- MODSOURCE-803 DuplicateException is thrown when saving batch of Bib records for linked Authority
- MODSOURCE-817 Fix data consistency in handling and updating Marc Bib records for links.instance-authority event
- MODSOURCE-816 [RRT] Optimize execution plan for streaming SQL
- MODSOURCE-824 Endpoint /batch/parsed-records/fetch does not return deleted records
- MODSOURCE-821 Add System User Support for Eureka env
- MODSOURCE-834 MARC Indexers Clean up is Taking Too Long
- MODDATAIMP-1133 Second update of the same MARC authority / MARC holdings record completes with errors
- MODSOURCE-832 Add consistent handling and updating for same Marc Bib records linked to Authority by two or more consumers
- MODSOURCE-860 "Numerics only" option of existing record section does not work during MARC-BIB to MARC-BIB matching
- MODSOURCE-863 Add index to speed up the querying of a composite record
- MODSOURCE-767 Single record overlay creates duplicate OCLC#/035
- MODSOURCE-756 After setting an instance as marked for deletion it is no longer editable in quickmarc
- MODSOURCE-753 Change SQL query parameters for MARC Search
- MODSOURCE-773 MARC Search omits suppressed from discovery records in default search
- MODINV-1044 Additional Requirements - Update Data Import logic to normalize OCLC 035 values
- MODSOURMAN-1200 Find record by match id on update generation
- MODINV-1049 Existing "035" field is not retained the original position in imported record
- MODSOURCE-785 Update 005 field when set MARC for deletion
- MODSOURMAN-783 Extend MARC-MARC search query to account for qualifiers
- MODSOURCE-752 Emit Domain Events For Source Records
- MODSOURCE-795 Upgrade Spring 5 to 6 by 2024-08-31
- MODSOURMAN-1203 Add validation on MARC_BIB record save
- MODSOURCE-796 Fix inconsistencies in permission namings
- MODSOURCE-809 mod-source-record-storage Ramsons 2024 R2 - RMB v35.3.x update
- MODSOURCE-787 Extend MARC-MARC search query to account for comparison part
- MODSOURCE-791 Fix Timeout exception during postSourceStorageStreamMarcRecordIdentifiers
- MODSOURCE-733 Reduce Memory Allocation of Strings
- MODSOURCE-506 Remove rawRecord field from source record
- MODSOURCE-709 MARC authority record is not created when use Job profile with match profile by absent subfield/field
- MODSOURCE-677 Import is completed with errors when control field that differs from 001 is used for marc-to-marc matching
- MODSOURCE-722 deleteMarcIndexersOldVersions: relation "marc_records_tracking" does not exist
- MODSOURMAN-1106 The status of Instance is '-' in the Import log after uploading file. The numbers of updated SRS and Instance are not displayed in the Summary table.
- MODSOURCE-717 MARC modifications not processed when placed after Holdings Update action in a job profile
- MODSOURCE-739 Create Kafka topics instead of relying on auto create in mod-srs
- MODSOURCE-729 Implement new endpoint to be used for matching
- MODINV-935 Move MARC-BIB matching handler to inventory module
- MODSOURCE-750 Upgrade source-record-storage to RMB 35.2.0, Vert.x 4.5.4
- MODSOURCE-707 Consume authority domain delete events
- MODSOURCE-731 Add PUT endpoint to update SRS record
- MODSOURCE-732 Change logic of DELETE record endpoint
- MODINV-967 Move "Modify" action processing to inventory
- MODINV-935 Move Marc-Bib matching event handler to inventory
- MODSOURCE-749 00X fields reset position when Creating/Deriving/Editing MARC records
- MODSOURCE-608 "PMSystem" displayed as source in "quickmarc" view when record was created by "Non-matches" action of job profile
- MODSOURCE-648 Upgrade mod-source-record-storage to Java 17
- MODSOURCE-601 Optimize Insert & Update of marc_records_lb table
- MODSOURCE-635 Delete marc_indexers records associated with "OLD" source records
- MODSOURCE-636 Implement async migration service
- MODSOURCE-674 Ensure only one background job can be triggered to clean up outdated marc indexers
