Decided to upload my hud after a year+ of editing Yahud-5MD to my own liking.
- YAHUD-5MD, Created by: Whayay. Edited version by Hypnootize. (Base hud)
- Menu BG, Created by: @Davidshrigley Full credit goes to Mr Shrigely on Twitter. ( )
- Arekkhud, Created by: Arekk New font (Product sans)
- Yttrium's High Res Class Select Images ( )
- Stabbyhud, Created by: Stabby. (HudItemEffectMeter, Killstreak counter)
- Seahud, Created by: (Private). (Matchstatus)
- Flamehud, Created by: Flame (Scoreboard, Killerfreezepannel)
- mkmthud, Created by: ?. (Class portraits when specing)
- PEACHHUD, Created by: PeachesTV. (Main menu image, Winlimit)
- BroeselHud, Created by: Broesel. (HudObjectiveTimePanel, aka Server time)
Please note that I am editing huds with out the makers permission, any element from any other huds are credited in this TXT. Get in contact with me if you want me to delete your hud elements. ( )
- Positive and Negative Health colors.
- Damage Numbers displayed and outlined on hud.
- Names on the Matchstatus (where your team's classes are displayed)
- Custom crosshairs
- Multible SpectaterUI's to choose from.
- Tomo (Suggested Metal changes)
- Joe (Suggested new SpectatorUI)
- Creamy (Suggested new SpectatorUI, Outlines on Damage Numbers, bigger playermodel, low ammo new color)
Time released: 10/12/2021
Last time updated: 03/07/2022
flareshUI V2.63b & V2.63c chancelog!
- Edited MvM Scoreboard to be visible, flawhud mvm scoreboard used as a base.
- Added a Credits panel to MVM mode.
- Moved server and map label on the scoreboard.
- Fixed some missing textures issues.
- Some hudelements being 1 pixel off.
- Added a New Font
- New round counter ̶c̶o̶p̶p̶i̶e̶d borrowed from Peachhud.
- New Scoreboard from Flamehud.
- New SpectatorTournamentUI's, Located in the "Customizations" folder.
- Made Matchstatus more inline with TF_use_match_hud 0.
- Made KOTH UI more inline with casting huds (TF_use_match_hud 1)
- Recolored the low ammo color from gray to pinkish red.
- Improved TF_use_match_hud 0 round time.
- Improved TF_use_match_hud 0 Koth timer.
- Added a team colored background to Engineer's buildings (due to a visibility issue).
- Moved and made Engineer's metal counter bigger.
- Fixed Kill freeze pannel, now in the low center of the screen. (file from Flamehud)
- Fixed HTML's not showing ( example: !log )
- Added new backgrounds to text that needed them due to visibility issues.
- Added an outline to the Damage Numbers being displayed above the enemy gamer.
- Added a blue color to inputted commands in the console.
- Added New class icons when on the loadout screen. (yttrium's High Res Class Select Images)
- Made the bottom right star on the menu display version and hud name in console.
- Made the stopwatch UI slightly different due to some game crash issues.
- Moved top Spectator Tournament more to the center to compensate for the smaller matchstatus
- Moved PL UI slighty downwards
- Removed reason for winning on the win panel as it caused several minor issues.
- Added a New Font
- Added Color to negative and positive health
- Added Names to the matchstatus
- Added New portraits for the classes for spectating, watching demos and casting. (doesn't work on casual, but does on community servers)
- Added a new TargetID
- Added Damage numbers right next to the health.
- New Scoreboard from Flamehud.
- New SpectatorTournamentUI's, Located in the "Customizations" folder.
- Recolored the low ammo color from gray to yellow
- Improved TF_use_match_hud 0 round time.
- Improved TF_use_match_hud 0 Koth timer.
- Moved and made Engineer's metal counter bigger.
- Made the server time to be more inline with casting huds. Top is round time, bottom is server time. (Edited from Broeselhud)
- Made KOTH UI more inline with casting huds (TF_use_match_hud 1)
- Fixed Kill freeze pannel, now in the low center of the screen. (file from Flamehud)
- Did a lot of resizing and moving of hud elements.
- Added a new background.
- Added colors in some hud elements. (scoreboard on 'important' stats highlighted in blue)
- Added a new "HudItemEffectMeter", edited from StabbyHud (pyro jetpack breaks :/ )
- Added new "SpectatorTournament to be at the top, can be enabled by renaming "SpectatorTournament - Top" to be "SpectatorTournament" etc. (Default is set top left, 9v9 on top hud is wonky but still usable)
- Added new backgrounds to images that needed them due to visibility issues.
- Added an outline to the Damage Numbers being displayed above the enemy gamer.
- Added a blue color to inputted commands in the console.
- Added New class icons when on the loadout screen. (yttrium's High Res Class Select Images)
- New Scoreboard from Flamehud.
- New SpectatorTournamentUI's, Located in the "Customizations" folder.
- Changed 3D models facings.
- Changed Killstreak counter to one from StabbyHud, edited with matching font.
- Moved Ammo in reserve to be placed slightly lower.
- Moved Killstreak counter to bottom left.
- Moved Extra spec info for the people that use "developer 1" (players spectating etc)
- Moved Health to the left when in kill freeze frame to compensate for discord and steam messages.
- Moved Players on matchstatus closer to the middle.
- Moved top Spectator Tournament more to the center to compensate for the smaller matchstatus
- Moved PL UI slighty downwards
- Made Team colors when spectating solid.
- Made respawn times on matchstatus visible.
- Made Control point icons smaller.
- Made the bottom right star on the menu display version and hud name in console.
- Made the stopwatch UI slightly different due to some game crash issues.
- Removed team color in the bottom right corner.
- Removed reason for winning on the win panel as it caused several minor issues.