Tags: florencejt/fusilli
Toggle v1.2.3's commit message
Merge pull request #22 from florencejt/refactor/traintestsplit
Refactor/traintestsplit: Adding train test split customisability to the data loading
Toggle v1.2.2's commit message
Added JOSS paper and bib file ready for submission
Toggle v1.2.1's commit message
cleaning up rogue print statement from refactoring metrics
Toggle v1.2.0's commit message
Merge pull request #16 from florencejt/refactor/metricchoices
Refactor/metricchoices: User-defined validation metrics
Toggle v1.1.0's commit message
Merge pull request #14 from florencejt/refactor/params
Changing the inputs to be separate parameter arguments rather than a parameter dictionary
Toggle v1.0.0's commit message
Cleaned documentation, added thumbnails to image-less examples, stand…
…ardised model docstrings
Toggle v0.0.7's commit message
Reduced size of some method figures
Toggle v0.0.6's commit message
Reduced size of some method figures
Toggle v0.0.5's commit message
Toggle v0.02's commit message
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