- MODSOURCE-530 Fix duplicate records in incoming file causes problems after overlay process with no error reported
- MODSOURCE-690 Make changes in SRS post processing handler to update MARC for shared Instance
- MODSOURCE-646 Make changes to perform MARC To MARC Matching in Local Tenant & Central Tenant
- MODSOURCE-667 Upgrade folio-kafka-wrapper to 3.0.0 version
POST | /source-storage/migrations/jobs | Initialize asynchronous migration job |
GET | /source-storage/migrations/jobs/{jobId} | Get asynchronous migration job entity by its id |
- MODSOURCE-585 Data import matching takes incorrect SRS records into consideration
- MODDATAIMP-786 Update data-import-util library to v1.11.0
- MODSOURCE-551 Link update: Implement mechanism of topic creation
- MODSOURCE-557 Logging improvement - Configuration
- MODSOURCE-465 Logging improvement
- MODDATAIMP-722 MARC-to-MARC Holdings update stacked
- MODDATAIMP-736 Adjust logging configuration for SRS to display datetime in a proper format
- MODSOURCE-552 Extend GET /source-storage/source-records/ to fetch deleted record
- MODSOURCE-566 Improve logging in DAO
- MODSOURCE-550 Link update: Update MARC bibs according to links.instance-authority event
- MODSOURCE-569 Fix transformation to marc record
- MODSOURCE-571 links.instance-authority event not being consumed
- MODSOURCE-573 Linked bib update fails because of snapshot absence
- MODDATAIMP-758 Improve logging (hide SQL requests)
- MODSOURCE-578 MARC bib field moved to the end of the fields lists after user updates controlling MARC authority record
- MODSOURCE-567 Link update report: send event if update failed
- MODSOURCE-562 Handle bib-authority link when user updates a bib record via data import
- MODSOURCE-577 Prevent Instance PostProcessing Handler from sending DI_COMPLETED
- MODSOURCE-583 Order subfields when update linked subfields
- MODSOURCE-587 Cleanup kafka headers for marc.bib event
- MODSOURCE-586 Fix unable to update "MARC Bib" record upon data import
- MODDATAIMP-750 Update util libraries dependencies
- MODSOURCE-538 Subscribe the module to item updated event.
- MODSOURCE-540 Upgrade to RMB v35.0.1
- MODSOURCE-542 scala 2.13.9, kafkaclients 3.1.2, httpclient 4.5.13 fixing vulns
- MODSOURCE-554 Change registration module in tests
- MODSOURCE-507 Reduce Computation of MARC4J Records in AdditionalFieldsUtil
- MODSOURCE-516 Support MARC-MARC Holdings update action
- MODDICORE-248 MARC field protections apply to MARC modifications of incoming records when they should not
- MODSOURCE-528 Data Import Updates should add 035 field from 001/003, if it's not HRID or already exists
- MODSOURCE-531 Can't update "MARC" record, which was created by stopped import job.
- MODSOURCE-535 Upgrade folio-di-support, folio-liquibase-util, PostgreSQL, Vert.x
- MODSOURCE-534 Allow matching on created 035
- MODSOURCE-470 Fix permission definition for updating records
- MODSOURCE-459 Determine how to handle deleted authority records
- MODSOURMAN-724 SRM does not process and save error records
- MODSOURCE-477 Configure job to delete authority records
- MODSOURCE-447 035 created from 001/003 is not working in SRS record when using a MARC Modification action in Data Import Job Profile
- MODSOURCE-349 Function set_id_in_jsonb is present in migrated Juniper/Kiwi environment
- MODSOURCE-496 Single record imports show the incorrect record number in the summary log 1st column
- MODSOURMAN-779 Add "CANCELLED" status for Import jobs that are stopped by users.
- MODSOURCE-499 Alleviate Eventloop Blocking During Batch Save of Records
- MODSOURMAN-801 Inventory Single Record Import: Overlays for Source=MARC Instances retain 003 when they shouldn't
- MODSOURCE-495 Logs show incorrectly formatted request id
- MODSOURCE-509 Data Import Updates should add 035 field from 001/003, if it's not HRID or already exists
- MODSOURCE-531 Can't update "MARC" record, which was created by stopped import job.
