core.result.Result.t
+ try_from_and_try_into.EvenNumber.t
+ unit) :=
+ M.read right_val in
+ let* α3 : never.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.panicking.assert_failed
+ α0
+ α1
+ α2
+ core.option.Option.None) in
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ else
+ M.alloc tt
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
M.read α0.
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/custom_types/enums.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/custom_types/enums.v
index cc197e0e2..88e40419f 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/custom_types/enums.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/custom_types/enums.v
@@ -71,118 +71,160 @@ fn inspect(event: WebEvent) {
Definition inspect (event : enums.WebEvent.t) : M unit :=
let* event := M.alloc event in
- let* α0 : enums.WebEvent.t := M.read event in
- let* α1 : M.Val unit :=
- match α0 with
- | enums.WebEvent.PageLoad =>
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t :=
- M.read
- (mk_str
- ("page loaded, r" ++
- String.String "233" ("f" ++ String.String "233" "
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ event
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | enums.WebEvent.PageLoad =>
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read
+ (mk_str
+ ("page loaded, r" ++
+ String.String "233" ("f" ++ String.String "233" "
"))) in
- let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
- let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
- M.alloc α5 in
- M.alloc tt
- | enums.WebEvent.PageUnload =>
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "page unloaded
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
+ let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | enums.WebEvent.PageUnload =>
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "page unloaded
") in
- let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
- let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
- M.alloc α5 in
- M.alloc tt
- | enums.WebEvent.KeyPress c =>
- let* c := M.alloc c in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "pressed '") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "'.
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
+ let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | enums.WebEvent.KeyPress _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["KeyPress.0"] in
+ let* c := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "pressed '") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "'.
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow c)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt
- | enums.WebEvent.Paste s =>
- let* s := M.alloc s in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "pasted "") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "".
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow c)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | enums.WebEvent.Paste _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Paste.0"] in
+ let* s := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "pasted "") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "".
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow s)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt
- |
- enums.WebEvent.Click
- {| enums.WebEvent.Click.x := x; enums.WebEvent.Click.y := y;
- |}
- =>
- let* x := M.alloc x in
- let* y := M.alloc y in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "clicked at x=") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ", y=") in
- let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ".
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow s)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ |
+ enums.WebEvent.Click
+ {| enums.WebEvent.Click.x := _; enums.WebEvent.Click.y := _;
+ |}
+ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Click.x"] in
+ let γ1 := γ.["Click.y"] in
+ let* x := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* y := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "clicked at x=") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ", y=") in
+ let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ".
") in
- let* α3 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1; α2 ] in
- let* α4 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α3) in
- let* α5 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α4) in
- let* α6 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow x)) in
- let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow y)) in
- let* α8 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.alloc [ α6; α7 ] in
- let* α9 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α8) in
- let* α10 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α9) in
- let* α11 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α5 α10) in
- let* α12 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α11) in
- M.alloc α12 in
- M.alloc tt in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
- M.read α1.
+ let* α3 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1; α2 ] in
+ let* α4 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α3) in
+ let* α5 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α4) in
+ let* α6 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow x)) in
+ let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow y)) in
+ let* α8 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α6; α7 ] in
+ let* α9 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α8) in
+ let* α10 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α9) in
+ let* α11 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α5 α10) in
+ let* α12 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α11) in
+ M.alloc α12 in
+ M.alloc tt in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.read α0.
fn main() {
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/custom_types/enums_testcase_linked_list.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/custom_types/enums_testcase_linked_list.v
index dc16cda38..b2314a947 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/custom_types/enums_testcase_linked_list.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/custom_types/enums_testcase_linked_list.v
@@ -98,30 +98,46 @@ Section Impl_enums_testcase_linked_list_List_t.
Definition len (self : ref Self) : M u32.t :=
let* self := M.alloc self in
let* α0 : ref enums_testcase_linked_list.List.t := M.read self in
- let* α1 : enums_testcase_linked_list.List.t := M.read (deref α0) in
- let* α2 : M.Val u32.t :=
- match α1 with
- | enums_testcase_linked_list.List.Cons _ tail =>
- let* tail := M.alloc tail in
- let* α0 :
- ref
- (alloc.boxed.Box.t
- enums_testcase_linked_list.List.t
- alloc.alloc.Global.t) :=
- M.read tail in
- let* α1 :
- alloc.boxed.Box.t
- enums_testcase_linked_list.List.t
- alloc.alloc.Global.t :=
- M.read (deref α0) in
- let* α2 : u32.t :=
- M.call
- (enums_testcase_linked_list.List.t::["len"] (borrow (deref α1))) in
- let* α3 : u32.t := BinOp.Panic.add (Integer.of_Z 1) α2 in
- M.alloc α3
- | enums_testcase_linked_list.List.Nil => M.alloc (Integer.of_Z 0)
- end in
- M.read α2.
+ let* α1 : M.Val u32.t :=
+ match_operator
+ (deref α0)
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | enums_testcase_linked_list.List.Cons _ _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Cons.0"] in
+ let γ1 := γ.["Cons.1"] in
+ let* tail := M.alloc (borrow_mut γ1) in
+ let* α0 :
+ ref
+ (alloc.boxed.Box.t
+ enums_testcase_linked_list.List.t
+ alloc.alloc.Global.t) :=
+ M.read tail in
+ let* α1 :
+ alloc.boxed.Box.t
+ enums_testcase_linked_list.List.t
+ alloc.alloc.Global.t :=
+ M.read (deref α0) in
+ let* α2 : u32.t :=
+ M.call
+ (enums_testcase_linked_list.List.t::["len"]
+ (borrow (deref α1))) in
+ let* α3 : u32.t := BinOp.Panic.add (Integer.of_Z 1) α2 in
+ M.alloc α3
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val u32.t);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | enums_testcase_linked_list.List.Nil => M.alloc (Integer.of_Z 0)
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val u32.t)
+ ] in
+ M.read α1.
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_len : Notations.DoubleColon Self "len" := {
Notations.double_colon := len;
@@ -144,64 +160,85 @@ Section Impl_enums_testcase_linked_list_List_t.
Definition stringify (self : ref Self) : M alloc.string.String.t :=
let* self := M.alloc self in
let* α0 : ref enums_testcase_linked_list.List.t := M.read self in
- let* α1 : enums_testcase_linked_list.List.t := M.read (deref α0) in
- let* α2 : M.Val alloc.string.String.t :=
- match α1 with
- | enums_testcase_linked_list.List.Cons head tail =>
- let* head := M.alloc head in
- let* tail := M.alloc tail in
- let* res : M.Val alloc.string.String.t :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ", ") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow head)) in
- let* α6 :
- ref
- (alloc.boxed.Box.t
- enums_testcase_linked_list.List.t
- alloc.alloc.Global.t) :=
- M.read tail in
- let* α7 :
- alloc.boxed.Box.t
- enums_testcase_linked_list.List.t
- alloc.alloc.Global.t :=
- M.read (deref α6) in
- let* α8 : alloc.string.String.t :=
- M.call
- (enums_testcase_linked_list.List.t::["stringify"]
- (borrow (deref α7))) in
- let* α9 : M.Val alloc.string.String.t := M.alloc α8 in
- let* α10 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow α9)) in
- let* α11 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.alloc [ α5; α10 ] in
- let* α12 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α11) in
- let* α13 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α12) in
- let* α14 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α13) in
- let* α15 : alloc.string.String.t := M.call (alloc.fmt.format α14) in
- M.alloc α15 in
- M.pure res
- | enums_testcase_linked_list.List.Nil =>
- let* res : M.Val alloc.string.String.t :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Nil") in
- let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
- let* α5 : alloc.string.String.t := M.call (alloc.fmt.format α4) in
- M.alloc α5 in
- M.pure res
- end in
- M.read α2.
+ let* α1 : M.Val alloc.string.String.t :=
+ match_operator
+ (deref α0)
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | enums_testcase_linked_list.List.Cons _ _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Cons.0"] in
+ let γ1 := γ.["Cons.1"] in
+ let* head := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* tail := M.alloc (borrow_mut γ1) in
+ let* res : M.Val alloc.string.String.t :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ", ") in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow head)) in
+ let* α6 :
+ ref
+ (alloc.boxed.Box.t
+ enums_testcase_linked_list.List.t
+ alloc.alloc.Global.t) :=
+ M.read tail in
+ let* α7 :
+ alloc.boxed.Box.t
+ enums_testcase_linked_list.List.t
+ alloc.alloc.Global.t :=
+ M.read (deref α6) in
+ let* α8 : alloc.string.String.t :=
+ M.call
+ (enums_testcase_linked_list.List.t::["stringify"]
+ (borrow (deref α7))) in
+ let* α9 : M.Val alloc.string.String.t := M.alloc α8 in
+ let* α10 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow α9)) in
+ let* α11 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5; α10 ] in
+ let* α12 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α11) in
+ let* α13 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α12) in
+ let* α14 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α13) in
+ let* α15 : alloc.string.String.t :=
+ M.call (alloc.fmt.format α14) in
+ M.alloc α15 in
+ M.pure res
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val alloc.string.String.t);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | enums_testcase_linked_list.List.Nil =>
+ let* res : M.Val alloc.string.String.t :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Nil") in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
+ let* α5 : alloc.string.String.t :=
+ M.call (alloc.fmt.format α4) in
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ M.pure res
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val alloc.string.String.t)
+ ] in
+ M.read α1.
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_stringify :
Notations.DoubleColon Self "stringify" := {
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/custom_types/enums_type_aliases_v2.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/custom_types/enums_type_aliases_v2.v
index 59be046fc..64bc7c8fb 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/custom_types/enums_type_aliases_v2.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/custom_types/enums_type_aliases_v2.v
@@ -24,24 +24,44 @@ Section Impl_enums_type_aliases_v2_VeryVerboseEnumOfThingsToDoWithNumbers_t.
let* self := M.alloc self in
let* x := M.alloc x in
let* y := M.alloc y in
- let* α0 :
- ref enums_type_aliases_v2.VeryVerboseEnumOfThingsToDoWithNumbers.t :=
- M.read self in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : M.Val i32.t :=
- match α1 with
- | enums_type_aliases_v2.VeryVerboseEnumOfThingsToDoWithNumbers.Add =>
- let* α0 : i32.t := M.read x in
- let* α1 : i32.t := M.read y in
- let* α2 : i32.t := BinOp.Panic.add α0 α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- | enums_type_aliases_v2.VeryVerboseEnumOfThingsToDoWithNumbers.Subtract =>
- let* α0 : i32.t := M.read x in
- let* α1 : i32.t := M.read y in
- let* α2 : i32.t := BinOp.Panic.sub α0 α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- end in
- M.read α2.
+ let* α0 : M.Val i32.t :=
+ match_operator
+ self
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ |
+ enums_type_aliases_v2.VeryVerboseEnumOfThingsToDoWithNumbers.Add
+ =>
+ let* α0 : i32.t := M.read x in
+ let* α1 : i32.t := M.read y in
+ let* α2 : i32.t := BinOp.Panic.add α0 α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val i32.t);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ |
+ enums_type_aliases_v2.VeryVerboseEnumOfThingsToDoWithNumbers.Subtract
+ =>
+ let* α0 : i32.t := M.read x in
+ let* α1 : i32.t := M.read y in
+ let* α2 : i32.t := BinOp.Panic.sub α0 α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val i32.t)
+ ] in
+ M.read α0.
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_run : Notations.DoubleColon Self "run" := {
Notations.double_colon := run;
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/custom_types/enums_use.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/custom_types/enums_use.v
index ad5b32491..455486fde 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/custom_types/enums_use.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/custom_types/enums_use.v
@@ -38,64 +38,95 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
let* status : M.Val enums_use.Status.t := M.alloc enums_use.Status.Poor in
let* work : M.Val enums_use.Work.t := M.alloc enums_use.Work.Civilian in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : enums_use.Status.t := M.read status in
- match α0 with
- | enums_use.Status.Rich =>
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t :=
- M.read (mk_str "The rich have lots of money!
+ match_operator
+ status
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | enums_use.Status.Rich =>
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "The rich have lots of money!
") in
- let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
- let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
- M.alloc α5 in
- M.alloc tt
- | enums_use.Status.Poor =>
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "The poor have no money...
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
+ let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | enums_use.Status.Poor =>
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "The poor have no money...
") in
- let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
- let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
- M.alloc α5 in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
- let* α0 : enums_use.Work.t := M.read work in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
+ let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
let* α0 : M.Val unit :=
- match α0 with
- | enums_use.Work.Civilian =>
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Civilians work!
+ match_operator
+ work
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | enums_use.Work.Civilian =>
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Civilians work!
") in
- let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
- let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
- M.alloc α5 in
- M.alloc tt
- | enums_use.Work.Soldier =>
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Soldiers fight!
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
+ let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | enums_use.Work.Soldier =>
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Soldiers fight!
") in
- let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
- let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
- M.alloc α5 in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
+ let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
M.read α0.
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/custom_types/structures.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/custom_types/structures.v
index 4af9a27b8..d25d8b304 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/custom_types/structures.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/custom_types/structures.v
@@ -290,76 +290,111 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
let* α12 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α11) in
M.alloc α12 in
M.alloc tt in
- let* '{| structures.Point.x := left_edge; structures.Point.y := top_edge; |} :
- structures.Point.t :=
- M.read point in
- let* left_edge := M.alloc left_edge in
- let* top_edge := M.alloc top_edge in
- let* _rectangle : M.Val structures.Rectangle.t :=
- let* α0 : f32.t := M.read left_edge in
- let* α1 : f32.t := M.read top_edge in
- let* α2 : structures.Point.t := M.read bottom_right in
- M.alloc
- {|
- structures.Rectangle.top_left :=
- {| structures.Point.x := α0; structures.Point.y := α1; |};
- structures.Rectangle.bottom_right := α2;
- |} in
- let* _unit : M.Val structures.Unit.t := M.alloc structures.Unit.Build in
- let* pair : M.Val structures.Pair.t :=
- let* α0 : f32.t := M.read UnsupportedLiteral in
- M.alloc (structures.Pair.Build_t (Integer.of_Z 1) α0) in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "pair contains ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str " and ") in
- let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ point
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | {| structures.Point.x := _; structures.Point.y := _; |} =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Point.x"] in
+ let γ1 := γ.["Point.y"] in
+ let* left_edge := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* top_edge := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* _rectangle : M.Val structures.Rectangle.t :=
+ let* α0 : f32.t := M.read left_edge in
+ let* α1 : f32.t := M.read top_edge in
+ let* α2 : structures.Point.t := M.read bottom_right in
+ M.alloc
+ {|
+ structures.Rectangle.top_left :=
+ {| structures.Point.x := α0; structures.Point.y := α1; |};
+ structures.Rectangle.bottom_right := α2;
+ |} in
+ let* _unit : M.Val structures.Unit.t :=
+ M.alloc structures.Unit.Build in
+ let* pair : M.Val structures.Pair.t :=
+ let* α0 : f32.t := M.read UnsupportedLiteral in
+ M.alloc (structures.Pair.Build_t (Integer.of_Z 1) α0) in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "pair contains ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str " and ") in
+ let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α3 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1; α2 ] in
- let* α4 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α3) in
- let* α5 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α4) in
- let* α6 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow pair.["0"])) in
- let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow pair.["1"])) in
- let* α8 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α6; α7 ] in
- let* α9 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α8) in
- let* α10 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α9) in
- let* α11 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α5 α10) in
- let* α12 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α11) in
- M.alloc α12 in
- M.alloc tt in
- let* 'structures.Pair.Build_t integer decimal : structures.Pair.t :=
- M.read pair in
- let* integer := M.alloc integer in
- let* decimal := M.alloc decimal in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "pair contains ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str " and ") in
- let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α3 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1; α2 ] in
+ let* α4 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α3) in
+ let* α5 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α4) in
+ let* α6 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"]
+ (borrow pair.["0"])) in
+ let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"]
+ (borrow pair.["1"])) in
+ let* α8 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α6; α7 ] in
+ let* α9 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α8) in
+ let* α10 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α9) in
+ let* α11 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α5 α10) in
+ let* α12 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α11) in
+ M.alloc α12 in
+ M.alloc tt in
+ match_operator
+ pair
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | structures.Pair.Build_t _ _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Pair.0"] in
+ let γ1 := γ.["Pair.1"] in
+ let* integer := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* decimal := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "pair contains ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str " and ") in
+ let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α3 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1; α2 ] in
- let* α4 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α3) in
- let* α5 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α4) in
- let* α6 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow integer)) in
- let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow decimal)) in
- let* α8 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α6; α7 ] in
- let* α9 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α8) in
- let* α10 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α9) in
- let* α11 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α5 α10) in
- let* α12 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α11) in
- M.alloc α12 in
- M.alloc tt in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.alloc [ α0; α1; α2 ] in
+ let* α4 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α3) in
+ let* α5 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α4) in
+ let* α6 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"]
+ (borrow integer)) in
+ let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"]
+ (borrow decimal)) in
+ let* α8 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α6; α7 ] in
+ let* α9 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α8) in
+ let* α10 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α9) in
+ let* α11 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α5 α10) in
+ let* α12 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α11) in
+ M.alloc α12 in
+ M.alloc tt in
+ M.alloc tt
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ]
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
M.read α0.
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/aliases_for_result.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/aliases_for_result.v
index 5a41c3c06..50ec0d835 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/aliases_for_result.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/aliases_for_result.v
@@ -25,20 +25,37 @@ Definition multiply
((core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)::["and_then"]
- (fun (first_number : i32.t) =>
- (let* first_number := M.alloc first_number in
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read second_number_str in
- let* α1 : core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t :=
- M.call (str.t::["parse"] α0) in
- M.call
- ((core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)::["map"]
- α1
- (fun (second_number : i32.t) =>
- (let* second_number := M.alloc second_number in
- let* α0 : i32.t := M.read first_number in
- let* α1 : i32.t := M.read second_number in
- BinOp.Panic.mul α0 α1) :
- M i32.t))) :
+ (fun (α0 : i32.t) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* first_number := M.copy γ in
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read second_number_str in
+ let* α1 :
+ core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t :=
+ M.call (str.t::["parse"] α0) in
+ M.call
+ ((core.result.Result.t
+ i32.t
+ core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)::["map"]
+ α1
+ (fun (α0 : i32.t) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* second_number := M.copy γ in
+ let* α0 : i32.t := M.read first_number in
+ let* α1 : i32.t := M.read second_number in
+ BinOp.Panic.mul α0 α1) :
+ M i32.t
+ ]) :
+ M i32.t))) :
+ M (core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
+ ]) :
M (core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t))).
@@ -53,56 +70,74 @@ Definition print
(result : ltac:(aliases_for_result.AliasedResult i32.t))
: M unit :=
let* result := M.alloc result in
- let* α0 : core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t :=
- M.read result in
- let* α1 : M.Val unit :=
- match α0 with
- | core.result.Result.Ok n =>
- let* n := M.alloc n in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "n is ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ result
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Ok _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Ok.0"] in
+ let* n := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "n is ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow n)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt
- | core.result.Result.Err e =>
- let* e := M.alloc e in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Error: ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow n)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Err _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Err.0"] in
+ let* e := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Error: ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow e)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
- M.read α1.
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow e)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.read α0.
fn main() {
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/boxing_errors.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/boxing_errors.v
index e0f5916a1..5d4665348 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/boxing_errors.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/boxing_errors.v
@@ -153,40 +153,66 @@ Definition double_first
(ref (ref str.t))
(alloc.boxed.Box.t dynamic alloc.alloc.Global.t))::["and_then"]
- (fun (s : ref (ref str.t)) =>
- (let* s := M.alloc s in
- let* α0 : ref (ref str.t) := M.read s in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (deref α0) in
- let* α2 : core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t :=
- M.call (str.t::["parse"] α1) in
- let* α3 :
- core.result.Result.t
- i32.t
- (alloc.boxed.Box.t dynamic alloc.alloc.Global.t) :=
- M.call
- ((core.result.Result.t
- i32.t
- core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)::["map_err"]
- α2
- (fun (e : core.num.error.ParseIntError.t) =>
- (let* e := M.alloc e in
- let* α0 : core.num.error.ParseIntError.t := M.read e in
+ (fun (α0 : ref (ref str.t)) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* s := M.copy γ in
+ let* α0 : ref (ref str.t) := M.read s in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (deref α0) in
+ let* α2 :
+ core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t :=
+ M.call (str.t::["parse"] α1) in
+ let* α3 :
+ core.result.Result.t
+ i32.t
+ (alloc.boxed.Box.t dynamic alloc.alloc.Global.t) :=
- ((core.convert.Into.into
- (Self := core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0)) :
- M (alloc.boxed.Box.t dynamic alloc.alloc.Global.t))) in
- M.call
- ((core.result.Result.t
- i32.t
- (alloc.boxed.Box.t dynamic alloc.alloc.Global.t))::["map"]
- α3
- (fun (i : i32.t) =>
- (let* i := M.alloc i in
- let* α0 : i32.t := M.read i in
- BinOp.Panic.mul (Integer.of_Z 2) α0) :
- M i32.t))) :
+ ((core.result.Result.t
+ i32.t
+ core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)::["map_err"]
+ α2
+ (fun (α0 : core.num.error.ParseIntError.t) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* e := M.copy γ in
+ let* α0 : core.num.error.ParseIntError.t :=
+ M.read e in
+ M.call
+ ((core.convert.Into.into
+ (Self := core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0)) :
+ M (alloc.boxed.Box.t dynamic alloc.alloc.Global.t)
+ ]) :
+ M (alloc.boxed.Box.t dynamic alloc.alloc.Global.t))) in
+ M.call
+ ((core.result.Result.t
+ i32.t
+ (alloc.boxed.Box.t dynamic alloc.alloc.Global.t))::["map"]
+ α3
+ (fun (α0 : i32.t) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* i := M.copy γ in
+ let* α0 : i32.t := M.read i in
+ BinOp.Panic.mul (Integer.of_Z 2) α0) :
+ M i32.t
+ ]) :
+ M i32.t))) :
+ M
+ (core.result.Result.t
+ i32.t
+ (alloc.boxed.Box.t dynamic alloc.alloc.Global.t))
+ ]) :
@@ -202,59 +228,74 @@ fn print(result: Result) {
Definition print (result : ltac:(boxing_errors.Result i32.t)) : M unit :=
let* result := M.alloc result in
- let* α0 :
- core.result.Result.t
- i32.t
- (alloc.boxed.Box.t dynamic alloc.alloc.Global.t) :=
- M.read result in
- let* α1 : M.Val unit :=
- match α0 with
- | core.result.Result.Ok n =>
- let* n := M.alloc n in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "The first doubled is ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ result
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Ok _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Ok.0"] in
+ let* n := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "The first doubled is ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow n)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt
- | core.result.Result.Err e =>
- let* e := M.alloc e in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Error: ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow n)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Err _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Err.0"] in
+ let* e := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Error: ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow e)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
- M.read α1.
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow e)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.read α0.
fn main() {
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/combinators_and_then.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/combinators_and_then.v
index 4571e1be1..7021f6d00 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/combinators_and_then.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/combinators_and_then.v
@@ -22,22 +22,49 @@ Section Impl_core_fmt_Debug_for_combinators_and_then_Food_t.
let* self := M.alloc self in
let* f := M.alloc f in
let* α0 : mut_ref core.fmt.Formatter.t := M.read f in
- let* α1 : ref combinators_and_then.Food.t := M.read self in
- let* α2 := M.read α1 in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref str.t) :=
- match α2 with
- | combinators_and_then.Food.CordonBleu =>
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "CordonBleu") in
- M.alloc α0
- | combinators_and_then.Food.Steak =>
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Steak") in
- M.alloc α0
- | combinators_and_then.Food.Sushi =>
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Sushi") in
- M.alloc α0
- end in
- let* α4 : ref str.t := M.read α3 in
- M.call (core.fmt.Formatter.t::["write_str"] α0 α4).
+ let* α1 : M.Val (ref str.t) :=
+ match_operator
+ self
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | combinators_and_then.Food.CordonBleu =>
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "CordonBleu") in
+ M.alloc α0
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (ref str.t));
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | combinators_and_then.Food.Steak =>
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Steak") in
+ M.alloc α0
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (ref str.t));
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | combinators_and_then.Food.Sushi =>
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Sushi") in
+ M.alloc α0
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (ref str.t))
+ ] in
+ let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read α1 in
+ M.call (core.fmt.Formatter.t::["write_str"] α0 α2).
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_fmt : Notations.DoubleColon Self "fmt" := {
Notations.double_colon := fmt;
@@ -70,22 +97,49 @@ Section Impl_core_fmt_Debug_for_combinators_and_then_Day_t.
let* self := M.alloc self in
let* f := M.alloc f in
let* α0 : mut_ref core.fmt.Formatter.t := M.read f in
- let* α1 : ref combinators_and_then.Day.t := M.read self in
- let* α2 := M.read α1 in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref str.t) :=
- match α2 with
- | combinators_and_then.Day.Monday =>
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Monday") in
- M.alloc α0
- | combinators_and_then.Day.Tuesday =>
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Tuesday") in
- M.alloc α0
- | combinators_and_then.Day.Wednesday =>
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Wednesday") in
- M.alloc α0
- end in
- let* α4 : ref str.t := M.read α3 in
- M.call (core.fmt.Formatter.t::["write_str"] α0 α4).
+ let* α1 : M.Val (ref str.t) :=
+ match_operator
+ self
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | combinators_and_then.Day.Monday =>
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Monday") in
+ M.alloc α0
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (ref str.t));
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | combinators_and_then.Day.Tuesday =>
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Tuesday") in
+ M.alloc α0
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (ref str.t));
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | combinators_and_then.Day.Wednesday =>
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Wednesday") in
+ M.alloc α0
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (ref str.t))
+ ] in
+ let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read α1 in
+ M.call (core.fmt.Formatter.t::["write_str"] α0 α2).
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_fmt : Notations.DoubleColon Self "fmt" := {
Notations.double_colon := fmt;
@@ -109,15 +163,23 @@ Definition have_ingredients
(food : combinators_and_then.Food.t)
: M (core.option.Option.t combinators_and_then.Food.t) :=
let* food := M.alloc food in
- let* α0 : combinators_and_then.Food.t := M.read food in
- let* α1 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t combinators_and_then.Food.t) :=
- match α0 with
- | combinators_and_then.Food.Sushi => M.alloc core.option.Option.None
- | _ =>
- let* α0 : combinators_and_then.Food.t := M.read food in
- M.alloc (core.option.Option.Some α0)
- end in
- M.read α1.
+ let* α0 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t combinators_and_then.Food.t) :=
+ match_operator
+ food
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | combinators_and_then.Food.Sushi => M.alloc core.option.Option.None
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (core.option.Option.t combinators_and_then.Food.t));
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 : combinators_and_then.Food.t := M.read food in
+ M.alloc (core.option.Option.Some α0)) :
+ M (M.Val (core.option.Option.t combinators_and_then.Food.t))
+ ] in
+ M.read α0.
fn have_recipe(food: Food) -> Option {
@@ -131,15 +193,24 @@ Definition have_recipe
(food : combinators_and_then.Food.t)
: M (core.option.Option.t combinators_and_then.Food.t) :=
let* food := M.alloc food in
- let* α0 : combinators_and_then.Food.t := M.read food in
- let* α1 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t combinators_and_then.Food.t) :=
- match α0 with
- | combinators_and_then.Food.CordonBleu => M.alloc core.option.Option.None
- | _ =>
- let* α0 : combinators_and_then.Food.t := M.read food in
- M.alloc (core.option.Option.Some α0)
- end in
- M.read α1.
+ let* α0 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t combinators_and_then.Food.t) :=
+ match_operator
+ food
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | combinators_and_then.Food.CordonBleu =>
+ M.alloc core.option.Option.None
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (core.option.Option.t combinators_and_then.Food.t));
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 : combinators_and_then.Food.t := M.read food in
+ M.alloc (core.option.Option.Some α0)) :
+ M (M.Val (core.option.Option.t combinators_and_then.Food.t))
+ ] in
+ M.read α0.
fn cookable_v1(food: Food) -> Option {
@@ -160,22 +231,57 @@ Definition cookable_v1
let* α1 : core.option.Option.t combinators_and_then.Food.t :=
M.call (combinators_and_then.have_recipe α0) in
let* α2 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t combinators_and_then.Food.t) :=
- match α1 with
- | core.option.Option.None => M.alloc core.option.Option.None
- | core.option.Option.Some food =>
- let* food := M.alloc food in
- let* α0 : combinators_and_then.Food.t := M.read food in
- let* α1 : core.option.Option.t combinators_and_then.Food.t :=
- M.call (combinators_and_then.have_ingredients α0) in
- match α1 with
- | core.option.Option.None => M.alloc core.option.Option.None
- | core.option.Option.Some food =>
- let* food := M.alloc food in
- let* α0 : combinators_and_then.Food.t := M.read food in
- M.alloc (core.option.Option.Some α0)
- end
- end in
- M.read α2.
+ M.alloc α1 in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t combinators_and_then.Food.t) :=
+ match_operator
+ α2
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.None => M.alloc core.option.Option.None
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (core.option.Option.t combinators_and_then.Food.t));
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* food := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 : combinators_and_then.Food.t := M.read food in
+ let* α1 : core.option.Option.t combinators_and_then.Food.t :=
+ M.call (combinators_and_then.have_ingredients α0) in
+ let* α2 :
+ M.Val (core.option.Option.t combinators_and_then.Food.t) :=
+ M.alloc α1 in
+ match_operator
+ α2
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.None => M.alloc core.option.Option.None
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (core.option.Option.t combinators_and_then.Food.t));
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* food := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 : combinators_and_then.Food.t := M.read food in
+ M.alloc (core.option.Option.Some α0)
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (core.option.Option.t combinators_and_then.Food.t))
+ ]
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (core.option.Option.t combinators_and_then.Food.t))
+ ] in
+ M.read α3.
fn cookable_v2(food: Food) -> Option {
@@ -211,57 +317,78 @@ Definition eat
let* α0 : combinators_and_then.Food.t := M.read food in
let* α1 : core.option.Option.t combinators_and_then.Food.t :=
M.call (combinators_and_then.cookable_v2 α0) in
- let* α2 : M.Val unit :=
- match α1 with
- | core.option.Option.Some food =>
- let* food := M.alloc food in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Yay! On ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str " we get to eat ") in
- let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ".
+ let* α2 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t combinators_and_then.Food.t) :=
+ M.alloc α1 in
+ let* α3 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ α2
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* food := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Yay! On ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str " we get to eat ") in
+ let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ".
") in
- let* α3 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1; α2 ] in
- let* α4 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α3) in
- let* α5 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α4) in
- let* α6 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow day)) in
- let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow food)) in
- let* α8 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α6; α7 ] in
- let* α9 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α8) in
- let* α10 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α9) in
- let* α11 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α5 α10) in
- let* α12 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α11) in
- M.alloc α12 in
- M.alloc tt
- | core.option.Option.None =>
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t :=
- M.read (mk_str "Oh no. We don't get to eat on ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "?
+ let* α3 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1; α2 ] in
+ let* α4 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α3) in
+ let* α5 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α4) in
+ let* α6 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow day)) in
+ let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow food)) in
+ let* α8 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α6; α7 ] in
+ let* α9 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α8) in
+ let* α10 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α9) in
+ let* α11 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α5 α10) in
+ let* α12 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α11) in
+ M.alloc α12 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.None =>
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "Oh no. We don't get to eat on ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "?
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow day)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
- M.read α2.
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow day)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.read α3.
fn main() {
@@ -274,30 +401,55 @@ fn main() {
(* #[allow(dead_code)] - function was ignored by the compiler *)
Definition main : M unit :=
- let '(cordon_bleu, steak, sushi) :
- (combinators_and_then.Food.t * combinators_and_then.Food.t)
- *
- combinators_and_then.Food.t :=
- (combinators_and_then.Food.CordonBleu,
- combinators_and_then.Food.Steak,
- combinators_and_then.Food.Sushi) in
- let* cordon_bleu := M.alloc cordon_bleu in
- let* steak := M.alloc steak in
- let* sushi := M.alloc sushi in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : combinators_and_then.Food.t := M.read cordon_bleu in
- let* α1 : unit :=
- M.call (combinators_and_then.eat α0 combinators_and_then.Day.Monday) in
- M.alloc α1 in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : combinators_and_then.Food.t := M.read steak in
- let* α1 : unit :=
- M.call (combinators_and_then.eat α0 combinators_and_then.Day.Tuesday) in
- M.alloc α1 in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : combinators_and_then.Food.t := M.read sushi in
- let* α1 : unit :=
- M.call (combinators_and_then.eat α0 combinators_and_then.Day.Wednesday) in
- M.alloc α1 in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- M.read α0.
+ let* α0 :
+ M.Val
+ ((combinators_and_then.Food.t * combinators_and_then.Food.t)
+ *
+ combinators_and_then.Food.t) :=
+ M.alloc
+ (combinators_and_then.Food.CordonBleu,
+ combinators_and_then.Food.Steak,
+ combinators_and_then.Food.Sushi) in
+ let* α1 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_, _, _) =>
+ let γ0 := Tuple.Access.left (Tuple.Access.left γ) in
+ let γ1 := Tuple.Access.right (Tuple.Access.left γ) in
+ let γ2 := Tuple.Access.right γ in
+ let* cordon_bleu := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* steak := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* sushi := M.copy γ2 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : combinators_and_then.Food.t := M.read cordon_bleu in
+ let* α1 : unit :=
+ M.call
+ (combinators_and_then.eat
+ α0
+ combinators_and_then.Day.Monday) in
+ M.alloc α1 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : combinators_and_then.Food.t := M.read steak in
+ let* α1 : unit :=
+ M.call
+ (combinators_and_then.eat
+ α0
+ combinators_and_then.Day.Tuesday) in
+ M.alloc α1 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : combinators_and_then.Food.t := M.read sushi in
+ let* α1 : unit :=
+ M.call
+ (combinators_and_then.eat
+ α0
+ combinators_and_then.Day.Wednesday) in
+ M.alloc α1 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.read α1.
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/combinators_map.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/combinators_map.v
index 474e66cb2..0af53b128 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/combinators_map.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/combinators_map.v
@@ -22,22 +22,49 @@ Section Impl_core_fmt_Debug_for_combinators_map_Food_t.
let* self := M.alloc self in
let* f := M.alloc f in
let* α0 : mut_ref core.fmt.Formatter.t := M.read f in
- let* α1 : ref combinators_map.Food.t := M.read self in
- let* α2 := M.read α1 in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref str.t) :=
- match α2 with
- | combinators_map.Food.Apple =>
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Apple") in
- M.alloc α0
- | combinators_map.Food.Carrot =>
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Carrot") in
- M.alloc α0
- | combinators_map.Food.Potato =>
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Potato") in
- M.alloc α0
- end in
- let* α4 : ref str.t := M.read α3 in
- M.call (core.fmt.Formatter.t::["write_str"] α0 α4).
+ let* α1 : M.Val (ref str.t) :=
+ match_operator
+ self
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | combinators_map.Food.Apple =>
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Apple") in
+ M.alloc α0
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (ref str.t));
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | combinators_map.Food.Carrot =>
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Carrot") in
+ M.alloc α0
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (ref str.t));
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | combinators_map.Food.Potato =>
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Potato") in
+ M.alloc α0
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (ref str.t))
+ ] in
+ let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read α1 in
+ M.call (core.fmt.Formatter.t::["write_str"] α0 α2).
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_fmt : Notations.DoubleColon Self "fmt" := {
Notations.double_colon := fmt;
@@ -196,16 +223,31 @@ Definition peel
(food : core.option.Option.t combinators_map.Food.t)
: M (core.option.Option.t combinators_map.Peeled.t) :=
let* food := M.alloc food in
- let* α0 : core.option.Option.t combinators_map.Food.t := M.read food in
- let* α1 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t combinators_map.Peeled.t) :=
- match α0 with
- | core.option.Option.Some food =>
- let* food := M.alloc food in
- let* α0 : combinators_map.Food.t := M.read food in
- M.alloc (core.option.Option.Some (combinators_map.Peeled.Build_t α0))
- | core.option.Option.None => M.alloc core.option.Option.None
- end in
- M.read α1.
+ let* α0 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t combinators_map.Peeled.t) :=
+ match_operator
+ food
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* food := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 : combinators_map.Food.t := M.read food in
+ M.alloc
+ (core.option.Option.Some (combinators_map.Peeled.Build_t α0))
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (core.option.Option.t combinators_map.Peeled.t));
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.None => M.alloc core.option.Option.None
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (core.option.Option.t combinators_map.Peeled.t))
+ ] in
+ M.read α0.
fn chop(peeled: Option) -> Option {
@@ -219,16 +261,36 @@ Definition chop
(peeled : core.option.Option.t combinators_map.Peeled.t)
: M (core.option.Option.t combinators_map.Chopped.t) :=
let* peeled := M.alloc peeled in
- let* α0 : core.option.Option.t combinators_map.Peeled.t := M.read peeled in
- let* α1 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t combinators_map.Chopped.t) :=
- match α0 with
- | core.option.Option.Some (combinators_map.Peeled.Build_t food) =>
- let* food := M.alloc food in
- let* α0 : combinators_map.Food.t := M.read food in
- M.alloc (core.option.Option.Some (combinators_map.Chopped.Build_t α0))
- | core.option.Option.None => M.alloc core.option.Option.None
- end in
- M.read α1.
+ let* α0 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t combinators_map.Chopped.t) :=
+ match_operator
+ peeled
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ0 in
+ match α0 with
+ | combinators_map.Peeled.Build_t _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ0.["Peeled.0"] in
+ let* food := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 : combinators_map.Food.t := M.read food in
+ M.alloc
+ (core.option.Option.Some (combinators_map.Chopped.Build_t α0))
+ end
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (core.option.Option.t combinators_map.Chopped.t));
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.None => M.alloc core.option.Option.None
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (core.option.Option.t combinators_map.Chopped.t))
+ ] in
+ M.read α0.
fn cook(chopped: Option) -> Option {
@@ -243,10 +305,22 @@ Definition cook
((core.option.Option.t combinators_map.Chopped.t)::["map"]
- (fun (combinators_map.Chopped.Build_t food : combinators_map.Chopped.t) =>
- (let* food := M.alloc food in
- let* α0 : combinators_map.Food.t := M.read food in
- M.pure (combinators_map.Cooked.Build_t α0)) :
+ (fun (α0 : combinators_map.Chopped.t) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | combinators_map.Chopped.Build_t _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Chopped.0"] in
+ let* food := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 : combinators_map.Food.t := M.read food in
+ M.pure (combinators_map.Cooked.Build_t α0)
+ end) :
+ M combinators_map.Cooked.t
+ ]) :
M combinators_map.Cooked.t)).
@@ -265,27 +339,58 @@ Definition process
((core.option.Option.t combinators_map.Food.t)::["map"]
- (fun (f : combinators_map.Food.t) =>
- (let* f := M.alloc f in
- let* α0 : combinators_map.Food.t := M.read f in
- M.pure (combinators_map.Peeled.Build_t α0)) :
+ (fun (α0 : combinators_map.Food.t) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* f := M.copy γ in
+ let* α0 : combinators_map.Food.t := M.read f in
+ M.pure (combinators_map.Peeled.Build_t α0)) :
+ M combinators_map.Peeled.t
+ ]) :
M combinators_map.Peeled.t)) in
let* α2 : core.option.Option.t combinators_map.Chopped.t :=
((core.option.Option.t combinators_map.Peeled.t)::["map"]
- (fun (combinators_map.Peeled.Build_t f : combinators_map.Peeled.t) =>
- (let* f := M.alloc f in
- let* α0 : combinators_map.Food.t := M.read f in
- M.pure (combinators_map.Chopped.Build_t α0)) :
+ (fun (α0 : combinators_map.Peeled.t) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | combinators_map.Peeled.Build_t _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Peeled.0"] in
+ let* f := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 : combinators_map.Food.t := M.read f in
+ M.pure (combinators_map.Chopped.Build_t α0)
+ end) :
+ M combinators_map.Chopped.t
+ ]) :
M combinators_map.Chopped.t)) in
((core.option.Option.t combinators_map.Chopped.t)::["map"]
- (fun (combinators_map.Chopped.Build_t f : combinators_map.Chopped.t) =>
- (let* f := M.alloc f in
- let* α0 : combinators_map.Food.t := M.read f in
- M.pure (combinators_map.Cooked.Build_t α0)) :
+ (fun (α0 : combinators_map.Chopped.t) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | combinators_map.Chopped.Build_t _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Chopped.0"] in
+ let* f := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 : combinators_map.Food.t := M.read f in
+ M.pure (combinators_map.Cooked.Build_t α0)
+ end) :
+ M combinators_map.Cooked.t
+ ]) :
M combinators_map.Cooked.t)).
@@ -300,46 +405,64 @@ Definition eat
(food : core.option.Option.t combinators_map.Cooked.t)
: M unit :=
let* food := M.alloc food in
- let* α0 : core.option.Option.t combinators_map.Cooked.t := M.read food in
- let* α1 : M.Val unit :=
- match α0 with
- | core.option.Option.Some food =>
- let* food := M.alloc food in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Mmm. I love ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ food
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* food := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Mmm. I love ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow food)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt
- | core.option.Option.None =>
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Oh no! It wasn't edible.
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow food)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.None =>
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "Oh no! It wasn't edible.
") in
- let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
- let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
- M.alloc α5 in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
- M.read α1.
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
+ let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.read α0.
fn main() {
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/defining_an_error_type.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/defining_an_error_type.v
index 1b22ba686..1f2cc4756 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/defining_an_error_type.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/defining_an_error_type.v
@@ -133,32 +133,59 @@ Definition double_first
(ref (ref str.t))
- (fun (s : ref (ref str.t)) =>
- (let* s := M.alloc s in
- let* α0 : ref (ref str.t) := M.read s in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (deref α0) in
- let* α2 : core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t :=
- M.call (str.t::["parse"] α1) in
- let* α3 :
- core.result.Result.t i32.t defining_an_error_type.DoubleError.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.result.Result.t
+ (fun (α0 : ref (ref str.t)) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* s := M.copy γ in
+ let* α0 : ref (ref str.t) := M.read s in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (deref α0) in
+ let* α2 :
+ core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t :=
+ M.call (str.t::["parse"] α1) in
+ let* α3 :
+ core.result.Result.t
+ i32.t
+ defining_an_error_type.DoubleError.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.result.Result.t
+ i32.t
+ core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)::["map_err"]
+ α2
+ (fun (α0 : core.num.error.ParseIntError.t) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (M.pure defining_an_error_type.DoubleError.Build) :
+ M defining_an_error_type.DoubleError.t
+ ]) :
+ M defining_an_error_type.DoubleError.t)) in
+ M.call
+ ((core.result.Result.t
+ i32.t
+ defining_an_error_type.DoubleError.t)::["map"]
+ α3
+ (fun (α0 : i32.t) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* i := M.copy γ in
+ let* α0 : i32.t := M.read i in
+ BinOp.Panic.mul (Integer.of_Z 2) α0) :
+ M i32.t
+ ]) :
+ M i32.t))) :
+ M
+ (core.result.Result.t
- core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)::["map_err"]
- α2
- (fun (_ : core.num.error.ParseIntError.t) =>
- (M.pure defining_an_error_type.DoubleError.Build) :
- M defining_an_error_type.DoubleError.t)) in
- M.call
- ((core.result.Result.t
- i32.t
- defining_an_error_type.DoubleError.t)::["map"]
- α3
- (fun (i : i32.t) =>
- (let* i := M.alloc i in
- let* α0 : i32.t := M.read i in
- BinOp.Panic.mul (Integer.of_Z 2) α0) :
- M i32.t))) :
+ defining_an_error_type.DoubleError.t)
+ ]) :
M (core.result.Result.t i32.t defining_an_error_type.DoubleError.t))).
@@ -173,56 +200,74 @@ Definition print
(result : ltac:(defining_an_error_type.Result i32.t))
: M unit :=
let* result := M.alloc result in
- let* α0 : core.result.Result.t i32.t defining_an_error_type.DoubleError.t :=
- M.read result in
- let* α1 : M.Val unit :=
- match α0 with
- | core.result.Result.Ok n =>
- let* n := M.alloc n in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "The first doubled is ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ result
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Ok _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Ok.0"] in
+ let* n := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "The first doubled is ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow n)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt
- | core.result.Result.Err e =>
- let* e := M.alloc e in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Error: ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow n)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Err _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Err.0"] in
+ let* e := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Error: ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow e)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
- M.read α1.
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow e)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.read α0.
fn main() {
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/early_returns.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/early_returns.v
index 08fc3842e..4d7a23452 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/early_returns.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/early_returns.v
@@ -30,38 +30,78 @@ Definition multiply
let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read first_number_str in
let* α1 : core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t :=
M.call (str.t::["parse"] α0) in
- let* α2 : M.Val i32.t :=
- match α1 with
- | core.result.Result.Ok first_number =>
- let* first_number := M.alloc first_number in
- M.pure first_number
- | core.result.Result.Err e =>
- let* e := M.alloc e in
- let* α0 : core.num.error.ParseIntError.t := M.read e in
- let* α1 : M.Val never.t := return_ (core.result.Result.Err α0) in
- let* α2 := M.read α1 in
- let* α3 : i32.t := never_to_any α2 in
- M.alloc α3
- end in
- M.copy α2 in
+ let* α2 :
+ M.Val (core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t) :=
+ M.alloc α1 in
+ let* α3 : M.Val i32.t :=
+ match_operator
+ α2
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Ok _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Ok.0"] in
+ let* first_number := M.copy γ0 in
+ M.pure first_number
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val i32.t);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Err _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Err.0"] in
+ let* e := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 : core.num.error.ParseIntError.t := M.read e in
+ let* α1 : M.Val never.t :=
+ return_ (core.result.Result.Err α0) in
+ let* α2 := M.read α1 in
+ let* α3 : i32.t := never_to_any α2 in
+ M.alloc α3
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val i32.t)
+ ] in
+ M.copy α3 in
let* second_number : M.Val i32.t :=
let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read second_number_str in
let* α1 : core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t :=
M.call (str.t::["parse"] α0) in
- let* α2 : M.Val i32.t :=
- match α1 with
- | core.result.Result.Ok second_number =>
- let* second_number := M.alloc second_number in
- M.pure second_number
- | core.result.Result.Err e =>
- let* e := M.alloc e in
- let* α0 : core.num.error.ParseIntError.t := M.read e in
- let* α1 : M.Val never.t := return_ (core.result.Result.Err α0) in
- let* α2 := M.read α1 in
- let* α3 : i32.t := never_to_any α2 in
- M.alloc α3
- end in
- M.copy α2 in
+ let* α2 :
+ M.Val (core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t) :=
+ M.alloc α1 in
+ let* α3 : M.Val i32.t :=
+ match_operator
+ α2
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Ok _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Ok.0"] in
+ let* second_number := M.copy γ0 in
+ M.pure second_number
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val i32.t);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Err _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Err.0"] in
+ let* e := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 : core.num.error.ParseIntError.t := M.read e in
+ let* α1 : M.Val never.t :=
+ return_ (core.result.Result.Err α0) in
+ let* α2 := M.read α1 in
+ let* α3 : i32.t := never_to_any α2 in
+ M.alloc α3
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val i32.t)
+ ] in
+ M.copy α3 in
let* α0 : i32.t := M.read first_number in
let* α1 : i32.t := M.read second_number in
let* α2 : i32.t := BinOp.Panic.mul α0 α1 in
@@ -82,56 +122,74 @@ Definition print
(result : core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
: M unit :=
let* result := M.alloc result in
- let* α0 : core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t :=
- M.read result in
- let* α1 : M.Val unit :=
- match α0 with
- | core.result.Result.Ok n =>
- let* n := M.alloc n in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "n is ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ result
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Ok _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Ok.0"] in
+ let* n := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "n is ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow n)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt
- | core.result.Result.Err e =>
- let* e := M.alloc e in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Error: ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow n)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Err _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Err.0"] in
+ let* e := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Error: ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow e)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
- M.read α1.
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow e)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.read α0.
fn main() {
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/introducing_question_mark.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/introducing_question_mark.v
index 81082ca54..bdb33f3ed 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/introducing_question_mark.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/introducing_question_mark.v
@@ -35,31 +35,58 @@ Definition multiply
core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
α1) in
- let* α3 : M.Val i32.t :=
- match α2 with
- | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Break residual =>
- let* residual := M.alloc residual in
- let* α0 :
- core.result.Result.t
+ let* α3 :
+ M.Val
+ (core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.t
+ (core.result.Result.t
- core.num.error.ParseIntError.t :=
- M.read residual in
- let* α1 : core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.ops.try_trait.FromResidual.from_residual
- (Self :=
- core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0) in
- let* α2 : M.Val never.t := return_ α1 in
- let* α3 := M.read α2 in
- let* α4 : i32.t := never_to_any α3 in
- M.alloc α4
- | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Continue val =>
- let* val := M.alloc val in
- M.pure val
- end in
- M.copy α3 in
+ core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
+ i32.t) :=
+ M.alloc α2 in
+ let* α4 : M.Val i32.t :=
+ match_operator
+ α3
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Break _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Break.0"] in
+ let* residual := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 :
+ core.result.Result.t
+ core.convert.Infallible.t
+ core.num.error.ParseIntError.t :=
+ M.read residual in
+ let* α1 :
+ core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.ops.try_trait.FromResidual.from_residual
+ (Self :=
+ core.result.Result.t
+ i32.t
+ core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0) in
+ let* α2 : M.Val never.t := return_ α1 in
+ let* α3 := M.read α2 in
+ let* α4 : i32.t := never_to_any α3 in
+ M.alloc α4
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val i32.t);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Continue _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Continue.0"] in
+ let* val := M.copy γ0 in
+ M.pure val
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val i32.t)
+ ] in
+ M.copy α4 in
let* second_number : M.Val i32.t :=
let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read second_number_str in
let* α1 : core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t :=
@@ -76,31 +103,58 @@ Definition multiply
core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
α1) in
- let* α3 : M.Val i32.t :=
- match α2 with
- | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Break residual =>
- let* residual := M.alloc residual in
- let* α0 :
- core.result.Result.t
+ let* α3 :
+ M.Val
+ (core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.t
+ (core.result.Result.t
- core.num.error.ParseIntError.t :=
- M.read residual in
- let* α1 : core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.ops.try_trait.FromResidual.from_residual
- (Self :=
- core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0) in
- let* α2 : M.Val never.t := return_ α1 in
- let* α3 := M.read α2 in
- let* α4 : i32.t := never_to_any α3 in
- M.alloc α4
- | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Continue val =>
- let* val := M.alloc val in
- M.pure val
- end in
- M.copy α3 in
+ core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
+ i32.t) :=
+ M.alloc α2 in
+ let* α4 : M.Val i32.t :=
+ match_operator
+ α3
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Break _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Break.0"] in
+ let* residual := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 :
+ core.result.Result.t
+ core.convert.Infallible.t
+ core.num.error.ParseIntError.t :=
+ M.read residual in
+ let* α1 :
+ core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.ops.try_trait.FromResidual.from_residual
+ (Self :=
+ core.result.Result.t
+ i32.t
+ core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0) in
+ let* α2 : M.Val never.t := return_ α1 in
+ let* α3 := M.read α2 in
+ let* α4 : i32.t := never_to_any α3 in
+ M.alloc α4
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val i32.t);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Continue _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Continue.0"] in
+ let* val := M.copy γ0 in
+ M.pure val
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val i32.t)
+ ] in
+ M.copy α4 in
let* α0 : i32.t := M.read first_number in
let* α1 : i32.t := M.read second_number in
let* α2 : i32.t := BinOp.Panic.mul α0 α1 in
@@ -121,56 +175,74 @@ Definition print
(result : core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
: M unit :=
let* result := M.alloc result in
- let* α0 : core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t :=
- M.read result in
- let* α1 : M.Val unit :=
- match α0 with
- | core.result.Result.Ok n =>
- let* n := M.alloc n in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "n is ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ result
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Ok _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Ok.0"] in
+ let* n := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "n is ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow n)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt
- | core.result.Result.Err e =>
- let* e := M.alloc e in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Error: ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow n)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Err _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Err.0"] in
+ let* e := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Error: ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow e)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
- M.read α1.
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow e)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.read α0.
fn main() {
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/introducing_question_mark_is_an_replacement_for_deprecated_try.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/introducing_question_mark_is_an_replacement_for_deprecated_try.v
index f5a6c51bd..c802ac3dc 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/introducing_question_mark_is_an_replacement_for_deprecated_try.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/introducing_question_mark_is_an_replacement_for_deprecated_try.v
@@ -23,54 +23,92 @@ Definition multiply
let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read first_number_str in
let* α1 : core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t :=
M.call (str.t::["parse"] α0) in
- let* α2 : M.Val i32.t :=
- match α1 with
- | core.result.Result.Ok val =>
- let* val := M.alloc val in
- M.pure val
- | core.result.Result.Err err =>
- let* err := M.alloc err in
- let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
- let* α0 : core.num.error.ParseIntError.t := M.read err in
- let* α1 : core.num.error.ParseIntError.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.convert.From.from
- (Self := core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0) in
- return_ (core.result.Result.Err α1) in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : i32.t := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- end in
- M.copy α2 in
+ let* α2 :
+ M.Val (core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t) :=
+ M.alloc α1 in
+ let* α3 : M.Val i32.t :=
+ match_operator
+ α2
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Ok _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Ok.0"] in
+ let* val := M.copy γ0 in
+ M.pure val
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val i32.t);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Err _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Err.0"] in
+ let* err := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
+ let* α0 : core.num.error.ParseIntError.t := M.read err in
+ let* α1 : core.num.error.ParseIntError.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.convert.From.from
+ (Self := core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0) in
+ return_ (core.result.Result.Err α1) in
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : i32.t := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val i32.t)
+ ] in
+ M.copy α3 in
let* second_number : M.Val i32.t :=
let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read second_number_str in
let* α1 : core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t :=
M.call (str.t::["parse"] α0) in
- let* α2 : M.Val i32.t :=
- match α1 with
- | core.result.Result.Ok val =>
- let* val := M.alloc val in
- M.pure val
- | core.result.Result.Err err =>
- let* err := M.alloc err in
- let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
- let* α0 : core.num.error.ParseIntError.t := M.read err in
- let* α1 : core.num.error.ParseIntError.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.convert.From.from
- (Self := core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0) in
- return_ (core.result.Result.Err α1) in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : i32.t := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- end in
- M.copy α2 in
+ let* α2 :
+ M.Val (core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t) :=
+ M.alloc α1 in
+ let* α3 : M.Val i32.t :=
+ match_operator
+ α2
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Ok _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Ok.0"] in
+ let* val := M.copy γ0 in
+ M.pure val
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val i32.t);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Err _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Err.0"] in
+ let* err := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
+ let* α0 : core.num.error.ParseIntError.t := M.read err in
+ let* α1 : core.num.error.ParseIntError.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.convert.From.from
+ (Self := core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0) in
+ return_ (core.result.Result.Err α1) in
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : i32.t := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val i32.t)
+ ] in
+ M.copy α3 in
let* α0 : i32.t := M.read first_number in
let* α1 : i32.t := M.read second_number in
let* α2 : i32.t := BinOp.Panic.mul α0 α1 in
@@ -91,56 +129,74 @@ Definition print
(result : core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
: M unit :=
let* result := M.alloc result in
- let* α0 : core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t :=
- M.read result in
- let* α1 : M.Val unit :=
- match α0 with
- | core.result.Result.Ok n =>
- let* n := M.alloc n in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "n is ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ result
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Ok _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Ok.0"] in
+ let* n := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "n is ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow n)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt
- | core.result.Result.Err e =>
- let* e := M.alloc e in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Error: ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow n)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Err _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Err.0"] in
+ let* e := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Error: ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow e)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
- M.read α1.
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow e)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.read α0.
fn main() {
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/iterating_over_results_collect_valid_values_and_failures_via_partition.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/iterating_over_results_collect_valid_values_and_failures_via_partition.v
index 78f64bbe9..c530f1573 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/iterating_over_results_collect_valid_values_and_failures_via_partition.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/iterating_over_results_collect_valid_values_and_failures_via_partition.v
@@ -27,7 +27,38 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
let* α6 : alloc.vec.Vec.t (ref str.t) alloc.alloc.Global.t :=
M.call ((slice (ref str.t))::["into_vec"] α5) in
M.alloc α6 in
- let* '(numbers, errors) :
+ let* α0 : alloc.vec.Vec.t (ref str.t) alloc.alloc.Global.t :=
+ M.read strings in
+ let* α1 : alloc.vec.into_iter.IntoIter.t (ref str.t) alloc.alloc.Global.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.iter.traits.collect.IntoIterator.into_iter
+ (Self := alloc.vec.Vec.t (ref str.t) alloc.alloc.Global.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0) in
+ let* α2 :
+ core.iter.adapters.map.Map.t
+ (alloc.vec.into_iter.IntoIter.t (ref str.t) alloc.alloc.Global.t)
+ ((ref str.t) ->
+ M (core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)) :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.map
+ (Self :=
+ alloc.vec.into_iter.IntoIter.t (ref str.t) alloc.alloc.Global.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α1
+ (fun (α0 : ref str.t) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* s := M.copy γ in
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read s in
+ M.call (str.t::["parse"] α0)) :
+ M (core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
+ ]) :
+ M (core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t))) in
+ let* α3 :
(core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
@@ -35,30 +66,6 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
(core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
alloc.alloc.Global.t) :=
- let* α0 : alloc.vec.Vec.t (ref str.t) alloc.alloc.Global.t :=
- M.read strings in
- let* α1 : alloc.vec.into_iter.IntoIter.t (ref str.t) alloc.alloc.Global.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.iter.traits.collect.IntoIterator.into_iter
- (Self := alloc.vec.Vec.t (ref str.t) alloc.alloc.Global.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0) in
- let* α2 :
- core.iter.adapters.map.Map.t
- (alloc.vec.into_iter.IntoIter.t (ref str.t) alloc.alloc.Global.t)
- ((ref str.t) ->
- M (core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)) :=
- M.call
- ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.map
- (Self :=
- alloc.vec.into_iter.IntoIter.t (ref str.t) alloc.alloc.Global.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α1
- (fun (s : ref str.t) =>
- (let* s := M.alloc s in
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read s in
- M.call (str.t::["parse"] α0)) :
- M (core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t))) in
(Self :=
@@ -71,49 +78,78 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)::["is_ok"]) in
- let* numbers := M.alloc numbers in
- let* errors := M.alloc errors in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Numbers: ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α4 :
+ M.Val
+ ((alloc.vec.Vec.t
+ (core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
+ alloc.alloc.Global.t)
+ *
+ (alloc.vec.Vec.t
+ (core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
+ alloc.alloc.Global.t)) :=
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ α4
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_, _) =>
+ let γ0 := Tuple.Access.left γ in
+ let γ1 := Tuple.Access.right γ in
+ let* numbers := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* errors := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Numbers: ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow numbers)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Errors: ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow numbers)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Errors: ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow errors)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow errors)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt in
+ M.alloc tt
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
M.read α0.
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/iterating_over_results_collect_valid_values_and_failures_via_partition_unwrapped.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/iterating_over_results_collect_valid_values_and_failures_via_partition_unwrapped.v
index cbb0f5791..f6301221c 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/iterating_over_results_collect_valid_values_and_failures_via_partition_unwrapped.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/iterating_over_results_collect_valid_values_and_failures_via_partition_unwrapped.v
@@ -29,7 +29,38 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
let* α6 : alloc.vec.Vec.t (ref str.t) alloc.alloc.Global.t :=
M.call ((slice (ref str.t))::["into_vec"] α5) in
M.alloc α6 in
- let* '(numbers, errors) :
+ let* α0 : alloc.vec.Vec.t (ref str.t) alloc.alloc.Global.t :=
+ M.read strings in
+ let* α1 : alloc.vec.into_iter.IntoIter.t (ref str.t) alloc.alloc.Global.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.iter.traits.collect.IntoIterator.into_iter
+ (Self := alloc.vec.Vec.t (ref str.t) alloc.alloc.Global.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0) in
+ let* α2 :
+ core.iter.adapters.map.Map.t
+ (alloc.vec.into_iter.IntoIter.t (ref str.t) alloc.alloc.Global.t)
+ ((ref str.t) ->
+ M (core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)) :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.map
+ (Self :=
+ alloc.vec.into_iter.IntoIter.t (ref str.t) alloc.alloc.Global.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α1
+ (fun (α0 : ref str.t) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* s := M.copy γ in
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read s in
+ M.call (str.t::["parse"] α0)) :
+ M (core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
+ ]) :
+ M (core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t))) in
+ let* α3 :
(core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
@@ -37,30 +68,6 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
(core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
alloc.alloc.Global.t) :=
- let* α0 : alloc.vec.Vec.t (ref str.t) alloc.alloc.Global.t :=
- M.read strings in
- let* α1 : alloc.vec.into_iter.IntoIter.t (ref str.t) alloc.alloc.Global.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.iter.traits.collect.IntoIterator.into_iter
- (Self := alloc.vec.Vec.t (ref str.t) alloc.alloc.Global.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0) in
- let* α2 :
- core.iter.adapters.map.Map.t
- (alloc.vec.into_iter.IntoIter.t (ref str.t) alloc.alloc.Global.t)
- ((ref str.t) ->
- M (core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)) :=
- M.call
- ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.map
- (Self :=
- alloc.vec.into_iter.IntoIter.t (ref str.t) alloc.alloc.Global.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α1
- (fun (s : ref str.t) =>
- (let* s := M.alloc s in
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read s in
- M.call (str.t::["parse"] α0)) :
- M (core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t))) in
(Self :=
@@ -73,146 +80,195 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)::["is_ok"]) in
- let* numbers := M.alloc numbers in
- let* errors := M.alloc errors in
- let* numbers : M.Val (alloc.vec.Vec.t i32.t alloc.alloc.Global.t) :=
- let* α0 :
- alloc.vec.Vec.t
- (core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
- alloc.alloc.Global.t :=
- M.read numbers in
- let* α1 :
- alloc.vec.into_iter.IntoIter.t
- (core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
- alloc.alloc.Global.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.iter.traits.collect.IntoIterator.into_iter
- (Self :=
- alloc.vec.Vec.t
- (core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
- alloc.alloc.Global.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0) in
- let* α2 :
- core.iter.adapters.map.Map.t
- (alloc.vec.into_iter.IntoIter.t
- (core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
- alloc.alloc.Global.t)
- _ :=
- M.call
- ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.map
- (Self :=
- alloc.vec.into_iter.IntoIter.t
- (core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
- alloc.alloc.Global.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α1
- (core.result.Result.t
- i32.t
- core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)::["unwrap"]) in
- let* α3 : alloc.vec.Vec.t i32.t alloc.alloc.Global.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.collect
- (Self :=
- core.iter.adapters.map.Map.t
- (alloc.vec.into_iter.IntoIter.t
- (core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
- alloc.alloc.Global.t)
- _)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α2) in
- M.alloc α3 in
- let* errors :
+ let* α4 :
- (alloc.vec.Vec.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t alloc.alloc.Global.t) :=
- let* α0 :
- alloc.vec.Vec.t
+ ((alloc.vec.Vec.t
(core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
- alloc.alloc.Global.t :=
- M.read errors in
- let* α1 :
- alloc.vec.into_iter.IntoIter.t
+ alloc.alloc.Global.t)
+ *
+ (alloc.vec.Vec.t
(core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
- alloc.alloc.Global.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.iter.traits.collect.IntoIterator.into_iter
- (Self :=
- alloc.vec.Vec.t
- (core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
- alloc.alloc.Global.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0) in
- let* α2 :
- core.iter.adapters.map.Map.t
- (alloc.vec.into_iter.IntoIter.t
- (core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
- alloc.alloc.Global.t)
- _ :=
- M.call
- ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.map
- (Self :=
- alloc.vec.into_iter.IntoIter.t
- (core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
- alloc.alloc.Global.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α1
- (core.result.Result.t
- i32.t
- core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)::["unwrap_err"]) in
- let* α3 :
- alloc.vec.Vec.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t alloc.alloc.Global.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.collect
- (Self :=
- core.iter.adapters.map.Map.t
- (alloc.vec.into_iter.IntoIter.t
- (core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
- alloc.alloc.Global.t)
- _)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α2) in
+ alloc.alloc.Global.t)) :=
M.alloc α3 in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Numbers: ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ α4
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_, _) =>
+ let γ0 := Tuple.Access.left γ in
+ let γ1 := Tuple.Access.right γ in
+ let* numbers := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* errors := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* numbers : M.Val (alloc.vec.Vec.t i32.t alloc.alloc.Global.t) :=
+ let* α0 :
+ alloc.vec.Vec.t
+ (core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
+ alloc.alloc.Global.t :=
+ M.read numbers in
+ let* α1 :
+ alloc.vec.into_iter.IntoIter.t
+ (core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
+ alloc.alloc.Global.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.iter.traits.collect.IntoIterator.into_iter
+ (Self :=
+ alloc.vec.Vec.t
+ (core.result.Result.t
+ i32.t
+ core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
+ alloc.alloc.Global.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0) in
+ let* α2 :
+ core.iter.adapters.map.Map.t
+ (alloc.vec.into_iter.IntoIter.t
+ (core.result.Result.t
+ i32.t
+ core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
+ alloc.alloc.Global.t)
+ _ :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.map
+ (Self :=
+ alloc.vec.into_iter.IntoIter.t
+ (core.result.Result.t
+ i32.t
+ core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
+ alloc.alloc.Global.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α1
+ (core.result.Result.t
+ i32.t
+ core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)::["unwrap"]) in
+ let* α3 : alloc.vec.Vec.t i32.t alloc.alloc.Global.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.collect
+ (Self :=
+ core.iter.adapters.map.Map.t
+ (alloc.vec.into_iter.IntoIter.t
+ (core.result.Result.t
+ i32.t
+ core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
+ alloc.alloc.Global.t)
+ _)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α2) in
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ let* errors :
+ M.Val
+ (alloc.vec.Vec.t
+ core.num.error.ParseIntError.t
+ alloc.alloc.Global.t) :=
+ let* α0 :
+ alloc.vec.Vec.t
+ (core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
+ alloc.alloc.Global.t :=
+ M.read errors in
+ let* α1 :
+ alloc.vec.into_iter.IntoIter.t
+ (core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
+ alloc.alloc.Global.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.iter.traits.collect.IntoIterator.into_iter
+ (Self :=
+ alloc.vec.Vec.t
+ (core.result.Result.t
+ i32.t
+ core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
+ alloc.alloc.Global.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0) in
+ let* α2 :
+ core.iter.adapters.map.Map.t
+ (alloc.vec.into_iter.IntoIter.t
+ (core.result.Result.t
+ i32.t
+ core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
+ alloc.alloc.Global.t)
+ _ :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.map
+ (Self :=
+ alloc.vec.into_iter.IntoIter.t
+ (core.result.Result.t
+ i32.t
+ core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
+ alloc.alloc.Global.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α1
+ (core.result.Result.t
+ i32.t
+ core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)::["unwrap_err"]) in
+ let* α3 :
+ alloc.vec.Vec.t
+ core.num.error.ParseIntError.t
+ alloc.alloc.Global.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.collect
+ (Self :=
+ core.iter.adapters.map.Map.t
+ (alloc.vec.into_iter.IntoIter.t
+ (core.result.Result.t
+ i32.t
+ core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
+ alloc.alloc.Global.t)
+ _)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α2) in
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Numbers: ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow numbers)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Errors: ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow numbers)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Errors: ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow errors)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow errors)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt in
+ M.alloc tt
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
M.read α0.
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/iterating_over_results_collect_via_map_err_and_filter_map.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/iterating_over_results_collect_via_map_err_and_filter_map.v
index 172f50578..20f514ee3 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/iterating_over_results_collect_via_map_err_and_filter_map.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/iterating_over_results_collect_via_map_err_and_filter_map.v
@@ -61,10 +61,17 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
alloc.vec.into_iter.IntoIter.t (ref str.t) alloc.alloc.Global.t)
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (fun (s : ref str.t) =>
- (let* s := M.alloc s in
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read s in
- M.call (str.t::["parse"] α0)) :
+ (fun (α0 : ref str.t) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* s := M.copy γ in
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read s in
+ M.call (str.t::["parse"] α0)) :
+ M (core.result.Result.t u8.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
+ ]) :
M (core.result.Result.t u8.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t))) in
let* α3 :
@@ -85,28 +92,46 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
M (core.result.Result.t u8.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)))
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (fun (r : core.result.Result.t u8.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t) =>
- (let* r := M.alloc r in
- let* α0 :
- core.result.Result.t u8.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t :=
- M.read r in
- let* α1 : core.result.Result.t u8.t unit :=
- M.call
- ((core.result.Result.t
- u8.t
- core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)::["map_err"]
- α0
- (fun (e : core.num.error.ParseIntError.t) =>
- (let* e := M.alloc e in
- let* α0 : core.num.error.ParseIntError.t := M.read e in
+ (fun
+ (α0 : core.result.Result.t u8.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* r := M.copy γ in
+ let* α0 :
+ core.result.Result.t
+ u8.t
+ core.num.error.ParseIntError.t :=
+ M.read r in
+ let* α1 : core.result.Result.t u8.t unit :=
- ((alloc.vec.Vec.t
- core.num.error.ParseIntError.t
- alloc.alloc.Global.t)::["push"]
- (borrow_mut errors)
- α0)) :
- M unit)) in
- M.call ((core.result.Result.t u8.t unit)::["ok"] α1)) :
+ ((core.result.Result.t
+ u8.t
+ core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)::["map_err"]
+ α0
+ (fun (α0 : core.num.error.ParseIntError.t) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* e := M.copy γ in
+ let* α0 : core.num.error.ParseIntError.t :=
+ M.read e in
+ M.call
+ ((alloc.vec.Vec.t
+ core.num.error.ParseIntError.t
+ alloc.alloc.Global.t)::["push"]
+ (borrow_mut errors)
+ α0)) :
+ M unit
+ ]) :
+ M unit)) in
+ M.call ((core.result.Result.t u8.t unit)::["ok"] α1)) :
+ M (core.option.Option.t u8.t)
+ ]) :
M (core.option.Option.t u8.t))) in
let* α4 : alloc.vec.Vec.t u8.t alloc.alloc.Global.t :=
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/iterating_over_results_fail_entire_operation_via_collect.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/iterating_over_results_fail_entire_operation_via_collect.v
index 64326ebe6..55e1df576 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/iterating_over_results_fail_entire_operation_via_collect.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/iterating_over_results_fail_entire_operation_via_collect.v
@@ -47,10 +47,17 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
alloc.vec.into_iter.IntoIter.t (ref str.t) alloc.alloc.Global.t)
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (fun (s : ref str.t) =>
- (let* s := M.alloc s in
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read s in
- M.call (str.t::["parse"] α0)) :
+ (fun (α0 : ref str.t) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* s := M.copy γ in
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read s in
+ M.call (str.t::["parse"] α0)) :
+ M (core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
+ ]) :
M (core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t))) in
let* α3 :
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/iterating_over_results_failed.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/iterating_over_results_failed.v
index 9fdf8bc30..48b251855 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/iterating_over_results_failed.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/iterating_over_results_failed.v
@@ -47,10 +47,17 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
alloc.vec.into_iter.IntoIter.t (ref str.t) alloc.alloc.Global.t)
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (fun (s : ref str.t) =>
- (let* s := M.alloc s in
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read s in
- M.call (str.t::["parse"] α0)) :
+ (fun (α0 : ref str.t) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* s := M.copy γ in
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read s in
+ M.call (str.t::["parse"] α0)) :
+ M (core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
+ ]) :
M (core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t))) in
let* α3 :
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/iterating_over_results_handle_via_filter_map.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/iterating_over_results_handle_via_filter_map.v
index 88e461eb0..f8bc59698 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/iterating_over_results_handle_via_filter_map.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/iterating_over_results_handle_via_filter_map.v
@@ -45,17 +45,26 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
alloc.vec.into_iter.IntoIter.t (ref str.t) alloc.alloc.Global.t)
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (fun (s : ref str.t) =>
- (let* s := M.alloc s in
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read s in
- let* α1 :
- core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t :=
- M.call (str.t::["parse"] α0) in
- M.call
- ((core.result.Result.t
- i32.t
- core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)::["ok"]
- α1)) :
+ (fun (α0 : ref str.t) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* s := M.copy γ in
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read s in
+ let* α1 :
+ core.result.Result.t
+ i32.t
+ core.num.error.ParseIntError.t :=
+ M.call (str.t::["parse"] α0) in
+ M.call
+ ((core.result.Result.t
+ i32.t
+ core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)::["ok"]
+ α1)) :
+ M (core.option.Option.t i32.t)
+ ]) :
M (core.option.Option.t i32.t))) in
let* α3 : alloc.vec.Vec.t i32.t alloc.alloc.Global.t :=
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/map_in_result_via_combinators.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/map_in_result_via_combinators.v
index d6db53a06..fd4eeb5c7 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/map_in_result_via_combinators.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/map_in_result_via_combinators.v
@@ -22,20 +22,37 @@ Definition multiply
((core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)::["and_then"]
- (fun (first_number : i32.t) =>
- (let* first_number := M.alloc first_number in
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read second_number_str in
- let* α1 : core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t :=
- M.call (str.t::["parse"] α0) in
- M.call
- ((core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)::["map"]
- α1
- (fun (second_number : i32.t) =>
- (let* second_number := M.alloc second_number in
- let* α0 : i32.t := M.read first_number in
- let* α1 : i32.t := M.read second_number in
- BinOp.Panic.mul α0 α1) :
- M i32.t))) :
+ (fun (α0 : i32.t) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* first_number := M.copy γ in
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read second_number_str in
+ let* α1 :
+ core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t :=
+ M.call (str.t::["parse"] α0) in
+ M.call
+ ((core.result.Result.t
+ i32.t
+ core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)::["map"]
+ α1
+ (fun (α0 : i32.t) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* second_number := M.copy γ in
+ let* α0 : i32.t := M.read first_number in
+ let* α1 : i32.t := M.read second_number in
+ BinOp.Panic.mul α0 α1) :
+ M i32.t
+ ]) :
+ M i32.t))) :
+ M (core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
+ ]) :
M (core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t))).
@@ -50,56 +67,74 @@ Definition print
(result : core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
: M unit :=
let* result := M.alloc result in
- let* α0 : core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t :=
- M.read result in
- let* α1 : M.Val unit :=
- match α0 with
- | core.result.Result.Ok n =>
- let* n := M.alloc n in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "n is ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ result
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Ok _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Ok.0"] in
+ let* n := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "n is ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow n)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt
- | core.result.Result.Err e =>
- let* e := M.alloc e in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Error: ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow n)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Err _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Err.0"] in
+ let* e := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Error: ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow e)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
- M.read α1.
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow e)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.read α0.
fn main() {
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/map_in_result_via_match.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/map_in_result_via_match.v
index 1c33a132b..8eeede0c4 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/map_in_result_via_match.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/map_in_result_via_match.v
@@ -22,30 +22,77 @@ Definition multiply
let* α1 : core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t :=
M.call (str.t::["parse"] α0) in
let* α2 : M.Val (core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t) :=
- match α1 with
- | core.result.Result.Ok first_number =>
- let* first_number := M.alloc first_number in
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read second_number_str in
- let* α1 : core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t :=
- M.call (str.t::["parse"] α0) in
- match α1 with
- | core.result.Result.Ok second_number =>
- let* second_number := M.alloc second_number in
- let* α0 : i32.t := M.read first_number in
- let* α1 : i32.t := M.read second_number in
- let* α2 : i32.t := BinOp.Panic.mul α0 α1 in
- M.alloc (core.result.Result.Ok α2)
- | core.result.Result.Err e =>
- let* e := M.alloc e in
- let* α0 : core.num.error.ParseIntError.t := M.read e in
- M.alloc (core.result.Result.Err α0)
- end
- | core.result.Result.Err e =>
- let* e := M.alloc e in
- let* α0 : core.num.error.ParseIntError.t := M.read e in
- M.alloc (core.result.Result.Err α0)
- end in
- M.read α2.
+ M.alloc α1 in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t) :=
+ match_operator
+ α2
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Ok _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Ok.0"] in
+ let* first_number := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read second_number_str in
+ let* α1 :
+ core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t :=
+ M.call (str.t::["parse"] α0) in
+ let* α2 :
+ M.Val
+ (core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t) :=
+ M.alloc α1 in
+ match_operator
+ α2
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Ok _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Ok.0"] in
+ let* second_number := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 : i32.t := M.read first_number in
+ let* α1 : i32.t := M.read second_number in
+ let* α2 : i32.t := BinOp.Panic.mul α0 α1 in
+ M.alloc (core.result.Result.Ok α2)
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M
+ (M.Val
+ (core.result.Result.t
+ i32.t
+ core.num.error.ParseIntError.t));
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Err _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Err.0"] in
+ let* e := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 : core.num.error.ParseIntError.t := M.read e in
+ M.alloc (core.result.Result.Err α0)
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M
+ (M.Val
+ (core.result.Result.t
+ i32.t
+ core.num.error.ParseIntError.t))
+ ]
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t));
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Err _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Err.0"] in
+ let* e := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 : core.num.error.ParseIntError.t := M.read e in
+ M.alloc (core.result.Result.Err α0)
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t))
+ ] in
+ M.read α3.
fn print(result: Result) {
@@ -59,56 +106,74 @@ Definition print
(result : core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
: M unit :=
let* result := M.alloc result in
- let* α0 : core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t :=
- M.read result in
- let* α1 : M.Val unit :=
- match α0 with
- | core.result.Result.Ok n =>
- let* n := M.alloc n in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "n is ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ result
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Ok _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Ok.0"] in
+ let* n := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "n is ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow n)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt
- | core.result.Result.Err e =>
- let* e := M.alloc e in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Error: ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow n)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Err _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Err.0"] in
+ let* e := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Error: ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow e)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
- M.read α1.
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow e)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.read α0.
fn main() {
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/option_and_unwrap.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/option_and_unwrap.v
index 168558729..11853bba5 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/option_and_unwrap.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/option_and_unwrap.v
@@ -13,59 +13,85 @@ fn give_adult(drink: Option<&str>) {
Definition give_adult (drink : core.option.Option.t (ref str.t)) : M unit :=
let* drink := M.alloc drink in
- let* α0 : core.option.Option.t (ref str.t) := M.read drink in
- let* α1 : M.Val unit :=
- match α0 with
- | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Yuck! Too sugary.
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ drink
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Yuck! Too sugary.
") in
- let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
- let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
- M.alloc α5 in
- M.alloc tt
- | core.option.Option.Some inner =>
- let* inner := M.alloc inner in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "? How nice.
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
+ let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* inner := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "? How nice.
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow inner)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt
- | core.option.Option.None =>
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "No drink? Oh well.
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow inner)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.None =>
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "No drink? Oh well.
") in
- let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
- let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
- M.alloc α5 in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
- M.read α1.
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
+ let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.read α0.
fn drink(drink: Option<&str>) {
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/other_uses_of_question_mark.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/other_uses_of_question_mark.v
index c7e0db9ce..cc1115038 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/other_uses_of_question_mark.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/other_uses_of_question_mark.v
@@ -134,36 +134,60 @@ Definition double_first
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
α2) in
- let* α4 : M.Val (ref (ref str.t)) :=
- match α3 with
- | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Break residual =>
- let* residual := M.alloc residual in
- let* α0 :
- core.result.Result.t
+ let* α4 :
+ M.Val
+ (core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.t
+ (core.result.Result.t
- other_uses_of_question_mark.EmptyVec.t :=
- M.read residual in
- let* α1 :
- core.result.Result.t
- i32.t
- (alloc.boxed.Box.t dynamic alloc.alloc.Global.t) :=
- M.call
- ((core.ops.try_trait.FromResidual.from_residual
- (Self :=
+ other_uses_of_question_mark.EmptyVec.t)
+ (ref (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ let* α5 : M.Val (ref (ref str.t)) :=
+ match_operator
+ α4
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Break _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Break.0"] in
+ let* residual := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 :
+ core.result.Result.t
+ core.convert.Infallible.t
+ other_uses_of_question_mark.EmptyVec.t :=
+ M.read residual in
+ let* α1 :
- (alloc.boxed.Box.t dynamic alloc.alloc.Global.t))
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0) in
- let* α2 : M.Val never.t := return_ α1 in
- let* α3 := M.read α2 in
- let* α4 : ref (ref str.t) := never_to_any α3 in
- M.alloc α4
- | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Continue val =>
- let* val := M.alloc val in
- M.pure val
- end in
- M.copy α4 in
+ (alloc.boxed.Box.t dynamic alloc.alloc.Global.t) :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.ops.try_trait.FromResidual.from_residual
+ (Self :=
+ core.result.Result.t
+ i32.t
+ (alloc.boxed.Box.t dynamic alloc.alloc.Global.t))
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0) in
+ let* α2 : M.Val never.t := return_ α1 in
+ let* α3 := M.read α2 in
+ let* α4 : ref (ref str.t) := never_to_any α3 in
+ M.alloc α4
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (ref (ref str.t)));
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Continue _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Continue.0"] in
+ let* val := M.copy γ0 in
+ M.pure val
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (ref (ref str.t)))
+ ] in
+ M.copy α5 in
let* parsed : M.Val i32.t :=
let* α0 : ref (ref str.t) := M.read first in
let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (deref α0) in
@@ -181,36 +205,60 @@ Definition double_first
core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
α2) in
- let* α4 : M.Val i32.t :=
- match α3 with
- | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Break residual =>
- let* residual := M.alloc residual in
- let* α0 :
- core.result.Result.t
+ let* α4 :
+ M.Val
+ (core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.t
+ (core.result.Result.t
- core.num.error.ParseIntError.t :=
- M.read residual in
- let* α1 :
- core.result.Result.t
- i32.t
- (alloc.boxed.Box.t dynamic alloc.alloc.Global.t) :=
- M.call
- ((core.ops.try_trait.FromResidual.from_residual
- (Self :=
+ core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
+ i32.t) :=
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ let* α5 : M.Val i32.t :=
+ match_operator
+ α4
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Break _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Break.0"] in
+ let* residual := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 :
+ core.result.Result.t
+ core.convert.Infallible.t
+ core.num.error.ParseIntError.t :=
+ M.read residual in
+ let* α1 :
- (alloc.boxed.Box.t dynamic alloc.alloc.Global.t))
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0) in
- let* α2 : M.Val never.t := return_ α1 in
- let* α3 := M.read α2 in
- let* α4 : i32.t := never_to_any α3 in
- M.alloc α4
- | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Continue val =>
- let* val := M.alloc val in
- M.pure val
- end in
- M.copy α4 in
+ (alloc.boxed.Box.t dynamic alloc.alloc.Global.t) :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.ops.try_trait.FromResidual.from_residual
+ (Self :=
+ core.result.Result.t
+ i32.t
+ (alloc.boxed.Box.t dynamic alloc.alloc.Global.t))
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0) in
+ let* α2 : M.Val never.t := return_ α1 in
+ let* α3 := M.read α2 in
+ let* α4 : i32.t := never_to_any α3 in
+ M.alloc α4
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val i32.t);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Continue _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Continue.0"] in
+ let* val := M.copy γ0 in
+ M.pure val
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val i32.t)
+ ] in
+ M.copy α5 in
let* α0 : i32.t := M.read parsed in
let* α1 : i32.t := BinOp.Panic.mul (Integer.of_Z 2) α0 in
let* α0 :
@@ -233,59 +281,74 @@ Definition print
(result : ltac:(other_uses_of_question_mark.Result i32.t))
: M unit :=
let* result := M.alloc result in
- let* α0 :
- core.result.Result.t
- i32.t
- (alloc.boxed.Box.t dynamic alloc.alloc.Global.t) :=
- M.read result in
- let* α1 : M.Val unit :=
- match α0 with
- | core.result.Result.Ok n =>
- let* n := M.alloc n in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "The first doubled is ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ result
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Ok _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Ok.0"] in
+ let* n := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "The first doubled is ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow n)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt
- | core.result.Result.Err e =>
- let* e := M.alloc e in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Error: ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow n)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Err _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Err.0"] in
+ let* e := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Error: ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow e)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
- M.read α1.
