Repository of OpenClassrooms' AI Engineer path, project #6
Goal : use Scikit-Learn and Keras conduct NLP, sentiment analysis and topic modeling on textual reviews, and CV for image classification.
You can see the results here :
HTML page with interactive plots :
- Natural Language Processing (NLP) : Reviews sentiment analysis Notebook
- Computer Vision (CV) : Photos classification Notebook
# python -m venv env
# > or just :
make venv
source env/bin/activate
# pip install --upgrade jupyterlab ipykernel ipywidgets widgetsnbextension graphviz python-dotenv requests matplotlib seaborn plotly numpy statsmodels pandas sklearn lightgbm nltk spacy gensim pyldavis Pillow scikit-image opencv-python tensorflow
# > or :
# pip install -r requirements.txt
# > or just :
make install
jupyter-lab notebooks/main.ipynb
# make isort
# make format
# make lint
# make bandit
# make mypy
# make test
# > or just :
make qa
- Fix Plotly issues with JupyterLab
jupyter labextension install jupyterlab-plotly
- If using Jupyter Notebook instead of JupyterLab, uncomment the following lines in the notebook
import as pio