- MODSOURCE-508 Inventory Single Record Import: Overlays for Source=MARC Instances retain 003 when they shouldn't
- MODDATAIMP-645 Fixed update a MARC authority record multiple times
- MODSOURCE-489 Records that are overlaid multiple times via Inventory Single Record Import can't be overlaid after the second time
- MODSOURCE-447 035 created from 001/003 is not working in SRS record when using a MARC Modification action in Data Import Job Profile
- MODSOURCE-349 Remove unused function set_id_in_jsonb
- MODSOURCE-482 One-record OCLC (Create) Data Import takes over 9 seconds
- MODSOURCE-470 Fix permission definition for updating records
- MODSOURMAN-724 SRM does not process and save error records
- MODSOURCE-461 Upgrade RMB and Vertx versions that contain fixes for the connection pool
- MODSOURCE-420 The support for 'maxPoolSize' (DB_MAXPOOLSIZE) from RMB was added
- MODSOURCE-419 Upgrade to RAML Module Builder 33.2.x
- MODDATAIMP-419 Fix "'idx_records_matched_id_gen', duplicate key value violates unique constraint"
- MODSOURCE-261 Cover kafka handlers with tests and fix ignored
- MODSOURCE-387 Optimistic locking: mod-source-record-storage modifications
- MODSOURCE-290 Implement ProcessRecordErrorHandler for Kafka Consumers
- MODSOURCE-401 Left anchored srs api queries don't complete on kiwi bugfest
- MODSOURCE-402 Properly handle DB failures during events processing
- MODDATAIMP-491 Improve logging to be able to trace the path of each record and file_chunks
- MODSOURCE-429 Authority update: Implement match handler
- MODSOURCE-434 Remove Kafka cache from QuickMarc handlers
- MODDATAIMP-623 Remove Kafka cache initialization and Maven dependency
- MODSOURCE-446 Extend MARC-MARC matching to 9xx and 0xx fields
- MODSOURCE-450 Increase folio-liquibase-util and liquibase schema version
- MODSOURCE-438 Fix SQL exceptions regarding connection termination when running CREATE import
- MODSOURCE-457 Delete Authority: Create processor for Delete MARC Authority record
- MODSOURCE-438 Fix SQL exceptions regarding connection termination when running CREATE import
- MODSOURCE-452 Updated dependencies on liquibase-util, data-import-processing-core and folio-kafka-wrapper
- MODSOURCE-444 Fix schema migration error
- MODSOURCE-424 Fix Log4j vulnerability
- MODSOURCE-415 Fix processing of DI_ERROR messages from SRS
- MODSOURCE-413 Update data-import-processing-core to v3.2.5 to enable fix of duplicating values of repeatable control fields on MARC update
- MODSOURCE-407 Fix potential OOM
- MODSOURCE-401 Left anchored srs api queries don't complete on kiwi bugfest
- MODSOURCE-399 Fix "'idx_records_matched_id_gen', duplicate key value violates unique constraint"
- MODSOURCE-390 Fix the effect of DI_ERROR messages when trying to duplicate records on the import job progress bar
- MODSOURCE-393 Enable fix of duplicate control fields on MARC update (update data-import-processing-core to v3.2.2)
- MODSOURCE-347 Upgrade to RAML Module Builder 33.x
- MODSOURCE-351 Endpoint to verify invalid MARC Bib ids in the system
- MODSOURCE-342 Add HoldingsPostProcessingEventHandler
- MODSOURCE-326 /source-storage/records?limit=0 returns "totalRecords": 0
- MODSOURCE-286 Remove zipping mechanism for data import event payloads and use cache for params
- MODSOURCE-382 Remove dependency on SRM client
- MODSOURCE-385 Remove dependency on converter-storage client
- MODSOURMAN-515 Error log for unknown event type
- MODSOURCE-341 Store MARC Holdings record
- MODSOURCE-332 Improve performance of left-anchored SRS queries
- MODSOURCE-343 Support MARC Holdings in API
- MODSOURCE-368 Fix "fill-instance-hrid" script for envs where it was applied before
- MODSOURCE-360 The DB type MARC did not get updated to MARC_BIB
- MODSOURCE-357 Improve "fill-instance-hrid" script for avoid failing if invalid data exists.
