A simple PowerShell script to get a list of installed programs and applications on Windows that can also work with most popular package managers.
This script creates the listapps function, that can be used to list all installed programs on the computer.
Currently, it can get the list from the registry, scoop, winget, chocolatey, pip, pipx, npm, yarn and cargo.
It works as a wrapper for other commands, so it is not necessary to install it.
Just copy the script file listapps.ps1
into your PowerShell profile folder 1 and add the following line to your profile:
Invoke-Expression (Get-Content -Path .\Documents\PowerShell\listapps.ps1 -Raw)
To see the instructions on how to use this script, run:
listapps --help
It can be powerful when combined with tools like those on the spreadsheet.
Choice | Command | Description |
⭐ | fzf | Powerful Fuzzy Finder to filter the list |
⭐ | ripgrep | Powerful RegEx search on the list |
⭐ | more | Show the list in a pager |
peco | A filtering tool that is similar to fzf |
grep | grep is not available on Windows, but you can use it as an alias to ripgrep or findstr |
findstr | Similar to grep , used on Windows enviroments |
And any other command that you can pipe it to!
listapps | fzf
listapps | rg -i "python"
listapps --choco | fzf
Another possibility is to save the list to a file and use it with other commands:
listapps --choco > choco_apps.txt
listapps --yarn > yarn_packages.txt
The functions mentioned above may be implemented on this script in the future, or I may develop a whole new CLI program with a better interface and more features.
But for now, this is a simple script that works well enough for me.
Developed by Fernando Fontana under the MIT License, 2022.
This means that you can use this script for free, but you can't sell it without mention the author copyrights.
Furthermore, if you modify it, you must share the modifications under the same license.
In other words: You can do whatever you want as long as you include the original copyright and license notice in any copy of the software/source.
If your PowerShell profile is located in a different directory, please replace this command with the correct path. ↩