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow e)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.read α0.
fn main() {
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/pulling_results_out_of_options.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/pulling_results_out_of_options.v
index 7a6034f95..ea3894a76 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/pulling_results_out_of_options.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/pulling_results_out_of_options.v
@@ -24,20 +24,37 @@ Definition double_first
((core.option.Option.t (ref (ref str.t)))::["map"]
- (fun (first : ref (ref str.t)) =>
- (let* first := M.alloc first in
- let* α0 : ref (ref str.t) := M.read first in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (deref α0) in
- let* α2 : core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t :=
- M.call (str.t::["parse"] α1) in
- M.call
- ((core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)::["map"]
- α2
- (fun (n : i32.t) =>
- (let* n := M.alloc n in
- let* α0 : i32.t := M.read n in
- BinOp.Panic.mul (Integer.of_Z 2) α0) :
- M i32.t))) :
+ (fun (α0 : ref (ref str.t)) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* first := M.copy γ in
+ let* α0 : ref (ref str.t) := M.read first in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (deref α0) in
+ let* α2 :
+ core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t :=
+ M.call (str.t::["parse"] α1) in
+ M.call
+ ((core.result.Result.t
+ i32.t
+ core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)::["map"]
+ α2
+ (fun (α0 : i32.t) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* n := M.copy γ in
+ let* α0 : i32.t := M.read n in
+ BinOp.Panic.mul (Integer.of_Z 2) α0) :
+ M i32.t
+ ]) :
+ M i32.t))) :
+ M (core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
+ ]) :
M (core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t))).
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/pulling_results_out_of_options_with_stop_error_processing.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/pulling_results_out_of_options_with_stop_error_processing.v
index ea47effaa..742fda645 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/pulling_results_out_of_options_with_stop_error_processing.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/pulling_results_out_of_options_with_stop_error_processing.v
@@ -34,23 +34,39 @@ Definition double_first
((core.option.Option.t (ref (ref str.t)))::["map"]
- (fun (first : ref (ref str.t)) =>
- (let* first := M.alloc first in
- let* α0 : ref (ref str.t) := M.read first in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (deref α0) in
- let* α2 :
- core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t :=
- M.call (str.t::["parse"] α1) in
- M.call
- ((core.result.Result.t
- i32.t
- core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)::["map"]
- α2
- (fun (n : i32.t) =>
- (let* n := M.alloc n in
- let* α0 : i32.t := M.read n in
- BinOp.Panic.mul (Integer.of_Z 2) α0) :
- M i32.t))) :
+ (fun (α0 : ref (ref str.t)) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* first := M.copy γ in
+ let* α0 : ref (ref str.t) := M.read first in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (deref α0) in
+ let* α2 :
+ core.result.Result.t
+ i32.t
+ core.num.error.ParseIntError.t :=
+ M.call (str.t::["parse"] α1) in
+ M.call
+ ((core.result.Result.t
+ i32.t
+ core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)::["map"]
+ α2
+ (fun (α0 : i32.t) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* n := M.copy γ in
+ let* α0 : i32.t := M.read n in
+ BinOp.Panic.mul (Integer.of_Z 2) α0) :
+ M i32.t
+ ]) :
+ M i32.t))) :
+ M (core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
+ ]) :
M (core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t))) in
M.alloc α2 in
let* α0 :
@@ -68,16 +84,27 @@ Definition double_first
(core.result.Result.Ok core.option.Option.None)
- (fun (r : core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t) =>
- (let* r := M.alloc r in
- let* α0 : core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t :=
- M.read r in
- M.call
- ((core.result.Result.t
- i32.t
- core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)::["map"]
- α0
- core.option.Option.Some)) :
+ (fun (α0 : core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* r := M.copy γ in
+ let* α0 :
+ core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t :=
+ M.read r in
+ M.call
+ ((core.result.Result.t
+ i32.t
+ core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)::["map"]
+ α0
+ core.option.Option.Some)) :
+ M
+ (core.result.Result.t
+ (core.option.Option.t i32.t)
+ core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
+ ]) :
(core.option.Option.t i32.t)
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/result_use_in_main.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/result_use_in_main.v
index b7e6487b5..168f77664 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/result_use_in_main.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/result_use_in_main.v
@@ -23,20 +23,40 @@ Definition main
let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read number_str in
let* α1 : core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t :=
M.call (str.t::["parse"] α0) in
- let* α2 : M.Val i32.t :=
- match α1 with
- | core.result.Result.Ok number =>
- let* number := M.alloc number in
- M.pure number
- | core.result.Result.Err e =>
- let* e := M.alloc e in
- let* α0 : core.num.error.ParseIntError.t := M.read e in
- let* α1 : M.Val never.t := return_ (core.result.Result.Err α0) in
- let* α2 := M.read α1 in
- let* α3 : i32.t := never_to_any α2 in
- M.alloc α3
- end in
- M.copy α2 in
+ let* α2 :
+ M.Val (core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t) :=
+ M.alloc α1 in
+ let* α3 : M.Val i32.t :=
+ match_operator
+ α2
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Ok _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Ok.0"] in
+ let* number := M.copy γ0 in
+ M.pure number
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val i32.t);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Err _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Err.0"] in
+ let* e := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 : core.num.error.ParseIntError.t := M.read e in
+ let* α1 : M.Val never.t :=
+ return_ (core.result.Result.Err α0) in
+ let* α2 := M.read α1 in
+ let* α3 : i32.t := never_to_any α2 in
+ M.alloc α3
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val i32.t)
+ ] in
+ M.copy α3 in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "") in
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_get_or_insert.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_get_or_insert.v
index 55af69961..821065bf6 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_get_or_insert.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_get_or_insert.v
@@ -25,29 +25,73 @@ Section Impl_core_fmt_Debug_for_unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_get_or_insert
let* self := M.alloc self in
let* f := M.alloc f in
let* α0 : mut_ref core.fmt.Formatter.t := M.read f in
- let* α1 : ref unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_get_or_insert.Fruit.t :=
- M.read self in
- let* α2 := M.read α1 in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref str.t) :=
- match α2 with
- | unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_get_or_insert.Fruit.Apple =>
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Apple") in
- M.alloc α0
- | unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_get_or_insert.Fruit.Orange =>
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Orange") in
- M.alloc α0
- | unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_get_or_insert.Fruit.Banana =>
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Banana") in
- M.alloc α0
- | unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_get_or_insert.Fruit.Kiwi =>
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Kiwi") in
- M.alloc α0
- | unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_get_or_insert.Fruit.Lemon =>
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Lemon") in
- M.alloc α0
- end in
- let* α4 : ref str.t := M.read α3 in
- M.call (core.fmt.Formatter.t::["write_str"] α0 α4).
+ let* α1 : M.Val (ref str.t) :=
+ match_operator
+ self
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_get_or_insert.Fruit.Apple =>
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Apple") in
+ M.alloc α0
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (ref str.t));
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_get_or_insert.Fruit.Orange =>
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Orange") in
+ M.alloc α0
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (ref str.t));
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_get_or_insert.Fruit.Banana =>
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Banana") in
+ M.alloc α0
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (ref str.t));
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_get_or_insert.Fruit.Kiwi =>
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Kiwi") in
+ M.alloc α0
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (ref str.t));
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_get_or_insert.Fruit.Lemon =>
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Lemon") in
+ M.alloc α0
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (ref str.t))
+ ] in
+ let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read α1 in
+ M.call (core.fmt.Formatter.t::["write_str"] α0 α2).
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_fmt : Notations.DoubleColon Self "fmt" := {
Notations.double_colon := fmt;
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_get_or_insert_with.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_get_or_insert_with.v
index 55e717f64..c900c021e 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_get_or_insert_with.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_get_or_insert_with.v
@@ -25,30 +25,83 @@ Section Impl_core_fmt_Debug_for_unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_get_or_insert
let* self := M.alloc self in
let* f := M.alloc f in
let* α0 : mut_ref core.fmt.Formatter.t := M.read f in
- let* α1 :
- ref unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_get_or_insert_with.Fruit.t :=
- M.read self in
- let* α2 := M.read α1 in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref str.t) :=
- match α2 with
- | unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_get_or_insert_with.Fruit.Apple =>
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Apple") in
- M.alloc α0
- | unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_get_or_insert_with.Fruit.Orange =>
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Orange") in
- M.alloc α0
- | unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_get_or_insert_with.Fruit.Banana =>
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Banana") in
- M.alloc α0
- | unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_get_or_insert_with.Fruit.Kiwi =>
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Kiwi") in
- M.alloc α0
- | unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_get_or_insert_with.Fruit.Lemon =>
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Lemon") in
- M.alloc α0
- end in
- let* α4 : ref str.t := M.read α3 in
- M.call (core.fmt.Formatter.t::["write_str"] α0 α4).
+ let* α1 : M.Val (ref str.t) :=
+ match_operator
+ self
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ |
+ unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_get_or_insert_with.Fruit.Apple
+ =>
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Apple") in
+ M.alloc α0
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (ref str.t));
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ |
+ unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_get_or_insert_with.Fruit.Orange
+ =>
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Orange") in
+ M.alloc α0
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (ref str.t));
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ |
+ unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_get_or_insert_with.Fruit.Banana
+ =>
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Banana") in
+ M.alloc α0
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (ref str.t));
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ |
+ unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_get_or_insert_with.Fruit.Kiwi
+ =>
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Kiwi") in
+ M.alloc α0
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (ref str.t));
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ |
+ unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_get_or_insert_with.Fruit.Lemon
+ =>
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Lemon") in
+ M.alloc α0
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (ref str.t))
+ ] in
+ let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read α1 in
+ M.call (core.fmt.Formatter.t::["write_str"] α0 α2).
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_fmt : Notations.DoubleColon Self "fmt" := {
Notations.double_colon := fmt;
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_or.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_or.v
index 444f1f399..1e834594a 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_or.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_or.v
@@ -24,29 +24,73 @@ Section Impl_core_fmt_Debug_for_unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_or_Fruit_t.
let* self := M.alloc self in
let* f := M.alloc f in
let* α0 : mut_ref core.fmt.Formatter.t := M.read f in
- let* α1 : ref unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_or.Fruit.t :=
- M.read self in
- let* α2 := M.read α1 in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref str.t) :=
- match α2 with
- | unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_or.Fruit.Apple =>
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Apple") in
- M.alloc α0
- | unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_or.Fruit.Orange =>
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Orange") in
- M.alloc α0
- | unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_or.Fruit.Banana =>
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Banana") in
- M.alloc α0
- | unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_or.Fruit.Kiwi =>
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Kiwi") in
- M.alloc α0
- | unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_or.Fruit.Lemon =>
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Lemon") in
- M.alloc α0
- end in
- let* α4 : ref str.t := M.read α3 in
- M.call (core.fmt.Formatter.t::["write_str"] α0 α4).
+ let* α1 : M.Val (ref str.t) :=
+ match_operator
+ self
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_or.Fruit.Apple =>
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Apple") in
+ M.alloc α0
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (ref str.t));
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_or.Fruit.Orange =>
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Orange") in
+ M.alloc α0
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (ref str.t));
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_or.Fruit.Banana =>
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Banana") in
+ M.alloc α0
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (ref str.t));
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_or.Fruit.Kiwi =>
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Kiwi") in
+ M.alloc α0
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (ref str.t));
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_or.Fruit.Lemon =>
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Lemon") in
+ M.alloc α0
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (ref str.t))
+ ] in
+ let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read α1 in
+ M.call (core.fmt.Formatter.t::["write_str"] α0 α2).
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_fmt : Notations.DoubleColon Self "fmt" := {
Notations.double_colon := fmt;
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_or_else.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_or_else.v
index 8ea128272..d1aa2e4d2 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_or_else.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_or_else.v
@@ -24,29 +24,73 @@ Section Impl_core_fmt_Debug_for_unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_or_else_Fruit
let* self := M.alloc self in
let* f := M.alloc f in
let* α0 : mut_ref core.fmt.Formatter.t := M.read f in
- let* α1 : ref unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_or_else.Fruit.t :=
- M.read self in
- let* α2 := M.read α1 in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref str.t) :=
- match α2 with
- | unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_or_else.Fruit.Apple =>
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Apple") in
- M.alloc α0
- | unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_or_else.Fruit.Orange =>
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Orange") in
- M.alloc α0
- | unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_or_else.Fruit.Banana =>
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Banana") in
- M.alloc α0
- | unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_or_else.Fruit.Kiwi =>
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Kiwi") in
- M.alloc α0
- | unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_or_else.Fruit.Lemon =>
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Lemon") in
- M.alloc α0
- end in
- let* α4 : ref str.t := M.read α3 in
- M.call (core.fmt.Formatter.t::["write_str"] α0 α4).
+ let* α1 : M.Val (ref str.t) :=
+ match_operator
+ self
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_or_else.Fruit.Apple =>
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Apple") in
+ M.alloc α0
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (ref str.t));
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_or_else.Fruit.Orange =>
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Orange") in
+ M.alloc α0
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (ref str.t));
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_or_else.Fruit.Banana =>
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Banana") in
+ M.alloc α0
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (ref str.t));
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_or_else.Fruit.Kiwi =>
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Kiwi") in
+ M.alloc α0
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (ref str.t));
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | unpacking_options_and_defaults_via_or_else.Fruit.Lemon =>
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Lemon") in
+ M.alloc α0
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (ref str.t))
+ ] in
+ let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read α1 in
+ M.call (core.fmt.Formatter.t::["write_str"] α0 α2).
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_fmt : Notations.DoubleColon Self "fmt" := {
Notations.double_colon := fmt;
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/unpacking_options_via_question_mark.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/unpacking_options_via_question_mark.v
index b86077bc3..8fa3814ee 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/unpacking_options_via_question_mark.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/unpacking_options_via_question_mark.v
@@ -48,9 +48,18 @@ Section Impl_core_clone_Clone_for_unpacking_options_via_question_mark_Job_t.
(self : ref Self)
: M unpacking_options_via_question_mark.Job.t :=
let* self := M.alloc self in
- let _ : unit := tt in
- let* α0 : ref unpacking_options_via_question_mark.Job.t := M.read self in
- M.read (deref α0).
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 : M.Val unpacking_options_via_question_mark.Job.t :=
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 : ref unpacking_options_via_question_mark.Job.t :=
+ M.read self in
+ M.pure (deref α0)) :
+ M (M.Val unpacking_options_via_question_mark.Job.t)
+ ] in
+ M.read α1.
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_clone :
Notations.DoubleColon Self "clone" := {
@@ -112,11 +121,26 @@ Section Impl_core_clone_Clone_for_unpacking_options_via_question_mark_PhoneNumbe
(self : ref Self)
: M unpacking_options_via_question_mark.PhoneNumber.t :=
let* self := M.alloc self in
- let _ : unit := tt in
- let _ : unit := tt in
- let* α0 : ref unpacking_options_via_question_mark.PhoneNumber.t :=
- M.read self in
- M.read (deref α0).
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 : M.Val unpacking_options_via_question_mark.PhoneNumber.t :=
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 :
+ ref unpacking_options_via_question_mark.PhoneNumber.t :=
+ M.read self in
+ M.pure (deref α0)) :
+ M (M.Val unpacking_options_via_question_mark.PhoneNumber.t)
+ ]) :
+ M (M.Val unpacking_options_via_question_mark.PhoneNumber.t)
+ ] in
+ M.read α1.
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_clone :
Notations.DoubleColon Self "clone" := {
@@ -172,32 +196,54 @@ Section Impl_unpacking_options_via_question_mark_Person_t.
core.option.Option.t unpacking_options_via_question_mark.Job.t)
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
α1) in
- let* α3 : M.Val unpacking_options_via_question_mark.Job.t :=
- match α2 with
- | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Break residual =>
- let* residual := M.alloc residual in
- let* α0 : core.option.Option.t core.convert.Infallible.t :=
- M.read residual in
- let* α1 : core.option.Option.t u8.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.ops.try_trait.FromResidual.from_residual
- (Self := core.option.Option.t u8.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0) in
- let* α2 : M.Val never.t := return_ α1 in
- let* α3 := M.read α2 in
- let* α4 : unpacking_options_via_question_mark.Job.t :=
- never_to_any α3 in
- M.alloc α4
- | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Continue val =>
- let* val := M.alloc val in
- M.pure val
- end in
- let* α4 :
+ let* α3 :
+ M.Val
+ (core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.t
+ (core.option.Option.t core.convert.Infallible.t)
+ unpacking_options_via_question_mark.Job.t) :=
+ M.alloc α2 in
+ let* α4 : M.Val unpacking_options_via_question_mark.Job.t :=
+ match_operator
+ α3
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Break _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Break.0"] in
+ let* residual := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 : core.option.Option.t core.convert.Infallible.t :=
+ M.read residual in
+ let* α1 : core.option.Option.t u8.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.ops.try_trait.FromResidual.from_residual
+ (Self := core.option.Option.t u8.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0) in
+ let* α2 : M.Val never.t := return_ α1 in
+ let* α3 := M.read α2 in
+ let* α4 : unpacking_options_via_question_mark.Job.t :=
+ never_to_any α3 in
+ M.alloc α4
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unpacking_options_via_question_mark.Job.t);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Continue _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Continue.0"] in
+ let* val := M.copy γ0 in
+ M.pure val
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unpacking_options_via_question_mark.Job.t)
+ ] in
+ let* α5 :
unpacking_options_via_question_mark.PhoneNumber.t :=
- M.read α3.["phone_number"] in
- let* α5 :
+ M.read α4.["phone_number"] in
+ let* α6 :
(core.option.Option.t core.convert.Infallible.t)
unpacking_options_via_question_mark.PhoneNumber.t :=
@@ -207,29 +253,51 @@ Section Impl_unpacking_options_via_question_mark_Person_t.
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α4) in
- let* α6 : M.Val unpacking_options_via_question_mark.PhoneNumber.t :=
- match α5 with
- | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Break residual =>
- let* residual := M.alloc residual in
- let* α0 : core.option.Option.t core.convert.Infallible.t :=
- M.read residual in
- let* α1 : core.option.Option.t u8.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.ops.try_trait.FromResidual.from_residual
- (Self := core.option.Option.t u8.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0) in
- let* α2 : M.Val never.t := return_ α1 in
- let* α3 := M.read α2 in
- let* α4 : unpacking_options_via_question_mark.PhoneNumber.t :=
- never_to_any α3 in
- M.alloc α4
- | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Continue val =>
- let* val := M.alloc val in
- M.pure val
- end in
- M.read α6.["area_code"]).
+ α5) in
+ let* α7 :
+ M.Val
+ (core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.t
+ (core.option.Option.t core.convert.Infallible.t)
+ unpacking_options_via_question_mark.PhoneNumber.t) :=
+ M.alloc α6 in
+ let* α8 : M.Val unpacking_options_via_question_mark.PhoneNumber.t :=
+ match_operator
+ α7
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Break _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Break.0"] in
+ let* residual := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 : core.option.Option.t core.convert.Infallible.t :=
+ M.read residual in
+ let* α1 : core.option.Option.t u8.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.ops.try_trait.FromResidual.from_residual
+ (Self := core.option.Option.t u8.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0) in
+ let* α2 : M.Val never.t := return_ α1 in
+ let* α3 := M.read α2 in
+ let* α4 : unpacking_options_via_question_mark.PhoneNumber.t :=
+ never_to_any α3 in
+ M.alloc α4
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unpacking_options_via_question_mark.PhoneNumber.t);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Continue _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Continue.0"] in
+ let* val := M.copy γ0 in
+ M.pure val
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unpacking_options_via_question_mark.PhoneNumber.t)
+ ] in
+ M.read α8.["area_code"]).
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_work_phone_area_code :
Notations.DoubleColon Self "work_phone_area_code" := {
@@ -278,38 +346,57 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
let* α1 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t u8.t) := M.alloc α0 in
let* α2 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t u8.t) :=
M.alloc (core.option.Option.Some (Integer.of_Z 61)) in
- match (borrow α1, borrow α2) with
- | (left_val, right_val) =>
- let* left_val := M.alloc left_val in
- let* right_val := M.alloc right_val in
- let* α0 : ref (core.option.Option.t u8.t) := M.read left_val in
- let* α1 : ref (core.option.Option.t u8.t) := M.read right_val in
- let* α2 : bool.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.cmp.PartialEq.eq
- (Self := core.option.Option.t u8.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0
- α1) in
- let* α3 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc (UnOp.not α2) in
- let* α4 : bool.t := M.read (use α3) in
- if α4 then
- let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
- M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
- let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
- let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
- let* α1 : ref (core.option.Option.t u8.t) := M.read left_val in
- let* α2 : ref (core.option.Option.t u8.t) := M.read right_val in
- let* α3 : never.t :=
- M.call
- (core.panicking.assert_failed α0 α1 α2 core.option.Option.None) in
- M.alloc α3 in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- else
- M.alloc tt
- end in
+ let* α3 :
+ M.Val
+ ((ref (core.option.Option.t u8.t))
+ *
+ (ref (core.option.Option.t u8.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α1, borrow α2) in
+ match_operator
+ α3
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_, _) =>
+ let γ0 := Tuple.Access.left γ in
+ let γ1 := Tuple.Access.right γ in
+ let* left_val := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* right_val := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* α0 : ref (core.option.Option.t u8.t) := M.read left_val in
+ let* α1 : ref (core.option.Option.t u8.t) := M.read right_val in
+ let* α2 : bool.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.cmp.PartialEq.eq
+ (Self := core.option.Option.t u8.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0
+ α1) in
+ let* α3 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc (UnOp.not α2) in
+ let* α4 : bool.t := M.read (use α3) in
+ if α4 then
+ let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
+ M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
+ let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
+ let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
+ let* α1 : ref (core.option.Option.t u8.t) := M.read left_val in
+ let* α2 : ref (core.option.Option.t u8.t) := M.read right_val in
+ let* α3 : never.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.panicking.assert_failed
+ α0
+ α1
+ α2
+ core.option.Option.None) in
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ else
+ M.alloc tt
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
M.read α0.
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/wrapping_errors.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/wrapping_errors.v
index c415e1405..3d338fc2b 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/wrapping_errors.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/error_handling/wrapping_errors.v
@@ -29,28 +29,51 @@ Section Impl_core_fmt_Debug_for_wrapping_errors_DoubleError_t.
: M ltac:(core.fmt.Result) :=
let* self := M.alloc self in
let* f := M.alloc f in
- let* α0 : ref wrapping_errors.DoubleError.t := M.read self in
- let* α1 : M.Val (core.result.Result.t unit core.fmt.Error.t) :=
- match α0 with
- | wrapping_errors.DoubleError.EmptyVec =>
- let* α0 : mut_ref core.fmt.Formatter.t := M.read f in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "EmptyVec") in
- let* α2 : core.result.Result.t unit core.fmt.Error.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Formatter.t::["write_str"] α0 α1) in
- M.alloc α2
- | wrapping_errors.DoubleError.Parse __self_0 =>
- let* __self_0 := M.alloc __self_0 in
- let* α0 : mut_ref core.fmt.Formatter.t := M.read f in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Parse") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (ref core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow __self_0) in
- let* α3 : ref dynamic := M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.result.Result.t unit core.fmt.Error.t :=
- M.call
- (core.fmt.Formatter.t::["debug_tuple_field1_finish"] α0 α1 α3) in
- M.alloc α4
- end in
- M.read α1.
+ let* α0 : M.Val (core.result.Result.t unit core.fmt.Error.t) :=
+ match_operator
+ self
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | wrapping_errors.DoubleError.EmptyVec =>
+ let* α0 : mut_ref core.fmt.Formatter.t := M.read f in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "EmptyVec") in
+ let* α2 : core.result.Result.t unit core.fmt.Error.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Formatter.t::["write_str"] α0 α1) in
+ M.alloc α2
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (core.result.Result.t unit core.fmt.Error.t));
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | wrapping_errors.DoubleError.Parse _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Parse.0"] in
+ let* __self_0 := M.alloc (borrow_mut γ0) in
+ let* α0 : mut_ref core.fmt.Formatter.t := M.read f in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Parse") in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (ref core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow __self_0) in
+ let* α3 : ref dynamic := M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.result.Result.t unit core.fmt.Error.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.Formatter.t::["debug_tuple_field1_finish"]
+ α0
+ α1
+ α3) in
+ M.alloc α4
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (core.result.Result.t unit core.fmt.Error.t))
+ ] in
+ M.read α0.
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_fmt : Notations.DoubleColon Self "fmt" := {
Notations.double_colon := fmt;
@@ -83,37 +106,54 @@ Section Impl_core_fmt_Display_for_wrapping_errors_DoubleError_t.
let* self := M.alloc self in
let* f := M.alloc f in
let* α0 : ref wrapping_errors.DoubleError.t := M.read self in
- let* α1 : wrapping_errors.DoubleError.t := M.read (deref α0) in
- let* α2 : M.Val (core.result.Result.t unit core.fmt.Error.t) :=
- match α1 with
- | wrapping_errors.DoubleError.EmptyVec =>
- let* α0 : mut_ref core.fmt.Formatter.t := M.read f in
- let* α1 : ref str.t :=
- M.read (mk_str "please use a vector with at least one element") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α4) in
- let* α6 : core.result.Result.t unit core.fmt.Error.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Formatter.t::["write_fmt"] α0 α5) in
- M.alloc α6
- | wrapping_errors.DoubleError.Parse =>
- let* α0 : mut_ref core.fmt.Formatter.t := M.read f in
- let* α1 : ref str.t :=
- M.read (mk_str "the provided string could not be parsed as int") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α4) in
- let* α6 : core.result.Result.t unit core.fmt.Error.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Formatter.t::["write_fmt"] α0 α5) in
- M.alloc α6
- end in
- M.read α2.
+ let* α1 : M.Val (core.result.Result.t unit core.fmt.Error.t) :=
+ match_operator
+ (deref α0)
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | wrapping_errors.DoubleError.EmptyVec =>
+ let* α0 : mut_ref core.fmt.Formatter.t := M.read f in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read
+ (mk_str "please use a vector with at least one element") in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α4) in
+ let* α6 : core.result.Result.t unit core.fmt.Error.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Formatter.t::["write_fmt"] α0 α5) in
+ M.alloc α6
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (core.result.Result.t unit core.fmt.Error.t));
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | wrapping_errors.DoubleError.Parse =>
+ let* α0 : mut_ref core.fmt.Formatter.t := M.read f in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read
+ (mk_str "the provided string could not be parsed as int") in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α4) in
+ let* α6 : core.result.Result.t unit core.fmt.Error.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Formatter.t::["write_fmt"] α0 α5) in
+ M.alloc α6
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (core.result.Result.t unit core.fmt.Error.t))
+ ] in
+ M.read α1.
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_fmt : Notations.DoubleColon Self "fmt" := {
Notations.double_colon := fmt;
@@ -145,18 +185,34 @@ Section Impl_core_error_Error_for_wrapping_errors_DoubleError_t.
: M (core.option.Option.t (ref _ (* dyn *))) :=
let* self := M.alloc self in
let* α0 : ref wrapping_errors.DoubleError.t := M.read self in
- let* α1 : wrapping_errors.DoubleError.t := M.read (deref α0) in
- let* α2 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t (ref dynamic)) :=
- match α1 with
- | wrapping_errors.DoubleError.EmptyVec => M.alloc core.option.Option.None
- | wrapping_errors.DoubleError.Parse e =>
- let* e := M.alloc e in
- let* α0 : ref core.num.error.ParseIntError.t := M.read e in
- let* α1 : M.Val (ref core.num.error.ParseIntError.t) := M.alloc α0 in
- let* α2 : ref dynamic := M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α1) in
- M.alloc (core.option.Option.Some α2)
- end in
- M.read α2.
+ let* α1 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t (ref dynamic)) :=
+ match_operator
+ (deref α0)
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | wrapping_errors.DoubleError.EmptyVec =>
+ M.alloc core.option.Option.None
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (core.option.Option.t (ref dynamic)));
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | wrapping_errors.DoubleError.Parse _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Parse.0"] in
+ let* e := M.alloc (borrow_mut γ0) in
+ let* α0 : ref core.num.error.ParseIntError.t := M.read e in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (ref core.num.error.ParseIntError.t) :=
+ M.alloc α0 in
+ let* α2 : ref dynamic := M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α1) in
+ M.alloc (core.option.Option.Some α2)
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (core.option.Option.t (ref dynamic)))
+ ] in
+ M.read α1.
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_source :
Notations.DoubleColon Self "source" := {
@@ -248,31 +304,58 @@ Definition double_first
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
α2) in
- let* α4 : M.Val (ref (ref str.t)) :=
- match α3 with
- | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Break residual =>
- let* residual := M.alloc residual in
- let* α0 :
- core.result.Result.t
+ let* α4 :
+ M.Val
+ (core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.t
+ (core.result.Result.t
- wrapping_errors.DoubleError.t :=
- M.read residual in
- let* α1 : core.result.Result.t i32.t wrapping_errors.DoubleError.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.ops.try_trait.FromResidual.from_residual
- (Self :=
- core.result.Result.t i32.t wrapping_errors.DoubleError.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0) in
- let* α2 : M.Val never.t := return_ α1 in
- let* α3 := M.read α2 in
- let* α4 : ref (ref str.t) := never_to_any α3 in
- M.alloc α4
- | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Continue val =>
- let* val := M.alloc val in
- M.pure val
- end in
- M.copy α4 in
+ wrapping_errors.DoubleError.t)
+ (ref (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ let* α5 : M.Val (ref (ref str.t)) :=
+ match_operator
+ α4
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Break _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Break.0"] in
+ let* residual := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 :
+ core.result.Result.t
+ core.convert.Infallible.t
+ wrapping_errors.DoubleError.t :=
+ M.read residual in
+ let* α1 :
+ core.result.Result.t i32.t wrapping_errors.DoubleError.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.ops.try_trait.FromResidual.from_residual
+ (Self :=
+ core.result.Result.t
+ i32.t
+ wrapping_errors.DoubleError.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0) in
+ let* α2 : M.Val never.t := return_ α1 in
+ let* α3 := M.read α2 in
+ let* α4 : ref (ref str.t) := never_to_any α3 in
+ M.alloc α4
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (ref (ref str.t)));
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Continue _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Continue.0"] in
+ let* val := M.copy γ0 in
+ M.pure val
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (ref (ref str.t)))
+ ] in
+ M.copy α5 in
let* parsed : M.Val i32.t :=
let* α0 : ref (ref str.t) := M.read first in
let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (deref α0) in
@@ -290,31 +373,58 @@ Definition double_first
core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
α2) in
- let* α4 : M.Val i32.t :=
- match α3 with
- | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Break residual =>
- let* residual := M.alloc residual in
- let* α0 :
- core.result.Result.t
+ let* α4 :
+ M.Val
+ (core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.t
+ (core.result.Result.t
- core.num.error.ParseIntError.t :=
- M.read residual in
- let* α1 : core.result.Result.t i32.t wrapping_errors.DoubleError.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.ops.try_trait.FromResidual.from_residual
- (Self :=
- core.result.Result.t i32.t wrapping_errors.DoubleError.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0) in
- let* α2 : M.Val never.t := return_ α1 in
- let* α3 := M.read α2 in
- let* α4 : i32.t := never_to_any α3 in
- M.alloc α4
- | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Continue val =>
- let* val := M.alloc val in
- M.pure val
- end in
- M.copy α4 in
+ core.num.error.ParseIntError.t)
+ i32.t) :=
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ let* α5 : M.Val i32.t :=
+ match_operator
+ α4
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Break _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Break.0"] in
+ let* residual := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 :
+ core.result.Result.t
+ core.convert.Infallible.t
+ core.num.error.ParseIntError.t :=
+ M.read residual in
+ let* α1 :
+ core.result.Result.t i32.t wrapping_errors.DoubleError.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.ops.try_trait.FromResidual.from_residual
+ (Self :=
+ core.result.Result.t
+ i32.t
+ wrapping_errors.DoubleError.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0) in
+ let* α2 : M.Val never.t := return_ α1 in
+ let* α3 := M.read α2 in
+ let* α4 : i32.t := never_to_any α3 in
+ M.alloc α4
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val i32.t);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Continue _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Continue.0"] in
+ let* val := M.copy γ0 in
+ M.pure val
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val i32.t)
+ ] in
+ M.copy α5 in
let* α0 : i32.t := M.read parsed in
let* α1 : i32.t := BinOp.Panic.mul (Integer.of_Z 2) α0 in
let* α0 :
@@ -337,92 +447,115 @@ fn print(result: Result) {
Definition print (result : ltac:(wrapping_errors.Result i32.t)) : M unit :=
let* result := M.alloc result in
- let* α0 : core.result.Result.t i32.t wrapping_errors.DoubleError.t :=
- M.read result in
- let* α1 : M.Val unit :=
- match α0 with
- | core.result.Result.Ok n =>
- let* n := M.alloc n in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "The first doubled is ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ result
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Ok _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Ok.0"] in
+ let* n := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "The first doubled is ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow n)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt
- | core.result.Result.Err e =>
- let* e := M.alloc e in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Error: ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow n)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Err _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Err.0"] in
+ let* e := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Error: ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow e)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt in
- let* α0 : core.option.Option.t (ref dynamic) :=
- M.call
- ((core.error.Error.source
- (Self := wrapping_errors.DoubleError.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (borrow e)) in
- let* α1 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t (ref dynamic)) := M.alloc α0 in
- let* α2 : M.Val bool.t := let_if core.option.Option.Some source := α1 in
- let* α3 : bool.t := M.read α2 in
- if α3 then
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str " Caused by: ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
-") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow e)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt in
+ let* α0 : core.option.Option.t (ref dynamic) :=
- (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow source)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt in
- M.alloc tt
- else
- M.alloc tt
- end in
- M.read α1.
+ ((core.error.Error.source
+ (Self := wrapping_errors.DoubleError.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ (borrow e)) in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t (ref dynamic)) :=
+ M.alloc α0 in
+ let* α2 : M.Val bool.t :=
+ let_if core.option.Option.Some source := α1 in
+ let* α3 : bool.t := M.read α2 in
+ if α3 then
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str " Caused by: ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+") in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"]
+ (borrow source)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt in
+ M.alloc tt
+ else
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.read α0.
fn main() {
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/for_and_iterators_into_iter.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/for_and_iterators_into_iter.v
index 48c32e1b5..76928121e 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/for_and_iterators_into_iter.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/for_and_iterators_into_iter.v
@@ -45,73 +45,107 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
alloc.vec.into_iter.IntoIter.t (ref str.t) alloc.alloc.Global.t)
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
α1) in
- let* α3 : M.Val unit :=
- match α2 with
- | iter =>
- let* iter := M.alloc iter in
- loop
- (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : core.option.Option.t (ref str.t) :=
- M.call
- ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
- (Self :=
- alloc.vec.into_iter.IntoIter.t
- (ref str.t)
- alloc.alloc.Global.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (borrow_mut iter)) in
- match α0 with
- | core.option.Option.None =>
- let* α0 : M.Val never.t := Break in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- | core.option.Option.Some name =>
- let* name := M.alloc name in
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read name in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- match α1 with
- | _ =>
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t :=
- M.read (mk_str "There is a rustacean among us!
+ let* α3 :
+ M.Val (alloc.vec.into_iter.IntoIter.t (ref str.t) alloc.alloc.Global.t) :=
+ M.alloc α2 in
+ let* α4 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ α3
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* iter := M.copy γ in
+ M.loop
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : core.option.Option.t (ref str.t) :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
+ (Self :=
+ alloc.vec.into_iter.IntoIter.t
+ (ref str.t)
+ alloc.alloc.Global.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ (borrow_mut iter)) in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.None =>
+ let* α0 : M.Val never.t := M.break in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* name := M.copy γ0 in
+ match_operator
+ name
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read
+ (mk_str "There is a rustacean among us!
") in
- let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
- let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
- M.alloc α5 in
- M.alloc tt
- | _ =>
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Hello ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
+ let* α5 : unit :=
+ M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ M.alloc tt) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Hello ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call
- (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow name)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt
- end
- end in
- M.alloc tt)
- end in
- M.read (use α3).
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"]
+ (borrow name)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 :
+ M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit :=
+ M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ]
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.alloc tt)) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.read (use α4).
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/for_and_iterators_iter.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/for_and_iterators_iter.v
index 433008093..a5fef44e1 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/for_and_iterators_iter.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/for_and_iterators_iter.v
@@ -46,73 +46,112 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
(Self := core.slice.iter.Iter.t (ref str.t))
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
α1) in
- let* α3 : M.Val unit :=
- match α2 with
- | iter =>
- let* iter := M.alloc iter in
- loop
- (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : core.option.Option.t (ref (ref str.t)) :=
- M.call
- ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
- (Self := core.slice.iter.Iter.t (ref str.t))
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (borrow_mut iter)) in
- match α0 with
- | core.option.Option.None =>
- let* α0 : M.Val never.t := Break in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- | core.option.Option.Some name =>
- let* name := M.alloc name in
- let* α0 : ref (ref str.t) := M.read name in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- match α1 with
- | _ =>
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t :=
- M.read (mk_str "There is a rustacean among us!
+ let* α3 : M.Val (core.slice.iter.Iter.t (ref str.t)) := M.alloc α2 in
+ let* α4 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ α3
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* iter := M.copy γ in
+ M.loop
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : core.option.Option.t (ref (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
+ (Self := core.slice.iter.Iter.t (ref str.t))
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ (borrow_mut iter)) in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t (ref (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.None =>
+ let* α0 : M.Val never.t := M.break in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* name := M.copy γ0 in
+ match_operator
+ name
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read
+ (mk_str
+ "There is a rustacean among us!
") in
- let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
- let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
- M.alloc α5 in
- M.alloc tt
- | _ =>
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Hello ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
+ let* α5 : unit :=
+ M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ M.alloc tt) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "Hello ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call
- (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow name)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt
- end
- end in
- M.alloc tt)
- end in
- M.pure (use α3) in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"]
+ (borrow name)) in
+ let* α6 :
+ M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 :
+ M.Val
+ (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit :=
+ M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ]
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.alloc tt)) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.pure (use α4) in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "names: ") in
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/for_and_iterators_iter_mut.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/for_and_iterators_iter_mut.v
index 58a9fe2eb..cda774039 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/for_and_iterators_iter_mut.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/for_and_iterators_iter_mut.v
@@ -45,45 +45,73 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
(Self := core.slice.iter.IterMut.t (ref str.t))
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
α1) in
- let* α3 : M.Val unit :=
- match α2 with
- | iter =>
- let* iter := M.alloc iter in
- loop
- (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : core.option.Option.t (mut_ref (ref str.t)) :=
- M.call
- ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
- (Self := core.slice.iter.IterMut.t (ref str.t))
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (borrow_mut iter)) in
- match α0 with
- | core.option.Option.None =>
- let* α0 : M.Val never.t := Break in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- | core.option.Option.Some name =>
- let* name := M.alloc name in
- let* α0 : mut_ref (ref str.t) := M.read name in
- let* α1 : mut_ref (ref str.t) := M.read name in
- let* α2 := M.read α1 in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref str.t) :=
- match α2 with
- | _ =>
- let* α0 : ref str.t :=
- M.read (mk_str "There is a rustacean among us!") in
- M.alloc α0
- | _ =>
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Hello") in
- M.alloc α0
- end in
- let* α4 : ref str.t := M.read α3 in
- assign (deref α0) α4
- end in
- M.alloc tt)
- end in
- M.pure (use α3) in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (core.slice.iter.IterMut.t (ref str.t)) := M.alloc α2 in
+ let* α4 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ α3
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* iter := M.copy γ in
+ M.loop
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : core.option.Option.t (mut_ref (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
+ (Self := core.slice.iter.IterMut.t (ref str.t))
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ (borrow_mut iter)) in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t (mut_ref (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.None =>
+ let* α0 : M.Val never.t := M.break in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* name := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 : mut_ref (ref str.t) := M.read name in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (ref str.t) :=
+ match_operator
+ name
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read
+ (mk_str "There is a rustacean among us!") in
+ M.alloc α0) :
+ M (M.Val (ref str.t));
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "Hello") in
+ M.alloc α0) :
+ M (M.Val (ref str.t))
+ ] in
+ let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read α1 in
+ assign (deref α0) α2
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.alloc tt)) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.pure (use α4) in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "names: ") in
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/for_and_range_completely_inclusive.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/for_and_range_completely_inclusive.v
index 24eb48bda..fd476cf35 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/for_and_range_completely_inclusive.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/for_and_range_completely_inclusive.v
@@ -30,120 +30,156 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
(Self := core.ops.range.RangeInclusive.t i32.t)
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
α0) in
- let* α2 : M.Val unit :=
- match α1 with
- | iter =>
- let* iter := M.alloc iter in
- loop
- (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : core.option.Option.t i32.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
- (Self := core.ops.range.RangeInclusive.t i32.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (borrow_mut iter)) in
- match α0 with
- | core.option.Option.None =>
- let* α0 : M.Val never.t := Break in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- | core.option.Option.Some n =>
- let* n := M.alloc n in
- let* α0 : i32.t := M.read n in
- let* α1 : i32.t := BinOp.Panic.rem α0 (Integer.of_Z 15) in
- let* α2 : M.Val bool.t :=
- M.alloc (BinOp.Pure.eq α1 (Integer.of_Z 0)) in
- let* α3 : bool.t := M.read (use α2) in
- if α3 then
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "fizzbuzz
+ let* α2 : M.Val (core.ops.range.RangeInclusive.t i32.t) := M.alloc α1 in
+ let* α3 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ α2
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* iter := M.copy γ in
+ M.loop
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : core.option.Option.t i32.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
+ (Self := core.ops.range.RangeInclusive.t i32.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ (borrow_mut iter)) in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t i32.t) := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.None =>
+ let* α0 : M.Val never.t := M.break in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* n := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 : i32.t := M.read n in
+ let* α1 : i32.t := BinOp.Panic.rem α0 (Integer.of_Z 15) in
+ let* α2 : M.Val bool.t :=
+ M.alloc (BinOp.Pure.eq α1 (Integer.of_Z 0)) in
+ let* α3 : bool.t := M.read (use α2) in
+ if α3 then
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "fizzbuzz
") in
- let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
- let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
- M.alloc α5 in
- M.alloc tt in
- M.alloc tt
- else
- let* α0 : i32.t := M.read n in
- let* α1 : i32.t := BinOp.Panic.rem α0 (Integer.of_Z 3) in
- let* α2 : M.Val bool.t :=
- M.alloc (BinOp.Pure.eq α1 (Integer.of_Z 0)) in
- let* α3 : bool.t := M.read (use α2) in
- if α3 then
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "fizz
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
+ let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ M.alloc tt in
+ M.alloc tt
+ else
+ let* α0 : i32.t := M.read n in
+ let* α1 : i32.t :=
+ BinOp.Panic.rem α0 (Integer.of_Z 3) in
+ let* α2 : M.Val bool.t :=
+ M.alloc (BinOp.Pure.eq α1 (Integer.of_Z 0)) in
+ let* α3 : bool.t := M.read (use α2) in
+ if α3 then
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "fizz
") in
- let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
- let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
- M.alloc α5 in
- M.alloc tt in
- M.alloc tt
- else
- let* α0 : i32.t := M.read n in
- let* α1 : i32.t := BinOp.Panic.rem α0 (Integer.of_Z 5) in
- let* α2 : M.Val bool.t :=
- M.alloc (BinOp.Pure.eq α1 (Integer.of_Z 0)) in
- let* α3 : bool.t := M.read (use α2) in
- if α3 then
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "buzz
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
+ let* α5 : unit :=
+ M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ M.alloc tt in
+ M.alloc tt
+ else
+ let* α0 : i32.t := M.read n in
+ let* α1 : i32.t :=
+ BinOp.Panic.rem α0 (Integer.of_Z 5) in
+ let* α2 : M.Val bool.t :=
+ M.alloc (BinOp.Pure.eq α1 (Integer.of_Z 0)) in
+ let* α3 : bool.t := M.read (use α2) in
+ if α3 then
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "buzz
") in
- let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
- let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
- M.alloc α5 in
- M.alloc tt in
- M.alloc tt
- else
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
+ let* α5 : unit :=
+ M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ M.alloc tt in
+ M.alloc tt
+ else
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) :=
- M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call
- (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"]
- (borrow n)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
- M.alloc tt)
- end in
- M.read (use α2).
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"]
+ (borrow n)) in
+ let* α6 :
+ M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 :
+ M.Val
+ (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit :=
+ M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.alloc tt)) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.read (use α3).
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/for_and_range_inclusive_to_exclusive.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/for_and_range_inclusive_to_exclusive.v
index fba288468..b4d4c2bb3 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/for_and_range_inclusive_to_exclusive.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/for_and_range_inclusive_to_exclusive.v
@@ -28,120 +28,156 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
core.ops.range.Range.start := Integer.of_Z 1;
core.ops.range.Range.end_ := Integer.of_Z 101;
|}) in
- let* α1 : M.Val unit :=
- match α0 with
- | iter =>
- let* iter := M.alloc iter in
- loop
- (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : core.option.Option.t i32.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
- (Self := core.ops.range.Range.t i32.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (borrow_mut iter)) in
- match α0 with
- | core.option.Option.None =>
- let* α0 : M.Val never.t := Break in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- | core.option.Option.Some n =>
- let* n := M.alloc n in
- let* α0 : i32.t := M.read n in
- let* α1 : i32.t := BinOp.Panic.rem α0 (Integer.of_Z 15) in
- let* α2 : M.Val bool.t :=
- M.alloc (BinOp.Pure.eq α1 (Integer.of_Z 0)) in
- let* α3 : bool.t := M.read (use α2) in
- if α3 then
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "fizzbuzz
+ let* α1 : M.Val (core.ops.range.Range.t i32.t) := M.alloc α0 in
+ let* α2 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* iter := M.copy γ in
+ M.loop
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : core.option.Option.t i32.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
+ (Self := core.ops.range.Range.t i32.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ (borrow_mut iter)) in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t i32.t) := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.None =>
+ let* α0 : M.Val never.t := M.break in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* n := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 : i32.t := M.read n in
+ let* α1 : i32.t := BinOp.Panic.rem α0 (Integer.of_Z 15) in
+ let* α2 : M.Val bool.t :=
+ M.alloc (BinOp.Pure.eq α1 (Integer.of_Z 0)) in
+ let* α3 : bool.t := M.read (use α2) in
+ if α3 then
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "fizzbuzz
") in
- let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
- let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
- M.alloc α5 in
- M.alloc tt in
- M.alloc tt
- else
- let* α0 : i32.t := M.read n in
- let* α1 : i32.t := BinOp.Panic.rem α0 (Integer.of_Z 3) in
- let* α2 : M.Val bool.t :=
- M.alloc (BinOp.Pure.eq α1 (Integer.of_Z 0)) in
- let* α3 : bool.t := M.read (use α2) in
- if α3 then
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "fizz
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
+ let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ M.alloc tt in
+ M.alloc tt
+ else
+ let* α0 : i32.t := M.read n in
+ let* α1 : i32.t :=
+ BinOp.Panic.rem α0 (Integer.of_Z 3) in
+ let* α2 : M.Val bool.t :=
+ M.alloc (BinOp.Pure.eq α1 (Integer.of_Z 0)) in
+ let* α3 : bool.t := M.read (use α2) in
+ if α3 then
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "fizz
") in
- let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
- let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
- M.alloc α5 in
- M.alloc tt in
- M.alloc tt
- else
- let* α0 : i32.t := M.read n in
- let* α1 : i32.t := BinOp.Panic.rem α0 (Integer.of_Z 5) in
- let* α2 : M.Val bool.t :=
- M.alloc (BinOp.Pure.eq α1 (Integer.of_Z 0)) in
- let* α3 : bool.t := M.read (use α2) in
- if α3 then
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "buzz
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
+ let* α5 : unit :=
+ M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ M.alloc tt in
+ M.alloc tt
+ else
+ let* α0 : i32.t := M.read n in
+ let* α1 : i32.t :=
+ BinOp.Panic.rem α0 (Integer.of_Z 5) in
+ let* α2 : M.Val bool.t :=
+ M.alloc (BinOp.Pure.eq α1 (Integer.of_Z 0)) in
+ let* α3 : bool.t := M.read (use α2) in
+ if α3 then
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "buzz
") in
- let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
- let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
- M.alloc α5 in
- M.alloc tt in
- M.alloc tt
- else
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
+ let* α5 : unit :=
+ M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ M.alloc tt in
+ M.alloc tt
+ else
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) :=
- M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call
- (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"]
- (borrow n)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
- M.alloc tt)
- end in
- M.read (use α1).
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"]
+ (borrow n)) in
+ let* α6 :
+ M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 :
+ M.Val
+ (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit :=
+ M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.alloc tt)) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.read (use α2).
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/if_let_dont_use_match.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/if_let_dont_use_match.v
index 4e8a1345e..c777a08d1 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/if_let_dont_use_match.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/if_let_dont_use_match.v
@@ -23,34 +23,44 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
let* optional : M.Val (core.option.Option.t i32.t) :=
M.alloc (core.option.Option.Some (Integer.of_Z 7)) in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : core.option.Option.t i32.t := M.read optional in
- match α0 with
- | core.option.Option.Some i =>
- let* i := M.alloc i in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t :=
- M.read (mk_str "This is a really long string and `") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "`
+ match_operator
+ optional
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* i := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "This is a really long string and `") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "`
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow i)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt in
- M.alloc tt
- | _ => M.alloc tt
- end in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow i)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ => (M.alloc tt) : M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
M.read α0.
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/infinite_loop.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/infinite_loop.v
index 51244cc02..a8f174747 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/infinite_loop.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/infinite_loop.v
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
M.alloc α5 in
M.alloc tt in
let* α0 : M.Val unit :=
- loop
+ M.loop
(let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let β : M.Val u32.t := count in
let* α0 := M.read β in
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
M.alloc α5 in
M.alloc tt in
- let* _ : M.Val never.t := Continue in
+ let* _ : M.Val never.t := M.continue in
let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
let* α1 := M.read α0 in
let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
M.alloc α5 in
M.alloc tt in
- let* _ : M.Val never.t := Break in
+ let* _ : M.Val never.t := M.break in
let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
let* α1 := M.read α0 in
let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/loop_nesting_and_labels.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/loop_nesting_and_labels.v
index eb26ac153..060f11fa7 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/loop_nesting_and_labels.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/loop_nesting_and_labels.v
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ fn main() {
(* #[allow(dead_code)] - function was ignored by the compiler *)
Definition main : M unit :=
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- loop
+ M.loop
(let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Entered the outer loop
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
M.alloc tt in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* α0 : M.Val never.t :=
- loop
+ M.loop
(let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* α0 : ref str.t :=
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
M.alloc α5 in
M.alloc tt in
- let* _ : M.Val never.t := Break in
+ let* _ : M.Val never.t := M.break in
M.alloc tt) in
let* α1 := M.read α0 in
let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/loop_returning_from_loops.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/loop_returning_from_loops.v
index 4c13d8ead..affb459e5 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/loop_returning_from_loops.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/loop_returning_from_loops.v
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
let* counter : M.Val i32.t := M.alloc (Integer.of_Z 0) in
let* result : M.Val i32.t :=
let* α0 : M.Val i32.t :=
- loop
+ M.loop
(let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let β : M.Val i32.t := counter in
let* α0 := M.read β in
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
M.alloc (BinOp.Pure.eq α0 (Integer.of_Z 10)) in
let* α2 : bool.t := M.read (use α1) in
if α2 then
- let* _ : M.Val never.t := Break in
+ let* _ : M.Val never.t := M.break in
let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
let* α1 := M.read α0 in
let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
@@ -42,33 +42,49 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
M.copy α0 in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* α0 : M.Val i32.t := M.alloc (Integer.of_Z 20) in
- match (borrow result, borrow α0) with
- | (left_val, right_val) =>
- let* left_val := M.alloc left_val in
- let* right_val := M.alloc right_val in
- let* α0 : ref i32.t := M.read left_val in
- let* α1 : i32.t := M.read (deref α0) in
- let* α2 : ref i32.t := M.read right_val in
- let* α3 : i32.t := M.read (deref α2) in
- let* α4 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc (UnOp.not (BinOp.Pure.eq α1 α3)) in
- let* α5 : bool.t := M.read (use α4) in
- if α5 then
- let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
- M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
- let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
- let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
- let* α1 : ref i32.t := M.read left_val in
- let* α2 : ref i32.t := M.read right_val in
- let* α3 : never.t :=
- M.call
- (core.panicking.assert_failed α0 α1 α2 core.option.Option.None) in
- M.alloc α3 in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- else
- M.alloc tt
- end in
+ let* α1 : M.Val ((ref i32.t) * (ref i32.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow result, borrow α0) in
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_, _) =>
+ let γ0 := Tuple.Access.left γ in
+ let γ1 := Tuple.Access.right γ in
+ let* left_val := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* right_val := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* α0 : ref i32.t := M.read left_val in
+ let* α1 : i32.t := M.read (deref α0) in
+ let* α2 : ref i32.t := M.read right_val in
+ let* α3 : i32.t := M.read (deref α2) in
+ let* α4 : M.Val bool.t :=
+ M.alloc (UnOp.not (BinOp.Pure.eq α1 α3)) in
+ let* α5 : bool.t := M.read (use α4) in
+ if α5 then
+ let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
+ M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
+ let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
+ let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
+ let* α1 : ref i32.t := M.read left_val in
+ let* α2 : ref i32.t := M.read right_val in
+ let* α3 : never.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.panicking.assert_failed
+ α0
+ α1
+ α2
+ core.option.Option.None) in
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ else
+ M.alloc tt
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
M.read α0.
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/match.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/match.v
index f85bf2180..49d4748bf 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/match.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/match.v
@@ -57,70 +57,132 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
M.alloc α10 in
M.alloc tt in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : i32.t := M.read number in
- match α0 with
- | _ =>
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "One!
+ match_operator
+ number
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "One!
") in
- let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
- let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
- M.alloc α5 in
- M.alloc tt
- | _ | _ | _ | _ | _ =>
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "This is a prime
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
+ let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ M.alloc tt) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "This is a prime
") in
- let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
- let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
- M.alloc α5 in
- M.alloc tt
- | _ =>
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "A teen
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
+ let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ M.alloc tt) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "This is a prime
") in
- let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
- let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
- M.alloc α5 in
- M.alloc tt
- | _ =>
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Ain't special
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
+ let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ M.alloc tt) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "This is a prime
") in
- let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
- let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
- M.alloc α5 in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
+ let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ M.alloc tt) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "This is a prime
+") in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
+ let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ M.alloc tt) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "This is a prime
+") in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
+ let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ M.alloc tt) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "A teen
+") in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
+ let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ M.alloc tt) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Ain't special
+") in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
+ let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ M.alloc tt) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
let* boolean : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc true in
let* binary : M.Val i32.t :=
- let* α0 : bool.t := M.read boolean in
- let* α1 : M.Val i32.t :=
- match α0 with
- | _ => M.alloc (Integer.of_Z 0)
- | _ => M.alloc (Integer.of_Z 1)
- end in
- M.copy α1 in
+ let* α0 : M.Val i32.t :=
+ match_operator
+ boolean
+ [
+ fun γ => (M.alloc (Integer.of_Z 0)) : M (M.Val i32.t);
+ fun γ => (M.alloc (Integer.of_Z 1)) : M (M.Val i32.t)
+ ] in
+ M.copy α0 in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "") in
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/match_binding.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/match_binding.v
index e100b4455..55a3b2f4e 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/match_binding.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/match_binding.v
@@ -41,87 +41,95 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
M.alloc α5 in
M.alloc tt in
let* α0 : u32.t := M.call match_binding.age in
+ let* α1 : M.Val u32.t := M.alloc α0 in
let* α0 : M.Val unit :=
- match α0 with
- | _ =>
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t :=
- M.read (mk_str "I haven't celebrated my first birthday yet
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "I haven't celebrated my first birthday yet
") in
- let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
- let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
- M.alloc α5 in
- M.alloc tt
- | (_ as n) =>
- let* n := M.alloc n in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "I'm a child of age ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
+ let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ M.alloc tt) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* n := M.copy γ in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "I'm a child of age ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow n)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt
- | (_ as n) =>
- let* n := M.alloc n in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "I'm a teen of age ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow n)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* n := M.copy γ in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "I'm a teen of age ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow n)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt
- | n =>
- let* n := M.alloc n in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "I'm an old person of age ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow n)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* n := M.copy γ in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "I'm an old person of age ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow n)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow n)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
M.read α0.
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/match_binding_destructure_enum_variants.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/match_binding_destructure_enum_variants.v
index b7e7b13d5..0a4f12bd3 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/match_binding_destructure_enum_variants.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/match_binding_destructure_enum_variants.v
@@ -26,52 +26,73 @@ fn main() {
Definition main : M unit :=
let* α0 : core.option.Option.t u32.t :=
M.call match_binding_destructure_enum_variants.some_number in
- let* α1 : M.Val unit :=
- match α0 with
- | core.option.Option.Some (_ as n) =>
- let* n := M.alloc n in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "The Answer: ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "!
+ let* α1 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t u32.t) := M.alloc α0 in
+ let* α2 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* n := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "The Answer: ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "!
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow n)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt
- | core.option.Option.Some n =>
- let* n := M.alloc n in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Not interesting... ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow n)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* n := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Not interesting... ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow n)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt
- | _ => M.alloc tt
- end in
- M.read α1.
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow n)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ => (M.alloc tt) : M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.read α2.
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/match_destructuring_arrays_slices.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/match_destructuring_arrays_slices.v
index dc1fec85f..7d69b97c6 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/match_destructuring_arrays_slices.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/match_destructuring_arrays_slices.v
@@ -44,134 +44,190 @@ fn main() {
Definition main : M unit :=
let* array : M.Val (array i32.t) :=
M.alloc [ Integer.of_Z 1; Integer.of_Z (-2); Integer.of_Z 6 ] in
- let* α0 : array i32.t := M.read array in
let* α0 : M.Val unit :=
- match α0 with
- | [_; second; third] =>
- let* second := M.alloc second in
- let* third := M.alloc third in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "array[0] = 0, array[1] = ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ", array[2] = ") in
- let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ match_operator
+ array
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | [_; _; _] =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["[0]"] in
+ let γ1 := γ.["[1]"] in
+ let γ2 := γ.["[2]"] in
+ let* second := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* third := M.copy γ2 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "array[0] = 0, array[1] = ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ", array[2] = ") in
+ let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α3 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1; α2 ] in
- let* α4 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α3) in
- let* α5 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α4) in
- let* α6 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow second)) in
- let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow third)) in
- let* α8 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α6; α7 ] in
- let* α9 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α8) in
- let* α10 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α9) in
- let* α11 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α5 α10) in
- let* α12 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α11) in
- M.alloc α12 in
- M.alloc tt
- | [_; _; third] =>
- let* third := M.alloc third in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "array[0] = 1, array[2] = ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str " and array[1] was ignored
+ let* α3 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1; α2 ] in
+ let* α4 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α3) in
+ let* α5 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α4) in
+ let* α6 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow second)) in
+ let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow third)) in
+ let* α8 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α6; α7 ] in
+ let* α9 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α8) in
+ let* α10 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α9) in
+ let* α11 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α5 α10) in
+ let* α12 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α11) in
+ M.alloc α12 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | [_; _; _] =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["[0]"] in
+ let γ1 := γ.["[1]"] in
+ let γ2 := γ.["[2]"] in
+ let* third := M.copy γ2 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "array[0] = 1, array[2] = ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str " and array[1] was ignored
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow third)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt
- | (_:: second:: _) =>
- let* second := M.alloc second in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "array[0] = -1, array[1] = ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t :=
- M.read (mk_str " and all the other ones were ignored
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow third)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_:: _:: _) =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["[0]"] in
+ let γ1 := γ.["[1]"] in
+ let γ := γ.["[2].slice"] in
+ let* second := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "array[0] = -1, array[1] = ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str " and all the other ones were ignored
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow second)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt
- | (_:: second:: (_ as tail)) =>
- let* second := M.alloc second in
- let* tail := M.alloc tail in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "array[0] = 3, array[1] = ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t :=
- M.read (mk_str " and the other elements were ") in
- let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow second)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_:: _:: _) =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["[0]"] in
+ let γ1 := γ.["[1]"] in
+ let γ := γ.["[2].slice"] in
+ let* second := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* tail := M.copy γ in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "array[0] = 3, array[1] = ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str " and the other elements were ") in
+ let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α3 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1; α2 ] in
- let* α4 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α3) in
- let* α5 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α4) in
- let* α6 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow second)) in
- let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow tail)) in
- let* α8 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α6; α7 ] in
- let* α9 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α8) in
- let* α10 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α9) in
- let* α11 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α5 α10) in
- let* α12 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α11) in
- M.alloc α12 in
- M.alloc tt
- | _ =>
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "array[0] = ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ", middle = ") in
- let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ", array[2] = ") in
- let* α3 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α3 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1; α2 ] in
+ let* α4 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α3) in
+ let* α5 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α4) in
+ let* α6 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow second)) in
+ let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow tail)) in
+ let* α8 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α6; α7 ] in
+ let* α9 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α8) in
+ let* α10 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α9) in
+ let* α11 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α5 α10) in
+ let* α12 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α11) in
+ M.alloc α12 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "array[0] = ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ", middle = ") in
+ let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ", array[2] = ") in
+ let* α3 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α4 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1; α2; α3 ] in
- let* α5 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α4) in
- let* α6 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α5) in
- let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow first)) in
- let* α8 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow middle)) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow last)) in
- let* α10 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.alloc [ α7; α8; α9 ] in
- let* α11 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α10) in
- let* α12 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α11) in
- let* α13 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α6 α12) in
- let* α14 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α13) in
- M.alloc α14 in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
+ let* α4 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1; α2; α3 ] in
+ let* α5 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α4) in
+ let* α6 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α5) in
+ let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow first)) in
+ let* α8 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow middle)) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow last)) in
+ let* α10 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α7; α8; α9 ] in
+ let* α11 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α10) in
+ let* α12 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α11) in
+ let* α13 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α6 α12) in
+ let* α14 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α13) in
+ M.alloc α14 in
+ M.alloc tt) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
M.read α0.
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/match_destructuring_enums.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/match_destructuring_enums.v
index 3957bea03..d58913515 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/match_destructuring_enums.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/match_destructuring_enums.v
@@ -197,206 +197,284 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
M.alloc α5 in
M.alloc tt in
- let* α0 : match_destructuring_enums.Color.t := M.read color in
let* α0 : M.Val unit :=
- match α0 with
- | match_destructuring_enums.Color.Red =>
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "The color is Red!
+ match_operator
+ color
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | match_destructuring_enums.Color.Red =>
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "The color is Red!
") in
- let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
- let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
- M.alloc α5 in
- M.alloc tt
- | match_destructuring_enums.Color.Blue =>
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "The color is Blue!
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
+ let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | match_destructuring_enums.Color.Blue =>
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "The color is Blue!
") in
- let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
- let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
- M.alloc α5 in
- M.alloc tt
- | match_destructuring_enums.Color.Green =>
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "The color is Green!
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
+ let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | match_destructuring_enums.Color.Green =>
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "The color is Green!
") in
- let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
- let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
- M.alloc α5 in
- M.alloc tt
- | match_destructuring_enums.Color.RGB r g b =>
- let* r := M.alloc r in
- let* g := M.alloc g in
- let* b := M.alloc b in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Red: ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ", green: ") in
- let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ", and blue: ") in
- let* α3 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "!
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
+ let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | match_destructuring_enums.Color.RGB _ _ _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["RGB.0"] in
+ let γ1 := γ.["RGB.1"] in
+ let γ2 := γ.["RGB.2"] in
+ let* r := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* g := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* b := M.copy γ2 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Red: ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ", green: ") in
+ let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ", and blue: ") in
+ let* α3 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "!
") in
- let* α4 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1; α2; α3 ] in
- let* α5 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α4) in
- let* α6 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α5) in
- let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow r)) in
- let* α8 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow g)) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow b)) in
- let* α10 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.alloc [ α7; α8; α9 ] in
- let* α11 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α10) in
- let* α12 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α11) in
- let* α13 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α6 α12) in
- let* α14 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α13) in
- M.alloc α14 in
- M.alloc tt
- | match_destructuring_enums.Color.HSV h s v =>
- let* h := M.alloc h in
- let* s := M.alloc s in
- let* v := M.alloc v in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Hue: ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ", saturation: ") in
- let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ", value: ") in
- let* α3 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "!
+ let* α4 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.alloc [ α0; α1; α2; α3 ] in
+ let* α5 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α4) in
+ let* α6 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α5) in
+ let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow r)) in
+ let* α8 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow g)) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow b)) in
+ let* α10 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α7; α8; α9 ] in
+ let* α11 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α10) in
+ let* α12 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α11) in
+ let* α13 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α6 α12) in
+ let* α14 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α13) in
+ M.alloc α14 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | match_destructuring_enums.Color.HSV _ _ _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["HSV.0"] in
+ let γ1 := γ.["HSV.1"] in
+ let γ2 := γ.["HSV.2"] in
+ let* h := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* s := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* v := M.copy γ2 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Hue: ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ", saturation: ") in
+ let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ", value: ") in
+ let* α3 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "!
") in
- let* α4 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1; α2; α3 ] in
- let* α5 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α4) in
- let* α6 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α5) in
- let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow h)) in
- let* α8 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow s)) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow v)) in
- let* α10 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.alloc [ α7; α8; α9 ] in
- let* α11 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α10) in
- let* α12 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α11) in
- let* α13 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α6 α12) in
- let* α14 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α13) in
- M.alloc α14 in
- M.alloc tt
- | match_destructuring_enums.Color.HSL h s l =>
- let* h := M.alloc h in
- let* s := M.alloc s in
- let* l := M.alloc l in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Hue: ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ", saturation: ") in
- let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ", lightness: ") in
- let* α3 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "!
+ let* α4 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.alloc [ α0; α1; α2; α3 ] in
+ let* α5 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α4) in
+ let* α6 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α5) in
+ let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow h)) in
+ let* α8 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow s)) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow v)) in
+ let* α10 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α7; α8; α9 ] in
+ let* α11 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α10) in
+ let* α12 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α11) in
+ let* α13 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α6 α12) in
+ let* α14 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α13) in
+ M.alloc α14 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | match_destructuring_enums.Color.HSL _ _ _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["HSL.0"] in
+ let γ1 := γ.["HSL.1"] in
+ let γ2 := γ.["HSL.2"] in
+ let* h := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* s := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* l := M.copy γ2 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Hue: ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ", saturation: ") in
+ let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ", lightness: ") in
+ let* α3 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "!
") in
- let* α4 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1; α2; α3 ] in
- let* α5 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α4) in
- let* α6 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α5) in
- let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow h)) in
- let* α8 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow s)) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow l)) in
- let* α10 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.alloc [ α7; α8; α9 ] in
- let* α11 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α10) in
- let* α12 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α11) in
- let* α13 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α6 α12) in
- let* α14 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α13) in
- M.alloc α14 in
- M.alloc tt
- | match_destructuring_enums.Color.CMY c m y =>
- let* c := M.alloc c in
- let* m := M.alloc m in
- let* y := M.alloc y in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Cyan: ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ", magenta: ") in
- let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ", yellow: ") in
- let* α3 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "!
+ let* α4 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.alloc [ α0; α1; α2; α3 ] in
+ let* α5 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α4) in
+ let* α6 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α5) in
+ let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow h)) in
+ let* α8 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow s)) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow l)) in
+ let* α10 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α7; α8; α9 ] in
+ let* α11 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α10) in
+ let* α12 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α11) in
+ let* α13 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α6 α12) in
+ let* α14 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α13) in
+ M.alloc α14 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | match_destructuring_enums.Color.CMY _ _ _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["CMY.0"] in
+ let γ1 := γ.["CMY.1"] in
+ let γ2 := γ.["CMY.2"] in
+ let* c := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* m := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* y := M.copy γ2 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Cyan: ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ", magenta: ") in
+ let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ", yellow: ") in
+ let* α3 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "!
") in
- let* α4 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1; α2; α3 ] in
- let* α5 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α4) in
- let* α6 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α5) in
- let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow c)) in
- let* α8 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow m)) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow y)) in
- let* α10 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.alloc [ α7; α8; α9 ] in
- let* α11 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α10) in
- let* α12 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α11) in
- let* α13 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α6 α12) in
- let* α14 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α13) in
- M.alloc α14 in
- M.alloc tt
- | match_destructuring_enums.Color.CMYK c m y k =>
- let* c := M.alloc c in
- let* m := M.alloc m in
- let* y := M.alloc y in
- let* k := M.alloc k in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Cyan: ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ", magenta: ") in
- let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ", yellow: ") in
- let* α3 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ", key (black): ") in
- let* α4 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "!
+ let* α4 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.alloc [ α0; α1; α2; α3 ] in
+ let* α5 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α4) in
+ let* α6 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α5) in
+ let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow c)) in
+ let* α8 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow m)) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow y)) in
+ let* α10 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α7; α8; α9 ] in
+ let* α11 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α10) in
+ let* α12 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α11) in
+ let* α13 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α6 α12) in
+ let* α14 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α13) in
+ M.alloc α14 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | match_destructuring_enums.Color.CMYK _ _ _ _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["CMYK.0"] in
+ let γ1 := γ.["CMYK.1"] in
+ let γ2 := γ.["CMYK.2"] in
+ let γ3 := γ.["CMYK.3"] in
+ let* c := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* m := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* y := M.copy γ2 in
+ let* k := M.copy γ3 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Cyan: ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ", magenta: ") in
+ let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ", yellow: ") in
+ let* α3 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ", key (black): ") in
+ let* α4 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "!
") in
- let* α5 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1; α2; α3; α4 ] in
- let* α6 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α5) in
- let* α7 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α6) in
- let* α8 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow c)) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow m)) in
- let* α10 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow y)) in
- let* α11 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow k)) in
- let* α12 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.alloc [ α8; α9; α10; α11 ] in
- let* α13 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α12) in
- let* α14 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α13) in
- let* α15 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α7 α14) in
- let* α16 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α15) in
- M.alloc α16 in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
+ let* α5 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.alloc [ α0; α1; α2; α3; α4 ] in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α5) in
+ let* α7 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α6) in
+ let* α8 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow c)) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow m)) in
+ let* α10 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow y)) in
+ let* α11 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow k)) in
+ let* α12 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α8; α9; α10; α11 ] in
+ let* α13 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α12) in
+ let* α14 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α13) in
+ let* α15 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α7 α14) in
+ let* α16 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α15) in
+ M.alloc α16 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
M.read α0.
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/match_destructuring_pointers_ref.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/match_destructuring_pointers_ref.v
index 880055ce5..dc8016055 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/match_destructuring_pointers_ref.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/match_destructuring_pointers_ref.v
@@ -59,123 +59,138 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
let* α0 : M.Val i32.t := M.alloc (Integer.of_Z 4) in
M.alloc (borrow α0) in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref i32.t := M.read reference in
- match α0 with
- | val =>
- let* val := M.alloc val in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t :=
- M.read (mk_str "Got a value via destructuring: ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ match_operator
+ reference
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* val := M.copy γ in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "Got a value via destructuring: ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow val)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow val)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* α0 : ref i32.t := M.read reference in
- let* α1 : i32.t := M.read (deref α0) in
- match α1 with
- | val =>
- let* val := M.alloc val in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t :=
- M.read (mk_str "Got a value via dereferencing: ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ match_operator
+ (deref α0)
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* val := M.copy γ in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "Got a value via dereferencing: ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow val)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow val)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
let* _not_a_reference : M.Val i32.t := M.alloc (Integer.of_Z 3) in
let* _is_a_reference : M.Val i32.t := M.alloc (Integer.of_Z 3) in
let* value : M.Val i32.t := M.alloc (Integer.of_Z 5) in
let* mut_value : M.Val i32.t := M.alloc (Integer.of_Z 6) in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : i32.t := M.read value in
- match α0 with
- | r =>
- let* r := M.alloc r in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Got a reference to a value: ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ match_operator
+ value
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* r := M.alloc (borrow_mut γ) in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "Got a reference to a value: ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow r)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
- let* α0 : i32.t := M.read mut_value in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow r)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
let* α0 : M.Val unit :=
- match α0 with
- | m =>
- let* m := M.alloc m in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* β : M.Val i32.t :=
- let* α0 : mut_ref i32.t := M.read m in
- M.pure (deref α0) in
- let* α0 := M.read β in
- let* α1 := BinOp.Panic.add α0 (Integer.of_Z 10) in
- assign β α1 in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "We added 10. `mut_value`: ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ match_operator
+ mut_value
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* m := M.alloc (borrow γ) in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* β : M.Val i32.t :=
+ let* α0 : mut_ref i32.t := M.read m in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read β in
+ let* α1 := BinOp.Panic.add α0 (Integer.of_Z 10) in
+ assign β α1 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "We added 10. `mut_value`: ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow m)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow m)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt in
+ M.alloc tt) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
M.read α0.
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/match_destructuring_structs.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/match_destructuring_structs.v
index 22ab7c83a..cca5b6ec5 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/match_destructuring_structs.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/match_destructuring_structs.v
@@ -52,88 +52,123 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
match_destructuring_structs.Foo.x := (Integer.of_Z 1, Integer.of_Z 2);
match_destructuring_structs.Foo.y := Integer.of_Z 3;
|} in
- let* α0 : match_destructuring_structs.Foo.t := M.read foo in
let* α0 : M.Val unit :=
- match α0 with
- |
- {|
- match_destructuring_structs.Foo.x := (_, b);
- match_destructuring_structs.Foo.y := y;
- |}
- =>
- let* b := M.alloc b in
- let* y := M.alloc y in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "First of x is 1, b = ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ", y = ") in
- let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ match_operator
+ foo
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ |
+ {|
+ match_destructuring_structs.Foo.x := _;
+ match_destructuring_structs.Foo.y := _;
+ |}
+ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Foo.x"] in
+ let γ1 := γ.["Foo.y"] in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ0 in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_, _) =>
+ let γ0 := Tuple.Access.left γ0 in
+ let γ1 := Tuple.Access.right γ0 in
+ let* b := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* y := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "First of x is 1, b = ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ", y = ") in
+ let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α3 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1; α2 ] in
- let* α4 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α3) in
- let* α5 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α4) in
- let* α6 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow b)) in
- let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow y)) in
- let* α8 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α6; α7 ] in
- let* α9 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α8) in
- let* α10 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α9) in
- let* α11 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α5 α10) in
- let* α12 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α11) in
- M.alloc α12 in
- M.alloc tt
- |
- {|
- match_destructuring_structs.Foo.y := _;
- match_destructuring_structs.Foo.x := i;
- |}
- =>
- let* i := M.alloc i in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "y is 2, i = ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α3 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1; α2 ] in
+ let* α4 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α3) in
+ let* α5 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α4) in
+ let* α6 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow b)) in
+ let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow y)) in
+ let* α8 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α6; α7 ] in
+ let* α9 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α8) in
+ let* α10 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α9) in
+ let* α11 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α5 α10) in
+ let* α12 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α11) in
+ M.alloc α12 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ end
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ |
+ {|
+ match_destructuring_structs.Foo.y := _;
+ match_destructuring_structs.Foo.x := _;
+ |}
+ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Foo.y"] in
+ let γ1 := γ.["Foo.x"] in
+ let* i := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "y is 2, i = ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow i)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt
- | {| match_destructuring_structs.Foo.y := y; |} =>
- let* y := M.alloc y in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "y = ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ", we don't care about x
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow i)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | {| match_destructuring_structs.Foo.y := _; |} =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Foo.y"] in
+ let* y := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "y = ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str ", we don't care about x
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow y)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow y)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
M.read α0.
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/match_destructuring_tuples.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/match_destructuring_tuples.v
index 7c44508c5..f4b6bab73 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/match_destructuring_tuples.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/match_destructuring_tuples.v
@@ -45,92 +45,126 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
M.alloc α10 in
M.alloc tt in
- let* α0 : (i32.t * i32.t) * i32.t := M.read triple in
let* α0 : M.Val unit :=
- match α0 with
- | (_, y, z) =>
- let* y := M.alloc y in
- let* z := M.alloc z in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "First is `0`, `y` is ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ", and `z` is ") in
- let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ match_operator
+ triple
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_, _, _) =>
+ let γ0 := Tuple.Access.left (Tuple.Access.left γ) in
+ let γ1 := Tuple.Access.right (Tuple.Access.left γ) in
+ let γ2 := Tuple.Access.right γ in
+ let* y := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* z := M.copy γ2 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "First is `0`, `y` is ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ", and `z` is ") in
+ let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α3 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1; α2 ] in
- let* α4 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α3) in
- let* α5 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α4) in
- let* α6 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow y)) in
- let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow z)) in
- let* α8 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α6; α7 ] in
- let* α9 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α8) in
- let* α10 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α9) in
- let* α11 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α5 α10) in
- let* α12 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α11) in
- M.alloc α12 in
- M.alloc tt
- | (_) =>
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t :=
- M.read (mk_str "First is `1` and the rest doesn't matter
+ let* α3 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1; α2 ] in
+ let* α4 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α3) in
+ let* α5 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α4) in
+ let* α6 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow y)) in
+ let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow z)) in
+ let* α8 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α6; α7 ] in
+ let* α9 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α8) in
+ let* α10 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α9) in
+ let* α11 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α5 α10) in
+ let* α12 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α11) in
+ M.alloc α12 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_) =>
+ let γ0 := γ in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "First is `1` and the rest doesn't matter
") in
- let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
- let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
- M.alloc α5 in
- M.alloc tt
- | (_) =>
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t :=
- M.read (mk_str "last is `2` and the rest doesn't matter
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
+ let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_) =>
+ let γ0 := γ in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "last is `2` and the rest doesn't matter
") in
- let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
- let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
- M.alloc α5 in
- M.alloc tt
- | (_, _) =>
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t :=
- M.read
- (mk_str
- "First is `3`, last is `4`, and the rest doesn't matter
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
+ let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_, _) =>
+ let γ0 := Tuple.Access.left γ in
+ let γ1 := Tuple.Access.right γ in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read
+ (mk_str
+ "First is `3`, last is `4`, and the rest doesn't matter
") in
- let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
- let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
- M.alloc α5 in
- M.alloc tt
- | _ =>
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t :=
- M.read (mk_str "It doesn't matter what they are
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
+ let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "It doesn't matter what they are
") in
- let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
- let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
- M.alloc α5 in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
+ let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ M.alloc tt) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
M.read α0.
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/match_destructuring_tuples_fixed.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/match_destructuring_tuples_fixed.v
index 990be1a8b..735e0d478 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/match_destructuring_tuples_fixed.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/match_destructuring_tuples_fixed.v
@@ -45,92 +45,129 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
M.alloc α10 in
M.alloc tt in
- let* α0 : (i32.t * i32.t) * i32.t := M.read triple in
let* α0 : M.Val unit :=
- match α0 with
- | (_, y, z) =>
- let* y := M.alloc y in
- let* z := M.alloc z in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "First is `0`, `y` is ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ", and `z` is ") in
- let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ match_operator
+ triple
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_, _, _) =>
+ let γ0 := Tuple.Access.left (Tuple.Access.left γ) in
+ let γ1 := Tuple.Access.right (Tuple.Access.left γ) in
+ let γ2 := Tuple.Access.right γ in
+ let* y := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* z := M.copy γ2 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "First is `0`, `y` is ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ", and `z` is ") in
+ let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α3 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1; α2 ] in
- let* α4 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α3) in
- let* α5 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α4) in
- let* α6 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow y)) in
- let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow z)) in
- let* α8 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α6; α7 ] in
- let* α9 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α8) in
- let* α10 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α9) in
- let* α11 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α5 α10) in
- let* α12 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α11) in
- M.alloc α12 in
- M.alloc tt
- | (_, _, _) =>
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t :=
- M.read (mk_str "First is `1` and the rest doesn't matter
+ let* α3 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1; α2 ] in
+ let* α4 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α3) in
+ let* α5 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α4) in
+ let* α6 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow y)) in
+ let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow z)) in
+ let* α8 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α6; α7 ] in
+ let* α9 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α8) in
+ let* α10 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α9) in
+ let* α11 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α5 α10) in
+ let* α12 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α11) in
+ M.alloc α12 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_, _, _) =>
+ let γ0 := Tuple.Access.left (Tuple.Access.left γ) in
+ let γ1 := Tuple.Access.right (Tuple.Access.left γ) in
+ let γ2 := Tuple.Access.right γ in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "First is `1` and the rest doesn't matter
") in
- let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
- let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
- M.alloc α5 in
- M.alloc tt
- | (_) =>
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t :=
- M.read (mk_str "last is `2` and the rest doesn't matter
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
+ let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_) =>
+ let γ0 := γ in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "last is `2` and the rest doesn't matter
") in
- let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
- let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
- M.alloc α5 in
- M.alloc tt
- | (_, _, _) =>
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t :=
- M.read
- (mk_str
- "First is `3`, last is `4`, and the rest doesn't matter
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
+ let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_, _, _) =>
+ let γ0 := Tuple.Access.left (Tuple.Access.left γ) in
+ let γ1 := Tuple.Access.right (Tuple.Access.left γ) in
+ let γ2 := Tuple.Access.right γ in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read
+ (mk_str
+ "First is `3`, last is `4`, and the rest doesn't matter
") in
- let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
- let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
- M.alloc α5 in
- M.alloc tt
- | _ =>
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t :=
- M.read (mk_str "It doesn't matter what they are
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
+ let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "It doesn't matter what they are
") in
- let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
- let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
- M.alloc α5 in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
+ let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ M.alloc tt) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
M.read α0.