- MODSOURCE-345 Error log for unknown event type
- MODPUBSUB-187 Add support for max.request.size configuration for Kafka messages
- Update data-import-processing-core dependency to v3.1.4
- Update folio-kafka-wrapper dependency to v2.3.3
- MODSOURCE-329 Create script to clean up Snapshot statuses in mod-source-record-storage
- MODSOURMAN-451 Log details for Inventory single record imports for Overlays
- MODSOURMAN-508 Log details for Inventory single record imports for Overlays - Part 2
- Update data-import-processing-core dependency to v3.1.3
- MODSOURCE-323 Change dataType to have common type for MARC related subtypes
- Update data-import-processing-core dependency to v3.1.2
- MODSOURCE-311 Search API: Restrict to search only by marc bib
- MODSOURCE-265 Implement presence or absence searches
- MODSOURCE-269 Implement presence or absence searches for indicators
- MODSOURCE-276 Add existing records to the SRS Query API table
- MODSOURCE-288 Migrate QM-flow to Kafka
- MODSOURCE-279 Store MARC Authority record
- MODSOURCE-308 Update interfaces version
- MODSOURCE-310 Handling 001/003/035 handling in SRS for MARC bib records broken
- MODSOURCE-318 Set processingStartedDate for snapshot when updating via QM
- MODSOURCE-301 Cannot import GOBI EDIFACT invoice
- MODSOURCE-316 quickMARC Latency: quickMARC updates are not reflected on Inventory instance record
- MODSOURCE-329 Create script to clean up Snapshot statuses in mod-source-record-storage
- MODSOURCE-318 Set processingStartedDate for snapshot when updating via QM
- MODSOURCE-310 Handling 001/003/035 handling in SRS for MARC bib records broken
- MODSOURCE-301 Cannot import GOBI EDIFACT invoice
- MODSOURCE-265 Implement presence or absence searches
- Update folio-kafka-wrapper to v2.0.8
- Update data-import-processing-core to v3.0.3
- MODSOURCE-280 Issue with database migration for Iris release
- MODSOURCE-278 Take into account saved records from failed data import on generation calculation. Prevent import hanging if records saving failed
- MODSOURCE-285 Order of execution keeps marc updates from occurring
- MODSOURCE-295 Multiple records are found by match criteria after subsequent updates
- MODSOURCE-272 MARC srs query API returns 0 results on bugfest
- MODSOURCE-267 View Source does not update when Data Import updates bib record
- MODSOURMAN-437 Add logging for event correlationId
- MODSOURCE-222 Design API & implement data structures and end-points for search functionality in mod-source-record-storage
- MODSOURCE-223 Design and implement service layer for MARC search functionality
- MODSOURCE-255 Return HTTP response according to the schema
- MODSOURCE-257 Implement the search by position
- MODSOURCE-256 Implement the search by the date range
- MODSOURCE-258 Implement NOT searches
- MODSOURCE-260 Position count should begin at 0 when searching control fields
- MODSOURCE-263 SRS MARC Bib column indicates the MARC record was "Created" for "Update" operation
- MODSOURMAN-385 Enable OCLC update processing.
- MODSOURCE-217 If incoming MARC bib lacks 001, sometimes it is added and sometimes not.[BUGFIX].
- MODSOURCE-218 Performance issues with SRS requests when instance ID is not found
- MODSOURCE-232 Making Instance Records Suppress from Discovery with the Batch Import is not reflected in the SRS
- MODSOURCE-220 Migration script between Goldenrod-hotfix-5 and Honeysuckle.
- MODSOURCE-233 Support for storing EDIFACT records in the database
- MODSOURCE-216 Update MARC 005 field when MARC record has changes
- MODSOURCE-204 Join query for get records. Add records_lb index for order column.
- MODSOURCE-203 Ensure queries with offset include order. Add records_lb order index to liquibase change log.
- MODSOURCE-202 Records stream API using reactivex.
- MODSOURCE-201 Source Records stream API using reactivex.
- MODSOURCE-238 Use docker-maven-plugin to support build with newer versions of postgres.
- MODSOURCE-242 Use Testcontainers for tests.
query parameter to Records and Source Records APIs. Update join queries to condition onrecord_type
. Add database index forrecord_type
column ofrecords_lb
table. - MODSOURCE-205 Batch API implementation redesign.
- MODSOURCE-177 Use kafka to receive chunks of parsed records for saving
- MODSOURCE-225 Add personal data disclosure.
- MODSOURCE-225 Add personal data disclosure.
- MODSOURCE-239 Upgrade to RAML Module Builder 32.x.
- MODSOURCE-250 Make tenant API asynchronous.
