Imagine that you had a way of knowing how far away you are from other devices and also knowing which direction the devices are relative to yours. Well, Apple presents this ability to us with the NearbyInteraction framework presented at WWDC 2020.
This is possible thanks to the Apple-designed U1 chip that incorporates the iPhone 11 and the new iOS 14, currently in beta. These are the minimum requirements to be able to use this framework.
To illustrate this article I will use a very simple app that searches for another device and will tell us the distance and its relative position.
NearbyInteraction works through sessions. A session is a connection between two devices, and a device can connect to more than one device.
The class that represents the session is called NISession
and it is the gateway of our app in order to use the framework. With it you can check if your device has support for the framework, start, pause and resume a session with another device.
When we want to start a session, we must use the run
function to which we will pass a configuration represented by the NINearbyPeerConfiguration
class that accepts as a parameter the token of the device with which we want to start a session.
Wait a second...what's a customer token? It is a unique identifier that represents the session's (or multiple sessions') devices, or points. And no, you don't have to generate it. NISession
will create the device's when you instantiate the class.
To receive updates on the session status -- such as changes in distance and position with respect to the other device, if the session is suddenly invalid or the connection to the other point in the session is lost -- we will use the delegate pattern using the NISessionDelegate
One of the reasons our session may be invalidated is because the app starts running in the background, at which point the delegate invokes the sessionWasSuspended
If the app runs in the foreground again within a reasonable time the delegate calls the sessionSuspensionEnded
function. At that time we must call the NISession
function again, passing the configuration again.
If the app spends too much time in the background, there will be no possibility to restart the session and we will be informed with the session function (_: didInvalidateWith :)
And the most interesting... the function where we will receive distance and position updates is called session (_: didUpdate :)
. It is important to know that there may be times when distance, position or both have null values, so the app must be prepared for it.
There is no way that the NearbyInteraction framework can pass information to another device. For this we must use another way to communicate with the other points of the session.
You can use iCloud, the MultipeerConnectivity framework, sockets, Bonjour, etc. In the WWDC session they have decided to use the MultipeerConnectivity framework and for this example I will use it as well.
The decision to use this framework is motivated by the similarity as far as the distance between users is concerned.
Both of these frameworks (MultipeerConnectivity and NearbyInteraction) do note need to have a lot of distance between the points (devices). Therefore, if we can discover a device with MultipeerConnectivity, it means that it is very possible to establish a NearbyInteraction session.
Now that we have the complete picture we are going to get into the subject using a project called Cerca (Closer).
In the code, we will see a complete cycle of NearbyInteraction.
- Check if we can use the framework
- Discovery
- Token exchange
- Updating direction and distance
Let's get to it!
Upon opening the app in Xcode 12 Beta, we will focus on four files:
CercaApp. Here we check if the device supports the framework that can run the app.
NearbyView. Presents distance and direction data to the other device.
ErrorView. If the device does not support
, we will alert the user. -
CercaViewModel. Contains all the logic to handle
About CercaViewModel
: To make it easier to follow along with the code, all operations have been concentrated here and I have given myself some license with the MVVM architecture.
The first thing we will do as soon as the app is started is to check if the user will be able to run the app. Remember, the device must have the U1 chip and be running on iOS14.
The NISession
class has a static property called isSupported
that tells us if the device can work with NearbyInteractions. We must use this property to find out if we can continue executing the app.
// CercaViewModel
internal static var nearbySessionAvailable: Bool
return NISession.isSupported
// CercaApp
if CercaViewModel.nearbySessionAvailable
Here we asked about the value of the property and, depending on the result, presented the main view or the error.
If our device (both physical or in the simulator) is supported, we must now discover other devices and establish a NearbyInteraction session and a MultipeerConnectivity session. The sequence to follow is as follows
- We start a
session - Exchange our token with other devices if it is a reconnection
- Start a MultipeerConnectivity session:
- We create the session
- We start the advertiser (We announce our presence)
- We start the browser (We search for other devices)
// CercaViewModel
Arrancamos las sesiones de `NearbyInteraction`
y de `MultipeerConnectivity`
override internal init()
// Avoid any simulator instances from finding any actual devices.
#if targetEnvironment(simulator)
self.serviceIdentity = "com.desappstre.Cerca./simulator_ni"
self.serviceIdentity = "com.desappstre.Cerca./device_ni"
Arranca la sesión de `NearbyInteraction`.
