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Computer Graphics, Fall Semester 2019, Practical Assignment 1

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Practical Assignment 1

Problem 1.3

Implementation of a Minimal Ray Tracing System (10 + 40 + 10 Points)

Each basic ray tracing system in principle consists of only three simple parts:

  • Primary Ray Generation for generating the rays to be cast from a virtual camera into the scene.
  • Ray Tracing for finding the (closest) intersection of a ray with the scene to be rendered.
  • Shading for calculating the ’color’ of the ray.

In this exercise, you will build a minimal ray tracing system by implementing these three tasks. To make this easier, you are provided with a basic ray tracing framework so that you just have to fill in the missing core parts.

  • Download and install CMake
  • Download (, build) and install OpenCV library
  • Fork the current repository
  • Using CMake generate the solution for eyden-tracer for your favorite IDE (e.g. Microsoft Visual Studio or XCode)
  • Check that you can build and run eyden-tracer

The provided ray tracing framework contains a number of useful C++ classes, which you will need for the practical exercises:

  • OpenCV class Vec3f, which incorporates standard vector operations such as addition, subtraction, dot product, cross product, etc.
  • In order to handle and save image data, an OpenCV class Mat is included that handles pixels of type Vec3f. Pixels are stored in BGR (Blue, Green, Red) format, where each color component ranges from 0.0 to 1.0. For example, black=(0, 0, 0), white=(1, 1, 1), red=(0, 0, 1). With function imwrite(String& fileName, Mat& img) image data is saved into file. The bmp, jpg, etc. file formats are supported. See main.cpp on how to use this class.
  • A structure Ray, where a ray is defined by its origin Vec3f org, its direction Vec3f dir, and its length float t.
  • An abstract base class CPrim for handling scene geometric primitives. For each primitive class derived from this base class (e.g. CPrimSphere or CPrimTriangle), the pure virtual method CPrim::Intersect(Ray& ray) has to be implemented (see below).
  • Furthermore an abstract interface base class ICamera for handling the camera parameters. For each derived class (e.g. CCameraPerspective), the pure virtual method ICamera::InitRay(float x, float y, Ray& ray) has to be implemented. Whereby x and y specify the pixel coordinates which should be used to initialize the ray.

Before implementing anything read through the presented classes and main.cpp and try to understand the object structure as well as internal dependencies. In this exercise your task now is to implement the missing parts in main.cpp, PrimPlane.h, PrimSphere.h, PrimTriangle.h, and CameraPerspective.h:

  1. Primary Ray Generation. Implement your camera model, you have derived in 1.1, into your eyden-tracer from the previous exercise (in CameraPerspective.h). Fill in the appropriate code into the constructor and InitRay-method. Test your camera implementation with the four corner rays of the image and camera model c1. The ray.dir would be: (−0.5543, −0.415508, −0.721183), (0.5543, −0.415508, −0.721183), (−0.5543, 0.415508, −0.721183) and (0.5543, 0.415508, −0.721183).
  2. Ray Tracing. The heart of every ray tracer is to find the closest intersection of a ray with a scene consisting of a certain number of geometric primitives. This eventually requires to compute intersections between rays and those primitives. For the three provided primitive classes CPrimPlane (in PrimPlane.h), CPrimSphere (in PrimSphere.h), and CPrimTriangle (in PrimTriangle.h) implement the intersection methods CPrimPlane::Intersect(Ray& ray), CPrimSphere::Intersect(Ray& ray), and CPrimTriangle::Intersect(Ray& ray) using the formulas you derived in exercise 1.2. For the ray-triangle intersection test you can use the method presented in the lecture or any other one. The semantics of Intersect should be as follows:
    • Return true if and only if a valid intersection has been found in the interval (Epsilon, ray::t). Epsilon is defined in types.h.
    • If a valid intersection has been found with the primitive, set ray::t to the distance to this intersection point (if current t < ray.t). Find the closest intersection of the ray with the scene by just testing all in main.cpp defined primitives (s1, s2, s3, and p1) sequentially.
  3. Shading. Just use constant colors for each primitive, and assign each pixel the color of the primitive the ray has hit. For this exercise, you can hard-code the color of the objects. To obtain the same image as below, use colors red RGB(1, 0, 0) for s1, green RGB(0, 1, 0) for s2, blue RGB(0, 0, 1) for s3, yellow RGB(1, 1, 0) for p1, cyan RGB(0, 1, 1) for t1, and white RGB(1, 1, 1) for t2.

For testing, use the already in main.cpp hard-coded example scene after finishing all implementation tasks in this assignment sheet. Render images (800×600 pixels) with the following camera definitions, and save them in “perspective1.jpg”, “perspective2.jpg” and ”perspective3.jpg”, respectively. pos = (0, 0, 10), dir = (0, 0, −1), up = (0, 1, 0), angle = 60° pos = (−8, 3, 8), dir = (1, −.1, −1), up = (0, 1, 0), angle = 45° pos = (−8, 3, 8), dir = (1, −.1, −1), up = (1, 1, 0), angle = 45°

If your ray tracer works as expected, the first resulting image should look like this: perspective1.jpg


Computer Graphics, Fall Semester 2019, Practical Assignment 1






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  • C++ 38.4%
  • Makefile 22.1%
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  • CMake 19.6%