- MODSOURCE-248 Incoming MARC Bib with 003, but no 001 should not create an 035[BUGFIX].
GET | /source-storage/stream/records | Stream collection of records; including raw, parsed, and error record |
GET | /source-storage/stream/source-records | Stream collection of source records; latest generation with parsed record |
- MODSOURCE-212 Fix matching by 999 ff s field
- MODSOURCE-200 Post to /source-storage/batch/records returns "null value in column "description" violates not-null constraint" [BUGFIX]
- MODSOURCE-174 Disable CQL2PgJSON & CQLWrapper extra logging in mod-source-record-storage.
- MODSOURCE-207 Upgrade to RMB v31.1.5
- MODSOURCE-199 Store ParsedRecord content as json instead of string
- MODSOURMAN-361 Add capability to remove jobs that are stuck
- MODSOURMAN-340 MARC field sort into numerical order when record is imported
- MODSOURMAN-345 003 handling in SRS for MARC Bib records: Create
- MODDICORE-58 MARC-MARC matching for 001 and 999 ff fields
- MODSOURCE-187 Upgrade MODSOURCE to RMB31.0.2
- MODSOURCE-184 Enable Action profile action for incoming MARC Bibs: UPDATE MARC Bib in SRS
- MODSOURCE-186 Job status is "Completed with errors" when holding updating.
- MODSOURCE-134 New Source Record Storage API RAML and updated module descriptor
- MODSOURCE-143 Refactor using jOOQ
- MODSOURCE-144 Remove Old API, liquibase migration scripts, drop old tables and functions
- MODSOURCE-139 Upgrade RMB to 30.2.0
- MODSOURCE-155 MARC leader 05 status on record and query parameter to filter by
- MODSOURCE-157 Replace get source records filter by deleted with filter by record state
- MODSOURCE-156 Get source records from list of ids
- MODSOURCE-159 Fix issue with generated client not using query params
- MODSOURCE-161 Remove sample data
GET | /source-storage/snapshots | Get list of snapshots |
POST | /source-storage/snapshots | Create new snapshot |
PUT | /source-storage/snapshots/{jobExecutionId} | Update snapshot |
GET | /source-storage/snapshots/{jobExecutionId} | Get snapshot by JobExecution id |
DELETE | /source-storage/snapshots/{jobExecutionId} | Delete snapshot and all records by JobExecution id |
GET | /source-storage/records | Get list of records |
POST | /source-storage/records | Create new record |
PUT | /source-storage/records/{id} | Update record |
GET | /source-storage/records/{id} | Get record by id |
GET | /source-storage/records/{id}/formatted | Get formatted record by sourceRecordId or by instanceId |
PUT | /source-storage/records/{id}/suppress-from-discovery | Change suppress from discovery flag for record |
DELETE | /source-storage/records/{id} | Set record state to DELETED |
GET | /source-storage/source-records | Get list of source records |
POST | /source-storage/source-records | Get list of source records from list of ids |
GET | /source-storage/source-records/{id} | Get source record by sourceRecordId or by instanceId |
POST | /source-storage/batch/records | Create new records |
PUT | /source-storage/batch/parsed-records | Update a collection of ParsedRecords |
POST | /source-storage/handlers/inventory-instance | Update record instance id from inventory instance event |
POST | /source-storage/handlers/updated-record | Crete updated record with generation under new snapshot |
POST | /source-storage/populate-test-marc-records | Fill db with test marc records |
- MODSOURCE-124 Apply archive/unarchive eventPayload mechanism.
- MODSOURCE-115 Create endpoint for retrieving "sourceRecords" using "matchedId" and generationId-mechanism.
- MODSOURCE-129 Add Liquibase schema management using folio-liquibase-util
- MODSOURCE-116 Add filtering of sourceRecords to return only latest generation.
