A little library which wraps java-libpst - provides a read-only interface to "PFF" files.
An example of recursively walking a PFF database is given in pst.core
. It can be run with
$ lein run <path-to-file.pst> <verbose>
is optional and will dump full message metadata and contents if set.
More example usage:
[pst.message :as pm]
[pst.message-store :as ms]
[pst.folder :as pf]
[pst.archive :as pa]
[pst.attachment :as pat]
[pst.recipient :as pr]))
(def archive (pa/archive "test/resources/sample1.pst"))
(:display-name (:message-store archive)) ;; -> "sample1"
(:message-count (:root-folder archive)) ;; -> 0
(:subfolder-count (:root-folder archive)) ;; -> 4
(def subfs (pf/subfolders (:root-folder archive)))
(map :display-name subfs)
;; -> ("Top of Outlook data file" "Search Root" "SPAM Search Folder 2" "ItemProcSearch")
(def outlook (first subfs))
(def outlooks (pf/subfolders outlook))
(map vector
(map :display-name outlooks)
(map :message-count outlooks))
;; -> (["Deleted Items" 0] ["Sample1" 1])
(def sample (second outlooks))
(:message-count sample) ;; -> 1
(def sample-message (first (pf/messages sample)))
(:is-read sample-message) ;; -> true
(:subject sample-message) ;; "Here is a sample message"
(:attachment-count sample-message) ;; -> 1
(pat/save (first (pm/attachments sample-message)) "~/sample.jpg")
(def sample-recipient (first (pm/recipients sample-message)))
(:smtp-address sample-recipient) ;; -> "terrymah@microsoft.com"
Contacts, appointments, messages, and attachments are supported. See pst.core
Via Clojars:
[firstlook/pst 0.1.0]
Copyright © 2015 Joshua Thayer joshua@firstlook.org
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.