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/match_guards.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/match_guards.v
index 5346db87b..92481c25a 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/match_guards.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/match_guards.v
@@ -42,96 +42,135 @@ fn main() {
Definition main : M unit :=
let* temperature : M.Val match_guards.Temperature.t :=
M.alloc (match_guards.Temperature.Celsius (Integer.of_Z 35)) in
- let* α0 : match_guards.Temperature.t := M.read temperature in
let* α0 : M.Val unit :=
- match α0 with
- | match_guards.Temperature.Celsius t =>
- let* t := M.alloc t in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "C is above 30 Celsius
+ match_operator
+ temperature
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | match_guards.Temperature.Celsius _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Celsius.0"] in
+ let* t := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "C is above 30 Celsius
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow t)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt
- | match_guards.Temperature.Celsius t =>
- let* t := M.alloc t in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "C is below 30 Celsius
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow t)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | match_guards.Temperature.Celsius _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Celsius.0"] in
+ let* t := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "C is below 30 Celsius
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow t)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt
- | match_guards.Temperature.Fahrenheit t =>
- let* t := M.alloc t in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "F is above 86 Fahrenheit
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow t)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | match_guards.Temperature.Fahrenheit _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Fahrenheit.0"] in
+ let* t := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "F is above 86 Fahrenheit
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow t)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt
- | match_guards.Temperature.Fahrenheit t =>
- let* t := M.alloc t in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "F is below 86 Fahrenheit
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow t)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | match_guards.Temperature.Fahrenheit _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Fahrenheit.0"] in
+ let* t := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "F is below 86 Fahrenheit
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow t)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow t)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
M.read α0.
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/match_guards_unreachable.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/match_guards_unreachable.v
index 344ca2f03..17c28a94c 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/match_guards_unreachable.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/match_guards_unreachable.v
@@ -16,43 +16,47 @@ fn main() {
(* #[allow(dead_code)] - function was ignored by the compiler *)
Definition main : M unit :=
let* number : M.Val u8.t := M.alloc (Integer.of_Z 4) in
- let* α0 : u8.t := M.read number in
let* α0 : M.Val unit :=
- match α0 with
- | i =>
- let* i := M.alloc i in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Zero
+ match_operator
+ number
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* i := M.copy γ in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Zero
") in
- let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
- let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
- M.alloc α5 in
- M.alloc tt
- | i =>
- let* i := M.alloc i in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Greater than zero
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
+ let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ M.alloc tt) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* i := M.copy γ in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Greater than zero
") in
- let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
- let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
- M.alloc α5 in
- M.alloc tt
- | _ =>
- let* α0 : never.t :=
- M.call
- (core.panicking.unreachable_display
- (borrow (mk_str "Should never happen."))) in
- let* α1 : unit := never_to_any α0 in
- M.alloc α1
- end in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
+ let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ M.alloc tt) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 : never.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.panicking.unreachable_display
+ (borrow (mk_str "Should never happen."))) in
+ let* α1 : unit := never_to_any α0 in
+ M.alloc α1) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
M.read α0.
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/while.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/while.v
index 73a96d2e8..a0c741bc7 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/while.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/while.v
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ fn main() {
Definition main : M unit :=
let* n : M.Val i32.t := M.alloc (Integer.of_Z 1) in
let* α0 : M.Val unit :=
- loop
+ M.loop
(let* α0 : i32.t := M.read n in
let* α1 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc (BinOp.Pure.lt α0 (Integer.of_Z 101)) in
let* α2 : bool.t := M.read (use α1) in
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
M.alloc tt
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : M.Val never.t := Break in
+ let* α0 : M.Val never.t := M.break in
let* α1 := M.read α0 in
let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
M.alloc α2 in
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/while_let.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/while_let.v
index f427a1aa3..95e5611cd 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/while_let.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/while_let.v
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
let* optional : M.Val (core.option.Option.t i32.t) :=
M.alloc (core.option.Option.Some (Integer.of_Z 0)) in
let* α0 : M.Val unit :=
- loop
+ M.loop
(let* α0 : M.Val bool.t := let_if core.option.Option.Some i := optional in
let* α1 : bool.t := M.read α0 in
if α1 then
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
M.alloc tt
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : M.Val never.t := Break in
+ let* α0 : M.Val never.t := M.break in
let* α1 := M.read α0 in
let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
M.alloc α2 in
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/while_let_match_is_weird.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/while_let_match_is_weird.v
index 585e79585..8d33da637 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/while_let_match_is_weird.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/flow_of_control/while_let_match_is_weird.v
@@ -33,65 +33,78 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
let* optional : M.Val (core.option.Option.t i32.t) :=
M.alloc (core.option.Option.Some (Integer.of_Z 0)) in
let* α0 : M.Val unit :=
- loop
- (let* α0 : core.option.Option.t i32.t := M.read optional in
- match α0 with
- | core.option.Option.Some i =>
- let* i := M.alloc i in
- let* α0 : i32.t := M.read i in
- let* α1 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc (BinOp.Pure.gt α0 (Integer.of_Z 9)) in
- let* α2 : bool.t := M.read (use α1) in
- if α2 then
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Greater than 9, quit!
+ M.loop
+ (match_operator
+ optional
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* i := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 : i32.t := M.read i in
+ let* α1 : M.Val bool.t :=
+ M.alloc (BinOp.Pure.gt α0 (Integer.of_Z 9)) in
+ let* α2 : bool.t := M.read (use α1) in
+ if α2 then
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "Greater than 9, quit!
") in
- let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
- let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
- M.alloc α5 in
- M.alloc tt in
- let* _ : M.Val unit := assign optional core.option.Option.None in
- M.alloc tt
- else
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "`i` is `") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "`. Try again.
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
+ let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ M.alloc tt in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ assign optional core.option.Option.None in
+ M.alloc tt
+ else
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "`i` is `") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "`. Try again.
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow i)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : i32.t := M.read i in
- let* α1 : i32.t := BinOp.Panic.add α0 (Integer.of_Z 1) in
- assign optional (core.option.Option.Some α1) in
- M.alloc tt
- | _ =>
- let* _ : M.Val never.t := Break in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- end) in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow i)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : i32.t := M.read i in
+ let* α1 : i32.t := BinOp.Panic.add α0 (Integer.of_Z 1) in
+ assign optional (core.option.Option.Some α1) in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* _ : M.Val never.t := M.break in
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ]) in
M.read α0.
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/functions/associated_functions_and_methods.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/functions/associated_functions_and_methods.v
index ff0bcefb3..7359e565f 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/functions/associated_functions_and_methods.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/functions/associated_functions_and_methods.v
@@ -131,36 +131,58 @@ Section Impl_associated_functions_and_methods_Rectangle_t.
Definition area (self : ref Self) : M f64.t :=
let* self := M.alloc self in
- let* '{|
- associated_functions_and_methods.Point.x := x1;
- associated_functions_and_methods.Point.y := y1;
- |} :
- associated_functions_and_methods.Point.t :=
- let* α0 : ref associated_functions_and_methods.Rectangle.t :=
- M.read self in
- M.read (deref α0).["p1"] in
- let* x1 := M.alloc x1 in
- let* y1 := M.alloc y1 in
- let* '{|
- associated_functions_and_methods.Point.x := x2;
- associated_functions_and_methods.Point.y := y2;
- |} :
- associated_functions_and_methods.Point.t :=
- let* α0 : ref associated_functions_and_methods.Rectangle.t :=
- M.read self in
- M.read (deref α0).["p2"] in
- let* x2 := M.alloc x2 in
- let* y2 := M.alloc y2 in
- let* α0 : f64.t := M.read x1 in
- let* α1 : f64.t := M.read x2 in
- let* α2 : f64.t := BinOp.Panic.sub α0 α1 in
- let* α3 : f64.t := M.read y1 in
- let* α4 : f64.t := M.read y2 in
- let* α5 : f64.t := BinOp.Panic.sub α3 α4 in
- let* α6 : f64.t := BinOp.Panic.mul α2 α5 in
- let* α7 : f64.t := M.call (f64.t::["abs"] α6) in
- let* α0 : M.Val f64.t := M.alloc α7 in
- M.read α0.
+ let* α0 : ref associated_functions_and_methods.Rectangle.t := M.read self in
+ let* α1 : M.Val f64.t :=
+ match_operator
+ (deref α0).["p1"]
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ |
+ {|
+ associated_functions_and_methods.Point.x := _;
+ associated_functions_and_methods.Point.y := _;
+ |}
+ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Point.x"] in
+ let γ1 := γ.["Point.y"] in
+ let* x1 := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* y1 := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* α0 : ref associated_functions_and_methods.Rectangle.t :=
+ M.read self in
+ match_operator
+ (deref α0).["p2"]
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ |
+ {|
+ associated_functions_and_methods.Point.x := _;
+ associated_functions_and_methods.Point.y := _;
+ |}
+ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Point.x"] in
+ let γ1 := γ.["Point.y"] in
+ let* x2 := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* y2 := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* α0 : f64.t := M.read x1 in
+ let* α1 : f64.t := M.read x2 in
+ let* α2 : f64.t := BinOp.Panic.sub α0 α1 in
+ let* α3 : f64.t := M.read y1 in
+ let* α4 : f64.t := M.read y2 in
+ let* α5 : f64.t := BinOp.Panic.sub α3 α4 in
+ let* α6 : f64.t := BinOp.Panic.mul α2 α5 in
+ let* α7 : f64.t := M.call (f64.t::["abs"] α6) in
+ M.alloc α7
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val f64.t)
+ ]
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val f64.t)
+ ] in
+ M.read α1.
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_area :
Notations.DoubleColon Self "area" := {
@@ -177,39 +199,61 @@ Section Impl_associated_functions_and_methods_Rectangle_t.
Definition perimeter (self : ref Self) : M f64.t :=
let* self := M.alloc self in
- let* '{|
- associated_functions_and_methods.Point.x := x1;
- associated_functions_and_methods.Point.y := y1;
- |} :
- associated_functions_and_methods.Point.t :=
- let* α0 : ref associated_functions_and_methods.Rectangle.t :=
- M.read self in
- M.read (deref α0).["p1"] in
- let* x1 := M.alloc x1 in
- let* y1 := M.alloc y1 in
- let* '{|
- associated_functions_and_methods.Point.x := x2;
- associated_functions_and_methods.Point.y := y2;
- |} :
- associated_functions_and_methods.Point.t :=
- let* α0 : ref associated_functions_and_methods.Rectangle.t :=
- M.read self in
- M.read (deref α0).["p2"] in
- let* x2 := M.alloc x2 in
- let* y2 := M.alloc y2 in
- let* α0 : f64.t := M.read UnsupportedLiteral in
- let* α1 : f64.t := M.read x1 in
- let* α2 : f64.t := M.read x2 in
- let* α3 : f64.t := BinOp.Panic.sub α1 α2 in
- let* α4 : f64.t := M.call (f64.t::["abs"] α3) in
- let* α5 : f64.t := M.read y1 in
- let* α6 : f64.t := M.read y2 in
- let* α7 : f64.t := BinOp.Panic.sub α5 α6 in
- let* α8 : f64.t := M.call (f64.t::["abs"] α7) in
- let* α9 : f64.t := BinOp.Panic.add α4 α8 in
- let* α10 : f64.t := BinOp.Panic.mul α0 α9 in
- let* α0 : M.Val f64.t := M.alloc α10 in
- M.read α0.
+ let* α0 : ref associated_functions_and_methods.Rectangle.t := M.read self in
+ let* α1 : M.Val f64.t :=
+ match_operator
+ (deref α0).["p1"]
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ |
+ {|
+ associated_functions_and_methods.Point.x := _;
+ associated_functions_and_methods.Point.y := _;
+ |}
+ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Point.x"] in
+ let γ1 := γ.["Point.y"] in
+ let* x1 := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* y1 := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* α0 : ref associated_functions_and_methods.Rectangle.t :=
+ M.read self in
+ match_operator
+ (deref α0).["p2"]
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ |
+ {|
+ associated_functions_and_methods.Point.x := _;
+ associated_functions_and_methods.Point.y := _;
+ |}
+ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Point.x"] in
+ let γ1 := γ.["Point.y"] in
+ let* x2 := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* y2 := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* α0 : f64.t := M.read UnsupportedLiteral in
+ let* α1 : f64.t := M.read x1 in
+ let* α2 : f64.t := M.read x2 in
+ let* α3 : f64.t := BinOp.Panic.sub α1 α2 in
+ let* α4 : f64.t := M.call (f64.t::["abs"] α3) in
+ let* α5 : f64.t := M.read y1 in
+ let* α6 : f64.t := M.read y2 in
+ let* α7 : f64.t := BinOp.Panic.sub α5 α6 in
+ let* α8 : f64.t := M.call (f64.t::["abs"] α7) in
+ let* α9 : f64.t := BinOp.Panic.add α4 α8 in
+ let* α10 : f64.t := BinOp.Panic.mul α0 α9 in
+ M.alloc α10
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val f64.t)
+ ]
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val f64.t)
+ ] in
+ M.read α1.
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_perimeter :
Notations.DoubleColon Self "perimeter" := {
@@ -309,36 +353,53 @@ Section Impl_associated_functions_and_methods_Pair_t.
Definition destroy (self : Self) : M unit :=
let* self := M.alloc self in
- let* 'associated_functions_and_methods.Pair.Build_t first second :
- associated_functions_and_methods.Pair.t :=
- M.read self in
- let* first := M.alloc first in
- let* second := M.alloc second in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Destroying Pair(") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ", ") in
- let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ")
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ self
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | associated_functions_and_methods.Pair.Build_t _ _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Pair.0"] in
+ let γ1 := γ.["Pair.1"] in
+ let* first := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* second := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Destroying Pair(") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ", ") in
+ let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ")
") in
- let* α3 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1; α2 ] in
- let* α4 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α3) in
- let* α5 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α4) in
- let* α6 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow first)) in
- let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow second)) in
- let* α8 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α6; α7 ] in
- let* α9 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α8) in
- let* α10 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α9) in
- let* α11 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α5 α10) in
- let* α12 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α11) in
- M.alloc α12 in
- M.alloc tt in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.alloc [ α0; α1; α2 ] in
+ let* α4 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α3) in
+ let* α5 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α4) in
+ let* α6 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"]
+ (borrow first)) in
+ let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"]
+ (borrow second)) in
+ let* α8 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α6; α7 ] in
+ let* α9 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α8) in
+ let* α10 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α9) in
+ let* α11 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α5 α10) in
+ let* α12 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α11) in
+ M.alloc α12 in
+ M.alloc tt in
+ M.alloc tt
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
M.read α0.
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_destroy :
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/functions/diverging_functions_example_sum_odd_numbers.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/functions/diverging_functions_example_sum_odd_numbers.v
index d3a2f3cac..f4b29edbc 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/functions/diverging_functions_example_sum_odd_numbers.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/functions/diverging_functions_example_sum_odd_numbers.v
@@ -89,48 +89,74 @@ Definition sum_odd_numbers (up_to : u32.t) : M u32.t :=
core.ops.range.Range.start := Integer.of_Z 0;
core.ops.range.Range.end_ := α0;
|}) in
- let* α2 : M.Val unit :=
- match α1 with
- | iter =>
- let* iter := M.alloc iter in
- loop
- (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : core.option.Option.t u32.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
- (Self := core.ops.range.Range.t u32.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (borrow_mut iter)) in
- match α0 with
- | core.option.Option.None =>
- let* α0 : M.Val never.t := Break in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- | core.option.Option.Some i =>
- let* i := M.alloc i in
- let* addition : M.Val u32.t :=
- let* α0 : u32.t := M.read i in
- let* α1 : u32.t := BinOp.Panic.rem α0 (Integer.of_Z 2) in
- let* α2 : M.Val u32.t :=
- match BinOp.Pure.eq α1 (Integer.of_Z 1) with
- | _ => M.pure i
- | _ =>
- let* α0 : M.Val never.t := Continue in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : u32.t := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- end in
- M.copy α2 in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let β : M.Val u32.t := acc in
- let* α0 := M.read β in
- let* α1 : u32.t := M.read addition in
- let* α2 := BinOp.Panic.add α0 α1 in
- assign β α2 in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
- M.alloc tt)
- end in
- M.pure (use α2) in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (core.ops.range.Range.t u32.t) := M.alloc α1 in
+ let* α3 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ α2
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* iter := M.copy γ in
+ M.loop
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : core.option.Option.t u32.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
+ (Self := core.ops.range.Range.t u32.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ (borrow_mut iter)) in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t u32.t) := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.None =>
+ let* α0 : M.Val never.t := M.break in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* i := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* addition : M.Val u32.t :=
+ let* α0 : u32.t := M.read i in
+ let* α1 : u32.t :=
+ BinOp.Panic.rem α0 (Integer.of_Z 2) in
+ let* α2 : M.Val bool.t :=
+ M.alloc (BinOp.Pure.eq α1 (Integer.of_Z 1)) in
+ let* α3 : M.Val u32.t :=
+ match_operator
+ α2
+ [
+ fun γ => (M.pure i) : M (M.Val u32.t);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 : M.Val never.t := M.continue in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : u32.t := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2) :
+ M (M.Val u32.t)
+ ] in
+ M.copy α3 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let β : M.Val u32.t := acc in
+ let* α0 := M.read β in
+ let* α1 : u32.t := M.read addition in
+ let* α2 := BinOp.Panic.add α0 α1 in
+ assign β α2 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.alloc tt)) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.pure (use α3) in
M.read acc.
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/functions/functions.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/functions/functions.v
index 274389c80..649ad757e 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/functions/functions.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/functions/functions.v
@@ -173,32 +173,52 @@ Definition fizzbuzz_to (n : u32.t) : M unit :=
(Self := core.ops.range.RangeInclusive.t u32.t)
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
α1) in
- let* α3 : M.Val unit :=
- match α2 with
- | iter =>
- let* iter := M.alloc iter in
- loop
- (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : core.option.Option.t u32.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
- (Self := core.ops.range.RangeInclusive.t u32.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (borrow_mut iter)) in
- match α0 with
- | core.option.Option.None =>
- let* α0 : M.Val never.t := Break in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- | core.option.Option.Some n =>
- let* n := M.alloc n in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : u32.t := M.read n in
- let* α1 : unit := M.call (functions.fizzbuzz α0) in
- M.alloc α1 in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
- M.alloc tt)
- end in
- M.read (use α3).
+ let* α3 : M.Val (core.ops.range.RangeInclusive.t u32.t) := M.alloc α2 in
+ let* α4 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ α3
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* iter := M.copy γ in
+ M.loop
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : core.option.Option.t u32.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
+ (Self := core.ops.range.RangeInclusive.t u32.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ (borrow_mut iter)) in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t u32.t) := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.None =>
+ let* α0 : M.Val never.t := M.break in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* n := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : u32.t := M.read n in
+ let* α1 : unit := M.call (functions.fizzbuzz α0) in
+ M.alloc α1 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.alloc tt)) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.read (use α4).
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/functions/functions_closures.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/functions/functions_closures.v
index ad369cbc4..11ab304a0 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/functions/functions_closures.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/functions/functions_closures.v
@@ -35,19 +35,33 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
let* outer_var : M.Val i32.t := M.alloc (Integer.of_Z 42) in
let* closure_annotated : M.Val (i32.t -> M i32.t) :=
- (fun (i : i32.t) =>
- (let* i := M.alloc i in
- let* α0 : i32.t := M.read i in
- let* α1 : i32.t := M.read outer_var in
- BinOp.Panic.add α0 α1) :
+ (fun (α0 : i32.t) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* i := M.copy γ in
+ let* α0 : i32.t := M.read i in
+ let* α1 : i32.t := M.read outer_var in
+ BinOp.Panic.add α0 α1) :
+ M i32.t
+ ]) :
M i32.t) in
let* closure_inferred : M.Val (i32.t -> M i32.t) :=
- (fun (i : i32.t) =>
- (let* i := M.alloc i in
- let* α0 : i32.t := M.read i in
- let* α1 : i32.t := M.read outer_var in
- BinOp.Panic.add α0 α1) :
+ (fun (α0 : i32.t) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* i := M.copy γ in
+ let* α0 : i32.t := M.read i in
+ let* α1 : i32.t := M.read outer_var in
+ BinOp.Panic.add α0 α1) :
+ M i32.t
+ ]) :
M i32.t) in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/functions/functions_closures_as_input_parameters.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/functions/functions_closures_as_input_parameters.v
index 792f214d8..43eb8d252 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/functions/functions_closures_as_input_parameters.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/functions/functions_closures_as_input_parameters.v
@@ -177,10 +177,17 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
M.alloc α1 in
let* double : M.Val (i32.t -> M i32.t) :=
- (fun (x : i32.t) =>
- (let* x := M.alloc x in
- let* α0 : i32.t := M.read x in
- BinOp.Panic.mul (Integer.of_Z 2) α0) :
+ (fun (α0 : i32.t) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* x := M.copy γ in
+ let* α0 : i32.t := M.read x in
+ BinOp.Panic.mul (Integer.of_Z 2) α0) :
+ M i32.t
+ ]) :
M i32.t) in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/functions/functions_closures_example_Iterator_any.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/functions/functions_closures_example_Iterator_any.v
index b0d5cb2ab..0223ddc6b 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/functions/functions_closures_example_Iterator_any.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/functions/functions_closures_example_Iterator_any.v
@@ -74,10 +74,20 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
(Self := core.slice.iter.Iter.t i32.t)
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
(borrow_mut α7)
- (fun (x : ref i32.t) =>
- (let* x := M.alloc x in
- let* α0 : i32.t := M.read x in
- M.pure (BinOp.Pure.eq α0 (Integer.of_Z 2))) :
+ (fun (α0 : ref i32.t) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* x := M.copy γ in
+ let* α0 : i32.t := M.read x in
+ M.pure (BinOp.Pure.eq α0 (Integer.of_Z 2))) :
+ M bool.t
+ ]) :
M bool.t)) in
let* α9 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc α8 in
let* α10 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
@@ -118,10 +128,17 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
alloc.vec.into_iter.IntoIter.t i32.t alloc.alloc.Global.t)
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
(borrow_mut α7)
- (fun (x : i32.t) =>
- (let* x := M.alloc x in
- let* α0 : i32.t := M.read x in
- M.pure (BinOp.Pure.eq α0 (Integer.of_Z 2))) :
+ (fun (α0 : i32.t) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* x := M.copy γ in
+ let* α0 : i32.t := M.read x in
+ M.pure (BinOp.Pure.eq α0 (Integer.of_Z 2))) :
+ M bool.t
+ ]) :
M bool.t)) in
let* α9 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc α8 in
let* α10 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
@@ -214,10 +231,20 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
(Self := core.slice.iter.Iter.t i32.t)
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
(borrow_mut α8)
- (fun (x : ref i32.t) =>
- (let* x := M.alloc x in
- let* α0 : i32.t := M.read x in
- M.pure (BinOp.Pure.eq α0 (Integer.of_Z 2))) :
+ (fun (α0 : ref i32.t) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* x := M.copy γ in
+ let* α0 : i32.t := M.read x in
+ M.pure (BinOp.Pure.eq α0 (Integer.of_Z 2))) :
+ M bool.t
+ ]) :
M bool.t)) in
let* α10 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc α9 in
let* α11 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
@@ -254,11 +281,18 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
(Self := core.slice.iter.Iter.t i32.t)
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
(borrow_mut α6)
- (fun (x : ref i32.t) =>
- (let* x := M.alloc x in
- let* α0 : ref i32.t := M.read x in
- let* α1 : i32.t := M.read (deref α0) in
- M.pure (BinOp.Pure.eq α1 (Integer.of_Z 2))) :
+ (fun (α0 : ref i32.t) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* x := M.copy γ in
+ let* α0 : ref i32.t := M.read x in
+ let* α1 : i32.t := M.read (deref α0) in
+ M.pure (BinOp.Pure.eq α1 (Integer.of_Z 2))) :
+ M bool.t
+ ]) :
M bool.t)) in
let* α8 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc α7 in
let* α9 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/functions/functions_closures_example_searching_through_iterators_Iterator_find.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/functions/functions_closures_example_searching_through_iterators_Iterator_find.v
index e3fef8169..bdbd3029b 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/functions/functions_closures_example_searching_through_iterators_Iterator_find.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/functions/functions_closures_example_searching_through_iterators_Iterator_find.v
@@ -87,10 +87,23 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
(Self := core.slice.iter.Iter.t i32.t)
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
(borrow_mut iter)
- (fun (x : ref (ref i32.t)) =>
- (let* x := M.alloc x in
- let* α0 : i32.t := M.read x in
- M.pure (BinOp.Pure.eq α0 (Integer.of_Z 2))) :
+ (fun (α0 : ref (ref i32.t)) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* x := M.copy γ in
+ let* α0 : i32.t := M.read x in
+ M.pure (BinOp.Pure.eq α0 (Integer.of_Z 2))) :
+ M bool.t
+ ]) :
M bool.t)) in
let* α6 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t (ref i32.t)) := M.alloc α5 in
let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
@@ -121,10 +134,20 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
alloc.vec.into_iter.IntoIter.t i32.t alloc.alloc.Global.t)
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
(borrow_mut into_iter)
- (fun (x : ref i32.t) =>
- (let* x := M.alloc x in
- let* α0 : i32.t := M.read x in
- M.pure (BinOp.Pure.eq α0 (Integer.of_Z 2))) :
+ (fun (α0 : ref i32.t) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* x := M.copy γ in
+ let* α0 : i32.t := M.read x in
+ M.pure (BinOp.Pure.eq α0 (Integer.of_Z 2))) :
+ M bool.t
+ ]) :
M bool.t)) in
let* α6 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t i32.t) := M.alloc α5 in
let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
@@ -163,10 +186,23 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
(Self := core.slice.iter.Iter.t i32.t)
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
(borrow_mut α8)
- (fun (x : ref (ref i32.t)) =>
- (let* x := M.alloc x in
- let* α0 : i32.t := M.read x in
- M.pure (BinOp.Pure.eq α0 (Integer.of_Z 2))) :
+ (fun (α0 : ref (ref i32.t)) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* x := M.copy γ in
+ let* α0 : i32.t := M.read x in
+ M.pure (BinOp.Pure.eq α0 (Integer.of_Z 2))) :
+ M bool.t
+ ]) :
M bool.t)) in
let* α10 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t (ref i32.t)) := M.alloc α9 in
let* α11 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
@@ -203,11 +239,21 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
(Self := core.slice.iter.Iter.t i32.t)
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
(borrow_mut α6)
- (fun (x : ref (ref i32.t)) =>
- (let* x := M.alloc x in
- let* α0 : ref i32.t := M.read x in
- let* α1 : i32.t := M.read (deref α0) in
- M.pure (BinOp.Pure.eq α1 (Integer.of_Z 2))) :
+ (fun (α0 : ref (ref i32.t)) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* x := M.copy γ in
+ let* α0 : ref i32.t := M.read x in
+ let* α1 : i32.t := M.read (deref α0) in
+ M.pure (BinOp.Pure.eq α1 (Integer.of_Z 2))) :
+ M bool.t
+ ]) :
M bool.t)) in
let* α8 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t (ref i32.t)) := M.alloc α7 in
let* α9 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/functions/functions_closures_example_searching_through_iterators_Iterator_position.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/functions/functions_closures_example_searching_through_iterators_Iterator_position.v
index b62e2c9c8..1c0a68322 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/functions/functions_closures_example_searching_through_iterators_Iterator_position.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/functions/functions_closures_example_searching_through_iterators_Iterator_position.v
@@ -52,49 +52,80 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
(Self := core.slice.iter.Iter.t i32.t)
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
(borrow_mut α2)
- (fun (x : ref i32.t) =>
- (let* x := M.alloc x in
- let* α0 : i32.t := M.read x in
- let* α1 : i32.t := BinOp.Panic.rem α0 (Integer.of_Z 2) in
- M.pure (BinOp.Pure.eq α1 (Integer.of_Z 0))) :
+ (fun (α0 : ref i32.t) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* x := M.copy γ in
+ let* α0 : i32.t := M.read x in
+ let* α1 : i32.t := BinOp.Panic.rem α0 (Integer.of_Z 2) in
+ M.pure (BinOp.Pure.eq α1 (Integer.of_Z 0))) :
+ M bool.t
+ ]) :
M bool.t)) in
M.alloc α3 in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* α0 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t usize.t) :=
M.alloc (core.option.Option.Some (Integer.of_Z 5)) in
- match (borrow index_of_first_even_number, borrow α0) with
- | (left_val, right_val) =>
- let* left_val := M.alloc left_val in
- let* right_val := M.alloc right_val in
- let* α0 : ref (core.option.Option.t usize.t) := M.read left_val in
- let* α1 : ref (core.option.Option.t usize.t) := M.read right_val in
- let* α2 : bool.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.cmp.PartialEq.eq
- (Self := core.option.Option.t usize.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0
- α1) in
- let* α3 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc (UnOp.not α2) in
- let* α4 : bool.t := M.read (use α3) in
- if α4 then
- let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
- M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
- let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
- let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
- let* α1 : ref (core.option.Option.t usize.t) := M.read left_val in
- let* α2 : ref (core.option.Option.t usize.t) := M.read right_val in
- let* α3 : never.t :=
- M.call
- (core.panicking.assert_failed α0 α1 α2 core.option.Option.None) in
- M.alloc α3 in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- else
- M.alloc tt
- end in
+ let* α1 :
+ M.Val
+ ((ref (core.option.Option.t usize.t))
+ *
+ (ref (core.option.Option.t usize.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow index_of_first_even_number, borrow α0) in
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_, _) =>
+ let γ0 := Tuple.Access.left γ in
+ let γ1 := Tuple.Access.right γ in
+ let* left_val := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* right_val := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* α0 : ref (core.option.Option.t usize.t) := M.read left_val in
+ let* α1 : ref (core.option.Option.t usize.t) := M.read right_val in
+ let* α2 : bool.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.cmp.PartialEq.eq
+ (Self := core.option.Option.t usize.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0
+ α1) in
+ let* α3 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc (UnOp.not α2) in
+ let* α4 : bool.t := M.read (use α3) in
+ if α4 then
+ let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
+ M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
+ let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
+ let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
+ let* α1 : ref (core.option.Option.t usize.t) :=
+ M.read left_val in
+ let* α2 : ref (core.option.Option.t usize.t) :=
+ M.read right_val in
+ let* α3 : never.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.panicking.assert_failed
+ α0
+ α1
+ α2
+ core.option.Option.None) in
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ else
+ M.alloc tt
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
let* index_of_first_negative_number : M.Val (core.option.Option.t usize.t) :=
let* α0 : alloc.vec.Vec.t i32.t alloc.alloc.Global.t := M.read vec in
let* α1 : alloc.vec.into_iter.IntoIter.t i32.t alloc.alloc.Global.t :=
@@ -112,47 +143,75 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
(Self := alloc.vec.into_iter.IntoIter.t i32.t alloc.alloc.Global.t)
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
(borrow_mut α2)
- (fun (x : i32.t) =>
- (let* x := M.alloc x in
- let* α0 : i32.t := M.read x in
- M.pure (BinOp.Pure.lt α0 (Integer.of_Z 0))) :
+ (fun (α0 : i32.t) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* x := M.copy γ in
+ let* α0 : i32.t := M.read x in
+ M.pure (BinOp.Pure.lt α0 (Integer.of_Z 0))) :
+ M bool.t
+ ]) :
M bool.t)) in
M.alloc α3 in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* α0 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t usize.t) :=
M.alloc core.option.Option.None in
- match (borrow index_of_first_negative_number, borrow α0) with
- | (left_val, right_val) =>
- let* left_val := M.alloc left_val in
- let* right_val := M.alloc right_val in
- let* α0 : ref (core.option.Option.t usize.t) := M.read left_val in
- let* α1 : ref (core.option.Option.t usize.t) := M.read right_val in
- let* α2 : bool.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.cmp.PartialEq.eq
- (Self := core.option.Option.t usize.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0
- α1) in
- let* α3 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc (UnOp.not α2) in
- let* α4 : bool.t := M.read (use α3) in
- if α4 then
- let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
- M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
- let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
- let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
- let* α1 : ref (core.option.Option.t usize.t) := M.read left_val in
- let* α2 : ref (core.option.Option.t usize.t) := M.read right_val in
- let* α3 : never.t :=
- M.call
- (core.panicking.assert_failed α0 α1 α2 core.option.Option.None) in
- M.alloc α3 in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- else
- M.alloc tt
- end in
+ let* α1 :
+ M.Val
+ ((ref (core.option.Option.t usize.t))
+ *
+ (ref (core.option.Option.t usize.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow index_of_first_negative_number, borrow α0) in
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_, _) =>
+ let γ0 := Tuple.Access.left γ in
+ let γ1 := Tuple.Access.right γ in
+ let* left_val := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* right_val := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* α0 : ref (core.option.Option.t usize.t) := M.read left_val in
+ let* α1 : ref (core.option.Option.t usize.t) := M.read right_val in
+ let* α2 : bool.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.cmp.PartialEq.eq
+ (Self := core.option.Option.t usize.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0
+ α1) in
+ let* α3 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc (UnOp.not α2) in
+ let* α4 : bool.t := M.read (use α3) in
+ if α4 then
+ let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
+ M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
+ let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
+ let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
+ let* α1 : ref (core.option.Option.t usize.t) :=
+ M.read left_val in
+ let* α2 : ref (core.option.Option.t usize.t) :=
+ M.read right_val in
+ let* α3 : never.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.panicking.assert_failed
+ α0
+ α1
+ α2
+ core.option.Option.None) in
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ else
+ M.alloc tt
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
M.read α0.
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/functions/functions_closures_forced_capturing_with_move.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/functions/functions_closures_forced_capturing_with_move.v
index 8461be4c1..512df1e58 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/functions/functions_closures_forced_capturing_with_move.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/functions/functions_closures_forced_capturing_with_move.v
@@ -35,16 +35,23 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
M.alloc α3 in
let* contains : M.Val ((ref i32.t) -> M bool.t) :=
- (fun (needle : ref i32.t) =>
- (let* needle := M.alloc needle in
- let* α0 : ref (slice i32.t) :=
- M.call
- ((core.ops.deref.Deref.deref
- (Self := alloc.vec.Vec.t i32.t alloc.alloc.Global.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (borrow haystack)) in
- let* α1 : ref i32.t := M.read needle in
- M.call ((slice i32.t)::["contains"] α0 α1)) :
+ (fun (α0 : ref i32.t) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* needle := M.copy γ in
+ let* α0 : ref (slice i32.t) :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.ops.deref.Deref.deref
+ (Self := alloc.vec.Vec.t i32.t alloc.alloc.Global.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ (borrow haystack)) in
+ let* α1 : ref i32.t := M.read needle in
+ M.call ((slice i32.t)::["contains"] α0 α1)) :
+ M bool.t
+ ]) :
M bool.t) in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/functions/higher_order_functions.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/functions/higher_order_functions.v
index 0b2990e2e..b896df19a 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/functions/higher_order_functions.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/functions/higher_order_functions.v
@@ -70,60 +70,82 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
(Self := core.ops.range.RangeFrom.t u32.t)
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
{| core.ops.range.RangeFrom.start := Integer.of_Z 0; |}) in
- let* α1 : M.Val unit :=
- match α0 with
- | iter =>
- let* iter := M.alloc iter in
- loop
- (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : core.option.Option.t u32.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
- (Self := core.ops.range.RangeFrom.t u32.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (borrow_mut iter)) in
- match α0 with
- | core.option.Option.None =>
- let* α0 : M.Val never.t := Break in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- | core.option.Option.Some n =>
- let* n := M.alloc n in
- let* n_squared : M.Val u32.t :=
- let* α0 : u32.t := M.read n in
- let* α1 : u32.t := M.read n in
- let* α2 : u32.t := BinOp.Panic.mul α0 α1 in
- M.alloc α2 in
- let* α0 : u32.t := M.read n_squared in
- let* α1 : u32.t := M.read upper in
- let* α2 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc (BinOp.Pure.ge α0 α1) in
- let* α3 : bool.t := M.read (use α2) in
- if α3 then
- let* _ : M.Val never.t := Break in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- else
- let* α0 : u32.t := M.read n_squared in
- let* α1 : bool.t := M.call (higher_order_functions.is_odd α0) in
- let* α2 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc α1 in
- let* α3 : bool.t := M.read (use α2) in
- if α3 then
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let β : M.Val u32.t := acc in
- let* α0 := M.read β in
- let* α1 : u32.t := M.read n_squared in
- let* α2 := BinOp.Panic.add α0 α1 in
- assign β α2 in
- M.alloc tt
- else
- M.alloc tt
- end in
- M.alloc tt)
- end in
- M.pure (use α1) in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (core.ops.range.RangeFrom.t u32.t) := M.alloc α0 in
+ let* α2 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* iter := M.copy γ in
+ M.loop
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : core.option.Option.t u32.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
+ (Self := core.ops.range.RangeFrom.t u32.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ (borrow_mut iter)) in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t u32.t) := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.None =>
+ let* α0 : M.Val never.t := M.break in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* n := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* n_squared : M.Val u32.t :=
+ let* α0 : u32.t := M.read n in
+ let* α1 : u32.t := M.read n in
+ let* α2 : u32.t := BinOp.Panic.mul α0 α1 in
+ M.alloc α2 in
+ let* α0 : u32.t := M.read n_squared in
+ let* α1 : u32.t := M.read upper in
+ let* α2 : M.Val bool.t :=
+ M.alloc (BinOp.Pure.ge α0 α1) in
+ let* α3 : bool.t := M.read (use α2) in
+ if α3 then
+ let* _ : M.Val never.t := M.break in
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ else
+ let* α0 : u32.t := M.read n_squared in
+ let* α1 : bool.t :=
+ M.call (higher_order_functions.is_odd α0) in
+ let* α2 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc α1 in
+ let* α3 : bool.t := M.read (use α2) in
+ if α3 then
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let β : M.Val u32.t := acc in
+ let* α0 := M.read β in
+ let* α1 : u32.t := M.read n_squared in
+ let* α2 := BinOp.Panic.add α0 α1 in
+ assign β α2 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ else
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.alloc tt)) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.pure (use α2) in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "imperative style: ") in
@@ -155,11 +177,18 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
(Self := core.ops.range.RangeFrom.t u32.t)
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
{| core.ops.range.RangeFrom.start := Integer.of_Z 0; |}
- (fun (n : u32.t) =>
- (let* n := M.alloc n in
- let* α0 : u32.t := M.read n in
- let* α1 : u32.t := M.read n in
- BinOp.Panic.mul α0 α1) :
+ (fun (α0 : u32.t) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* n := M.copy γ in
+ let* α0 : u32.t := M.read n in
+ let* α1 : u32.t := M.read n in
+ BinOp.Panic.mul α0 α1) :
+ M u32.t
+ ]) :
M u32.t)) in
let* α1 :
@@ -175,11 +204,21 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
(u32.t -> M u32.t))
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (fun (n_squared : ref u32.t) =>
- (let* n_squared := M.alloc n_squared in
- let* α0 : u32.t := M.read n_squared in
- let* α1 : u32.t := M.read upper in
- M.pure (BinOp.Pure.lt α0 α1)) :
+ (fun (α0 : ref u32.t) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* n_squared := M.copy γ in
+ let* α0 : u32.t := M.read n_squared in
+ let* α1 : u32.t := M.read upper in
+ M.pure (BinOp.Pure.lt α0 α1)) :
+ M bool.t
+ ]) :
M bool.t)) in
let* α2 :
@@ -199,10 +238,20 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
((ref u32.t) -> M bool.t))
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (fun (n_squared : ref u32.t) =>
- (let* n_squared := M.alloc n_squared in
- let* α0 : u32.t := M.read n_squared in
- M.call (higher_order_functions.is_odd α0)) :
+ (fun (α0 : ref u32.t) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* n_squared := M.copy γ in
+ let* α0 : u32.t := M.read n_squared in
+ M.call (higher_order_functions.is_odd α0)) :
+ M bool.t
+ ]) :
M bool.t)) in
let* α3 : u32.t :=
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/generics/generics_new_type_idiom_as_base_type.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/generics/generics_new_type_idiom_as_base_type.v
index 89922a7cb..af34b6f00 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/generics/generics_new_type_idiom_as_base_type.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/generics/generics_new_type_idiom_as_base_type.v
@@ -27,10 +27,18 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
(generics_new_type_idiom_as_base_type.Years.Build_t (Integer.of_Z 42)) in
let* years_as_primitive_1 : M.Val i64.t := M.copy years.["0"] in
- let* 'generics_new_type_idiom_as_base_type.Years.Build_t
- years_as_primitive_2 :
- generics_new_type_idiom_as_base_type.Years.t :=
- M.read years in
- let* years_as_primitive_2 := M.alloc years_as_primitive_2 in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ years
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | generics_new_type_idiom_as_base_type.Years.Build_t _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Years.0"] in
+ let* years_as_primitive_2 := M.copy γ0 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
M.read α0.
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/guessing_game/guessing_game.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/guessing_game/guessing_game.v
index 0ccb875e2..0cd3b756c 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/guessing_game/guessing_game.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/guessing_game/guessing_game.v
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
let* α0 : u32.t := M.call guessing_game.gen_range in
M.alloc α0 in
let* α0 : M.Val unit :=
- loop
+ M.loop
(let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Please input your guess.
@@ -107,18 +107,37 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
let* α1 : ref str.t := M.call (str.t::["trim"] α0) in
let* α2 : core.result.Result.t u32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t :=
M.call (str.t::["parse"] α1) in
- let* α3 : M.Val u32.t :=
- match α2 with
- | core.result.Result.Ok num =>
- let* num := M.alloc num in
- M.pure num
- | core.result.Result.Err _ =>
- let* α0 : M.Val never.t := Continue in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : u32.t := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- end in
- M.copy α3 in
+ let* α3 :
+ M.Val (core.result.Result.t u32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t) :=
+ M.alloc α2 in
+ let* α4 : M.Val u32.t :=
+ match_operator
+ α3
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Ok _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Ok.0"] in
+ let* num := M.copy γ0 in
+ M.pure num
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val u32.t);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Err _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Err.0"] in
+ let* α0 : M.Val never.t := M.continue in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : u32.t := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val u32.t)
+ ] in
+ M.copy α4 in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "You guessed: ") in
@@ -145,51 +164,75 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
((core.cmp.Ord.cmp (Self := u32.t) (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
(borrow guess)
(borrow secret_number)) in
- match α0 with
- | core.cmp.Ordering.Less =>
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Too small!
+ let* α1 : M.Val core.cmp.Ordering.t := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.cmp.Ordering.Less =>
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Too small!
") in
- let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
- let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
- M.alloc α5 in
- M.alloc tt
- | core.cmp.Ordering.Greater =>
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Too big!
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
+ let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.cmp.Ordering.Greater =>
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Too big!
") in
- let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
- let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
- M.alloc α5 in
- M.alloc tt
- | core.cmp.Ordering.Equal =>
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "You win!
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
+ let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.cmp.Ordering.Equal =>
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "You win!
") in
- let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
- let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
- M.alloc α5 in
- M.alloc tt in
- let* _ : M.Val never.t := Break in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- end) in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
+ let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ M.alloc tt in
+ let* _ : M.Val never.t := M.break in
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ]) in
M.read α0.
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/basic_contract_caller.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/basic_contract_caller.v
index c649cecf9..9c397b020 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/basic_contract_caller.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/basic_contract_caller.v
@@ -49,9 +49,17 @@ Section Impl_core_clone_Clone_for_basic_contract_caller_AccountId_t.
Definition clone (self : ref Self) : M basic_contract_caller.AccountId.t :=
let* self := M.alloc self in
- let _ : unit := tt in
- let* α0 : ref basic_contract_caller.AccountId.t := M.read self in
- M.read (deref α0).
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 : M.Val basic_contract_caller.AccountId.t :=
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 : ref basic_contract_caller.AccountId.t := M.read self in
+ M.pure (deref α0)) :
+ M (M.Val basic_contract_caller.AccountId.t)
+ ] in
+ M.read α1.
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_clone :
Notations.DoubleColon Self "clone" := {
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/call_runtime.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/call_runtime.v
index 0a0461b93..d30e2b035 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/call_runtime.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/call_runtime.v
@@ -49,9 +49,17 @@ Section Impl_core_clone_Clone_for_call_runtime_AccountId_t.
Definition clone (self : ref Self) : M call_runtime.AccountId.t :=
let* self := M.alloc self in
- let _ : unit := tt in
- let* α0 : ref call_runtime.AccountId.t := M.read self in
- M.read (deref α0).
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 : M.Val call_runtime.AccountId.t :=
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 : ref call_runtime.AccountId.t := M.read self in
+ M.pure (deref α0)) :
+ M (M.Val call_runtime.AccountId.t)
+ ] in
+ M.read α1.
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_clone :
Notations.DoubleColon Self "clone" := {
@@ -319,19 +327,27 @@ Section Impl_core_convert_From_call_runtime_EnvError_t_for_call_runtime_RuntimeE
Definition from (e : call_runtime.EnvError.t) : M Self :=
let* e := M.alloc e in
- let* α0 : call_runtime.EnvError.t := M.read e in
- let* α1 : M.Val call_runtime.RuntimeError.t :=
- match α0 with
- | call_runtime.EnvError.CallRuntimeFailed =>
- M.alloc call_runtime.RuntimeError.CallRuntimeFailed
- | _ =>
- let* α0 : ref str.t :=
- M.read (mk_str "Unexpected error from `pallet-contracts`.") in
- let* α1 : never.t := M.call (std.panicking.begin_panic α0) in
- let* α2 : call_runtime.RuntimeError.t := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- end in
- M.read α1.
+ let* α0 : M.Val call_runtime.RuntimeError.t :=
+ match_operator
+ e
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | call_runtime.EnvError.CallRuntimeFailed =>
+ M.alloc call_runtime.RuntimeError.CallRuntimeFailed
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val call_runtime.RuntimeError.t);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "Unexpected error from `pallet-contracts`.") in
+ let* α1 : never.t := M.call (std.panicking.begin_panic α0) in
+ let* α2 : call_runtime.RuntimeError.t := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2) :
+ M (M.Val call_runtime.RuntimeError.t)
+ ] in
+ M.read α0.
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_from :
Notations.DoubleColon Self "from" := {
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/conditional_compilation.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/conditional_compilation.v
index 5ea281d25..90acf199f 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/conditional_compilation.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/conditional_compilation.v
@@ -49,9 +49,17 @@ Section Impl_core_clone_Clone_for_conditional_compilation_AccountId_t.
Definition clone (self : ref Self) : M conditional_compilation.AccountId.t :=
let* self := M.alloc self in
- let _ : unit := tt in
- let* α0 : ref conditional_compilation.AccountId.t := M.read self in
- M.read (deref α0).
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 : M.Val conditional_compilation.AccountId.t :=
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 : ref conditional_compilation.AccountId.t := M.read self in
+ M.pure (deref α0)) :
+ M (M.Val conditional_compilation.AccountId.t)
+ ] in
+ M.read α1.
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_clone :
Notations.DoubleColon Self "clone" := {
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/contract_terminate.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/contract_terminate.v
index 3200ade53..387cff43d 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/contract_terminate.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/contract_terminate.v
@@ -49,9 +49,17 @@ Section Impl_core_clone_Clone_for_contract_terminate_AccountId_t.
Definition clone (self : ref Self) : M contract_terminate.AccountId.t :=
let* self := M.alloc self in
- let _ : unit := tt in
- let* α0 : ref contract_terminate.AccountId.t := M.read self in
- M.read (deref α0).
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 : M.Val contract_terminate.AccountId.t :=
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 : ref contract_terminate.AccountId.t := M.read self in
+ M.pure (deref α0)) :
+ M (M.Val contract_terminate.AccountId.t)
+ ] in
+ M.read α1.
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_clone :
Notations.DoubleColon Self "clone" := {
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/contract_transfer.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/contract_transfer.v
index a310ddb9c..4f770ed0a 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/contract_transfer.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/contract_transfer.v
@@ -49,9 +49,17 @@ Section Impl_core_clone_Clone_for_contract_transfer_AccountId_t.
Definition clone (self : ref Self) : M contract_transfer.AccountId.t :=
let* self := M.alloc self in
- let _ : unit := tt in
- let* α0 : ref contract_transfer.AccountId.t := M.read self in
- M.read (deref α0).
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 : M.Val contract_transfer.AccountId.t :=
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 : ref contract_transfer.AccountId.t := M.read self in
+ M.pure (deref α0)) :
+ M (M.Val contract_transfer.AccountId.t)
+ ] in
+ M.read α1.
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_clone :
Notations.DoubleColon Self "clone" := {
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/custom_environment.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/custom_environment.v
index 747f16d44..8025f1dbf 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/custom_environment.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/custom_environment.v
@@ -49,9 +49,17 @@ Section Impl_core_clone_Clone_for_custom_environment_AccountId_t.
Definition clone (self : ref Self) : M custom_environment.AccountId.t :=
let* self := M.alloc self in
- let _ : unit := tt in
- let* α0 : ref custom_environment.AccountId.t := M.read self in
- M.read (deref α0).
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 : M.Val custom_environment.AccountId.t :=
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 : ref custom_environment.AccountId.t := M.read self in
+ M.pure (deref α0)) :
+ M (M.Val custom_environment.AccountId.t)
+ ] in
+ M.read α1.
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_clone :
Notations.DoubleColon Self "clone" := {
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/dns.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/dns.v
index 82bfb28d4..4e899f3c8 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/dns.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/dns.v
@@ -248,9 +248,17 @@ Section Impl_core_clone_Clone_for_dns_AccountId_t.
Definition clone (self : ref Self) : M dns.AccountId.t :=
let* self := M.alloc self in
- let _ : unit := tt in
- let* α0 : ref dns.AccountId.t := M.read self in
- M.read (deref α0).
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 : M.Val dns.AccountId.t :=
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 : ref dns.AccountId.t := M.read self in
+ M.pure (deref α0)) :
+ M (M.Val dns.AccountId.t)
+ ] in
+ M.read α1.
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_clone :
Notations.DoubleColon Self "clone" := {
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/e2e_call_runtime.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/e2e_call_runtime.v
index b5a2d7e99..c60ff97aa 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/e2e_call_runtime.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/e2e_call_runtime.v
@@ -49,9 +49,17 @@ Section Impl_core_clone_Clone_for_e2e_call_runtime_AccountId_t.
Definition clone (self : ref Self) : M e2e_call_runtime.AccountId.t :=
let* self := M.alloc self in
- let _ : unit := tt in
- let* α0 : ref e2e_call_runtime.AccountId.t := M.read self in
- M.read (deref α0).
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 : M.Val e2e_call_runtime.AccountId.t :=
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 : ref e2e_call_runtime.AccountId.t := M.read self in
+ M.pure (deref α0)) :
+ M (M.Val e2e_call_runtime.AccountId.t)
+ ] in
+ M.read α1.
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_clone :
Notations.DoubleColon Self "clone" := {
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/erc1155.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/erc1155.v
index 9659415b1..3eb77d8c6 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/erc1155.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/erc1155.v
@@ -234,9 +234,17 @@ Section Impl_core_clone_Clone_for_erc1155_AccountId_t.
Definition clone (self : ref Self) : M erc1155.AccountId.t :=
let* self := M.alloc self in
- let _ : unit := tt in
- let* α0 : ref erc1155.AccountId.t := M.read self in
- M.read (deref α0).
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 : M.Val erc1155.AccountId.t :=
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 : ref erc1155.AccountId.t := M.read self in
+ M.pure (deref α0)) :
+ M (M.Val erc1155.AccountId.t)
+ ] in
+ M.read α1.
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_clone :
Notations.DoubleColon Self "clone" := {
@@ -1765,63 +1773,107 @@ Section Impl_erc1155_Erc1155_for_erc1155_Contract_t.
(core.slice.iter.Iter.t u128.t))
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
α0) in
- let* α2 : M.Val unit :=
- match α1 with
- | iter =>
- let* iter := M.alloc iter in
- loop
- (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : core.option.Option.t ((ref u128.t) * (ref u128.t)) :=
- M.call
- ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
- (Self :=
- core.iter.adapters.zip.Zip.t
- (core.slice.iter.Iter.t u128.t)
- (core.slice.iter.Iter.t u128.t))
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (borrow_mut iter)) in
- match α0 with
- | core.option.Option.None =>
- let* α0 : M.Val never.t := Break in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- | core.option.Option.Some (id, v) =>
- let* id := M.alloc id in
- let* v := M.alloc v in
- let* balance : M.Val u128.t :=
- let* α0 : mut_ref erc1155.Contract.t := M.read self in
- let* α1 : erc1155.AccountId.t := M.read from in
- let* α2 : u128.t := M.read id in
- let* α3 : u128.t :=
- M.call (balance_of (borrow (deref α0)) α1 α2) in
- M.alloc α3 in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : u128.t := M.read balance in
- let* α1 : u128.t := M.read v in
- let* α2 : M.Val bool.t :=
- M.alloc (UnOp.not (BinOp.Pure.ge α0 α1)) in
- let* α3 : bool.t := M.read (use α2) in
- if α3 then
- let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
- let* α0 : erc1155.Error.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.convert.Into.into
- (Self := erc1155.Error.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- erc1155.Error.InsufficientBalance) in
- return_ (core.result.Result.Err α0) in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- else
- M.alloc tt in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
- M.alloc tt)
- end in
- M.pure (use α2) in
+ let* α2 :
+ M.Val
+ (core.iter.adapters.zip.Zip.t
+ (core.slice.iter.Iter.t u128.t)
+ (core.slice.iter.Iter.t u128.t)) :=
+ M.alloc α1 in
+ let* α3 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ α2
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* iter := M.copy γ in
+ M.loop
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 :
+ core.option.Option.t ((ref u128.t) * (ref u128.t)) :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
+ (Self :=
+ core.iter.adapters.zip.Zip.t
+ (core.slice.iter.Iter.t u128.t)
+ (core.slice.iter.Iter.t u128.t))
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ (borrow_mut iter)) in
+ let* α1 :
+ M.Val
+ (core.option.Option.t
+ ((ref u128.t) * (ref u128.t))) :=
+ M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.None =>
+ let* α0 : M.Val never.t := M.break in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ0 in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_, _) =>
+ let γ0 := Tuple.Access.left γ0 in
+ let γ1 := Tuple.Access.right γ0 in
+ let* γ0 :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ0 in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* id := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* γ1 :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ1 in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* v := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* balance : M.Val u128.t :=
+ let* α0 : mut_ref erc1155.Contract.t :=
+ M.read self in
+ let* α1 : erc1155.AccountId.t := M.read from in
+ let* α2 : u128.t := M.read id in
+ let* α3 : u128.t :=
+ M.call
+ (balance_of (borrow (deref α0)) α1 α2) in
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : u128.t := M.read balance in
+ let* α1 : u128.t := M.read v in
+ let* α2 : M.Val bool.t :=
+ M.alloc (UnOp.not (BinOp.Pure.ge α0 α1)) in
+ let* α3 : bool.t := M.read (use α2) in
+ if α3 then
+ let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
+ let* α0 : erc1155.Error.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.convert.Into.into
+ (Self := erc1155.Error.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ erc1155.Error.InsufficientBalance) in
+ return_ (core.result.Result.Err α0) in
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ else
+ M.alloc tt in
+ M.alloc tt
+ end
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.alloc tt)) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.pure (use α3) in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* α0 :
@@ -1840,50 +1892,93 @@ Section Impl_erc1155_Erc1155_for_erc1155_Contract_t.
(core.slice.iter.Iter.t u128.t))
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
α0) in
- let* α2 : M.Val unit :=
- match α1 with
- | iter =>
- let* iter := M.alloc iter in
- loop
- (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : core.option.Option.t ((ref u128.t) * (ref u128.t)) :=
- M.call
- ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
- (Self :=
- core.iter.adapters.zip.Zip.t
- (core.slice.iter.Iter.t u128.t)
- (core.slice.iter.Iter.t u128.t))
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (borrow_mut iter)) in
- match α0 with
- | core.option.Option.None =>
- let* α0 : M.Val never.t := Break in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- | core.option.Option.Some (id, v) =>
- let* id := M.alloc id in
- let* v := M.alloc v in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : mut_ref erc1155.Contract.t := M.read self in
- let* α1 : erc1155.AccountId.t := M.read from in
- let* α2 : erc1155.AccountId.t := M.read to in
- let* α3 : u128.t := M.read id in
- let* α4 : u128.t := M.read v in
- let* α5 : unit :=
+ let* α2 :
+ M.Val
+ (core.iter.adapters.zip.Zip.t
+ (core.slice.iter.Iter.t u128.t)
+ (core.slice.iter.Iter.t u128.t)) :=
+ M.alloc α1 in
+ let* α3 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ α2
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* iter := M.copy γ in
+ M.loop
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 :
+ core.option.Option.t ((ref u128.t) * (ref u128.t)) :=
- (erc1155.Contract.t::["perform_transfer"]
- α0
- α1
- α2
- α3
- α4) in
- M.alloc α5 in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
- M.alloc tt)
- end in
- M.pure (use α2) in
+ ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
+ (Self :=
+ core.iter.adapters.zip.Zip.t
+ (core.slice.iter.Iter.t u128.t)
+ (core.slice.iter.Iter.t u128.t))
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ (borrow_mut iter)) in
+ let* α1 :
+ M.Val
+ (core.option.Option.t
+ ((ref u128.t) * (ref u128.t))) :=
+ M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.None =>
+ let* α0 : M.Val never.t := M.break in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ0 in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_, _) =>
+ let γ0 := Tuple.Access.left γ0 in
+ let γ1 := Tuple.Access.right γ0 in
+ let* γ0 :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ0 in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* id := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* γ1 :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ1 in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* v := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : mut_ref erc1155.Contract.t :=
+ M.read self in
+ let* α1 : erc1155.AccountId.t := M.read from in
+ let* α2 : erc1155.AccountId.t := M.read to in
+ let* α3 : u128.t := M.read id in
+ let* α4 : u128.t := M.read v in
+ let* α5 : unit :=
+ M.call
+ (erc1155.Contract.t::["perform_transfer"]
+ α0
+ α1
+ α2
+ α3
+ α4) in
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ end
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.alloc tt)) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.pure (use α3) in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* α0 : mut_ref erc1155.Contract.t := M.read self in
let* α1 : erc1155.AccountId.t := M.read caller in
@@ -1960,81 +2055,145 @@ Section Impl_erc1155_Erc1155_for_erc1155_Contract_t.
ref (alloc.vec.Vec.t erc1155.AccountId.t alloc.alloc.Global.t))
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
(borrow owners)) in
- let* α1 : M.Val unit :=
- match α0 with
- | iter =>
- let* iter := M.alloc iter in
- loop
- (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : core.option.Option.t (ref erc1155.AccountId.t) :=
- M.call
- ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
- (Self := core.slice.iter.Iter.t erc1155.AccountId.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (borrow_mut iter)) in
- match α0 with
- | core.option.Option.None =>
- let* α0 : M.Val never.t := Break in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- | core.option.Option.Some o =>
- let* o := M.alloc o in
- let* α0 : core.slice.iter.Iter.t u128.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.iter.traits.collect.IntoIterator.into_iter
- (Self :=
- ref (alloc.vec.Vec.t u128.t alloc.alloc.Global.t))
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (borrow token_ids)) in
- let* α1 : M.Val unit :=
- match α0 with
- | iter =>
- let* iter := M.alloc iter in
- loop
- (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : core.option.Option.t (ref u128.t) :=
- M.call
- ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
- (Self := core.slice.iter.Iter.t u128.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (borrow_mut iter)) in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (core.slice.iter.Iter.t erc1155.AccountId.t) :=
+ M.alloc α0 in
+ let* α2 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* iter := M.copy γ in
+ M.loop
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : core.option.Option.t (ref erc1155.AccountId.t) :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
+ (Self := core.slice.iter.Iter.t erc1155.AccountId.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ (borrow_mut iter)) in
+ let* α1 :
+ M.Val (core.option.Option.t (ref erc1155.AccountId.t)) :=
+ M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
match α0 with
| core.option.Option.None =>
- let* α0 : M.Val never.t := Break in
+ let* α0 : M.Val never.t := M.break in
let* α1 := M.read α0 in
let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
M.alloc α2
- | core.option.Option.Some t =>
- let* t := M.alloc t in
- let* amount : M.Val u128.t :=
- let* α0 : ref erc1155.Contract.t := M.read self in
- let* α1 : ref erc1155.AccountId.t := M.read o in
- let* α2 : erc1155.AccountId.t :=
- M.read (deref α1) in
- let* α3 : ref u128.t := M.read t in
- let* α4 : u128.t := M.read (deref α3) in
- let* α5 : u128.t := M.call (balance_of α0 α2 α4) in
- M.alloc α5 in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : u128.t := M.read amount in
- let* α1 : unit :=
- M.call
- ((alloc.vec.Vec.t
- u128.t
- alloc.alloc.Global.t)::["push"]
- (borrow_mut output)
- α0) in
- M.alloc α1 in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
- M.alloc tt)
- end in
- M.pure (use α1)
- end in
- M.alloc tt)
- end in
- M.pure (use α1) in
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* o := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 : core.slice.iter.Iter.t u128.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.iter.traits.collect.IntoIterator.into_iter
+ (Self :=
+ ref
+ (alloc.vec.Vec.t
+ u128.t
+ alloc.alloc.Global.t))
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ (borrow token_ids)) in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (core.slice.iter.Iter.t u128.t) :=
+ M.alloc α0 in
+ let* α2 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* iter := M.copy γ in
+ M.loop
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 :
+ core.option.Option.t (ref u128.t) :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
+ (Self :=
+ core.slice.iter.Iter.t u128.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ (borrow_mut iter)) in
+ let* α1 :
+ M.Val
+ (core.option.Option.t
+ (ref u128.t)) :=
+ M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.None =>
+ let* α0 : M.Val never.t :=
+ M.break in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit :=
+ never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* t := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* amount : M.Val u128.t :=
+ let* α0 :
+ ref erc1155.Contract.t :=
+ M.read self in
+ let* α1 :
+ ref erc1155.AccountId.t :=
+ M.read o in
+ let* α2 : erc1155.AccountId.t :=
+ M.read (deref α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref u128.t :=
+ M.read t in
+ let* α4 : u128.t :=
+ M.read (deref α3) in
+ let* α5 : u128.t :=
+ M.call
+ (balance_of α0 α2 α4) in
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : u128.t :=
+ M.read amount in
+ let* α1 : unit :=
+ M.call
+ ((alloc.vec.Vec.t
+ u128.t
+ alloc.alloc.Global.t)::["push"]
+ (borrow_mut output)
+ α0) in
+ M.alloc α1 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.alloc tt)) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.pure (use α2)
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.alloc tt)) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.pure (use α2) in
M.read output.
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_balance_of_batch :
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/erc20.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/erc20.v
index 67c248f88..6fda21ea7 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/erc20.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/erc20.v
@@ -163,9 +163,17 @@ Section Impl_core_clone_Clone_for_erc20_AccountId_t.
Definition clone (self : ref Self) : M erc20.AccountId.t :=
let* self := M.alloc self in
- let _ : unit := tt in
- let* α0 : ref erc20.AccountId.t := M.read self in
- M.read (deref α0).
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 : M.Val erc20.AccountId.t :=
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 : ref erc20.AccountId.t := M.read self in
+ M.pure (deref α0)) :
+ M (M.Val erc20.AccountId.t)
+ ] in
+ M.read α1.
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_clone :
Notations.DoubleColon Self "clone" := {
@@ -953,26 +961,50 @@ Section Impl_erc20_Erc20_t_2.
(Self := core.result.Result.t unit erc20.Error.t)
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
α2) in
- match α3 with
- | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Break residual =>
- let* residual := M.alloc residual in
- let* α0 :
- core.result.Result.t core.convert.Infallible.t erc20.Error.t :=
- M.read residual in
- let* α1 : core.result.Result.t unit erc20.Error.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.ops.try_trait.FromResidual.from_residual
- (Self := core.result.Result.t unit erc20.Error.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0) in
- let* α2 : M.Val never.t := return_ α1 in
- let* α3 := M.read α2 in
- let* α4 : unit := never_to_any α3 in
- M.alloc α4
- | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Continue val =>
- let* val := M.alloc val in
- M.pure val
- end in
+ let* α4 :
+ M.Val
+ (core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.t
+ (core.result.Result.t core.convert.Infallible.t erc20.Error.t)
+ unit) :=
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ match_operator
+ α4
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Break _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Break.0"] in
+ let* residual := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 :
+ core.result.Result.t
+ core.convert.Infallible.t
+ erc20.Error.t :=
+ M.read residual in
+ let* α1 : core.result.Result.t unit erc20.Error.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.ops.try_trait.FromResidual.from_residual
+ (Self := core.result.Result.t unit erc20.Error.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0) in
+ let* α2 : M.Val never.t := return_ α1 in
+ let* α3 := M.read α2 in
+ let* α4 : unit := never_to_any α3 in
+ M.alloc α4
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Continue _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Continue.0"] in
+ let* val := M.copy γ0 in
+ M.pure val
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* α0 : mut_ref erc20.Erc20.t := M.read self in
let* α1 : erc20.AccountId.t := M.read from in
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/erc721.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/erc721.v
index f08a00b10..b4d89252e 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/erc721.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/erc721.v
@@ -234,9 +234,17 @@ Section Impl_core_clone_Clone_for_erc721_AccountId_t.
Definition clone (self : ref Self) : M erc721.AccountId.t :=
let* self := M.alloc self in
- let _ : unit := tt in
- let* α0 : ref erc721.AccountId.t := M.read self in
- M.read (deref α0).
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 : M.Val erc721.AccountId.t :=
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 : ref erc721.AccountId.t := M.read self in
+ M.pure (deref α0)) :
+ M (M.Val erc721.AccountId.t)
+ ] in
+ M.read α1.
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_clone :
Notations.DoubleColon Self "clone" := {
@@ -1211,26 +1219,50 @@ Section Impl_erc721_Erc721_t.
(Self := core.result.Result.t unit erc721.Error.t)
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
α3) in
- match α4 with
- | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Break residual =>
- let* residual := M.alloc residual in
- let* α0 :
- core.result.Result.t core.convert.Infallible.t erc721.Error.t :=
- M.read residual in
- let* α1 : core.result.Result.t unit erc721.Error.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.ops.try_trait.FromResidual.from_residual
- (Self := core.result.Result.t unit erc721.Error.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0) in
- let* α2 : M.Val never.t := return_ α1 in
- let* α3 := M.read α2 in
- let* α4 : unit := never_to_any α3 in
- M.alloc α4
- | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Continue val =>
- let* val := M.alloc val in
- M.pure val
- end in
+ let* α5 :
+ M.Val
+ (core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.t
+ (core.result.Result.t core.convert.Infallible.t erc721.Error.t)
+ unit) :=
+ M.alloc α4 in
+ match_operator
+ α5
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Break _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Break.0"] in
+ let* residual := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 :
+ core.result.Result.t
+ core.convert.Infallible.t
+ erc721.Error.t :=
+ M.read residual in
+ let* α1 : core.result.Result.t unit erc721.Error.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.ops.try_trait.FromResidual.from_residual
+ (Self := core.result.Result.t unit erc721.Error.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0) in
+ let* α2 : M.Val never.t := return_ α1 in
+ let* α3 := M.read α2 in
+ let* α4 : unit := never_to_any α3 in
+ M.alloc α4
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Continue _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Continue.0"] in
+ let* val := M.copy γ0 in
+ M.pure val
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
let* α0 : M.Val (core.result.Result.t unit erc721.Error.t) :=
M.alloc (core.result.Result.Ok tt) in
M.read α0).
@@ -1441,26 +1473,50 @@ Section Impl_erc721_Erc721_t.
(Self := core.result.Result.t unit erc721.Error.t)
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
α2) in
- match α3 with
- | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Break residual =>
- let* residual := M.alloc residual in
- let* α0 :
- core.result.Result.t core.convert.Infallible.t erc721.Error.t :=
- M.read residual in
- let* α1 : core.result.Result.t unit erc721.Error.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.ops.try_trait.FromResidual.from_residual
- (Self := core.result.Result.t unit erc721.Error.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0) in
- let* α2 : M.Val never.t := return_ α1 in
- let* α3 := M.read α2 in
- let* α4 : unit := never_to_any α3 in
- M.alloc α4
- | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Continue val =>
- let* val := M.alloc val in
- M.pure val
- end in
+ let* α4 :
+ M.Val
+ (core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.t
+ (core.result.Result.t core.convert.Infallible.t erc721.Error.t)
+ unit) :=
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ match_operator
+ α4
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Break _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Break.0"] in
+ let* residual := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 :
+ core.result.Result.t
+ core.convert.Infallible.t
+ erc721.Error.t :=
+ M.read residual in
+ let* α1 : core.result.Result.t unit erc721.Error.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.ops.try_trait.FromResidual.from_residual
+ (Self := core.result.Result.t unit erc721.Error.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0) in
+ let* α2 : M.Val never.t := return_ α1 in
+ let* α3 := M.read α2 in
+ let* α4 : unit := never_to_any α3 in
+ M.alloc α4
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Continue _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Continue.0"] in
+ let* val := M.copy γ0 in
+ M.pure val
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
let* α0 : M.Val (core.result.Result.t unit erc721.Error.t) :=
M.alloc (core.result.Result.Ok tt) in
M.read α0).
@@ -1502,112 +1558,168 @@ Section Impl_erc721_Erc721_t.
let* id := M.alloc id in
let return_ := M.return_ (R := core.result.Result.t unit erc721.Error.t) in
- (let* '{|
- erc721.Erc721.token_owner := token_owner;
- erc721.Erc721.owned_tokens_count := owned_tokens_count;
- |} :
- mut_ref erc721.Erc721.t :=
- M.read self in
- let* token_owner := M.alloc token_owner in
- let* owned_tokens_count := M.alloc owned_tokens_count in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : mut_ref (erc721.Mapping.t u32.t erc721.AccountId.t) :=
- M.read token_owner in
- let* α1 : bool.t :=
- M.call
- ((erc721.Mapping.t u32.t erc721.AccountId.t)::["contains"]
- (borrow (deref α0))
- (borrow id)) in
- let* α2 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc (UnOp.not α1) in
- let* α3 : bool.t := M.read (use α2) in
- if α3 then
- let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
- return_ (core.result.Result.Err erc721.Error.TokenNotFound) in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- else
- M.alloc tt in
- let* count : M.Val u32.t :=
- let* α0 : mut_ref (erc721.Mapping.t erc721.AccountId.t u32.t) :=
- M.read owned_tokens_count in
- let* α1 : ref erc721.AccountId.t := M.read from in
- let* α2 : core.option.Option.t u32.t :=
- M.call
- ((erc721.Mapping.t erc721.AccountId.t u32.t)::["get"]
- (borrow (deref α0))
- α1) in
- let* α3 : core.option.Option.t u32.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.option.Option.t u32.t)::["map"]
- α2
- (fun (c : u32.t) =>
- (let* c := M.alloc c in
- let* α0 : u32.t := M.read c in
- BinOp.Panic.sub α0 (Integer.of_Z 1)) :
- M u32.t)) in
- let* α4 : core.result.Result.t u32.t erc721.Error.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.option.Option.t u32.t)::["ok_or"]
- α3
- erc721.Error.CannotFetchValue) in
- let* α5 :
- core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.t
- (core.result.Result.t core.convert.Infallible.t erc721.Error.t)
- u32.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.ops.try_trait.Try.branch
- (Self := core.result.Result.t u32.t erc721.Error.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α4) in
- let* α6 : M.Val u32.t :=
- match α5 with
- | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Break residual =>
- let* residual := M.alloc residual in
- let* α0 :
- core.result.Result.t core.convert.Infallible.t erc721.Error.t :=
- M.read residual in
- let* α1 : core.result.Result.t unit erc721.Error.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.ops.try_trait.FromResidual.from_residual
- (Self := core.result.Result.t unit erc721.Error.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0) in
- let* α2 : M.Val never.t := return_ α1 in
- let* α3 := M.read α2 in
- let* α4 : u32.t := never_to_any α3 in
- M.alloc α4
- | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Continue val =>
- let* val := M.alloc val in
- M.pure val
- end in
- M.copy α6 in
- let* _ : M.Val (core.option.Option.t u32.t) :=
- let* α0 : mut_ref (erc721.Mapping.t erc721.AccountId.t u32.t) :=
- M.read owned_tokens_count in
- let* α1 : ref erc721.AccountId.t := M.read from in
- let* α2 : erc721.AccountId.t := M.read (deref α1) in
- let* α3 : u32.t := M.read count in
- let* α4 : core.option.Option.t u32.t :=
- M.call
- ((erc721.Mapping.t erc721.AccountId.t u32.t)::["insert"]
- α0
- α2
- α3) in
- M.alloc α4 in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : mut_ref (erc721.Mapping.t u32.t erc721.AccountId.t) :=
- M.read token_owner in
- let* α1 : u32.t := M.read id in
- let* α2 : unit :=
- M.call
- ((erc721.Mapping.t u32.t erc721.AccountId.t)::["remove"]
- (borrow (deref α0))
- α1) in
- M.alloc α2 in
- let* α0 : M.Val (core.result.Result.t unit erc721.Error.t) :=
- M.alloc (core.result.Result.Ok tt) in
+ (let* α0 : M.Val (core.result.Result.t unit erc721.Error.t) :=
+ match_operator
+ self
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ |
+ {|
+ erc721.Erc721.token_owner := _;
+ erc721.Erc721.owned_tokens_count := _;
+ |}
+ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Erc721.token_owner"] in
+ let γ1 := γ.["Erc721.owned_tokens_count"] in
+ let* token_owner := M.alloc (borrow γ0) in
+ let* owned_tokens_count := M.alloc (borrow γ1) in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 :
+ mut_ref (erc721.Mapping.t u32.t erc721.AccountId.t) :=
+ M.read token_owner in
+ let* α1 : bool.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((erc721.Mapping.t u32.t erc721.AccountId.t)::["contains"]
+ (borrow (deref α0))
+ (borrow id)) in
+ let* α2 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc (UnOp.not α1) in
+ let* α3 : bool.t := M.read (use α2) in
+ if α3 then
+ let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
+ return_
+ (core.result.Result.Err erc721.Error.TokenNotFound) in
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ else
+ M.alloc tt in
+ let* count : M.Val u32.t :=
+ let* α0 :
+ mut_ref (erc721.Mapping.t erc721.AccountId.t u32.t) :=
+ M.read owned_tokens_count in
+ let* α1 : ref erc721.AccountId.t := M.read from in
+ let* α2 : core.option.Option.t u32.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((erc721.Mapping.t erc721.AccountId.t u32.t)::["get"]
+ (borrow (deref α0))
+ α1) in
+ let* α3 : core.option.Option.t u32.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.option.Option.t u32.t)::["map"]
+ α2
+ (fun (α0 : u32.t) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* c := M.copy γ in
+ let* α0 : u32.t := M.read c in
+ BinOp.Panic.sub α0 (Integer.of_Z 1)) :
+ M u32.t
+ ]) :
+ M u32.t)) in
+ let* α4 : core.result.Result.t u32.t erc721.Error.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.option.Option.t u32.t)::["ok_or"]
+ α3
+ erc721.Error.CannotFetchValue) in
+ let* α5 :
+ core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.t
+ (core.result.Result.t
+ core.convert.Infallible.t
+ erc721.Error.t)
+ u32.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.ops.try_trait.Try.branch
+ (Self := core.result.Result.t u32.t erc721.Error.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α4) in
+ let* α6 :
+ M.Val
+ (core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.t
+ (core.result.Result.t
+ core.convert.Infallible.t
+ erc721.Error.t)
+ u32.t) :=
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ let* α7 : M.Val u32.t :=
+ match_operator
+ α6
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Break _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Break.0"] in
+ let* residual := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 :
+ core.result.Result.t
+ core.convert.Infallible.t
+ erc721.Error.t :=
+ M.read residual in
+ let* α1 :
+ core.result.Result.t unit erc721.Error.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.ops.try_trait.FromResidual.from_residual
+ (Self :=
+ core.result.Result.t unit erc721.Error.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0) in
+ let* α2 : M.Val never.t := return_ α1 in
+ let* α3 := M.read α2 in
+ let* α4 : u32.t := never_to_any α3 in
+ M.alloc α4
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val u32.t);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Continue _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Continue.0"] in
+ let* val := M.copy γ0 in
+ M.pure val
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val u32.t)
+ ] in
+ M.copy α7 in
+ let* _ : M.Val (core.option.Option.t u32.t) :=
+ let* α0 :
+ mut_ref (erc721.Mapping.t erc721.AccountId.t u32.t) :=
+ M.read owned_tokens_count in
+ let* α1 : ref erc721.AccountId.t := M.read from in
+ let* α2 : erc721.AccountId.t := M.read (deref α1) in
+ let* α3 : u32.t := M.read count in
+ let* α4 : core.option.Option.t u32.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((erc721.Mapping.t erc721.AccountId.t u32.t)::["insert"]
+ α0
+ α2
+ α3) in
+ M.alloc α4 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 :
+ mut_ref (erc721.Mapping.t u32.t erc721.AccountId.t) :=
+ M.read token_owner in
+ let* α1 : u32.t := M.read id in
+ let* α2 : unit :=
+ M.call
+ ((erc721.Mapping.t u32.t erc721.AccountId.t)::["remove"]
+ (borrow (deref α0))
+ α1) in
+ M.alloc α2 in
+ M.alloc (core.result.Result.Ok tt)
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (core.result.Result.t unit erc721.Error.t))
+ ] in
M.read α0).
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_remove_token_from :
@@ -1649,110 +1761,139 @@ Section Impl_erc721_Erc721_t.
let* id := M.alloc id in
let return_ := M.return_ (R := core.result.Result.t unit erc721.Error.t) in
- (let* '{|
- erc721.Erc721.token_owner := token_owner;
- erc721.Erc721.owned_tokens_count := owned_tokens_count;
- |} :
- mut_ref erc721.Erc721.t :=
- M.read self in
- let* token_owner := M.alloc token_owner in
- let* owned_tokens_count := M.alloc owned_tokens_count in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : mut_ref (erc721.Mapping.t u32.t erc721.AccountId.t) :=
- M.read token_owner in
- let* α1 : bool.t :=
- M.call
- ((erc721.Mapping.t u32.t erc721.AccountId.t)::["contains"]
- (borrow (deref α0))
- (borrow id)) in
- let* α2 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc α1 in
- let* α3 : bool.t := M.read (use α2) in
- if α3 then
- let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
- return_ (core.result.Result.Err erc721.Error.TokenExists) in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- else
- M.alloc tt in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref erc721.AccountId.t := M.read to in
- let* α1 : erc721.AccountId.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.convert.From.from
- (Self := erc721.AccountId.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (repeat (Integer.of_Z 0) 32)) in
- let* α2 : M.Val erc721.AccountId.t := M.alloc α1 in
- let* α3 : bool.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.cmp.PartialEq.eq
- (Self := erc721.AccountId.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0
- (borrow α2)) in
- let* α4 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc α3 in
- let* α5 : bool.t := M.read (use α4) in
- if α5 then
- let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
- return_ (core.result.Result.Err erc721.Error.NotAllowed) in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- else
- M.alloc tt in
- let* count : M.Val u32.t :=
- let* α0 : mut_ref (erc721.Mapping.t erc721.AccountId.t u32.t) :=
- M.read owned_tokens_count in
- let* α1 : ref erc721.AccountId.t := M.read to in
- let* α2 : core.option.Option.t u32.t :=
- M.call
- ((erc721.Mapping.t erc721.AccountId.t u32.t)::["get"]
- (borrow (deref α0))
- α1) in
- let* α3 : core.option.Option.t u32.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.option.Option.t u32.t)::["map"]
- α2
- (fun (c : u32.t) =>
- (let* c := M.alloc c in
- let* α0 : u32.t := M.read c in
- BinOp.Panic.add α0 (Integer.of_Z 1)) :
- M u32.t)) in
- let* α4 : u32.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.option.Option.t u32.t)::["unwrap_or"] α3 (Integer.of_Z 1)) in
- M.alloc α4 in
- let* _ : M.Val (core.option.Option.t u32.t) :=
- let* α0 : mut_ref (erc721.Mapping.t erc721.AccountId.t u32.t) :=
- M.read owned_tokens_count in
- let* α1 : ref erc721.AccountId.t := M.read to in
- let* α2 : erc721.AccountId.t := M.read (deref α1) in
- let* α3 : u32.t := M.read count in
- let* α4 : core.option.Option.t u32.t :=
- M.call
- ((erc721.Mapping.t erc721.AccountId.t u32.t)::["insert"]
- α0
- α2
- α3) in
- M.alloc α4 in
- let* _ : M.Val (core.option.Option.t u32.t) :=
- let* α0 : mut_ref (erc721.Mapping.t u32.t erc721.AccountId.t) :=
- M.read token_owner in
- let* α1 : u32.t := M.read id in
- let* α2 : ref erc721.AccountId.t := M.read to in
- let* α3 : erc721.AccountId.t := M.read (deref α2) in
- let* α4 : core.option.Option.t u32.t :=
- M.call
- ((erc721.Mapping.t u32.t erc721.AccountId.t)::["insert"]
- α0
- α1
- α3) in
- M.alloc α4 in
- let* α0 : M.Val (core.result.Result.t unit erc721.Error.t) :=
- M.alloc (core.result.Result.Ok tt) in
+ (let* α0 : M.Val (core.result.Result.t unit erc721.Error.t) :=
+ match_operator
+ self
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ |
+ {|
+ erc721.Erc721.token_owner := _;
+ erc721.Erc721.owned_tokens_count := _;
+ |}
+ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Erc721.token_owner"] in
+ let γ1 := γ.["Erc721.owned_tokens_count"] in
+ let* token_owner := M.alloc (borrow γ0) in
+ let* owned_tokens_count := M.alloc (borrow γ1) in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 :
+ mut_ref (erc721.Mapping.t u32.t erc721.AccountId.t) :=
+ M.read token_owner in
+ let* α1 : bool.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((erc721.Mapping.t u32.t erc721.AccountId.t)::["contains"]
+ (borrow (deref α0))
+ (borrow id)) in
+ let* α2 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc α1 in
+ let* α3 : bool.t := M.read (use α2) in
+ if α3 then
+ let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
+ return_
+ (core.result.Result.Err erc721.Error.TokenExists) in
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ else
+ M.alloc tt in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref erc721.AccountId.t := M.read to in
+ let* α1 : erc721.AccountId.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.convert.From.from
+ (Self := erc721.AccountId.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ (repeat (Integer.of_Z 0) 32)) in
+ let* α2 : M.Val erc721.AccountId.t := M.alloc α1 in
+ let* α3 : bool.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.cmp.PartialEq.eq
+ (Self := erc721.AccountId.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0
+ (borrow α2)) in
+ let* α4 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc α3 in
+ let* α5 : bool.t := M.read (use α4) in
+ if α5 then
+ let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
+ return_
+ (core.result.Result.Err erc721.Error.NotAllowed) in
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ else
+ M.alloc tt in
+ let* count : M.Val u32.t :=
+ let* α0 :
+ mut_ref (erc721.Mapping.t erc721.AccountId.t u32.t) :=
+ M.read owned_tokens_count in
+ let* α1 : ref erc721.AccountId.t := M.read to in
+ let* α2 : core.option.Option.t u32.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((erc721.Mapping.t erc721.AccountId.t u32.t)::["get"]
+ (borrow (deref α0))
+ α1) in
+ let* α3 : core.option.Option.t u32.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.option.Option.t u32.t)::["map"]
+ α2
+ (fun (α0 : u32.t) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* c := M.copy γ in
+ let* α0 : u32.t := M.read c in
+ BinOp.Panic.add α0 (Integer.of_Z 1)) :
+ M u32.t
+ ]) :
+ M u32.t)) in
+ let* α4 : u32.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.option.Option.t u32.t)::["unwrap_or"]
+ α3
+ (Integer.of_Z 1)) in
+ M.alloc α4 in
+ let* _ : M.Val (core.option.Option.t u32.t) :=
+ let* α0 :
+ mut_ref (erc721.Mapping.t erc721.AccountId.t u32.t) :=
+ M.read owned_tokens_count in
+ let* α1 : ref erc721.AccountId.t := M.read to in
+ let* α2 : erc721.AccountId.t := M.read (deref α1) in
+ let* α3 : u32.t := M.read count in
+ let* α4 : core.option.Option.t u32.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((erc721.Mapping.t erc721.AccountId.t u32.t)::["insert"]
+ α0
+ α2
+ α3) in
+ M.alloc α4 in
+ let* _ : M.Val (core.option.Option.t u32.t) :=
+ let* α0 :
+ mut_ref (erc721.Mapping.t u32.t erc721.AccountId.t) :=
+ M.read token_owner in
+ let* α1 : u32.t := M.read id in
+ let* α2 : ref erc721.AccountId.t := M.read to in
+ let* α3 : erc721.AccountId.t := M.read (deref α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.option.Option.t u32.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((erc721.Mapping.t u32.t erc721.AccountId.t)::["insert"]
+ α0
+ α1
+ α3) in
+ M.alloc α4 in
+ M.alloc (core.result.Result.Ok tt)
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (core.result.Result.t unit erc721.Error.t))
+ ] in
M.read α0).
