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Mapper's Guide

Robert A Fraser edited this page Aug 24, 2020 · 22 revisions


Minigames is a collection of exciting gamemodes, developed by Fluffy Servers. We have a bunch of new content, and a few remakes of gamemodes from the glory days of Fretta.

We're still working on getting some neat promotional material up, but if you're interested in Minigames mapping here's some very basic outlines. Don't be scared to message me about it!

There is no guarantee that this guide reflects the current state of Minigames.

General Tips


You can add spawnpoints for FFA gamemodes, Team gamemodes, or both.

  • FFA: Add around 32 info_player_start spawnpoints scattered across the map
  • Teams: Add around 16 info_player_terrorist for BLUE team spawns and around 16 info_player_counterterrorist for RED team spawns.


Deathmatch-y Gamemodes

We have a few gamemodes which fall into a generic PvP category - gamemodes such as Balls, Kingmaker, Gun Game, etc. There's not much to comment on - just try and design a good standard deathmatch map and chances are it'll work well for these gamemodes.


Climb maps are mostly randomly generated, so there's not a whole bunch you can do with regards for mapping for this gamemode.

The height is about 3000 units tall, and props start spawning at about 160 units (make a starting platform approx. 128-160 units tall from the map origin). Props spawn from approximately (-768, -768) to (768, 768). Ensure that your map is centered! You can see the map origin with the big blue grid lines in Hammer.

Crate Wars

Cratewars is a very fun gamemode to map for. This consists of maps similar to that of most other gamemodes; but the key part is a whole bunch of crates scattered around the map. You should place a whole bunch of breakable prop_physics crates to begin with; and also consider using the crate_spawner entity to spawn new crates as the gamemode continues.

Capture The Flag

There's a lot of entities that are needed for Capture The Flag.

  • func_blue_capture marks the area where BLUE team needs to return the ball
  • func_red_capture marks the area where RED team needs to return the ball
  • ctf_blue_marker is a point entity that should be placed in the middle of the BLUE capture zone
  • ctf_red_marker is a point entity that should be placed in the middle of the RED capture zone
  • ctf_flagspawn should be used to mark where the ball should spawn

Place team spawns considering the constraints of the gamemode. In general, it is probably a good idea to place BLUE spawns near the RED capture zone, and vice versa; as this leads to a more balanced game. Experimenting with different spawn locations & goal types is highly recommended to create a unique CTF map.

The ball can be comfortably tossed about 448-512 units forward; about 320 units in the air; and can comfortably be 'arced' into goals around 128-192 units above the ground. Experiment to find unique ways to place the goals in your map!


Dodgeball maps should be very symmetrical maps. In the centre of the map, add at least 5 db_ballspawn entities to mark locations where the dodgeballs should be spawned.

Each side of the map should be around 1024x1024 in size; for a total map size of 2048x1024.

Duck Hunt

Play around with the size and the shape of the area that the Snipers have to work with. There shouldn't be too many places where Runners can just hide forever and stall the gamemode - but there should be plenty of cover that is sufficient enough. Consider mixing up the obstacles in your course to make interesting and varied layouts.

The winning entity for this gamemode is duckhunt_win.

For course length, I recommend around the 8192 units mark. This depends a lot as to what sort of obstacles are in the map and how easy it is for the Snipers, so play around with this number, but I wouldn't recommend going much shorter than say 4096.


There is a lot of potential for Incoming map development - add a special spin to mix things up and experiment with parkour traps, obstacles, and variations on the falling props.

There's a few key entities that are needed for this gamemode:

  • inc_prop_spawner is a point entity that is used to mark the prop spawning locations. Place a few of these at the top of major slopes.
  • inc_prop_remover is a brush entity that removes any physics objects that come into contact with it. Place these at the bottom of every slope and make sure that all the props that fall down end up deleted.
  • inc_winners_area is a brush entity that marks the winning zone of the map. Any player that touches this entity will win the map.

Course length should be approximately in the range of 4096 - 8192 units; however this depends a lot on the shape of the course among other things. Paths should be around 1024 units wide; and ideally at 45 degrees. Anything more than 45 degrees may be impossible to walk up.


To be written. Gamemode is being developed currently - things may change.


To be written. Gamemode is in early development stages.

Laser Dance

Laser Dance maps should be large, open, and focus a lot on verticality. Platforms at different levels around the map are great. Some areas of cover are nice, however the gamemode focuses more on moving than taking cover.

For sizing, the map should be around 4096 units tall. The floorsize should be large enough to comfortably move around, but not so large that it takes a noticeably long time to traverse from one side to the other.


Microgames mapping is still something that's being worked on; and will require a bit of working on to get right. The map should be around the size of a small arena, with consideration for the generic gamemodes that are used in Microgames.

Microgames also has two 'marker' entities which are used for spawning entities in various subgames. marker_sky is placed in the sky, while marker_ground is placed at ground level. Aim for at least 10 of each of these entities, evenly distributed across the map if possible.

New subgames are planned which may require new entities to be added to maps. Support for map-exclusive subgames has been implemented as well; so consider if any of these could be added to your map and ask me about it.


Paintball is highly dependent on the team spawnpoints. Map design should revolve around these, and make sure that there are clear paths back to them. This gamemode especially should have a strong use of team colours.

However, maps shouldn't be entirely reliant on the spawnpoints for fun gamemode. Try designing spawnpoints so they're not viable camping positions.

To place weapons, use the pb_weapon_spawner entity. These should be placed at ground level. Home spawnpoints should be trigger volumes with the func_blue_home and func_red_home entities. As mentioned earlier, try placing these so they're not viable camping positions. Experiment with weapon locations to draw people into central areas for better combat.


Pitfall currently supports random generation map and a more involved mode for mappers. The involved mode is still being fine tuned, so more on that later.

For random layouts, the mapping is limited to the environment. You can also use the pf_settings entity to change the colours of the random platforms in your map.


The hardest part about mapping for Poltergeist is creating interesting prop spawn locations; to ensure that spawned props get flung evenly and randomly across the map. To accomplish this, I recommend some form of spinning pusher using a combination of trigger_push and func_rotating. Prop spawnpoints are marked with the prop_spawner entity.

Reminder: Poltergeists are not spawned at this location. Poltergeists take over a random prop when spawned in; the prop spawner entity only controls the scattering of physics props across the map.

Gameplay wise, avoid tight closed spaces that can be difficult for the Poltergeists to get into.

For sizing, try and keep the size between 2048x2048 and 4096x4096. Maps should be relatively small and open.

Sniper Wars

Sniper Wars maps should focus on sniping, however still allow the opportunity for close-range combat in intense situations. Make sure that you place spawns so that they can fend off spawncamping.

This gamemode is experimenting with weapon crates. To spawn these, use the mg_powerup_spawnpoint entity to mark places where crates should be spawned.

Sizing, again, depends a lot on the layout you're going with. I'd recommend aiming for about 8192x4096.


To be written.

Suicide Barrels

The obvious key component of Suicide Barrels maps is the explosive barrels scattered across the map. Use prop_static with the appropriate model to place these everywhere.

When designing your map, try to avoid places where the humans have an easy sightline across the map. Corners are especially bad for this. Shorter, enclosed areas help give the barrels a fighting chance.

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