- MODSOURCE-130 Standard table creation using Liquibase
- MODSOURCE-102 Add Data Access Objects for standard tables
- MODDATAIMP-300 Updated marc4j version to 2.9.1
- MODSOURCE-101 Add Services for standard table DAOs
- MODDICORE-50 Fixed placement of newly-created 035 field
- MODSOURCE-137 Port existing service logic to standard table DAO services
- MODSOURCE-145 Remove matchedProfileId property from Record
- MODINV-243 Enable Action profile action for incoming MARC Bibs: Replace Inventory Instance
- MODSOURCE-114 Added State "field" to records table
- MODSOURCE-126 Add State "field" to migration script
- MODOAIPMH-119 Extended sourceRecord schema with externalIdsHolder field
- MODDICORE-43 SRS MARC Bib: Fix formatting of 035 field constructed from incoming 001
- MODSOURCE-123 Fixed script to rename pk columns
- Fixed processing of DataImportEventPayload
- MODSOURCE-117 Added migration script to remove deprecated indexes
- Added Instance id values to sample data
- Fixed GET source-storage/sourceRecords endpoint to allow filtering by recordId
- Updated reference on ramls/raml-storage
- Updated reference on ramls/raml-storage
- Updated RMB to version 29.1.5
- Added module registration as publisher/subscriber to mod-pubsub
- Added condition for generation calculate
- Implemented event handler that updates instance id for MARC bib records
- Added records metadata filling for batch api
- Fixed timeout on GET /source-storage/sourceRecords
- Changed default container memory allocation
- Added migration script to fill externalIdHolder.instanceId fields in records table
- Applied new JVM features to manage container memory
- Changed payload of endpoint for updating parsed records from ParsedRecordCollection to RecordCollection
- Added order number to the record
- Fixed sorting records by order number
- Broken down source-record-storage interface into smaller ones: source-storage-snapshots, source-storage-records, source-storage-test-records, source-storage-suppress-discovery.
- Fixed security vulnerability with jackson databind
- Changed response status on partial success of batch save/update - return 201/200 if at least one of the records was saved/updated, 500 if none of the records was saved/updated
- Refactored DAOs to return saved/updated entities
- Added suppress from discovery endpoint for change records value
- Added delete records by jobExecution id endpoint
- Added delete method to the handlers for _tenant interface
- Filled in "fromModuleVersion" value for each "tables" and "scripts" section in schema.json
PUT | /source-storage/record/suppressFromDiscovery | Change suppress from discovery flag for record |
DELETE | /source-storage/snapshots/{jobExecutionId}/records | Delete records and snapshot by JobExecution id |
- Added endpoint for updating parsed records
- Moved endpoint for updating parsed records into the new API interface for batch operations (URL is changed from '/parsedRecordsCollection' to '/batch/parsed-records')
- Added error message list to ParsedRecords DTO
GET | /source-storage/snapshots | Get list of snapshots |
POST | /source-storage/snapshots | Create new snapshot |
PUT | /source-storage/snapshots/{jobExecutionId} | Update snapshot |
GET | /source-storage/snapshots/{jobExecutionId} | Get snapshot by JobExecution id |
DELETE | /source-storage/snapshots/{jobExecutionId} | Delete snapshot by JobExecution id |
GET | /source-storage/records | Get list of records |
POST | /source-storage/records | Create new record |
PUT | /source-storage/records/{id} | Update record |
GET | /source-storage/records/{id} | Get record by id |
DELETE | /source-storage/records/{id} | Mark record deleted |
GET | /source-storage/sourceRecords | Get list of source records |
POST | /source-storage/populate-test-marc-records | Fill db with test marc records |
POST | /source-storage/batch/records | Create new records |
PUT | /source-storage/batch/parsed-records | Update a collection of ParsedRecords |
GET | /source-storage/formattedRecords/{id} | Get Formatted Record by sourceRecordId or by instanceId |
- Removed ParsedRecord and ErrorRecord id overriding on save.
- Added endpoint to update a collection of ParsedRecords.
- Added support for ParsedRecord.content represented in json.
- Added endpoint for getting a formatted Record either by sourceRecordId or instanceId
- Moved endpoint for saved record collection from /source-storage/recordsCollection to /source-storage/batch/records
- Changed response. List of error messages was added that is filled if some record was not saved
GET | /source-storage/snapshots | Get list of snapshots |
POST | /source-storage/snapshots | Create new snapshot |
PUT | /source-storage/snapshots/{jobExecutionId} | Update snapshot |
GET | /source-storage/snapshots/{jobExecutionId} | Get snapshot by JobExecution id |
DELETE | /source-storage/snapshots/{jobExecutionId} | Delete snapshot by JobExecution id |
GET | /source-storage/records | Get list of records |
POST | /source-storage/records | Create new record |
PUT | /source-storage/records/{id} | Update record |
GET | /source-storage/records/{id} | Get record by id |
DELETE | /source-storage/records/{id} | Mark record deleted |
GET | /source-storage/sourceRecords | Get list of source records |
POST | /source-storage/populate-test-marc-records | Fill db with test marc records |
POST | /source-storage/batch/records | Create new records |
PUT | /source-storage/parsedRecordsCollection | Update a collection of ParsedRecords |
GET | /source-storage/formattedRecords/{id} | Get Formatted Record by sourceRecordId or by instanceId |
- Added generation of rawRecord id only if it is null.