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_add_token_to :
@@ -1862,26 +2003,50 @@ Section Impl_erc721_Erc721_t.
(Self := core.result.Result.t unit erc721.Error.t)
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
α3) in
- match α4 with
- | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Break residual =>
- let* residual := M.alloc residual in
- let* α0 :
- core.result.Result.t core.convert.Infallible.t erc721.Error.t :=
- M.read residual in
- let* α1 : core.result.Result.t unit erc721.Error.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.ops.try_trait.FromResidual.from_residual
- (Self := core.result.Result.t unit erc721.Error.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0) in
- let* α2 : M.Val never.t := return_ α1 in
- let* α3 := M.read α2 in
- let* α4 : unit := never_to_any α3 in
- M.alloc α4
- | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Continue val =>
- let* val := M.alloc val in
- M.pure val
- end in
+ let* α5 :
+ M.Val
+ (core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.t
+ (core.result.Result.t core.convert.Infallible.t erc721.Error.t)
+ unit) :=
+ M.alloc α4 in
+ match_operator
+ α5
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Break _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Break.0"] in
+ let* residual := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 :
+ core.result.Result.t
+ core.convert.Infallible.t
+ erc721.Error.t :=
+ M.read residual in
+ let* α1 : core.result.Result.t unit erc721.Error.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.ops.try_trait.FromResidual.from_residual
+ (Self := core.result.Result.t unit erc721.Error.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0) in
+ let* α2 : M.Val never.t := return_ α1 in
+ let* α3 := M.read α2 in
+ let* α4 : unit := never_to_any α3 in
+ M.alloc α4
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Continue _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Continue.0"] in
+ let* val := M.copy γ0 in
+ M.pure val
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* α0 : mut_ref erc721.Erc721.t := M.read self in
let* α1 : ref erc721.AccountId.t := M.read to in
@@ -1897,26 +2062,50 @@ Section Impl_erc721_Erc721_t.
(Self := core.result.Result.t unit erc721.Error.t)
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
α3) in
- match α4 with
- | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Break residual =>
- let* residual := M.alloc residual in
- let* α0 :
- core.result.Result.t core.convert.Infallible.t erc721.Error.t :=
- M.read residual in
- let* α1 : core.result.Result.t unit erc721.Error.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.ops.try_trait.FromResidual.from_residual
- (Self := core.result.Result.t unit erc721.Error.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0) in
- let* α2 : M.Val never.t := return_ α1 in
- let* α3 := M.read α2 in
- let* α4 : unit := never_to_any α3 in
- M.alloc α4
- | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Continue val =>
- let* val := M.alloc val in
- M.pure val
- end in
+ let* α5 :
+ M.Val
+ (core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.t
+ (core.result.Result.t core.convert.Infallible.t erc721.Error.t)
+ unit) :=
+ M.alloc α4 in
+ match_operator
+ α5
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Break _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Break.0"] in
+ let* residual := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 :
+ core.result.Result.t
+ core.convert.Infallible.t
+ erc721.Error.t :=
+ M.read residual in
+ let* α1 : core.result.Result.t unit erc721.Error.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.ops.try_trait.FromResidual.from_residual
+ (Self := core.result.Result.t unit erc721.Error.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0) in
+ let* α2 : M.Val never.t := return_ α1 in
+ let* α3 := M.read α2 in
+ let* α4 : unit := never_to_any α3 in
+ M.alloc α4
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Continue _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Continue.0"] in
+ let* val := M.copy γ0 in
+ M.pure val
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* α0 : mut_ref erc721.Erc721.t := M.read self in
let* α1 : erc721.Env.t :=
@@ -1991,26 +2180,50 @@ Section Impl_erc721_Erc721_t.
(Self := core.result.Result.t unit erc721.Error.t)
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
α2) in
- match α3 with
- | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Break residual =>
- let* residual := M.alloc residual in
- let* α0 :
- core.result.Result.t core.convert.Infallible.t erc721.Error.t :=
- M.read residual in
- let* α1 : core.result.Result.t unit erc721.Error.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.ops.try_trait.FromResidual.from_residual
- (Self := core.result.Result.t unit erc721.Error.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0) in
- let* α2 : M.Val never.t := return_ α1 in
- let* α3 := M.read α2 in
- let* α4 : unit := never_to_any α3 in
- M.alloc α4
- | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Continue val =>
- let* val := M.alloc val in
- M.pure val
- end in
+ let* α4 :
+ M.Val
+ (core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.t
+ (core.result.Result.t core.convert.Infallible.t erc721.Error.t)
+ unit) :=
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ match_operator
+ α4
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Break _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Break.0"] in
+ let* residual := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 :
+ core.result.Result.t
+ core.convert.Infallible.t
+ erc721.Error.t :=
+ M.read residual in
+ let* α1 : core.result.Result.t unit erc721.Error.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.ops.try_trait.FromResidual.from_residual
+ (Self := core.result.Result.t unit erc721.Error.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0) in
+ let* α2 : M.Val never.t := return_ α1 in
+ let* α3 := M.read α2 in
+ let* α4 : unit := never_to_any α3 in
+ M.alloc α4
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Continue _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Continue.0"] in
+ let* val := M.copy γ0 in
+ M.pure val
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
let* α0 : M.Val (core.result.Result.t unit erc721.Error.t) :=
M.alloc (core.result.Result.Ok tt) in
M.read α0).
@@ -2062,26 +2275,50 @@ Section Impl_erc721_Erc721_t.
(Self := core.result.Result.t unit erc721.Error.t)
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
α2) in
- match α3 with
- | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Break residual =>
- let* residual := M.alloc residual in
- let* α0 :
- core.result.Result.t core.convert.Infallible.t erc721.Error.t :=
- M.read residual in
- let* α1 : core.result.Result.t unit erc721.Error.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.ops.try_trait.FromResidual.from_residual
- (Self := core.result.Result.t unit erc721.Error.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0) in
- let* α2 : M.Val never.t := return_ α1 in
- let* α3 := M.read α2 in
- let* α4 : unit := never_to_any α3 in
- M.alloc α4
- | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Continue val =>
- let* val := M.alloc val in
- M.pure val
- end in
+ let* α4 :
+ M.Val
+ (core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.t
+ (core.result.Result.t core.convert.Infallible.t erc721.Error.t)
+ unit) :=
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ match_operator
+ α4
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Break _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Break.0"] in
+ let* residual := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 :
+ core.result.Result.t
+ core.convert.Infallible.t
+ erc721.Error.t :=
+ M.read residual in
+ let* α1 : core.result.Result.t unit erc721.Error.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.ops.try_trait.FromResidual.from_residual
+ (Self := core.result.Result.t unit erc721.Error.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0) in
+ let* α2 : M.Val never.t := return_ α1 in
+ let* α3 := M.read α2 in
+ let* α4 : unit := never_to_any α3 in
+ M.alloc α4
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Continue _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Continue.0"] in
+ let* val := M.copy γ0 in
+ M.pure val
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
let* α0 : M.Val (core.result.Result.t unit erc721.Error.t) :=
M.alloc (core.result.Result.Ok tt) in
M.read α0).
@@ -2133,26 +2370,50 @@ Section Impl_erc721_Erc721_t.
(Self := core.result.Result.t unit erc721.Error.t)
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
α2) in
- match α3 with
- | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Break residual =>
- let* residual := M.alloc residual in
- let* α0 :
- core.result.Result.t core.convert.Infallible.t erc721.Error.t :=
- M.read residual in
- let* α1 : core.result.Result.t unit erc721.Error.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.ops.try_trait.FromResidual.from_residual
- (Self := core.result.Result.t unit erc721.Error.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0) in
- let* α2 : M.Val never.t := return_ α1 in
- let* α3 := M.read α2 in
- let* α4 : unit := never_to_any α3 in
- M.alloc α4
- | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Continue val =>
- let* val := M.alloc val in
- M.pure val
- end in
+ let* α4 :
+ M.Val
+ (core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.t
+ (core.result.Result.t core.convert.Infallible.t erc721.Error.t)
+ unit) :=
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ match_operator
+ α4
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Break _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Break.0"] in
+ let* residual := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 :
+ core.result.Result.t
+ core.convert.Infallible.t
+ erc721.Error.t :=
+ M.read residual in
+ let* α1 : core.result.Result.t unit erc721.Error.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.ops.try_trait.FromResidual.from_residual
+ (Self := core.result.Result.t unit erc721.Error.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0) in
+ let* α2 : M.Val never.t := return_ α1 in
+ let* α3 := M.read α2 in
+ let* α4 : unit := never_to_any α3 in
+ M.alloc α4
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Continue _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Continue.0"] in
+ let* val := M.copy γ0 in
+ M.pure val
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* α0 : mut_ref erc721.Erc721.t := M.read self in
let* α1 : erc721.Env.t :=
@@ -2232,178 +2493,267 @@ Section Impl_erc721_Erc721_t.
let* α3 : erc721.AccountId.t :=
M.call (erc721.Env.t::["caller"] (borrow α2)) in
M.alloc α3 in
- let* '{|
- erc721.Erc721.token_owner := token_owner;
- erc721.Erc721.owned_tokens_count := owned_tokens_count;
- |} :
- mut_ref erc721.Erc721.t :=
- M.read self in
- let* token_owner := M.alloc token_owner in
- let* owned_tokens_count := M.alloc owned_tokens_count in
- let* owner : M.Val erc721.AccountId.t :=
- let* α0 : mut_ref (erc721.Mapping.t u32.t erc721.AccountId.t) :=
- M.read token_owner in
- let* α1 : core.option.Option.t erc721.AccountId.t :=
- M.call
- ((erc721.Mapping.t u32.t erc721.AccountId.t)::["get"]
- (borrow (deref α0))
- (borrow id)) in
- let* α2 : core.result.Result.t erc721.AccountId.t erc721.Error.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.option.Option.t erc721.AccountId.t)::["ok_or"]
- α1
- erc721.Error.TokenNotFound) in
- let* α3 :
- core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.t
- (core.result.Result.t core.convert.Infallible.t erc721.Error.t)
- erc721.AccountId.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.ops.try_trait.Try.branch
- (Self := core.result.Result.t erc721.AccountId.t erc721.Error.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α2) in
- let* α4 : M.Val erc721.AccountId.t :=
- match α3 with
- | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Break residual =>
- let* residual := M.alloc residual in
- let* α0 :
- core.result.Result.t core.convert.Infallible.t erc721.Error.t :=
- M.read residual in
- let* α1 : core.result.Result.t unit erc721.Error.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.ops.try_trait.FromResidual.from_residual
- (Self := core.result.Result.t unit erc721.Error.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0) in
- let* α2 : M.Val never.t := return_ α1 in
- let* α3 := M.read α2 in
- let* α4 : erc721.AccountId.t := never_to_any α3 in
- M.alloc α4
- | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Continue val =>
- let* val := M.alloc val in
- M.pure val
- end in
- M.copy α4 in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : bool.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.cmp.PartialEq.ne
- (Self := erc721.AccountId.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (borrow owner)
- (borrow caller)) in
- let* α1 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc α0 in
- let* α2 : bool.t := M.read (use α1) in
- if α2 then
- let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
- return_ (core.result.Result.Err erc721.Error.NotOwner) in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- else
- M.alloc tt in
- let* count : M.Val u32.t :=
- let* α0 : mut_ref (erc721.Mapping.t erc721.AccountId.t u32.t) :=
- M.read owned_tokens_count in
- let* α1 : core.option.Option.t u32.t :=
- M.call
- ((erc721.Mapping.t erc721.AccountId.t u32.t)::["get"]
- (borrow (deref α0))
- (borrow caller)) in
- let* α2 : core.option.Option.t u32.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.option.Option.t u32.t)::["map"]
- α1
- (fun (c : u32.t) =>
- (let* c := M.alloc c in
- let* α0 : u32.t := M.read c in
- BinOp.Panic.sub α0 (Integer.of_Z 1)) :
- M u32.t)) in
- let* α3 : core.result.Result.t u32.t erc721.Error.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.option.Option.t u32.t)::["ok_or"]
- α2
- erc721.Error.CannotFetchValue) in
- let* α4 :
- core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.t
- (core.result.Result.t core.convert.Infallible.t erc721.Error.t)
- u32.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.ops.try_trait.Try.branch
- (Self := core.result.Result.t u32.t erc721.Error.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α3) in
- let* α5 : M.Val u32.t :=
- match α4 with
- | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Break residual =>
- let* residual := M.alloc residual in
- let* α0 :
- core.result.Result.t core.convert.Infallible.t erc721.Error.t :=
- M.read residual in
- let* α1 : core.result.Result.t unit erc721.Error.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.ops.try_trait.FromResidual.from_residual
- (Self := core.result.Result.t unit erc721.Error.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0) in
- let* α2 : M.Val never.t := return_ α1 in
- let* α3 := M.read α2 in
- let* α4 : u32.t := never_to_any α3 in
- M.alloc α4
- | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Continue val =>
- let* val := M.alloc val in
- M.pure val
- end in
- M.copy α5 in
- let* _ : M.Val (core.option.Option.t u32.t) :=
- let* α0 : mut_ref (erc721.Mapping.t erc721.AccountId.t u32.t) :=
- M.read owned_tokens_count in
- let* α1 : erc721.AccountId.t := M.read caller in
- let* α2 : u32.t := M.read count in
- let* α3 : core.option.Option.t u32.t :=
- M.call
- ((erc721.Mapping.t erc721.AccountId.t u32.t)::["insert"]
- α0
- α1
- α2) in
- M.alloc α3 in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : mut_ref (erc721.Mapping.t u32.t erc721.AccountId.t) :=
- M.read token_owner in
- let* α1 : u32.t := M.read id in
- let* α2 : unit :=
- M.call
- ((erc721.Mapping.t u32.t erc721.AccountId.t)::["remove"]
- (borrow (deref α0))
- α1) in
- M.alloc α2 in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : mut_ref erc721.Erc721.t := M.read self in
- let* α1 : erc721.Env.t :=
- M.call (erc721.Erc721.t::["env"] (borrow (deref α0))) in
- let* α2 : M.Val erc721.Env.t := M.alloc α1 in
- let* α3 : erc721.AccountId.t := M.read caller in
- let* α4 : erc721.AccountId.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.convert.From.from
- (Self := erc721.AccountId.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (repeat (Integer.of_Z 0) 32)) in
- let* α5 : u32.t := M.read id in
- let* α6 : unit :=
- M.call
- (erc721.Env.t::["emit_event"]
- (borrow α2)
- (erc721.Event.Transfer
- {|
- erc721.Transfer.from := core.option.Option.Some α3;
- erc721.Transfer.to := core.option.Option.Some α4;
- erc721.Transfer.id := α5;
- |})) in
- M.alloc α6 in
let* α0 : M.Val (core.result.Result.t unit erc721.Error.t) :=
- M.alloc (core.result.Result.Ok tt) in
+ match_operator
+ self
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ |
+ {|
+ erc721.Erc721.token_owner := _;
+ erc721.Erc721.owned_tokens_count := _;
+ |}
+ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Erc721.token_owner"] in
+ let γ1 := γ.["Erc721.owned_tokens_count"] in
+ let* token_owner := M.alloc (borrow γ0) in
+ let* owned_tokens_count := M.alloc (borrow γ1) in
+ let* owner : M.Val erc721.AccountId.t :=
+ let* α0 :
+ mut_ref (erc721.Mapping.t u32.t erc721.AccountId.t) :=
+ M.read token_owner in
+ let* α1 : core.option.Option.t erc721.AccountId.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((erc721.Mapping.t u32.t erc721.AccountId.t)::["get"]
+ (borrow (deref α0))
+ (borrow id)) in
+ let* α2 :
+ core.result.Result.t erc721.AccountId.t erc721.Error.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.option.Option.t erc721.AccountId.t)::["ok_or"]
+ α1
+ erc721.Error.TokenNotFound) in
+ let* α3 :
+ core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.t
+ (core.result.Result.t
+ core.convert.Infallible.t
+ erc721.Error.t)
+ erc721.AccountId.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.ops.try_trait.Try.branch
+ (Self :=
+ core.result.Result.t
+ erc721.AccountId.t
+ erc721.Error.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α2) in
+ let* α4 :
+ M.Val
+ (core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.t
+ (core.result.Result.t
+ core.convert.Infallible.t
+ erc721.Error.t)
+ erc721.AccountId.t) :=
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ let* α5 : M.Val erc721.AccountId.t :=
+ match_operator
+ α4
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Break _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Break.0"] in
+ let* residual := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 :
+ core.result.Result.t
+ core.convert.Infallible.t
+ erc721.Error.t :=
+ M.read residual in
+ let* α1 :
+ core.result.Result.t unit erc721.Error.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.ops.try_trait.FromResidual.from_residual
+ (Self :=
+ core.result.Result.t unit erc721.Error.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0) in
+ let* α2 : M.Val never.t := return_ α1 in
+ let* α3 := M.read α2 in
+ let* α4 : erc721.AccountId.t := never_to_any α3 in
+ M.alloc α4
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val erc721.AccountId.t);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Continue _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Continue.0"] in
+ let* val := M.copy γ0 in
+ M.pure val
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val erc721.AccountId.t)
+ ] in
+ M.copy α5 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : bool.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.cmp.PartialEq.ne
+ (Self := erc721.AccountId.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ (borrow owner)
+ (borrow caller)) in
+ let* α1 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc α0 in
+ let* α2 : bool.t := M.read (use α1) in
+ if α2 then
+ let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
+ return_ (core.result.Result.Err erc721.Error.NotOwner) in
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ else
+ M.alloc tt in
+ let* count : M.Val u32.t :=
+ let* α0 :
+ mut_ref (erc721.Mapping.t erc721.AccountId.t u32.t) :=
+ M.read owned_tokens_count in
+ let* α1 : core.option.Option.t u32.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((erc721.Mapping.t erc721.AccountId.t u32.t)::["get"]
+ (borrow (deref α0))
+ (borrow caller)) in
+ let* α2 : core.option.Option.t u32.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.option.Option.t u32.t)::["map"]
+ α1
+ (fun (α0 : u32.t) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* c := M.copy γ in
+ let* α0 : u32.t := M.read c in
+ BinOp.Panic.sub α0 (Integer.of_Z 1)) :
+ M u32.t
+ ]) :
+ M u32.t)) in
+ let* α3 : core.result.Result.t u32.t erc721.Error.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.option.Option.t u32.t)::["ok_or"]
+ α2
+ erc721.Error.CannotFetchValue) in
+ let* α4 :
+ core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.t
+ (core.result.Result.t
+ core.convert.Infallible.t
+ erc721.Error.t)
+ u32.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.ops.try_trait.Try.branch
+ (Self := core.result.Result.t u32.t erc721.Error.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α3) in
+ let* α5 :
+ M.Val
+ (core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.t
+ (core.result.Result.t
+ core.convert.Infallible.t
+ erc721.Error.t)
+ u32.t) :=
+ M.alloc α4 in
+ let* α6 : M.Val u32.t :=
+ match_operator
+ α5
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Break _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Break.0"] in
+ let* residual := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 :
+ core.result.Result.t
+ core.convert.Infallible.t
+ erc721.Error.t :=
+ M.read residual in
+ let* α1 :
+ core.result.Result.t unit erc721.Error.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.ops.try_trait.FromResidual.from_residual
+ (Self :=
+ core.result.Result.t unit erc721.Error.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0) in
+ let* α2 : M.Val never.t := return_ α1 in
+ let* α3 := M.read α2 in
+ let* α4 : u32.t := never_to_any α3 in
+ M.alloc α4
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val u32.t);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Continue _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Continue.0"] in
+ let* val := M.copy γ0 in
+ M.pure val
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val u32.t)
+ ] in
+ M.copy α6 in
+ let* _ : M.Val (core.option.Option.t u32.t) :=
+ let* α0 :
+ mut_ref (erc721.Mapping.t erc721.AccountId.t u32.t) :=
+ M.read owned_tokens_count in
+ let* α1 : erc721.AccountId.t := M.read caller in
+ let* α2 : u32.t := M.read count in
+ let* α3 : core.option.Option.t u32.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((erc721.Mapping.t erc721.AccountId.t u32.t)::["insert"]
+ α0
+ α1
+ α2) in
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 :
+ mut_ref (erc721.Mapping.t u32.t erc721.AccountId.t) :=
+ M.read token_owner in
+ let* α1 : u32.t := M.read id in
+ let* α2 : unit :=
+ M.call
+ ((erc721.Mapping.t u32.t erc721.AccountId.t)::["remove"]
+ (borrow (deref α0))
+ α1) in
+ M.alloc α2 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : mut_ref erc721.Erc721.t := M.read self in
+ let* α1 : erc721.Env.t :=
+ M.call (erc721.Erc721.t::["env"] (borrow (deref α0))) in
+ let* α2 : M.Val erc721.Env.t := M.alloc α1 in
+ let* α3 : erc721.AccountId.t := M.read caller in
+ let* α4 : erc721.AccountId.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.convert.From.from
+ (Self := erc721.AccountId.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ (repeat (Integer.of_Z 0) 32)) in
+ let* α5 : u32.t := M.read id in
+ let* α6 : unit :=
+ M.call
+ (erc721.Env.t::["emit_event"]
+ (borrow α2)
+ (erc721.Event.Transfer
+ {|
+ erc721.Transfer.from := core.option.Option.Some α3;
+ erc721.Transfer.to := core.option.Option.Some α4;
+ erc721.Transfer.id := α5;
+ |})) in
+ M.alloc α6 in
+ M.alloc (core.result.Result.Ok tt)
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (core.result.Result.t unit erc721.Error.t))
+ ] in
M.read α0).
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_burn :
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/lang_err_integration_tests/call_builder.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/lang_err_integration_tests/call_builder.v
index a43f5dfc2..b796ceadb 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/lang_err_integration_tests/call_builder.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/lang_err_integration_tests/call_builder.v
@@ -49,9 +49,17 @@ Section Impl_core_clone_Clone_for_call_builder_AccountId_t.
Definition clone (self : ref Self) : M call_builder.AccountId.t :=
let* self := M.alloc self in
- let _ : unit := tt in
- let* α0 : ref call_builder.AccountId.t := M.read self in
- M.read (deref α0).
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 : M.Val call_builder.AccountId.t :=
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 : ref call_builder.AccountId.t := M.read self in
+ M.pure (deref α0)) :
+ M (M.Val call_builder.AccountId.t)
+ ] in
+ M.read α1.
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_clone :
Notations.DoubleColon Self "clone" := {
@@ -190,38 +198,64 @@ Section Impl_call_builder_CallBuilderTest_t.
let* α2 : core.result.Result.t unit call_builder.LangError.t :=
never_to_any α1 in
M.alloc α2 in
- let* α0 : core.result.Result.t unit call_builder.LangError.t :=
- M.read result in
let* α0 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t call_builder.LangError.t) :=
- match α0 with
- | core.result.Result.Ok _ => M.alloc core.option.Option.None
- |
- core.result.Result.Err (call_builder.LangError.CouldNotReadInput as e)
- =>
- let* e := M.alloc e in
- let* α0 : call_builder.LangError.t := M.read e in
- M.alloc (core.option.Option.Some α0)
- | core.result.Result.Err _ =>
- let* α0 : ref str.t :=
- M.read
- (mk_str
- "not implemented: No other `LangError` variants exist at the moment.") in
- let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ ] in
- let* α5 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α4) in
- let* α6 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α5) in
- let* α7 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α3 α6) in
- let* α8 : never.t := M.call (core.panicking.panic_fmt α7) in
- let* α9 : core.option.Option.t call_builder.LangError.t :=
- never_to_any α8 in
- M.alloc α9
- end in
+ match_operator
+ result
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Ok _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Ok.0"] in
+ M.alloc core.option.Option.None
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (core.option.Option.t call_builder.LangError.t));
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Err _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Err.0"] in
+ let* e := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ0 in
+ match α0 with
+ | call_builder.LangError.CouldNotReadInput =>
+ let* α0 : call_builder.LangError.t := M.read e in
+ M.alloc (core.option.Option.Some α0)
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (core.option.Option.t call_builder.LangError.t));
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Err _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Err.0"] in
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read
+ (mk_str
+ "not implemented: No other `LangError` variants exist at the moment.") in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ ] in
+ let* α5 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α4) in
+ let* α6 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α5) in
+ let* α7 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α3 α6) in
+ let* α8 : never.t := M.call (core.panicking.panic_fmt α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.option.Option.t call_builder.LangError.t :=
+ never_to_any α8 in
+ M.alloc α9
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (core.option.Option.t call_builder.LangError.t))
+ ] in
M.read α0.
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_call :
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/lang_err_integration_tests/constructors_return_value.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/lang_err_integration_tests/constructors_return_value.v
index 87e698c3a..b7bacb994 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/lang_err_integration_tests/constructors_return_value.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/lang_err_integration_tests/constructors_return_value.v
@@ -51,9 +51,18 @@ Section Impl_core_clone_Clone_for_constructors_return_value_AccountId_t.
(self : ref Self)
: M constructors_return_value.AccountId.t :=
let* self := M.alloc self in
- let _ : unit := tt in
- let* α0 : ref constructors_return_value.AccountId.t := M.read self in
- M.read (deref α0).
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 : M.Val constructors_return_value.AccountId.t :=
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 : ref constructors_return_value.AccountId.t :=
+ M.read self in
+ M.pure (deref α0)) :
+ M (M.Val constructors_return_value.AccountId.t)
+ ] in
+ M.read α1.
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_clone :
Notations.DoubleColon Self "clone" := {
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/lang_err_integration_tests/contract_ref.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/lang_err_integration_tests/contract_ref.v
index 95b6cac1f..4a746c001 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/lang_err_integration_tests/contract_ref.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/lang_err_integration_tests/contract_ref.v
@@ -49,9 +49,17 @@ Section Impl_core_clone_Clone_for_contract_ref_AccountId_t.
Definition clone (self : ref Self) : M contract_ref.AccountId.t :=
let* self := M.alloc self in
- let _ : unit := tt in
- let* α0 : ref contract_ref.AccountId.t := M.read self in
- M.read (deref α0).
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 : M.Val contract_ref.AccountId.t :=
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 : ref contract_ref.AccountId.t := M.read self in
+ M.pure (deref α0)) :
+ M (M.Val contract_ref.AccountId.t)
+ ] in
+ M.read α1.
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_clone :
Notations.DoubleColon Self "clone" := {
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/mapping_integration_tests.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/mapping_integration_tests.v
index 41130714b..ae9506217 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/mapping_integration_tests.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/mapping_integration_tests.v
@@ -254,9 +254,18 @@ Section Impl_core_clone_Clone_for_mapping_integration_tests_AccountId_t.
(self : ref Self)
: M mapping_integration_tests.AccountId.t :=
let* self := M.alloc self in
- let _ : unit := tt in
- let* α0 : ref mapping_integration_tests.AccountId.t := M.read self in
- M.read (deref α0).
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 : M.Val mapping_integration_tests.AccountId.t :=
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 : ref mapping_integration_tests.AccountId.t :=
+ M.read self in
+ M.pure (deref α0)) :
+ M (M.Val mapping_integration_tests.AccountId.t)
+ ] in
+ M.read α1.
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_clone :
Notations.DoubleColon Self "clone" := {
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/mother.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/mother.v
index 9d4a53f48..bb191296e 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/mother.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/mother.v
@@ -159,9 +159,17 @@ Section Impl_core_clone_Clone_for_mother_AccountId_t.
Definition clone (self : ref Self) : M mother.AccountId.t :=
let* self := M.alloc self in
- let _ : unit := tt in
- let* α0 : ref mother.AccountId.t := M.read self in
- M.read (deref α0).
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 : M.Val mother.AccountId.t :=
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 : ref mother.AccountId.t := M.read self in
+ M.pure (deref α0)) :
+ M (M.Val mother.AccountId.t)
+ ] in
+ M.read α1.
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_clone :
Notations.DoubleColon Self "clone" := {
@@ -240,9 +248,10 @@ Section Impl_core_cmp_Eq_for_mother_AccountId_t.
Definition assert_receiver_is_total_eq (self : ref Self) : M unit :=
let* self := M.alloc self in
- let _ : unit := tt in
let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- M.read α0.
+ let* α1 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator α0 [ fun γ => (M.alloc tt) : M (M.Val unit) ] in
+ M.read α1.
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_assert_receiver_is_total_eq :
Notations.DoubleColon Self "assert_receiver_is_total_eq" := {
@@ -398,9 +407,10 @@ Section Impl_core_cmp_Eq_for_mother_Bids_t.
Definition assert_receiver_is_total_eq (self : ref Self) : M unit :=
let* self := M.alloc self in
- let _ : unit := tt in
let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- M.read α0.
+ let* α1 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator α0 [ fun γ => (M.alloc tt) : M (M.Val unit) ] in
+ M.read α1.
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_assert_receiver_is_total_eq :
Notations.DoubleColon Self "assert_receiver_is_total_eq" := {
@@ -547,15 +557,44 @@ Section Impl_core_clone_Clone_for_mother_Outline_t.
Definition clone (self : ref Self) : M mother.Outline.t :=
let* self := M.alloc self in
- let* α0 : ref mother.Outline.t := M.read self in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : M.Val mother.Outline.t :=
- match α1 with
- | mother.Outline.NoWinner => M.alloc mother.Outline.NoWinner
- | mother.Outline.WinnerDetected => M.alloc mother.Outline.WinnerDetected
- | mother.Outline.PayoutCompleted => M.alloc mother.Outline.PayoutCompleted
- end in
- M.read α2.
+ let* α0 : M.Val mother.Outline.t :=
+ match_operator
+ self
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | mother.Outline.NoWinner => M.alloc mother.Outline.NoWinner
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val mother.Outline.t);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | mother.Outline.WinnerDetected =>
+ M.alloc mother.Outline.WinnerDetected
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val mother.Outline.t);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | mother.Outline.PayoutCompleted =>
+ M.alloc mother.Outline.PayoutCompleted
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val mother.Outline.t)
+ ] in
+ M.read α0.
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_clone :
Notations.DoubleColon Self "clone" := {
@@ -635,45 +674,121 @@ Section Impl_core_cmp_PartialEq_for_mother_Status_t.
let* α1 : isize.t := M.read __arg1_tag in
let* α2 : ref mother.Status.t := M.read self in
let* α3 : ref mother.Status.t := M.read other in
- let* α4 : M.Val bool.t :=
- match (α2, α3) with
- |
- (mother.Status.EndingPeriod __self_0,
- mother.Status.EndingPeriod __arg1_0)
- =>
- let* __self_0 := M.alloc __self_0 in
- let* __arg1_0 := M.alloc __arg1_0 in
- let* α0 : ref u32.t := M.read __self_0 in
- let* α1 : u32.t := M.read (deref α0) in
- let* α2 : ref u32.t := M.read __arg1_0 in
- let* α3 : u32.t := M.read (deref α2) in
- M.alloc (BinOp.Pure.eq α1 α3)
- | (mother.Status.Ended __self_0, mother.Status.Ended __arg1_0) =>
- let* __self_0 := M.alloc __self_0 in
- let* __arg1_0 := M.alloc __arg1_0 in
- let* α0 : ref mother.Outline.t := M.read __self_0 in
- let* α1 : ref mother.Outline.t := M.read __arg1_0 in
- let* α2 : bool.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.cmp.PartialEq.eq
- (Self := mother.Outline.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0
- α1) in
- M.alloc α2
- | (mother.Status.RfDelay __self_0, mother.Status.RfDelay __arg1_0) =>
- let* __self_0 := M.alloc __self_0 in
- let* __arg1_0 := M.alloc __arg1_0 in
- let* α0 : ref u32.t := M.read __self_0 in
- let* α1 : u32.t := M.read (deref α0) in
- let* α2 : ref u32.t := M.read __arg1_0 in
- let* α3 : u32.t := M.read (deref α2) in
- M.alloc (BinOp.Pure.eq α1 α3)
- | _ => M.alloc true
- end in
- let* α5 : bool.t := M.read α4 in
+ let* α4 : M.Val ((ref mother.Status.t) * (ref mother.Status.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (α2, α3) in
+ let* α5 : M.Val bool.t :=
+ match_operator
+ α4
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_, _) =>
+ let γ0 := Tuple.Access.left γ in
+ let γ1 := Tuple.Access.right γ in
+ let* γ0 :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ0 in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ0 in
+ match α0 with
+ | mother.Status.EndingPeriod _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ0.["EndingPeriod.0"] in
+ let* __self_0 := M.alloc (borrow_mut γ0) in
+ let* γ1 :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ1 in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ1 in
+ match α0 with
+ | mother.Status.EndingPeriod _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ1.["EndingPeriod.0"] in
+ let* __arg1_0 := M.alloc (borrow_mut γ0) in
+ let* α0 : ref u32.t := M.read __self_0 in
+ let* α1 : u32.t := M.read (deref α0) in
+ let* α2 : ref u32.t := M.read __arg1_0 in
+ let* α3 : u32.t := M.read (deref α2) in
+ M.alloc (BinOp.Pure.eq α1 α3)
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val bool.t);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_, _) =>
+ let γ0 := Tuple.Access.left γ in
+ let γ1 := Tuple.Access.right γ in
+ let* γ0 :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ0 in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ0 in
+ match α0 with
+ | mother.Status.Ended _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ0.["Ended.0"] in
+ let* __self_0 := M.alloc (borrow_mut γ0) in
+ let* γ1 :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ1 in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ1 in
+ match α0 with
+ | mother.Status.Ended _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ1.["Ended.0"] in
+ let* __arg1_0 := M.alloc (borrow_mut γ0) in
+ let* α0 : ref mother.Outline.t := M.read __self_0 in
+ let* α1 : ref mother.Outline.t := M.read __arg1_0 in
+ let* α2 : bool.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.cmp.PartialEq.eq
+ (Self := mother.Outline.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0
+ α1) in
+ M.alloc α2
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val bool.t);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_, _) =>
+ let γ0 := Tuple.Access.left γ in
+ let γ1 := Tuple.Access.right γ in
+ let* γ0 :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ0 in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ0 in
+ match α0 with
+ | mother.Status.RfDelay _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ0.["RfDelay.0"] in
+ let* __self_0 := M.alloc (borrow_mut γ0) in
+ let* γ1 :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ1 in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ1 in
+ match α0 with
+ | mother.Status.RfDelay _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ1.["RfDelay.0"] in
+ let* __arg1_0 := M.alloc (borrow_mut γ0) in
+ let* α0 : ref u32.t := M.read __self_0 in
+ let* α1 : u32.t := M.read (deref α0) in
+ let* α2 : ref u32.t := M.read __arg1_0 in
+ let* α3 : u32.t := M.read (deref α2) in
+ M.alloc (BinOp.Pure.eq α1 α3)
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val bool.t);
+ fun γ => (M.alloc true) : M (M.Val bool.t)
+ ] in
+ let* α6 : bool.t := M.read α5 in
let* α0 : M.Val bool.t :=
- M.alloc (BinOp.Pure.and (BinOp.Pure.eq α0 α1) α5) in
+ M.alloc (BinOp.Pure.and (BinOp.Pure.eq α0 α1) α6) in
M.read α0.
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_eq : Notations.DoubleColon Self "eq" := {
@@ -707,10 +822,17 @@ Section Impl_core_cmp_Eq_for_mother_Status_t.
Definition assert_receiver_is_total_eq (self : ref Self) : M unit :=
let* self := M.alloc self in
- let _ : unit := tt in
- let _ : unit := tt in
let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- M.read α0.
+ let* α1 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ match_operator α0 [ fun γ => (M.alloc tt) : M (M.Val unit) ]) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.read α1.
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_assert_receiver_is_total_eq :
Notations.DoubleColon Self "assert_receiver_is_total_eq" := {
@@ -733,39 +855,92 @@ Section Impl_core_clone_Clone_for_mother_Status_t.
Definition clone (self : ref Self) : M mother.Status.t :=
let* self := M.alloc self in
- let* α0 : ref mother.Status.t := M.read self in
- let* α1 : M.Val mother.Status.t :=
- match α0 with
- | mother.Status.NotStarted => M.alloc mother.Status.NotStarted
- | mother.Status.OpeningPeriod => M.alloc mother.Status.OpeningPeriod
- | mother.Status.EndingPeriod __self_0 =>
- let* __self_0 := M.alloc __self_0 in
- let* α0 : ref u32.t := M.read __self_0 in
- let* α1 : u32.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.clone.Clone.clone (Self := u32.t) (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0) in
- M.alloc (mother.Status.EndingPeriod α1)
- | mother.Status.Ended __self_0 =>
- let* __self_0 := M.alloc __self_0 in
- let* α0 : ref mother.Outline.t := M.read __self_0 in
- let* α1 : mother.Outline.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.clone.Clone.clone
- (Self := mother.Outline.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0) in
- M.alloc (mother.Status.Ended α1)
- | mother.Status.RfDelay __self_0 =>
- let* __self_0 := M.alloc __self_0 in
- let* α0 : ref u32.t := M.read __self_0 in
- let* α1 : u32.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.clone.Clone.clone (Self := u32.t) (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0) in
- M.alloc (mother.Status.RfDelay α1)
- end in
- M.read α1.
+ let* α0 : M.Val mother.Status.t :=
+ match_operator
+ self
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | mother.Status.NotStarted => M.alloc mother.Status.NotStarted
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val mother.Status.t);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | mother.Status.OpeningPeriod => M.alloc mother.Status.OpeningPeriod
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val mother.Status.t);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | mother.Status.EndingPeriod _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["EndingPeriod.0"] in
+ let* __self_0 := M.alloc (borrow_mut γ0) in
+ let* α0 : ref u32.t := M.read __self_0 in
+ let* α1 : u32.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.clone.Clone.clone
+ (Self := u32.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0) in
+ M.alloc (mother.Status.EndingPeriod α1)
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val mother.Status.t);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | mother.Status.Ended _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Ended.0"] in
+ let* __self_0 := M.alloc (borrow_mut γ0) in
+ let* α0 : ref mother.Outline.t := M.read __self_0 in
+ let* α1 : mother.Outline.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.clone.Clone.clone
+ (Self := mother.Outline.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0) in
+ M.alloc (mother.Status.Ended α1)
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val mother.Status.t);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | mother.Status.RfDelay _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["RfDelay.0"] in
+ let* __self_0 := M.alloc (borrow_mut γ0) in
+ let* α0 : ref u32.t := M.read __self_0 in
+ let* α1 : u32.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.clone.Clone.clone
+ (Self := u32.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0) in
+ M.alloc (mother.Status.RfDelay α1)
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val mother.Status.t)
+ ] in
+ M.read α0.
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_clone :
Notations.DoubleColon Self "clone" := {
@@ -932,7 +1107,7 @@ Section Impl_core_cmp_PartialEq_for_mother_Auction_t.
(BinOp.Pure.and (BinOp.Pure.and (BinOp.Pure.and α2 α5) α8) α11)
- (BinOp.Pure.eq α16 α18))
+ (Bool.eqb α16 α18))
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_eq : Notations.DoubleColon Self "eq" := {
@@ -966,15 +1141,57 @@ Section Impl_core_cmp_Eq_for_mother_Auction_t.
Definition assert_receiver_is_total_eq (self : ref Self) : M unit :=
let* self := M.alloc self in
- let _ : unit := tt in
- let _ : unit := tt in
- let _ : unit := tt in
- let _ : unit := tt in
- let _ : unit := tt in
- let _ : unit := tt in
- let _ : unit := tt in
let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- M.read α0.
+ let* α1 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (M.alloc tt) : M (M.Val unit)
+ ]) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ]) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ]) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ]) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ]) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ]) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.read α1.
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_assert_receiver_is_total_eq :
Notations.DoubleColon Self "assert_receiver_is_total_eq" := {
@@ -1176,26 +1393,55 @@ Section Impl_core_cmp_PartialEq_for_mother_Failure_t.
let* α1 : isize.t := M.read __arg1_tag in
let* α2 : ref mother.Failure.t := M.read self in
let* α3 : ref mother.Failure.t := M.read other in
- let* α4 : M.Val bool.t :=
- match (α2, α3) with
- | (mother.Failure.Revert __self_0, mother.Failure.Revert __arg1_0) =>
- let* __self_0 := M.alloc __self_0 in
- let* __arg1_0 := M.alloc __arg1_0 in
- let* α0 : ref alloc.string.String.t := M.read __self_0 in
- let* α1 : ref alloc.string.String.t := M.read __arg1_0 in
- let* α2 : bool.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.cmp.PartialEq.eq
- (Self := alloc.string.String.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0
- α1) in
- M.alloc α2
- | _ => M.alloc true
- end in
- let* α5 : bool.t := M.read α4 in
+ let* α4 : M.Val ((ref mother.Failure.t) * (ref mother.Failure.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (α2, α3) in
+ let* α5 : M.Val bool.t :=
+ match_operator
+ α4
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_, _) =>
+ let γ0 := Tuple.Access.left γ in
+ let γ1 := Tuple.Access.right γ in
+ let* γ0 :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ0 in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ0 in
+ match α0 with
+ | mother.Failure.Revert _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ0.["Revert.0"] in
+ let* __self_0 := M.alloc (borrow_mut γ0) in
+ let* γ1 :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ1 in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ1 in
+ match α0 with
+ | mother.Failure.Revert _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ1.["Revert.0"] in
+ let* __arg1_0 := M.alloc (borrow_mut γ0) in
+ let* α0 : ref alloc.string.String.t := M.read __self_0 in
+ let* α1 : ref alloc.string.String.t := M.read __arg1_0 in
+ let* α2 : bool.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.cmp.PartialEq.eq
+ (Self := alloc.string.String.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0
+ α1) in
+ M.alloc α2
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val bool.t);
+ fun γ => (M.alloc true) : M (M.Val bool.t)
+ ] in
+ let* α6 : bool.t := M.read α5 in
let* α0 : M.Val bool.t :=
- M.alloc (BinOp.Pure.and (BinOp.Pure.eq α0 α1) α5) in
+ M.alloc (BinOp.Pure.and (BinOp.Pure.eq α0 α1) α6) in
M.read α0.
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_eq : Notations.DoubleColon Self "eq" := {
@@ -1229,9 +1475,10 @@ Section Impl_core_cmp_Eq_for_mother_Failure_t.
Definition assert_receiver_is_total_eq (self : ref Self) : M unit :=
let* self := M.alloc self in
- let _ : unit := tt in
let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- M.read α0.
+ let* α1 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator α0 [ fun γ => (M.alloc tt) : M (M.Val unit) ] in
+ M.read α1.
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_assert_receiver_is_total_eq :
Notations.DoubleColon Self "assert_receiver_is_total_eq" := {
@@ -1539,27 +1786,61 @@ Section Impl_mother_Mother_t.
: M (core.result.Result.t unit mother.Failure.t) :=
let* self := M.alloc self in
let* fail := M.alloc fail in
- let* α0 : core.option.Option.t mother.Failure.t := M.read fail in
- let* α1 : M.Val (core.result.Result.t unit mother.Failure.t) :=
- match α0 with
- | core.option.Option.Some (mother.Failure.Revert _) =>
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Reverting on user demand!") in
- let* α1 : alloc.string.String.t :=
- M.call
- ((alloc.string.ToString.to_string
- (Self := str.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0) in
- M.alloc (core.result.Result.Err (mother.Failure.Revert α1))
- | core.option.Option.Some mother.Failure.Panic =>
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Trapping on user demand!") in
- let* α1 : never.t := M.call (std.panicking.begin_panic α0) in
- let* α2 : core.result.Result.t unit mother.Failure.t :=
- never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- | core.option.Option.None => M.alloc (core.result.Result.Ok tt)
- end in
- M.read α1.
+ let* α0 : M.Val (core.result.Result.t unit mother.Failure.t) :=
+ match_operator
+ fail
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ0 in
+ match α0 with
+ | mother.Failure.Revert _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ0.["Revert.0"] in
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "Reverting on user demand!") in
+ let* α1 : alloc.string.String.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((alloc.string.ToString.to_string
+ (Self := str.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0) in
+ M.alloc (core.result.Result.Err (mother.Failure.Revert α1))
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (core.result.Result.t unit mother.Failure.t));
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ0 in
+ match α0 with
+ | mother.Failure.Panic =>
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "Trapping on user demand!") in
+ let* α1 : never.t := M.call (std.panicking.begin_panic α0) in
+ let* α2 : core.result.Result.t unit mother.Failure.t :=
+ never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (core.result.Result.t unit mother.Failure.t));
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.None => M.alloc (core.result.Result.Ok tt)
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (core.result.Result.t unit mother.Failure.t))
+ ] in
+ M.read α0.
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_revert_or_trap :
Notations.DoubleColon Self "revert_or_trap" := {
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/multisig.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/multisig.v
index da52aeed8..366afbf4c 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/multisig.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/multisig.v
@@ -265,9 +265,17 @@ Section Impl_core_clone_Clone_for_multisig_AccountId_t.
Definition clone (self : ref Self) : M multisig.AccountId.t :=
let* self := M.alloc self in
- let _ : unit := tt in
- let* α0 : ref multisig.AccountId.t := M.read self in
- M.read (deref α0).
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 : M.Val multisig.AccountId.t :=
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 : ref multisig.AccountId.t := M.read self in
+ M.pure (deref α0)) :
+ M (M.Val multisig.AccountId.t)
+ ] in
+ M.read α1.
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_clone :
Notations.DoubleColon Self "clone" := {
@@ -349,9 +357,10 @@ Section Impl_core_cmp_Eq_for_multisig_AccountId_t.
Definition assert_receiver_is_total_eq (self : ref Self) : M unit :=
let* self := M.alloc self in
- let _ : unit := tt in
let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- M.read α0.
+ let* α1 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator α0 [ fun γ => (M.alloc tt) : M (M.Val unit) ] in
+ M.read α1.
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_assert_receiver_is_total_eq :
Notations.DoubleColon Self "assert_receiver_is_total_eq" := {
@@ -506,9 +515,17 @@ Section Impl_core_clone_Clone_for_multisig_ConfirmationStatus_t.
Definition clone (self : ref Self) : M multisig.ConfirmationStatus.t :=
let* self := M.alloc self in
- let _ : unit := tt in
- let* α0 : ref multisig.ConfirmationStatus.t := M.read self in
- M.read (deref α0).
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 : M.Val multisig.ConfirmationStatus.t :=
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 : ref multisig.ConfirmationStatus.t := M.read self in
+ M.pure (deref α0)) :
+ M (M.Val multisig.ConfirmationStatus.t)
+ ] in
+ M.read α1.
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_clone :
Notations.DoubleColon Self "clone" := {
@@ -1429,43 +1446,68 @@ Section Impl_multisig_Multisig_t.
ref (alloc.vec.Vec.t multisig.AccountId.t alloc.alloc.Global.t))
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
(borrow owners)) in
- let* α1 : M.Val unit :=
- match α0 with
- | iter =>
- let* iter := M.alloc iter in
- loop
- (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : core.option.Option.t (ref multisig.AccountId.t) :=
- M.call
- ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
- (Self := core.slice.iter.Iter.t multisig.AccountId.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (borrow_mut iter)) in
- match α0 with
- | core.option.Option.None =>
- let* α0 : M.Val never.t := Break in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- | core.option.Option.Some owner =>
- let* owner := M.alloc owner in
- let* _ : M.Val (core.option.Option.t u32.t) :=
- let* α0 : ref multisig.AccountId.t := M.read owner in
- let* α1 : multisig.AccountId.t := M.read (deref α0) in
- let* α2 : core.option.Option.t u32.t :=
+ let* α1 : M.Val (core.slice.iter.Iter.t multisig.AccountId.t) :=
+ M.alloc α0 in
+ let* α2 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* iter := M.copy γ in
+ M.loop
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : core.option.Option.t (ref multisig.AccountId.t) :=
- ((multisig.Mapping.t
- multisig.AccountId.t
- unit)::["insert"]
- (borrow_mut contract.["is_owner"])
- α1
- tt) in
- M.alloc α2 in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
- M.alloc tt)
- end in
- M.pure (use α1) in
+ ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
+ (Self := core.slice.iter.Iter.t multisig.AccountId.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ (borrow_mut iter)) in
+ let* α1 :
+ M.Val (core.option.Option.t (ref multisig.AccountId.t)) :=
+ M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.None =>
+ let* α0 : M.Val never.t := M.break in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* owner := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val (core.option.Option.t u32.t) :=
+ let* α0 : ref multisig.AccountId.t :=
+ M.read owner in
+ let* α1 : multisig.AccountId.t :=
+ M.read (deref α0) in
+ let* α2 : core.option.Option.t u32.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((multisig.Mapping.t
+ multisig.AccountId.t
+ unit)::["insert"]
+ (borrow_mut contract.["is_owner"])
+ α1
+ tt) in
+ M.alloc α2 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.alloc tt)) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.pure (use α2) in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* α0 : alloc.vec.Vec.t multisig.AccountId.t alloc.alloc.Global.t :=
M.read owners in
@@ -2293,20 +2335,31 @@ Section Impl_multisig_Multisig_t.
never_to_any α1 in
M.alloc α2 in
let* result : M.Val (core.result.Result.t unit multisig.Error.t) :=
- let* α0 :
- core.result.Result.t
- (core.result.Result.t
- (alloc.vec.Vec.t u8.t alloc.alloc.Global.t)
- unit)
- unit :=
- M.read result in
- let* α1 : M.Val (core.result.Result.t unit multisig.Error.t) :=
- match α0 with
- | core.result.Result.Ok (core.result.Result.Ok _) =>
- M.alloc (core.result.Result.Ok tt)
- | _ => M.alloc (core.result.Result.Err multisig.Error.TransactionFailed)
- end in
- M.copy α1 in
+ let* α0 : M.Val (core.result.Result.t unit multisig.Error.t) :=
+ match_operator
+ result
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Ok _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Ok.0"] in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ0 in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Ok _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ0.["Ok.0"] in
+ M.alloc (core.result.Result.Ok tt)
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (core.result.Result.t unit multisig.Error.t));
+ fun γ =>
+ (M.alloc
+ (core.result.Result.Err multisig.Error.TransactionFailed)) :
+ M (M.Val (core.result.Result.t unit multisig.Error.t))
+ ] in
+ M.copy α0 in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* α0 : mut_ref multisig.Multisig.t := M.read self in
let* α1 : multisig.Env.t :=
@@ -2321,8 +2374,17 @@ Section Impl_multisig_Multisig_t.
((core.result.Result.t unit multisig.Error.t)::["map"]
- (fun (_ : unit) =>
- (M.pure core.option.Option.None) :
+ (fun (α0 : unit) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (M.pure core.option.Option.None) :
+ M
+ (core.option.Option.t
+ (alloc.vec.Vec.t u8.t alloc.alloc.Global.t))
+ ]) :
(alloc.vec.Vec.t u8.t alloc.alloc.Global.t)))) in
@@ -2419,25 +2481,45 @@ Section Impl_multisig_Multisig_t.
(alloc.vec.Vec.t u8.t alloc.alloc.Global.t)
multisig.Error.t) :=
let* α0 :
- core.result.Result.t
- (core.result.Result.t
- (alloc.vec.Vec.t u8.t alloc.alloc.Global.t)
- unit)
- unit :=
- M.read result in
- let* α1 :
(alloc.vec.Vec.t u8.t alloc.alloc.Global.t)
multisig.Error.t) :=
- match α0 with
- | core.result.Result.Ok (core.result.Result.Ok v) =>
- let* v := M.alloc v in
- let* α0 : alloc.vec.Vec.t u8.t alloc.alloc.Global.t := M.read v in
- M.alloc (core.result.Result.Ok α0)
- | _ => M.alloc (core.result.Result.Err multisig.Error.TransactionFailed)
- end in
- M.copy α1 in
+ match_operator
+ result
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Ok _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Ok.0"] in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ0 in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Ok _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ0.["Ok.0"] in
+ let* v := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 : alloc.vec.Vec.t u8.t alloc.alloc.Global.t :=
+ M.read v in
+ M.alloc (core.result.Result.Ok α0)
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M
+ (M.Val
+ (core.result.Result.t
+ (alloc.vec.Vec.t u8.t alloc.alloc.Global.t)
+ multisig.Error.t));
+ fun γ =>
+ (M.alloc
+ (core.result.Result.Err multisig.Error.TransactionFailed)) :
+ M
+ (M.Val
+ (core.result.Result.t
+ (alloc.vec.Vec.t u8.t alloc.alloc.Global.t)
+ multisig.Error.t))
+ ] in
+ M.copy α0 in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* α0 : mut_ref multisig.Multisig.t := M.read self in
let* α1 : multisig.Env.t :=
@@ -2660,16 +2742,23 @@ Section Impl_multisig_Multisig_t.
(Self := core.slice.iter.Iter.t multisig.AccountId.t)
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
(borrow_mut α3)
- (fun (x : ref multisig.AccountId.t) =>
- (let* x := M.alloc x in
- let* α0 : ref multisig.AccountId.t := M.read x in
- let* α1 : ref multisig.AccountId.t := M.read owner in
- M.call
- ((core.cmp.PartialEq.eq
- (Self := multisig.AccountId.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0
- α1)) :
+ (fun (α0 : ref multisig.AccountId.t) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* x := M.copy γ in
+ let* α0 : ref multisig.AccountId.t := M.read x in
+ let* α1 : ref multisig.AccountId.t := M.read owner in
+ M.call
+ ((core.cmp.PartialEq.eq
+ (Self := multisig.AccountId.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0
+ α1)) :
+ M bool.t
+ ]) :
M bool.t)) in
let* α5 : ref str.t :=
@@ -2753,15 +2842,23 @@ Section Impl_multisig_Multisig_t.
(Self := core.slice.iter.Iter.t u32.t)
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
(borrow_mut α3)
- (fun (t : ref u32.t) =>
- (let* t := M.alloc t in
- let* α0 : M.Val (ref u32.t) := M.alloc (borrow trans_id) in
- M.call
- ((core.cmp.PartialEq.eq
- (Self := ref u32.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (borrow t)
- (borrow α0))) :
+ (fun (α0 : ref u32.t) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* t := M.copy γ in
+ let* α0 : M.Val (ref u32.t) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow trans_id) in
+ M.call
+ ((core.cmp.PartialEq.eq
+ (Self := ref u32.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ (borrow t)
+ (borrow α0))) :
+ M bool.t
+ ]) :
M bool.t)) in
let* α5 : ref str.t :=
@@ -2796,44 +2893,73 @@ Section Impl_multisig_Multisig_t.
(Self := core.slice.iter.Iter.t multisig.AccountId.t)
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
α2) in
- let* α4 : M.Val unit :=
- match α3 with
- | iter =>
- let* iter := M.alloc iter in
- loop
- (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : core.option.Option.t (ref multisig.AccountId.t) :=
- M.call
- ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
- (Self := core.slice.iter.Iter.t multisig.AccountId.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (borrow_mut iter)) in
- match α0 with
- | core.option.Option.None =>
- let* α0 : M.Val never.t := Break in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- | core.option.Option.Some owner =>
- let* owner := M.alloc owner in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : mut_ref multisig.Multisig.t := M.read self in
- let* α1 : u32.t := M.read trans_id in
- let* α2 : ref multisig.AccountId.t := M.read owner in
- let* α3 : multisig.AccountId.t := M.read (deref α2) in
- let* α4 : unit :=
+ let* α4 : M.Val (core.slice.iter.Iter.t multisig.AccountId.t) :=
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ let* α5 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ α4
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* iter := M.copy γ in
+ M.loop
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 :
+ core.option.Option.t (ref multisig.AccountId.t) :=
- ((multisig.Mapping.t
- (u32.t * multisig.AccountId.t)
- unit)::["remove"]
- (borrow (deref α0).["confirmations"])
- (α1, α3)) in
- M.alloc α4 in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
- M.alloc tt)
- end in
- M.pure (use α4) in
+ ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
+ (Self :=
+ core.slice.iter.Iter.t multisig.AccountId.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ (borrow_mut iter)) in
+ let* α1 :
+ M.Val
+ (core.option.Option.t (ref multisig.AccountId.t)) :=
+ M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.None =>
+ let* α0 : M.Val never.t := M.break in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* owner := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : mut_ref multisig.Multisig.t :=
+ M.read self in
+ let* α1 : u32.t := M.read trans_id in
+ let* α2 : ref multisig.AccountId.t :=
+ M.read owner in
+ let* α3 : multisig.AccountId.t :=
+ M.read (deref α2) in
+ let* α4 : unit :=
+ M.call
+ ((multisig.Mapping.t
+ (u32.t * multisig.AccountId.t)
+ unit)::["remove"]
+ (borrow (deref α0).["confirmations"])
+ (α1, α3)) in
+ M.alloc α4 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.alloc tt)) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.pure (use α5) in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* α0 : mut_ref multisig.Multisig.t := M.read self in
let* α1 : u32.t := M.read trans_id in
@@ -2879,92 +3005,117 @@ Section Impl_multisig_Multisig_t.
(Self := ref (alloc.vec.Vec.t u32.t alloc.alloc.Global.t))
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
(borrow (deref α0).["transaction_list"].["transactions"])) in
- let* α2 : M.Val unit :=
- match α1 with
- | iter =>
- let* iter := M.alloc iter in
- loop
- (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : core.option.Option.t (ref u32.t) :=
- M.call
- ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
- (Self := core.slice.iter.Iter.t u32.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (borrow_mut iter)) in
- match α0 with
- | core.option.Option.None =>
- let* α0 : M.Val never.t := Break in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- | core.option.Option.Some trans_id =>
- let* trans_id := M.alloc trans_id in
- let* key : M.Val (u32.t * multisig.AccountId.t) :=
- let* α0 : ref u32.t := M.read trans_id in
- let* α1 : u32.t := M.read (deref α0) in
- let* α2 : ref multisig.AccountId.t := M.read owner in
- let* α3 : multisig.AccountId.t := M.read (deref α2) in
- M.alloc (α1, α3) in
- let* α0 : mut_ref multisig.Multisig.t := M.read self in
- let* α1 : bool.t :=
- M.call
- ((multisig.Mapping.t
- (u32.t * multisig.AccountId.t)
- unit)::["contains"]
- (borrow (deref α0).["confirmations"])
- (borrow key)) in
- let* α2 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc α1 in
- let* α3 : bool.t := M.read (use α2) in
- if α3 then
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : mut_ref multisig.Multisig.t := M.read self in
- let* α1 : u32.t * multisig.AccountId.t := M.read key in
- let* α2 : unit :=
- M.call
- ((multisig.Mapping.t
- (u32.t * multisig.AccountId.t)
- unit)::["remove"]
- (borrow (deref α0).["confirmations"])
- α1) in
- M.alloc α2 in
- let* count : M.Val u32.t :=
- let* α0 : mut_ref multisig.Multisig.t := M.read self in
- let* α1 : ref u32.t := M.read trans_id in
- let* α2 : core.option.Option.t u32.t :=
- M.call
- ((multisig.Mapping.t u32.t u32.t)::["get"]
- (borrow (deref α0).["confirmation_count"])
- α1) in
- let* α3 : u32.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.option.Option.t u32.t)::["unwrap_or"]
- α2
- (Integer.of_Z 0)) in
- M.alloc α3 in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let β : M.Val u32.t := count in
- let* α0 := M.read β in
- let* α1 := BinOp.Panic.sub α0 (Integer.of_Z 1) in
- assign β α1 in
- let* _ : M.Val (core.option.Option.t u32.t) :=
- let* α0 : mut_ref multisig.Multisig.t := M.read self in
- let* α1 : ref u32.t := M.read trans_id in
- let* α2 : u32.t := M.read (deref α1) in
- let* α3 : u32.t := M.read count in
- let* α4 : core.option.Option.t u32.t :=
- M.call
- ((multisig.Mapping.t u32.t u32.t)::["insert"]
- (borrow_mut (deref α0).["confirmation_count"])
- α2
- α3) in
- M.alloc α4 in
- M.alloc tt
- else
- M.alloc tt
- end in
- M.alloc tt)
- end in
- M.read (use α2).
+ let* α2 : M.Val (core.slice.iter.Iter.t u32.t) := M.alloc α1 in
+ let* α3 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ α2
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* iter := M.copy γ in
+ M.loop
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : core.option.Option.t (ref u32.t) :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
+ (Self := core.slice.iter.Iter.t u32.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ (borrow_mut iter)) in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t (ref u32.t)) :=
+ M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.None =>
+ let* α0 : M.Val never.t := M.break in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* trans_id := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* key : M.Val (u32.t * multisig.AccountId.t) :=
+ let* α0 : ref u32.t := M.read trans_id in
+ let* α1 : u32.t := M.read (deref α0) in
+ let* α2 : ref multisig.AccountId.t := M.read owner in
+ let* α3 : multisig.AccountId.t := M.read (deref α2) in
+ M.alloc (α1, α3) in
+ let* α0 : mut_ref multisig.Multisig.t := M.read self in
+ let* α1 : bool.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((multisig.Mapping.t
+ (u32.t * multisig.AccountId.t)
+ unit)::["contains"]
+ (borrow (deref α0).["confirmations"])
+ (borrow key)) in
+ let* α2 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc α1 in
+ let* α3 : bool.t := M.read (use α2) in
+ if α3 then
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : mut_ref multisig.Multisig.t :=
+ M.read self in
+ let* α1 : u32.t * multisig.AccountId.t :=
+ M.read key in
+ let* α2 : unit :=
+ M.call
+ ((multisig.Mapping.t
+ (u32.t * multisig.AccountId.t)
+ unit)::["remove"]
+ (borrow (deref α0).["confirmations"])
+ α1) in
+ M.alloc α2 in
+ let* count : M.Val u32.t :=
+ let* α0 : mut_ref multisig.Multisig.t :=
+ M.read self in
+ let* α1 : ref u32.t := M.read trans_id in
+ let* α2 : core.option.Option.t u32.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((multisig.Mapping.t u32.t u32.t)::["get"]
+ (borrow (deref α0).["confirmation_count"])
+ α1) in
+ let* α3 : u32.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.option.Option.t u32.t)::["unwrap_or"]
+ α2
+ (Integer.of_Z 0)) in
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let β : M.Val u32.t := count in
+ let* α0 := M.read β in
+ let* α1 := BinOp.Panic.sub α0 (Integer.of_Z 1) in
+ assign β α1 in
+ let* _ : M.Val (core.option.Option.t u32.t) :=
+ let* α0 : mut_ref multisig.Multisig.t :=
+ M.read self in
+ let* α1 : ref u32.t := M.read trans_id in
+ let* α2 : u32.t := M.read (deref α1) in
+ let* α3 : u32.t := M.read count in
+ let* α4 : core.option.Option.t u32.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((multisig.Mapping.t u32.t u32.t)::["insert"]
+ (borrow_mut (deref α0).["confirmation_count"])
+ α2
+ α3) in
+ M.alloc α4 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ else
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.alloc tt)) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.read (use α3).
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_clean_owner_confirmations :
Notations.DoubleColon Self "clean_owner_confirmations" := {
@@ -3098,43 +3249,55 @@ Section Impl_multisig_Multisig_t.
let* α8 : multisig.AccountId.t :=
M.call (multisig.Env.t::["account_id"] (borrow α7)) in
let* α9 : M.Val multisig.AccountId.t := M.alloc α8 in
- match (borrow α4, borrow α9) with
- | (left_val, right_val) =>
- let* left_val := M.alloc left_val in
- let* right_val := M.alloc right_val in
- let* α0 : ref multisig.AccountId.t := M.read left_val in
- let* α1 : ref multisig.AccountId.t := M.read right_val in
- let* α2 : bool.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.cmp.PartialEq.eq
- (Self := multisig.AccountId.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0
- α1) in
- let* α3 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc (UnOp.not α2) in
- let* α4 : bool.t := M.read (use α3) in
- if α4 then
- let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
- M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
- let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
- let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
- let* α1 : ref multisig.AccountId.t := M.read left_val in
- let* α2 : ref multisig.AccountId.t := M.read right_val in
- let* α3 : never.t :=
- M.call
- (core.panicking.assert_failed
- α0
- α1
- α2
- core.option.Option.None) in
- M.alloc α3 in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- else
- M.alloc tt
- end in
+ let* α10 :
+ M.Val ((ref multisig.AccountId.t) * (ref multisig.AccountId.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α4, borrow α9) in
+ match_operator
+ α10
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_, _) =>
+ let γ0 := Tuple.Access.left γ in
+ let γ1 := Tuple.Access.right γ in
+ let* left_val := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* right_val := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* α0 : ref multisig.AccountId.t := M.read left_val in
+ let* α1 : ref multisig.AccountId.t := M.read right_val in
+ let* α2 : bool.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.cmp.PartialEq.eq
+ (Self := multisig.AccountId.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0
+ α1) in
+ let* α3 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc (UnOp.not α2) in
+ let* α4 : bool.t := M.read (use α3) in
+ if α4 then
+ let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
+ M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
+ let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
+ let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
+ let* α1 : ref multisig.AccountId.t := M.read left_val in
+ let* α2 : ref multisig.AccountId.t := M.read right_val in
+ let* α3 : never.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.panicking.assert_failed
+ α0
+ α1
+ α2
+ core.option.Option.None) in
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ else
+ M.alloc tt
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
M.read α0.
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/payment_channel.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/payment_channel.v
index 34f45ce32..8d4084cc1 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/payment_channel.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/payment_channel.v
@@ -49,9 +49,17 @@ Section Impl_core_clone_Clone_for_payment_channel_AccountId_t.
Definition clone (self : ref Self) : M payment_channel.AccountId.t :=
let* self := M.alloc self in
- let _ : unit := tt in
- let* α0 : ref payment_channel.AccountId.t := M.read self in
- M.read (deref α0).
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 : M.Val payment_channel.AccountId.t :=
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 : ref payment_channel.AccountId.t := M.read self in
+ M.pure (deref α0)) :
+ M (M.Val payment_channel.AccountId.t)
+ ] in
+ M.read α1.
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_clone :
Notations.DoubleColon Self "clone" := {
@@ -133,9 +141,10 @@ Section Impl_core_cmp_Eq_for_payment_channel_AccountId_t.
Definition assert_receiver_is_total_eq (self : ref Self) : M unit :=
let* self := M.alloc self in
- let _ : unit := tt in
let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- M.read α0.
+ let* α1 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator α0 [ fun γ => (M.alloc tt) : M (M.Val unit) ] in
+ M.read α1.
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_assert_receiver_is_total_eq :
Notations.DoubleColon Self "assert_receiver_is_total_eq" := {
@@ -915,12 +924,20 @@ Section Impl_payment_channel_PaymentChannel_t.
- (fun (err : payment_channel.Error.t) =>
- (let* err := M.alloc err in
- let* α0 : ref str.t :=
- M.read (mk_str "recover failed: {err:?}") in
- let* α1 : never.t := M.call (std.panicking.begin_panic α0) in
- never_to_any α1) :
+ (fun (α0 : payment_channel.Error.t) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* err := M.copy γ in
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "recover failed: {err:?}") in
+ let* α1 : never.t :=
+ M.call (std.panicking.begin_panic α0) in
+ never_to_any α1) :
+ M unit
+ ]) :
M unit)) in
M.alloc α1 in
let* signature_account_id : M.Val (array u8.t) :=
@@ -1117,8 +1134,15 @@ Section Impl_payment_channel_PaymentChannel_t.
((core.result.Result.t unit payment_channel.Error.t)::["map_err"]
- (fun (_ : payment_channel.Error.t) =>
- (M.pure payment_channel.Error.TransferFailed) :
+ (fun (α0 : payment_channel.Error.t) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (M.pure payment_channel.Error.TransferFailed) :
+ M payment_channel.Error.t
+ ]) :
M payment_channel.Error.t)) in
let* α11 :
@@ -1131,28 +1155,53 @@ Section Impl_payment_channel_PaymentChannel_t.
(Self := core.result.Result.t unit payment_channel.Error.t)
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
α10) in
- match α11 with
- | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Break residual =>
- let* residual := M.alloc residual in
- let* α0 :
- core.result.Result.t
- core.convert.Infallible.t
- payment_channel.Error.t :=
- M.read residual in
- let* α1 : core.result.Result.t unit payment_channel.Error.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.ops.try_trait.FromResidual.from_residual
- (Self := core.result.Result.t unit payment_channel.Error.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0) in
- let* α2 : M.Val never.t := return_ α1 in
- let* α3 := M.read α2 in
- let* α4 : unit := never_to_any α3 in
- M.alloc α4
- | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Continue val =>
- let* val := M.alloc val in
- M.pure val
- end in
+ let* α12 :
+ M.Val
+ (core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.t
+ (core.result.Result.t
+ core.convert.Infallible.t
+ payment_channel.Error.t)
+ unit) :=
+ M.alloc α11 in
+ match_operator
+ α12
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Break _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Break.0"] in
+ let* residual := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 :
+ core.result.Result.t
+ core.convert.Infallible.t
+ payment_channel.Error.t :=
+ M.read residual in
+ let* α1 : core.result.Result.t unit payment_channel.Error.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.ops.try_trait.FromResidual.from_residual
+ (Self :=
+ core.result.Result.t unit payment_channel.Error.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0) in
+ let* α2 : M.Val never.t := return_ α1 in
+ let* α3 := M.read α2 in
+ let* α4 : unit := never_to_any α3 in
+ M.alloc α4
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Continue _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Continue.0"] in
+ let* val := M.copy γ0 in
+ M.pure val
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
let* α0 : M.Val (core.result.Result.t unit payment_channel.Error.t) :=
M.alloc (core.result.Result.Ok tt) in
M.read α0).
@@ -1197,28 +1246,53 @@ Section Impl_payment_channel_PaymentChannel_t.
(Self := core.result.Result.t unit payment_channel.Error.t)
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
α3) in
- match α4 with
- | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Break residual =>
- let* residual := M.alloc residual in
- let* α0 :
- core.result.Result.t
- core.convert.Infallible.t
- payment_channel.Error.t :=
- M.read residual in
- let* α1 : core.result.Result.t unit payment_channel.Error.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.ops.try_trait.FromResidual.from_residual
- (Self := core.result.Result.t unit payment_channel.Error.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0) in
- let* α2 : M.Val never.t := return_ α1 in
- let* α3 := M.read α2 in
- let* α4 : unit := never_to_any α3 in
- M.alloc α4
- | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Continue val =>
- let* val := M.alloc val in
- M.pure val
- end in
+ let* α5 :
+ M.Val
+ (core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.t
+ (core.result.Result.t
+ core.convert.Infallible.t
+ payment_channel.Error.t)
+ unit) :=
+ M.alloc α4 in
+ match_operator
+ α5
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Break _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Break.0"] in
+ let* residual := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 :
+ core.result.Result.t
+ core.convert.Infallible.t
+ payment_channel.Error.t :=
+ M.read residual in
+ let* α1 : core.result.Result.t unit payment_channel.Error.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.ops.try_trait.FromResidual.from_residual
+ (Self :=
+ core.result.Result.t unit payment_channel.Error.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0) in
+ let* α2 : M.Val never.t := return_ α1 in
+ let* α3 := M.read α2 in
+ let* α4 : unit := never_to_any α3 in
+ M.alloc α4
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Continue _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Continue.0"] in
+ let* val := M.copy γ0 in
+ M.pure val
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* α0 : mut_ref payment_channel.PaymentChannel.t := M.read self in
let* α1 : payment_channel.Env.t :=
@@ -1370,59 +1444,78 @@ Section Impl_payment_channel_PaymentChannel_t.
let return_ := M.return_ (R := ltac:(payment_channel.Result unit)) in
(let* α0 : mut_ref payment_channel.PaymentChannel.t := M.read self in
- let* α1 : core.option.Option.t u64.t :=
- M.read (deref α0).["expiration"] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (core.result.Result.t unit payment_channel.Error.t) :=
- match α1 with
- | core.option.Option.Some expiration =>
- let* expiration := M.alloc expiration in
- let* now : M.Val u64.t :=
- let* α0 : mut_ref payment_channel.PaymentChannel.t := M.read self in
- let* α1 : payment_channel.Env.t :=
- M.call
- (payment_channel.PaymentChannel.t::["env"]
- (borrow (deref α0))) in
- let* α2 : M.Val payment_channel.Env.t := M.alloc α1 in
- let* α3 : u64.t :=
- M.call (payment_channel.Env.t::["block_timestamp"] (borrow α2)) in
- M.alloc α3 in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : u64.t := M.read now in
- let* α1 : u64.t := M.read expiration in
- let* α2 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc (BinOp.Pure.lt α0 α1) in
- let* α3 : bool.t := M.read (use α2) in
- if α3 then
- let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
- return_
- (core.result.Result.Err
- payment_channel.Error.NotYetExpired) in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- else
- M.alloc tt in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : mut_ref payment_channel.PaymentChannel.t := M.read self in
- let* α1 : payment_channel.Env.t :=
- M.call
- (payment_channel.PaymentChannel.t::["env"]
- (borrow (deref α0))) in
- let* α2 : M.Val payment_channel.Env.t := M.alloc α1 in
- let* α3 : mut_ref payment_channel.PaymentChannel.t := M.read self in
- let* α4 : payment_channel.AccountId.t :=
- M.read (deref α3).["sender"] in
- let* α5 : unit :=
- M.call
- (payment_channel.Env.t::["terminate_contract"]
- (borrow α2)
- α4) in
- M.alloc α5 in
- M.alloc (core.result.Result.Ok tt)
- | core.option.Option.None =>
- M.alloc (core.result.Result.Err payment_channel.Error.NotYetExpired)
- end in
- M.read α2).
+ let* α1 : M.Val (core.result.Result.t unit payment_channel.Error.t) :=
+ match_operator
+ (deref α0).["expiration"]
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* expiration := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* now : M.Val u64.t :=
+ let* α0 : mut_ref payment_channel.PaymentChannel.t :=
+ M.read self in
+ let* α1 : payment_channel.Env.t :=
+ M.call
+ (payment_channel.PaymentChannel.t::["env"]
+ (borrow (deref α0))) in
+ let* α2 : M.Val payment_channel.Env.t := M.alloc α1 in
+ let* α3 : u64.t :=
+ M.call
+ (payment_channel.Env.t::["block_timestamp"]
+ (borrow α2)) in
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : u64.t := M.read now in
+ let* α1 : u64.t := M.read expiration in
+ let* α2 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc (BinOp.Pure.lt α0 α1) in
+ let* α3 : bool.t := M.read (use α2) in
+ if α3 then
+ let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
+ return_
+ (core.result.Result.Err
+ payment_channel.Error.NotYetExpired) in
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ else
+ M.alloc tt in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : mut_ref payment_channel.PaymentChannel.t :=
+ M.read self in
+ let* α1 : payment_channel.Env.t :=
+ M.call
+ (payment_channel.PaymentChannel.t::["env"]
+ (borrow (deref α0))) in
+ let* α2 : M.Val payment_channel.Env.t := M.alloc α1 in
+ let* α3 : mut_ref payment_channel.PaymentChannel.t :=
+ M.read self in
+ let* α4 : payment_channel.AccountId.t :=
+ M.read (deref α3).["sender"] in
+ let* α5 : unit :=
+ M.call
+ (payment_channel.Env.t::["terminate_contract"]
+ (borrow α2)
+ α4) in
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ M.alloc (core.result.Result.Ok tt)
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (core.result.Result.t unit payment_channel.Error.t));
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.None =>
+ M.alloc
+ (core.result.Result.Err payment_channel.Error.NotYetExpired)
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (core.result.Result.t unit payment_channel.Error.t))
+ ] in
+ M.read α1).
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_claim_timeout :
Notations.DoubleColon Self "claim_timeout" := {
@@ -1564,8 +1657,15 @@ Section Impl_payment_channel_PaymentChannel_t.
((core.result.Result.t unit payment_channel.Error.t)::["map_err"]
- (fun (_ : payment_channel.Error.t) =>
- (M.pure payment_channel.Error.TransferFailed) :
+ (fun (α0 : payment_channel.Error.t) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (M.pure payment_channel.Error.TransferFailed) :
+ M payment_channel.Error.t
+ ]) :
M payment_channel.Error.t)) in
let* α8 :
@@ -1578,28 +1678,53 @@ Section Impl_payment_channel_PaymentChannel_t.
(Self := core.result.Result.t unit payment_channel.Error.t)
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
α7) in
- match α8 with
- | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Break residual =>
- let* residual := M.alloc residual in
- let* α0 :
- core.result.Result.t
- core.convert.Infallible.t
- payment_channel.Error.t :=
- M.read residual in
- let* α1 : core.result.Result.t unit payment_channel.Error.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.ops.try_trait.FromResidual.from_residual
- (Self := core.result.Result.t unit payment_channel.Error.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0) in
- let* α2 : M.Val never.t := return_ α1 in
- let* α3 := M.read α2 in
- let* α4 : unit := never_to_any α3 in
- M.alloc α4
- | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Continue val =>
- let* val := M.alloc val in
- M.pure val
- end in
+ let* α9 :
+ M.Val
+ (core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.t
+ (core.result.Result.t
+ core.convert.Infallible.t
+ payment_channel.Error.t)
+ unit) :=
+ M.alloc α8 in
+ match_operator
+ α9
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Break _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Break.0"] in
+ let* residual := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 :
+ core.result.Result.t
+ core.convert.Infallible.t
+ payment_channel.Error.t :=
+ M.read residual in
+ let* α1 : core.result.Result.t unit payment_channel.Error.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.ops.try_trait.FromResidual.from_residual
+ (Self :=
+ core.result.Result.t unit payment_channel.Error.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0) in
+ let* α2 : M.Val never.t := return_ α1 in
+ let* α3 := M.read α2 in
+ let* α4 : unit := never_to_any α3 in
+ M.alloc α4
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Continue _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Continue.0"] in
+ let* val := M.copy γ0 in
+ M.pure val
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
let* α0 : M.Val (core.result.Result.t unit payment_channel.Error.t) :=
M.alloc (core.result.Result.Ok tt) in
M.read α0).
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/trait_erc20.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/trait_erc20.v
index 72f0417c3..ecdce956c 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/trait_erc20.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/trait_erc20.v
@@ -160,9 +160,17 @@ Section Impl_core_clone_Clone_for_trait_erc20_AccountId_t.
Definition clone (self : ref Self) : M trait_erc20.AccountId.t :=
let* self := M.alloc self in
- let _ : unit := tt in
- let* α0 : ref trait_erc20.AccountId.t := M.read self in
- M.read (deref α0).
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 : M.Val trait_erc20.AccountId.t :=
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 : ref trait_erc20.AccountId.t := M.read self in
+ M.pure (deref α0)) :
+ M (M.Val trait_erc20.AccountId.t)
+ ] in
+ M.read α1.
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_clone :
Notations.DoubleColon Self "clone" := {
@@ -225,19 +233,37 @@ Section Impl_core_fmt_Debug_for_trait_erc20_Error_t.
let* self := M.alloc self in
let* f := M.alloc f in
let* α0 : mut_ref core.fmt.Formatter.t := M.read f in
- let* α1 : ref trait_erc20.Error.t := M.read self in
- let* α2 := M.read α1 in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref str.t) :=
- match α2 with
- | trait_erc20.Error.InsufficientBalance =>
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "InsufficientBalance") in
- M.alloc α0
- | trait_erc20.Error.InsufficientAllowance =>
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "InsufficientAllowance") in
- M.alloc α0
- end in
- let* α4 : ref str.t := M.read α3 in
- M.call (core.fmt.Formatter.t::["write_str"] α0 α4).
+ let* α1 : M.Val (ref str.t) :=
+ match_operator
+ self
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | trait_erc20.Error.InsufficientBalance =>
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "InsufficientBalance") in
+ M.alloc α0
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (ref str.t));
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | trait_erc20.Error.InsufficientAllowance =>
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "InsufficientAllowance") in
+ M.alloc α0
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (ref str.t))
+ ] in
+ let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read α1 in
+ M.call (core.fmt.Formatter.t::["write_str"] α0 α2).
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_fmt : Notations.DoubleColon Self "fmt" := {
Notations.double_colon := fmt;
@@ -1129,28 +1155,52 @@ Section Impl_trait_erc20_BaseErc20_for_trait_erc20_Erc20_t.
