npm i -g hardhat-shorthand
hh compile
- to compile smart contract and generate typechain ts bindingshh test
- to run testshh deploy
- to deploy to local network (see options for more)hh node
- to run a localhost nodehh help
- to see all available commandshh TABTAB
- to use autocompletehh
- to see help and all task
npm install
Create .env
file and add your environment variables.
Make sure you include either MNEMONIC
in your .env
npm run compile
hh deploy --network mumbai --tags BasicERC721
hh --network mumbai etherscan-verify
hh erc721-mint \
--contract 0x... \
--recipient 0x... \
--network mumbai
npm run test
npm run coverage
npm run format:check
npm run format:write
npm run lint:check
npm run lint:fix
npm run sol:format:check
npm run sol:format:write
npm run solhint
├── contracts
│ ├── BasicERC1155.sol
│ ├── BasicERC20.sol
│ └── BasicERC721.sol
├── deploy
│ ├── Deploy_BasicERC1155.ts
│ ├── Deploy_BasicERC20.ts
│ └── Deploy_BasicERC721.ts
├── deployments
├── hardhat.config.ts
├── tasks
│ ├── erc1155
│ ├── erc20
│ ├── erc721
│ └── utils
└── test
├── BasicERC1155.ts
├── BasicERC20.ts
└── BasicERC721.ts
- Hardhat Network (localhost)
- Ethereum Mainnet
- Ethereum Sepolia Testnet
- Polygon Mainnet
- Polygon Mumbai Testnet
add more networks in hardhat.config.ts