- Fixed sorting on GET /source-storage/sourceRecords.
- Fixed indexes creation for Source Records.
- Optimized performance for a records search.
- Updated parsedRecord.content and errorRecord.content to contain an object instead of String.
- Updated saving and updating a Record using PreparedStatement.
- Fixed issues with sample data population.
- Added "suppressDiscovery" field for Records.
- Changed delete logic for Records. Records are being marked as deleted and not deleted permanently from storage.
- Added endpoint to create new records from records collection.
- Improved performance for querying sourceRecords on GET /source-storage/sourceRecords.
GET | /source-storage/snapshots | Get list of snapshots |
POST | /source-storage/snapshots | Create new snapshot |
PUT | /source-storage/snapshots/{jobExecutionId} | Update snapshot |
GET | /source-storage/snapshots/{jobExecutionId} | Get snapshot by JobExecution id |
DELETE | /source-storage/snapshots/{jobExecutionId} | Delete snapshot by JobExecution id |
GET | /source-storage/records | Get list of records |
POST | /source-storage/records | Create new record |
PUT | /source-storage/records/{id} | Update record |
GET | /source-storage/records/{id} | Get record by id |
DELETE | /source-storage/records/{id} | Mark record deleted |
GET | /source-storage/sourceRecords | Get list of source records |
POST | /source-storage/populate-test-marc-records | Fill db with test marc records |
POST | /source-storage/recordsCollection | Create new records |
- Updated tenant API version.
- Removed IMPORT_IN_PROGRESS and IMPORT_FINISHED statuses for Snapshot entity.
- Implemented calculation of generation numbers for Records.
- Changed project structure to contain server and client parts. Client builds as a lightweight java library.
- Used folio-di-support library for Spring Dependency Injection.
- Added a non-production endpoint to populate MARC records for testing purposes, which is available only in case "loadSample" parameter of TenantAttributes is set to true.
- Renamed entities sourceRecord -> rawRecord, result -> sourceRecord.
- Updated sourceRecord to contain rawRecord as well as parsedRecord.
- Added sample sourceRecords. Sample data is populated during module initialization only in case "loadSample" parameter of TenantAttributes is set to true.
- Changed logging configuration to slf4j.
- Renamed endpoints
GET | /source-storage/snapshots | Get list of snapshots |
POST | /source-storage/snapshots | Create new snapshot |
PUT | /source-storage/snapshots/{jobExecutionId} | Update snapshot |
GET | /source-storage/snapshots/{jobExecutionId} | Get snapshot by JobExecution id |
DELETE | /source-storage/snapshots/{jobExecutionId} | Delete snapshot by JobExecution id |
GET | /source-storage/records | Get list of records |
POST | /source-storage/records | Create new record |
PUT | /source-storage/records/{id} | Update record |
GET | /source-storage/records/{id} | Get record by id |
DELETE | /source-storage/records/{id} | Delete record by id |
GET | /source-storage/sourceRecords | Get list of source records |
POST | /source-storage/populate-test-marc-records | Fill db with test marc records |
- Created API for managing Snapshot, Record and Result entities
GET | /source-storage/snapshot | Get list of snapshots |
POST | /source-storage/snapshot | Create new snapshot |
PUT | /source-storage/snapshot/{jobExecutionId} | Update snapshot |
GET | /source-storage/snapshot/{jobExecutionId} | Get snapshot by JobExecution id |
DELETE | /source-storage/snapshot/{jobExecutionId} | Delete snapshot by JobExecution id |
GET | /source-storage/record | Get list of records |
POST | /source-storage/record | Create new record |
PUT | /source-storage/record/{id} | Update record |
GET | /source-storage/record/{id} | Get record by id |
DELETE | /source-storage/record/{id} | Delete record by id |
GET | /source-storage/result | Get list of results |