(Self := core.result.Result.t unit trait_erc20.Error.t)
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
α2) in
- match α3 with
- | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Break residual =>
- let* residual := M.alloc residual in
- let* α0 :
- core.result.Result.t
- core.convert.Infallible.t
- trait_erc20.Error.t :=
- M.read residual in
- let* α1 : core.result.Result.t unit trait_erc20.Error.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.ops.try_trait.FromResidual.from_residual
- (Self := core.result.Result.t unit trait_erc20.Error.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0) in
- let* α2 : M.Val never.t := return_ α1 in
- let* α3 := M.read α2 in
- let* α4 : unit := never_to_any α3 in
- M.alloc α4
- | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Continue val =>
- let* val := M.alloc val in
- M.pure val
- end in
+ let* α4 :
+ M.Val
+ (core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.t
+ (core.result.Result.t
+ core.convert.Infallible.t
+ trait_erc20.Error.t)
+ unit) :=
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ match_operator
+ α4
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Break _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Break.0"] in
+ let* residual := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 :
+ core.result.Result.t
+ core.convert.Infallible.t
+ trait_erc20.Error.t :=
+ M.read residual in
+ let* α1 : core.result.Result.t unit trait_erc20.Error.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.ops.try_trait.FromResidual.from_residual
+ (Self := core.result.Result.t unit trait_erc20.Error.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0) in
+ let* α2 : M.Val never.t := return_ α1 in
+ let* α3 := M.read α2 in
+ let* α4 : unit := never_to_any α3 in
+ M.alloc α4
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Continue _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Continue.0"] in
+ let* val := M.copy γ0 in
+ M.pure val
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* α0 : mut_ref trait_erc20.Erc20.t := M.read self in
let* α1 : trait_erc20.AccountId.t := M.read from in
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/wildcard_selector.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/wildcard_selector.v
index d6566cd28..db6e3314f 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/wildcard_selector.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/ink_contracts/wildcard_selector.v
@@ -40,43 +40,65 @@ Section Impl_wildcard_selector_WildcardSelector_t.
Definition wildcard (self : mut_ref Self) : M unit :=
let* self := M.alloc self in
- let* '(_selector, _message) : (array u8.t) * alloc.string.String.t :=
- let* α0 :
- core.result.Result.t ((array u8.t) * alloc.string.String.t) unit :=
- M.call wildcard_selector.decode_input in
+ let* α0 :
+ core.result.Result.t ((array u8.t) * alloc.string.String.t) unit :=
+ M.call wildcard_selector.decode_input in
+ let* α1 : (array u8.t) * alloc.string.String.t :=
((array u8.t) * alloc.string.String.t)
α0) in
- let* _selector := M.alloc _selector in
- let* _message := M.alloc _message in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Wildcard selector: ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ", message: ") in
- let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α2 : M.Val ((array u8.t) * alloc.string.String.t) := M.alloc α1 in
+ let* α3 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ α2
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_, _) =>
+ let γ0 := Tuple.Access.left γ in
+ let γ1 := Tuple.Access.right γ in
+ let* _selector := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _message := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "Wildcard selector: ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ", message: ") in
+ let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α3 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1; α2 ] in
- let* α4 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α3) in
- let* α5 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α4) in
- let* α6 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow _selector)) in
- let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow _message)) in
- let* α8 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α6; α7 ] in
- let* α9 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α8) in
- let* α10 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α9) in
- let* α11 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α5 α10) in
- let* α12 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α11) in
- M.alloc α12 in
- M.alloc tt in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- M.read α0.
+ let* α3 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.alloc [ α0; α1; α2 ] in
+ let* α4 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α3) in
+ let* α5 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α4) in
+ let* α6 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"]
+ (borrow _selector)) in
+ let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"]
+ (borrow _message)) in
+ let* α8 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α6; α7 ] in
+ let* α9 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α8) in
+ let* α10 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α9) in
+ let* α11 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α5 α10) in
+ let* α12 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α11) in
+ M.alloc α12 in
+ M.alloc tt in
+ M.alloc tt
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.read α3.
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_wildcard :
Notations.DoubleColon Self "wildcard" := {
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/monadic_transformation/example02.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/monadic_transformation/example02.v
index c347869f6..a0dd7cacf 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/monadic_transformation/example02.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/monadic_transformation/example02.v
@@ -26,10 +26,13 @@ fn main() {
(* #[allow(dead_code)] - function was ignored by the compiler *)
Definition main : M unit :=
let* _ : M.Val bool.t :=
- match Integer.of_Z 1 with
- | _ => M.alloc false
- | _ => M.alloc true
- end in
+ let* α0 : M.Val i32.t := M.alloc (Integer.of_Z 1) in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ => (M.alloc false) : M (M.Val bool.t);
+ fun γ => (M.alloc true) : M (M.Val bool.t)
+ ] in
let* _ : M.Val i32.t :=
let* α0 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc true in
let* α1 : bool.t := M.read (use α0) in
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/primitives/arrays_and_slices.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/primitives/arrays_and_slices.v
index c5d60ff47..57548d51d 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/primitives/arrays_and_slices.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/primitives/arrays_and_slices.v
@@ -266,39 +266,54 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
let* α0 : M.Val (ref (array u32.t)) := M.alloc (borrow empty_array) in
let* α1 : M.Val (array u32.t) := M.alloc [ ] in
let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array u32.t)) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- match (borrow α0, borrow α2) with
- | (left_val, right_val) =>
- let* left_val := M.alloc left_val in
- let* right_val := M.alloc right_val in
- let* α0 : ref (ref (array u32.t)) := M.read left_val in
- let* α1 : ref (ref (array u32.t)) := M.read right_val in
- let* α2 : bool.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.cmp.PartialEq.eq
- (Self := ref (array u32.t))
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0
- α1) in
- let* α3 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc (UnOp.not α2) in
- let* α4 : bool.t := M.read (use α3) in
- if α4 then
- let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
- M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
- let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
- let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
- let* α1 : ref (ref (array u32.t)) := M.read left_val in
- let* α2 : ref (ref (array u32.t)) := M.read right_val in
- let* α3 : never.t :=
- M.call
- (core.panicking.assert_failed α0 α1 α2 core.option.Option.None) in
- M.alloc α3 in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- else
- M.alloc tt
- end in
+ let* α3 : M.Val ((ref (ref (array u32.t))) * (ref (ref (array u32.t)))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α0, borrow α2) in
+ match_operator
+ α3
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_, _) =>
+ let γ0 := Tuple.Access.left γ in
+ let γ1 := Tuple.Access.right γ in
+ let* left_val := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* right_val := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* α0 : ref (ref (array u32.t)) := M.read left_val in
+ let* α1 : ref (ref (array u32.t)) := M.read right_val in
+ let* α2 : bool.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.cmp.PartialEq.eq
+ (Self := ref (array u32.t))
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0
+ α1) in
+ let* α3 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc (UnOp.not α2) in
+ let* α4 : bool.t := M.read (use α3) in
+ if α4 then
+ let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
+ M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
+ let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
+ let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
+ let* α1 : ref (ref (array u32.t)) := M.read left_val in
+ let* α2 : ref (ref (array u32.t)) := M.read right_val in
+ let* α3 : never.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.panicking.assert_failed
+ α0
+ α1
+ α2
+ core.option.Option.None) in
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ else
+ M.alloc tt
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* α0 : M.Val (ref (array u32.t)) := M.alloc (borrow empty_array) in
let* α1 : M.Val (array u32.t) := M.alloc [ ] in
@@ -310,39 +325,54 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
(borrow α1)
core.ops.range.RangeFull.Build) in
let* α3 : M.Val (ref (slice u32.t)) := M.alloc α2 in
- match (borrow α0, borrow α3) with
- | (left_val, right_val) =>
- let* left_val := M.alloc left_val in
- let* right_val := M.alloc right_val in
- let* α0 : ref (ref (array u32.t)) := M.read left_val in
- let* α1 : ref (ref (slice u32.t)) := M.read right_val in
- let* α2 : bool.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.cmp.PartialEq.eq
- (Self := ref (array u32.t))
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0
- α1) in
- let* α3 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc (UnOp.not α2) in
- let* α4 : bool.t := M.read (use α3) in
- if α4 then
- let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
- M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
- let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
- let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
- let* α1 : ref (ref (array u32.t)) := M.read left_val in
- let* α2 : ref (ref (slice u32.t)) := M.read right_val in
- let* α3 : never.t :=
- M.call
- (core.panicking.assert_failed α0 α1 α2 core.option.Option.None) in
- M.alloc α3 in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- else
- M.alloc tt
- end in
+ let* α4 : M.Val ((ref (ref (array u32.t))) * (ref (ref (slice u32.t)))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α0, borrow α3) in
+ match_operator
+ α4
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_, _) =>
+ let γ0 := Tuple.Access.left γ in
+ let γ1 := Tuple.Access.right γ in
+ let* left_val := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* right_val := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* α0 : ref (ref (array u32.t)) := M.read left_val in
+ let* α1 : ref (ref (slice u32.t)) := M.read right_val in
+ let* α2 : bool.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.cmp.PartialEq.eq
+ (Self := ref (array u32.t))
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0
+ α1) in
+ let* α3 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc (UnOp.not α2) in
+ let* α4 : bool.t := M.read (use α3) in
+ if α4 then
+ let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
+ M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
+ let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
+ let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
+ let* α1 : ref (ref (array u32.t)) := M.read left_val in
+ let* α2 : ref (ref (slice u32.t)) := M.read right_val in
+ let* α3 : never.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.panicking.assert_failed
+ α0
+ α1
+ α2
+ core.option.Option.None) in
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ else
+ M.alloc tt
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
let* α0 : M.Val (ref (array i32.t)) := M.alloc (borrow xs) in
let* α1 : ref (slice i32.t) := M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α0) in
let* α2 : usize.t := M.call ((slice i32.t)::["len"] α1) in
@@ -356,86 +386,143 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
core.ops.range.Range.start := Integer.of_Z 0;
core.ops.range.Range.end_ := α3;
|}) in
- let* α5 : M.Val unit :=
- match α4 with
- | iter =>
- let* iter := M.alloc iter in
- loop
- (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : core.option.Option.t usize.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
- (Self := core.ops.range.Range.t usize.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (borrow_mut iter)) in
- match α0 with
- | core.option.Option.None =>
- let* α0 : M.Val never.t := Break in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- | core.option.Option.Some i =>
- let* i := M.alloc i in
- let* α0 : M.Val (ref (array i32.t)) := M.alloc (borrow xs) in
- let* α1 : ref (slice i32.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α0) in
- let* α2 : usize.t := M.read i in
- let* α3 : core.option.Option.t (ref i32.t) :=
- M.call ((slice i32.t)::["get"] α1 α2) in
- match α3 with
- | core.option.Option.Some xval =>
- let* xval := M.alloc xval in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ": ") in
- let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α5 : M.Val (core.ops.range.Range.t usize.t) := M.alloc α4 in
+ let* α6 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ α5
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* iter := M.copy γ in
+ M.loop
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : core.option.Option.t usize.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
+ (Self := core.ops.range.Range.t usize.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ (borrow_mut iter)) in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t usize.t) := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.None =>
+ let* α0 : M.Val never.t := M.break in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* i := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 : M.Val (ref (array i32.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow xs) in
+ let* α1 : ref (slice i32.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α0) in
+ let* α2 : usize.t := M.read i in
+ let* α3 : core.option.Option.t (ref i32.t) :=
+ M.call ((slice i32.t)::["get"] α1 α2) in
+ let* α4 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t (ref i32.t)) :=
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ match_operator
+ α4
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* xval := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ": ") in
+ let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α3 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1; α2 ] in
- let* α4 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α3) in
- let* α5 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α4) in
- let* α6 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow i)) in
- let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call
- (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow xval)) in
- let* α8 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.alloc [ α6; α7 ] in
- let* α9 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α8) in
- let* α10 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α9) in
- let* α11 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α5 α10) in
- let* α12 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α11) in
- M.alloc α12 in
- M.alloc tt
- | core.option.Option.None =>
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Slow down! ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str " is too far!
+ let* α3 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.alloc [ α0; α1; α2 ] in
+ let* α4 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α3) in
+ let* α5 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α4) in
+ let* α6 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"]
+ (borrow i)) in
+ let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"]
+ (borrow xval)) in
+ let* α8 :
+ M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α6; α7 ] in
+ let* α9 :
+ M.Val
+ (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α8) in
+ let* α10 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α9) in
+ let* α11 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α5 α10) in
+ let* α12 : unit :=
+ M.call (std.io.stdio._print α11) in
+ M.alloc α12 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.None =>
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "Slow down! ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str " is too far!
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow i)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt
- end
- end in
- M.alloc tt)
- end in
- M.read (use α5).
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"]
+ (borrow i)) in
+ let* α6 :
+ M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 :
+ M.Val
+ (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit :=
+ M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ]
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.alloc tt)) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.read (use α6).
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/primitives/tuples.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/primitives/tuples.v
index 424ef5c09..b7ea87999 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/primitives/tuples.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/primitives/tuples.v
@@ -11,12 +11,24 @@ fn reverse(pair: (i32, bool)) -> (bool, i32) {
Definition reverse (pair : i32.t * bool.t) : M (bool.t * i32.t) :=
let* pair := M.alloc pair in
- let* '(int_param, bool_param) : i32.t * bool.t := M.read pair in
- let* int_param := M.alloc int_param in
- let* bool_param := M.alloc bool_param in
- let* α0 : bool.t := M.read bool_param in
- let* α1 : i32.t := M.read int_param in
- let* α0 : M.Val (bool.t * i32.t) := M.alloc (α0, α1) in
+ let* α0 : M.Val (bool.t * i32.t) :=
+ match_operator
+ pair
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_, _) =>
+ let γ0 := Tuple.Access.left γ in
+ let γ1 := Tuple.Access.right γ in
+ let* int_param := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* bool_param := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* α0 : bool.t := M.read bool_param in
+ let* α1 : i32.t := M.read int_param in
+ M.alloc (α0, α1)
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (bool.t * i32.t))
+ ] in
M.read α0.
Module Matrix.
@@ -328,69 +340,89 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "hello") in
let* α1 : f64.t := M.read UnsupportedLiteral in
M.alloc (Integer.of_Z 1, α0, α1, true) in
- let* '(a, b, c, d) : ((i32.t * (ref str.t)) * f64.t) * bool.t :=
- M.read tuple in
- let* a := M.alloc a in
- let* b := M.alloc b in
- let* c := M.alloc c in
- let* d := M.alloc d in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ", ") in
- let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ", ") in
- let* α3 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ", ") in
- let* α4 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ tuple
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_, _, _, _) =>
+ let γ0 :=
+ Tuple.Access.left (Tuple.Access.left (Tuple.Access.left γ)) in
+ let γ1 :=
+ Tuple.Access.right (Tuple.Access.left (Tuple.Access.left γ)) in
+ let γ2 := Tuple.Access.right (Tuple.Access.left γ) in
+ let γ3 := Tuple.Access.right γ in
+ let* a := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* b := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* c := M.copy γ2 in
+ let* d := M.copy γ3 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ", ") in
+ let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ", ") in
+ let* α3 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ", ") in
+ let* α4 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α5 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1; α2; α3; α4 ] in
- let* α6 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α5) in
- let* α7 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α6) in
- let* α8 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow a)) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow b)) in
- let* α10 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow c)) in
- let* α11 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow d)) in
- let* α12 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.alloc [ α8; α9; α10; α11 ] in
- let* α13 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α12) in
- let* α14 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α13) in
- let* α15 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α7 α14) in
- let* α16 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α15) in
- M.alloc α16 in
- M.alloc tt in
- let* matrix : M.Val tuples.Matrix.t :=
- let* α0 : f32.t := M.read UnsupportedLiteral in
- let* α1 : f32.t := M.read UnsupportedLiteral in
- let* α2 : f32.t := M.read UnsupportedLiteral in
- let* α3 : f32.t := M.read UnsupportedLiteral in
- M.alloc (tuples.Matrix.Build_t α0 α1 α2 α3) in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α5 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.alloc [ α0; α1; α2; α3; α4 ] in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α5) in
+ let* α7 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α6) in
+ let* α8 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow a)) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow b)) in
+ let* α10 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow c)) in
+ let* α11 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow d)) in
+ let* α12 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α8; α9; α10; α11 ] in
+ let* α13 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α12) in
+ let* α14 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α13) in
+ let* α15 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α7 α14) in
+ let* α16 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α15) in
+ M.alloc α16 in
+ M.alloc tt in
+ let* matrix : M.Val tuples.Matrix.t :=
+ let* α0 : f32.t := M.read UnsupportedLiteral in
+ let* α1 : f32.t := M.read UnsupportedLiteral in
+ let* α2 : f32.t := M.read UnsupportedLiteral in
+ let* α3 : f32.t := M.read UnsupportedLiteral in
+ M.alloc (tuples.Matrix.Build_t α0 α1 α2 α3) in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow matrix)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow matrix)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt in
+ M.alloc tt
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
M.read α0.
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/scoping_rules/scoping_rules_borrowing_mutablity.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/scoping_rules/scoping_rules_borrowing_mutablity.v
index d43732e16..11fbf3d24 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/scoping_rules/scoping_rules_borrowing_mutablity.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/scoping_rules/scoping_rules_borrowing_mutablity.v
@@ -48,11 +48,33 @@ Section Impl_core_clone_Clone_for_scoping_rules_borrowing_mutablity_Book_t.
(self : ref Self)
: M scoping_rules_borrowing_mutablity.Book.t :=
let* self := M.alloc self in
- let _ : unit := tt in
- let _ : unit := tt in
- let _ : unit := tt in
- let* α0 : ref scoping_rules_borrowing_mutablity.Book.t := M.read self in
- M.read (deref α0).
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 : M.Val scoping_rules_borrowing_mutablity.Book.t :=
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 :
+ ref scoping_rules_borrowing_mutablity.Book.t :=
+ M.read self in
+ M.pure (deref α0)) :
+ M (M.Val scoping_rules_borrowing_mutablity.Book.t)
+ ]) :
+ M (M.Val scoping_rules_borrowing_mutablity.Book.t)
+ ]) :
+ M (M.Val scoping_rules_borrowing_mutablity.Book.t)
+ ] in
+ M.read α1.
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_clone :
Notations.DoubleColon Self "clone" := {
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/scoping_rules/scoping_rules_borrowing_the_ref_pattern.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/scoping_rules/scoping_rules_borrowing_the_ref_pattern.v
index 2cafa6771..d0417660e 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/scoping_rules/scoping_rules_borrowing_the_ref_pattern.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/scoping_rules/scoping_rules_borrowing_the_ref_pattern.v
@@ -36,10 +36,18 @@ Section Impl_core_clone_Clone_for_scoping_rules_borrowing_the_ref_pattern_Point_
(self : ref Self)
: M scoping_rules_borrowing_the_ref_pattern.Point.t :=
let* self := M.alloc self in
- let _ : unit := tt in
- let* α0 : ref scoping_rules_borrowing_the_ref_pattern.Point.t :=
- M.read self in
- M.read (deref α0).
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 : M.Val scoping_rules_borrowing_the_ref_pattern.Point.t :=
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 : ref scoping_rules_borrowing_the_ref_pattern.Point.t :=
+ M.read self in
+ M.pure (deref α0)) :
+ M (M.Val scoping_rules_borrowing_the_ref_pattern.Point.t)
+ ] in
+ M.read α1.
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_clone :
Notations.DoubleColon Self "clone" := {
@@ -157,29 +165,53 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
scoping_rules_borrowing_the_ref_pattern.Point.y := Integer.of_Z 0;
|} in
let* _copy_of_x : M.Val i32.t :=
- let* '{|
- scoping_rules_borrowing_the_ref_pattern.Point.x := ref_to_x;
- scoping_rules_borrowing_the_ref_pattern.Point.y := _;
- |} :
- scoping_rules_borrowing_the_ref_pattern.Point.t :=
- M.read point in
- let* ref_to_x := M.alloc ref_to_x in
- let* α0 : ref i32.t := M.read ref_to_x in
- M.copy (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 : M.Val i32.t :=
+ match_operator
+ point
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ |
+ {|
+ scoping_rules_borrowing_the_ref_pattern.Point.x := _;
+ scoping_rules_borrowing_the_ref_pattern.Point.y := _;
+ |}
+ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Point.x"] in
+ let γ1 := γ.["Point.y"] in
+ let* ref_to_x := M.alloc (borrow_mut γ0) in
+ let* α0 : ref i32.t := M.read ref_to_x in
+ M.pure (deref α0)
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val i32.t)
+ ] in
+ M.copy α0 in
let* mutable_point : M.Val scoping_rules_borrowing_the_ref_pattern.Point.t :=
M.copy point in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* '{|
- scoping_rules_borrowing_the_ref_pattern.Point.x := _;
- scoping_rules_borrowing_the_ref_pattern.Point.y := mut_ref_to_y;
- |} :
- scoping_rules_borrowing_the_ref_pattern.Point.t :=
- M.read mutable_point in
- let* mut_ref_to_y := M.alloc mut_ref_to_y in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : mut_ref i32.t := M.read mut_ref_to_y in
- assign (deref α0) (Integer.of_Z 1) in
- M.alloc tt in
+ match_operator
+ mutable_point
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ |
+ {|
+ scoping_rules_borrowing_the_ref_pattern.Point.x := _;
+ scoping_rules_borrowing_the_ref_pattern.Point.y := _;
+ |}
+ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Point.x"] in
+ let γ1 := γ.["Point.y"] in
+ let* mut_ref_to_y := M.alloc (borrow γ1) in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : mut_ref i32.t := M.read mut_ref_to_y in
+ assign (deref α0) (Integer.of_Z 1) in
+ M.alloc tt
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "point is (") in
@@ -240,13 +272,23 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
(Integer.of_Z 5)) in
M.alloc (α0, Integer.of_Z 3) in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* '(_, last) : (alloc.boxed.Box.t u32.t alloc.alloc.Global.t) * u32.t :=
- M.read mutable_tuple in
- let* last := M.alloc last in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : mut_ref u32.t := M.read last in
- assign (deref α0) (Integer.of_Z 2) in
- M.alloc tt in
+ match_operator
+ mutable_tuple
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_, _) =>
+ let γ0 := Tuple.Access.left γ in
+ let γ1 := Tuple.Access.right γ in
+ let* last := M.alloc (borrow γ1) in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : mut_ref u32.t := M.read last in
+ assign (deref α0) (Integer.of_Z 2) in
+ M.alloc tt
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "tuple is ") in
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/scoping_rules/scoping_rules_lifetimes_structs.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/scoping_rules/scoping_rules_lifetimes_structs.v
index 793376010..0f318899f 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/scoping_rules/scoping_rules_lifetimes_structs.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/scoping_rules/scoping_rules_lifetimes_structs.v
@@ -141,31 +141,59 @@ Section Impl_core_fmt_Debug_for_scoping_rules_lifetimes_structs_Either_t.
: M ltac:(core.fmt.Result) :=
let* self := M.alloc self in
let* f := M.alloc f in
- let* α0 : ref scoping_rules_lifetimes_structs.Either.t := M.read self in
- let* α1 : M.Val (core.result.Result.t unit core.fmt.Error.t) :=
- match α0 with
- | scoping_rules_lifetimes_structs.Either.Num __self_0 =>
- let* __self_0 := M.alloc __self_0 in
- let* α0 : mut_ref core.fmt.Formatter.t := M.read f in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Num") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (ref i32.t)) := M.alloc (borrow __self_0) in
- let* α3 : ref dynamic := M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.result.Result.t unit core.fmt.Error.t :=
- M.call
- (core.fmt.Formatter.t::["debug_tuple_field1_finish"] α0 α1 α3) in
- M.alloc α4
- | scoping_rules_lifetimes_structs.Either.Ref __self_0 =>
- let* __self_0 := M.alloc __self_0 in
- let* α0 : mut_ref core.fmt.Formatter.t := M.read f in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Ref") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (ref (ref i32.t))) := M.alloc (borrow __self_0) in
- let* α3 : ref dynamic := M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.result.Result.t unit core.fmt.Error.t :=
- M.call
- (core.fmt.Formatter.t::["debug_tuple_field1_finish"] α0 α1 α3) in
- M.alloc α4
- end in
- M.read α1.
+ let* α0 : M.Val (core.result.Result.t unit core.fmt.Error.t) :=
+ match_operator
+ self
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | scoping_rules_lifetimes_structs.Either.Num _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Num.0"] in
+ let* __self_0 := M.alloc (borrow_mut γ0) in
+ let* α0 : mut_ref core.fmt.Formatter.t := M.read f in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Num") in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (ref i32.t)) := M.alloc (borrow __self_0) in
+ let* α3 : ref dynamic := M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.result.Result.t unit core.fmt.Error.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.Formatter.t::["debug_tuple_field1_finish"]
+ α0
+ α1
+ α3) in
+ M.alloc α4
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (core.result.Result.t unit core.fmt.Error.t));
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | scoping_rules_lifetimes_structs.Either.Ref _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Ref.0"] in
+ let* __self_0 := M.alloc (borrow_mut γ0) in
+ let* α0 : mut_ref core.fmt.Formatter.t := M.read f in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Ref") in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (ref (ref i32.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow __self_0) in
+ let* α3 : ref dynamic := M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.result.Result.t unit core.fmt.Error.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.Formatter.t::["debug_tuple_field1_finish"]
+ α0
+ α1
+ α3) in
+ M.alloc α4
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (core.result.Result.t unit core.fmt.Error.t))
+ ] in
+ M.read α0.
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_fmt : Notations.DoubleColon Self "fmt" := {
Notations.double_colon := fmt;
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/scoping_rules/scoping_rules_ownership_and_rules_partial_moves.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/scoping_rules/scoping_rules_ownership_and_rules_partial_moves.v
index a35935b45..6cd4d6385 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/scoping_rules/scoping_rules_ownership_and_rules_partial_moves.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/scoping_rules/scoping_rules_ownership_and_rules_partial_moves.v
@@ -48,82 +48,106 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
scoping_rules_ownership_and_rules_partial_moves.main.Person.name := α1;
scoping_rules_ownership_and_rules_partial_moves.main.Person.age := α2;
|} in
- let* '{|
- scoping_rules_ownership_and_rules_partial_moves.main.Person.name
- :=
- name;
- scoping_rules_ownership_and_rules_partial_moves.main.Person.age := age;
- |} :
- scoping_rules_ownership_and_rules_partial_moves.main.Person.t :=
- M.read person in
- let* name := M.alloc name in
- let* age := M.alloc age in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "The person's age is ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ person
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ |
+ {|
+ scoping_rules_ownership_and_rules_partial_moves.main.Person.name
+ :=
+ _;
+ scoping_rules_ownership_and_rules_partial_moves.main.Person.age
+ :=
+ _;
+ |}
+ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Person.name"] in
+ let γ1 := γ.["Person.age"] in
+ let* name := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* age := M.alloc (borrow_mut γ1) in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "The person's age is ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow age)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "The person's name is ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow age)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "The person's name is ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow name)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t :=
- M.read (mk_str "The person's age from person struct is ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow name)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "The person's age from person struct is ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call
- (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow person.["age"])) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"]
+ (borrow person.["age"])) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt in
+ M.alloc tt
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
M.read α0.
Module Person.
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/scoping_rules/scoping_rules_raii.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/scoping_rules/scoping_rules_raii.v
index 9cfcc07f8..bc8e729b9 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/scoping_rules/scoping_rules_raii.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/scoping_rules/scoping_rules_raii.v
@@ -66,30 +66,51 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
core.ops.range.Range.start := Integer.of_Z 0;
core.ops.range.Range.end_ := Integer.of_Z 1000;
|}) in
- let* α1 : M.Val unit :=
- match α0 with
- | iter =>
- let* iter := M.alloc iter in
- loop
- (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : core.option.Option.t u32.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
- (Self := core.ops.range.Range.t u32.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (borrow_mut iter)) in
- match α0 with
- | core.option.Option.None =>
- let* α0 : M.Val never.t := Break in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : unit := M.call scoping_rules_raii.create_box in
- M.alloc α0 in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
- M.alloc tt)
- end in
- M.read (use α1).
+ let* α1 : M.Val (core.ops.range.Range.t u32.t) := M.alloc α0 in
+ let* α2 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* iter := M.copy γ in
+ M.loop
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : core.option.Option.t u32.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
+ (Self := core.ops.range.Range.t u32.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ (borrow_mut iter)) in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t u32.t) := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.None =>
+ let* α0 : M.Val never.t := M.break in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : unit :=
+ M.call scoping_rules_raii.create_box in
+ M.alloc α0 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.alloc tt)) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.read (use α2).
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_library_types/arc.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_library_types/arc.v
index b85f89017..0516f0f7d 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_library_types/arc.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_library_types/arc.v
@@ -39,73 +39,102 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
core.ops.range.Range.start := Integer.of_Z 0;
core.ops.range.Range.end_ := Integer.of_Z 10;
|}) in
- let* α1 : M.Val unit :=
- match α0 with
- | iter =>
- let* iter := M.alloc iter in
- loop
- (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : core.option.Option.t i32.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
- (Self := core.ops.range.Range.t i32.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (borrow_mut iter)) in
- match α0 with
- | core.option.Option.None =>
- let* α0 : M.Val never.t := Break in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
- let* apple : M.Val (alloc.sync.Arc.t (ref str.t)) :=
- let* α0 : alloc.sync.Arc.t (ref str.t) :=
+ let* α1 : M.Val (core.ops.range.Range.t i32.t) := M.alloc α0 in
+ let* α2 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* iter := M.copy γ in
+ M.loop
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : core.option.Option.t i32.t :=
- ((core.clone.Clone.clone
- (Self := alloc.sync.Arc.t (ref str.t))
+ ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
+ (Self := core.ops.range.Range.t i32.t)
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (borrow apple)) in
- M.alloc α0 in
- let* _ : M.Val (std.thread.JoinHandle.t unit) :=
- let* α0 : std.thread.JoinHandle.t unit :=
- M.call
- (std.thread.spawn
- ((let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
-") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) :=
- M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ (borrow_mut iter)) in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t i32.t) := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.None =>
+ let* α0 : M.Val never.t := M.break in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* apple : M.Val (alloc.sync.Arc.t (ref str.t)) :=
+ let* α0 : alloc.sync.Arc.t (ref str.t) :=
- (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"]
+ ((core.clone.Clone.clone
+ (Self := alloc.sync.Arc.t (ref str.t))
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
(borrow apple)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 :
- M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- M.read α0) :
- M unit)) in
- M.alloc α0 in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
- M.alloc tt)
- end in
- M.pure (use α1) in
+ M.alloc α0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val (std.thread.JoinHandle.t unit) :=
+ let* α0 : std.thread.JoinHandle.t unit :=
+ M.call
+ (std.thread.spawn
+ ((let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "
+") in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"]
+ (borrow apple)) in
+ let* α6 :
+ M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 :
+ M.Val
+ (ref
+ (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 :
+ ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"]
+ α4
+ α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit :=
+ M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt in
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ M.read α0) :
+ M unit)) in
+ M.alloc α0 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.alloc tt)) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.pure (use α2) in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* α0 : core.time.Duration.t :=
M.call (core.time.Duration.t::["from_secs"] (Integer.of_Z 1)) in
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_library_types/box_stack_heap.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_library_types/box_stack_heap.v
index aebebd0b7..e50786d1e 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_library_types/box_stack_heap.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_library_types/box_stack_heap.v
@@ -74,9 +74,17 @@ Section Impl_core_clone_Clone_for_box_stack_heap_Point_t.
(* #[allow(dead_code)] - function was ignored by the compiler *)
Definition clone (self : ref Self) : M box_stack_heap.Point.t :=
let* self := M.alloc self in
- let _ : unit := tt in
- let* α0 : ref box_stack_heap.Point.t := M.read self in
- M.read (deref α0).
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 : M.Val box_stack_heap.Point.t :=
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 : ref box_stack_heap.Point.t := M.read self in
+ M.pure (deref α0)) :
+ M (M.Val box_stack_heap.Point.t)
+ ] in
+ M.read α1.
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_clone :
Notations.DoubleColon Self "clone" := {
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_library_types/hash_map.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_library_types/hash_map.v
index 3fef840f3..c01770510 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_library_types/hash_map.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_library_types/hash_map.v
@@ -18,29 +18,32 @@ fn call(number: &str) -> &str {
Definition call (number : ref str.t) : M (ref str.t) :=
let* number := M.alloc number in
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read number in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref str.t) :=
- match α1 with
- | _ =>
- let* α0 : ref str.t :=
- M.read
- (mk_str
- "We're sorry, the call cannot be completed as dialed.
+ let* α0 : M.Val (ref str.t) :=
+ match_operator
+ number
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read
+ (mk_str
+ "We're sorry, the call cannot be completed as dialed.
Please hang up and try again.") in
- M.alloc α0
- | _ =>
- let* α0 : ref str.t :=
- M.read
- (mk_str
- "Hello, this is Mr. Awesome's Pizza. My name is Fred.
+ M.alloc α0) :
+ M (M.Val (ref str.t));
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read
+ (mk_str
+ "Hello, this is Mr. Awesome's Pizza. My name is Fred.
What can I get for you today?") in
- M.alloc α0
- | _ =>
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Hi! Who is this again?") in
- M.alloc α0
- end in
- M.read α2.
+ M.alloc α0) :
+ M (M.Val (ref str.t));
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Hi! Who is this again?") in
+ M.alloc α0) :
+ M (M.Val (ref str.t))
+ ] in
+ M.read α0.
fn main() {
@@ -155,46 +158,63 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
(borrow contacts)
(borrow (mk_str "Daniel"))) in
- match α0 with
- | core.option.Option.Some number =>
- let* number := M.alloc number in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Calling Daniel: ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α1 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t (ref (ref str.t))) := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* γ0 :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ0 in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* number := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Calling Daniel: ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : ref str.t := M.read number in
- let* α6 : ref str.t := M.call (hash_map.call α5) in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref str.t) := M.alloc α6 in
- let* α8 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow α7)) in
- let* α9 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α8 ] in
- let* α10 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α9) in
- let* α11 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α10) in
- let* α12 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α11) in
- let* α13 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α12) in
- M.alloc α13 in
- M.alloc tt
- | _ =>
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Don't have Daniel's number.
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : ref str.t := M.read number in
+ let* α6 : ref str.t := M.call (hash_map.call α5) in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref str.t) := M.alloc α6 in
+ let* α8 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow α7)) in
+ let* α9 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α8 ] in
+ let* α10 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α9) in
+ let* α11 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α10) in
+ let* α12 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α11) in
+ let* α13 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α12) in
+ M.alloc α13 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "Don't have Daniel's number.
") in
- let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
- let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
- M.alloc α5 in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
+ let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ M.alloc tt) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
let* _ : M.Val (core.option.Option.t (ref str.t)) :=
let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Daniel") in
let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "164-6743") in
@@ -217,46 +237,63 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
(borrow contacts)
(borrow (mk_str "Ashley"))) in
- match α0 with
- | core.option.Option.Some number =>
- let* number := M.alloc number in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Calling Ashley: ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α1 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t (ref (ref str.t))) := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* γ0 :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ0 in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* number := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Calling Ashley: ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : ref str.t := M.read number in
- let* α6 : ref str.t := M.call (hash_map.call α5) in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref str.t) := M.alloc α6 in
- let* α8 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow α7)) in
- let* α9 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α8 ] in
- let* α10 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α9) in
- let* α11 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α10) in
- let* α12 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α11) in
- let* α13 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α12) in
- M.alloc α13 in
- M.alloc tt
- | _ =>
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Don't have Ashley's number.
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : ref str.t := M.read number in
+ let* α6 : ref str.t := M.call (hash_map.call α5) in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref str.t) := M.alloc α6 in
+ let* α8 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow α7)) in
+ let* α9 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α8 ] in
+ let* α10 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α9) in
+ let* α11 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α10) in
+ let* α12 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α11) in
+ let* α13 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α12) in
+ M.alloc α13 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "Don't have Ashley's number.
") in
- let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
- let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
- M.alloc α5 in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
+ let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ M.alloc tt) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
let* _ : M.Val (core.option.Option.t (ref str.t)) :=
let* α0 : core.option.Option.t (ref str.t) :=
@@ -280,63 +317,103 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
(Self := std.collections.hash.map.Iter.t (ref str.t) (ref str.t))
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
α0) in
- let* α2 : M.Val unit :=
- match α1 with
- | iter =>
- let* iter := M.alloc iter in
- loop
- (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 :
- core.option.Option.t ((ref (ref str.t)) * (ref (ref str.t))) :=
- M.call
- ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
- (Self :=
- std.collections.hash.map.Iter.t (ref str.t) (ref str.t))
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (borrow_mut iter)) in
- match α0 with
- | core.option.Option.None =>
- let* α0 : M.Val never.t := Break in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- | core.option.Option.Some (contact, number) =>
- let* contact := M.alloc contact in
- let* number := M.alloc number in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Calling ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ": ") in
- let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α2 : M.Val (std.collections.hash.map.Iter.t (ref str.t) (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.alloc α1 in
+ let* α3 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ α2
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* iter := M.copy γ in
+ M.loop
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 :
+ core.option.Option.t
+ ((ref (ref str.t)) * (ref (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
+ (Self :=
+ std.collections.hash.map.Iter.t (ref str.t) (ref str.t))
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ (borrow_mut iter)) in
+ let* α1 :
+ M.Val
+ (core.option.Option.t
+ ((ref (ref str.t)) * (ref (ref str.t)))) :=
+ M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.None =>
+ let* α0 : M.Val never.t := M.break in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ0 in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_, _) =>
+ let γ0 := Tuple.Access.left γ0 in
+ let γ1 := Tuple.Access.right γ0 in
+ let* contact := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* γ1 :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ1 in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* number := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Calling ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ": ") in
+ let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α3 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1; α2 ] in
- let* α4 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α3) in
- let* α5 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α4) in
- let* α6 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call
- (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"]
- (borrow contact)) in
- let* α7 : ref str.t := M.read number in
- let* α8 : ref str.t := M.call (hash_map.call α7) in
- let* α9 : M.Val (ref str.t) := M.alloc α8 in
- let* α10 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call
- (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow α9)) in
- let* α11 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.alloc [ α6; α10 ] in
- let* α12 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α11) in
- let* α13 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α12) in
- let* α14 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α5 α13) in
- let* α15 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α14) in
- M.alloc α15 in
- M.alloc tt in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
- M.alloc tt)
- end in
- M.read (use α2).
+ let* α3 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.alloc [ α0; α1; α2 ] in
+ let* α4 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α3) in
+ let* α5 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α4) in
+ let* α6 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"]
+ (borrow contact)) in
+ let* α7 : ref str.t := M.read number in
+ let* α8 : ref str.t := M.call (hash_map.call α7) in
+ let* α9 : M.Val (ref str.t) := M.alloc α8 in
+ let* α10 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"]
+ (borrow α9)) in
+ let* α11 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α6; α10 ] in
+ let* α12 :
+ M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α11) in
+ let* α13 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α12) in
+ let* α14 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α5 α13) in
+ let* α15 : unit :=
+ M.call (std.io.stdio._print α14) in
+ M.alloc α15 in
+ M.alloc tt in
+ M.alloc tt
+ end
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.alloc tt)) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.read (use α3).
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_library_types/hash_map_alternate_or_custom_key_types.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_library_types/hash_map_alternate_or_custom_key_types.v
index d22c5a115..bea0134fb 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_library_types/hash_map_alternate_or_custom_key_types.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_library_types/hash_map_alternate_or_custom_key_types.v
@@ -102,10 +102,17 @@ Section Impl_core_cmp_Eq_for_hash_map_alternate_or_custom_key_types_Account_t.
Definition assert_receiver_is_total_eq (self : ref Self) : M unit :=
let* self := M.alloc self in
- let _ : unit := tt in
- let _ : unit := tt in
let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- M.read α0.
+ let* α1 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ match_operator α0 [ fun γ => (M.alloc tt) : M (M.Val unit) ]) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.read α1.
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_assert_receiver_is_total_eq :
Notations.DoubleColon Self "assert_receiver_is_total_eq" := {
@@ -307,88 +314,110 @@ Definition try_logon
(borrow logon)) in
+ let* α2 :
+ M.Val
+ (core.option.Option.t
+ (ref hash_map_alternate_or_custom_key_types.AccountInfo.t)) :=
+ M.alloc α1 in
let* α0 : M.Val unit :=
- match α1 with
- | core.option.Option.Some account_info =>
- let* account_info := M.alloc account_info in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Successful logon!
+ match_operator
+ α2
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* account_info := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Successful logon!
") in
- let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
- let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
- M.alloc α5 in
- M.alloc tt in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Name: ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
+ let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ M.alloc tt in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Name: ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : ref hash_map_alternate_or_custom_key_types.AccountInfo.t :=
- M.read account_info in
- let* α6 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call
- (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"]
- (borrow (deref α5).["name"])) in
- let* α7 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α6 ] in
- let* α8 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α7) in
- let* α9 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α8) in
- let* α10 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α9) in
- let* α11 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α10) in
- M.alloc α11 in
- M.alloc tt in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Email: ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 :
+ ref hash_map_alternate_or_custom_key_types.AccountInfo.t :=
+ M.read account_info in
+ let* α6 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"]
+ (borrow (deref α5).["name"])) in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α6 ] in
+ let* α8 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α7) in
+ let* α9 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α8) in
+ let* α10 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α9) in
+ let* α11 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α10) in
+ M.alloc α11 in
+ M.alloc tt in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Email: ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : ref hash_map_alternate_or_custom_key_types.AccountInfo.t :=
- M.read account_info in
- let* α6 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call
- (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"]
- (borrow (deref α5).["email"])) in
- let* α7 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α6 ] in
- let* α8 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α7) in
- let* α9 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α8) in
- let* α10 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α9) in
- let* α11 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α10) in
- M.alloc α11 in
- M.alloc tt in
- M.alloc tt
- | _ =>
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Login failed!
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 :
+ ref hash_map_alternate_or_custom_key_types.AccountInfo.t :=
+ M.read account_info in
+ let* α6 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"]
+ (borrow (deref α5).["email"])) in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α6 ] in
+ let* α8 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α7) in
+ let* α9 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α8) in
+ let* α10 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α9) in
+ let* α11 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α10) in
+ M.alloc α11 in
+ M.alloc tt in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Login failed!
") in
- let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
- let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
- M.alloc α5 in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
+ let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ M.alloc tt) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
M.read α0.
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_library_types/option.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_library_types/option.v
index ef4daa67b..6eb47039d 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_library_types/option.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_library_types/option.v
@@ -49,63 +49,88 @@ Definition try_division (dividend : i32.t) (divisor : i32.t) : M unit :=
let* α1 : i32.t := M.read divisor in
let* α2 : core.option.Option.t i32.t :=
M.call (option.checked_division α0 α1) in
- let* α3 : M.Val unit :=
- match α2 with
- | core.option.Option.None =>
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str " / ") in
- let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str " failed!
+ let* α3 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t i32.t) := M.alloc α2 in
+ let* α4 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ α3
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.None =>
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str " / ") in
+ let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str " failed!
") in
- let* α3 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1; α2 ] in
- let* α4 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α3) in
- let* α5 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α4) in
- let* α6 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow dividend)) in
- let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow divisor)) in
- let* α8 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α6; α7 ] in
- let* α9 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α8) in
- let* α10 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α9) in
- let* α11 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α5 α10) in
- let* α12 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α11) in
- M.alloc α12 in
- M.alloc tt
- | core.option.Option.Some quotient =>
- let* quotient := M.alloc quotient in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str " / ") in
- let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str " = ") in
- let* α3 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α3 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1; α2 ] in
+ let* α4 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α3) in
+ let* α5 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α4) in
+ let* α6 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow dividend)) in
+ let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow divisor)) in
+ let* α8 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α6; α7 ] in
+ let* α9 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α8) in
+ let* α10 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α9) in
+ let* α11 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α5 α10) in
+ let* α12 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α11) in
+ M.alloc α12 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* quotient := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str " / ") in
+ let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str " = ") in
+ let* α3 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α4 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1; α2; α3 ] in
- let* α5 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α4) in
- let* α6 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α5) in
- let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow dividend)) in
- let* α8 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow divisor)) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow quotient)) in
- let* α10 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.alloc [ α7; α8; α9 ] in
- let* α11 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α10) in
- let* α12 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α11) in
- let* α13 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α6 α12) in
- let* α14 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α13) in
- M.alloc α14 in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
- M.read α3.
+ let* α4 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.alloc [ α0; α1; α2; α3 ] in
+ let* α5 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α4) in
+ let* α6 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α5) in
+ let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow dividend)) in
+ let* α8 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow divisor)) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow quotient)) in
+ let* α10 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α7; α8; α9 ] in
+ let* α11 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α10) in
+ let* α12 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α11) in
+ let* α13 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α6 α12) in
+ let* α14 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α13) in
+ M.alloc α14 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.read α4.
fn main() {
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_library_types/result.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_library_types/result.v
index 46b057ca0..2d2113a26 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_library_types/result.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_library_types/result.v
@@ -23,22 +23,49 @@ Module checked.
let* self := M.alloc self in
let* f := M.alloc f in
let* α0 : mut_ref core.fmt.Formatter.t := M.read f in
- let* α1 : ref result.checked.MathError.t := M.read self in
- let* α2 := M.read α1 in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref str.t) :=
- match α2 with
- | result.checked.MathError.DivisionByZero =>
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "DivisionByZero") in
- M.alloc α0
- | result.checked.MathError.NonPositiveLogarithm =>
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "NonPositiveLogarithm") in
- M.alloc α0
- | result.checked.MathError.NegativeSquareRoot =>
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "NegativeSquareRoot") in
- M.alloc α0
- end in
- let* α4 : ref str.t := M.read α3 in
- M.call (core.fmt.Formatter.t::["write_str"] α0 α4).
+ let* α1 : M.Val (ref str.t) :=
+ match_operator
+ self
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | result.checked.MathError.DivisionByZero =>
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "DivisionByZero") in
+ M.alloc α0
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (ref str.t));
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | result.checked.MathError.NonPositiveLogarithm =>
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "NonPositiveLogarithm") in
+ M.alloc α0
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (ref str.t));
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | result.checked.MathError.NegativeSquareRoot =>
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "NegativeSquareRoot") in
+ M.alloc α0
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (ref str.t))
+ ] in
+ let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read α1 in
+ M.call (core.fmt.Formatter.t::["write_str"] α0 α2).
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_fmt :
Notations.DoubleColon Self "fmt" := {
@@ -155,22 +182,49 @@ Section Impl_core_fmt_Debug_for_result_checked_MathError_t.
let* self := M.alloc self in
let* f := M.alloc f in
let* α0 : mut_ref core.fmt.Formatter.t := M.read f in
- let* α1 : ref result.checked.MathError.t := M.read self in
- let* α2 := M.read α1 in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref str.t) :=
- match α2 with
- | result.checked.MathError.DivisionByZero =>
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "DivisionByZero") in
- M.alloc α0
- | result.checked.MathError.NonPositiveLogarithm =>
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "NonPositiveLogarithm") in
- M.alloc α0
- | result.checked.MathError.NegativeSquareRoot =>
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "NegativeSquareRoot") in
- M.alloc α0
- end in
- let* α4 : ref str.t := M.read α3 in
- M.call (core.fmt.Formatter.t::["write_str"] α0 α4).
+ let* α1 : M.Val (ref str.t) :=
+ match_operator
+ self
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | result.checked.MathError.DivisionByZero =>
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "DivisionByZero") in
+ M.alloc α0
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (ref str.t));
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | result.checked.MathError.NonPositiveLogarithm =>
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "NonPositiveLogarithm") in
+ M.alloc α0
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (ref str.t));
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | result.checked.MathError.NegativeSquareRoot =>
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "NegativeSquareRoot") in
+ M.alloc α0
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (ref str.t))
+ ] in
+ let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read α1 in
+ M.call (core.fmt.Formatter.t::["write_str"] α0 α2).
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_fmt : Notations.DoubleColon Self "fmt" := {
Notations.double_colon := fmt;
@@ -286,84 +340,154 @@ Definition op (x : f64.t) (y : f64.t) : M f64.t :=
let* α1 : f64.t := M.read y in
let* α2 : core.result.Result.t f64.t result.checked.MathError.t :=
M.call (result.checked.div α0 α1) in
- let* α3 : M.Val f64.t :=
- match α2 with
- | core.result.Result.Err why =>
- let* why := M.alloc why in
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "") in
- let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow why)) in
- let* α5 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α4 ] in
- let* α6 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α5) in
- let* α7 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α6) in
- let* α8 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α3 α7) in
- let* α9 : never.t := M.call (core.panicking.panic_fmt α8) in
- let* α10 : f64.t := never_to_any α9 in
- M.alloc α10
- | core.result.Result.Ok ratio =>
- let* ratio := M.alloc ratio in
- let* α0 : f64.t := M.read ratio in
- let* α1 : core.result.Result.t f64.t result.checked.MathError.t :=
- M.call (result.checked.ln α0) in
- match α1 with
- | core.result.Result.Err why =>
- let* why := M.alloc why in
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "") in
- let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow why)) in
- let* α5 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α4 ] in
- let* α6 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α5) in
- let* α7 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α6) in
- let* α8 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α3 α7) in
- let* α9 : never.t := M.call (core.panicking.panic_fmt α8) in
- let* α10 : f64.t := never_to_any α9 in
- M.alloc α10
- | core.result.Result.Ok ln =>
- let* ln := M.alloc ln in
- let* α0 : f64.t := M.read ln in
- let* α1 : core.result.Result.t f64.t result.checked.MathError.t :=
- M.call (result.checked.sqrt α0) in
- match α1 with
- | core.result.Result.Err why =>
- let* why := M.alloc why in
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "") in
- let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow why)) in
- let* α5 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α4 ] in
- let* α6 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α5) in
- let* α7 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α6) in
- let* α8 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α3 α7) in
- let* α9 : never.t := M.call (core.panicking.panic_fmt α8) in
- let* α10 : f64.t := never_to_any α9 in
- M.alloc α10
- | core.result.Result.Ok sqrt =>
- let* sqrt := M.alloc sqrt in
- M.pure sqrt
- end
- end
- end in
- M.read α3.
+ let* α3 : M.Val (core.result.Result.t f64.t result.checked.MathError.t) :=
+ M.alloc α2 in
+ let* α4 : M.Val f64.t :=
+ match_operator
+ α3
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Err _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Err.0"] in
+ let* why := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "") in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow why)) in
+ let* α5 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α4 ] in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α5) in
+ let* α7 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α6) in
+ let* α8 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α3 α7) in
+ let* α9 : never.t := M.call (core.panicking.panic_fmt α8) in
+ let* α10 : f64.t := never_to_any α9 in
+ M.alloc α10
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val f64.t);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Ok _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Ok.0"] in
+ let* ratio := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 : f64.t := M.read ratio in
+ let* α1 : core.result.Result.t f64.t result.checked.MathError.t :=
+ M.call (result.checked.ln α0) in
+ let* α2 :
+ M.Val (core.result.Result.t f64.t result.checked.MathError.t) :=
+ M.alloc α1 in
+ match_operator
+ α2
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Err _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Err.0"] in
+ let* why := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "") in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow why)) in
+ let* α5 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α4 ] in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α5) in
+ let* α7 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α6) in
+ let* α8 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α3 α7) in
+ let* α9 : never.t := M.call (core.panicking.panic_fmt α8) in
+ let* α10 : f64.t := never_to_any α9 in
+ M.alloc α10
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val f64.t);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Ok _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Ok.0"] in
+ let* ln := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 : f64.t := M.read ln in
+ let* α1 :
+ core.result.Result.t f64.t result.checked.MathError.t :=
+ M.call (result.checked.sqrt α0) in
+ let* α2 :
+ M.Val
+ (core.result.Result.t
+ f64.t
+ result.checked.MathError.t) :=
+ M.alloc α1 in
+ match_operator
+ α2
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Err _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Err.0"] in
+ let* why := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "") in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"]
+ (borrow why)) in
+ let* α5 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α4 ] in
+ let* α6 :
+ M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α5) in
+ let* α7 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α6) in
+ let* α8 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α3 α7) in
+ let* α9 : never.t :=
+ M.call (core.panicking.panic_fmt α8) in
+ let* α10 : f64.t := never_to_any α9 in
+ M.alloc α10
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val f64.t);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Ok _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Ok.0"] in
+ let* sqrt := M.copy γ0 in
+ M.pure sqrt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val f64.t)
+ ]
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val f64.t)
+ ]
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val f64.t)
+ ] in
+ M.read α4.
fn main() {
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_library_types/result_chaining_with_question_mark.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_library_types/result_chaining_with_question_mark.v
index a0affb14c..467b7a118 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_library_types/result_chaining_with_question_mark.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_library_types/result_chaining_with_question_mark.v
@@ -24,27 +24,55 @@ Module checked.
let* self := M.alloc self in
let* f := M.alloc f in
let* α0 : mut_ref core.fmt.Formatter.t := M.read f in
- let* α1 : ref result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.MathError.t :=
- M.read self in
- let* α2 := M.read α1 in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref str.t) :=
- match α2 with
- | result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.MathError.DivisionByZero =>
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "DivisionByZero") in
- M.alloc α0
- |
- result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.MathError.NonPositiveLogarithm
- =>
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "NonPositiveLogarithm") in
- M.alloc α0
- |
- result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.MathError.NegativeSquareRoot
- =>
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "NegativeSquareRoot") in
- M.alloc α0
- end in
- let* α4 : ref str.t := M.read α3 in
- M.call (core.fmt.Formatter.t::["write_str"] α0 α4).
+ let* α1 : M.Val (ref str.t) :=
+ match_operator
+ self
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ |
+ result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.MathError.DivisionByZero
+ =>
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "DivisionByZero") in
+ M.alloc α0
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (ref str.t));
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ |
+ result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.MathError.NonPositiveLogarithm
+ =>
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "NonPositiveLogarithm") in
+ M.alloc α0
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (ref str.t));
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ |
+ result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.MathError.NegativeSquareRoot
+ =>
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "NegativeSquareRoot") in
+ M.alloc α0
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (ref str.t))
+ ] in
+ let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read α1 in
+ M.call (core.fmt.Formatter.t::["write_str"] α0 α2).
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_fmt :
Notations.DoubleColon Self "fmt" := {
@@ -205,36 +233,60 @@ Module checked.
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
α2) in
- let* α4 : M.Val f64.t :=
- match α3 with
- | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Break residual =>
- let* residual := M.alloc residual in
- let* α0 :
- core.result.Result.t
+ let* α4 :
+ M.Val
+ (core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.t
+ (core.result.Result.t
- result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.MathError.t :=
- M.read residual in
- let* α1 :
- core.result.Result.t
- f64.t
- result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.MathError.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.ops.try_trait.FromResidual.from_residual
- (Self :=
+ result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.MathError.t)
+ f64.t) :=
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ let* α5 : M.Val f64.t :=
+ match_operator
+ α4
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Break _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Break.0"] in
+ let* residual := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 :
+ core.result.Result.t
+ core.convert.Infallible.t
+ result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.MathError.t :=
+ M.read residual in
+ let* α1 :
- result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.MathError.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0) in
- let* α2 : M.Val never.t := return_ α1 in
- let* α3 := M.read α2 in
- let* α4 : f64.t := never_to_any α3 in
- M.alloc α4
- | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Continue val =>
- let* val := M.alloc val in
- M.pure val
- end in
- M.copy α4 in
+ result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.MathError.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.ops.try_trait.FromResidual.from_residual
+ (Self :=
+ core.result.Result.t
+ f64.t
+ result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.MathError.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0) in
+ let* α2 : M.Val never.t := return_ α1 in
+ let* α3 := M.read α2 in
+ let* α4 : f64.t := never_to_any α3 in
+ M.alloc α4
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val f64.t);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Continue _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Continue.0"] in
+ let* val := M.copy γ0 in
+ M.pure val
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val f64.t)
+ ] in
+ M.copy α5 in
let* ln : M.Val f64.t :=
let* α0 : f64.t := M.read ratio in
let* α1 :
@@ -256,36 +308,60 @@ Module checked.
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
α1) in
- let* α3 : M.Val f64.t :=
- match α2 with
- | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Break residual =>
- let* residual := M.alloc residual in
- let* α0 :
- core.result.Result.t
+ let* α3 :
+ M.Val
+ (core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.t
+ (core.result.Result.t
- result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.MathError.t :=
- M.read residual in
- let* α1 :
- core.result.Result.t
- f64.t
- result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.MathError.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.ops.try_trait.FromResidual.from_residual
- (Self :=
+ result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.MathError.t)
+ f64.t) :=
+ M.alloc α2 in
+ let* α4 : M.Val f64.t :=
+ match_operator
+ α3
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Break _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Break.0"] in
+ let* residual := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 :
+ core.result.Result.t
+ core.convert.Infallible.t
+ result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.MathError.t :=
+ M.read residual in
+ let* α1 :
- result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.MathError.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0) in
- let* α2 : M.Val never.t := return_ α1 in
- let* α3 := M.read α2 in
- let* α4 : f64.t := never_to_any α3 in
- M.alloc α4
- | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Continue val =>
- let* val := M.alloc val in
- M.pure val
- end in
- M.copy α3 in
+ result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.MathError.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.ops.try_trait.FromResidual.from_residual
+ (Self :=
+ core.result.Result.t
+ f64.t
+ result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.MathError.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0) in
+ let* α2 : M.Val never.t := return_ α1 in
+ let* α3 := M.read α2 in
+ let* α4 : f64.t := never_to_any α3 in
+ M.alloc α4
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val f64.t);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Continue _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Continue.0"] in
+ let* val := M.copy γ0 in
+ M.pure val
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val f64.t)
+ ] in
+ M.copy α4 in
let* α0 : f64.t := M.read ln in
let* α1 :
@@ -325,58 +401,102 @@ Module checked.
result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.MathError.t :=
M.call (result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.op_ α0 α1) in
- let* α3 : M.Val unit :=
- match α2 with
- | core.result.Result.Err why =>
- let* why := M.alloc why in
- let* α0 : result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.MathError.t :=
- M.read why in
- let* α1 : M.Val (ref str.t) :=
- match α0 with
- |
- result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.MathError.NonPositiveLogarithm
- =>
- M.pure (mk_str "logarithm of non-positive number")
- |
- result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.MathError.DivisionByZero
- =>
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "division by zero") in
- M.alloc α0
- |
- result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.MathError.NegativeSquareRoot
- =>
- let* α0 : ref str.t :=
- M.read (mk_str "square root of negative number") in
- M.alloc α0
- end in
- let* α2 : never.t :=
- M.call (core.panicking.panic_display (borrow α1)) in
- let* α3 : unit := never_to_any α2 in
- M.alloc α3
- | core.result.Result.Ok value =>
- let* value := M.alloc value in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α3 :
+ M.Val
+ (core.result.Result.t
+ f64.t
+ result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.MathError.t) :=
+ M.alloc α2 in
+ let* α4 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ α3
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Err _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Err.0"] in
+ let* why := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 : M.Val (ref str.t) :=
+ match_operator
+ why
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ |
+ result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.MathError.NonPositiveLogarithm
+ =>
+ M.pure (mk_str "logarithm of non-positive number")
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (ref str.t));
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ |
+ result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.MathError.DivisionByZero
+ =>
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "division by zero") in
+ M.alloc α0
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (ref str.t));
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ |
+ result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.MathError.NegativeSquareRoot
+ =>
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "square root of negative number") in
+ M.alloc α0
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (ref str.t))
+ ] in
+ let* α1 : never.t :=
+ M.call (core.panicking.panic_display (borrow α0)) in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Ok _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Ok.0"] in
+ let* value := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow value)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
- M.read α3.
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow value)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.read α4.
End checked.
Module MathError.
@@ -401,27 +521,55 @@ Section Impl_core_fmt_Debug_for_result_chaining_with_question_mark_checked_MathE
let* self := M.alloc self in
let* f := M.alloc f in
let* α0 : mut_ref core.fmt.Formatter.t := M.read f in
- let* α1 : ref result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.MathError.t :=
- M.read self in
- let* α2 := M.read α1 in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref str.t) :=
- match α2 with
- | result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.MathError.DivisionByZero =>
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "DivisionByZero") in
- M.alloc α0
- |
- result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.MathError.NonPositiveLogarithm
- =>
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "NonPositiveLogarithm") in
- M.alloc α0
- |
- result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.MathError.NegativeSquareRoot
- =>
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "NegativeSquareRoot") in
- M.alloc α0
- end in
- let* α4 : ref str.t := M.read α3 in
- M.call (core.fmt.Formatter.t::["write_str"] α0 α4).
+ let* α1 : M.Val (ref str.t) :=
+ match_operator
+ self
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ |
+ result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.MathError.DivisionByZero
+ =>
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "DivisionByZero") in
+ M.alloc α0
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (ref str.t));
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ |
+ result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.MathError.NonPositiveLogarithm
+ =>
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "NonPositiveLogarithm") in
+ M.alloc α0
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (ref str.t));
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ |
+ result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.MathError.NegativeSquareRoot
+ =>
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "NegativeSquareRoot") in
+ M.alloc α0
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (ref str.t))
+ ] in
+ let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read α1 in
+ M.call (core.fmt.Formatter.t::["write_str"] α0 α2).
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_fmt : Notations.DoubleColon Self "fmt" := {
Notations.double_colon := fmt;
@@ -581,36 +729,60 @@ Definition op_
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
α2) in
- let* α4 : M.Val f64.t :=
- match α3 with
- | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Break residual =>
- let* residual := M.alloc residual in
- let* α0 :
- core.result.Result.t
+ let* α4 :
+ M.Val
+ (core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.t
+ (core.result.Result.t
- result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.MathError.t :=
- M.read residual in
- let* α1 :
- core.result.Result.t
- f64.t
- result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.MathError.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.ops.try_trait.FromResidual.from_residual
- (Self :=
+ result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.MathError.t)
+ f64.t) :=
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ let* α5 : M.Val f64.t :=
+ match_operator
+ α4
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Break _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Break.0"] in
+ let* residual := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 :
+ core.result.Result.t
+ core.convert.Infallible.t
+ result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.MathError.t :=
+ M.read residual in
+ let* α1 :
- result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.MathError.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0) in
- let* α2 : M.Val never.t := return_ α1 in
- let* α3 := M.read α2 in
- let* α4 : f64.t := never_to_any α3 in
- M.alloc α4
- | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Continue val =>
- let* val := M.alloc val in
- M.pure val
- end in
- M.copy α4 in
+ result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.MathError.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.ops.try_trait.FromResidual.from_residual
+ (Self :=
+ core.result.Result.t
+ f64.t
+ result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.MathError.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0) in
+ let* α2 : M.Val never.t := return_ α1 in
+ let* α3 := M.read α2 in
+ let* α4 : f64.t := never_to_any α3 in
+ M.alloc α4
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val f64.t);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Continue _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Continue.0"] in
+ let* val := M.copy γ0 in
+ M.pure val
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val f64.t)
+ ] in
+ M.copy α5 in
let* ln : M.Val f64.t :=
let* α0 : f64.t := M.read ratio in
let* α1 :
@@ -632,36 +804,60 @@ Definition op_
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
α1) in
- let* α3 : M.Val f64.t :=
- match α2 with
- | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Break residual =>
- let* residual := M.alloc residual in
- let* α0 :
- core.result.Result.t
+ let* α3 :
+ M.Val
+ (core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.t
+ (core.result.Result.t
- result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.MathError.t :=
- M.read residual in
- let* α1 :
- core.result.Result.t
- f64.t
- result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.MathError.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.ops.try_trait.FromResidual.from_residual
- (Self :=
+ result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.MathError.t)
+ f64.t) :=
+ M.alloc α2 in
+ let* α4 : M.Val f64.t :=
+ match_operator
+ α3
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Break _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Break.0"] in
+ let* residual := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 :
+ core.result.Result.t
+ core.convert.Infallible.t
+ result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.MathError.t :=
+ M.read residual in
+ let* α1 :
- result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.MathError.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0) in
- let* α2 : M.Val never.t := return_ α1 in
- let* α3 := M.read α2 in
- let* α4 : f64.t := never_to_any α3 in
- M.alloc α4
- | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Continue val =>
- let* val := M.alloc val in
- M.pure val
- end in
- M.copy α3 in
+ result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.MathError.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.ops.try_trait.FromResidual.from_residual
+ (Self :=
+ core.result.Result.t
+ f64.t
+ result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.MathError.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0) in
+ let* α2 : M.Val never.t := return_ α1 in
+ let* α3 := M.read α2 in
+ let* α4 : f64.t := never_to_any α3 in
+ M.alloc α4
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val f64.t);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Continue _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Continue.0"] in
+ let* val := M.copy γ0 in
+ M.pure val
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val f64.t)
+ ] in
+ M.copy α4 in
let* α0 : f64.t := M.read ln in
let* α1 :
@@ -701,55 +897,102 @@ Definition op (x : f64.t) (y : f64.t) : M unit :=
result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.MathError.t :=
M.call (result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.op_ α0 α1) in
- let* α3 : M.Val unit :=
- match α2 with
- | core.result.Result.Err why =>
- let* why := M.alloc why in
- let* α0 : result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.MathError.t :=
- M.read why in
- let* α1 : M.Val (ref str.t) :=
- match α0 with
- |
- result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.MathError.NonPositiveLogarithm
- =>
- M.pure (mk_str "logarithm of non-positive number")
- | result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.MathError.DivisionByZero =>
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "division by zero") in
- M.alloc α0
- |
- result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.MathError.NegativeSquareRoot
- =>
- let* α0 : ref str.t :=
- M.read (mk_str "square root of negative number") in
- M.alloc α0
- end in
- let* α2 : never.t := M.call (core.panicking.panic_display (borrow α1)) in
- let* α3 : unit := never_to_any α2 in
- M.alloc α3
- | core.result.Result.Ok value =>
- let* value := M.alloc value in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α3 :
+ M.Val
+ (core.result.Result.t
+ f64.t
+ result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.MathError.t) :=
+ M.alloc α2 in
+ let* α4 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ α3
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Err _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Err.0"] in
+ let* why := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 : M.Val (ref str.t) :=
+ match_operator
+ why
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ |
+ result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.MathError.NonPositiveLogarithm
+ =>
+ M.pure (mk_str "logarithm of non-positive number")
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (ref str.t));
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ |
+ result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.MathError.DivisionByZero
+ =>
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "division by zero") in
+ M.alloc α0
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (ref str.t));
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ |
+ result_chaining_with_question_mark.checked.MathError.NegativeSquareRoot
+ =>
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "square root of negative number") in
+ M.alloc α0
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (ref str.t))
+ ] in
+ let* α1 : never.t :=
+ M.call (core.panicking.panic_display (borrow α0)) in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Ok _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Ok.0"] in
+ let* value := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow value)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
- M.read α3.
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow value)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.read α4.
fn main() {
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_library_types/strings.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_library_types/strings.v
index b83b0166d..807acff76 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_library_types/strings.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_library_types/strings.v
@@ -98,57 +98,84 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
core.iter.adapters.rev.Rev.t core.str.iter.SplitWhitespace.t)
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
α2) in
- let* α4 : M.Val unit :=
- match α3 with
- | iter =>
- let* iter := M.alloc iter in
- loop
- (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : core.option.Option.t (ref str.t) :=
- M.call
- ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
- (Self :=
- core.iter.adapters.rev.Rev.t
- core.str.iter.SplitWhitespace.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (borrow_mut iter)) in
- match α0 with
- | core.option.Option.None =>
- let* α0 : M.Val never.t := Break in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- | core.option.Option.Some word =>
- let* word := M.alloc word in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "> ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α4 :
+ M.Val (core.iter.adapters.rev.Rev.t core.str.iter.SplitWhitespace.t) :=
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ let* α5 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ α4
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* iter := M.copy γ in
+ M.loop
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : core.option.Option.t (ref str.t) :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
+ (Self :=
+ core.iter.adapters.rev.Rev.t
+ core.str.iter.SplitWhitespace.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ (borrow_mut iter)) in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.None =>
+ let* α0 : M.Val never.t := M.break in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* word := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "> ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call
- (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow word)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
- M.alloc tt)
- end in
- M.pure (use α4) in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"]
+ (borrow word)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 :
+ M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit :=
+ M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.alloc tt)) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.pure (use α5) in
let* chars : M.Val (alloc.vec.Vec.t char.t alloc.alloc.Global.t) :=
let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read pangram in
let* α1 : core.str.iter.Chars.t := M.call (str.t::["chars"] α0) in
@@ -185,48 +212,72 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
(Self := alloc.vec.Vec.t char.t alloc.alloc.Global.t)
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
α0) in
- let* α2 : M.Val unit :=
- match α1 with
- | iter =>
- let* iter := M.alloc iter in
- loop
- (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : core.option.Option.t char.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
- (Self :=
- alloc.vec.into_iter.IntoIter.t
- char.t
- alloc.alloc.Global.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (borrow_mut iter)) in
- match α0 with
- | core.option.Option.None =>
- let* α0 : M.Val never.t := Break in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- | core.option.Option.Some c =>
- let* c := M.alloc c in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : char.t := M.read c in
- let* α1 : unit :=
- M.call
- (alloc.string.String.t::["push"] (borrow_mut string) α0) in
- M.alloc α1 in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ", ") in
- let* α1 : unit :=
+ let* α2 :
+ M.Val (alloc.vec.into_iter.IntoIter.t char.t alloc.alloc.Global.t) :=
+ M.alloc α1 in
+ let* α3 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ α2
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* iter := M.copy γ in
+ M.loop
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : core.option.Option.t char.t :=
- (alloc.string.String.t::["push_str"]
- (borrow_mut string)
- α0) in
- M.alloc α1 in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
- M.alloc tt)
- end in
- M.pure (use α2) in
+ ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
+ (Self :=
+ alloc.vec.into_iter.IntoIter.t
+ char.t
+ alloc.alloc.Global.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ (borrow_mut iter)) in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t char.t) := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.None =>
+ let* α0 : M.Val never.t := M.break in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* c := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : char.t := M.read c in
+ let* α1 : unit :=
+ M.call
+ (alloc.string.String.t::["push"]
+ (borrow_mut string)
+ α0) in
+ M.alloc α1 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ", ") in
+ let* α1 : unit :=
+ M.call
+ (alloc.string.String.t::["push_str"]
+ (borrow_mut string)
+ α0) in
+ M.alloc α1 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.alloc tt)) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.pure (use α3) in
let* chars_to_trim : M.Val (ref (slice char.t)) :=
let* α0 : M.Val (array char.t) := M.alloc [ " "%char; ","%char ] in
let* α1 : M.Val (ref (array char.t)) := M.alloc (borrow α0) in
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_library_types/strings_byte_strings_as_non_utf8.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_library_types/strings_byte_strings_as_non_utf8.v
index 0eff822a2..a842961fd 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_library_types/strings_byte_strings_as_non_utf8.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_library_types/strings_byte_strings_as_non_utf8.v
@@ -152,51 +152,76 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
let* α2 : ref (slice u8.t) := M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α1) in
let* α3 : core.result.Result.t (ref str.t) core.str.error.Utf8Error.t :=
M.call (core.str.converts.from_utf8 α2) in
- match α3 with
- | core.result.Result.Ok my_str =>
- let* my_str := M.alloc my_str in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Conversion successful: '") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "'
+ let* α4 :
+ M.Val (core.result.Result.t (ref str.t) core.str.error.Utf8Error.t) :=
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ match_operator
+ α4
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Ok _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Ok.0"] in
+ let* my_str := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "Conversion successful: '") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "'
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow my_str)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt
- | core.result.Result.Err e =>
- let* e := M.alloc e in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Conversion failed: ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow my_str)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Err _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Err.0"] in
+ let* e := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Conversion failed: ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow e)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow e)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
M.read α0.
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_library_types/vectors.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_library_types/vectors.v
index f6db4718f..2a1b95d47 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_library_types/vectors.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_library_types/vectors.v
@@ -268,55 +268,80 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
(Self := core.slice.iter.Iter.t i32.t)
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
α1) in
- let* α3 : M.Val unit :=
- match α2 with
- | iter =>
- let* iter := M.alloc iter in
- loop
- (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : core.option.Option.t (ref i32.t) :=
- M.call
- ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
- (Self := core.slice.iter.Iter.t i32.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (borrow_mut iter)) in
- match α0 with
- | core.option.Option.None =>
- let* α0 : M.Val never.t := Break in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- | core.option.Option.Some x =>
- let* x := M.alloc x in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "> ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α3 : M.Val (core.slice.iter.Iter.t i32.t) := M.alloc α2 in
+ let* α4 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ α3
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* iter := M.copy γ in
+ M.loop
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : core.option.Option.t (ref i32.t) :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
+ (Self := core.slice.iter.Iter.t i32.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ (borrow_mut iter)) in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t (ref i32.t)) :=
+ M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.None =>
+ let* α0 : M.Val never.t := M.break in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* x := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "> ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call
- (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow x)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
- M.alloc tt)
- end in
- M.pure (use α3) in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"]
+ (borrow x)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 :
+ M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit :=
+ M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.alloc tt)) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.pure (use α4) in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* α0 : ref (slice i32.t) :=
@@ -344,63 +369,102 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
(core.slice.iter.Iter.t i32.t))
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
α2) in
- let* α4 : M.Val unit :=
- match α3 with
- | iter =>
- let* iter := M.alloc iter in
- loop
- (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : core.option.Option.t (usize.t * (ref i32.t)) :=
- M.call
- ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
- (Self :=
- core.iter.adapters.enumerate.Enumerate.t
- (core.slice.iter.Iter.t i32.t))
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (borrow_mut iter)) in
- match α0 with
- | core.option.Option.None =>
- let* α0 : M.Val never.t := Break in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- | core.option.Option.Some (i, x) =>
- let* i := M.alloc i in
- let* x := M.alloc x in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "In position ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str " we have value ") in
- let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α4 :
+ M.Val
+ (core.iter.adapters.enumerate.Enumerate.t
+ (core.slice.iter.Iter.t i32.t)) :=
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ let* α5 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ α4
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* iter := M.copy γ in
+ M.loop
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : core.option.Option.t (usize.t * (ref i32.t)) :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
+ (Self :=
+ core.iter.adapters.enumerate.Enumerate.t
+ (core.slice.iter.Iter.t i32.t))
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ (borrow_mut iter)) in
+ let* α1 :
+ M.Val (core.option.Option.t (usize.t * (ref i32.t))) :=
+ M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.None =>
+ let* α0 : M.Val never.t := M.break in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ0 in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_, _) =>
+ let γ0 := Tuple.Access.left γ0 in
+ let γ1 := Tuple.Access.right γ0 in
+ let* i := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* x := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "In position ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str " we have value ") in
+ let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α3 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) :=
- M.alloc [ α0; α1; α2 ] in
- let* α4 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α3) in
- let* α5 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α4) in
- let* α6 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call
- (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow i)) in
- let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call
- (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow x)) in
- let* α8 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.alloc [ α6; α7 ] in
- let* α9 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α8) in
- let* α10 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α9) in
- let* α11 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α5 α10) in
- let* α12 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α11) in
- M.alloc α12 in
- M.alloc tt in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
- M.alloc tt)
- end in
- M.pure (use α4) in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.alloc [ α0; α1; α2 ] in
+ let* α4 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α3) in
+ let* α5 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α4) in
+ let* α6 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"]
+ (borrow i)) in
+ let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"]
+ (borrow x)) in
+ let* α8 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α6; α7 ] in
+ let* α9 :
+ M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α8) in
+ let* α10 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α9) in
+ let* α11 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α5 α10) in
+ let* α12 : unit :=
+ M.call (std.io.stdio._print α11) in
+ M.alloc α12 in
+ M.alloc tt in
+ M.alloc tt
+ end
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.alloc tt)) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.pure (use α5) in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* α0 : mut_ref (slice i32.t) :=
@@ -416,38 +480,59 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
(Self := core.slice.iter.IterMut.t i32.t)
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
α1) in
- let* α3 : M.Val unit :=
- match α2 with
- | iter =>
- let* iter := M.alloc iter in
- loop
- (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : core.option.Option.t (mut_ref i32.t) :=
- M.call
- ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
- (Self := core.slice.iter.IterMut.t i32.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (borrow_mut iter)) in
- match α0 with
- | core.option.Option.None =>
- let* α0 : M.Val never.t := Break in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- | core.option.Option.Some x =>
- let* x := M.alloc x in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* β : M.Val i32.t :=
- let* α0 : mut_ref i32.t := M.read x in
- M.pure (deref α0) in
- let* α0 := M.read β in
- let* α1 := BinOp.Panic.mul α0 (Integer.of_Z 3) in
- assign β α1 in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
- M.alloc tt)
- end in
- M.pure (use α3) in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (core.slice.iter.IterMut.t i32.t) := M.alloc α2 in
+ let* α4 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ α3
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* iter := M.copy γ in
+ M.loop
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : core.option.Option.t (mut_ref i32.t) :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
+ (Self := core.slice.iter.IterMut.t i32.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ (borrow_mut iter)) in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t (mut_ref i32.t)) :=
+ M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.None =>
+ let* α0 : M.Val never.t := M.break in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* x := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* β : M.Val i32.t :=
+ let* α0 : mut_ref i32.t := M.read x in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read β in
+ let* α1 := BinOp.Panic.mul α0 (Integer.of_Z 3) in
+ assign β α1 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.alloc tt)) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.pure (use α4) in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "Updated vector: ") in
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_misc/channels.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_misc/channels.v
index 99eb7f971..fb77421a0 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_misc/channels.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_misc/channels.v
@@ -48,278 +48,423 @@ fn main() {
(* #[allow(dead_code)] - function was ignored by the compiler *)
Definition main : M unit :=
- let* '(tx, rx) :
- (std.sync.mpsc.Sender.t i32.t) * (std.sync.mpsc.Receiver.t i32.t) :=
+ let* α0 : (std.sync.mpsc.Sender.t i32.t) * (std.sync.mpsc.Receiver.t i32.t) :=
M.call std.sync.mpsc.channel in
- let* tx := M.alloc tx in
- let* rx := M.alloc rx in
- let* children :
+ let* α1 :
- (alloc.vec.Vec.t (std.thread.JoinHandle.t unit) alloc.alloc.Global.t) :=
- let* α0 :
- alloc.vec.Vec.t (std.thread.JoinHandle.t unit) alloc.alloc.Global.t :=
- M.call
- (alloc.vec.Vec.t
- (std.thread.JoinHandle.t unit)
- alloc.alloc.Global.t)::["new"] in
+ ((std.sync.mpsc.Sender.t i32.t) * (std.sync.mpsc.Receiver.t i32.t)) :=
M.alloc α0 in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref i32.t := M.read channels.NTHREADS in
- let* α1 : i32.t := M.read (deref α0) in
- let* α2 : core.ops.range.Range.t i32.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.iter.traits.collect.IntoIterator.into_iter
- (Self := core.ops.range.Range.t i32.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- {|
- core.ops.range.Range.start := Integer.of_Z 0;
- core.ops.range.Range.end_ := α1;
- |}) in
- let* α3 : M.Val unit :=
- match α2 with
- | iter =>
- let* iter := M.alloc iter in
- loop
- (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : core.option.Option.t i32.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
- (Self := core.ops.range.Range.t i32.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (borrow_mut iter)) in
- match α0 with
- | core.option.Option.None =>
- let* α0 : M.Val never.t := Break in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- | core.option.Option.Some id =>
- let* id := M.alloc id in
- let* thread_tx : M.Val (std.sync.mpsc.Sender.t i32.t) :=
- let* α0 : std.sync.mpsc.Sender.t i32.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.clone.Clone.clone
- (Self := std.sync.mpsc.Sender.t i32.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (borrow tx)) in
- M.alloc α0 in
- let* child : M.Val (std.thread.JoinHandle.t unit) :=
- let* α0 : std.thread.JoinHandle.t unit :=
- M.call
- (std.thread.spawn
- ((let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : i32.t := M.read id in
- let* α1 :
- core.result.Result.t
- unit
- (std.sync.mpsc.SendError.t i32.t) :=
- M.call
- ((std.sync.mpsc.Sender.t i32.t)::["send"]
- (borrow thread_tx)
- α0) in
- let* α2 : unit :=
- M.call
- ((core.result.Result.t
- unit
- (std.sync.mpsc.SendError.t i32.t))::["unwrap"]
- α1) in
- M.alloc α2 in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "thread ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str " finished
+ let* α2 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_, _) =>
+ let γ0 := Tuple.Access.left γ in
+ let γ1 := Tuple.Access.right γ in
+ let* tx := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* rx := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* children :
+ M.Val
+ (alloc.vec.Vec.t
+ (std.thread.JoinHandle.t unit)
+ alloc.alloc.Global.t) :=
+ let* α0 :
+ alloc.vec.Vec.t
+ (std.thread.JoinHandle.t unit)
+ alloc.alloc.Global.t :=
+ M.call
+ (alloc.vec.Vec.t
+ (std.thread.JoinHandle.t unit)
+ alloc.alloc.Global.t)::["new"] in
+ M.alloc α0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref i32.t := M.read channels.NTHREADS in
+ let* α1 : i32.t := M.read (deref α0) in
+ let* α2 : core.ops.range.Range.t i32.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.iter.traits.collect.IntoIterator.into_iter
+ (Self := core.ops.range.Range.t i32.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ {|
+ core.ops.range.Range.start := Integer.of_Z 0;
+ core.ops.range.Range.end_ := α1;
+ |}) in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (core.ops.range.Range.t i32.t) := M.alloc α2 in
+ let* α4 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ α3
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* iter := M.copy γ in
+ M.loop
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : core.option.Option.t i32.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
+ (Self := core.ops.range.Range.t i32.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ (borrow_mut iter)) in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t i32.t) :=
+ M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.None =>
+ let* α0 : M.Val never.t := M.break in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* id := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* thread_tx :
+ M.Val (std.sync.mpsc.Sender.t i32.t) :=
+ let* α0 : std.sync.mpsc.Sender.t i32.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.clone.Clone.clone
+ (Self :=
+ std.sync.mpsc.Sender.t i32.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ (borrow tx)) in
+ M.alloc α0 in
+ let* child :
+ M.Val (std.thread.JoinHandle.t unit) :=
+ let* α0 : std.thread.JoinHandle.t unit :=
+ M.call
+ (std.thread.spawn
+ ((let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : i32.t := M.read id in
+ let* α1 :
+ core.result.Result.t
+ unit
+ (std.sync.mpsc.SendError.t
+ i32.t) :=
+ M.call
+ ((std.sync.mpsc.Sender.t
+ i32.t)::["send"]
+ (borrow thread_tx)
+ α0) in
+ let* α2 : unit :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.result.Result.t
+ unit
+ (std.sync.mpsc.SendError.t
+ i32.t))::["unwrap"]
+ α1) in
+ M.alloc α2 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "thread ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str " finished
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) :=
- M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ let* α2 :
+ M.Val (array (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 :
+ M.Val
+ (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 :
+ ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read
+ (pointer_coercion
+ "Unsize"
+ α3) in
+ let* α5 :
+ core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"]
+ (borrow id)) in
+ let* α6 :
+ M.Val
+ (array
+ core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 :
+ M.Val
+ (ref
+ (array
+ core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 :
+ ref
+ (slice
+ core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read
+ (pointer_coercion
+ "Unsize"
+ α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"]
+ α4
+ α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit :=
+ M.call
+ (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt in
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ M.read α0) :
+ M unit)) in
+ M.alloc α0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : std.thread.JoinHandle.t unit :=
+ M.read child in
+ let* α1 : unit :=
+ M.call
+ ((alloc.vec.Vec.t
+ (std.thread.JoinHandle.t unit)
+ alloc.alloc.Global.t)::["push"]
+ (borrow_mut children)
+ α0) in
+ M.alloc α1 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.alloc tt)) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.pure (use α4) in
+ let* ids :
+ M.Val
+ (alloc.vec.Vec.t
+ (core.result.Result.t i32.t std.sync.mpsc.RecvError.t)
+ alloc.alloc.Global.t) :=
+ let* α0 : ref i32.t := M.read channels.NTHREADS in
+ let* α1 : i32.t := M.read (deref α0) in
+ let* α2 : usize.t := cast α1 in
+ let* α3 :
+ alloc.vec.Vec.t
+ (core.result.Result.t i32.t std.sync.mpsc.RecvError.t)
+ alloc.alloc.Global.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((alloc.vec.Vec.t
+ (core.result.Result.t i32.t std.sync.mpsc.RecvError.t)
+ alloc.alloc.Global.t)::["with_capacity"]
+ α2) in
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref i32.t := M.read channels.NTHREADS in
+ let* α1 : i32.t := M.read (deref α0) in
+ let* α2 : core.ops.range.Range.t i32.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.iter.traits.collect.IntoIterator.into_iter
+ (Self := core.ops.range.Range.t i32.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ {|
+ core.ops.range.Range.start := Integer.of_Z 0;
+ core.ops.range.Range.end_ := α1;
+ |}) in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (core.ops.range.Range.t i32.t) := M.alloc α2 in
+ let* α4 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ α3
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* iter := M.copy γ in
+ M.loop
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : core.option.Option.t i32.t :=
- (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"]
- (borrow id)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 :
- M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- M.read α0) :
- M unit)) in
- M.alloc α0 in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : std.thread.JoinHandle.t unit := M.read child in
- let* α1 : unit :=
- M.call
- ((alloc.vec.Vec.t
+ ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
+ (Self := core.ops.range.Range.t i32.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ (borrow_mut iter)) in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t i32.t) :=
+ M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.None =>
+ let* α0 : M.Val never.t := M.break in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 :
+ core.result.Result.t
+ i32.t
+ std.sync.mpsc.RecvError.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((std.sync.mpsc.Receiver.t
+ i32.t)::["recv"]
+ (borrow rx)) in
+ let* α1 : unit :=
+ M.call
+ ((alloc.vec.Vec.t
+ (core.result.Result.t
+ i32.t
+ std.sync.mpsc.RecvError.t)
+ alloc.alloc.Global.t)::["push"]
+ (borrow_mut ids)
+ α0) in
+ M.alloc α1 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.alloc tt)) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.pure (use α4) in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 :
+ alloc.vec.Vec.t
+ (std.thread.JoinHandle.t unit)
+ alloc.alloc.Global.t :=
+ M.read children in
+ let* α1 :
+ alloc.vec.into_iter.IntoIter.t
+ (std.thread.JoinHandle.t unit)
+ alloc.alloc.Global.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.iter.traits.collect.IntoIterator.into_iter
+ (Self :=
+ alloc.vec.Vec.t
(std.thread.JoinHandle.t unit)
- alloc.alloc.Global.t)::["push"]
- (borrow_mut children)
- α0) in
- M.alloc α1 in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
- M.alloc tt)
- end in
- M.pure (use α3) in
- let* ids :
- M.Val
- (alloc.vec.Vec.t
- (core.result.Result.t i32.t std.sync.mpsc.RecvError.t)
- alloc.alloc.Global.t) :=
- let* α0 : ref i32.t := M.read channels.NTHREADS in
- let* α1 : i32.t := M.read (deref α0) in
- let* α2 : usize.t := cast α1 in
- let* α3 :
- alloc.vec.Vec.t
- (core.result.Result.t i32.t std.sync.mpsc.RecvError.t)
- alloc.alloc.Global.t :=
- M.call
- ((alloc.vec.Vec.t
- (core.result.Result.t i32.t std.sync.mpsc.RecvError.t)
- alloc.alloc.Global.t)::["with_capacity"]
- α2) in
- M.alloc α3 in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref i32.t := M.read channels.NTHREADS in
- let* α1 : i32.t := M.read (deref α0) in
- let* α2 : core.ops.range.Range.t i32.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.iter.traits.collect.IntoIterator.into_iter
- (Self := core.ops.range.Range.t i32.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- {|
- core.ops.range.Range.start := Integer.of_Z 0;
- core.ops.range.Range.end_ := α1;
- |}) in
- let* α3 : M.Val unit :=
- match α2 with
- | iter =>
- let* iter := M.alloc iter in
- loop
- (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : core.option.Option.t i32.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
- (Self := core.ops.range.Range.t i32.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (borrow_mut iter)) in
- match α0 with
- | core.option.Option.None =>
- let* α0 : M.Val never.t := Break in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 :
- core.result.Result.t i32.t std.sync.mpsc.RecvError.t :=
- M.call
- ((std.sync.mpsc.Receiver.t i32.t)::["recv"] (borrow rx)) in
- let* α1 : unit :=
- M.call
- ((alloc.vec.Vec.t
- (core.result.Result.t i32.t std.sync.mpsc.RecvError.t)
- alloc.alloc.Global.t)::["push"]
- (borrow_mut ids)
- α0) in
+ alloc.alloc.Global.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0) in
+ let* α2 :
+ M.Val
+ (alloc.vec.into_iter.IntoIter.t
+ (std.thread.JoinHandle.t unit)
+ alloc.alloc.Global.t) :=
M.alloc α1 in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
- M.alloc tt)
- end in
- M.pure (use α3) in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 :
- alloc.vec.Vec.t (std.thread.JoinHandle.t unit) alloc.alloc.Global.t :=
- M.read children in
- let* α1 :
- alloc.vec.into_iter.IntoIter.t
- (std.thread.JoinHandle.t unit)
- alloc.alloc.Global.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.iter.traits.collect.IntoIterator.into_iter
- (Self :=
- alloc.vec.Vec.t
- (std.thread.JoinHandle.t unit)
- alloc.alloc.Global.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0) in
- let* α2 : M.Val unit :=
- match α1 with
- | iter =>
- let* iter := M.alloc iter in
- loop
- (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : core.option.Option.t (std.thread.JoinHandle.t unit) :=
- M.call
- ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
- (Self :=
- alloc.vec.into_iter.IntoIter.t
- (std.thread.JoinHandle.t unit)
- alloc.alloc.Global.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (borrow_mut iter)) in
- match α0 with
- | core.option.Option.None =>
- let* α0 : M.Val never.t := Break in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- | core.option.Option.Some child =>
- let* child := M.alloc child in
+ let* α3 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ α2
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* iter := M.copy γ in
+ M.loop
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 :
+ core.option.Option.t
+ (std.thread.JoinHandle.t unit) :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
+ (Self :=
+ alloc.vec.into_iter.IntoIter.t
+ (std.thread.JoinHandle.t unit)
+ alloc.alloc.Global.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ (borrow_mut iter)) in
+ let* α1 :
+ M.Val
+ (core.option.Option.t
+ (std.thread.JoinHandle.t unit)) :=
+ M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.None =>
+ let* α0 : M.Val never.t := M.break in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* child := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : std.thread.JoinHandle.t unit :=
+ M.read child in
+ let* α1 :
+ core.result.Result.t
+ unit
+ (alloc.boxed.Box.t
+ dynamic
+ alloc.alloc.Global.t) :=
+ M.call
+ ((std.thread.JoinHandle.t
+ unit)::["join"]
+ α0) in
+ let* α2 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read
+ (mk_str
+ "oops! the child thread panicked") in
+ let* α3 : unit :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.result.Result.t
+ unit
+ (alloc.boxed.Box.t
+ dynamic
+ alloc.alloc.Global.t))::["expect"]
+ α1
+ α2) in
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.alloc tt)) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.pure (use α3) in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : std.thread.JoinHandle.t unit := M.read child in
- let* α1 :
- core.result.Result.t
- unit
- (alloc.boxed.Box.t dynamic alloc.alloc.Global.t) :=
- M.call ((std.thread.JoinHandle.t unit)::["join"] α0) in
- let* α2 : ref str.t :=
- M.read (mk_str "oops! the child thread panicked") in
- let* α3 : unit :=
- M.call
- ((core.result.Result.t
- unit
- (alloc.boxed.Box.t
- dynamic
- alloc.alloc.Global.t))::["expect"]
- α1
- α2) in
- M.alloc α3 in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
- M.alloc tt)
- end in
- M.pure (use α2) in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow ids)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- M.read α0.
