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parse v1.63

An FFXI Parser Addon for Windower. This addon parses both offensive and defensive data, stores WS/JAs/spells data by individual spell, tracks additional information like multihit rates, and provides the ability to export/import data in XML format and log individually recorded data.


For now, refer to the Excel Spreadsheet for a brief description of Parse settings. Note that at some point, the settings will be getting a bit of a face lift...


//parse pause Pauses the parser.

//parse reset Resets the currently stored data.

//parse report [stat] [ability name] [chatmode] Reports stat to party. If [stat] not provided, will report damage. Valid stats include, but aren't limited to:

  • damage (% reported is player's portion of total damage)
  • melee | ranged | spike | sc | add (% reported is hit rate)
  • crit | r_crit
  • multi (reports % and count of double attacks, triple attacks, etc., but does not distinguish between OAX, nor accommodates for killing blows; i.e. if you kill in one hit, it will only ever record as 1-hit)
  • block | parry | evade | retrate (Retaliation) (% reported is based on action hierarchy; for example, block % excludes evades and parry % excludes both evades and non-engaged hits taken)
  • ws | ja | spell | mb | enfeeb (reports averages for total category, and each individual spell; also reports hit rate % for total ws/ja)
  • ws_miss | ja_miss | enfeeb_miss (reports counts for individual spell) Note that Reprisal, Counters, and Retaliation damage all appear together under spike damage. However, retaliation rate is reported under retrate.

If [ability name] is provided when reporting WS, JA, spell, MB, or enfeeb, it will only report that particular ability. It must be an exact match to the database, and is thus case sensitive. Replace all spaces with an underscore and omit all apostrophes and other special characters. For example:

  • //parse report ws Rudras_Storm
  • //parse report mb Death l2

If [chatmode] not provided, will print to personal chatlog. Valid chatmodes include:

  • p: party
  • s: say
  • l: linkshell
  • l2: linkshell2
  • t [player name]: tell
  • echo: echo to chat (only you can see this)

//parse show (melee|ranged|magic|defense) Toggles visibility of each display box. Note that while data is still parsed regardless of visibility, these displays are not updated unless visible, saving resources.

//parse filter (add|remove) [substring] Adds/removes substring to monster filter list. Substring is not case sensitive; replace all spaces with underscores and omit special characters. If substring begins with '!' it will exclude any monsters with that substring. If substring begins with '^' it will only include exact matches. For example:

  • schah will include Schah and all of his minions.
  • !schah will exclude Schah and all of his minions (Schah's Bhata, etc.).
  • ^schah will only include Schah, and not his minions.
  • !^schah will exclude only Schah.

//parse filter clear Clears filter list.

//parse list (mobs|players) Lists mobs and players that are found in database.

//parse rename [player/monster name] [new name] Renames a player or monster to a new name for all future, incoming data. To rename again, always use the original name. Replace any spaces with _ and omit all special characters.

//parse (export|import) [file name] Exports/imports data to/from the "parse/data/export" folder. Imported data is merged with any current in-game data. If file name is taken, it will append os.clock. NOTE: Exported data will be saved according to any current filters.

//parse autoexport [file name] Automatically exports database every 500 actions. This interval can be changed in settings under autoexport_interval. Use command again with no file name, or 'off' to turn it off.

//parse log Toggles logging.

//parse interval [number] Changes the interval rate at which the display boxes are updated in seconds. Default interval is in settings.


Up to four draggable, customizable UIs can appear on screen, "melee", "ranged", "magic", and "defense." The visibility of each one can be toggled in-game and the default visibility and visual appearance can be changed in the settings file.

Despite their designated titles, attributes displayed on each of these are completely customizable from the settings. Any of recorded stats can be added to or removed from each of the displays, as well as the data type (total damage, average damage, percentage (how percentage is calculated depends on the stat), and tally).


Mob filters can be added/removed easily to filter data. Filters are used as substrings (not exact results) and are not case-sensitive. Multiple filters may be added. Note that special characters in monster names are stored differently: spaces are replaced with underscores and apostrophes are removed entirely. When in doubt, you can also use the list command to list all the monsters that have been registered in the current data set.

If substring begins with '!' it will exclude any monsters with that substring. If substring begins with '^' it will only include exact matches. For example:

  • schah will include Schah and all of his minions.
  • !schah will exclude Schah and all of his minions (Schah's Bhata, etc.).
  • ^schah will only include Schah, and not his minions.
  • !^schah will exclude only Schah.


The report feature can be used to report either to a chat mode (including tells) or personal chatlog. All stats can be reported, including damage. When using this feature to report weaponskills, job abilities, and spells, results are shown both for the entire category and each individual ability/spell.


Both players and monsters can be "renamed" for new, incoming data. This can help you distinguish between multiple instanced enemies of the same name, or assist you when testing and comparing various situations.

Always rename using the original name. For example, //parse rename Kirin Kirin2; //parse rename Kirin Kirin3. Also exclude any apostrophes and replace any spaces with underscore. Do not include Special Indexing (read more below).

Special Indexing

Special features have been added specifically to assist parsing block rate and parry rate. Buff detection requires the addon to be loaded before you apply the buff. These can be enabled/disabled through settings.

  • Indexing by subweapon/shield, represented by the first three letters.
  • Indexing by Reprisal, represented with "R" when on.
  • Indexing by Palisade, represented with "P" when on.
  • Indexing by Battuta, represented with "B" when on.

Note these features only work on the player's own character, and are appended after a name is potentially renamed.


Parses can be exported to and imported from XML format so that you can view or continue a parse at any time. When importing, the imported data is merged with any current data.

Data is saved according to mob filters, if there are any currently being used. Keep this in mind when exporting a parse, as any non-included monsters will not be saved.

You can also toggle the autoexport command with //autoexport myFile. By using this command, the addon with automatically export after every 500 recordable actions. This can be useful when testing results while away from the computer for extended periods.


As opposed to export, which saves the in-game database to an XML file, logging records each individual action's parameters to a file. For example, export will only save the total damage and total count of Flippant's Rudra's Storms against Wild Rabbits; but logging will save how much each Rudra's Storm did.

Logging data is automatic, as long as the player being recorded is listed in the logger option of your settings. This is case-sensitive, and wildcard (*) at the end of a name is permitted (this allows defensive data to be recorded easily, despite changes in name due to special indexing).

Data is saved to /parse/data/log, in folders designated according to the recording player, to a file named after the recorded player, monster name, and stat (melee, ws, etc.). Data is not logged if it does not have a damage parameter—for example, it will not record parries, enfeebles, misses, etc. Category sections (ws, ja, spell, mb) will save the spell name next to the damage.

If data has not been saved to that file since the last time Parse was loaded, it will first append time and date for quick reference.


FFXI Parser Addon for Windower







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Contributors 3

