You are on leave. But people keep messages you. You don't want to uninstall Telegram. But You don't want to make them sad by your 'Read-Only' message. So, use this Auto-Reply for Telegram.
- Install Telethon Library
pip3 install telethon
- Duplicate env file
cp env.sample .env
- Fill the needed env variable
API_ID #Your telegram client API
API_HASH #Your telegram client hash
TELEGRAM_PHONE_NUMBER #Your telegram account phone number
TELEGRAM_USERNAME #Just for file session name
TELEGRAM_PASSWORD #Not necessary, only if you have TFA
Run the application
First time application running, It will ask for verification code and create a session login file.
The toggle auto reply feature is default set disable, to enable the auto reply, you need to send message #toggle
on the saved message.