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow ids)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt in
+ M.alloc tt
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.read α2.
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_misc/child_processes.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_misc/child_processes.v
index 8d5cae806..bc78532f2 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_misc/child_processes.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_misc/child_processes.v
@@ -37,25 +37,35 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
- (fun (e : std.io.error.Error.t) =>
- (let* e := M.alloc e in
- let* α0 : ref str.t :=
- M.read (mk_str "failed to execute process: ") in
- let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow e)) in
- let* α5 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α4 ] in
- let* α6 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α5) in
- let* α7 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α6) in
- let* α8 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α3 α7) in
- let* α9 : never.t := M.call (core.panicking.panic_fmt α8) in
- never_to_any α9) :
+ (fun (α0 : std.io.error.Error.t) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* e := M.copy γ in
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "failed to execute process: ") in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow e)) in
+ let* α5 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α4 ] in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α5) in
+ let* α7 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α6) in
+ let* α8 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α3 α7) in
+ let* α9 : never.t := M.call (core.panicking.panic_fmt α8) in
+ never_to_any α9) :
+ M std.process.Output.t
+ ]) :
M std.process.Output.t)) in
M.alloc α6 in
let* α0 : bool.t :=
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_misc/child_processes_pipes.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_misc/child_processes_pipes.v
index 7e246394e..cef078594 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_misc/child_processes_pipes.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_misc/child_processes_pipes.v
@@ -55,32 +55,53 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
M.call (std.process.Command.t::["stdout"] α4 α5) in
let* α7 : core.result.Result.t std.process.Child.t std.io.error.Error.t :=
M.call (std.process.Command.t::["spawn"] α6) in
- let* α8 : M.Val std.process.Child.t :=
- match α7 with
- | core.result.Result.Err why =>
- let* why := M.alloc why in
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "couldn't spawn wc: ") in
- let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow why)) in
- let* α5 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α4 ] in
- let* α6 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α5) in
- let* α7 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α6) in
- let* α8 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α3 α7) in
- let* α9 : never.t := M.call (core.panicking.panic_fmt α8) in
- let* α10 : std.process.Child.t := never_to_any α9 in
- M.alloc α10
- | core.result.Result.Ok process =>
- let* process := M.alloc process in
- M.pure process
- end in
- M.copy α8 in
+ let* α8 :
+ M.Val (core.result.Result.t std.process.Child.t std.io.error.Error.t) :=
+ M.alloc α7 in
+ let* α9 : M.Val std.process.Child.t :=
+ match_operator
+ α8
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Err _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Err.0"] in
+ let* why := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "couldn't spawn wc: ") in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow why)) in
+ let* α5 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α4 ] in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α5) in
+ let* α7 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α6) in
+ let* α8 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α3 α7) in
+ let* α9 : never.t := M.call (core.panicking.panic_fmt α8) in
+ let* α10 : std.process.Child.t := never_to_any α9 in
+ M.alloc α10
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val std.process.Child.t);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Ok _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Ok.0"] in
+ let* process := M.copy γ0 in
+ M.pure process
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val std.process.Child.t)
+ ] in
+ M.copy α9 in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* α0 : core.option.Option.t std.process.ChildStdin.t :=
M.read process.["stdin"] in
@@ -97,40 +118,60 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
(borrow_mut α2)
α5) in
- match α6 with
- | core.result.Result.Err why =>
- let* why := M.alloc why in
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "couldn't write to wc stdin: ") in
- let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow why)) in
- let* α5 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α4 ] in
- let* α6 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α5) in
- let* α7 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α6) in
- let* α8 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α3 α7) in
- let* α9 : never.t := M.call (core.panicking.panic_fmt α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := never_to_any α9 in
- M.alloc α10
- | core.result.Result.Ok _ =>
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "sent pangram to wc
+ let* α7 : M.Val (core.result.Result.t unit std.io.error.Error.t) :=
+ M.alloc α6 in
+ match_operator
+ α7
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Err _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Err.0"] in
+ let* why := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "couldn't write to wc stdin: ") in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow why)) in
+ let* α5 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α4 ] in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α5) in
+ let* α7 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α6) in
+ let* α8 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α3 α7) in
+ let* α9 : never.t := M.call (core.panicking.panic_fmt α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := never_to_any α9 in
+ M.alloc α10
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Ok _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Ok.0"] in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "sent pangram to wc
") in
- let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
- let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
- M.alloc α5 in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
+ let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
let* s : M.Val alloc.string.String.t :=
let* α0 : alloc.string.String.t := M.call alloc.string.String.t::["new"] in
M.alloc α0 in
@@ -146,46 +187,67 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
(borrow_mut α2)
(borrow_mut s)) in
+ let* α4 : M.Val (core.result.Result.t usize.t std.io.error.Error.t) :=
+ M.alloc α3 in
let* α0 : M.Val unit :=
- match α3 with
- | core.result.Result.Err why =>
- let* why := M.alloc why in
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "couldn't read wc stdout: ") in
- let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow why)) in
- let* α5 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α4 ] in
- let* α6 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α5) in
- let* α7 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α6) in
- let* α8 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α3 α7) in
- let* α9 : never.t := M.call (core.panicking.panic_fmt α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := never_to_any α9 in
- M.alloc α10
- | core.result.Result.Ok _ =>
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "wc responded with:
+ match_operator
+ α4
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Err _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Err.0"] in
+ let* why := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "couldn't read wc stdout: ") in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow why)) in
+ let* α5 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α4 ] in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α5) in
+ let* α7 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α6) in
+ let* α8 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α3 α7) in
+ let* α9 : never.t := M.call (core.panicking.panic_fmt α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := never_to_any α9 in
+ M.alloc α10
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Ok _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Ok.0"] in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "wc responded with:
") in
- let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow s)) in
- let* α5 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α4 ] in
- let* α6 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α5) in
- let* α7 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α6) in
- let* α8 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α3 α7) in
- let* α9 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α8) in
- M.alloc α9 in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow s)) in
+ let* α5 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α4 ] in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α5) in
+ let* α7 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α6) in
+ let* α8 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α3 α7) in
+ let* α9 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α8) in
+ M.alloc α9 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
M.read α0.
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_misc/file_io_create.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_misc/file_io_create.v
index 2da8e30c4..11a126187 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_misc/file_io_create.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_misc/file_io_create.v
@@ -44,35 +44,56 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
let* file : M.Val std.fs.File.t :=
let* α0 : core.result.Result.t std.fs.File.t std.io.error.Error.t :=
M.call (std.fs.File.t::["create"] (borrow path)) in
- let* α1 : M.Val std.fs.File.t :=
- match α0 with
- | core.result.Result.Err why =>
- let* why := M.alloc why in
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "couldn't create ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ": ") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow display)) in
- let* α6 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow why)) in
- let* α7 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5; α6 ] in
- let* α8 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α7) in
- let* α9 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α8) in
- let* α10 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α9) in
- let* α11 : never.t := M.call (core.panicking.panic_fmt α10) in
- let* α12 : std.fs.File.t := never_to_any α11 in
- M.alloc α12
- | core.result.Result.Ok file =>
- let* file := M.alloc file in
- M.pure file
- end in
- M.copy α1 in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (core.result.Result.t std.fs.File.t std.io.error.Error.t) :=
+ M.alloc α0 in
+ let* α2 : M.Val std.fs.File.t :=
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Err _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Err.0"] in
+ let* why := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "couldn't create ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ": ") in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow display)) in
+ let* α6 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow why)) in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5; α6 ] in
+ let* α8 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α7) in
+ let* α9 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α8) in
+ let* α10 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α9) in
+ let* α11 : never.t := M.call (core.panicking.panic_fmt α10) in
+ let* α12 : std.fs.File.t := never_to_any α11 in
+ M.alloc α12
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val std.fs.File.t);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Ok _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Ok.0"] in
+ let* file := M.copy γ0 in
+ M.pure file
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val std.fs.File.t)
+ ] in
+ M.copy α2 in
let* α0 : ref (ref str.t) := M.read file_io_create.LOREM_IPSUM in
let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (deref α0) in
let* α2 : ref (slice u8.t) := M.call (str.t::["as_bytes"] α1) in
@@ -83,50 +104,73 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
(borrow_mut file)
α2) in
+ let* α4 : M.Val (core.result.Result.t unit std.io.error.Error.t) :=
+ M.alloc α3 in
let* α0 : M.Val unit :=
- match α3 with
- | core.result.Result.Err why =>
- let* why := M.alloc why in
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "couldn't write to ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ": ") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow display)) in
- let* α6 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow why)) in
- let* α7 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5; α6 ] in
- let* α8 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α7) in
- let* α9 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α8) in
- let* α10 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α9) in
- let* α11 : never.t := M.call (core.panicking.panic_fmt α10) in
- let* α12 : unit := never_to_any α11 in
- M.alloc α12
- | core.result.Result.Ok _ =>
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "successfully wrote to ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ match_operator
+ α4
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Err _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Err.0"] in
+ let* why := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "couldn't write to ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ": ") in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow display)) in
+ let* α6 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow why)) in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5; α6 ] in
+ let* α8 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α7) in
+ let* α9 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α8) in
+ let* α10 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α9) in
+ let* α11 : never.t := M.call (core.panicking.panic_fmt α10) in
+ let* α12 : unit := never_to_any α11 in
+ M.alloc α12
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Ok _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Ok.0"] in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "successfully wrote to ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow display)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow display)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
M.read α0.
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_misc/file_io_open.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_misc/file_io_open.v
index 186bfce98..0bb0a664f 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_misc/file_io_open.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_misc/file_io_open.v
@@ -36,35 +36,56 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
let* file : M.Val std.fs.File.t :=
let* α0 : core.result.Result.t std.fs.File.t std.io.error.Error.t :=
M.call (std.fs.File.t::["open"] (borrow path)) in
- let* α1 : M.Val std.fs.File.t :=
- match α0 with
- | core.result.Result.Err why =>
- let* why := M.alloc why in
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "couldn't open ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ": ") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow display)) in
- let* α6 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow why)) in
- let* α7 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5; α6 ] in
- let* α8 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α7) in
- let* α9 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α8) in
- let* α10 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α9) in
- let* α11 : never.t := M.call (core.panicking.panic_fmt α10) in
- let* α12 : std.fs.File.t := never_to_any α11 in
- M.alloc α12
- | core.result.Result.Ok file =>
- let* file := M.alloc file in
- M.pure file
- end in
- M.copy α1 in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (core.result.Result.t std.fs.File.t std.io.error.Error.t) :=
+ M.alloc α0 in
+ let* α2 : M.Val std.fs.File.t :=
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Err _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Err.0"] in
+ let* why := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "couldn't open ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ": ") in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow display)) in
+ let* α6 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow why)) in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5; α6 ] in
+ let* α8 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α7) in
+ let* α9 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α8) in
+ let* α10 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α9) in
+ let* α11 : never.t := M.call (core.panicking.panic_fmt α10) in
+ let* α12 : std.fs.File.t := never_to_any α11 in
+ M.alloc α12
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val std.fs.File.t);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Ok _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Ok.0"] in
+ let* file := M.copy γ0 in
+ M.pure file
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val std.fs.File.t)
+ ] in
+ M.copy α2 in
let* s : M.Val alloc.string.String.t :=
let* α0 : alloc.string.String.t := M.call alloc.string.String.t::["new"] in
M.alloc α0 in
@@ -75,52 +96,75 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
(borrow_mut file)
(borrow_mut s)) in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (core.result.Result.t usize.t std.io.error.Error.t) :=
+ M.alloc α0 in
let* α0 : M.Val unit :=
- match α0 with
- | core.result.Result.Err why =>
- let* why := M.alloc why in
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "couldn't read ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ": ") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow display)) in
- let* α6 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow why)) in
- let* α7 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5; α6 ] in
- let* α8 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α7) in
- let* α9 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α8) in
- let* α10 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α9) in
- let* α11 : never.t := M.call (core.panicking.panic_fmt α10) in
- let* α12 : unit := never_to_any α11 in
- M.alloc α12
- | core.result.Result.Ok _ =>
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str " contains:
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Err _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Err.0"] in
+ let* why := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "couldn't read ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ": ") in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow display)) in
+ let* α6 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow why)) in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5; α6 ] in
+ let* α8 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α7) in
+ let* α9 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α8) in
+ let* α10 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α9) in
+ let* α11 : never.t := M.call (core.panicking.panic_fmt α10) in
+ let* α12 : unit := never_to_any α11 in
+ M.alloc α12
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Ok _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Ok.0"] in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str " contains:
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow display)) in
- let* α6 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow s)) in
- let* α7 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5; α6 ] in
- let* α8 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α7) in
- let* α9 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α8) in
- let* α10 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α9) in
- let* α11 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α10) in
- M.alloc α11 in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow display)) in
+ let* α6 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow s)) in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5; α6 ] in
+ let* α8 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α7) in
+ let* α9 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α8) in
+ let* α10 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α9) in
+ let* α11 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α10) in
+ M.alloc α11 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
M.read α0.
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_misc/file_io_read_lines.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_misc/file_io_read_lines.v
index 8d853b68f..0198e69b6 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_misc/file_io_read_lines.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_misc/file_io_read_lines.v
@@ -87,70 +87,103 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
(std.io.buffered.bufreader.BufReader.t std.fs.File.t))
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
α0) in
- let* α2 : M.Val unit :=
- match α1 with
- | iter =>
- let* iter := M.alloc iter in
- loop
- (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 :
- core.option.Option.t
- (core.result.Result.t
- alloc.string.String.t
- std.io.error.Error.t) :=
- M.call
- ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
- (Self :=
- std.io.Lines.t
- (std.io.buffered.bufreader.BufReader.t std.fs.File.t))
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (borrow_mut iter)) in
- match α0 with
- | core.option.Option.None =>
- let* α0 : M.Val never.t := Break in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- | core.option.Option.Some line =>
- let* line := M.alloc line in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
-") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 :
- core.result.Result.t
+ let* α2 :
+ M.Val
+ (std.io.Lines.t
+ (std.io.buffered.bufreader.BufReader.t std.fs.File.t)) :=
+ M.alloc α1 in
+ let* α3 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ α2
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* iter := M.copy γ in
+ M.loop
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 :
+ core.option.Option.t
+ (core.result.Result.t
- std.io.error.Error.t :=
- M.read line in
- let* α6 : alloc.string.String.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.result.Result.t
- alloc.string.String.t
- std.io.error.Error.t)::["unwrap"]
- α5) in
- let* α7 : M.Val alloc.string.String.t := M.alloc α6 in
- let* α8 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call
- (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow α7)) in
- let* α9 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.alloc [ α8 ] in
- let* α10 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α9) in
- let* α11 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α10) in
- let* α12 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α11) in
- let* α13 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α12) in
- M.alloc α13 in
- M.alloc tt in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
- M.alloc tt)
- end in
- M.read (use α2).
+ std.io.error.Error.t) :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
+ (Self :=
+ std.io.Lines.t
+ (std.io.buffered.bufreader.BufReader.t std.fs.File.t))
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ (borrow_mut iter)) in
+ let* α1 :
+ M.Val
+ (core.option.Option.t
+ (core.result.Result.t
+ alloc.string.String.t
+ std.io.error.Error.t)) :=
+ M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.None =>
+ let* α0 : M.Val never.t := M.break in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* line := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+") in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 :
+ core.result.Result.t
+ alloc.string.String.t
+ std.io.error.Error.t :=
+ M.read line in
+ let* α6 : alloc.string.String.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.result.Result.t
+ alloc.string.String.t
+ std.io.error.Error.t)::["unwrap"]
+ α5) in
+ let* α7 : M.Val alloc.string.String.t := M.alloc α6 in
+ let* α8 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"]
+ (borrow α7)) in
+ let* α9 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α8 ] in
+ let* α10 :
+ M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α9) in
+ let* α11 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α10) in
+ let* α12 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α11) in
+ let* α13 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α12) in
+ M.alloc α13 in
+ M.alloc tt in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.alloc tt)) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.read (use α3).
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_misc/file_io_read_lines_efficient_method.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_misc/file_io_read_lines_efficient_method.v
index 8cd1a4e82..52d841441 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_misc/file_io_read_lines_efficient_method.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_misc/file_io_read_lines_efficient_method.v
@@ -46,69 +46,105 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
(std.io.buffered.bufreader.BufReader.t std.fs.File.t))
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
α0) in
- let* α2 : M.Val unit :=
- match α1 with
- | iter =>
- let* iter := M.alloc iter in
- loop
- (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 :
- core.option.Option.t
- (core.result.Result.t
- alloc.string.String.t
- std.io.error.Error.t) :=
- M.call
- ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
- (Self :=
- std.io.Lines.t
- (std.io.buffered.bufreader.BufReader.t std.fs.File.t))
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (borrow_mut iter)) in
- match α0 with
- | core.option.Option.None =>
- let* α0 : M.Val never.t := Break in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- | core.option.Option.Some line =>
- let* line := M.alloc line in
- let* α0 : M.Val bool.t :=
- let_if core.result.Result.Ok ip := line in
- let* α1 : bool.t := M.read α0 in
- if α1 then
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α2 :
+ M.Val
+ (std.io.Lines.t
+ (std.io.buffered.bufreader.BufReader.t std.fs.File.t)) :=
+ M.alloc α1 in
+ let* α3 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ α2
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* iter := M.copy γ in
+ M.loop
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 :
+ core.option.Option.t
+ (core.result.Result.t
+ alloc.string.String.t
+ std.io.error.Error.t) :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
+ (Self :=
+ std.io.Lines.t
+ (std.io.buffered.bufreader.BufReader.t
+ std.fs.File.t))
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ (borrow_mut iter)) in
+ let* α1 :
+ M.Val
+ (core.option.Option.t
+ (core.result.Result.t
+ alloc.string.String.t
+ std.io.error.Error.t)) :=
+ M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.None =>
+ let* α0 : M.Val never.t := M.break in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* line := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 : M.Val bool.t :=
+ let_if core.result.Result.Ok ip := line in
+ let* α1 : bool.t := M.read α0 in
+ if α1 then
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) :=
- M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call
- (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"]
- (borrow ip)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt in
- M.alloc tt
- else
- M.alloc tt
- end in
- M.alloc tt)
- end in
- M.pure (use α2)
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"]
+ (borrow ip)) in
+ let* α6 :
+ M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 :
+ M.Val
+ (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit :=
+ M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt in
+ M.alloc tt
+ else
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.alloc tt)) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.pure (use α3)
M.alloc tt in
M.read α5.
@@ -154,38 +190,63 @@ Definition read_lines
(Self := core.result.Result.t std.fs.File.t std.io.error.Error.t)
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
α1) in
- let* α3 : M.Val std.fs.File.t :=
- match α2 with
- | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Break residual =>
- let* residual := M.alloc residual in
- let* α0 :
- core.result.Result.t
+ let* α3 :
+ M.Val
+ (core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.t
+ (core.result.Result.t
- std.io.error.Error.t :=
- M.read residual in
- let* α1 :
- core.result.Result.t
- (std.io.Lines.t
- (std.io.buffered.bufreader.BufReader.t std.fs.File.t))
- std.io.error.Error.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.ops.try_trait.FromResidual.from_residual
- (Self :=
+ std.io.error.Error.t)
+ std.fs.File.t) :=
+ M.alloc α2 in
+ let* α4 : M.Val std.fs.File.t :=
+ match_operator
+ α3
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Break _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Break.0"] in
+ let* residual := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 :
+ core.result.Result.t
+ core.convert.Infallible.t
+ std.io.error.Error.t :=
+ M.read residual in
+ let* α1 :
(std.io.buffered.bufreader.BufReader.t std.fs.File.t))
- std.io.error.Error.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0) in
- let* α2 : M.Val never.t := return_ α1 in
- let* α3 := M.read α2 in
- let* α4 : std.fs.File.t := never_to_any α3 in
- M.alloc α4
- | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Continue val =>
- let* val := M.alloc val in
- M.pure val
- end in
- M.copy α3 in
+ std.io.error.Error.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.ops.try_trait.FromResidual.from_residual
+ (Self :=
+ core.result.Result.t
+ (std.io.Lines.t
+ (std.io.buffered.bufreader.BufReader.t
+ std.fs.File.t))
+ std.io.error.Error.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0) in
+ let* α2 : M.Val never.t := return_ α1 in
+ let* α3 := M.read α2 in
+ let* α4 : std.fs.File.t := never_to_any α3 in
+ M.alloc α4
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val std.fs.File.t);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Continue _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Continue.0"] in
+ let* val := M.copy γ0 in
+ M.pure val
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val std.fs.File.t)
+ ] in
+ M.copy α4 in
let* α0 : std.fs.File.t := M.read file in
let* α1 : std.io.buffered.bufreader.BufReader.t std.fs.File.t :=
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_misc/filesystem_operations.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_misc/filesystem_operations.v
index e5c9311e3..04b50a7ec 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_misc/filesystem_operations.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_misc/filesystem_operations.v
@@ -33,34 +33,60 @@ Definition cat
(Self := core.result.Result.t std.fs.File.t std.io.error.Error.t)
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
α1) in
- let* α3 : M.Val std.fs.File.t :=
- match α2 with
- | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Break residual =>
- let* residual := M.alloc residual in
- let* α0 :
- core.result.Result.t
+ let* α3 :
+ M.Val
+ (core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.t
+ (core.result.Result.t
- std.io.error.Error.t :=
- M.read residual in
- let* α1 :
- core.result.Result.t alloc.string.String.t std.io.error.Error.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.ops.try_trait.FromResidual.from_residual
- (Self :=
+ std.io.error.Error.t)
+ std.fs.File.t) :=
+ M.alloc α2 in
+ let* α4 : M.Val std.fs.File.t :=
+ match_operator
+ α3
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Break _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Break.0"] in
+ let* residual := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 :
+ core.result.Result.t
+ core.convert.Infallible.t
+ std.io.error.Error.t :=
+ M.read residual in
+ let* α1 :
- std.io.error.Error.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0) in
- let* α2 : M.Val never.t := return_ α1 in
- let* α3 := M.read α2 in
- let* α4 : std.fs.File.t := never_to_any α3 in
- M.alloc α4
- | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Continue val =>
- let* val := M.alloc val in
- M.pure val
- end in
- M.copy α3 in
+ std.io.error.Error.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.ops.try_trait.FromResidual.from_residual
+ (Self :=
+ core.result.Result.t
+ alloc.string.String.t
+ std.io.error.Error.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0) in
+ let* α2 : M.Val never.t := return_ α1 in
+ let* α3 := M.read α2 in
+ let* α4 : std.fs.File.t := never_to_any α3 in
+ M.alloc α4
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val std.fs.File.t);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Continue _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Continue.0"] in
+ let* val := M.copy γ0 in
+ M.pure val
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val std.fs.File.t)
+ ] in
+ M.copy α4 in
let* s : M.Val alloc.string.String.t :=
let* α0 : alloc.string.String.t :=
M.call alloc.string.String.t::["new"] in
@@ -72,18 +98,44 @@ Definition cat
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
(borrow_mut f)
(borrow_mut s)) in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (core.result.Result.t usize.t std.io.error.Error.t) :=
+ M.alloc α0 in
let* α0 :
(core.result.Result.t alloc.string.String.t std.io.error.Error.t) :=
- match α0 with
- | core.result.Result.Ok _ =>
- let* α0 : alloc.string.String.t := M.read s in
- M.alloc (core.result.Result.Ok α0)
- | core.result.Result.Err e =>
- let* e := M.alloc e in
- let* α0 : std.io.error.Error.t := M.read e in
- M.alloc (core.result.Result.Err α0)
- end in
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Ok _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Ok.0"] in
+ let* α0 : alloc.string.String.t := M.read s in
+ M.alloc (core.result.Result.Ok α0)
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M
+ (M.Val
+ (core.result.Result.t
+ alloc.string.String.t
+ std.io.error.Error.t));
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Err _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Err.0"] in
+ let* e := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 : std.io.error.Error.t := M.read e in
+ M.alloc (core.result.Result.Err α0)
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M
+ (M.Val
+ (core.result.Result.t
+ alloc.string.String.t
+ std.io.error.Error.t))
+ ] in
M.read α0).
@@ -116,30 +168,54 @@ Definition echo
(Self := core.result.Result.t std.fs.File.t std.io.error.Error.t)
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
α1) in
- let* α3 : M.Val std.fs.File.t :=
- match α2 with
- | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Break residual =>
- let* residual := M.alloc residual in
- let* α0 :
- core.result.Result.t
+ let* α3 :
+ M.Val
+ (core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.t
+ (core.result.Result.t
- std.io.error.Error.t :=
- M.read residual in
- let* α1 : core.result.Result.t unit std.io.error.Error.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.ops.try_trait.FromResidual.from_residual
- (Self := core.result.Result.t unit std.io.error.Error.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0) in
- let* α2 : M.Val never.t := return_ α1 in
- let* α3 := M.read α2 in
- let* α4 : std.fs.File.t := never_to_any α3 in
- M.alloc α4
- | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Continue val =>
- let* val := M.alloc val in
- M.pure val
- end in
- M.copy α3 in
+ std.io.error.Error.t)
+ std.fs.File.t) :=
+ M.alloc α2 in
+ let* α4 : M.Val std.fs.File.t :=
+ match_operator
+ α3
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Break _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Break.0"] in
+ let* residual := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 :
+ core.result.Result.t
+ core.convert.Infallible.t
+ std.io.error.Error.t :=
+ M.read residual in
+ let* α1 : core.result.Result.t unit std.io.error.Error.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.ops.try_trait.FromResidual.from_residual
+ (Self := core.result.Result.t unit std.io.error.Error.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0) in
+ let* α2 : M.Val never.t := return_ α1 in
+ let* α3 := M.read α2 in
+ let* α4 : std.fs.File.t := never_to_any α3 in
+ M.alloc α4
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val std.fs.File.t);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.ops.control_flow.ControlFlow.Continue _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Continue.0"] in
+ let* val := M.copy γ0 in
+ M.pure val
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val std.fs.File.t)
+ ] in
+ M.copy α4 in
let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read s in
let* α1 : ref (slice u8.t) := M.call (str.t::["as_bytes"] α0) in
let* α2 : core.result.Result.t unit std.io.error.Error.t :=
@@ -174,15 +250,34 @@ Definition touch
let* α4 : ref std.path.Path.t := M.read path in
let* α5 : core.result.Result.t std.fs.File.t std.io.error.Error.t :=
M.call (std.fs.OpenOptions.t::["open"] (borrow (deref α3)) α4) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (core.result.Result.t unit std.io.error.Error.t) :=
- match α5 with
- | core.result.Result.Ok _ => M.alloc (core.result.Result.Ok tt)
- | core.result.Result.Err e =>
- let* e := M.alloc e in
- let* α0 : std.io.error.Error.t := M.read e in
- M.alloc (core.result.Result.Err α0)
- end in
- M.read α6.
+ let* α6 : M.Val (core.result.Result.t std.fs.File.t std.io.error.Error.t) :=
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (core.result.Result.t unit std.io.error.Error.t) :=
+ match_operator
+ α6
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Ok _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Ok.0"] in
+ M.alloc (core.result.Result.Ok tt)
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (core.result.Result.t unit std.io.error.Error.t));
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Err _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Err.0"] in
+ let* e := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 : std.io.error.Error.t := M.read e in
+ M.alloc (core.result.Result.Err α0)
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val (core.result.Result.t unit std.io.error.Error.t))
+ ] in
+ M.read α7.
fn main() {
@@ -267,34 +362,55 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "a") in
let* α1 : core.result.Result.t unit std.io.error.Error.t :=
M.call (std.fs.create_dir α0) in
- match α1 with
- | core.result.Result.Err why =>
- let* why := M.alloc why in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "! ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α2 : M.Val (core.result.Result.t unit std.io.error.Error.t) :=
+ M.alloc α1 in
+ match_operator
+ α2
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Err _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Err.0"] in
+ let* why := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "! ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : std.io.error.ErrorKind.t :=
- M.call (std.io.error.Error.t::["kind"] (borrow why)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val std.io.error.ErrorKind.t := M.alloc α5 in
- let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow α6)) in
- let* α8 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α7 ] in
- let* α9 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α8) in
- let* α10 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α9) in
- let* α11 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α10) in
- let* α12 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α11) in
- M.alloc α12 in
- M.alloc tt
- | core.result.Result.Ok _ => M.alloc tt
- end in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : std.io.error.ErrorKind.t :=
+ M.call (std.io.error.Error.t::["kind"] (borrow why)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val std.io.error.ErrorKind.t := M.alloc α5 in
+ let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow α6)) in
+ let* α8 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α7 ] in
+ let* α9 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α8) in
+ let* α10 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α9) in
+ let* α11 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α10) in
+ let* α12 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α11) in
+ M.alloc α12 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Ok _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Ok.0"] in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "`echo hello > a/b.txt`
@@ -318,36 +434,45 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
((core.result.Result.t unit std.io.error.Error.t)::["unwrap_or_else"]
- (fun (why : std.io.error.Error.t) =>
- (let* why := M.alloc why in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "! ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ (fun (α0 : std.io.error.Error.t) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* why := M.copy γ in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "! ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : std.io.error.ErrorKind.t :=
- M.call (std.io.error.Error.t::["kind"] (borrow why)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val std.io.error.ErrorKind.t := M.alloc α5 in
- let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow α6)) in
- let* α8 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.alloc [ α7 ] in
- let* α9 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α8) in
- let* α10 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α9) in
- let* α11 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α10) in
- let* α12 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α11) in
- M.alloc α12 in
- M.alloc tt in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- M.read α0) :
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : std.io.error.ErrorKind.t :=
+ M.call (std.io.error.Error.t::["kind"] (borrow why)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val std.io.error.ErrorKind.t := M.alloc α5 in
+ let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow α6)) in
+ let* α8 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α7 ] in
+ let* α9 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α8) in
+ let* α10 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α9) in
+ let* α11 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α10) in
+ let* α12 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α11) in
+ M.alloc α12 in
+ M.alloc tt in
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ M.read α0) :
+ M unit
+ ]) :
M unit)) in
M.alloc α4 in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
@@ -371,36 +496,45 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
((core.result.Result.t unit std.io.error.Error.t)::["unwrap_or_else"]
- (fun (why : std.io.error.Error.t) =>
- (let* why := M.alloc why in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "! ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ (fun (α0 : std.io.error.Error.t) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* why := M.copy γ in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "! ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : std.io.error.ErrorKind.t :=
- M.call (std.io.error.Error.t::["kind"] (borrow why)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val std.io.error.ErrorKind.t := M.alloc α5 in
- let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow α6)) in
- let* α8 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.alloc [ α7 ] in
- let* α9 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α8) in
- let* α10 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α9) in
- let* α11 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α10) in
- let* α12 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α11) in
- M.alloc α12 in
- M.alloc tt in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- M.read α0) :
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : std.io.error.ErrorKind.t :=
+ M.call (std.io.error.Error.t::["kind"] (borrow why)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val std.io.error.ErrorKind.t := M.alloc α5 in
+ let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow α6)) in
+ let* α8 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α7 ] in
+ let* α9 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α8) in
+ let* α10 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α9) in
+ let* α11 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α10) in
+ let* α12 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α11) in
+ M.alloc α12 in
+ M.alloc tt in
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ M.read α0) :
+ M unit
+ ]) :
M unit)) in
M.alloc α2 in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
@@ -425,36 +559,45 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
((core.result.Result.t unit std.io.error.Error.t)::["unwrap_or_else"]
- (fun (why : std.io.error.Error.t) =>
- (let* why := M.alloc why in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "! ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ (fun (α0 : std.io.error.Error.t) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* why := M.copy γ in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "! ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : std.io.error.ErrorKind.t :=
- M.call (std.io.error.Error.t::["kind"] (borrow why)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val std.io.error.ErrorKind.t := M.alloc α5 in
- let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow α6)) in
- let* α8 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.alloc [ α7 ] in
- let* α9 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α8) in
- let* α10 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α9) in
- let* α11 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α10) in
- let* α12 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α11) in
- M.alloc α12 in
- M.alloc tt in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- M.read α0) :
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : std.io.error.ErrorKind.t :=
+ M.call (std.io.error.Error.t::["kind"] (borrow why)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val std.io.error.ErrorKind.t := M.alloc α5 in
+ let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow α6)) in
+ let* α8 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α7 ] in
+ let* α9 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α8) in
+ let* α10 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α9) in
+ let* α11 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α10) in
+ let* α12 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α11) in
+ M.alloc α12 in
+ M.alloc tt in
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ M.read α0) :
+ M unit
+ ]) :
M unit)) in
M.alloc α3 in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
@@ -485,37 +628,49 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
- (fun (why : std.io.error.Error.t) =>
- (let* why := M.alloc why in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "! ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ (fun (α0 : std.io.error.Error.t) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* why := M.copy γ in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "! ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : std.io.error.ErrorKind.t :=
- M.call (std.io.error.Error.t::["kind"] (borrow why)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val std.io.error.ErrorKind.t := M.alloc α5 in
- let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call
- (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow α6)) in
- let* α8 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.alloc [ α7 ] in
- let* α9 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α8) in
- let* α10 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α9) in
- let* α11 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α10) in
- let* α12 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α11) in
- M.alloc α12 in
- M.alloc tt in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- M.read α0) :
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : std.io.error.ErrorKind.t :=
+ M.call
+ (std.io.error.Error.t::["kind"] (borrow why)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val std.io.error.ErrorKind.t :=
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"]
+ (borrow α6)) in
+ let* α8 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α7 ] in
+ let* α9 :
+ M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α8) in
+ let* α10 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α9) in
+ let* α11 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α10) in
+ let* α12 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α11) in
+ M.alloc α12 in
+ M.alloc tt in
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ M.read α0) :
+ M unit
+ ]) :
M unit)) in
M.alloc α3 in
M.alloc tt
@@ -539,55 +694,79 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
let* α1 : ref std.path.Path.t := M.call (std.path.Path.t::["new"] α0) in
let* α2 : core.result.Result.t alloc.string.String.t std.io.error.Error.t :=
M.call (filesystem_operations.cat α1) in
- match α2 with
- | core.result.Result.Err why =>
- let* why := M.alloc why in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "! ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α3 :
+ M.Val
+ (core.result.Result.t alloc.string.String.t std.io.error.Error.t) :=
+ M.alloc α2 in
+ match_operator
+ α3
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Err _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Err.0"] in
+ let* why := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "! ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : std.io.error.ErrorKind.t :=
- M.call (std.io.error.Error.t::["kind"] (borrow why)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val std.io.error.ErrorKind.t := M.alloc α5 in
- let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow α6)) in
- let* α8 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α7 ] in
- let* α9 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α8) in
- let* α10 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α9) in
- let* α11 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α10) in
- let* α12 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α11) in
- M.alloc α12 in
- M.alloc tt
- | core.result.Result.Ok s =>
- let* s := M.alloc s in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "> ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : std.io.error.ErrorKind.t :=
+ M.call (std.io.error.Error.t::["kind"] (borrow why)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val std.io.error.ErrorKind.t := M.alloc α5 in
+ let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow α6)) in
+ let* α8 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α7 ] in
+ let* α9 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α8) in
+ let* α10 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α9) in
+ let* α11 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α10) in
+ let* α12 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α11) in
+ M.alloc α12 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Ok _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Ok.0"] in
+ let* s := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "> ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow s)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow s)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "`ls a`
@@ -605,110 +784,174 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "a") in
let* α1 : core.result.Result.t std.fs.ReadDir.t std.io.error.Error.t :=
M.call (std.fs.read_dir α0) in
- match α1 with
- | core.result.Result.Err why =>
- let* why := M.alloc why in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "! ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α2 :
+ M.Val (core.result.Result.t std.fs.ReadDir.t std.io.error.Error.t) :=
+ M.alloc α1 in
+ match_operator
+ α2
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Err _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Err.0"] in
+ let* why := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "! ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : std.io.error.ErrorKind.t :=
- M.call (std.io.error.Error.t::["kind"] (borrow why)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val std.io.error.ErrorKind.t := M.alloc α5 in
- let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow α6)) in
- let* α8 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α7 ] in
- let* α9 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α8) in
- let* α10 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α9) in
- let* α11 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α10) in
- let* α12 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α11) in
- M.alloc α12 in
- M.alloc tt
- | core.result.Result.Ok paths =>
- let* paths := M.alloc paths in
- let* α0 : std.fs.ReadDir.t := M.read paths in
- let* α1 : std.fs.ReadDir.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.iter.traits.collect.IntoIterator.into_iter
- (Self := std.fs.ReadDir.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0) in
- let* α2 : M.Val unit :=
- match α1 with
- | iter =>
- let* iter := M.alloc iter in
- loop
- (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 :
- core.option.Option.t
- (core.result.Result.t
- std.fs.DirEntry.t
- std.io.error.Error.t) :=
- M.call
- ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
- (Self := std.fs.ReadDir.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (borrow_mut iter)) in
- match α0 with
- | core.option.Option.None =>
- let* α0 : M.Val never.t := Break in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- | core.option.Option.Some path =>
- let* path := M.alloc path in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "> ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : std.io.error.ErrorKind.t :=
+ M.call (std.io.error.Error.t::["kind"] (borrow why)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val std.io.error.ErrorKind.t := M.alloc α5 in
+ let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow α6)) in
+ let* α8 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α7 ] in
+ let* α9 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α8) in
+ let* α10 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α9) in
+ let* α11 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α10) in
+ let* α12 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α11) in
+ M.alloc α12 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Ok _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Ok.0"] in
+ let* paths := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 : std.fs.ReadDir.t := M.read paths in
+ let* α1 : std.fs.ReadDir.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.iter.traits.collect.IntoIterator.into_iter
+ (Self := std.fs.ReadDir.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0) in
+ let* α2 : M.Val std.fs.ReadDir.t := M.alloc α1 in
+ let* α3 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ α2
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* iter := M.copy γ in
+ M.loop
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 :
+ core.option.Option.t
+ (core.result.Result.t
+ std.fs.DirEntry.t
+ std.io.error.Error.t) :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
+ (Self := std.fs.ReadDir.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ (borrow_mut iter)) in
+ let* α1 :
+ M.Val
+ (core.option.Option.t
+ (core.result.Result.t
+ std.fs.DirEntry.t
+ std.io.error.Error.t)) :=
+ M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.None =>
+ let* α0 : M.Val never.t := M.break in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* path := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "> ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 :
- core.result.Result.t
- std.fs.DirEntry.t
- std.io.error.Error.t :=
- M.read path in
- let* α6 : std.fs.DirEntry.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.result.Result.t
- std.fs.DirEntry.t
- std.io.error.Error.t)::["unwrap"]
- α5) in
- let* α7 : M.Val std.fs.DirEntry.t := M.alloc α6 in
- let* α8 : std.path.PathBuf.t :=
- M.call (std.fs.DirEntry.t::["path"] (borrow α7)) in
- let* α9 : M.Val std.path.PathBuf.t := M.alloc α8 in
- let* α10 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call
- (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow α9)) in
- let* α11 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.alloc [ α10 ] in
- let* α12 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α11) in
- let* α13 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α12) in
- let* α14 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α13) in
- let* α15 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α14) in
- M.alloc α15 in
- M.alloc tt in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
- M.alloc tt)
- end in
- M.pure (use α2)
- end in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 :
+ core.result.Result.t
+ std.fs.DirEntry.t
+ std.io.error.Error.t :=
+ M.read path in
+ let* α6 : std.fs.DirEntry.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.result.Result.t
+ std.fs.DirEntry.t
+ std.io.error.Error.t)::["unwrap"]
+ α5) in
+ let* α7 : M.Val std.fs.DirEntry.t :=
+ M.alloc α6 in
+ let* α8 : std.path.PathBuf.t :=
+ M.call
+ (std.fs.DirEntry.t::["path"]
+ (borrow α7)) in
+ let* α9 : M.Val std.path.PathBuf.t :=
+ M.alloc α8 in
+ let* α10 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"]
+ (borrow α9)) in
+ let* α11 :
+ M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α10 ] in
+ let* α12 :
+ M.Val
+ (ref
+ (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α11) in
+ let* α13 :
+ ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α12) in
+ let* α14 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"]
+ α4
+ α13) in
+ let* α15 : unit :=
+ M.call (std.io.stdio._print α14) in
+ M.alloc α15 in
+ M.alloc tt in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.alloc tt)) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.pure (use α3)
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "`rm a/c/e.txt`
@@ -730,36 +973,45 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
((core.result.Result.t unit std.io.error.Error.t)::["unwrap_or_else"]
- (fun (why : std.io.error.Error.t) =>
- (let* why := M.alloc why in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "! ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ (fun (α0 : std.io.error.Error.t) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* why := M.copy γ in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "! ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : std.io.error.ErrorKind.t :=
- M.call (std.io.error.Error.t::["kind"] (borrow why)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val std.io.error.ErrorKind.t := M.alloc α5 in
- let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow α6)) in
- let* α8 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.alloc [ α7 ] in
- let* α9 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α8) in
- let* α10 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α9) in
- let* α11 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α10) in
- let* α12 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α11) in
- M.alloc α12 in
- M.alloc tt in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- M.read α0) :
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : std.io.error.ErrorKind.t :=
+ M.call (std.io.error.Error.t::["kind"] (borrow why)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val std.io.error.ErrorKind.t := M.alloc α5 in
+ let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow α6)) in
+ let* α8 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α7 ] in
+ let* α9 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α8) in
+ let* α10 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α9) in
+ let* α11 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α10) in
+ let* α12 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α11) in
+ M.alloc α12 in
+ M.alloc tt in
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ M.read α0) :
+ M unit
+ ]) :
M unit)) in
M.alloc α2 in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
@@ -783,36 +1035,45 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
((core.result.Result.t unit std.io.error.Error.t)::["unwrap_or_else"]
- (fun (why : std.io.error.Error.t) =>
- (let* why := M.alloc why in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "! ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ (fun (α0 : std.io.error.Error.t) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* why := M.copy γ in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "! ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : std.io.error.ErrorKind.t :=
- M.call (std.io.error.Error.t::["kind"] (borrow why)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val std.io.error.ErrorKind.t := M.alloc α5 in
- let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow α6)) in
- let* α8 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.alloc [ α7 ] in
- let* α9 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α8) in
- let* α10 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α9) in
- let* α11 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α10) in
- let* α12 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α11) in
- M.alloc α12 in
- M.alloc tt in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- M.read α0) :
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : std.io.error.ErrorKind.t :=
+ M.call (std.io.error.Error.t::["kind"] (borrow why)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val std.io.error.ErrorKind.t := M.alloc α5 in
+ let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_debug"] (borrow α6)) in
+ let* α8 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α7 ] in
+ let* α9 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α8) in
+ let* α10 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α9) in
+ let* α11 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α10) in
+ let* α12 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α11) in
+ M.alloc α12 in
+ M.alloc tt in
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ M.read α0) :
+ M unit
+ ]) :
M unit)) in
M.alloc α2 in
let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_misc/foreign_function_interface.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_misc/foreign_function_interface.v
index 3cd425801..24a42f640 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_misc/foreign_function_interface.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_misc/foreign_function_interface.v
@@ -132,9 +132,18 @@ Section Impl_core_clone_Clone_for_foreign_function_interface_Complex_t.
Definition clone (self : ref Self) : M foreign_function_interface.Complex.t :=
let* self := M.alloc self in
- let _ : unit := tt in
- let* α0 : ref foreign_function_interface.Complex.t := M.read self in
- M.read (deref α0).
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 : M.Val foreign_function_interface.Complex.t :=
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 : ref foreign_function_interface.Complex.t :=
+ M.read self in
+ M.pure (deref α0)) :
+ M (M.Val foreign_function_interface.Complex.t)
+ ] in
+ M.read α1.
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_clone :
Notations.DoubleColon Self "clone" := {
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_misc/path.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_misc/path.v
index 10d01ba85..ce99b0210 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_misc/path.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_misc/path.v
@@ -74,35 +74,53 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
(borrow new_path)) in
let* α1 : core.option.Option.t (ref str.t) :=
M.call (std.path.Path.t::["to_str"] α0) in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t (ref str.t)) := M.alloc α1 in
let* α0 : M.Val unit :=
- match α1 with
- | core.option.Option.None =>
- let* α0 : ref str.t :=
- M.read (mk_str "new path is not a valid UTF-8 sequence") in
- let* α1 : never.t := M.call (std.panicking.begin_panic α0) in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- | core.option.Option.Some s =>
- let* s := M.alloc s in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "new path is ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ match_operator
+ α2
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.None =>
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "new path is not a valid UTF-8 sequence") in
+ let* α1 : never.t := M.call (std.panicking.begin_panic α0) in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* s := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "new path is ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow s)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow s)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
M.read α0.
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_misc/program_arguments_parsing.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_misc/program_arguments_parsing.v
index a39c1d318..cf9f53469 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_misc/program_arguments_parsing.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_misc/program_arguments_parsing.v
@@ -167,178 +167,246 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
((alloc.vec.Vec.t alloc.string.String.t alloc.alloc.Global.t)::["len"]
(borrow args)) in
+ let* α1 : M.Val usize.t := M.alloc α0 in
let* α0 : M.Val unit :=
- match α0 with
- | _ =>
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t :=
- M.read
- (mk_str
- "My name is 'match_args'. Try passing some arguments!
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read
+ (mk_str
+ "My name is 'match_args'. Try passing some arguments!
") in
- let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
- let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
- M.alloc α5 in
- M.alloc tt in
- M.alloc tt
- | _ =>
- let* α0 : ref alloc.string.String.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.ops.index.Index.index
- (Self :=
- alloc.vec.Vec.t alloc.string.String.t alloc.alloc.Global.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (borrow args)
- (Integer.of_Z 1)) in
- let* α1 : ref str.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.ops.deref.Deref.deref
- (Self := alloc.string.String.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0) in
- let* α2 : core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t :=
- M.call (str.t::["parse"] α1) in
- match α2 with
- | core.result.Result.Ok _ =>
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "This is the answer!
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
+ let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ M.alloc tt in
+ M.alloc tt) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 : ref alloc.string.String.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.ops.index.Index.index
+ (Self :=
+ alloc.vec.Vec.t
+ alloc.string.String.t
+ alloc.alloc.Global.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ (borrow args)
+ (Integer.of_Z 1)) in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.ops.deref.Deref.deref
+ (Self := alloc.string.String.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0) in
+ let* α2 :
+ core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t :=
+ M.call (str.t::["parse"] α1) in
+ let* α3 :
+ M.Val
+ (core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t) :=
+ M.alloc α2 in
+ match_operator
+ α3
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Ok _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Ok.0"] in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "This is the answer!
") in
- let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
- let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
- M.alloc α5 in
- M.alloc tt
- | _ =>
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "This is not the answer.
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
+ let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "This is not the answer.
") in
- let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
- let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
- M.alloc α5 in
- M.alloc tt
- end
- | _ =>
- let* cmd : M.Val (ref alloc.string.String.t) :=
- let* α0 : ref alloc.string.String.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.ops.index.Index.index
- (Self :=
- alloc.vec.Vec.t alloc.string.String.t alloc.alloc.Global.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (borrow args)
- (Integer.of_Z 1)) in
- M.alloc α0 in
- let* num : M.Val (ref alloc.string.String.t) :=
- let* α0 : ref alloc.string.String.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.ops.index.Index.index
- (Self :=
- alloc.vec.Vec.t alloc.string.String.t alloc.alloc.Global.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (borrow args)
- (Integer.of_Z 2)) in
- M.alloc α0 in
- let* number : M.Val i32.t :=
- let* α0 : ref alloc.string.String.t := M.read num in
- let* α1 : ref str.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.ops.deref.Deref.deref
- (Self := alloc.string.String.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0) in
- let* α2 : core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t :=
- M.call (str.t::["parse"] α1) in
- let* α3 : M.Val i32.t :=
- match α2 with
- | core.result.Result.Ok n =>
- let* n := M.alloc n in
- M.pure n
- | core.result.Result.Err _ =>
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t :=
- M.read (mk_str "error: second argument not an integer
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
+ let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α4) in
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ M.alloc tt) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ]) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* cmd : M.Val (ref alloc.string.String.t) :=
+ let* α0 : ref alloc.string.String.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.ops.index.Index.index
+ (Self :=
+ alloc.vec.Vec.t
+ alloc.string.String.t
+ alloc.alloc.Global.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ (borrow args)
+ (Integer.of_Z 1)) in
+ M.alloc α0 in
+ let* num : M.Val (ref alloc.string.String.t) :=
+ let* α0 : ref alloc.string.String.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.ops.index.Index.index
+ (Self :=
+ alloc.vec.Vec.t
+ alloc.string.String.t
+ alloc.alloc.Global.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ (borrow args)
+ (Integer.of_Z 2)) in
+ M.alloc α0 in
+ let* number : M.Val i32.t :=
+ let* α0 : ref alloc.string.String.t := M.read num in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.ops.deref.Deref.deref
+ (Self := alloc.string.String.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0) in
+ let* α2 :
+ core.result.Result.t i32.t core.num.error.ParseIntError.t :=
+ M.call (str.t::["parse"] α1) in
+ let* α3 :
+ M.Val
+ (core.result.Result.t
+ i32.t
+ core.num.error.ParseIntError.t) :=
+ M.alloc α2 in
+ let* α4 : M.Val i32.t :=
+ match_operator
+ α3
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Ok _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Ok.0"] in
+ let* n := M.copy γ0 in
+ M.pure n
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val i32.t);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.result.Result.Err _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Err.0"] in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read
+ (mk_str
+ "error: second argument not an integer
") in
- let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
- let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._eprint α4) in
- M.alloc α5 in
- M.alloc tt in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : unit := M.call program_arguments_parsing.help in
- M.alloc α0 in
- let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- return_ α0 in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : i32.t := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- end in
- M.copy α3 in
- let* α0 : ref alloc.string.String.t := M.read cmd in
- let* α1 : ref str.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.ops.index.Index.index
- (Self := alloc.string.String.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0
- core.ops.range.RangeFull.Build) in
- let* α2 := M.read α1 in
- match α2 with
- | _ =>
- let* α0 : i32.t := M.read number in
- let* α1 : unit := M.call (program_arguments_parsing.increase α0) in
- M.alloc α1
- | _ =>
- let* α0 : i32.t := M.read number in
- let* α1 : unit := M.call (program_arguments_parsing.decrease α0) in
- M.alloc α1
- | _ =>
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t :=
- M.read (mk_str "error: invalid command
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
+ let* α5 : unit :=
+ M.call (std.io.stdio._eprint α4) in
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ M.alloc tt in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : unit :=
+ M.call program_arguments_parsing.help in
+ M.alloc α0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ return_ α0 in
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : i32.t := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val i32.t)
+ ] in
+ M.copy α4 in
+ let* α0 : ref alloc.string.String.t := M.read cmd in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.ops.index.Index.index
+ (Self := alloc.string.String.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0
+ core.ops.range.RangeFull.Build) in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref str.t) := M.alloc α1 in
+ match_operator
+ α2
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 : i32.t := M.read number in
+ let* α1 : unit :=
+ M.call (program_arguments_parsing.increase α0) in
+ M.alloc α1) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 : i32.t := M.read number in
+ let* α1 : unit :=
+ M.call (program_arguments_parsing.decrease α0) in
+ M.alloc α1) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "error: invalid command
") in
- let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
- let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α1) in
- let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
- let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
- let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._eprint α4) in
- M.alloc α5 in
- M.alloc tt in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : unit := M.call program_arguments_parsing.help in
- M.alloc α0 in
- M.alloc tt
- end
- | _ =>
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : unit := M.call program_arguments_parsing.help in
- M.alloc α0 in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0 ] in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α1) in
+ let* α3 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α2) in
+ let* α4 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_const"] α3) in
+ let* α5 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._eprint α4) in
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ M.alloc tt in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : unit := M.call program_arguments_parsing.help in
+ M.alloc α0 in
+ M.alloc tt) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ]) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : unit := M.call program_arguments_parsing.help in
+ M.alloc α0 in
+ M.alloc tt) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
M.read α0).
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_misc/threads.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_misc/threads.v
index d664620e3..c443f3299 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_misc/threads.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_misc/threads.v
@@ -44,74 +44,104 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
core.ops.range.Range.start := Integer.of_Z 0;
core.ops.range.Range.end_ := α0;
|}) in
- let* α2 : M.Val unit :=
- match α1 with
- | iter =>
- let* iter := M.alloc iter in
- loop
- (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : core.option.Option.t u32.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
- (Self := core.ops.range.Range.t u32.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (borrow_mut iter)) in
- match α0 with
- | core.option.Option.None =>
- let* α0 : M.Val never.t := Break in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- | core.option.Option.Some i =>
- let* i := M.alloc i in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : std.thread.JoinHandle.t unit :=
+ let* α2 : M.Val (core.ops.range.Range.t u32.t) := M.alloc α1 in
+ let* α3 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ α2
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* iter := M.copy γ in
+ M.loop
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : core.option.Option.t u32.t :=
- (std.thread.spawn
- ((let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
+ (Self := core.ops.range.Range.t u32.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ (borrow_mut iter)) in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t u32.t) := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.None =>
+ let* α0 : M.Val never.t := M.break in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* i := M.copy γ0 in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t :=
- M.read (mk_str "this is thread number ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α0 : std.thread.JoinHandle.t unit :=
+ M.call
+ (std.thread.spawn
+ ((let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read
+ (mk_str "this is thread number ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) :=
- M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"]
+ (borrow i)) in
+ let* α6 :
+ M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 :
+ M.Val
+ (ref
+ (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 :
+ ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"]
+ α4
+ α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit :=
+ M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt in
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ M.read α0) :
+ M unit)) in
+ let* α1 : unit :=
- (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"]
- (borrow i)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 :
- M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- M.read α0) :
- M unit)) in
- let* α1 : unit :=
- M.call
- ((alloc.vec.Vec.t
- (std.thread.JoinHandle.t unit)
- alloc.alloc.Global.t)::["push"]
- (borrow_mut children)
- α0) in
- M.alloc α1 in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
- M.alloc tt)
- end in
- M.pure (use α2) in
+ ((alloc.vec.Vec.t
+ (std.thread.JoinHandle.t unit)
+ alloc.alloc.Global.t)::["push"]
+ (borrow_mut children)
+ α0) in
+ M.alloc α1 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.alloc tt)) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.pure (use α3) in
let* α0 :
alloc.vec.Vec.t (std.thread.JoinHandle.t unit) alloc.alloc.Global.t :=
M.read children in
@@ -125,37 +155,74 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
alloc.vec.Vec.t (std.thread.JoinHandle.t unit) alloc.alloc.Global.t)
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
α0) in
- let* α2 : M.Val unit :=
- match α1 with
- | iter =>
- let* iter := M.alloc iter in
- loop
- (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : core.option.Option.t (std.thread.JoinHandle.t unit) :=
- M.call
- ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
- (Self :=
- alloc.vec.into_iter.IntoIter.t
- (std.thread.JoinHandle.t unit)
- alloc.alloc.Global.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (borrow_mut iter)) in
- match α0 with
- | core.option.Option.None =>
- let* α0 : M.Val never.t := Break in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- | core.option.Option.Some child =>
- let* child := M.alloc child in
- let* _ :
- core.result.Result.t
- unit
- (alloc.boxed.Box.t dynamic alloc.alloc.Global.t) :=
- let* α0 : std.thread.JoinHandle.t unit := M.read child in
- M.call ((std.thread.JoinHandle.t unit)::["join"] α0) in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
- M.alloc tt)
- end in
- M.read (use α2).
+ let* α2 :
+ M.Val
+ (alloc.vec.into_iter.IntoIter.t
+ (std.thread.JoinHandle.t unit)
+ alloc.alloc.Global.t) :=
+ M.alloc α1 in
+ let* α3 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ α2
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* iter := M.copy γ in
+ M.loop
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : core.option.Option.t (std.thread.JoinHandle.t unit) :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
+ (Self :=
+ alloc.vec.into_iter.IntoIter.t
+ (std.thread.JoinHandle.t unit)
+ alloc.alloc.Global.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ (borrow_mut iter)) in
+ let* α1 :
+ M.Val (core.option.Option.t (std.thread.JoinHandle.t unit)) :=
+ M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.None =>
+ let* α0 : M.Val never.t := M.break in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* child := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 : std.thread.JoinHandle.t unit := M.read child in
+ let* α1 :
+ core.result.Result.t
+ unit
+ (alloc.boxed.Box.t dynamic alloc.alloc.Global.t) :=
+ M.call ((std.thread.JoinHandle.t unit)::["join"] α0) in
+ let* α2 :
+ M.Val
+ (core.result.Result.t
+ unit
+ (alloc.boxed.Box.t
+ dynamic
+ alloc.alloc.Global.t)) :=
+ M.alloc α1 in
+ match_operator
+ α2
+ [ fun γ => (M.alloc tt) : M (M.Val unit) ]
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.alloc tt)) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.read (use α3).
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_misc/threads_test_case_map_reduce.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_misc/threads_test_case_map_reduce.v
index ae354280f..441de57d1 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_misc/threads_test_case_map_reduce.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/std_misc/threads_test_case_map_reduce.v
@@ -138,149 +138,212 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
α1) in
- let* α3 : M.Val unit :=
- match α2 with
- | iter =>
- let* iter := M.alloc iter in
- loop
- (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : core.option.Option.t (usize.t * (ref str.t)) :=
- M.call
- ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
- (Self :=
- core.iter.adapters.enumerate.Enumerate.t
- core.str.iter.SplitWhitespace.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (borrow_mut iter)) in
- match α0 with
- | core.option.Option.None =>
- let* α0 : M.Val never.t := Break in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- | core.option.Option.Some (i, data_segment) =>
- let* i := M.alloc i in
- let* data_segment := M.alloc data_segment in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "data segment ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str " is "") in
- let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ""
-") in
- let* α3 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) :=
- M.alloc [ α0; α1; α2 ] in
- let* α4 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α3) in
- let* α5 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α4) in
- let* α6 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call
- (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow i)) in
- let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call
- (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"]
- (borrow data_segment)) in
- let* α8 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.alloc [ α6; α7 ] in
- let* α9 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α8) in
- let* α10 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α9) in
- let* α11 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α5 α10) in
- let* α12 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α11) in
- M.alloc α12 in
- M.alloc tt in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : std.thread.JoinHandle.t u32.t :=
+ let* α3 :
+ M.Val
+ (core.iter.adapters.enumerate.Enumerate.t
+ core.str.iter.SplitWhitespace.t) :=
+ M.alloc α2 in
+ let* α4 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ α3
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* iter := M.copy γ in
+ M.loop
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : core.option.Option.t (usize.t * (ref str.t)) :=
- (std.thread.spawn
- ((let* result : M.Val u32.t :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read data_segment in
- let* α1 : core.str.iter.Chars.t :=
- M.call (str.t::["chars"] α0) in
- let* α2 :
- core.iter.adapters.map.Map.t
- core.str.iter.Chars.t
- (char.t -> M u32.t) :=
- M.call
- ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.map
- (Self := core.str.iter.Chars.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α1
- (fun (c : char.t) =>
- (let* c := M.alloc c in
- let* α0 : char.t := M.read c in
- let* α1 : core.option.Option.t u32.t :=
- M.call
- (char.t::["to_digit"]
- α0
- (Integer.of_Z 10)) in
- let* α2 : ref str.t :=
- M.read (mk_str "should be a digit") in
+ ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
+ (Self :=
+ core.iter.adapters.enumerate.Enumerate.t
+ core.str.iter.SplitWhitespace.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ (borrow_mut iter)) in
+ let* α1 :
+ M.Val (core.option.Option.t (usize.t * (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.None =>
+ let* α0 : M.Val never.t := M.break in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ0 in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_, _) =>
+ let γ0 := Tuple.Access.left γ0 in
+ let γ1 := Tuple.Access.right γ0 in
+ let* i := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* data_segment := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "data segment ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str " is "") in
+ let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ""
+") in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.alloc [ α0; α1; α2 ] in
+ let* α4 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α3) in
+ let* α5 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α4) in
+ let* α6 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"]
+ (borrow i)) in
+ let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- ((core.option.Option.t u32.t)::["expect"]
- α1
- α2)) :
- M u32.t)) in
- let* α3 : u32.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.sum
- (Self :=
- core.iter.adapters.map.Map.t
- core.str.iter.Chars.t
- (char.t -> M u32.t))
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α2) in
- M.alloc α3 in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t :=
- M.read (mk_str "processed segment ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str ", result=") in
- let* α2 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"]
+ (borrow data_segment)) in
+ let* α8 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α6; α7 ] in
+ let* α9 :
+ M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α8) in
+ let* α10 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α9) in
+ let* α11 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α5 α10) in
+ let* α12 : unit :=
+ M.call (std.io.stdio._print α11) in
+ M.alloc α12 in
+ M.alloc tt in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : std.thread.JoinHandle.t u32.t :=
+ M.call
+ (std.thread.spawn
+ ((let* result : M.Val u32.t :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read data_segment in
+ let* α1 : core.str.iter.Chars.t :=
+ M.call (str.t::["chars"] α0) in
+ let* α2 :
+ core.iter.adapters.map.Map.t
+ core.str.iter.Chars.t
+ (char.t -> M u32.t) :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.map
+ (Self := core.str.iter.Chars.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α1
+ (fun (α0 : char.t) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* c := M.copy γ in
+ let* α0 : char.t :=
+ M.read c in
+ let* α1 :
+ core.option.Option.t
+ u32.t :=
+ M.call
+ (char.t::["to_digit"]
+ α0
+ (Integer.of_Z 10)) in
+ let* α2 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read
+ (mk_str
+ "should be a digit") in
+ M.call
+ ((core.option.Option.t
+ u32.t)::["expect"]
+ α1
+ α2)) :
+ M u32.t
+ ]) :
+ M u32.t)) in
+ let* α3 : u32.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.sum
+ (Self :=
+ core.iter.adapters.map.Map.t
+ core.str.iter.Chars.t
+ (char.t -> M u32.t))
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α2) in
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "processed segment ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str ", result=") in
+ let* α2 : ref str.t :=
+ M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α3 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) :=
- M.alloc [ α0; α1; α2 ] in
- let* α4 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α3) in
- let* α5 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α4) in
- let* α6 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call
- (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"]
- (borrow i)) in
- let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call
- (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"]
- (borrow result)) in
- let* α8 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.alloc [ α6; α7 ] in
- let* α9 :
- M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α8) in
- let* α10 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α9) in
- let* α11 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α5 α10) in
- let* α12 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α11) in
- M.alloc α12 in
- M.alloc tt in
- M.read result) :
- M u32.t)) in
- let* α1 : unit :=
- M.call
- ((alloc.vec.Vec.t
- (std.thread.JoinHandle.t u32.t)
- alloc.alloc.Global.t)::["push"]
- (borrow_mut children)
- α0) in
- M.alloc α1 in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
- M.alloc tt)
- end in
- M.pure (use α3) in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.alloc [ α0; α1; α2 ] in
+ let* α4 :
+ M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α3) in
+ let* α5 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α4) in
+ let* α6 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"]
+ (borrow i)) in
+ let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"]
+ (borrow result)) in
+ let* α8 :
+ M.Val
+ (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α6; α7 ] in
+ let* α9 :
+ M.Val
+ (ref
+ (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α8) in
+ let* α10 :
+ ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α9) in
+ let* α11 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"]
+ α5
+ α10) in
+ let* α12 : unit :=
+ M.call (std.io.stdio._print α11) in
+ M.alloc α12 in
+ M.alloc tt in
+ M.read result) :
+ M u32.t)) in
+ let* α1 : unit :=
+ M.call
+ ((alloc.vec.Vec.t
+ (std.thread.JoinHandle.t u32.t)
+ alloc.alloc.Global.t)::["push"]
+ (borrow_mut children)
+ α0) in
+ M.alloc α1 in
+ M.alloc tt
+ end
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.alloc tt)) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.pure (use α4) in
let* final_result : M.Val u32.t :=
let* α0 :
alloc.vec.Vec.t (std.thread.JoinHandle.t u32.t) alloc.alloc.Global.t :=
@@ -311,21 +374,28 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (fun (c : std.thread.JoinHandle.t u32.t) =>
- (let* c := M.alloc c in
- let* α0 : std.thread.JoinHandle.t u32.t := M.read c in
- let* α1 :
- core.result.Result.t
- u32.t
- (alloc.boxed.Box.t dynamic alloc.alloc.Global.t) :=
- M.call ((std.thread.JoinHandle.t u32.t)::["join"] α0) in
- M.call
- ((core.result.Result.t
- u32.t
- (alloc.boxed.Box.t
- dynamic
- alloc.alloc.Global.t))::["unwrap"]
- α1)) :
+ (fun (α0 : std.thread.JoinHandle.t u32.t) =>
+ (let* α0 := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* c := M.copy γ in
+ let* α0 : std.thread.JoinHandle.t u32.t := M.read c in
+ let* α1 :
+ core.result.Result.t
+ u32.t
+ (alloc.boxed.Box.t dynamic alloc.alloc.Global.t) :=
+ M.call ((std.thread.JoinHandle.t u32.t)::["join"] α0) in
+ M.call
+ ((core.result.Result.t
+ u32.t
+ (alloc.boxed.Box.t
+ dynamic
+ alloc.alloc.Global.t))::["unwrap"]
+ α1)) :
+ M u32.t
+ ]) :
M u32.t)) in
let* α3 : u32.t :=
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/subtle.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/subtle.v
index 28dda387c..2b3d5af30 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/subtle.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/subtle.v
@@ -32,9 +32,17 @@ Section Impl_core_clone_Clone_for_subtle_Choice_t.
Definition clone (self : ref Self) : M subtle.Choice.t :=
let* self := M.alloc self in
- let _ : unit := tt in
- let* α0 : ref subtle.Choice.t := M.read self in
- M.read (deref α0).
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 : M.Val subtle.Choice.t :=
+ match_operator
+ α0
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 : ref subtle.Choice.t := M.read self in
+ M.pure (deref α0)) :
+ M (M.Val subtle.Choice.t)
+ ] in
+ M.read α1.
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_clone :
Notations.DoubleColon Self "clone" := {
@@ -606,51 +614,86 @@ Section Impl_subtle_ConstantTimeEq_for_slice_T.
(core.slice.iter.Iter.t T))
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
α4) in
- let* α6 : M.Val unit :=
- match α5 with
- | iter =>
- let* iter := M.alloc iter in
- loop
- (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : core.option.Option.t ((ref T) * (ref T)) :=
- M.call
- ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
- (Self :=
- core.iter.adapters.zip.Zip.t
- (core.slice.iter.Iter.t T)
- (core.slice.iter.Iter.t T))
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (borrow_mut iter)) in
- match α0 with
- | core.option.Option.None =>
- let* α0 : M.Val never.t := Break in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- | core.option.Option.Some (ai, bi) =>
- let* ai := M.alloc ai in
- let* bi := M.alloc bi in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let β : M.Val u8.t := x in
- let* α0 := M.read β in
- let* α1 : ref T := M.read ai in
- let* α2 : ref T := M.read bi in
- let* α3 : subtle.Choice.t :=
+ let* α6 :
+ M.Val
+ (core.iter.adapters.zip.Zip.t
+ (core.slice.iter.Iter.t T)
+ (core.slice.iter.Iter.t T)) :=
+ M.alloc α5 in
+ let* α7 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ α6
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* iter := M.copy γ in
+ M.loop
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : core.option.Option.t ((ref T) * (ref T)) :=
- ((subtle.ConstantTimeEq.ct_eq
- (Self := T)
+ ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
+ (Self :=
+ core.iter.adapters.zip.Zip.t
+ (core.slice.iter.Iter.t T)
+ (core.slice.iter.Iter.t T))
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α1
- α2) in
- let* α4 : M.Val subtle.Choice.t := M.alloc α3 in
- let* α5 : u8.t :=
- M.call (subtle.Choice.t::["unwrap_u8"] (borrow α4)) in
- assign β (BinOp.Pure.bit_and α0 α5) in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
- M.alloc tt)
- end in
- M.pure (use α6) in
+ (borrow_mut iter)) in
+ let* α1 :
+ M.Val (core.option.Option.t ((ref T) * (ref T))) :=
+ M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.None =>
+ let* α0 : M.Val never.t := M.break in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ0 in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_, _) =>
+ let γ0 := Tuple.Access.left γ0 in
+ let γ1 := Tuple.Access.right γ0 in
+ let* ai := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* bi := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let β : M.Val u8.t := x in
+ let* α0 := M.read β in
+ let* α1 : ref T := M.read ai in
+ let* α2 : ref T := M.read bi in
+ let* α3 : subtle.Choice.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((subtle.ConstantTimeEq.ct_eq
+ (Self := T)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α1
+ α2) in
+ let* α4 : M.Val subtle.Choice.t := M.alloc α3 in
+ let* α5 : u8.t :=
+ M.call
+ (subtle.Choice.t::["unwrap_u8"]
+ (borrow α4)) in
+ assign β (BinOp.Pure.bit_and α0 α5) in
+ M.alloc tt
+ end
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.alloc tt)) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.pure (use α7) in
let* α0 : u8.t := M.read x in
let* α1 : subtle.Choice.t :=
@@ -2853,52 +2896,67 @@ Section Impl_subtle_CtOption_t_T.
M.call (subtle.Choice.t::["unwrap_u8"] (borrow self.["is_some"])) in
let* α1 : M.Val u8.t := M.alloc α0 in
let* α2 : M.Val u8.t := M.alloc (Integer.of_Z 1) in
- match (borrow α1, borrow α2) with
- | (left_val, right_val) =>
- let* left_val := M.alloc left_val in
- let* right_val := M.alloc right_val in
- let* α0 : ref u8.t := M.read left_val in
- let* α1 : u8.t := M.read (deref α0) in
- let* α2 : ref u8.t := M.read right_val in
- let* α3 : u8.t := M.read (deref α2) in
- let* α4 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc (UnOp.not (BinOp.Pure.eq α1 α3)) in
- let* α5 : bool.t := M.read (use α4) in
- if α5 then
- let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
- M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
- let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
- let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
- let* α1 : ref u8.t := M.read left_val in
- let* α2 : ref u8.t := M.read right_val in
- let* α3 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "") in
- let* α4 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α3 ] in
- let* α5 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) := M.alloc (borrow α4) in
- let* α6 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α5) in
- let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow msg)) in
- let* α8 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) := M.alloc [ α7 ] in
- let* α9 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α8) in
- let* α10 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α9) in
- let* α11 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α6 α10) in
- let* α12 : never.t :=
- M.call
- (core.panicking.assert_failed
- α0
- α1
- α2
- (core.option.Option.Some α11)) in
- M.alloc α12 in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- else
- M.alloc tt
- end in
+ let* α3 : M.Val ((ref u8.t) * (ref u8.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α1, borrow α2) in
+ match_operator
+ α3
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_, _) =>
+ let γ0 := Tuple.Access.left γ in
+ let γ1 := Tuple.Access.right γ in
+ let* left_val := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* right_val := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* α0 : ref u8.t := M.read left_val in
+ let* α1 : u8.t := M.read (deref α0) in
+ let* α2 : ref u8.t := M.read right_val in
+ let* α3 : u8.t := M.read (deref α2) in
+ let* α4 : M.Val bool.t :=
+ M.alloc (UnOp.not (BinOp.Pure.eq α1 α3)) in
+ let* α5 : bool.t := M.read (use α4) in
+ if α5 then
+ let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
+ M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
+ let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
+ let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
+ let* α1 : ref u8.t := M.read left_val in
+ let* α2 : ref u8.t := M.read right_val in
+ let* α3 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "") in
+ let* α4 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α3 ] in
+ let* α5 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α4) in
+ let* α6 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α5) in
+ let* α7 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow msg)) in
+ let* α8 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α7 ] in
+ let* α9 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α8) in
+ let* α10 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α9) in
+ let* α11 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α6 α10) in
+ let* α12 : never.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.panicking.assert_failed
+ α0
+ α1
+ α2
+ (core.option.Option.Some α11)) in
+ M.alloc α12 in
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ else
+ M.alloc tt
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
M.read self.["value"].
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_expect :
@@ -2920,38 +2978,50 @@ Section Impl_subtle_CtOption_t_T.
M.call (subtle.Choice.t::["unwrap_u8"] (borrow self.["is_some"])) in
let* α1 : M.Val u8.t := M.alloc α0 in
let* α2 : M.Val u8.t := M.alloc (Integer.of_Z 1) in
- match (borrow α1, borrow α2) with
- | (left_val, right_val) =>
- let* left_val := M.alloc left_val in
- let* right_val := M.alloc right_val in
- let* α0 : ref u8.t := M.read left_val in
- let* α1 : u8.t := M.read (deref α0) in
- let* α2 : ref u8.t := M.read right_val in
- let* α3 : u8.t := M.read (deref α2) in
- let* α4 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc (UnOp.not (BinOp.Pure.eq α1 α3)) in
- let* α5 : bool.t := M.read (use α4) in
- if α5 then
- let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
- M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
- let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
- let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
- let* α1 : ref u8.t := M.read left_val in
- let* α2 : ref u8.t := M.read right_val in
- let* α3 : never.t :=
- M.call
- (core.panicking.assert_failed
- α0
- α1
- α2
- core.option.Option.None) in
- M.alloc α3 in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- else
- M.alloc tt
- end in
+ let* α3 : M.Val ((ref u8.t) * (ref u8.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α1, borrow α2) in
+ match_operator
+ α3
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_, _) =>
+ let γ0 := Tuple.Access.left γ in
+ let γ1 := Tuple.Access.right γ in
+ let* left_val := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* right_val := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* α0 : ref u8.t := M.read left_val in
+ let* α1 : u8.t := M.read (deref α0) in
+ let* α2 : ref u8.t := M.read right_val in
+ let* α3 : u8.t := M.read (deref α2) in
+ let* α4 : M.Val bool.t :=
+ M.alloc (UnOp.not (BinOp.Pure.eq α1 α3)) in
+ let* α5 : bool.t := M.read (use α4) in
+ if α5 then
+ let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
+ M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
+ let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
+ let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
+ let* α1 : ref u8.t := M.read left_val in
+ let* α2 : ref u8.t := M.read right_val in
+ let* α3 : never.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.panicking.assert_failed
+ α0
+ α1
+ α2
+ core.option.Option.None) in
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ else
+ M.alloc tt
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
M.read self.["value"].
