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nditada edited this page Mar 17, 2020 · 12 revisions


Flatten the Curve is organized in several teams, each with one lead. Leads are responsible for making final decisions (consulting with others in the team) and for coordinating the defined workflows with the rest of the teams.

Coordination happens in a Slack group (fill out the onboarding form if you want to help).

Teams might have more than one Slack #channel to allow people to participate in the most relevant aspects of the conversation.


Goals and strategy for the collective effort

Lead: @jdelc

  • #target: defining goals and strategy
  • #outreach: operationalizing a PR and outreach strategy, getting credible endorsements.
  • #movement: developing tactics for influencing behavior change, defining actions our communities can take so the effort is more all-encompassing


Organize, curate, review and update content.

Lead: @Scott Teesdale


  • #english-content: conversations on new updates, interesting articles, data sources, etc.
  • #reviewers (private): relevant scientific domain knowledge required here. Scientific review and approval of content before it goes live.


Translation and localization of content, one team per language.

Leads: no leads for now, teams are self-organizing.

  • #translation-ops: questions on how to use the translation tools and the process to get new translations up.
  • #[language]-translators: conversations and coordinations on how to translate and localize that particular language.


Responsible for verifying the accuracy and scientific soundness of translated content before it is published;

Lead per language:

  • German: @Benjamin F. E. Lange

  • Spanish: @Moni Munoz-Torres

  • #translation-verification(private): relevant scientific domain knowledge required here. Scientific review and approval of content before it goes live.

Volunteers Onboarding

Takes requests from each team and find/recruit volunteers. Trains them and onboard them in their respective team.

Lead: @TBD

  • #orientation: come here for orientation of where to go, how to help and initial training.
  • #onboarding-coordinators: coordination of volunteers onboarding team

Tech Team

Manages the servers, coding, and tech tools in general.

Lead: @TBD

  • #website-ux: user experience, look and feel and interaction of the site
  • #development-and-code: software engineering

Team leads

The lead of each team is responsible for the coordination with the rest of the teams. When you have a cross-functional need, please ask your team lead to coordinate.

#team-leads(private): coordination of teams

#Core The core team does not make decisions on strategy or content. Its responsibility is to define the processes and systems so that the rest of the teams can be effective.

Team: @chelsea, @anahi, @martin, @nico

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