También se inicia la sesión de `MultipeerConectivity`
en caso que sea la primera vez que se inica la app.
internal func startNearbySession() -> Void
// 1. Creamos la NISession.
self.nearbySession = NISession()
// 2. Ahora el delegado.
// Recibimos datos sobre el estado de la sesión
self.nearbySession?.delegate = self
// Es una nueva sesión así que tendremos que
// intercambiar nuestro token.
sharedTokenWithPeer = false
// 3. Si la variable `peer` existe es porque se ha reiniciado
// la sesión así que tenemos qque volver a compartir el token.
if self.peer != nil && self.multipeerSession != nil
if !self.sharedTokenWithPeer
Arranca la sesión de `MultipeerConnectivity`
Lo principal son los tres objetos que se crean aquí
* `MCSession`: La sesión de MultipeerConnectivity
* `MCNearbyServiceAdvertiser`: Se encarga de decir a todos que
estamos aquí.
* `MCNearbyServiceBrowser`: Nos dice si hay otros dispositivos
ahí fuera.
Todos estos objetos tienen sus respectivos delegados
**donde recibimos actualizaión del estado** de todo lo relacionado
con `MultipeerConnectivity`
private func startMultipeerSession() -> Void
if self.multipeerSession == nil
let localPeer = MCPeerID(displayName:
// 4
self.multipeerSession = MCSession(peer: localPeer,
securityIdentity: nil,
encryptionPreference: .required)
// 5
self.multipeerAdvertiser = MCNearbyServiceAdvertiser(peer: localPeer,
discoveryInfo: [ "identity" : serviceIdentity],
serviceType: "desappstrecerca")
// 6
self.multipeerBrowser = MCNearbyServiceBrowser(peer: localPeer,
serviceType: "desappstrecerca")
// 7
self.multipeerSession?.delegate = self
self.multipeerAdvertiser?.delegate = self
self.multipeerBrowser?.delegate = self
// 8
As I said before, the first thing to do is to: (1) create the session for NearbyInteraction, (2) assign it the class that implements the delegate, and (3) exchange the token if we are reconnecting with a client.
Now it is the MultipeerConnectivity session's turn, which we will use to exchange the token. Again we (4) create a session where we say who we are using the MCPeerID
class (for the example we use the device model name).
Then we have to (5) create the advertising services so that others know that we are here and (6) the discovery service to know who is around. Then we have to (7) establish the delegates for each of them and (8) start the advertising and browser sessions.
Let's pause for a moment in creating the advertising session, MCNearbyServiceAdvertiser
and discovery session, MCNearbyServiceBrowser
. You will see that a parameter called serviceType
is passed, which must comply with the Bonjour services nomenclature. The discovertyInfo
parameter is the identifier of our service, which is recommended to call using the dns-reverse nomenclature.
Let's assume that there is another device near us and our app has started. The time has come to exchange tokens in order to start obtaining data from the NearbyInteraction
We will know that there is another device becuase we get alerted about it in the browser function: (_: foundPeer :)
(1) If the service identifier is that of our app, we proceed to invite you to join a MultipeerConnectivity session.
(2) If the invitation is accepted, we will know how the connection process is going thanks to the session (_: peer: didChange :)
function where we will know the exact moment in which we connect with the other device.
(3) Now we exchange tokens with the other client.
extension CercaViewModel: MCNearbyServiceBrowserDelegate
/// 1
func browser(_ browser: MCNearbyServiceBrowser, foundPeer peerID: MCPeerID, withDiscoveryInfo info: [String: String]?) -> Void
guard let info = info,
let identity = info["identity"],
let multipeerSession = self.multipeerSession,
(identity == self.serviceIdentity && multipeerSession.connectedPeers.count < self.maxPeersInSession)
browser.invitePeer(peerID, to: multipeerSession, withContext: nil, timeout: 10)
extension CercaViewModel: MCSessionDelegate
/// 2
func session(_ session: MCSession, peer peerID: MCPeerID, didChange state: MCSessionState)
switch state
case .connected:
self.peerName = peerID.displayName
self.peer = peerID
// 3
self.isConnectionLost = false
case .notConnected:
self.isConnectionLost = true
case .connecting:
self.peerName = "Hola ¿Quién eres? 👋"
@unknown default:
fatalError("Ha aparecido un estado nuevo de la enumeración. Ni idea lo que hacer.")
