* @typedef {Id}
* @property {string} value
* @property {string} path
* @typedef TreeState
* @property {Id} id - id of the tree
* @property {object} nodeDataSchema
* @property {NodeState} rootNode
* @property {NodeState[]} nodes
* @typedef NodeState
* @property {Id} treeId - The tree ID object of the node
* @property {null|Id} parentId - The parent ID object of the node - null in case of rootNodeEntity
* @property {Id} id - The id as ID object of the node.
* @property {NodeStateStatus} status - The status of the node, e.g. whether it is expanded or deleted.
* @property {null|Object} data - The data of the node, conforming to the schema declared at tree level - null in case of rootNodeEntity
* @property {NodeState[]} children - array of child nodes
const treeElementApi = await FluxEcoUiTreeElementApi.new((nodeState) => {
// onClicked event handler function
console.log(`Node clicked with ID ${nodeState.id.value}`);
const parentElement = document.getElementById('my-tree-container');
const treeState = {
id: { value: 'my-tree', path: 'flux-eco-ui-tree-state/my-tree' },
nodeDataSchema: { type: 'object', properties: { label: { type: 'string' } } },
rootNode: { treeId: { value: 'my-tree', path: 'flux-eco-ui-tree-state/my-tree' }, id: { value: 'rootNode', path: '/rootNode' }, data: null, children: [(...)], status: { expanded: true } },
nodes: [
{ treeId: { value: my-tree, path: flux-eco-ui-tree-state/my-tree }, parentId: null, id: { value: "my-first-node", path: /nodes/my-first-node },status: {expanded: true, deleted: false }, data: { label: My First Node } (...)},
{ (...) }
treeElementApi.render(parentElement, treeState);
The FluxUiTreeElement renders the tree data into an HTML element with the following structure:
<flux-ui-tree id="flux-eco-ui-tree-state/my-tree">
#shadow-root (closed)
<span>My First Node</span>
<span>A child node</span>