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_unwrap :
@@ -3486,7 +3556,7 @@ Section Impl_subtle_ConstantTimeGreater_for_u8_t.
M.alloc α3 in
let* pow : M.Val i32.t := M.alloc (Integer.of_Z 1) in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- loop
+ M.loop
(let* α0 : i32.t := M.read pow in
let* α1 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc (BinOp.Pure.lt α0 (Integer.of_Z 8)) in
let* α2 : bool.t := M.read (use α1) in
@@ -3507,7 +3577,7 @@ Section Impl_subtle_ConstantTimeGreater_for_u8_t.
M.alloc tt
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : M.Val never.t := Break in
+ let* α0 : M.Val never.t := M.break in
let* α1 := M.read α0 in
let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
M.alloc α2 in
@@ -3521,7 +3591,7 @@ Section Impl_subtle_ConstantTimeGreater_for_u8_t.
M.alloc (BinOp.Pure.bit_and α0 (UnOp.not α1)) in
let* pow : M.Val i32.t := M.alloc (Integer.of_Z 1) in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- loop
+ M.loop
(let* α0 : i32.t := M.read pow in
let* α1 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc (BinOp.Pure.lt α0 (Integer.of_Z 8)) in
let* α2 : bool.t := M.read (use α1) in
@@ -3542,7 +3612,7 @@ Section Impl_subtle_ConstantTimeGreater_for_u8_t.
M.alloc tt
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : M.Val never.t := Break in
+ let* α0 : M.Val never.t := M.break in
let* α1 := M.read α0 in
let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
M.alloc α2 in
@@ -3635,7 +3705,7 @@ Section Impl_subtle_ConstantTimeGreater_for_u16_t.
M.alloc α3 in
let* pow : M.Val i32.t := M.alloc (Integer.of_Z 1) in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- loop
+ M.loop
(let* α0 : i32.t := M.read pow in
let* α1 : M.Val bool.t :=
M.alloc (BinOp.Pure.lt α0 (Integer.of_Z 16)) in
@@ -3657,7 +3727,7 @@ Section Impl_subtle_ConstantTimeGreater_for_u16_t.
M.alloc tt
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : M.Val never.t := Break in
+ let* α0 : M.Val never.t := M.break in
let* α1 := M.read α0 in
let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
M.alloc α2 in
@@ -3671,7 +3741,7 @@ Section Impl_subtle_ConstantTimeGreater_for_u16_t.
M.alloc (BinOp.Pure.bit_and α0 (UnOp.not α1)) in
let* pow : M.Val i32.t := M.alloc (Integer.of_Z 1) in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- loop
+ M.loop
(let* α0 : i32.t := M.read pow in
let* α1 : M.Val bool.t :=
M.alloc (BinOp.Pure.lt α0 (Integer.of_Z 16)) in
@@ -3693,7 +3763,7 @@ Section Impl_subtle_ConstantTimeGreater_for_u16_t.
M.alloc tt
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : M.Val never.t := Break in
+ let* α0 : M.Val never.t := M.break in
let* α1 := M.read α0 in
let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
M.alloc α2 in
@@ -3785,7 +3855,7 @@ Section Impl_subtle_ConstantTimeGreater_for_u32_t.
M.alloc α3 in
let* pow : M.Val i32.t := M.alloc (Integer.of_Z 1) in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- loop
+ M.loop
(let* α0 : i32.t := M.read pow in
let* α1 : M.Val bool.t :=
M.alloc (BinOp.Pure.lt α0 (Integer.of_Z 32)) in
@@ -3807,7 +3877,7 @@ Section Impl_subtle_ConstantTimeGreater_for_u32_t.
M.alloc tt
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : M.Val never.t := Break in
+ let* α0 : M.Val never.t := M.break in
let* α1 := M.read α0 in
let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
M.alloc α2 in
@@ -3821,7 +3891,7 @@ Section Impl_subtle_ConstantTimeGreater_for_u32_t.
M.alloc (BinOp.Pure.bit_and α0 (UnOp.not α1)) in
let* pow : M.Val i32.t := M.alloc (Integer.of_Z 1) in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- loop
+ M.loop
(let* α0 : i32.t := M.read pow in
let* α1 : M.Val bool.t :=
M.alloc (BinOp.Pure.lt α0 (Integer.of_Z 32)) in
@@ -3843,7 +3913,7 @@ Section Impl_subtle_ConstantTimeGreater_for_u32_t.
M.alloc tt
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : M.Val never.t := Break in
+ let* α0 : M.Val never.t := M.break in
let* α1 := M.read α0 in
let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
M.alloc α2 in
@@ -3935,7 +4005,7 @@ Section Impl_subtle_ConstantTimeGreater_for_u64_t.
M.alloc α3 in
let* pow : M.Val i32.t := M.alloc (Integer.of_Z 1) in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- loop
+ M.loop
(let* α0 : i32.t := M.read pow in
let* α1 : M.Val bool.t :=
M.alloc (BinOp.Pure.lt α0 (Integer.of_Z 64)) in
@@ -3957,7 +4027,7 @@ Section Impl_subtle_ConstantTimeGreater_for_u64_t.
M.alloc tt
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : M.Val never.t := Break in
+ let* α0 : M.Val never.t := M.break in
let* α1 := M.read α0 in
let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
M.alloc α2 in
@@ -3971,7 +4041,7 @@ Section Impl_subtle_ConstantTimeGreater_for_u64_t.
M.alloc (BinOp.Pure.bit_and α0 (UnOp.not α1)) in
let* pow : M.Val i32.t := M.alloc (Integer.of_Z 1) in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- loop
+ M.loop
(let* α0 : i32.t := M.read pow in
let* α1 : M.Val bool.t :=
M.alloc (BinOp.Pure.lt α0 (Integer.of_Z 64)) in
@@ -3993,7 +4063,7 @@ Section Impl_subtle_ConstantTimeGreater_for_u64_t.
M.alloc tt
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : M.Val never.t := Break in
+ let* α0 : M.Val never.t := M.break in
let* α1 := M.read α0 in
let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
M.alloc α2 in
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/testing/unit_testing.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/testing/unit_testing.v
index 86c861132..2af01571e 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/testing/unit_testing.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/testing/unit_testing.v
@@ -38,38 +38,50 @@ Module tests.
M.call (unit_testing.add (Integer.of_Z 1) (Integer.of_Z 2)) in
let* α1 : M.Val i32.t := M.alloc α0 in
let* α2 : M.Val i32.t := M.alloc (Integer.of_Z 3) in
- match (borrow α1, borrow α2) with
- | (left_val, right_val) =>
- let* left_val := M.alloc left_val in
- let* right_val := M.alloc right_val in
- let* α0 : ref i32.t := M.read left_val in
- let* α1 : i32.t := M.read (deref α0) in
- let* α2 : ref i32.t := M.read right_val in
- let* α3 : i32.t := M.read (deref α2) in
- let* α4 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc (UnOp.not (BinOp.Pure.eq α1 α3)) in
- let* α5 : bool.t := M.read (use α4) in
- if α5 then
- let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
- M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
- let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
- let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
- let* α1 : ref i32.t := M.read left_val in
- let* α2 : ref i32.t := M.read right_val in
- let* α3 : never.t :=
- M.call
- (core.panicking.assert_failed
- α0
- α1
- α2
- core.option.Option.None) in
- M.alloc α3 in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- else
- M.alloc tt
- end in
+ let* α3 : M.Val ((ref i32.t) * (ref i32.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α1, borrow α2) in
+ match_operator
+ α3
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_, _) =>
+ let γ0 := Tuple.Access.left γ in
+ let γ1 := Tuple.Access.right γ in
+ let* left_val := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* right_val := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* α0 : ref i32.t := M.read left_val in
+ let* α1 : i32.t := M.read (deref α0) in
+ let* α2 : ref i32.t := M.read right_val in
+ let* α3 : i32.t := M.read (deref α2) in
+ let* α4 : M.Val bool.t :=
+ M.alloc (UnOp.not (BinOp.Pure.eq α1 α3)) in
+ let* α5 : bool.t := M.read (use α4) in
+ if α5 then
+ let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
+ M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
+ let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
+ let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
+ let* α1 : ref i32.t := M.read left_val in
+ let* α2 : ref i32.t := M.read right_val in
+ let* α3 : never.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.panicking.assert_failed
+ α0
+ α1
+ α2
+ core.option.Option.None) in
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ else
+ M.alloc tt
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
M.read α0.
@@ -86,38 +98,50 @@ Module tests.
M.call (unit_testing.bad_add (Integer.of_Z 1) (Integer.of_Z 2)) in
let* α1 : M.Val i32.t := M.alloc α0 in
let* α2 : M.Val i32.t := M.alloc (Integer.of_Z 3) in
- match (borrow α1, borrow α2) with
- | (left_val, right_val) =>
- let* left_val := M.alloc left_val in
- let* right_val := M.alloc right_val in
- let* α0 : ref i32.t := M.read left_val in
- let* α1 : i32.t := M.read (deref α0) in
- let* α2 : ref i32.t := M.read right_val in
- let* α3 : i32.t := M.read (deref α2) in
- let* α4 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc (UnOp.not (BinOp.Pure.eq α1 α3)) in
- let* α5 : bool.t := M.read (use α4) in
- if α5 then
- let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
- M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
- let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
- let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
- let* α1 : ref i32.t := M.read left_val in
- let* α2 : ref i32.t := M.read right_val in
- let* α3 : never.t :=
- M.call
- (core.panicking.assert_failed
- α0
- α1
- α2
- core.option.Option.None) in
- M.alloc α3 in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- else
- M.alloc tt
- end in
+ let* α3 : M.Val ((ref i32.t) * (ref i32.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α1, borrow α2) in
+ match_operator
+ α3
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_, _) =>
+ let γ0 := Tuple.Access.left γ in
+ let γ1 := Tuple.Access.right γ in
+ let* left_val := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* right_val := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* α0 : ref i32.t := M.read left_val in
+ let* α1 : i32.t := M.read (deref α0) in
+ let* α2 : ref i32.t := M.read right_val in
+ let* α3 : i32.t := M.read (deref α2) in
+ let* α4 : M.Val bool.t :=
+ M.alloc (UnOp.not (BinOp.Pure.eq α1 α3)) in
+ let* α5 : bool.t := M.read (use α4) in
+ if α5 then
+ let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
+ M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
+ let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
+ let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
+ let* α1 : ref i32.t := M.read left_val in
+ let* α2 : ref i32.t := M.read right_val in
+ let* α3 : never.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.panicking.assert_failed
+ α0
+ α1
+ α2
+ core.option.Option.None) in
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ else
+ M.alloc tt
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
M.read α0.
End tests.
@@ -133,34 +157,50 @@ Definition test_add : M unit :=
M.call (unit_testing.add (Integer.of_Z 1) (Integer.of_Z 2)) in
let* α1 : M.Val i32.t := M.alloc α0 in
let* α2 : M.Val i32.t := M.alloc (Integer.of_Z 3) in
- match (borrow α1, borrow α2) with
- | (left_val, right_val) =>
- let* left_val := M.alloc left_val in
- let* right_val := M.alloc right_val in
- let* α0 : ref i32.t := M.read left_val in
- let* α1 : i32.t := M.read (deref α0) in
- let* α2 : ref i32.t := M.read right_val in
- let* α3 : i32.t := M.read (deref α2) in
- let* α4 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc (UnOp.not (BinOp.Pure.eq α1 α3)) in
- let* α5 : bool.t := M.read (use α4) in
- if α5 then
- let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
- M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
- let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
- let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
- let* α1 : ref i32.t := M.read left_val in
- let* α2 : ref i32.t := M.read right_val in
- let* α3 : never.t :=
- M.call
- (core.panicking.assert_failed α0 α1 α2 core.option.Option.None) in
- M.alloc α3 in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- else
- M.alloc tt
- end in
+ let* α3 : M.Val ((ref i32.t) * (ref i32.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α1, borrow α2) in
+ match_operator
+ α3
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_, _) =>
+ let γ0 := Tuple.Access.left γ in
+ let γ1 := Tuple.Access.right γ in
+ let* left_val := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* right_val := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* α0 : ref i32.t := M.read left_val in
+ let* α1 : i32.t := M.read (deref α0) in
+ let* α2 : ref i32.t := M.read right_val in
+ let* α3 : i32.t := M.read (deref α2) in
+ let* α4 : M.Val bool.t :=
+ M.alloc (UnOp.not (BinOp.Pure.eq α1 α3)) in
+ let* α5 : bool.t := M.read (use α4) in
+ if α5 then
+ let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
+ M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
+ let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
+ let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
+ let* α1 : ref i32.t := M.read left_val in
+ let* α2 : ref i32.t := M.read right_val in
+ let* α3 : never.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.panicking.assert_failed
+ α0
+ α1
+ α2
+ core.option.Option.None) in
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ else
+ M.alloc tt
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
M.read α0.
@@ -177,33 +217,49 @@ Definition test_bad_add : M unit :=
M.call (unit_testing.bad_add (Integer.of_Z 1) (Integer.of_Z 2)) in
let* α1 : M.Val i32.t := M.alloc α0 in
let* α2 : M.Val i32.t := M.alloc (Integer.of_Z 3) in
- match (borrow α1, borrow α2) with
- | (left_val, right_val) =>
- let* left_val := M.alloc left_val in
- let* right_val := M.alloc right_val in
- let* α0 : ref i32.t := M.read left_val in
- let* α1 : i32.t := M.read (deref α0) in
- let* α2 : ref i32.t := M.read right_val in
- let* α3 : i32.t := M.read (deref α2) in
- let* α4 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc (UnOp.not (BinOp.Pure.eq α1 α3)) in
- let* α5 : bool.t := M.read (use α4) in
- if α5 then
- let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
- M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
- let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
- let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
- let* α1 : ref i32.t := M.read left_val in
- let* α2 : ref i32.t := M.read right_val in
- let* α3 : never.t :=
- M.call
- (core.panicking.assert_failed α0 α1 α2 core.option.Option.None) in
- M.alloc α3 in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- else
- M.alloc tt
- end in
+ let* α3 : M.Val ((ref i32.t) * (ref i32.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α1, borrow α2) in
+ match_operator
+ α3
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_, _) =>
+ let γ0 := Tuple.Access.left γ in
+ let γ1 := Tuple.Access.right γ in
+ let* left_val := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* right_val := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* α0 : ref i32.t := M.read left_val in
+ let* α1 : i32.t := M.read (deref α0) in
+ let* α2 : ref i32.t := M.read right_val in
+ let* α3 : i32.t := M.read (deref α2) in
+ let* α4 : M.Val bool.t :=
+ M.alloc (UnOp.not (BinOp.Pure.eq α1 α3)) in
+ let* α5 : bool.t := M.read (use α4) in
+ if α5 then
+ let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
+ M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
+ let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
+ let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
+ let* α1 : ref i32.t := M.read left_val in
+ let* α2 : ref i32.t := M.read right_val in
+ let* α3 : never.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.panicking.assert_failed
+ α0
+ α1
+ α2
+ core.option.Option.None) in
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ else
+ M.alloc tt
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
M.read α0.
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/traits/derive.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/traits/derive.v
index 2e1207786..fdbfef5ce 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/traits/derive.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/traits/derive.v
@@ -151,14 +151,27 @@ Section Impl_derive_Inches_t.
Definition to_centimeters (self : ref Self) : M derive.Centimeters.t :=
let* self := M.alloc self in
- let* 'derive.Inches.Build_t inches : ref derive.Inches.t := M.read self in
- let* inches := M.alloc inches in
- let* α0 : i32.t := M.read inches in
- let* α1 : f64.t := cast α0 in
- let* α2 : f64.t := M.read UnsupportedLiteral in
- let* α3 : f64.t := BinOp.Panic.mul α1 α2 in
let* α0 : M.Val derive.Centimeters.t :=
- M.alloc (derive.Centimeters.Build_t α3) in
+ match_operator
+ self
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* γ :=
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ M.pure (deref α0) in
+ let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | derive.Inches.Build_t _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Inches.0"] in
+ let* inches := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* α0 : i32.t := M.read inches in
+ let* α1 : f64.t := cast α0 in
+ let* α2 : f64.t := M.read UnsupportedLiteral in
+ let* α3 : f64.t := BinOp.Panic.mul α1 α2 in
+ M.alloc (derive.Centimeters.Build_t α3)
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val derive.Centimeters.t)
+ ] in
M.read α0.
Global Instance AssociatedFunction_to_centimeters :
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/traits/disambiguating_overlapping_traits.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/traits/disambiguating_overlapping_traits.v
index 08b5ecedc..20b2b752a 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/traits/disambiguating_overlapping_traits.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/traits/disambiguating_overlapping_traits.v
@@ -149,39 +149,55 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
α0) in
let* α2 : M.Val alloc.string.String.t := M.alloc α1 in
- match (borrow α2, borrow username) with
- | (left_val, right_val) =>
- let* left_val := M.alloc left_val in
- let* right_val := M.alloc right_val in
- let* α0 : ref alloc.string.String.t := M.read left_val in
- let* α1 : ref alloc.string.String.t := M.read right_val in
- let* α2 : bool.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.cmp.PartialEq.eq
- (Self := alloc.string.String.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0
- α1) in
- let* α3 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc (UnOp.not α2) in
- let* α4 : bool.t := M.read (use α3) in
- if α4 then
- let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
- M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
- let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
- let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
- let* α1 : ref alloc.string.String.t := M.read left_val in
- let* α2 : ref alloc.string.String.t := M.read right_val in
- let* α3 : never.t :=
- M.call
- (core.panicking.assert_failed α0 α1 α2 core.option.Option.None) in
- M.alloc α3 in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- else
- M.alloc tt
- end in
+ let* α3 :
+ M.Val ((ref alloc.string.String.t) * (ref alloc.string.String.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2, borrow username) in
+ match_operator
+ α3
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_, _) =>
+ let γ0 := Tuple.Access.left γ in
+ let γ1 := Tuple.Access.right γ in
+ let* left_val := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* right_val := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* α0 : ref alloc.string.String.t := M.read left_val in
+ let* α1 : ref alloc.string.String.t := M.read right_val in
+ let* α2 : bool.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.cmp.PartialEq.eq
+ (Self := alloc.string.String.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0
+ α1) in
+ let* α3 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc (UnOp.not α2) in
+ let* α4 : bool.t := M.read (use α3) in
+ if α4 then
+ let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
+ M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
+ let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
+ let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
+ let* α1 : ref alloc.string.String.t := M.read left_val in
+ let* α2 : ref alloc.string.String.t := M.read right_val in
+ let* α3 : never.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.panicking.assert_failed
+ α0
+ α1
+ α2
+ core.option.Option.None) in
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ else
+ M.alloc tt
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
let* age : M.Val u8.t :=
let* α0 : u8.t :=
@@ -192,33 +208,49 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
M.alloc α0 in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* α0 : M.Val u8.t := M.alloc (Integer.of_Z 28) in
- match (borrow α0, borrow age) with
- | (left_val, right_val) =>
- let* left_val := M.alloc left_val in
- let* right_val := M.alloc right_val in
- let* α0 : ref u8.t := M.read left_val in
- let* α1 : u8.t := M.read (deref α0) in
- let* α2 : ref u8.t := M.read right_val in
- let* α3 : u8.t := M.read (deref α2) in
- let* α4 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc (UnOp.not (BinOp.Pure.eq α1 α3)) in
- let* α5 : bool.t := M.read (use α4) in
- if α5 then
- let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
- M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
- let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
- let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
- let* α1 : ref u8.t := M.read left_val in
- let* α2 : ref u8.t := M.read right_val in
- let* α3 : never.t :=
- M.call
- (core.panicking.assert_failed α0 α1 α2 core.option.Option.None) in
- M.alloc α3 in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- else
- M.alloc tt
- end in
+ let* α1 : M.Val ((ref u8.t) * (ref u8.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α0, borrow age) in
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_, _) =>
+ let γ0 := Tuple.Access.left γ in
+ let γ1 := Tuple.Access.right γ in
+ let* left_val := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* right_val := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* α0 : ref u8.t := M.read left_val in
+ let* α1 : u8.t := M.read (deref α0) in
+ let* α2 : ref u8.t := M.read right_val in
+ let* α3 : u8.t := M.read (deref α2) in
+ let* α4 : M.Val bool.t :=
+ M.alloc (UnOp.not (BinOp.Pure.eq α1 α3)) in
+ let* α5 : bool.t := M.read (use α4) in
+ if α5 then
+ let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
+ M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
+ let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
+ let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
+ let* α1 : ref u8.t := M.read left_val in
+ let* α2 : ref u8.t := M.read right_val in
+ let* α3 : never.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.panicking.assert_failed
+ α0
+ α1
+ α2
+ core.option.Option.None) in
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ else
+ M.alloc tt
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
M.read α0.
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/traits/impl_trait_as_return_type.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/traits/impl_trait_as_return_type.v
index 098903110..817e41aaf 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/traits/impl_trait_as_return_type.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/traits/impl_trait_as_return_type.v
@@ -154,39 +154,59 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
(borrow_mut v3)) in
let* α2 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t i32.t) := M.alloc α1 in
- match (borrow α0, borrow α2) with
- | (left_val, right_val) =>
- let* left_val := M.alloc left_val in
- let* right_val := M.alloc right_val in
- let* α0 : ref (core.option.Option.t i32.t) := M.read left_val in
- let* α1 : ref (core.option.Option.t i32.t) := M.read right_val in
- let* α2 : bool.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.cmp.PartialEq.eq
- (Self := core.option.Option.t i32.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0
- α1) in
- let* α3 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc (UnOp.not α2) in
- let* α4 : bool.t := M.read (use α3) in
- if α4 then
- let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
- M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
- let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
- let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
- let* α1 : ref (core.option.Option.t i32.t) := M.read left_val in
- let* α2 : ref (core.option.Option.t i32.t) := M.read right_val in
- let* α3 : never.t :=
- M.call
- (core.panicking.assert_failed α0 α1 α2 core.option.Option.None) in
- M.alloc α3 in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- else
- M.alloc tt
- end in
+ let* α3 :
+ M.Val
+ ((ref (core.option.Option.t i32.t))
+ *
+ (ref (core.option.Option.t i32.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α0, borrow α2) in
+ match_operator
+ α3
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_, _) =>
+ let γ0 := Tuple.Access.left γ in
+ let γ1 := Tuple.Access.right γ in
+ let* left_val := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* right_val := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* α0 : ref (core.option.Option.t i32.t) := M.read left_val in
+ let* α1 : ref (core.option.Option.t i32.t) := M.read right_val in
+ let* α2 : bool.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.cmp.PartialEq.eq
+ (Self := core.option.Option.t i32.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0
+ α1) in
+ let* α3 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc (UnOp.not α2) in
+ let* α4 : bool.t := M.read (use α3) in
+ if α4 then
+ let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
+ M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
+ let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
+ let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
+ let* α1 : ref (core.option.Option.t i32.t) := M.read left_val in
+ let* α2 : ref (core.option.Option.t i32.t) :=
+ M.read right_val in
+ let* α3 : never.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.panicking.assert_failed
+ α0
+ α1
+ α2
+ core.option.Option.None) in
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ else
+ M.alloc tt
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* α0 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t i32.t) :=
M.alloc (core.option.Option.Some (Integer.of_Z 2)) in
@@ -197,39 +217,59 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
(borrow_mut v3)) in
let* α2 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t i32.t) := M.alloc α1 in
- match (borrow α0, borrow α2) with
- | (left_val, right_val) =>
- let* left_val := M.alloc left_val in
- let* right_val := M.alloc right_val in
- let* α0 : ref (core.option.Option.t i32.t) := M.read left_val in
- let* α1 : ref (core.option.Option.t i32.t) := M.read right_val in
- let* α2 : bool.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.cmp.PartialEq.eq
- (Self := core.option.Option.t i32.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0
- α1) in
- let* α3 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc (UnOp.not α2) in
- let* α4 : bool.t := M.read (use α3) in
- if α4 then
- let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
- M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
- let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
- let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
- let* α1 : ref (core.option.Option.t i32.t) := M.read left_val in
- let* α2 : ref (core.option.Option.t i32.t) := M.read right_val in
- let* α3 : never.t :=
- M.call
- (core.panicking.assert_failed α0 α1 α2 core.option.Option.None) in
- M.alloc α3 in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- else
- M.alloc tt
- end in
+ let* α3 :
+ M.Val
+ ((ref (core.option.Option.t i32.t))
+ *
+ (ref (core.option.Option.t i32.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α0, borrow α2) in
+ match_operator
+ α3
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_, _) =>
+ let γ0 := Tuple.Access.left γ in
+ let γ1 := Tuple.Access.right γ in
+ let* left_val := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* right_val := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* α0 : ref (core.option.Option.t i32.t) := M.read left_val in
+ let* α1 : ref (core.option.Option.t i32.t) := M.read right_val in
+ let* α2 : bool.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.cmp.PartialEq.eq
+ (Self := core.option.Option.t i32.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0
+ α1) in
+ let* α3 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc (UnOp.not α2) in
+ let* α4 : bool.t := M.read (use α3) in
+ if α4 then
+ let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
+ M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
+ let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
+ let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
+ let* α1 : ref (core.option.Option.t i32.t) := M.read left_val in
+ let* α2 : ref (core.option.Option.t i32.t) :=
+ M.read right_val in
+ let* α3 : never.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.panicking.assert_failed
+ α0
+ α1
+ α2
+ core.option.Option.None) in
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ else
+ M.alloc tt
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* α0 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t i32.t) :=
M.alloc (core.option.Option.Some (Integer.of_Z 3)) in
@@ -240,39 +280,59 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
(borrow_mut v3)) in
let* α2 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t i32.t) := M.alloc α1 in
- match (borrow α0, borrow α2) with
- | (left_val, right_val) =>
- let* left_val := M.alloc left_val in
- let* right_val := M.alloc right_val in
- let* α0 : ref (core.option.Option.t i32.t) := M.read left_val in
- let* α1 : ref (core.option.Option.t i32.t) := M.read right_val in
- let* α2 : bool.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.cmp.PartialEq.eq
- (Self := core.option.Option.t i32.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0
- α1) in
- let* α3 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc (UnOp.not α2) in
- let* α4 : bool.t := M.read (use α3) in
- if α4 then
- let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
- M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
- let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
- let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
- let* α1 : ref (core.option.Option.t i32.t) := M.read left_val in
- let* α2 : ref (core.option.Option.t i32.t) := M.read right_val in
- let* α3 : never.t :=
- M.call
- (core.panicking.assert_failed α0 α1 α2 core.option.Option.None) in
- M.alloc α3 in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- else
- M.alloc tt
- end in
+ let* α3 :
+ M.Val
+ ((ref (core.option.Option.t i32.t))
+ *
+ (ref (core.option.Option.t i32.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α0, borrow α2) in
+ match_operator
+ α3
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_, _) =>
+ let γ0 := Tuple.Access.left γ in
+ let γ1 := Tuple.Access.right γ in
+ let* left_val := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* right_val := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* α0 : ref (core.option.Option.t i32.t) := M.read left_val in
+ let* α1 : ref (core.option.Option.t i32.t) := M.read right_val in
+ let* α2 : bool.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.cmp.PartialEq.eq
+ (Self := core.option.Option.t i32.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0
+ α1) in
+ let* α3 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc (UnOp.not α2) in
+ let* α4 : bool.t := M.read (use α3) in
+ if α4 then
+ let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
+ M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
+ let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
+ let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
+ let* α1 : ref (core.option.Option.t i32.t) := M.read left_val in
+ let* α2 : ref (core.option.Option.t i32.t) :=
+ M.read right_val in
+ let* α3 : never.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.panicking.assert_failed
+ α0
+ α1
+ α2
+ core.option.Option.None) in
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ else
+ M.alloc tt
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* α0 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t i32.t) :=
M.alloc (core.option.Option.Some (Integer.of_Z 4)) in
@@ -283,39 +343,59 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
(borrow_mut v3)) in
let* α2 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t i32.t) := M.alloc α1 in
- match (borrow α0, borrow α2) with
- | (left_val, right_val) =>
- let* left_val := M.alloc left_val in
- let* right_val := M.alloc right_val in
- let* α0 : ref (core.option.Option.t i32.t) := M.read left_val in
- let* α1 : ref (core.option.Option.t i32.t) := M.read right_val in
- let* α2 : bool.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.cmp.PartialEq.eq
- (Self := core.option.Option.t i32.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0
- α1) in
- let* α3 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc (UnOp.not α2) in
- let* α4 : bool.t := M.read (use α3) in
- if α4 then
- let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
- M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
- let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
- let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
- let* α1 : ref (core.option.Option.t i32.t) := M.read left_val in
- let* α2 : ref (core.option.Option.t i32.t) := M.read right_val in
- let* α3 : never.t :=
- M.call
- (core.panicking.assert_failed α0 α1 α2 core.option.Option.None) in
- M.alloc α3 in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- else
- M.alloc tt
- end in
+ let* α3 :
+ M.Val
+ ((ref (core.option.Option.t i32.t))
+ *
+ (ref (core.option.Option.t i32.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α0, borrow α2) in
+ match_operator
+ α3
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_, _) =>
+ let γ0 := Tuple.Access.left γ in
+ let γ1 := Tuple.Access.right γ in
+ let* left_val := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* right_val := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* α0 : ref (core.option.Option.t i32.t) := M.read left_val in
+ let* α1 : ref (core.option.Option.t i32.t) := M.read right_val in
+ let* α2 : bool.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.cmp.PartialEq.eq
+ (Self := core.option.Option.t i32.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0
+ α1) in
+ let* α3 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc (UnOp.not α2) in
+ let* α4 : bool.t := M.read (use α3) in
+ if α4 then
+ let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
+ M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
+ let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
+ let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
+ let* α1 : ref (core.option.Option.t i32.t) := M.read left_val in
+ let* α2 : ref (core.option.Option.t i32.t) :=
+ M.read right_val in
+ let* α3 : never.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.panicking.assert_failed
+ α0
+ α1
+ α2
+ core.option.Option.None) in
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ else
+ M.alloc tt
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* α0 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t i32.t) :=
M.alloc (core.option.Option.Some (Integer.of_Z 5)) in
@@ -326,39 +406,59 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
(borrow_mut v3)) in
let* α2 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t i32.t) := M.alloc α1 in
- match (borrow α0, borrow α2) with
- | (left_val, right_val) =>
- let* left_val := M.alloc left_val in
- let* right_val := M.alloc right_val in
- let* α0 : ref (core.option.Option.t i32.t) := M.read left_val in
- let* α1 : ref (core.option.Option.t i32.t) := M.read right_val in
- let* α2 : bool.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.cmp.PartialEq.eq
- (Self := core.option.Option.t i32.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0
- α1) in
- let* α3 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc (UnOp.not α2) in
- let* α4 : bool.t := M.read (use α3) in
- if α4 then
- let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
- M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
- let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
- let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
- let* α1 : ref (core.option.Option.t i32.t) := M.read left_val in
- let* α2 : ref (core.option.Option.t i32.t) := M.read right_val in
- let* α3 : never.t :=
- M.call
- (core.panicking.assert_failed α0 α1 α2 core.option.Option.None) in
- M.alloc α3 in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- else
- M.alloc tt
- end in
+ let* α3 :
+ M.Val
+ ((ref (core.option.Option.t i32.t))
+ *
+ (ref (core.option.Option.t i32.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α0, borrow α2) in
+ match_operator
+ α3
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_, _) =>
+ let γ0 := Tuple.Access.left γ in
+ let γ1 := Tuple.Access.right γ in
+ let* left_val := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* right_val := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* α0 : ref (core.option.Option.t i32.t) := M.read left_val in
+ let* α1 : ref (core.option.Option.t i32.t) := M.read right_val in
+ let* α2 : bool.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.cmp.PartialEq.eq
+ (Self := core.option.Option.t i32.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0
+ α1) in
+ let* α3 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc (UnOp.not α2) in
+ let* α4 : bool.t := M.read (use α3) in
+ if α4 then
+ let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
+ M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
+ let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
+ let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
+ let* α1 : ref (core.option.Option.t i32.t) := M.read left_val in
+ let* α2 : ref (core.option.Option.t i32.t) :=
+ M.read right_val in
+ let* α3 : never.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.panicking.assert_failed
+ α0
+ α1
+ α2
+ core.option.Option.None) in
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ else
+ M.alloc tt
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "all done
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/traits/iterators.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/traits/iterators.v
index fa0a474e9..0c3d70b21 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/traits/iterators.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/traits/iterators.v
@@ -366,55 +366,79 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
core.ops.range.Range.start := Integer.of_Z 0;
core.ops.range.Range.end_ := Integer.of_Z 3;
|}) in
- let* α1 : M.Val unit :=
- match α0 with
- | iter =>
- let* iter := M.alloc iter in
- loop
- (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : core.option.Option.t i32.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
- (Self := core.ops.range.Range.t i32.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (borrow_mut iter)) in
- match α0 with
- | core.option.Option.None =>
- let* α0 : M.Val never.t := Break in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- | core.option.Option.Some i =>
- let* i := M.alloc i in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "> ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α1 : M.Val (core.ops.range.Range.t i32.t) := M.alloc α0 in
+ let* α2 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* iter := M.copy γ in
+ M.loop
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : core.option.Option.t i32.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
+ (Self := core.ops.range.Range.t i32.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ (borrow_mut iter)) in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t i32.t) := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.None =>
+ let* α0 : M.Val never.t := M.break in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* i := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "> ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call
- (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow i)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
- M.alloc tt)
- end in
- M.pure (use α1) in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"]
+ (borrow i)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 :
+ M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit :=
+ M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.alloc tt)) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.pure (use α2) in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* α0 : ref str.t :=
@@ -445,56 +469,81 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
(Self := core.iter.adapters.take.Take.t iterators.Fibonacci.t)
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
α1) in
- let* α3 : M.Val unit :=
- match α2 with
- | iter =>
- let* iter := M.alloc iter in
- loop
- (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : core.option.Option.t u32.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
- (Self :=
- core.iter.adapters.take.Take.t iterators.Fibonacci.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (borrow_mut iter)) in
- match α0 with
- | core.option.Option.None =>
- let* α0 : M.Val never.t := Break in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- | core.option.Option.Some i =>
- let* i := M.alloc i in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "> ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α3 : M.Val (core.iter.adapters.take.Take.t iterators.Fibonacci.t) :=
+ M.alloc α2 in
+ let* α4 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ α3
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* iter := M.copy γ in
+ M.loop
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : core.option.Option.t u32.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
+ (Self :=
+ core.iter.adapters.take.Take.t iterators.Fibonacci.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ (borrow_mut iter)) in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t u32.t) := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.None =>
+ let* α0 : M.Val never.t := M.break in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* i := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "> ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call
- (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow i)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
- M.alloc tt)
- end in
- M.pure (use α3) in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"]
+ (borrow i)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 :
+ M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit :=
+ M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.alloc tt)) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.pure (use α4) in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* α0 : ref str.t :=
@@ -538,57 +587,86 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
(core.iter.adapters.skip.Skip.t iterators.Fibonacci.t))
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
α2) in
- let* α4 : M.Val unit :=
- match α3 with
- | iter =>
- let* iter := M.alloc iter in
- loop
- (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : core.option.Option.t u32.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
- (Self :=
- core.iter.adapters.take.Take.t
- (core.iter.adapters.skip.Skip.t iterators.Fibonacci.t))
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (borrow_mut iter)) in
- match α0 with
- | core.option.Option.None =>
- let* α0 : M.Val never.t := Break in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- | core.option.Option.Some i =>
- let* i := M.alloc i in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "> ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α4 :
+ M.Val
+ (core.iter.adapters.take.Take.t
+ (core.iter.adapters.skip.Skip.t iterators.Fibonacci.t)) :=
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ let* α5 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ α4
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* iter := M.copy γ in
+ M.loop
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : core.option.Option.t u32.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
+ (Self :=
+ core.iter.adapters.take.Take.t
+ (core.iter.adapters.skip.Skip.t
+ iterators.Fibonacci.t))
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ (borrow_mut iter)) in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t u32.t) := M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.None =>
+ let* α0 : M.Val never.t := M.break in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* i := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "> ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call
- (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow i)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
- M.alloc tt)
- end in
- M.pure (use α4) in
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"]
+ (borrow i)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 :
+ M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit :=
+ M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.alloc tt)) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.pure (use α5) in
let* array : M.Val (array u32.t) :=
[ Integer.of_Z 1; Integer.of_Z 3; Integer.of_Z 3; Integer.of_Z 7 ] in
@@ -624,51 +702,76 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
(Self := core.slice.iter.Iter.t u32.t)
(Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
α2) in
- let* α4 : M.Val unit :=
- match α3 with
- | iter =>
- let* iter := M.alloc iter in
- loop
- (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : core.option.Option.t (ref u32.t) :=
- M.call
- ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
- (Self := core.slice.iter.Iter.t u32.t)
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- (borrow_mut iter)) in
- match α0 with
- | core.option.Option.None =>
- let* α0 : M.Val never.t := Break in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- | core.option.Option.Some i =>
- let* i := M.alloc i in
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* _ : M.Val unit :=
- let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "> ") in
- let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
+ let* α4 : M.Val (core.slice.iter.Iter.t u32.t) := M.alloc α3 in
+ let* α5 : M.Val unit :=
+ match_operator
+ α4
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* iter := M.copy γ in
+ M.loop
+ (let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : core.option.Option.t (ref u32.t) :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.iter.traits.iterator.Iterator.next
+ (Self := core.slice.iter.Iter.t u32.t)
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ (borrow_mut iter)) in
+ let* α1 : M.Val (core.option.Option.t (ref u32.t)) :=
+ M.alloc α0 in
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.None =>
+ let* α0 : M.Val never.t := M.break in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit);
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | core.option.Option.Some _ =>
+ let γ0 := γ.["Some.0"] in
+ let* i := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* _ : M.Val unit :=
+ let* α0 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "> ") in
+ let* α1 : ref str.t := M.read (mk_str "
") in
- let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) := M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
- let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α2) in
- let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
- let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"] (borrow i)) in
- let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.alloc [ α5 ] in
- let* α7 : M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
- M.alloc (borrow α6) in
- let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
- M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
- let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
- M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
- let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
- M.alloc α10 in
- M.alloc tt in
- M.alloc tt
- end in
- M.alloc tt)
- end in
- M.read (use α4).
+ let* α2 : M.Val (array (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.alloc [ α0; α1 ] in
+ let* α3 : M.Val (ref (array (ref str.t))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α2) in
+ let* α4 : ref (slice (ref str.t)) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α3) in
+ let* α5 : core.fmt.rt.Argument.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.fmt.rt.Argument.t::["new_display"]
+ (borrow i)) in
+ let* α6 : M.Val (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.alloc [ α5 ] in
+ let* α7 :
+ M.Val (ref (array core.fmt.rt.Argument.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α6) in
+ let* α8 : ref (slice core.fmt.rt.Argument.t) :=
+ M.read (pointer_coercion "Unsize" α7) in
+ let* α9 : core.fmt.Arguments.t :=
+ M.call (core.fmt.Arguments.t::["new_v1"] α4 α8) in
+ let* α10 : unit := M.call (std.io.stdio._print α9) in
+ M.alloc α10 in
+ M.alloc tt in
+ M.alloc tt
+ | _ => M.break_match
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.alloc tt)) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
+ M.read (use α5).
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/unsafe_operations/calling_unsafe_functions.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/unsafe_operations/calling_unsafe_functions.v
index 6c100307b..b4380d9ab 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/unsafe_operations/calling_unsafe_functions.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/unsafe_operations/calling_unsafe_functions.v
@@ -52,38 +52,53 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
((alloc.vec.Vec.t u32.t alloc.alloc.Global.t)::["as_slice"]
(borrow some_vector)) in
let* α1 : M.Val (ref (slice u32.t)) := M.alloc α0 in
- match (borrow α1, borrow my_slice) with
- | (left_val, right_val) =>
- let* left_val := M.alloc left_val in
- let* right_val := M.alloc right_val in
- let* α0 : ref (ref (slice u32.t)) := M.read left_val in
- let* α1 : ref (ref (slice u32.t)) := M.read right_val in
- let* α2 : bool.t :=
- M.call
- ((core.cmp.PartialEq.eq
- (Self := ref (slice u32.t))
- (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
- α0
- α1) in
- let* α3 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc (UnOp.not α2) in
- let* α4 : bool.t := M.read (use α3) in
- if α4 then
- let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
- M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
- let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
- let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
- let* α1 : ref (ref (slice u32.t)) := M.read left_val in
- let* α2 : ref (ref (slice u32.t)) := M.read right_val in
- let* α3 : never.t :=
- M.call
- (core.panicking.assert_failed α0 α1 α2 core.option.Option.None) in
- M.alloc α3 in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- else
- M.alloc tt
- end in
+ let* α2 : M.Val ((ref (ref (slice u32.t))) * (ref (ref (slice u32.t)))) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow α1, borrow my_slice) in
+ match_operator
+ α2
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_, _) =>
+ let γ0 := Tuple.Access.left γ in
+ let γ1 := Tuple.Access.right γ in
+ let* left_val := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* right_val := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* α0 : ref (ref (slice u32.t)) := M.read left_val in
+ let* α1 : ref (ref (slice u32.t)) := M.read right_val in
+ let* α2 : bool.t :=
+ M.call
+ ((core.cmp.PartialEq.eq
+ (Self := ref (slice u32.t))
+ (Trait := ltac:(refine _)))
+ α0
+ α1) in
+ let* α3 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc (UnOp.not α2) in
+ let* α4 : bool.t := M.read (use α3) in
+ if α4 then
+ let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
+ M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
+ let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
+ let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
+ let* α1 : ref (ref (slice u32.t)) := M.read left_val in
+ let* α2 : ref (ref (slice u32.t)) := M.read right_val in
+ let* α3 : never.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.panicking.assert_failed
+ α0
+ α1
+ α2
+ core.option.Option.None) in
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ else
+ M.alloc tt
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
M.read α0.
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/unsafe_operations/inline_assembly_inlateout_case_implemented.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/unsafe_operations/inline_assembly_inlateout_case_implemented.v
index b594d2c52..8fe8ac985 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/unsafe_operations/inline_assembly_inlateout_case_implemented.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/unsafe_operations/inline_assembly_inlateout_case_implemented.v
@@ -22,33 +22,49 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
M.alloc tt in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* α0 : M.Val u64.t := M.alloc (Integer.of_Z 8) in
- match (borrow a, borrow α0) with
- | (left_val, right_val) =>
- let* left_val := M.alloc left_val in
- let* right_val := M.alloc right_val in
- let* α0 : ref u64.t := M.read left_val in
- let* α1 : u64.t := M.read (deref α0) in
- let* α2 : ref u64.t := M.read right_val in
- let* α3 : u64.t := M.read (deref α2) in
- let* α4 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc (UnOp.not (BinOp.Pure.eq α1 α3)) in
- let* α5 : bool.t := M.read (use α4) in
- if α5 then
- let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
- M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
- let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
- let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
- let* α1 : ref u64.t := M.read left_val in
- let* α2 : ref u64.t := M.read right_val in
- let* α3 : never.t :=
- M.call
- (core.panicking.assert_failed α0 α1 α2 core.option.Option.None) in
- M.alloc α3 in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- else
- M.alloc tt
- end in
+ let* α1 : M.Val ((ref u64.t) * (ref u64.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow a, borrow α0) in
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_, _) =>
+ let γ0 := Tuple.Access.left γ in
+ let γ1 := Tuple.Access.right γ in
+ let* left_val := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* right_val := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* α0 : ref u64.t := M.read left_val in
+ let* α1 : u64.t := M.read (deref α0) in
+ let* α2 : ref u64.t := M.read right_val in
+ let* α3 : u64.t := M.read (deref α2) in
+ let* α4 : M.Val bool.t :=
+ M.alloc (UnOp.not (BinOp.Pure.eq α1 α3)) in
+ let* α5 : bool.t := M.read (use α4) in
+ if α5 then
+ let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
+ M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
+ let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
+ let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
+ let* α1 : ref u64.t := M.read left_val in
+ let* α2 : ref u64.t := M.read right_val in
+ let* α3 : never.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.panicking.assert_failed
+ α0
+ α1
+ α2
+ core.option.Option.None) in
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ else
+ M.alloc tt
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
M.read α0.
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/unsafe_operations/inline_assembly_inlateout_case_non_used.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/unsafe_operations/inline_assembly_inlateout_case_non_used.v
index 0781cb379..2cabfee67 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/unsafe_operations/inline_assembly_inlateout_case_non_used.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/unsafe_operations/inline_assembly_inlateout_case_non_used.v
@@ -30,33 +30,49 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
M.alloc tt in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* α0 : M.Val u64.t := M.alloc (Integer.of_Z 12) in
- match (borrow a, borrow α0) with
- | (left_val, right_val) =>
- let* left_val := M.alloc left_val in
- let* right_val := M.alloc right_val in
- let* α0 : ref u64.t := M.read left_val in
- let* α1 : u64.t := M.read (deref α0) in
- let* α2 : ref u64.t := M.read right_val in
- let* α3 : u64.t := M.read (deref α2) in
- let* α4 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc (UnOp.not (BinOp.Pure.eq α1 α3)) in
- let* α5 : bool.t := M.read (use α4) in
- if α5 then
- let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
- M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
- let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
- let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
- let* α1 : ref u64.t := M.read left_val in
- let* α2 : ref u64.t := M.read right_val in
- let* α3 : never.t :=
- M.call
- (core.panicking.assert_failed α0 α1 α2 core.option.Option.None) in
- M.alloc α3 in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- else
- M.alloc tt
- end in
+ let* α1 : M.Val ((ref u64.t) * (ref u64.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow a, borrow α0) in
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_, _) =>
+ let γ0 := Tuple.Access.left γ in
+ let γ1 := Tuple.Access.right γ in
+ let* left_val := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* right_val := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* α0 : ref u64.t := M.read left_val in
+ let* α1 : u64.t := M.read (deref α0) in
+ let* α2 : ref u64.t := M.read right_val in
+ let* α3 : u64.t := M.read (deref α2) in
+ let* α4 : M.Val bool.t :=
+ M.alloc (UnOp.not (BinOp.Pure.eq α1 α3)) in
+ let* α5 : bool.t := M.read (use α4) in
+ if α5 then
+ let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
+ M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
+ let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
+ let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
+ let* α1 : ref u64.t := M.read left_val in
+ let* α2 : ref u64.t := M.read right_val in
+ let* α3 : never.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.panicking.assert_failed
+ α0
+ α1
+ α2
+ core.option.Option.None) in
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ else
+ M.alloc tt
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
M.read α0.
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/unsafe_operations/inline_assembly_inout.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/unsafe_operations/inline_assembly_inout.v
index fe91c3fd2..4e04a1c4d 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/unsafe_operations/inline_assembly_inout.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/unsafe_operations/inline_assembly_inout.v
@@ -22,33 +22,49 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
M.alloc tt in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* α0 : M.Val u64.t := M.alloc (Integer.of_Z 8) in
- match (borrow y, borrow α0) with
- | (left_val, right_val) =>
- let* left_val := M.alloc left_val in
- let* right_val := M.alloc right_val in
- let* α0 : ref u64.t := M.read left_val in
- let* α1 : u64.t := M.read (deref α0) in
- let* α2 : ref u64.t := M.read right_val in
- let* α3 : u64.t := M.read (deref α2) in
- let* α4 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc (UnOp.not (BinOp.Pure.eq α1 α3)) in
- let* α5 : bool.t := M.read (use α4) in
- if α5 then
- let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
- M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
- let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
- let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
- let* α1 : ref u64.t := M.read left_val in
- let* α2 : ref u64.t := M.read right_val in
- let* α3 : never.t :=
- M.call
- (core.panicking.assert_failed α0 α1 α2 core.option.Option.None) in
- M.alloc α3 in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- else
- M.alloc tt
- end in
+ let* α1 : M.Val ((ref u64.t) * (ref u64.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow y, borrow α0) in
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_, _) =>
+ let γ0 := Tuple.Access.left γ in
+ let γ1 := Tuple.Access.right γ in
+ let* left_val := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* right_val := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* α0 : ref u64.t := M.read left_val in
+ let* α1 : u64.t := M.read (deref α0) in
+ let* α2 : ref u64.t := M.read right_val in
+ let* α3 : u64.t := M.read (deref α2) in
+ let* α4 : M.Val bool.t :=
+ M.alloc (UnOp.not (BinOp.Pure.eq α1 α3)) in
+ let* α5 : bool.t := M.read (use α4) in
+ if α5 then
+ let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
+ M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
+ let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
+ let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
+ let* α1 : ref u64.t := M.read left_val in
+ let* α2 : ref u64.t := M.read right_val in
+ let* α3 : never.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.panicking.assert_failed
+ α0
+ α1
+ α2
+ core.option.Option.None) in
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ else
+ M.alloc tt
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
M.read α0.
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/unsafe_operations/inline_assembly_inputs_and_outputs.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/unsafe_operations/inline_assembly_inputs_and_outputs.v
index 125545c2c..ac95a298a 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/unsafe_operations/inline_assembly_inputs_and_outputs.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/unsafe_operations/inline_assembly_inputs_and_outputs.v
@@ -20,33 +20,49 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
M.alloc tt in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* α0 : M.Val u64.t := M.alloc (Integer.of_Z 5) in
- match (borrow x, borrow α0) with
- | (left_val, right_val) =>
- let* left_val := M.alloc left_val in
- let* right_val := M.alloc right_val in
- let* α0 : ref u64.t := M.read left_val in
- let* α1 : u64.t := M.read (deref α0) in
- let* α2 : ref u64.t := M.read right_val in
- let* α3 : u64.t := M.read (deref α2) in
- let* α4 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc (UnOp.not (BinOp.Pure.eq α1 α3)) in
- let* α5 : bool.t := M.read (use α4) in
- if α5 then
- let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
- M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
- let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
- let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
- let* α1 : ref u64.t := M.read left_val in
- let* α2 : ref u64.t := M.read right_val in
- let* α3 : never.t :=
- M.call
- (core.panicking.assert_failed α0 α1 α2 core.option.Option.None) in
- M.alloc α3 in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- else
- M.alloc tt
- end in
+ let* α1 : M.Val ((ref u64.t) * (ref u64.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow x, borrow α0) in
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_, _) =>
+ let γ0 := Tuple.Access.left γ in
+ let γ1 := Tuple.Access.right γ in
+ let* left_val := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* right_val := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* α0 : ref u64.t := M.read left_val in
+ let* α1 : u64.t := M.read (deref α0) in
+ let* α2 : ref u64.t := M.read right_val in
+ let* α3 : u64.t := M.read (deref α2) in
+ let* α4 : M.Val bool.t :=
+ M.alloc (UnOp.not (BinOp.Pure.eq α1 α3)) in
+ let* α5 : bool.t := M.read (use α4) in
+ if α5 then
+ let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
+ M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
+ let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
+ let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
+ let* α1 : ref u64.t := M.read left_val in
+ let* α2 : ref u64.t := M.read right_val in
+ let* α3 : never.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.panicking.assert_failed
+ α0
+ α1
+ α2
+ core.option.Option.None) in
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ else
+ M.alloc tt
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
M.read α0.
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/unsafe_operations/inline_assembly_inputs_and_outputs_another_example.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/unsafe_operations/inline_assembly_inputs_and_outputs_another_example.v
index ba1c2e900..1cfe6535c 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/unsafe_operations/inline_assembly_inputs_and_outputs_another_example.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/unsafe_operations/inline_assembly_inputs_and_outputs_another_example.v
@@ -27,33 +27,49 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
M.alloc tt in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* α0 : M.Val u64.t := M.alloc (Integer.of_Z 8) in
- match (borrow o, borrow α0) with
- | (left_val, right_val) =>
- let* left_val := M.alloc left_val in
- let* right_val := M.alloc right_val in
- let* α0 : ref u64.t := M.read left_val in
- let* α1 : u64.t := M.read (deref α0) in
- let* α2 : ref u64.t := M.read right_val in
- let* α3 : u64.t := M.read (deref α2) in
- let* α4 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc (UnOp.not (BinOp.Pure.eq α1 α3)) in
- let* α5 : bool.t := M.read (use α4) in
- if α5 then
- let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
- M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
- let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
- let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
- let* α1 : ref u64.t := M.read left_val in
- let* α2 : ref u64.t := M.read right_val in
- let* α3 : never.t :=
- M.call
- (core.panicking.assert_failed α0 α1 α2 core.option.Option.None) in
- M.alloc α3 in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- else
- M.alloc tt
- end in
+ let* α1 : M.Val ((ref u64.t) * (ref u64.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow o, borrow α0) in
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_, _) =>
+ let γ0 := Tuple.Access.left γ in
+ let γ1 := Tuple.Access.right γ in
+ let* left_val := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* right_val := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* α0 : ref u64.t := M.read left_val in
+ let* α1 : u64.t := M.read (deref α0) in
+ let* α2 : ref u64.t := M.read right_val in
+ let* α3 : u64.t := M.read (deref α2) in
+ let* α4 : M.Val bool.t :=
+ M.alloc (UnOp.not (BinOp.Pure.eq α1 α3)) in
+ let* α5 : bool.t := M.read (use α4) in
+ if α5 then
+ let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
+ M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
+ let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
+ let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
+ let* α1 : ref u64.t := M.read left_val in
+ let* α2 : ref u64.t := M.read right_val in
+ let* α3 : never.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.panicking.assert_failed
+ α0
+ α1
+ α2
+ core.option.Option.None) in
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ else
+ M.alloc tt
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
M.read α0.
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/unsafe_operations/inline_assembly_inputs_and_outputs_another_example_without_mov.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/unsafe_operations/inline_assembly_inputs_and_outputs_another_example_without_mov.v
index 0754c590b..7c68d2c82 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/unsafe_operations/inline_assembly_inputs_and_outputs_another_example_without_mov.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/unsafe_operations/inline_assembly_inputs_and_outputs_another_example_without_mov.v
@@ -20,33 +20,49 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
M.alloc tt in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* α0 : M.Val u64.t := M.alloc (Integer.of_Z 8) in
- match (borrow x, borrow α0) with
- | (left_val, right_val) =>
- let* left_val := M.alloc left_val in
- let* right_val := M.alloc right_val in
- let* α0 : ref u64.t := M.read left_val in
- let* α1 : u64.t := M.read (deref α0) in
- let* α2 : ref u64.t := M.read right_val in
- let* α3 : u64.t := M.read (deref α2) in
- let* α4 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc (UnOp.not (BinOp.Pure.eq α1 α3)) in
- let* α5 : bool.t := M.read (use α4) in
- if α5 then
- let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
- M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
- let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
- let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
- let* α1 : ref u64.t := M.read left_val in
- let* α2 : ref u64.t := M.read right_val in
- let* α3 : never.t :=
- M.call
- (core.panicking.assert_failed α0 α1 α2 core.option.Option.None) in
- M.alloc α3 in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- else
- M.alloc tt
- end in
+ let* α1 : M.Val ((ref u64.t) * (ref u64.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow x, borrow α0) in
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_, _) =>
+ let γ0 := Tuple.Access.left γ in
+ let γ1 := Tuple.Access.right γ in
+ let* left_val := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* right_val := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* α0 : ref u64.t := M.read left_val in
+ let* α1 : u64.t := M.read (deref α0) in
+ let* α2 : ref u64.t := M.read right_val in
+ let* α3 : u64.t := M.read (deref α2) in
+ let* α4 : M.Val bool.t :=
+ M.alloc (UnOp.not (BinOp.Pure.eq α1 α3)) in
+ let* α5 : bool.t := M.read (use α4) in
+ if α5 then
+ let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
+ M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
+ let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
+ let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
+ let* α1 : ref u64.t := M.read left_val in
+ let* α2 : ref u64.t := M.read right_val in
+ let* α3 : never.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.panicking.assert_failed
+ α0
+ α1
+ α2
+ core.option.Option.None) in
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ else
+ M.alloc tt
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
M.read α0.
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/unsafe_operations/inline_assembly_labels.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/unsafe_operations/inline_assembly_labels.v
index 5ad6af17a..838fbc317 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/unsafe_operations/inline_assembly_labels.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/unsafe_operations/inline_assembly_labels.v
@@ -30,33 +30,49 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
M.alloc tt in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* α0 : M.Val i32.t := M.alloc (Integer.of_Z 5) in
- match (borrow a, borrow α0) with
- | (left_val, right_val) =>
- let* left_val := M.alloc left_val in
- let* right_val := M.alloc right_val in
- let* α0 : ref i32.t := M.read left_val in
- let* α1 : i32.t := M.read (deref α0) in
- let* α2 : ref i32.t := M.read right_val in
- let* α3 : i32.t := M.read (deref α2) in
- let* α4 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc (UnOp.not (BinOp.Pure.eq α1 α3)) in
- let* α5 : bool.t := M.read (use α4) in
- if α5 then
- let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
- M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
- let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
- let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
- let* α1 : ref i32.t := M.read left_val in
- let* α2 : ref i32.t := M.read right_val in
- let* α3 : never.t :=
- M.call
- (core.panicking.assert_failed α0 α1 α2 core.option.Option.None) in
- M.alloc α3 in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- else
- M.alloc tt
- end in
+ let* α1 : M.Val ((ref i32.t) * (ref i32.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow a, borrow α0) in
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_, _) =>
+ let γ0 := Tuple.Access.left γ in
+ let γ1 := Tuple.Access.right γ in
+ let* left_val := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* right_val := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* α0 : ref i32.t := M.read left_val in
+ let* α1 : i32.t := M.read (deref α0) in
+ let* α2 : ref i32.t := M.read right_val in
+ let* α3 : i32.t := M.read (deref α2) in
+ let* α4 : M.Val bool.t :=
+ M.alloc (UnOp.not (BinOp.Pure.eq α1 α3)) in
+ let* α5 : bool.t := M.read (use α4) in
+ if α5 then
+ let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
+ M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
+ let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
+ let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
+ let* α1 : ref i32.t := M.read left_val in
+ let* α2 : ref i32.t := M.read right_val in
+ let* α3 : never.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.panicking.assert_failed
+ α0
+ α1
+ α2
+ core.option.Option.None) in
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ else
+ M.alloc tt
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
M.read α0.
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/unsafe_operations/inline_assembly_options.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/unsafe_operations/inline_assembly_options.v
index 15ab89f02..3525c1511 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/unsafe_operations/inline_assembly_options.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/unsafe_operations/inline_assembly_options.v
@@ -26,33 +26,49 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
M.alloc tt in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* α0 : M.Val u64.t := M.alloc (Integer.of_Z 8) in
- match (borrow a, borrow α0) with
- | (left_val, right_val) =>
- let* left_val := M.alloc left_val in
- let* right_val := M.alloc right_val in
- let* α0 : ref u64.t := M.read left_val in
- let* α1 : u64.t := M.read (deref α0) in
- let* α2 : ref u64.t := M.read right_val in
- let* α3 : u64.t := M.read (deref α2) in
- let* α4 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc (UnOp.not (BinOp.Pure.eq α1 α3)) in
- let* α5 : bool.t := M.read (use α4) in
- if α5 then
- let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
- M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
- let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
- let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
- let* α1 : ref u64.t := M.read left_val in
- let* α2 : ref u64.t := M.read right_val in
- let* α3 : never.t :=
- M.call
- (core.panicking.assert_failed α0 α1 α2 core.option.Option.None) in
- M.alloc α3 in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- else
- M.alloc tt
- end in
+ let* α1 : M.Val ((ref u64.t) * (ref u64.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow a, borrow α0) in
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_, _) =>
+ let γ0 := Tuple.Access.left γ in
+ let γ1 := Tuple.Access.right γ in
+ let* left_val := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* right_val := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* α0 : ref u64.t := M.read left_val in
+ let* α1 : u64.t := M.read (deref α0) in
+ let* α2 : ref u64.t := M.read right_val in
+ let* α3 : u64.t := M.read (deref α2) in
+ let* α4 : M.Val bool.t :=
+ M.alloc (UnOp.not (BinOp.Pure.eq α1 α3)) in
+ let* α5 : bool.t := M.read (use α4) in
+ if α5 then
+ let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
+ M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
+ let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
+ let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
+ let* α1 : ref u64.t := M.read left_val in
+ let* α2 : ref u64.t := M.read right_val in
+ let* α3 : never.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.panicking.assert_failed
+ α0
+ α1
+ α2
+ core.option.Option.None) in
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ else
+ M.alloc tt
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
M.read α0.
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/unsafe_operations/inline_assembly_register_template_modifiers.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/unsafe_operations/inline_assembly_register_template_modifiers.v
index 43e4e2ad9..99171a663 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/unsafe_operations/inline_assembly_register_template_modifiers.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/unsafe_operations/inline_assembly_register_template_modifiers.v
@@ -22,33 +22,49 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
M.alloc tt in
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* α0 : M.Val u16.t := M.alloc (Integer.of_Z 43947) in
- match (borrow x, borrow α0) with
- | (left_val, right_val) =>
- let* left_val := M.alloc left_val in
- let* right_val := M.alloc right_val in
- let* α0 : ref u16.t := M.read left_val in
- let* α1 : u16.t := M.read (deref α0) in
- let* α2 : ref u16.t := M.read right_val in
- let* α3 : u16.t := M.read (deref α2) in
- let* α4 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc (UnOp.not (BinOp.Pure.eq α1 α3)) in
- let* α5 : bool.t := M.read (use α4) in
- if α5 then
- let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
- M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
- let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
- let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
- let* α1 : ref u16.t := M.read left_val in
- let* α2 : ref u16.t := M.read right_val in
- let* α3 : never.t :=
- M.call
- (core.panicking.assert_failed α0 α1 α2 core.option.Option.None) in
- M.alloc α3 in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- else
- M.alloc tt
- end in
+ let* α1 : M.Val ((ref u16.t) * (ref u16.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow x, borrow α0) in
+ match_operator
+ α1
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_, _) =>
+ let γ0 := Tuple.Access.left γ in
+ let γ1 := Tuple.Access.right γ in
+ let* left_val := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* right_val := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* α0 : ref u16.t := M.read left_val in
+ let* α1 : u16.t := M.read (deref α0) in
+ let* α2 : ref u16.t := M.read right_val in
+ let* α3 : u16.t := M.read (deref α2) in
+ let* α4 : M.Val bool.t :=
+ M.alloc (UnOp.not (BinOp.Pure.eq α1 α3)) in
+ let* α5 : bool.t := M.read (use α4) in
+ if α5 then
+ let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
+ M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
+ let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
+ let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
+ let* α1 : ref u16.t := M.read left_val in
+ let* α2 : ref u16.t := M.read right_val in
+ let* α3 : never.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.panicking.assert_failed
+ α0
+ α1
+ α2
+ core.option.Option.None) in
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ else
+ M.alloc tt
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
M.read α0.
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/unsafe_operations/inline_assembly_scratch_register.v b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/unsafe_operations/inline_assembly_scratch_register.v
index 0dce03188..e66f57706 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/unsafe_operations/inline_assembly_scratch_register.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/examples/default/examples/unsafe_operations/inline_assembly_scratch_register.v
@@ -29,33 +29,49 @@ Definition main : M unit :=
let* _ : M.Val unit :=
let* α0 : u64.t := BinOp.Panic.mul (Integer.of_Z 4) (Integer.of_Z 6) in
let* α1 : M.Val u64.t := M.alloc α0 in
- match (borrow x, borrow α1) with
- | (left_val, right_val) =>
- let* left_val := M.alloc left_val in
- let* right_val := M.alloc right_val in
- let* α0 : ref u64.t := M.read left_val in
- let* α1 : u64.t := M.read (deref α0) in
- let* α2 : ref u64.t := M.read right_val in
- let* α3 : u64.t := M.read (deref α2) in
- let* α4 : M.Val bool.t := M.alloc (UnOp.not (BinOp.Pure.eq α1 α3)) in
- let* α5 : bool.t := M.read (use α4) in
- if α5 then
- let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
- M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
- let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
- let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
- let* α1 : ref u64.t := M.read left_val in
- let* α2 : ref u64.t := M.read right_val in
- let* α3 : never.t :=
- M.call
- (core.panicking.assert_failed α0 α1 α2 core.option.Option.None) in
- M.alloc α3 in
- let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
- let* α1 := M.read α0 in
- let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
- M.alloc α2
- else
- M.alloc tt
- end in
+ let* α2 : M.Val ((ref u64.t) * (ref u64.t)) :=
+ M.alloc (borrow x, borrow α1) in
+ match_operator
+ α2
+ [
+ fun γ =>
+ (let* α0 := M.read γ in
+ match α0 with
+ | (_, _) =>
+ let γ0 := Tuple.Access.left γ in
+ let γ1 := Tuple.Access.right γ in
+ let* left_val := M.copy γ0 in
+ let* right_val := M.copy γ1 in
+ let* α0 : ref u64.t := M.read left_val in
+ let* α1 : u64.t := M.read (deref α0) in
+ let* α2 : ref u64.t := M.read right_val in
+ let* α3 : u64.t := M.read (deref α2) in
+ let* α4 : M.Val bool.t :=
+ M.alloc (UnOp.not (BinOp.Pure.eq α1 α3)) in
+ let* α5 : bool.t := M.read (use α4) in
+ if α5 then
+ let* kind : M.Val core.panicking.AssertKind.t :=
+ M.alloc core.panicking.AssertKind.Eq in
+ let* _ : M.Val never.t :=
+ let* α0 : core.panicking.AssertKind.t := M.read kind in
+ let* α1 : ref u64.t := M.read left_val in
+ let* α2 : ref u64.t := M.read right_val in
+ let* α3 : never.t :=
+ M.call
+ (core.panicking.assert_failed
+ α0
+ α1
+ α2
+ core.option.Option.None) in
+ M.alloc α3 in
+ let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
+ let* α1 := M.read α0 in
+ let* α2 : unit := never_to_any α1 in
+ M.alloc α2
+ else
+ M.alloc tt
+ end) :
+ M (M.Val unit)
+ ] in
let* α0 : M.Val unit := M.alloc tt in
M.read α0.
diff --git a/CoqOfRust/lib/lib.v b/CoqOfRust/lib/lib.v
index 99ded15e6..8885cfeb9 100644
--- a/CoqOfRust/lib/lib.v
+++ b/CoqOfRust/lib/lib.v
@@ -514,3 +514,19 @@ Fixpoint repeat_nat {A : Set} (times : nat) (v : A) : list A :=
(** The repeat operator to create new arrays, like in `[0; 32]`. *)
Definition repeat {A : Set} (v : A) (times : Z) : list A :=
repeat_nat (Z.to_nat times) v.
+Module Tuple.
+ Module Access.
+ Definition left {A1 A0 : Set} :=
+ Ref.map
+ (Big := A1 * A0)
+ (fun '(x1, _) => Some x1)
+ (fun β '(_, x0) => Some (β, x0)).
+ Definition right {A1 A0 : Set} :=
+ Ref.map
+ (Big := A1 * A0)
+ (fun '(_, x0) => Some x0)
+ (fun β '(x1, _) => Some (x1, β)).
+ End Access.
+End Tuple.
diff --git a/lib/src/coq.rs b/lib/src/coq.rs
index 5a31c3154..b2c2bab2c 100644
--- a/lib/src/coq.rs
+++ b/lib/src/coq.rs
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ use crate::render::{
self, concat, curly_brackets, group, hardline, intersperse, line, nest, nil, optional_insert,
optional_insert_vec, optional_insert_with, paren, text, Doc,
+use std::rc::Rc;
/// a list of coq top level items
@@ -129,7 +130,7 @@ pub(crate) enum Expression<'a> {
/// an (curried) application of a function to some arguments
Application {
/// the function that is applied
- func: Box>,
+ func: Rc>,
/// a nonempty list of arguments
/// (we accept many arguments to control their indentation better,
/// the application is curried when it gets printed)
@@ -138,10 +139,10 @@ pub(crate) enum Expression<'a> {
/// a (curried) function
Function {
parameters: Vec>,
- body: Box>,
+ body: Rc>,
Match {
- scrutinee: Box>,
+ scrutinee: Rc>,
arms: Vec<(Expression<'a>, Expression<'a>)>,
/// a (curried) function type
@@ -151,7 +152,7 @@ pub(crate) enum Expression<'a> {
/// the type is curried when it gets printed)
domains: Vec>,
/// the image (range, co-domain) of functions of the type
- image: Box>,
+ image: Rc>,
/// a dependent product of types
/// (like `forall (x : A), B(x)`)
@@ -159,35 +160,35 @@ pub(crate) enum Expression<'a> {
/// a list of arguments of `forall`
args: Vec>,
/// the expression for the resulting type
- image: Box>,
+ image: Rc>,
/// a product of two variables (they can be types or numbers)
Product {
/// left hand side
- lhs: Box>,
+ lhs: Rc>,
/// right hand side
- rhs: Box>,
+ rhs: Rc>,
Record {
fields: Vec>,
RecordField {
- record: Box>,
+ record: Rc>,
field: String,
RecordUpdate {
- record: Box>,
+ record: Rc>,
field: String,
- update: Box>,
+ update: Rc>,
NotationsDot {
- value: Box>,
+ value: Rc>,
field: String,
/// For example ltac:(...) or constr:(...)
ModeWrapper {
mode: String,
- expr: Box>,
+ expr: Rc>,
/// Set constant (the type of our types)
@@ -197,7 +198,7 @@ pub(crate) enum Expression<'a> {
/// a list of arguments of `Sigma`
args: Vec>,
/// the expression for the resulting type
- image: Box>,
+ image: Rc>,
/// a string
@@ -963,7 +964,7 @@ impl<'a> Expression<'a> {
/// apply the expression as a function to one argument
pub(crate) fn apply_arg(&self, name: &Option, arg: &Self) -> Self {
Expression::Application {
- func: Box::new(self.clone()),
+ func: Rc::new(self.clone()),
args: vec![(name.clone(), arg.clone())],
@@ -980,7 +981,7 @@ impl<'a> Expression<'a> {
Expression::Application {
- func: Box::new(self.to_owned()),
+ func: Rc::new(self.to_owned()),
args: args.to_vec(),
@@ -998,14 +999,14 @@ impl<'a> Expression<'a> {
pub(crate) fn arrows_from(&self, domains: &[Self]) -> Self {
Expression::FunctionType {
domains: domains.to_owned(),
- image: Box::new(self.to_owned()),
+ image: Rc::new(self.to_owned()),
pub(crate) fn multiply(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
Expression::Product {
- lhs: Box::new(lhs),
- rhs: Box::new(rhs),
+ lhs: Rc::new(lhs),
+ rhs: Rc::new(rhs),
diff --git a/lib/src/expression.rs b/lib/src/expression.rs
index 7d3396b63..36030a34d 100644
--- a/lib/src/expression.rs
+++ b/lib/src/expression.rs
@@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
-use core::panic;
-use std::rc::Rc;
use crate::env::*;
use crate::path::*;
use crate::pattern::*;
use crate::render::*;
use crate::ty::*;
+use core::panic;
+use std::rc::Rc;
/// Struct [FreshVars] represents a set of fresh variables
@@ -23,10 +22,10 @@ impl FreshVars {
/// Struct [MatchArm] represents a pattern-matching branch: [pat] is the
/// matched pattern and [body] the expression on which it is mapped
-#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
+#[derive(Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
pub(crate) struct MatchArm {
- pub(crate) pattern: Pattern,
- pub(crate) body: Expr,
+ pub(crate) pattern: Rc,
+ pub(crate) body: Rc,
/// [LoopControlFlow] represents the expressions responsible for
@@ -43,7 +42,7 @@ pub(crate) enum Purity {
-#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
+#[derive(Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
pub(crate) enum Literal {
Integer { value: u128, neg: bool },
@@ -52,16 +51,16 @@ pub(crate) enum Literal {
-#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
+#[derive(Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
pub(crate) struct Expr {
- pub(crate) kind: ExprKind,
+ pub(crate) kind: Rc,
pub(crate) ty: Option>,
/// Enum [ExprKind] represents the AST of rust terms.
-#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
+#[derive(Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
pub(crate) enum ExprKind {
- Pure(Box),
+ Pure(Rc),
@@ -81,8 +80,8 @@ pub(crate) enum ExprKind {
Call {
- func: Box,
- args: Vec,
+ func: Rc,
+ args: Vec>,
purity: Purity,
from_user: bool,
@@ -90,93 +89,101 @@ pub(crate) enum ExprKind {
/// form once the monadic translation is done.
MonadicOperator {
name: String,
- arg: Box,
+ arg: Rc,
Lambda {
- args: Vec<(Pattern, Rc)>,
- body: Box,
+ args: Vec<(String, Option>)>,
+ body: Rc,
+ is_for_match: bool,
Array {
- elements: Vec,
+ elements: Vec>,
Tuple {
- elements: Vec,
+ elements: Vec>,
Let {
is_monadic: bool,
- pattern: Box,
- init: Box,
- body: Box,
+ name: Option,
+ init: Rc,
+ body: Rc,
LetIf {
- pat: Box,
- init: Box,
+ pat: Rc,
+ init: Rc,
If {
- condition: Box,
- success: Box,
- failure: Box,
+ condition: Rc,
+ success: Rc,
+ failure: Rc,
Loop {
- body: Box,
+ body: Rc,
Match {
- scrutinee: Box,
- arms: Vec,
+ scrutinee: Rc,
+ arms: Vec>,
IndexedField {
- base: Box,
+ base: Rc,
index: u32,
NamedField {
- base: Box,
+ base: Rc,
name: String,
Index {
- base: Box,
- index: Box,
+ base: Rc,
+ index: Rc,
StructStruct {
path: Path,
- fields: Vec<(String, Expr)>,
- base: Option>,
+ fields: Vec<(String, Rc)>,
+ base: Option>,
struct_or_variant: StructOrVariant,
StructTuple {
path: Path,
- fields: Vec,
+ fields: Vec>,
struct_or_variant: StructOrVariant,
StructUnit {
path: Path,
struct_or_variant: StructOrVariant,
- Use(Box),
- Return(Box),
+ Use(Rc),
+ Return(Rc),
/// Useful for error messages or annotations
impl ExprKind {
- pub(crate) fn tt() -> Self {
- ExprKind::LocalVar("tt".to_string()).alloc(Some(CoqType::unit()))
+ pub(crate) fn tt() -> Rc {
+ Rc::new(ExprKind::LocalVar("tt".to_string())).alloc(Some(CoqType::unit()))
impl Expr {
/// The Coq value [tt] (the inhabitant of the [unit] type) is used as default
/// value
- pub(crate) fn tt() -> Self {
- Expr {
+ pub(crate) fn tt() -> Rc {
+ Rc::new(Expr {
kind: ExprKind::tt(),
ty: Some(CoqType::unit().val()),
- }
+ })
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn local_var(name: &str) -> Rc {
+ Rc::new(Expr {
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::LocalVar(name.to_string())),
+ ty: None,
+ })
pub(crate) fn has_return(&self) -> bool {
- match &self.kind {
+ match self.kind.as_ref() {
ExprKind::Pure(expr) => expr.has_return(),
ExprKind::LocalVar(_) => false,
ExprKind::Var(_) => false,
@@ -198,14 +205,18 @@ impl Expr {
purity: _,
from_user: _,
- } => func.has_return() || args.iter().any(Self::has_return),
+ } => func.has_return() || args.iter().any(|arg| arg.has_return()),
ExprKind::MonadicOperator { name: _, arg } => arg.has_return(),
- ExprKind::Lambda { .. } => false,
- ExprKind::Array { elements } => elements.iter().any(Self::has_return),
- ExprKind::Tuple { elements } => elements.iter().any(Self::has_return),
+ ExprKind::Lambda {
+ args: _,
+ body,
+ is_for_match,
+ } => *is_for_match && body.has_return(),
+ ExprKind::Array { elements } => elements.iter().any(|element| element.has_return()),
+ ExprKind::Tuple { elements } => elements.iter().any(|element| element.has_return()),
ExprKind::Let {
is_monadic: _,
- pattern: _,
+ name: _,
} => init.has_return() || body.has_return(),
@@ -217,10 +228,7 @@ impl Expr {
} => condition.has_return() || success.has_return() || failure.has_return(),
ExprKind::Loop { body } => body.has_return(),
ExprKind::Match { scrutinee, arms } => {
- scrutinee.has_return()
- || arms
- .iter()
- .any(|MatchArm { pattern: _, body }| body.has_return())
+ scrutinee.has_return() || arms.iter().any(|arm| arm.body.has_return())
ExprKind::IndexedField { base, index: _ } => base.has_return(),
ExprKind::NamedField { base, name: _ } => base.has_return(),
@@ -239,7 +247,7 @@ impl Expr {
path: _,
struct_or_variant: _,
- } => fields.iter().any(Self::has_return),
+ } => fields.iter().any(|field| field.has_return()),
ExprKind::StructUnit {
path: _,
struct_or_variant: _,
@@ -251,39 +259,39 @@ impl Expr {
-fn pure(e: Expr) -> Expr {
- Expr {
+fn pure(e: Rc) -> Rc {
+ Rc::new(Expr {
ty: e.ty.clone(),
- kind: ExprKind::Pure(Box::new(e)),
- }
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::Pure(e)),
+ })
/// creates a monadic let statement with [e1] as the initializer
/// and the result of [f] as the body
fn monadic_let_in_stmt(
fresh_vars: FreshVars,
- e1: Expr,
- f: impl FnOnce(FreshVars, Expr) -> (Expr, FreshVars),
-) -> (Expr, FreshVars) {
- match e1.kind {
- ExprKind::Pure(e) => f(fresh_vars, *e),
+ e1: Rc,
+ f: impl FnOnce(FreshVars, Rc) -> (Rc, FreshVars),
+) -> (Rc, FreshVars) {
+ match e1.kind.as_ref() {
+ ExprKind::Pure(e) => f(fresh_vars, e.clone()),
ExprKind::Let {
- pattern,
+ name,
} => {
- let (body, fresh_vars) = monadic_let_in_stmt(fresh_vars, *body, f);
+ let (body, fresh_vars) = monadic_let_in_stmt(fresh_vars, body.clone(), f);
- Expr {
+ Rc::new(Expr {
ty: body.ty.clone(),
- kind: ExprKind::Let {
- is_monadic,
- pattern,
- init,
- body: Box::new(body),
- },
- },
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::Let {
+ is_monadic: *is_monadic,
+ name: name.clone(),
+ init: init.clone(),
+ body,
+ }),
+ }),
@@ -291,21 +299,21 @@ fn monadic_let_in_stmt(
let (var_name, fresh_vars) = fresh_vars.next();
let (body, fresh_vars) = f(
- Expr {
- kind: ExprKind::LocalVar(var_name.clone()),
+ Rc::new(Expr {
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::LocalVar(var_name.clone())),
ty: None,
- },
+ }),
- Expr {
+ Rc::new(Expr {
ty: body.ty.clone(),
- kind: ExprKind::Let {
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::Let {
is_monadic: true,
- pattern: Box::new(Pattern::Variable(var_name)),
- init: Box::new(e1),
- body: Box::new(body),
- },
- },
+ name: Some(var_name),
+ init: e1,
+ body,
+ }),
+ }),
@@ -314,31 +322,27 @@ fn monadic_let_in_stmt(
fn monadic_let(
fresh_vars: FreshVars,
- e1: Expr,
- f: impl FnOnce(FreshVars, Expr) -> (Expr, FreshVars),
-) -> (Expr, FreshVars) {
+ e1: Rc,
+ f: impl FnOnce(FreshVars, Rc) -> (Rc, FreshVars),
+) -> (Rc, FreshVars) {
let (e1, fresh_vars) = mt_expression(fresh_vars, e1);
monadic_let_in_stmt(fresh_vars, e1, f)
fn monadic_optional_let(
fresh_vars: FreshVars,
- e1: Option>,
- f: impl FnOnce(FreshVars, Option>) -> (Expr, FreshVars),
-) -> (Expr, FreshVars) {
+ e1: Option>,
+ f: impl FnOnce(FreshVars, Option>) -> (Rc, FreshVars),
+) -> (Rc, FreshVars) {
match e1 {
None => f(fresh_vars, None),
- Some(e1) => monadic_let(fresh_vars, *e1, |fresh_vars, e1| {
- f(fresh_vars, Some(Box::new(e1)))
- }),
+ Some(e1) => monadic_let(fresh_vars, e1, |fresh_vars, e1| f(fresh_vars, Some(e1))),
-fn monadic_lets(
- fresh_vars: FreshVars,
- es: Vec,
- f: Box) -> (Expr, FreshVars)>,
-) -> (Expr, FreshVars) {
+type DynLetFn = Box>) -> (Rc, FreshVars)>;
+fn monadic_lets(fresh_vars: FreshVars, es: Vec>, f: DynLetFn) -> (Rc, FreshVars) {
match &es[..] {
[] => f(fresh_vars, vec![]),
[e1, es @ ..] => monadic_let(fresh_vars, e1.clone(), |fresh_vars, e1| {
@@ -359,274 +363,287 @@ fn monadic_lets(
/// may lead to infinite loops because of the mutual recursion between
/// the functions. In practice this means translating every subexpression
/// before translating the expression itself.