Token exchange is done using the MultipeerConnectivity session. Previously, we have had to encrypt the tokens using NSKeyedArchiver
. Since NIDiscoveryToken
implements the NSSecureCoding
protocol, we can send it to the other device in a secure way.
Desde aquí compartimos nuestro token de
`NearbyInteraction` con los otros dispositivos.
private func shareTokenWithAllPeers() -> Void
guard let token = nearbySession?.discoveryToken,
let multipeerSession = self.multipeerSession,
let encodedData = try? NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData(withRootObject: token, requiringSecureCoding: true)
fatalError("Ese token no se puede codificar. 😭")
try self.multipeerSession?.send(encodedData,
toPeers: multipeerSession.connectedPeers,
with: .reliable)
catch let error
print("No se puede enviar el token a los dispositivos. \(error.localizedDescription)")
// Ya hemos compartido el token.
self.sharedTokenWithPeer = true
However, as we said, we exchange the token so that the other point of connection send us their token, which we will use to start the NearbyInteraction session.
extension CercaViewModel: MCSessionDelegate
func session(_ session: MCSession, didReceive data: Data, fromPeer peerID: MCPeerID)
guard peerID.displayName == self.peerName else
// Llegan datos de un cliente que no es
// con el que hemos iniciado la sesión
guard let discoveryToken = try? NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchivedObject(ofClass: NIDiscoveryToken.self, from: data) else
fatalError("No se ha podido leer el token del otro dispositivo")
// Creamos la configuración...
let config = NINearbyPeerConfiguration(peerToken: discoveryToken)
// ...arrancamos la sesión de NearbyInteraction...
// ...y guardo el token del cliente por si tengo
// que reanudar mi sesión.
self.peerToken = discoveryToken
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.isConnectionLost = false
Once we have decoded the token, we use it to create the NISession
session configuration and then start it. With this we are ready to receive data on the position of the other device.
Now the NISession delegate enters the scene. Here where we will receive the position and distance updates relative to the other device.
Keep in mind that both (position and distance) can be null since there are times when it will not be possible to establish the position with respect to the other device due to obstacles that stand between them.
The position is a field that will be null if there is no line of sight on the device. This line of sight is the same as that of the iPhone's wide-angle camera.
The distance is a Float
type whose value is measured in meters and the direction is a vector of type simd_float3
, which contains the values for the X (left or right), Y (up or down) Z (near or far) axes.
All this comes through the session (_: didUpdate :)
function that receives an array of NINearbyObject
, which are the objects that contain the distance in the distance variable and the address in the direction variable.
extension CercaViewModel: NISessionDelegate
func session(_ session: NISession, didUpdate nearbyObjects: [NINearbyObject]) -> Void
guard let nearbyObject = nearbyObjects.first else
self.distanceToPeer = nearbyObject.distance
if let direction = nearbyObject.direction
self.isDirectionAvailable = true
self.directionAngle = direction.x > 0.0 ? 90.0 : -90.0
self.isDirectionAvailable = false
And with this we are already able to know where the other device is located.
We have to be careful with the session and the tokens, because when the session is lost, the tokens must be exchanged between the devices again.
For example, a session loss can happen because the user closes the app or stops being in the foreground.
extension CercaViewModel: NISessionDelegate
/// La sesión no vale.
/// Hay que iniciar otra.
func session(_ session: NISession, didInvalidateWith error: Error) -> Void
/// Se ha perdido la conexión con el otro dispositivo
/// La sesión no vale, tenemos que crear otra.
func session(_ session: NISession, didRemove nearbyObjects: [NINearbyObject], reason: NINearbyObject.RemovalReason) -> Void
/// La app vuelve al primer plano
func sessionSuspensionEnded(_ session: NISession) -> Void
guard let peerToken = self.peerToken else
// Creamos la configuración...
let config = NINearbyPeerConfiguration(peerToken: peerToken)
// volvemos a levantar la sesión
/// La app pasa a background
func sessionWasSuspended(_ session: NISession) -> Void
print("\(#function). Volveré... 🙋♂️")
It is very important to remember that sessions can be invalidated and that it is necessary to exchange tokens.
The Cupertino engineers, who have developed this framework and know what they are talking about, recommend the following:
- Check if the device supports NearbyInteraction framework
- Keep in mind that distance and position can be null and that does not mean it is an error.
- Run the application in portrait mode if possible.
Now you just have to have fun using the framework!