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These modified files are all safe and approved directly by Little Orbit staff and will not get your account suspended. If that ever changes the config will be updated to reflect that but keep in mind that I take no responsibility for any harm caused to your account, your game or your software/hardware as a result of using these files. Modding live service games is still on a 'use at your own risk' basis.

Many of the edits present in these files are not my own discovery/creation and as such credit is given where credit is due at the bottom of this document. This config is meant to serve as a one stop shop for everyone who wishes to mod APB within the bounds of the Little Orbit Terms of Service without fear of suspension or other negative outcomes.

Many things have changed or are no longer allowed post-APB 1.31 'New Horizon' and as such those files are no longer distributed/supported here. Please read everything thoroughly first and if you wish to ask a question or report an issue, feel free to post about it on my discord server.


It is super strongly recommended that you only download the newest and latest release version as I ensure those are always safe and most functional with the most amount of features. I take no responsibility for damages in case you download and use an old version. Those are only there for archiving purposes.

Setup & Basics

First, you need to do the following steps regardless of which configs you're going to use:

  1. Navigate to APB Reloaded\Binaries and create a shortuct of APB or APB.exe (depending on your Windows settings) to your desktop.
  2. Right click -> Properties on the newly created desktop shortcut and input the launch arguments you wish to use into the Target field.

From now on you must launch your game through this new desktop shortcut in order for the configs to work.


Whenever a game update comes out you must open the default APB launcher, let it update, then close the launcher, reinstall your desired configs and launch the game from your desktop shortcut. Do NOT create new APB shortcuts every time there is an update, it is unnecessary. Creating a shortcut of APB.exe is a single-time thing, you DON'T need to re-do it for updates/patches.


In order to revert everything back to vanilla and start over, open the default APB launcher, click Options -> Repair and let it finish. Once that is done you may close the launcher and start over with modding your game.


Drag and drop the folders into your APB Reloaded main directory and replace everything when prompted to.

For example, if you wish to install my graphics open the Graphics folder and drag and drop the APBGame folder into your own APB Reloaded main directory where your own APBGame folder is located but NOT inside APBGame itself! If Windows prompts you to replace files then you're doing it right. If not, check whether you are placing the files in the correct directory.

The only config that requires one additional step is localization because you need to add the -language=1031 launch argument to your shortcut in case you haven't already done that.

Launch arguments

  • -language=1031 - Sets game to load with custom localization (required for localization).
  • -nomovies / -nomoviesstartup - Removes loading screens.
  • -nosplash - Removes initial splash screen upon boot (SARD logo cannot be removed).
  • -nosteam - Disables Steam integration, including Steam auto-login.
Click here for an image example of launch arguments


Example correct Target field path:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\APB Reloaded\Binaries\APB.exe" -language=1031 -nomovies -nosplash


Be sure to add a space after the quotations and before the dash, as well as between each launch argument as shown in the examples.


  • FPS Unlock + Login Screen + DTS + GC - Multiple game performance-enhancing edits that do not affect the game's visuals.
  • Keybinds - Adds several new keybinds to the in-game controls menu that you can change on the fly including auto sprint and hold crouch.
  • Muzzle Flash + Ragdolls - Muzzle Flash on/off and Ragdolls on/off.
  • Localization - Textual changes to the HUD/UI.
  • Graphics - Visual changes/optimizations and visibility improvements.
  • Car Music Removal - This should prevent you from hearing music coming from other players' vehicles in most instances.

More details regarding each of these further down.

Graphics presets

The following are all contained in a single file and can be changed from the in-game Video options by changing the quality preset:

  • Minimal (Standard) - High quality player characters and cars, symbols and weapons. Grenade/OPGL/rocket smoke is clearly visible, fences and doors are see-through. Transparent mission description and respawn screen.
  • Low - Same as Minimal but with lowest particles meaning no bullet holes, but also no fire from burning vehicles.
  • Medium (Low poly) - Low poly models. Player characters, cars and weapon textures quality is kept high so you can see designs. Fences and doors are see-through, grenade/OPGL/rocket smoke is visible. Transparent mission description and respawn screen.
  • High - Same as Medium but with lowest particles meaning no bullet holes, but also no fire from burning vehicles.
  • Maximum - Max graphics preset for highest quality with no regard for FPS, mainly used for screenshots and videos.


You may swap between the Minimal-Low and Medium-High presets seamlessly without needing to restart, but if you go from standard to low poly or vice versa, you would need to restart. You can also enable shadows on any of the presets by simply enabling "Dynamic Shadows" in the Advanced tab, as well as Double Buffering and Fog.


Localization simplifies the overall interface and changes text colors in the HUD/UI so you can focus more on the game while still providing you with all the vital information on screen. Included is a variant of rooq and lazer's mission stages config with stage timers and other extras. It comes in several color presets:

Click here to preview the color presets

localization color presets

This localization changes the following /slash commands

  • /exit -> /q
  • /abandonmission -> /a (obsolete)
  • /dance variants without the word dance -> /urban, /michael,, /techno, etc
  • /strikeapose1, /strikeapose2 -> /pose1, /pose2
  • /groupinvitemodedefault -> /gimd (When not in a group type, /gimd true to allow all members of group to be able to invite everytime)


Please note that in order for the localization to work, you need to add the -language=1031 launch argument to your APB.exe desktop shortcut's Target field as mentioned previously.


You are free to edit this localization as you desire for personal use, however if you wish to build your own and use mine as a base and then distribute it publicly, please credit me for making the base for it.

