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Collection expectations

Davyd McColl edited this page Oct 14, 2017 · 2 revisions

You can assert equality of collections:

Expect(strings).To.Be.Equal.To(new[] { "one", "two", "three" });

And equivalence (meaning that all items must be present and collection sizes must still match, but order is irrelevant):

Expect(strings).To.Be.Equivalent.To(new[] { "three", "one", "two" });

The obvious syntax for containment is:


Whilst this is available, I've often found this to be lacking - a collection of strings with one "moo" or three "moo" values both pass the test. So we have:


Similarly, we can test with upper and lower boounds:


And there are convenience synonyms: Any(), None(). You could test these in other ways:


Remember, NExpect is not here to be opinionated, but rather to facilitate readable tests.

We can also test that the collection has nothing else but our sought value:


Sometimes we just want to pre-check that we have a certain number of items, without caring about their values. You could:


But I prefer:


You can use .At.Least, .At.Most and .Only here (although, when testing for .Items(), .Only and .Exactly end up meaning pretty-much the same thing).

You can also take advantage of Deep and Intersection equality testing:

Expect(persons).To.Contain.Exactly(1).Deep.Equal.To(new { 
  Id = 42, 
  Name = "Douglas Adams", 
  DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1952, 3, 11) 
Expect(persons).To.Contain.Exactly(1).Intersection.Equal.To(new {
  Name = "Terry Pratchett",
  DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1948, 4, 28)

Or use a Func to match with:

Expect(persons).To.Contain.Exactly(1).Matched.By(p => p.Name == "Douglas Adams");

Or you can implement an IEqualityComparer and pass that in as a parameter to .Equal.To.