Python library for controling BIMMS.
use pip for installation :
pip install bimms
Third party software (Waveform) has to be installed before BIMMS python API. BIMMS has been developped for python 3. Required packages:
- numpy
- scipy
- matplotlib
- andi-py
for the third party softwares, please visit: Waveform
- Add selftests capabilities
- Add calibration routines --> skeleton OK
- Comments
- add verbosity mode
- do "standard configuration"
- add check_saturation
- add auto HIGH/LOW GAIN
- offset compensation in scope input
- Double check excitation/readout signaling
- test connect_TIA_to_CH2, disconnect_TIA_from_CH2, disable_current_source, enable_potentiostat
- test dc feedback
- Offset values are odds (measure seems ok tho)
- Test Readout AC coupling (IA, TIA, etc) --> TIA AC COupling???
- Offset calibration
- DC calibration
- OSL calibration
#TODO CONF AD2: #SET in_channel_range_set --> 2.0,5.0 or 5.0 --> 2.0 by default; check if saturation? #BS.ad2.in_average_filter_mode(-1) #AD2 attenation = 1.0 #AD2 offsets = 0.0 #Triggers --> AWG by default --> external TODO #Conf modes (bode,)