Optional addons for localization

Shortened chat channels

Changes the chat channels from whole words to abbreviations.

Click here to preview the shortened chat channels

shortened chat channels

Street names removal

Removes street names from the bottom right corner of the screen under the radar.

Click here to preview the street names removal

street names removal

Mission stages only (Vanilla localization)

This is for those who want to keep the game's vanilla localization but want to see the mission stages in the description box which is normally present in any of the full localization variants.


These addons work with any localization. Make sure to only apply these AFTER you've applied your desired localization otherwise these addons will be overwritten. Even if you only use addons, you still need to add the -language=1031 launch argument to your APB.exe desktop shortcut's Target field.

FPS Unlock + Login Screen + DTS + GC

This does several things all at once (+/- 32GB RAM):

  • Uncaps your FPS to infinite.
  • Disabled Texture Streaming (DTS) - Universal FPS boost without any loss of graphics quality.
  • Changes the "Smooth Frame Rate" setting in the in-game Video options to cap your fps at 128 which is the highest you can go without your character sliding.
  • Bloom - Removes all graphical effects of bloom except for the blurry, transparent background when you open your inventory/loadout menu. Keeping Bloom enabled in the settings is recommended.
  • Garbage Collection (GC) Removal1 - Additional feature which turns off GC, which will completely eliminate the stutters that occur every 60 seconds.
  • Black Login Screen2 - Changes the login screen and character select screen to a black background with no music and makes the game load faster.


(1) Using the 'No GC' variant will prevent you from using any customization kiosks in the Social district. Swapping between 'DTS only' and 'DTS + No GC' is the only way to customize your character currently if you wish to keep GC off. You have to restart the game every time you swap them. For those who only wish to uncap their FPS and gain a performance boost, simply use 'DTS only'.


(2) Using 'Black Login Screen' will prevent you from creating new characters due to the new login screen config method breaking the character creator screen. The old method is no longer allowed and there is no way to solve this issue while using this method. As such, if you need to make a new character use 'Vanilla Login Screen' to create it and once you're done, you may swap back to 'Black Login Screen'. I apologise for the inconvenience but there is no easier way to do it for now.


If you wish to undo some of the individual changes I've made, please refer to the file changes breakdown document and edit the settings to your liking.

Muzzle Flash + Ragdolls

Muzzle Flash

Turn off/on the weapon muzzle flash and bullet casings.


Either remove all ragdolls or NPC (civilian) ragdolls only. Helps with visibility and could help with performance slightly on some systems.


My personal recommendation is to remove NPC ragdolls only and keep player ones. Reason is that if you remove player ragdolls, upon death your camera freezes in place and does not track the player who killed you, making it harder for you to see where they are going and give information to your teammates. This is especially true if they run out of your camera's field of view or run behind an object, such as a building.


Refer to the file changes breakdown document if you wish to adjust these to your liking.


This file adds a variety of new easily rebindable keys within the in-game controls settings, while still keeping all the old ones fully intact, allowing you to switch them on the fly. These are unbound by default so once you install this and launch your game, you will have to manually bind them to whatever you wish personally.

  • Auto-Sprint (Movement) - Bind it to Shift to get the classic auto-sprint like before. Holding Shift + W will make you jog like it did previously.
  • Hold Crouch (Movement) - Added new hold crouch method which prevents you from getting stuck in crouch (highly recommended). The old 'stuckable' method is also still present for those who prefer it but it is now labeled "Crouch (Hold) [Classic]". Simply bind your crouch button to either one.
  • Abandon Mission (Interface) - Allows you to directly abandon missions with a keybind without having to type anything in chat. Button is still there and it works but it can't be used anywhere anymore.
  • Hold Lean (Combat) - Hold key to lean instead of toggle while aiming down the sights.
  • Primary/Secondary weapon (Combat) - Switch to primary or secondary weapon without cycling through to the next weapon upon pressing the key multiple times.
  • Social Designers Anywhere (Interface) - Allows you to access the Wardrobe, Persona, Garage, Music Studio and Symbol designers from anywhere within the Social district, without having to go up to the actual kiosks. Only works in the Social district.
  • In-game music player volume up/down hotkeys (Music).
  • Camera look up/down hotkeys (Camera).


Also with this installed, Alt + F4 finally works now, over a decade later. However it doesn't work in the character selection screen for now. But it works pretty much everywhere else.

Disabling UI elements

You can follow lazer's guide to disabling UI elements here.

Credits, Links and Special Thanks

Massive thanks to the following:

  • Secrets and the rest of the APB dev team who actively work with us to improve the game both on vanilla level as well as on configs level.
  • lazer - Graphics optimizations, Engine Fonts, Localization, Texture Streaming, Keybinds
  • rooq - Engine Fonts, Localization, General assistance
  • Esurient - Engine Fonts, Localization
  • mewpri - Keybinds
  • Kyouki - No GC/Stutter Fix, General assistance
  • jmilos - Texture Streaming, Keybinds, New hold crouch method, New black login screen method
  • Leefekyn - Localization (killfeed stun icon)
  • Tobii & Dopefish - For placing some of the foundations for modding APB many years ago, before leaving for greener pastures. (Tobii's APB repository, mostly outdated now.)

You can find me on Twitch, YouTube and Discord, as well as find my APB Beginner's Guide.

You can download the Advanced APB Launcher from Little Orbit's official link here.

You can also find lazer's config on his GitHub Page.