-pub(crate) fn mt_expression(fresh_vars: FreshVars, expr: Expr) -> (Expr, FreshVars) {
+pub(crate) fn mt_expression(fresh_vars: FreshVars, expr: Rc) -> (Rc, FreshVars) {
let ty = expr.ty.clone().map(mt_ty);
- match expr.kind {
+ match expr.kind.as_ref() {
ExprKind::Pure(_) => panic!("Expressions should not be monadic yet."),
- ExprKind::LocalVar(_) => (pure(expr), fresh_vars),
- ExprKind::Var(_) => (pure(expr), fresh_vars),
- ExprKind::Constructor(_) => (pure(expr), fresh_vars),
+ ExprKind::LocalVar(_) => (pure(expr.clone()), fresh_vars),
+ ExprKind::Var(_) => (pure(expr.clone()), fresh_vars),
+ ExprKind::Constructor(_) => (pure(expr.clone()), fresh_vars),
ExprKind::VarWithTy {
ty: var_ty,
} => (
- pure(Expr {
- kind: ExprKind::VarWithTy {
- path,
- ty_name,
- ty: mt_ty(var_ty),
- },
+ pure(Rc::new(Expr {
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::VarWithTy {
+ path: path.clone(),
+ ty_name: ty_name.clone(),
+ ty: mt_ty(var_ty.clone()),
+ }),
- }),
+ })),
ExprKind::VarWithSelfTy { path, self_ty } => (
- pure(Expr {
- kind: ExprKind::VarWithSelfTy {
- path,
- self_ty: mt_ty(self_ty),
- },
+ pure(Rc::new(Expr {
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::VarWithSelfTy {
+ path: path.clone(),
+ self_ty: mt_ty(self_ty.clone()),
+ }),
- }),
+ })),
- ExprKind::AssociatedFunction { .. } => (pure(expr), fresh_vars),
- ExprKind::Literal { .. } => (pure(expr), fresh_vars),
- ExprKind::NonHirLiteral { .. } => (pure(expr), fresh_vars),
+ ExprKind::AssociatedFunction { .. } => (pure(expr.clone()), fresh_vars),
+ ExprKind::Literal { .. } => (pure(expr.clone()), fresh_vars),
+ ExprKind::NonHirLiteral { .. } => (pure(expr.clone()), fresh_vars),
ExprKind::Call {
- } => monadic_let(fresh_vars, *func, |fresh_vars, func| {
- monadic_lets(
- fresh_vars,
- args,
- Box::new(move |fresh_vars, args| {
- (
- {
- let expr = Expr {
- kind: ExprKind::Call {
- func: Box::new(func),
- args,
- purity,
- from_user,
- },
- ty,
- };
- match purity {
- Purity::Pure => pure(expr),
- Purity::Effectful => expr,
- }
- },
- fresh_vars,
- )
- }),
- )
- }),
+ } => {
+ let purity = *purity;
+ let from_user = *from_user;
+ monadic_let(fresh_vars, func.clone(), |fresh_vars, func| {
+ monadic_lets(
+ fresh_vars,
+ args.clone(),
+ Box::new(move |fresh_vars, args| {
+ (
+ {
+ let call = Rc::new(Expr {
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::Call {
+ func: func.clone(),
+ args,
+ purity,
+ from_user,
+ }),
+ ty,
+ });
+ match purity {
+ Purity::Pure => pure(call),
+ Purity::Effectful => call,
+ }
+ },
+ fresh_vars,
+ )
+ }),
+ )
+ })
+ }
ExprKind::MonadicOperator { name, arg } => {
- let (arg, fresh_vars) = mt_expression(fresh_vars, *arg);
+ let (arg, fresh_vars) = mt_expression(fresh_vars, arg.clone());
- Expr {
- kind: ExprKind::MonadicOperator {
- name,
- arg: Box::new(arg),
- },
+ Rc::new(Expr {
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::MonadicOperator {
+ name: name.clone(),
+ arg,
+ }),
- },
+ }),
- ExprKind::Lambda { args, body } => {
- let (body, _) = mt_expression(FreshVars::new(), *body);
+ ExprKind::Lambda {
+ args,
+ body,
+ is_for_match,
+ } => {
+ let (body, _) = mt_expression(FreshVars::new(), body.clone());
- pure(Expr {
- kind: ExprKind::Lambda {
- args,
- body: Box::new(body),
- },
+ pure(Rc::new(Expr {
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::Lambda {
+ args: args.clone(),
+ body,
+ is_for_match: *is_for_match,
+ }),
- }),
+ })),
ExprKind::Array { elements } => monadic_lets(
- elements,
+ elements.clone(),
Box::new(|fresh_vars, elements| {
- pure(Expr {
- kind: ExprKind::Array { elements },
+ pure(Rc::new(Expr {
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::Array { elements }),
- }),
+ })),
ExprKind::Tuple { elements } => monadic_lets(
- elements,
+ elements.clone(),
Box::new(|fresh_vars, elements| {
- pure(Expr {
- kind: ExprKind::Tuple { elements },
+ pure(Rc::new(Expr {
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::Tuple { elements }),
- }),
+ })),
ExprKind::Let {
- pattern,
+ name,
} => {
- if is_monadic {
+ if *is_monadic {
panic!("The let statement should not be monadic yet.")
- let (init, _fresh_vars) = mt_expression(FreshVars::new(), *init);
- let (body, _fresh_vars) = mt_expression(FreshVars::new(), *body);
- let body = Box::new(body);
- let pure_init: Option> = get_pure_from_stmt(init.clone());
+ let (init, _fresh_vars) = mt_expression(FreshVars::new(), init.clone());
+ let (body, _fresh_vars) = mt_expression(FreshVars::new(), body.clone());
+ let pure_init: Option> = get_pure_from_stmt(init.clone());
match pure_init {
- Some(pure_init) => Expr {
- kind: ExprKind::Let {
+ Some(pure_init) => Rc::new(Expr {
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::Let {
is_monadic: false,
- pattern,
+ name: name.clone(),
init: pure_init,
- },
+ }),
- },
- None => Expr {
- kind: ExprKind::Let {
+ }),
+ None => Rc::new(Expr {
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::Let {
is_monadic: true,
- pattern,
- init: Box::new(init),
+ name: name.clone(),
+ init,
- },
+ }),
- },
+ }),
- ExprKind::LetIf { pat, init } => monadic_let(fresh_vars, *init, |fresh_vars, init| {
- (
- Expr {
- kind: ExprKind::LetIf {
- pat,
- init: Box::new(init),
- },
- ty: ty.clone(),
- },
- fresh_vars,
- )
- }),
+ ExprKind::LetIf { pat, init } => {
+ monadic_let(fresh_vars, init.clone(), |fresh_vars, init| {
+ (
+ Rc::new(Expr {
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::LetIf {
+ pat: pat.clone(),
+ init,
+ }),
+ ty: ty.clone(),
+ }),
+ fresh_vars,
+ )
+ })
+ }
ExprKind::If {
- } => monadic_let(fresh_vars, *condition, |fresh_vars, condition| {
- let (success, _fresh_vars) = mt_expression(FreshVars::new(), *success);
- let (failure, _fresh_vars) = mt_expression(FreshVars::new(), *failure);
+ } => monadic_let(fresh_vars, condition.clone(), |fresh_vars, condition| {
+ let (success, _fresh_vars) = mt_expression(FreshVars::new(), success.clone());
+ let (failure, _fresh_vars) = mt_expression(FreshVars::new(), failure.clone());
- Expr {
- kind: ExprKind::If {
- condition: Box::new(condition),
- success: Box::new(success),
- failure: Box::new(failure),
- },
+ Rc::new(Expr {
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::If {
+ condition,
+ success,
+ failure,
+ }),
ty: ty.clone(),
- },
+ }),
ExprKind::Loop { body, .. } => {
- let (body, fresh_vars) = mt_expression(fresh_vars, *body);
+ let (body, fresh_vars) = mt_expression(fresh_vars, body.clone());
- Expr {
- kind: ExprKind::Loop {
- body: Box::new(body),
- },
+ Rc::new(Expr {
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::Loop { body }),
- },
+ }),
ExprKind::Match { scrutinee, arms } => {
- monadic_let(fresh_vars, *scrutinee, |fresh_vars, scrutinee| {
+ monadic_let(fresh_vars, scrutinee.clone(), |fresh_vars, scrutinee| {
- Expr {
- kind: ExprKind::Match {
- scrutinee: Box::new(scrutinee),
+ Rc::new(Expr {
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::Match {
+ scrutinee,
arms: arms
- .map(|MatchArm { pattern, body }| {
+ .map(|arm| {
let (body, _fresh_vars) =
- mt_expression(FreshVars::new(), body.clone());
- MatchArm {
- pattern: pattern.clone(),
+ mt_expression(FreshVars::new(), arm.body.clone());
+ Rc::new(MatchArm {
+ pattern: arm.pattern.clone(),
- }
+ })
- },
+ }),
ty: ty.clone(),
- },
+ }),
ExprKind::IndexedField { base, index } => {
- monadic_let(fresh_vars, *base, |fresh_vars, base| {
+ monadic_let(fresh_vars, base.clone(), |fresh_vars, base| {
- pure(Expr {
- kind: ExprKind::IndexedField {
- base: Box::new(base),
- index,
- },
+ pure(Rc::new(Expr {
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::IndexedField {
+ base,
+ index: *index,
+ }),
- }),
+ })),
ExprKind::NamedField { base, name } => {
- monadic_let(fresh_vars, *base, |fresh_vars, base| {
+ monadic_let(fresh_vars, base.clone(), |fresh_vars, base| {
- pure(Expr {
- kind: ExprKind::NamedField {
- base: Box::new(base),
- name,
- },
+ pure(Rc::new(Expr {
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::NamedField {
+ base,
+ name: name.clone(),
+ }),
ty: ty.clone(),
- }),
+ })),
+ fresh_vars,
+ )
+ })
+ }
+ ExprKind::Index { base, index } => {
+ monadic_let(fresh_vars, base.clone(), |fresh_vars, base| {
+ (
+ pure(Rc::new(Expr {
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::Index {
+ base,
+ index: index.clone(),
+ }),
+ ty,
+ })),
- ExprKind::Index { base, index } => monadic_let(fresh_vars, *base, |fresh_vars, base| {
- (
- pure(Expr {
- kind: ExprKind::Index {
- base: Box::new(base),
- index,
- },
- ty,
- }),
- fresh_vars,
- )
- }),
// control flow expressions are responsible for side effects, so they are monadic already
ExprKind::ControlFlow(lcf_expression) => (
- Expr {
- kind: ExprKind::ControlFlow(lcf_expression),
+ Rc::new(Expr {
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::ControlFlow(*lcf_expression)),
- },
+ }),
ExprKind::StructStruct {
@@ -635,7 +652,13 @@ pub(crate) fn mt_expression(fresh_vars: FreshVars, expr: Expr) -> (Expr, FreshVa
} => {
- let fields_values: Vec = fields.iter().map(|(_, field)| field.clone()).collect();
+ let path = path.clone();
+ let fields = fields.clone();
+ let base = base.clone();
+ let struct_or_variant = *struct_or_variant;
+ let fields_values: Vec> =
+ fields.iter().map(|(_, field)| field.clone()).collect();
@@ -644,8 +667,8 @@ pub(crate) fn mt_expression(fresh_vars: FreshVars, expr: Expr) -> (Expr, FreshVa
let fields_names: Vec =
fields.iter().map(|(name, _)| name.clone()).collect();
- pure(Expr {
- kind: ExprKind::StructStruct {
+ pure(Rc::new(Expr {
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::StructStruct {
fields: fields_names
@@ -654,9 +677,9 @@ pub(crate) fn mt_expression(fresh_vars: FreshVars, expr: Expr) -> (Expr, FreshVa
- },
+ }),
- }),
+ })),
@@ -667,80 +690,86 @@ pub(crate) fn mt_expression(fresh_vars: FreshVars, expr: Expr) -> (Expr, FreshVa
- } => monadic_lets(
- fresh_vars,
- fields,
- Box::new(|fresh_vars, fields| {
- (
- pure(Expr {
- kind: ExprKind::StructTuple {
- path,
- fields,
- struct_or_variant,
- },
- ty,
- }),
- fresh_vars,
- )
- }),
- ),
- ExprKind::StructUnit { .. } => (pure(expr), fresh_vars),
- ExprKind::Use(expr) => monadic_let(fresh_vars, *expr, |fresh_vars, expr| {
+ } => {
+ let path = path.clone();
+ let struct_or_variant = *struct_or_variant;
+ monadic_lets(
+ fresh_vars,
+ fields.clone(),
+ Box::new(move |fresh_vars, fields| {
+ (
+ pure(Rc::new(Expr {
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::StructTuple {
+ path,
+ fields,
+ struct_or_variant,
+ }),
+ ty,
+ })),
+ fresh_vars,
+ )
+ }),
+ )
+ }
+ ExprKind::StructUnit { .. } => (pure(expr.clone()), fresh_vars),
+ ExprKind::Use(expr) => monadic_let(fresh_vars, expr.clone(), |fresh_vars, expr| {
- pure(Expr {
- kind: ExprKind::Use(Box::new(expr)),
+ pure(Rc::new(Expr {
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::Use(expr)),
- }),
+ })),
- ExprKind::Return(expr) => monadic_let(fresh_vars, *expr, |fresh_vars, expr| {
+ ExprKind::Return(expr) => monadic_let(fresh_vars, expr.clone(), |fresh_vars, expr| {
- Expr {
- kind: ExprKind::Return(Box::new(expr)),
+ Rc::new(Expr {
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::Return(expr)),
- },
+ }),
- ExprKind::Message(_) => (pure(expr), fresh_vars),
+ ExprKind::Message(_) => (pure(expr.clone()), fresh_vars),
/// Get the pure part of a statement, if possible, as a statement.
-fn get_pure_from_stmt(statement: Expr) -> Option> {
- match statement.kind {
- ExprKind::Pure(e) => Some(e),
+fn get_pure_from_stmt(statement: Rc) -> Option> {
+ match statement.kind.as_ref() {
+ ExprKind::Pure(e) => Some(e.clone()),
ExprKind::Let {
is_monadic: true, ..
} => None,
ExprKind::Let {
is_monadic: false,
- pattern,
+ name,
- } => get_pure_from_stmt(*body).map(|body| {
- Box::new(Expr {
- kind: ExprKind::Let {
+ } => get_pure_from_stmt(body.clone()).map(|body| {
+ Rc::new(Expr {
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::Let {
is_monadic: false,
- pattern,
- init,
+ name: name.clone(),
+ init: init.clone(),
- },
- ty: statement.ty,
+ }),
+ ty: statement.ty.clone(),
_ => None,
-pub(crate) fn compile_hir_id(env: &mut Env, hir_id: rustc_hir::hir_id::HirId) -> Expr {
+pub(crate) fn compile_hir_id(env: &mut Env, hir_id: rustc_hir::hir_id::HirId) -> Rc {
let local_def_id = hir_id.owner.def_id;
let thir = env.tcx.thir_body(local_def_id);
let Ok((thir, expr_id)) = thir else {
panic!("thir failed to compile");
let thir = thir.borrow();
crate::thir_expression::compile_expr(env, &thir, &expr_id)
@@ -763,8 +792,8 @@ impl MatchArm {
impl LoopControlFlow {
pub fn to_doc<'a>(self) -> Doc<'a> {
match self {
- LoopControlFlow::Break => text("Break"),
- LoopControlFlow::Continue => text("Continue"),
+ LoopControlFlow::Break => text("M.break"),
+ LoopControlFlow::Continue => text("M.continue"),
@@ -882,7 +911,11 @@ impl ExprKind {
ExprKind::MonadicOperator { name, arg } => {
paren(with_paren, nest([text(name), line(), arg.to_doc(true)]))
- ExprKind::Lambda { args, body } => {
+ ExprKind::Lambda {
+ args,
+ body,
+ is_for_match: _,
+ } => {
let body = group([
text(" :"),
@@ -903,15 +936,16 @@ impl ExprKind {
- args.iter().map(|(pattern, ty)| {
- nest([
+ args.iter().map(|(name, ty)| match ty {
+ None => text(name),
+ Some(ty) => nest([
- pattern.to_doc(false),
+ text(name),
text(" :"),
- ])
+ ]),
@@ -944,7 +978,7 @@ impl ExprKind {
ExprKind::Let {
- pattern,
+ name,
} => paren(
@@ -956,9 +990,11 @@ impl ExprKind {
optional_insert(!*is_monadic, text("*")),
- optional_insert(pattern.is_single_binding(), text("'")),
+ text(match name {
+ Some(name) => name,
+ None => "_",
+ }),
- pattern.to_doc(false),
match &init.ty {
Some(ty) => concat([text(" :"), line(), ty.to_coq().to_doc(false)]),
None => nil(),
@@ -999,12 +1035,9 @@ impl ExprKind {
nest([text("else"), hardline(), failure.to_doc(false)]),
- ExprKind::Loop {
- body, /*loop_source*/
- ..
- } => paren(
+ ExprKind::Loop { body } => paren(
- nest([text("loop"), line(), paren(true, body.to_doc(with_paren))]),
+ nest([text("M.loop"), line(), paren(true, body.to_doc(with_paren))]),
ExprKind::Match { scrutinee, arms } => group([
diff --git a/lib/src/path.rs b/lib/src/path.rs
index 06e385b5a..f21d74497 100644
--- a/lib/src/path.rs
+++ b/lib/src/path.rs
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ pub(crate) fn get_path_generics<'a>(
.map(|def_id| env.tcx.generics_of(def_id))
-#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
pub(crate) enum StructOrVariant {
diff --git a/lib/src/pattern.rs b/lib/src/pattern.rs
index 62eddf5e8..30185662e 100644
--- a/lib/src/pattern.rs
+++ b/lib/src/pattern.rs
@@ -1,83 +1,171 @@
use crate::path::*;
use crate::render::*;
+use itertools::Itertools;
use rustc_ast::LitKind;
+use std::rc::Rc;
+use std::vec;
/// The enum [Pat] represents the patterns which can be matched
-#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
+#[derive(Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
pub(crate) enum Pattern {
- Variable(String),
- Binding(String, Box),
- StructStruct(Path, Vec<(String, Pattern)>, StructOrVariant),
- StructTuple(Path, Vec, StructOrVariant),
- Or(Vec),
- Tuple(Vec),
+ Binding {
+ name: String,
+ /// Wether the reference is mutable, if any
+ is_with_ref: Option,
+ pattern: Option>,
+ },
+ StructStruct(Path, Vec<(String, Rc)>, StructOrVariant),
+ StructTuple(Path, Vec>, StructOrVariant),
+ Deref(Rc),
+ Or(Vec>),
+ Tuple(Vec>),
// TODO: modify if necessary to fully implement the case of Slice in compile_pattern below
Slice {
- init_patterns: Vec,
- slice_pattern: Option>,
+ init_patterns: Vec>,
+ slice_pattern: Option>,
impl Pattern {
- /// Returns wether a pattern is a single binding, to know if we need a quote
- /// in the "let" in Coq.
- pub(crate) fn is_single_binding(&self) -> bool {
- matches!(self, Pattern::Variable(_) | Pattern::Wild)
+ /// Because the function from the standard library returns nothing instead
+ /// of an empty iterator when the input is empty.
+ fn multi_cartesian_product_with_empty_case(
+ iterator: A,
+ ) -> Vec::Item>>
+ where
+ A: Sized,
+ A::Item: IntoIterator,
+ ::IntoIter: Clone,
+ ::Item: Clone,
+ {
+ let combinations = iterator.multi_cartesian_product().collect::>();
+ if combinations.is_empty() {
+ vec![vec![]]
+ } else {
+ combinations
+ }
- pub(crate) fn get_bindings(&self) -> Vec {
- match self {
- Pattern::Wild => vec![],
- Pattern::Variable(name) => vec![name.clone()],
- Pattern::Binding(name, pattern) => {
- vec![vec![name.clone()], pattern.get_bindings()].concat()
+ pub(crate) fn flatten_ors(self: &Rc) -> Vec> {
+ match self.as_ref() {
+ Pattern::Wild => vec![self.clone()],
+ Pattern::Binding {
+ name,
+ is_with_ref,
+ pattern,
+ } => match pattern {
+ None => vec![self.clone()],
+ Some(pattern) => pattern
+ .flatten_ors()
+ .into_iter()
+ .map(|pattern| {
+ Rc::new(Pattern::Binding {
+ name: name.clone(),
+ is_with_ref: *is_with_ref,
+ pattern: Some(pattern),
+ })
+ })
+ .collect(),
+ },
+ Pattern::StructStruct(path, fields, struct_or_variant) => {
+ Pattern::multi_cartesian_product_with_empty_case(fields.iter().map(
+ |(name, pattern)| {
+ pattern
+ .flatten_ors()
+ .into_iter()
+ .map(|pattern| (name.clone(), pattern))
+ },
+ ))
+ .into_iter()
+ .map(|fields| {
+ Rc::new(Pattern::StructStruct(
+ path.clone(),
+ fields,
+ *struct_or_variant,
+ ))
+ })
+ .collect()
- Pattern::StructStruct(_, fields, _) => fields
+ Pattern::StructTuple(path, patterns, struct_or_variant) => {
+ Pattern::multi_cartesian_product_with_empty_case(
+ patterns.iter().map(|pattern| pattern.flatten_ors()),
+ )
+ .into_iter()
+ .map(|patterns| {
+ Rc::new(Pattern::StructTuple(
+ path.clone(),
+ patterns,
+ *struct_or_variant,
+ ))
+ })
+ .collect()
+ }
+ Pattern::Deref(pattern) => pattern
+ .flatten_ors()
+ .into_iter()
+ .map(|pattern| Rc::new(Pattern::Deref(pattern)))
+ .collect(),
+ Pattern::Or(patterns) => patterns
- .flat_map(|(_, pattern)| pattern.get_bindings())
+ .flat_map(|pattern| pattern.flatten_ors())
- Pattern::StructTuple(_, patterns, _) => {
- patterns.iter().flat_map(Pattern::get_bindings).collect()
- }
- Pattern::Or(patterns) => optional_insert_vec(
- patterns.is_empty(),
- patterns.first().unwrap().get_bindings(),
- ),
- Pattern::Tuple(patterns) => patterns.iter().flat_map(Pattern::get_bindings).collect(),
- Pattern::Lit(_) => vec![],
+ Pattern::Tuple(patterns) => Pattern::multi_cartesian_product_with_empty_case(
+ patterns.iter().map(|pattern| pattern.flatten_ors()),
+ )
+ .into_iter()
+ .map(|patterns| Rc::new(Pattern::Tuple(patterns)))
+ .collect(),
+ Pattern::Lit(_) => vec![self.clone()],
Pattern::Slice {
- } => vec![
+ } => Pattern::multi_cartesian_product_with_empty_case(
- .flat_map(Pattern::get_bindings)
+ .map(|init_pattern| init_pattern.flatten_ors()),
+ )
+ .into_iter()
+ .flat_map(|init_patterns| match slice_pattern {
+ None => vec![Rc::new(Pattern::Slice {
+ init_patterns,
+ slice_pattern: None,
+ })],
+ Some(slice_pattern) => slice_pattern
+ .flatten_ors()
+ .into_iter()
+ .map(|slice_pattern| {
+ Rc::new(Pattern::Slice {
+ init_patterns: init_patterns.clone(),
+ slice_pattern: Some(slice_pattern),
+ })
+ })
- match slice_pattern {
- None => vec![],
- Some(pattern) => pattern.get_bindings(),
- },
- ]
- .concat(),
+ })
+ .collect(),
pub(crate) fn to_doc(&self, with_paren: bool) -> Doc {
match self {
Pattern::Wild => text("_"),
- Pattern::Variable(name) => text(name),
- Pattern::Binding(name, pat) => nest([
- text("("),
- pat.to_doc(false),
- text(" as"),
- line(),
- text(name),
- text(")"),
- ]),
+ Pattern::Binding {
+ name,
+ is_with_ref: _,
+ pattern,
+ } => match pattern {
+ None => text(name),
+ Some(pattern) => nest([
+ text("("),
+ pattern.to_doc(false),
+ text(" as"),
+ line(),
+ text(name),
+ text(")"),
+ ]),
+ },
Pattern::StructStruct(path, fields, struct_or_variant) => paren(
&& matches!(struct_or_variant, StructOrVariant::Variant)
@@ -134,6 +222,7 @@ impl Pattern {
+ Pattern::Deref(pattern) => pattern.to_doc(with_paren),
Pattern::Or(pats) => paren(
diff --git a/lib/src/thir_expression.rs b/lib/src/thir_expression.rs
index 9f04127a0..1065bb295 100644
--- a/lib/src/thir_expression.rs
+++ b/lib/src/thir_expression.rs
@@ -12,20 +12,20 @@ use rustc_middle::ty::TyKind;
use std::rc::Rc;
impl ExprKind {
- pub(crate) fn alloc(self, ty: Option>) -> Self {
- ExprKind::Call {
- func: Box::new(Expr {
- kind: ExprKind::LocalVar("M.alloc".to_string()),
+ pub(crate) fn alloc(self: Rc, ty: Option>) -> Rc {
+ Rc::new(ExprKind::Call {
+ func: Rc::new(Expr {
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::LocalVar("M.alloc".to_string())),
ty: None,
- args: vec![Expr { kind: self, ty }],
+ args: vec![Rc::new(Expr { kind: self, ty })],
purity: Purity::Effectful,
from_user: false,
- }
+ })
-fn path_of_bin_op(bin_op: &BinOp) -> (Path, Purity) {
+fn path_of_bin_op(bin_op: &BinOp, ty_left: &Rc, ty_right: &Rc) -> (Path, Purity) {
match bin_op {
BinOp::Add => (Path::new(&["BinOp", "Panic", "add"]), Purity::Effectful),
BinOp::Sub => (Path::new(&["BinOp", "Panic", "sub"]), Purity::Effectful),
@@ -37,7 +37,15 @@ fn path_of_bin_op(bin_op: &BinOp) -> (Path, Purity) {
BinOp::BitOr => (Path::new(&["BinOp", "Pure", "bit_or"]), Purity::Pure),
BinOp::Shl => (Path::new(&["BinOp", "Panic", "shl"]), Purity::Effectful),
BinOp::Shr => (Path::new(&["BinOp", "Panic", "shr"]), Purity::Effectful),
- BinOp::Eq => (Path::new(&["BinOp", "Pure", "eq"]), Purity::Pure),
+ BinOp::Eq => {
+ if matches!(ty_left.as_ref(), CoqType::Path { path } if path.segments == ["bool", "t"])
+ && matches!(ty_right.as_ref(), CoqType::Path { path } if path.segments == ["bool", "t"])
+ {
+ (Path::new(&["Bool", "eqb"]), Purity::Pure)
+ } else {
+ (Path::new(&["BinOp", "Pure", "eq"]), Purity::Pure)
+ }
+ }
BinOp::Ne => (Path::new(&["BinOp", "Pure", "ne"]), Purity::Pure),
BinOp::Lt => (Path::new(&["BinOp", "Pure", "lt"]), Purity::Pure),
BinOp::Le => (Path::new(&["BinOp", "Pure", "le"]), Purity::Pure),
@@ -51,23 +59,23 @@ pub(crate) fn compile_expr<'a>(
env: &mut Env<'a>,
thir: &rustc_middle::thir::Thir<'a>,
expr_id: &rustc_middle::thir::ExprId,
-) -> Expr {
+) -> Rc {
let expr = thir.exprs.get(*expr_id).unwrap();
let kind = compile_expr_kind(env, thir, expr_id);
let ty = compile_type(env, &expr.ty).val();
- Expr { kind, ty: Some(ty) }
+ Rc::new(Expr { kind, ty: Some(ty) })
impl Expr {
- fn match_simple_call(&self, name_in: &[&str]) -> Option {
+ fn match_simple_call(self: Rc, name_in: &[&str]) -> Option> {
if let ExprKind::Call {
purity: _,
from_user: _,
- } = &self.kind
+ } = self.kind.as_ref()
- if let ExprKind::LocalVar(func) = &func.kind {
+ if let ExprKind::LocalVar(func) = func.kind.as_ref() {
if name_in.contains(&func.as_str()) && args.len() == 1 {
return Some(args.get(0).unwrap().clone());
@@ -78,21 +86,21 @@ impl Expr {
/// Return the borrowed expression if the expression is a borrow.
- fn match_borrow(&self) -> Option {
+ fn match_borrow(self: Rc) -> Option> {
self.match_simple_call(&["borrow", "borrow_mut"])
- fn match_deref(&self) -> Option {
+ fn match_deref(self: Rc) -> Option> {
- pub(crate) fn read(self) -> Self {
+ pub(crate) fn read(self: Rc) -> Rc {
// If we read an allocated expression, we just return the expression.
- if let Some(expr) = self.match_simple_call(&["M.alloc"]) {
+ if let Some(expr) = self.clone().match_simple_call(&["M.alloc"]) {
return expr;
- Expr {
+ Rc::new(Expr {
ty: match self.ty.clone() {
None => None,
Some(ty) => {
@@ -114,95 +122,486 @@ impl Expr {
- kind: ExprKind::Call {
- func: Box::new(Expr {
- kind: ExprKind::LocalVar("M.read".to_string()),
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::Call {
+ func: Rc::new(Expr {
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::LocalVar("M.read".to_string())),
ty: None,
args: vec![self],
purity: Purity::Effectful,
from_user: false,
- },
- }
+ }),
+ })
- fn copy(self) -> Self {
- if self.match_simple_call(&["M.alloc"]).is_some() {
+ fn copy(self: Rc) -> Rc {
+ if self.clone().match_simple_call(&["M.alloc"]).is_some() {
return self;
- Expr {
+ Rc::new(Expr {
ty: self.ty.clone(),
- kind: ExprKind::Call {
- func: Box::new(Expr {
- kind: ExprKind::LocalVar("M.copy".to_string()),
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::Call {
+ func: Rc::new(Expr {
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::LocalVar("M.copy".to_string())),
ty: None,
args: vec![self],
purity: Purity::Effectful,
from_user: false,
- },
- }
+ }),
+ })
+ }
+pub(crate) fn is_mutable_borrow_kind(borrow_kind: &BorrowKind) -> bool {
+ match borrow_kind {
+ BorrowKind::Shared | BorrowKind::Shallow => false,
+ BorrowKind::Unique | BorrowKind::Mut { .. } => true,
-fn compile_borrow(borrow_kind: &BorrowKind, arg: Expr) -> ExprKind {
- let func = match borrow_kind {
- BorrowKind::Shared | BorrowKind::Shallow => "borrow".to_string(),
- BorrowKind::Unique | BorrowKind::Mut { .. } => "borrow_mut".to_string(),
+fn compile_borrow(borrow_kind: &BorrowKind, arg: Rc) -> Rc {
+ let func = if is_mutable_borrow_kind(borrow_kind) {
+ "borrow_mut".to_string()
+ } else {
+ "borrow".to_string()
- if let Some(derefed) = arg.match_deref() {
- if let Some(ty) = derefed.ty {
+ if let Some(derefed) = arg.clone().match_deref() {
+ if let Some(ty) = derefed.ty.clone() {
if let Some((ref_name, _, _)) = ty.match_ref() {
if (func == "borrow" && ref_name == "ref")
|| (func == "borrow_mut" && ref_name == "mut_ref")
- return derefed.kind;
+ return derefed.kind.clone();
- ExprKind::Call {
- func: Box::new(Expr {
- kind: ExprKind::LocalVar(func),
+ Rc::new(ExprKind::Call {
+ func: Rc::new(Expr {
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::LocalVar(func)),
ty: None,
args: vec![arg],
purity: Purity::Pure,
from_user: false,
- }
+ })
-pub(crate) fn allocate_bindings(bindings: &[String], body: Box) -> Box {
+pub(crate) fn allocate_bindings(bindings: &[String], body: Rc) -> Rc {
bindings.iter().rfold(body, |body, binding| {
- Box::new(Expr {
+ Rc::new(Expr {
ty: body.ty.clone(),
- kind: ExprKind::Let {
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::Let {
is_monadic: false,
- pattern: Box::new(Pattern::Variable(binding.clone())),
- init: Box::new(Expr {
- kind: ExprKind::LocalVar(binding.clone()).alloc(None),
+ name: Some(binding.clone()),
+ init: Rc::new(Expr {
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::LocalVar(binding.clone())).alloc(None),
ty: None,
- },
+ }),
-/// Allocate all the bindings in the [pattern] to some [M.Val]
-fn allocate_bindings_in_pattern(pattern: &Pattern, body: Box) -> Box {
- let bindings = pattern.get_bindings();
- allocate_bindings(&bindings, body)
+fn build_inner_match(patterns: Vec<(String, Rc)>, body: Rc) -> Rc {
+ let default_match_arm = Rc::new(MatchArm {
+ pattern: Rc::new(Pattern::Wild),
+ body: Rc::new(Expr {
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::Call {
+ func: Expr::local_var("M.break_match"),
+ args: vec![],
+ purity: Purity::Effectful,
+ from_user: false,
+ }),
+ ty: None,
+ }),
+ });
+ patterns
+ .into_iter()
+ .rfold(body, |body, (scrutinee, pattern)| match pattern.as_ref() {
+ Pattern::Wild => body,
+ Pattern::Binding {
+ name,
+ is_with_ref,
+ pattern,
+ } => Rc::new(Expr {
+ ty: body.ty.clone(),
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::Let {
+ is_monadic: false,
+ name: Some(name.clone()),
+ init: match is_with_ref {
+ None => Expr::local_var(&scrutinee).copy(),
+ Some(is_with_ref) => {
+ let func = if *is_with_ref { "borrow" } else { "borrow_mut" };
+ Rc::new(Expr {
+ ty: None,
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::Call {
+ func: Expr::local_var(func),
+ args: vec![Expr::local_var(&scrutinee)],
+ purity: Purity::Pure,
+ from_user: false,
+ })
+ .alloc(None),
+ })
+ }
+ },
+ body: match pattern {
+ None => body,
+ Some(pattern) => {
+ build_inner_match(vec![(scrutinee, pattern.clone())], body)
+ }
+ },
+ }),
+ }),
+ Pattern::StructStruct(path, fields, struct_or_variant) => Rc::new(Expr {
+ ty: body.ty.clone(),
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::Match {
+ scrutinee: Expr::local_var(&scrutinee).read(),
+ arms: [
+ vec![Rc::new(MatchArm {
+ pattern: Rc::new(Pattern::StructStruct(
+ path.clone(),
+ fields
+ .iter()
+ .map(|(field_name, _)| {
+ (field_name.clone(), Rc::new(Pattern::Wild))
+ })
+ .collect(),
+ *struct_or_variant,
+ )),
+ body: {
+ let body = build_inner_match(
+ fields
+ .iter()
+ .enumerate()
+ .map(|(index, (_, field_pattern))| {
+ (format!("γ{index}"), field_pattern.clone())
+ })
+ .collect(),
+ body,
+ );
+ fields.iter().enumerate().rfold(
+ body,
+ |body, (index, (field_name, _))| {
+ Rc::new(Expr {
+ ty: body.ty.clone(),
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::Let {
+ is_monadic: false,
+ name: Some(format!("γ{index}")),
+ init: Rc::new(Expr {
+ ty: None,
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::NamedField {
+ base: Expr::local_var(&scrutinee),
+ name: format!(
+ "{}.{field_name}",
+ path.segments.last().unwrap(),
+ ),
+ }),
+ }),
+ body,
+ }),
+ })
+ },
+ )
+ },
+ })],
+ match struct_or_variant {
+ StructOrVariant::Struct => vec![],
+ StructOrVariant::Variant => vec![default_match_arm.clone()],
+ },
+ ]
+ .concat(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ Pattern::StructTuple(path, patterns, struct_or_variant) => Rc::new(Expr {
+ ty: body.ty.clone(),
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::Match {
+ scrutinee: Expr::local_var(&scrutinee).read(),
+ arms: [
+ vec![Rc::new(MatchArm {
+ pattern: Rc::new(Pattern::StructTuple(
+ path.clone(),
+ patterns.iter().map(|_| Rc::new(Pattern::Wild)).collect(),
+ *struct_or_variant,
+ )),
+ body: {
+ let body = build_inner_match(
+ patterns
+ .iter()
+ .enumerate()
+ .map(|(index, pattern)| {
+ (format!("γ{index}"), pattern.clone())
+ })
+ .collect(),
+ body,
+ );
+ patterns.iter().enumerate().rfold(body, |body, (index, _)| {
+ Rc::new(Expr {
+ ty: body.ty.clone(),
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::Let {
+ is_monadic: false,
+ name: Some(format!("γ{index}")),
+ init: Rc::new(Expr {
+ ty: None,
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::NamedField {
+ base: Expr::local_var(&scrutinee),
+ name: format!(
+ "{}.{index}",
+ path.segments.last().unwrap(),
+ ),
+ }),
+ }),
+ body,
+ }),
+ })
+ })
+ },
+ })],
+ match struct_or_variant {
+ StructOrVariant::Struct => vec![],
+ StructOrVariant::Variant => vec![default_match_arm.clone()],
+ },
+ ]
+ .concat(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ Pattern::Deref(pattern) => Rc::new(Expr {
+ ty: body.ty.clone(),
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::Let {
+ is_monadic: false,
+ name: Some(scrutinee.clone()),
+ init: Rc::new(Expr {
+ ty: None,
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::Call {
+ func: Expr::local_var("deref"),
+ args: vec![Expr::local_var(&scrutinee).read()],
+ purity: Purity::Pure,
+ from_user: false,
+ }),
+ }),
+ body: build_inner_match(vec![(scrutinee.clone(), pattern.clone())], body),
+ }),
+ }),
+ Pattern::Or(_) => panic!("Or pattern should have been flattened"),
+ Pattern::Tuple(patterns) => Rc::new(Expr {
+ ty: body.ty.clone(),
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::Match {
+ scrutinee: Expr::local_var(&scrutinee).read(),
+ arms: vec![Rc::new(MatchArm {
+ pattern: Rc::new(Pattern::Tuple(
+ patterns.iter().map(|_| Rc::new(Pattern::Wild)).collect(),
+ )),
+ body: {
+ let body = build_inner_match(
+ patterns
+ .iter()
+ .enumerate()
+ .map(|(index, pattern)| (format!("γ{index}"), pattern.clone()))
+ .collect(),
+ body,
+ );
+ patterns.iter().enumerate().rfold(body, |body, (index, _)| {
+ Rc::new(Expr {
+ ty: body.ty.clone(),
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::Let {
+ is_monadic: false,
+ name: Some(format!("γ{index}")),
+ init: {
+ let init = (0..(patterns.len() - 1 - index)).fold(
+ Expr::local_var(&scrutinee),
+ |init, _| {
+ Rc::new(Expr {
+ ty: None,
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::Call {
+ func: Expr::local_var(
+ "Tuple.Access.left",
+ ),
+ args: vec![init],
+ purity: Purity::Pure,
+ from_user: false,
+ }),
+ })
+ },
+ );
+ if index == 0 {
+ init
+ } else {
+ Rc::new(Expr {
+ ty: None,
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::Call {
+ func: Expr::local_var("Tuple.Access.right"),
+ args: vec![init],
+ purity: Purity::Pure,
+ from_user: false,
+ }),
+ })
+ }
+ },
+ body,
+ }),
+ })
+ })
+ },
+ })],
+ }),
+ }),
+ Pattern::Lit(_) => Rc::new(Expr {
+ ty: body.ty.clone(),
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::Match {
+ scrutinee: Expr::local_var(&scrutinee).read(),
+ arms: vec![
+ Rc::new(MatchArm {
+ pattern: pattern.clone(),
+ body,
+ }),
+ default_match_arm.clone(),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ Pattern::Slice {
+ init_patterns,
+ slice_pattern,
+ } => Rc::new(Expr {
+ ty: body.ty.clone(),
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::Match {
+ scrutinee: Expr::local_var(&scrutinee).read(),
+ arms: vec![
+ Rc::new(MatchArm {
+ pattern: Rc::new(Pattern::Slice {
+ init_patterns: init_patterns
+ .iter()
+ .map(|_| Rc::new(Pattern::Wild))
+ .collect(),
+ slice_pattern: slice_pattern
+ .as_ref()
+ .map(|_| Rc::new(Pattern::Wild)),
+ }),
+ body: {
+ let body = build_inner_match(
+ vec![
+ init_patterns
+ .iter()
+ .enumerate()
+ .map(|(index, pattern)| {
+ (format!("γ{index}"), pattern.clone())
+ })
+ .collect(),
+ match slice_pattern {
+ None => vec![],
+ Some(slice_pattern) => {
+ vec![("γ".to_string(), slice_pattern.clone())]
+ }
+ },
+ ]
+ .concat(),
+ body,
+ );
+ let body = match slice_pattern {
+ None => body,
+ Some(_) => Rc::new(Expr {
+ ty: body.ty.clone(),
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::Let {
+ is_monadic: false,
+ name: Some("γ".to_string()),
+ init: Rc::new(Expr {
+ ty: None,
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::NamedField {
+ base: Expr::local_var(&scrutinee),
+ name: format!(
+ "[{}].slice",
+ init_patterns.len()
+ ),
+ }),
+ }),
+ body,
+ }),
+ }),
+ };
+ init_patterns
+ .iter()
+ .enumerate()
+ .rfold(body, |body, (index, _)| {
+ Rc::new(Expr {
+ ty: body.ty.clone(),
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::Let {
+ is_monadic: false,
+ name: Some(format!("γ{index}")),
+ init: Rc::new(Expr {
+ ty: None,
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::NamedField {
+ base: Expr::local_var(&scrutinee),
+ name: format!("[{index}]",),
+ }),
+ }),
+ body,
+ }),
+ })
+ })
+ },
+ }),
+ default_match_arm.clone(),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ })
+fn build_match(scrutinee: Rc, arms: Vec, _ty: Option>) -> Rc {
+ let arms_with_flatten_patterns = arms.into_iter().flat_map(|MatchArm { pattern, body }| {
+ pattern
+ .flatten_ors()
+ .into_iter()
+ .map(move |pattern| MatchArm {
+ pattern,
+ body: body.clone(),
+ })
+ });
+ Rc::new(ExprKind::Call {
+ func: Expr::local_var("match_operator"),
+ args: vec![
+ scrutinee,
+ Rc::new(Expr {
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::Array {
+ elements: arms_with_flatten_patterns
+ .map(|MatchArm { pattern, body }| {
+ Rc::new(Expr {
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::Lambda {
+ args: vec![("γ".to_string(), None)],
+ body: build_inner_match(vec![("γ".to_string(), pattern)], body),
+ is_for_match: true,
+ }),
+ ty: None,
+ })
+ })
+ .collect(),
+ }),
+ ty: None,
+ }),
+ ],
+ purity: Purity::Effectful,
+ from_user: false,
+ })
fn compile_expr_kind<'a>(
env: &mut Env<'a>,
thir: &rustc_middle::thir::Thir<'a>,
expr_id: &rustc_middle::thir::ExprId,
-) -> ExprKind {
+) -> Rc {
let expr = thir.exprs.get(*expr_id).unwrap();
let ty = compile_type(env, &expr.ty);
@@ -210,17 +609,18 @@ fn compile_expr_kind<'a>(
thir::ExprKind::Scope { value, .. } => compile_expr_kind(env, thir, value),
thir::ExprKind::Box { value } => {
let value = compile_expr(env, thir, value);
- ExprKind::Call {
- func: Box::new(Expr {
- kind: ExprKind::LocalVar(
+ Rc::new(ExprKind::Call {
+ func: Rc::new(Expr {
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::LocalVar(
"(alloc.boxed.Box _ alloc.boxed.Box.Default.A)::[\"new\"]".to_string(),
- ),
+ )),
ty: None,
args: vec![value],
purity: Purity::Effectful,
from_user: true,
- }
+ })
thir::ExprKind::If {
@@ -228,17 +628,17 @@ fn compile_expr_kind<'a>(
} => {
- let condition = Box::new(compile_expr(env, thir, cond).read());
- let success = Box::new(compile_expr(env, thir, then));
+ let condition = compile_expr(env, thir, cond).read();
+ let success = compile_expr(env, thir, then);
let failure = match else_opt {
- Some(else_expr) => Box::new(compile_expr(env, thir, else_expr)),
- None => Box::new(Expr::tt()),
+ Some(else_expr) => compile_expr(env, thir, else_expr),
+ None => Expr::tt(),
- ExprKind::If {
+ Rc::new(ExprKind::If {
- }
+ })
thir::ExprKind::Call { fun, args, .. } => {
let args = args
@@ -246,53 +646,59 @@ fn compile_expr_kind<'a>(
.map(|arg| compile_expr(env, thir, arg).read())
let func = compile_expr(env, thir, fun);
- let (purity, from_user) = match &func.match_simple_call(&["M.alloc"]) {
- Some(Expr {
- kind: ExprKind::Constructor(_),
- ..
- }) => (Purity::Pure, false),
- _ => (Purity::Effectful, true),
+ let (purity, from_user) = {
+ let default = (Purity::Effectful, true);
+ match func.clone().match_simple_call(&["M.alloc"]).as_ref() {
+ Some(expr) => match expr.kind.as_ref() {
+ ExprKind::Constructor(_) => (Purity::Pure, false),
+ _ => default,
+ },
+ _ => default,
+ }
- let func = Box::new(func.read());
+ let func = func.read();
- ExprKind::Call {
+ Rc::new(ExprKind::Call {
- }
+ })
thir::ExprKind::Deref { arg } => {
let arg = compile_expr(env, thir, arg).read();
- if let Some(borrowed) = Expr::match_borrow(&arg) {
- return borrowed.kind;
+ if let Some(borrowed) = Expr::match_borrow(arg.clone()) {
+ return borrowed.kind.clone();
- ExprKind::Call {
- func: Box::new(Expr {
- kind: ExprKind::LocalVar("deref".to_string()),
+ Rc::new(ExprKind::Call {
+ func: Rc::new(Expr {
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::LocalVar("deref".to_string())),
ty: None,
args: vec![arg],
purity: Purity::Pure,
from_user: false,
- }
+ })
thir::ExprKind::Binary { op, lhs, rhs } => {
- let (path, purity) = path_of_bin_op(op);
+ let left_ty = compile_type(env, &thir.exprs.get(*lhs).unwrap().ty);
+ let right_ty = compile_type(env, &thir.exprs.get(*rhs).unwrap().ty);
+ let (path, purity) = path_of_bin_op(op, &left_ty, &right_ty);
let lhs = compile_expr(env, thir, lhs);
let rhs = compile_expr(env, thir, rhs);
- ExprKind::Call {
- func: Box::new(Expr {
- kind: ExprKind::Var(path),
+ Rc::new(ExprKind::Call {
+ func: Rc::new(Expr {
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::Var(path)),
ty: None,
args: vec![lhs.read(), rhs.read()],
from_user: false,
- }
+ })
thir::ExprKind::LogicalOp { op, lhs, rhs } => {
@@ -302,15 +708,15 @@ fn compile_expr_kind<'a>(
let lhs = compile_expr(env, thir, lhs);
let rhs = compile_expr(env, thir, rhs);
- ExprKind::Call {
- func: Box::new(Expr {
- kind: ExprKind::Var(path),
+ Rc::new(ExprKind::Call {
+ func: Rc::new(Expr {
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::Var(path)),
ty: None,
args: vec![lhs.read(), rhs.read()],
purity: Purity::Pure,
from_user: false,
- }
+ })
thir::ExprKind::Unary { op, arg } => {
@@ -319,198 +725,185 @@ fn compile_expr_kind<'a>(
UnOp::Neg => (Path::new(&["UnOp", "neg"]), Purity::Effectful),
let arg = compile_expr(env, thir, arg);
- ExprKind::Call {
- func: Box::new(Expr {
- kind: ExprKind::Var(path),
+ Rc::new(ExprKind::Call {
+ func: Rc::new(Expr {
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::Var(path)),
ty: None,
args: vec![arg.read()],
from_user: false,
- }
+ })
thir::ExprKind::Cast { source } => {
- let func = Box::new(Expr {
- kind: ExprKind::LocalVar("cast".to_string()),
+ let func = Rc::new(Expr {
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::LocalVar("cast".to_string())),
ty: None,
let source = compile_expr(env, thir, source);
- ExprKind::Call {
+ Rc::new(ExprKind::Call {
args: vec![source.read()],
purity: Purity::Effectful,
from_user: false,
- }
+ })
thir::ExprKind::Use { source } => {
let source = compile_expr(env, thir, source);
- ExprKind::Use(Box::new(source))
+ Rc::new(ExprKind::Use(source))
thir::ExprKind::NeverToAny { source } => {
- let func = Box::new(Expr {
- kind: ExprKind::LocalVar("never_to_any".to_string()),
+ let func = Rc::new(Expr {
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::LocalVar("never_to_any".to_string())),
ty: None,
let source = compile_expr(env, thir, source);
- ExprKind::Call {
+ Rc::new(ExprKind::Call {
args: vec![source.read()],
purity: Purity::Effectful,
from_user: false,
- }
+ })
thir::ExprKind::Pointer { source, cast } => {
- let func = Box::new(Expr {
- kind: ExprKind::LocalVar("pointer_coercion".to_string()),
+ let func = Rc::new(Expr {
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::LocalVar("pointer_coercion".to_string())),
ty: None,
let source = compile_expr(env, thir, source);
- let cast = Expr {
- kind: ExprKind::Message(format!("{cast:?}")),
+ let cast = Rc::new(Expr {
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::Message(format!("{cast:?}"))),
ty: None,
- };
- ExprKind::Call {
+ });
+ Rc::new(ExprKind::Call {
args: vec![cast, source],
purity: Purity::Pure,
from_user: false,
- }
+ })
thir::ExprKind::Loop { body, .. } => {
- let body = Box::new(compile_expr(env, thir, body));
- ExprKind::Loop { body }
+ let body = compile_expr(env, thir, body);
+ Rc::new(ExprKind::Loop { body })
thir::ExprKind::Let { expr, pat } => {
- let pat = Box::new(crate::thir_pattern::compile_pattern(env, pat));
- let init = Box::new(compile_expr(env, thir, expr));
- ExprKind::LetIf { pat, init }
+ let pat = crate::thir_pattern::compile_pattern(env, pat);
+ let init = compile_expr(env, thir, expr);
+ Rc::new(ExprKind::LetIf { pat, init })
thir::ExprKind::Match { scrutinee, arms } => {
- let scrutinee = compile_expr(env, thir, scrutinee).read();
+ let scrutinee = compile_expr(env, thir, scrutinee);
let arms: Vec = arms
.map(|arm_id| {
let arm = thir.arms.get(*arm_id).unwrap();
let pattern = crate::thir_pattern::compile_pattern(env, &arm.pattern);
- let body = Box::new(compile_expr(env, thir, &arm.body));
- let body = allocate_bindings_in_pattern(&pattern, body);
- MatchArm {
- pattern,
- body: *body,
- }
+ let body = compile_expr(env, thir, &arm.body);
+ MatchArm { pattern, body }
- let is_reference = match &scrutinee.ty {
- Some(ty) => matches!(ty.clone().match_ref(), Some((_, _, _))),
- None => false,
- };
- let are_all_bindings_empty =
- arms.iter().all(|arm| arm.pattern.get_bindings().is_empty());
- let scrutinee = Box::new(if is_reference && are_all_bindings_empty {
- // This is a simple case of `match` on a reference, when all
- // patterns are without bindings.
- scrutinee.read()
- } else {
- scrutinee
- });
- ExprKind::Match { scrutinee, arms }
+ build_match(scrutinee, arms, Some(ty.val()))
+ }
+ thir::ExprKind::Block { block: block_id } => {
+ compile_block(env, thir, block_id).kind.clone()
- thir::ExprKind::Block { block: block_id } => compile_block(env, thir, block_id).kind,
thir::ExprKind::Assign { lhs, rhs } => {
- let func = Box::new(Expr {
- kind: ExprKind::LocalVar("assign".to_string()),
+ let func = Rc::new(Expr {
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::LocalVar("assign".to_string())),
ty: None,
let args = vec![
compile_expr(env, thir, lhs),
compile_expr(env, thir, rhs).read(),
- ExprKind::Call {
+ Rc::new(ExprKind::Call {
purity: Purity::Effectful,
from_user: false,
- }
+ })
thir::ExprKind::AssignOp { op, lhs, rhs } => {
- let (path, purity) = path_of_bin_op(op);
+ let left_ty = compile_type(env, &thir.exprs.get(*lhs).unwrap().ty);
+ let right_ty = compile_type(env, &thir.exprs.get(*rhs).unwrap().ty);
+ let (path, purity) = path_of_bin_op(op, &left_ty, &right_ty);
let lhs = compile_expr(env, thir, lhs);
let rhs = compile_expr(env, thir, rhs);
- ExprKind::Let {
+ Rc::new(ExprKind::Let {
is_monadic: false,
- pattern: Box::new(Pattern::Variable("β".to_string())),
- init: Box::new(lhs),
- body: Box::new(Expr {
- kind: ExprKind::Call {
- func: Box::new(Expr {
- kind: ExprKind::Var(Path::new(&["assign"])),
+ name: Some("β".to_string()),
+ init: lhs,
+ body: Rc::new(Expr {
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::Call {
+ func: Rc::new(Expr {
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::Var(Path::new(&["assign"]))),
ty: None,
args: vec![
- Expr {
- kind: ExprKind::LocalVar("β".to_string()),
+ Rc::new(Expr {
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::LocalVar("β".to_string())),
ty: None,
- },
- Expr {
- kind: ExprKind::Call {
- func: Box::new(Expr {
- kind: ExprKind::Var(path),
+ }),
+ Rc::new(Expr {
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::Call {
+ func: Rc::new(Expr {
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::Var(path)),
ty: None,
args: vec![
- Expr {
- kind: ExprKind::LocalVar("β".to_string()),
+ Rc::new(Expr {
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::LocalVar("β".to_string())),
ty: None,
- }
+ })
from_user: false,
- },
+ }),
ty: None,
- },
+ }),
purity: Purity::Effectful,
from_user: false,
- },
+ }),
ty: None,
- }
+ })
thir::ExprKind::Field {
} => {
- let base = Box::new(compile_expr(env, thir, lhs));
+ let base = compile_expr(env, thir, lhs);
let ty = thir.exprs.get(*lhs).unwrap().ty;
match ty.ty_adt_def() {
Some(adt_def) => {
let variant = adt_def.variant(*variant_index);
let name = variant.fields.get(*name).unwrap().name.to_string();
- ExprKind::NamedField { base, name }
+ Rc::new(ExprKind::NamedField { base, name })
- None => ExprKind::Message("Unknown Field".to_string()),
+ None => Rc::new(ExprKind::Message("Unknown Field".to_string())),
thir::ExprKind::Index { lhs, index } => {
- let base = Box::new(compile_expr(env, thir, lhs));
- let index = Box::new(compile_expr(env, thir, index));
- ExprKind::Index { base, index }
+ let base = compile_expr(env, thir, lhs);
+ let index = compile_expr(env, thir, index);
+ Rc::new(ExprKind::Index { base, index })
thir::ExprKind::VarRef { id } => {
let name = to_valid_coq_name(env.tcx.hir().opt_name(id.0).unwrap().as_str());
- ExprKind::LocalVar(name)
+ Rc::new(ExprKind::LocalVar(name))
thir::ExprKind::UpvarRef { var_hir_id, .. } => {
let name = to_valid_coq_name(env.tcx.hir().opt_name(var_hir_id.0).unwrap().as_str());
- ExprKind::LocalVar(name)
+ Rc::new(ExprKind::LocalVar(name))
thir::ExprKind::Borrow { borrow_kind, arg } => {
let arg = compile_expr(env, thir, arg);
@@ -523,52 +916,54 @@ fn compile_expr_kind<'a>(
rustc_middle::mir::Mutability::Mut => "addr_of_mut".to_string(),
let arg = compile_expr(env, thir, arg);
- ExprKind::Call {
- func: Box::new(Expr {
- kind: ExprKind::LocalVar(func),
+ Rc::new(ExprKind::Call {
+ func: Rc::new(Expr {
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::LocalVar(func)),
ty: None,
args: vec![arg],
purity: Purity::Pure,
from_user: false,
- }
+ })
+ }
+ thir::ExprKind::Break { .. } => Rc::new(ExprKind::ControlFlow(LoopControlFlow::Break)),
+ thir::ExprKind::Continue { .. } => {
+ Rc::new(ExprKind::ControlFlow(LoopControlFlow::Continue))
- thir::ExprKind::Break { .. } => ExprKind::ControlFlow(LoopControlFlow::Break),
- thir::ExprKind::Continue { .. } => ExprKind::ControlFlow(LoopControlFlow::Continue),
thir::ExprKind::Return { value } => {
let value = match value {
Some(value) => compile_expr(env, thir, value).read(),
None => Expr::tt(),
- ExprKind::Return(Box::new(value))
+ Rc::new(ExprKind::Return(value))
- thir::ExprKind::ConstBlock { did, .. } => ExprKind::Var(compile_def_id(env, *did)),
+ thir::ExprKind::ConstBlock { did, .. } => Rc::new(ExprKind::Var(compile_def_id(env, *did))),
thir::ExprKind::Repeat { value, count } => {
- let func = Box::new(Expr {
- kind: ExprKind::LocalVar("repeat".to_string()),
+ let func = Rc::new(Expr {
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::LocalVar("repeat".to_string())),
ty: None,
let args = vec![
compile_expr(env, thir, value).read(),
- Expr {
- kind: ExprKind::LocalVar(count.to_string()),
+ Rc::new(Expr {
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::LocalVar(count.to_string())),
ty: None,
- },
+ }),
- ExprKind::Call {
+ Rc::new(ExprKind::Call {
purity: Purity::Pure,
from_user: false,
- }
+ })
- thir::ExprKind::Array { fields } => ExprKind::Array {
+ thir::ExprKind::Array { fields } => Rc::new(ExprKind::Array {
elements: fields
.map(|field| compile_expr(env, thir, field).read())
- }
+ })
thir::ExprKind::Tuple { fields } => {
let elements: Vec<_> = fields
@@ -578,7 +973,7 @@ fn compile_expr_kind<'a>(
if elements.is_empty() {
} else {
- ExprKind::Tuple { elements }.alloc(Some(ty))
+ Rc::new(ExprKind::Tuple { elements }).alloc(Some(ty))
thir::ExprKind::Adt(adt_expr) => {
@@ -609,27 +1004,27 @@ fn compile_expr_kind<'a>(
if fields.is_empty() {
- return ExprKind::StructUnit {
+ return Rc::new(ExprKind::StructUnit {
- }
+ })
if is_a_tuple {
let fields = fields.into_iter().map(|(_, pattern)| pattern).collect();
- ExprKind::StructTuple {
+ Rc::new(ExprKind::StructTuple {
- }
+ })
} else {
- ExprKind::StructStruct {
+ Rc::new(ExprKind::StructStruct {
base: None,
- }
+ })
@@ -644,7 +1039,7 @@ fn compile_expr_kind<'a>(
panic!("thir failed to compile");
let thir = thir.borrow();
- let args: Vec<(Pattern, Rc)> = thir
+ let args: Vec<(Rc, Rc)> = thir
.filter_map(|param| match ¶m.pat {
@@ -656,39 +1051,66 @@ fn compile_expr_kind<'a>(
None => None,
- let body = Box::new(compile_expr(env, &thir, &expr_id).read());
- let body = allocate_bindings(
- &args
- .iter()
- .map(|(pattern, _)| pattern.get_bindings())
- .collect::>()
- .concat(),
- body,
- );
+ let body = compile_expr(env, &thir, &expr_id).read();
+ let body = args
+ .iter()
+ .enumerate()
+ .rfold(body, |body, (index, (pattern, _))| {
+ let ty = body.ty.clone();
+ Rc::new(Expr {
+ kind: build_match(
+ Rc::new(Expr {
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::LocalVar(format!("α{index}"))).alloc(None),
+ ty: None,
+ }),
+ vec![MatchArm {
+ pattern: pattern.clone(),
+ body,
+ }],
+ ty.clone(),
+ ),
+ ty,
+ })
+ });
+ let args = args
+ .iter()
+ .enumerate()
+ .map(|(index, (_, ty))| (format!("α{index}"), Some(ty.clone())))
+ .collect();
- ExprKind::Lambda { args, body }.alloc(Some(ty))
+ Rc::new(ExprKind::Lambda {
+ args,
+ body,
+ is_for_match: false,
+ })
+ .alloc(Some(ty))
thir::ExprKind::Literal { lit, neg } => match lit.node {
rustc_ast::LitKind::Str(symbol, _) => {
- ExprKind::Literal(Literal::String(symbol.to_string()))
+ Rc::new(ExprKind::Literal(Literal::String(symbol.to_string())))
+ }
+ rustc_ast::LitKind::Char(c) => {
+ Rc::new(ExprKind::Literal(Literal::Char(c))).alloc(Some(ty))
- rustc_ast::LitKind::Char(c) => ExprKind::Literal(Literal::Char(c)).alloc(Some(ty)),
- rustc_ast::LitKind::Int(i, _) => ExprKind::Literal(Literal::Integer {
+ rustc_ast::LitKind::Int(i, _) => Rc::new(ExprKind::Literal(Literal::Integer {
value: i,
neg: *neg,
- })
+ }))
- rustc_ast::LitKind::Bool(c) => ExprKind::Literal(Literal::Bool(c)).alloc(Some(ty)),
- _ => ExprKind::Literal(Literal::Error),
+ rustc_ast::LitKind::Bool(c) => {
+ Rc::new(ExprKind::Literal(Literal::Bool(c))).alloc(Some(ty))
+ }
+ _ => Rc::new(ExprKind::Literal(Literal::Error)),
- thir::ExprKind::NonHirLiteral { lit, .. } => ExprKind::NonHirLiteral(*lit),
+ thir::ExprKind::NonHirLiteral { lit, .. } => Rc::new(ExprKind::NonHirLiteral(*lit)),
thir::ExprKind::ZstLiteral { .. } => match &expr.ty.kind() {
TyKind::FnDef(def_id, generic_args) => {
let key = env.tcx.def_key(def_id);
let symbol = key.get_opt_name();
let parent = env.tcx.opt_parent(*def_id).unwrap();
let parent_kind = env.tcx.opt_def_kind(parent).unwrap();
- match parent_kind {
+ Rc::new(match parent_kind {
DefKind::Impl { .. } => {
let parent_type = env.tcx.type_of(parent).subst(env.tcx, generic_args);
let ty = compile_type(env, &parent_type);
@@ -719,7 +1141,7 @@ fn compile_expr_kind<'a>(
println!("expression: {:#?}", expr);
ExprKind::Message("unimplemented parent_kind".to_string())
- }
+ })
_ => {
@@ -728,35 +1150,41 @@ fn compile_expr_kind<'a>(
.struct_span_warn(expr.span, error_message)
- ExprKind::Message(error_message.to_string())
+ Rc::new(ExprKind::Message(error_message.to_string()))
thir::ExprKind::NamedConst { def_id, substs, .. } => {
let path = compile_def_id(env, *def_id);
if substs.is_empty() {
- return ExprKind::Var(path);
+ return Rc::new(ExprKind::Var(path));
let self_ty = substs.type_at(0);
let self_ty = crate::thir_ty::compile_type(env, &self_ty);
- ExprKind::VarWithSelfTy { path, self_ty }
+ Rc::new(ExprKind::VarWithSelfTy { path, self_ty })
+ }
+ thir::ExprKind::ConstParam { def_id, .. } => {
+ Rc::new(ExprKind::Var(compile_def_id(env, *def_id)))
+ }
+ thir::ExprKind::StaticRef { def_id, .. } => {
+ Rc::new(ExprKind::Var(compile_def_id(env, *def_id)))
+ }
+ thir::ExprKind::InlineAsm(_) => Rc::new(ExprKind::LocalVar("InlineAssembly".to_string())),
+ thir::ExprKind::OffsetOf { .. } => Rc::new(ExprKind::LocalVar("OffsetOf".to_string())),
+ thir::ExprKind::ThreadLocalRef(def_id) => {
+ Rc::new(ExprKind::Var(compile_def_id(env, *def_id)))
- thir::ExprKind::ConstParam { def_id, .. } => ExprKind::Var(compile_def_id(env, *def_id)),
- thir::ExprKind::StaticRef { def_id, .. } => ExprKind::Var(compile_def_id(env, *def_id)),
- thir::ExprKind::InlineAsm(_) => ExprKind::LocalVar("InlineAssembly".to_string()),
- thir::ExprKind::OffsetOf { .. } => ExprKind::LocalVar("OffsetOf".to_string()),
- thir::ExprKind::ThreadLocalRef(def_id) => ExprKind::Var(compile_def_id(env, *def_id)),
thir::ExprKind::Yield { value } => {
- let func = Box::new(Expr {
- kind: ExprKind::LocalVar("yield".to_string()),
+ let func = Rc::new(Expr {
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::LocalVar("yield".to_string())),
ty: None,
let args = vec![compile_expr(env, thir, value)];
- ExprKind::Call {
+ Rc::new(ExprKind::Call {
purity: Purity::Effectful,
from_user: false,
- }
+ })
@@ -766,7 +1194,7 @@ fn compile_stmts<'a>(
thir: &rustc_middle::thir::Thir<'a>,
stmt_ids: &[rustc_middle::thir::StmtId],
expr_id: Option,
-) -> Expr {
+) -> Rc {
match &expr_id {
@@ -775,7 +1203,6 @@ fn compile_stmts<'a>(
|body, stmt_id| {
- let body = Box::new(body);
let stmt = thir.stmts.get(*stmt_id).unwrap();
match &stmt.kind {
thir::StmtKind::Let {
@@ -783,42 +1210,39 @@ fn compile_stmts<'a>(
} => {
- let pattern = Box::new(crate::thir_pattern::compile_pattern(env, pattern));
+ let pattern = crate::thir_pattern::compile_pattern(env, pattern);
let init = match initializer {
Some(initializer) => compile_expr(env, thir, initializer),
None => Expr::tt(),
- let (init, body) = if matches!(pattern.as_ref(), Pattern::Variable(_)) {
- (init.copy(), body)
- } else {
- (
- init.read(),
- allocate_bindings_in_pattern(pattern.as_ref(), body),
- )
- };
let ty = body.ty.clone();
- Expr {
- kind: ExprKind::Let {
+ let kind = match pattern.as_ref() {
+ Pattern::Binding {
+ name,
+ pattern: None,
+ ..
+ } => Rc::new(ExprKind::Let {
is_monadic: false,
- pattern,
- init: Box::new(init),
+ name: Some(name.clone()),
+ init: init.copy(),
- },
- ty,
- }
+ }),
+ _ => build_match(init, vec![MatchArm { pattern, body }], ty.clone()),
+ };
+ Rc::new(Expr { kind, ty })
thir::StmtKind::Expr { expr: expr_id, .. } => {
- let init = Box::new(compile_expr(env, thir, expr_id));
+ let init = compile_expr(env, thir, expr_id);
let ty = body.ty.clone();
- Expr {
- kind: ExprKind::Let {
+ Rc::new(Expr {
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::Let {
is_monadic: false,
- pattern: Box::new(Pattern::Wild),
+ name: None,
- },
+ }),
- }
+ })
@@ -829,7 +1253,7 @@ fn compile_block<'a>(
env: &mut Env<'a>,
thir: &rustc_middle::thir::Thir<'a>,
block_id: &rustc_middle::thir::BlockId,
-) -> Expr {
+) -> Rc {
let block = thir.blocks.get(*block_id).unwrap();
compile_stmts(env, thir, &block.stmts, block.expr)
diff --git a/lib/src/thir_pattern.rs b/lib/src/thir_pattern.rs
index 337a928bf..063d5f96c 100644
--- a/lib/src/thir_pattern.rs
+++ b/lib/src/thir_pattern.rs
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ use crate::path::*;
use crate::pattern::*;
use rustc_middle::thir::{Pat, PatKind};
use rustc_type_ir::sty::TyKind;
+use std::rc::Rc;
// fn const_to_lit_kind(constant: rustc_middle::mir::ConstantKind) -> rustc_ast::LitKind {
// match constant {
@@ -23,20 +24,31 @@ use rustc_type_ir::sty::TyKind;
// panic!("constant {:#?} not yet handled", constant);
// }
-pub(crate) fn compile_pattern(env: &Env, pat: &Pat) -> Pattern {
+pub(crate) fn compile_pattern(env: &Env, pat: &Pat) -> Rc {
match &pat.kind {
- PatKind::Wild => Pattern::Wild,
+ PatKind::Wild => Rc::new(Pattern::Wild),
PatKind::AscribeUserType { subpattern, .. } => compile_pattern(env, subpattern),
PatKind::Binding {
- name, subpattern, ..
+ name,
+ mode,
+ subpattern,
+ ..
} => {
let name = name.to_string();
- match subpattern {
- None => Pattern::Variable(name),
- Some(subpattern) => {
- Pattern::Binding(name, Box::new(compile_pattern(env, subpattern)))
+ let is_with_ref = match mode {
+ rustc_middle::thir::BindingMode::ByValue => None,
+ rustc_middle::thir::BindingMode::ByRef(borrow_kind) => {
+ Some(crate::thir_expression::is_mutable_borrow_kind(borrow_kind))
- }
+ };
+ let pattern = subpattern
+ .as_ref()
+ .map(|subpattern| compile_pattern(env, subpattern));
+ Rc::new(Pattern::Binding {
+ name,
+ is_with_ref,
+ pattern,
+ })
PatKind::Variant {
@@ -64,19 +76,19 @@ pub(crate) fn compile_pattern(env: &Env, pat: &Pat) -> Pattern {
.all(|(name, _)| name.starts_with(|c: char| c.is_ascii_digit()));
if is_a_tuple {
let fields = fields.into_iter().map(|(_, pattern)| pattern).collect();
- Pattern::StructTuple(path, fields, struct_or_variant)
+ Rc::new(Pattern::StructTuple(path, fields, struct_or_variant))
} else {
- Pattern::StructStruct(path, fields, struct_or_variant)
+ Rc::new(Pattern::StructStruct(path, fields, struct_or_variant))
PatKind::Leaf { subpatterns } => {
if let TyKind::Tuple(_) = pat.ty.kind() {
- return Pattern::Tuple(
+ return Rc::new(Pattern::Tuple(
.map(|field| compile_pattern(env, &field.pattern))
- );
+ ));
let adt_def = pat.ty.ty_adt_def().unwrap();
let path = compile_def_id(env, adt_def.did());
@@ -96,12 +108,12 @@ pub(crate) fn compile_pattern(env: &Env, pat: &Pat) -> Pattern {
.all(|(name, _)| name.starts_with(|c: char| c.is_ascii_digit()));
if is_a_tuple {
let fields = fields.into_iter().map(|(_, pattern)| pattern).collect();
- Pattern::StructTuple(path, fields, struct_or_variant)
+ Rc::new(Pattern::StructTuple(path, fields, struct_or_variant))
} else {
- Pattern::StructStruct(path, fields, struct_or_variant)
+ Rc::new(Pattern::StructStruct(path, fields, struct_or_variant))
- PatKind::Deref { subpattern } => compile_pattern(env, subpattern),
+ PatKind::Deref { subpattern } => Rc::new(Pattern::Deref(compile_pattern(env, subpattern))),
// PatKind::Constant { value } => {
// let literal = const_to_lit_kind(*value);
// Pattern::Lit(literal)
@@ -111,14 +123,14 @@ pub(crate) fn compile_pattern(env: &Env, pat: &Pat) -> Pattern {
.struct_span_warn(pat.span, "Constants in patterns are not yet supported.")
- Pattern::Wild
+ Rc::new(Pattern::Wild)
PatKind::Range(_) => {
.struct_span_warn(pat.span, "Ranges in patterns are not yet supported.")
- Pattern::Wild
+ Rc::new(Pattern::Wild)
PatKind::Slice {
@@ -130,16 +142,18 @@ pub(crate) fn compile_pattern(env: &Env, pat: &Pat) -> Pattern {
} => {
- let prefix: Vec = prefix.iter().map(|pat| compile_pattern(env, pat)).collect();
- let suffix: Vec = suffix.iter().map(|pat| compile_pattern(env, pat)).collect();
+ let prefix: Vec> =
+ prefix.iter().map(|pat| compile_pattern(env, pat)).collect();
+ let suffix: Vec> =
+ suffix.iter().map(|pat| compile_pattern(env, pat)).collect();
match slice {
Some(pat_middle) => {
if suffix.is_empty() {
let pat_middle = compile_pattern(env, pat_middle);
- Pattern::Slice {
+ Rc::new(Pattern::Slice {
init_patterns: prefix,
- slice_pattern: Some(Box::new(pat_middle)),
- }
+ slice_pattern: Some(pat_middle),
+ })
} else {
@@ -149,20 +163,20 @@ pub(crate) fn compile_pattern(env: &Env, pat: &Pat) -> Pattern {
.help("Reverse the slice instead.")
- Pattern::Wild
+ Rc::new(Pattern::Wild)
None => {
let all_patterns = [prefix, suffix].concat().to_vec();
- Pattern::Slice {
+ Rc::new(Pattern::Slice {
init_patterns: all_patterns,
slice_pattern: None,
- }
+ })
- PatKind::Or { pats } => {
- Pattern::Or(pats.iter().map(|pat| compile_pattern(env, pat)).collect())
- }
+ PatKind::Or { pats } => Rc::new(Pattern::Or(
+ pats.iter().map(|pat| compile_pattern(env, pat)).collect(),
+ )),
diff --git a/lib/src/thir_ty.rs b/lib/src/thir_ty.rs
index cef023434..d7f4a9ae9 100644
--- a/lib/src/thir_ty.rs
+++ b/lib/src/thir_ty.rs
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ pub(crate) fn compile_type<'a>(env: &Env<'a>, ty: &rustc_middle::ty::Ty<'a>) ->
Rc::new(CoqType::Application {
func: Rc::new(CoqType::Path {
- path: Box::new(path.suffix_last_with_dot_t()),
+ path: Rc::new(path.suffix_last_with_dot_t()),
is_alias: false,
diff --git a/lib/src/top_level.rs b/lib/src/top_level.rs
index 297f73a7e..3de2b24c8 100644
--- a/lib/src/top_level.rs
+++ b/lib/src/top_level.rs
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ use crate::env::*;
use crate::expression::*;
use crate::header::*;
use crate::path::*;
-use crate::pattern::*;
use crate::render::*;
use crate::reorder::*;
use crate::ty::*;
@@ -40,7 +39,7 @@ struct HirFnSigAndBody<'a> {
struct FnSigAndBody {
args: Vec<(String, Rc)>,
ret_ty: Rc,
- body: Option>,
+ body: Option>,
#[derive(Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
@@ -71,7 +70,7 @@ struct FunDefinition {
enum ImplItemKind {
Const {
ty: Rc,
- body: Option>,
+ body: Option>,
is_dead_code: bool,
Definition {
@@ -137,7 +136,7 @@ enum TopLevelItem {
Const {
name: String,
ty: Rc,
- value: Option>,
+ value: Option>,
Definition {
name: String,
@@ -392,7 +391,7 @@ fn compile_top_level_item(tcx: &TyCtxt, env: &mut Env, item: &Item) -> Vec)],
body: &rustc_hir::Body,
ret_ty: Rc,
-) -> Option> {
+) -> Option> {
if env.axiomatize {
return None;
let body = compile_hir_id(env, body.value.hir_id).read();
let has_return = body.has_return();
let body = if has_return {
- Box::new(Expr {
- kind: ExprKind::Let {
+ Rc::new(Expr {
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::Let {
is_monadic: false,
- pattern: Box::new(Pattern::Variable("return_".to_string())),
- init: Box::new(Expr {
- kind: ExprKind::VarWithTy {
+ name: Some("return_".to_string()),
+ init: Rc::new(Expr {
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::VarWithTy {
path: Path::local("M.return_"),
ty_name: "R".to_string(),
ty: ret_ty,
- },
+ }),
ty: None,
- body: Box::new(Expr {
- kind: ExprKind::MonadicOperator {
+ body: Rc::new(Expr {
+ kind: Rc::new(ExprKind::MonadicOperator {
name: "M.catch_return".to_string(),
- arg: Box::new(body),
- },
+ arg: body,
+ }),
ty: None,
- },
+ }),
ty: None,
} else {
- Box::new(body)
+ body
let body = crate::thir_expression::allocate_bindings(
@@ -1073,8 +1072,9 @@ fn mt_impl_item(item: Rc) -> Rc {
let body = match body {
None => body.clone(),
Some(body) => {
- let body = mt_expression(FreshVars::new(), *body.clone()).0;
- Some(Box::new(body))
+ let body = mt_expression(FreshVars::new(), body.clone()).0;
+ Some(body)
Rc::new(ImplItemKind::Const {
@@ -1098,8 +1098,8 @@ impl FnSigAndBody {
body: match &self.body {
None => self.body.clone(),
Some(body) => {
- let (body, _fresh_vars) = mt_expression(FreshVars::new(), *body.clone());
- Some(Box::new(body))
+ let (body, _fresh_vars) = mt_expression(FreshVars::new(), body.clone());
+ Some(body)
@@ -1145,8 +1145,8 @@ fn mt_top_level_item(item: Rc) -> Rc {
value: match value {
None => value.clone(),
Some(value) => {
- let (value, _fresh_vars) = mt_expression(FreshVars::new(), *value.clone());
- Some(Box::new(value))
+ let (value, _fresh_vars) = mt_expression(FreshVars::new(), value.clone());
+ Some(value)
@@ -1429,7 +1429,7 @@ impl FunDefinition {
- image: Box::new(coq::Expression::Unit),
+ image: Rc::new(coq::Expression::Unit),
@@ -1473,7 +1473,7 @@ impl FunDefinition {
- image: Box::new(
+ image: Rc::new(
// return type
// argument types
@@ -1693,7 +1693,7 @@ impl TraitBound {
fn to_coq<'a>(&self, self_ty: coq::Expression<'a>) -> coq::Expression<'a> {
coq::Expression::Application {
- func: Box::new(
+ func: Rc::new(
coq::Expression::Variable {
ident: Path::concat(&[self.name.to_owned(), Path::new(&["Trait"])]),
no_implicit: false,
@@ -2451,9 +2451,9 @@ fn struct_field_value<'a>(name: String) -> coq::Expression<'a> {
coq::Expression::Function {
parameters: vec![coq::Expression::just_name("α")],
- body: Box::new(coq::Expression::just_name("Some").apply(
+ body: Rc::new(coq::Expression::just_name("Some").apply(
&coq::Expression::RecordField {
- record: Box::new(coq::Expression::just_name("α")),
+ record: Rc::new(coq::Expression::just_name("α")),
field: name.to_owned(),
@@ -2463,11 +2463,11 @@ fn struct_field_value<'a>(name: String) -> coq::Expression<'a> {
- body: Box::new(coq::Expression::just_name("Some").apply(
+ body: Rc::new(coq::Expression::just_name("Some").apply(
&coq::Expression::RecordUpdate {
- record: Box::new(coq::Expression::just_name("α")),
+ record: Rc::new(coq::Expression::just_name("α")),
field: name,
- update: Box::new(coq::Expression::just_name("β")),
+ update: Rc::new(coq::Expression::just_name("β")),
@@ -2488,14 +2488,14 @@ fn enum_struct_field_value<'a>(
coq::Expression::Function {
parameters: vec![coq::Expression::just_name("α")],
- body: Box::new(coq::Expression::Match {
- scrutinee: Box::new(coq::Expression::just_name("α")),
+ body: Rc::new(coq::Expression::Match {
+ scrutinee: Rc::new(coq::Expression::just_name("α")),
arms: [
coq::Expression::just_name("Some").apply(&coq::Expression::RecordField {
- record: Box::new(coq::Expression::just_name("α")),
+ record: Rc::new(coq::Expression::just_name("α")),
field: format!("{constructor_name}.{field_name}"),
@@ -2509,8 +2509,8 @@ fn enum_struct_field_value<'a>(
- body: Box::new(coq::Expression::Match {
- scrutinee: Box::new(coq::Expression::just_name("α")),
+ body: Rc::new(coq::Expression::Match {
+ scrutinee: Rc::new(coq::Expression::just_name("α")),
arms: [
@@ -2518,9 +2518,9 @@ fn enum_struct_field_value<'a>(
&coq::Expression::RecordUpdate {
- record: Box::new(coq::Expression::just_name("α")),
+ record: Rc::new(coq::Expression::just_name("α")),
field: format!("{constructor_name}.{field_name}"),
- update: Box::new(coq::Expression::just_name("β")),
+ update: Rc::new(coq::Expression::just_name("β")),
@@ -2548,8 +2548,8 @@ fn enum_tuple_field_value(
coq::Expression::Function {
parameters: vec![coq::Expression::just_name("α")],
- body: Box::new(coq::Expression::Match {
- scrutinee: Box::new(coq::Expression::just_name("α")),
+ body: Rc::new(coq::Expression::Match {
+ scrutinee: Rc::new(coq::Expression::just_name("α")),
arms: [
@@ -2576,8 +2576,8 @@ fn enum_tuple_field_value(
- body: Box::new(coq::Expression::Match {
- scrutinee: Box::new(coq::Expression::just_name("α")),
+ body: Rc::new(coq::Expression::Match {
+ scrutinee: Rc::new(coq::Expression::just_name("α")),
arms: [
@@ -2755,7 +2755,7 @@ impl TypeStructStruct {
// .collect()
// ]
// .concat(),
- // image: Box::new(
+ // image: Rc::new(
// coq::Expression::just_name("t")
// .arrows_from(&[
// coq::Expression::just_name("A"),
@@ -2847,7 +2847,7 @@ impl TypeStructStruct {
&coq::Expression::NotationsDot {
- value: Box::new(
+ value: Rc::new(
field: name.to_owned(),
diff --git a/lib/src/ty.rs b/lib/src/ty.rs
index b72828d17..2ec921f10 100644
--- a/lib/src/ty.rs
+++ b/lib/src/ty.rs
@@ -12,10 +12,10 @@ use std::rc::Rc;
pub(crate) enum CoqType {
Path {
- path: Box,
+ path: Rc,
PathInTrait {
- path: Box,
+ path: Rc,
self_ty: Rc,
Application {
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ impl CoqType {
pub(crate) fn path(segments: &[&str]) -> Rc {
Rc::new(CoqType::Path {
- path: Box::new(Path::new(segments)),
+ path: Rc::new(Path::new(segments)),
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ impl CoqType {
} = &*self
if let CoqType::Path { path, .. } = &**func {
- let Path { segments } = *path.clone();
+ let Path { segments } = path.as_ref();
if segments.len() == 1 && args.len() == 1 {
let name = segments.first().unwrap();
if name == "ref" || name == "mut_ref" {
@@ -179,13 +179,13 @@ pub(crate) fn compile_type(env: &Env, ty: &Ty) -> Rc {
let coq_path = compile_qpath(env, qpath);
let func = Rc::new(match self_ty {
Some(self_ty) => CoqType::PathInTrait {
- path: Box::new(coq_path.clone()),
+ path: Rc::new(coq_path.clone()),
None => match is_variable {
Some(name) => CoqType::Var(name),
None => CoqType::Path {
- path: Box::new(if is_alias {
+ path: Rc::new(if is_alias {
} else {
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ pub(crate) fn compile_type(env: &Env, ty: &Ty) -> Rc {
Rc::new(CoqType::Path {
- path: Box::new(Path { segments }),
+ path: Rc::new(Path { segments }),
} else {
@@ -362,11 +362,11 @@ impl CoqType {
no_implicit: false,
CoqType::Path { path } => coq::Expression::Variable {
- ident: *path.clone(),
+ ident: path.as_ref().clone(),
no_implicit: false,
CoqType::PathInTrait { path, self_ty } => coq::Expression::Variable {
- ident: *path.clone(),
+ ident: path.as_ref().clone(),
no_implicit: false,
@@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ impl CoqType {
if *is_alias {
coq::Expression::ModeWrapper {
mode: "ltac".to_string(),
- expr: Box::new(application),
+ expr: Rc::new(application),
} else {