5Times is a web app that displays prayer times for masajid in Calgary
5Times is inspired by a need for a prayer app at Al-Salam Centre. I had previously developed one (which you can check here) using Flask and Bootstrap, however I received feedback about the UI and it's readability, as well as the app running slow and crashing on some devices.
- Express.js backend
- Implementation of SQL database for prayer times rather than CSV files
- React and TailwindCSS based UI for better mobile and overall accessibility
- ✨NEW✨ Support for light and dark modes based on system preference
- ✨NEW✨ See what prayer is coming up next
- ✨NEW✨ "Add to Home Screen" prompt for iOS
- ✨NEW✨ TV Display Mode
- ✨NEW✨ Monthly Times View
- To run the application, the following dependencies need to be installed
npm install express sqlite3 cors react-router-dom moment-timezone hijri swr
- Then, the backend and frontend need to be run simultaneously in separate terminal instances
- Make sure you are in the 5Times directory in your terminal
node server.js
cd client
npm start
The application will be available at localhost:3000