From 47d8518a1bbb1f962171874b4922a26f60569d48 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Finn Bear <>
Date: Sat, 26 Dec 2020 21:36:02 -0800
Subject: [PATCH] Profanity levels and more optimization.

 generator/Makefile                            |     4 +-
 generator/dictionary_blacklist.txt            |     3 +-
 .../{filter_dictionary.go => generate.go}     |   186 +-
 generator/go.mod                              |     2 +-
 generator/go.sum                              |    24 +
 generator/profanity.csv                       |     2 +
 generator/profanity.txt                       |    72 -
 internal/radix/buffer.go                      |    26 -
 internal/radix/queue.go                       |    45 +
 moderation.go                                 |    24 +-
 wordlists.go                                  | 17168 ++++++++--------
 11 files changed, 9027 insertions(+), 8529 deletions(-)
 rename generator/{filter_dictionary.go => generate.go} (61%)
 delete mode 100644 generator/profanity.txt
 delete mode 100644 internal/radix/buffer.go
 create mode 100644 internal/radix/queue.go

diff --git a/generator/Makefile b/generator/Makefile
index 569f54c..c3951f1 100644
--- a/generator/Makefile
+++ b/generator/Makefile
@@ -8,5 +8,5 @@ dictionary.txt:
 	wget -O dictionary_common.txt
-dictionary_filtered.txt ../wordlists.go: filter_dictionary.go dictionary.txt dictionary_common.txt profanity.txt dictionary_blacklist.txt dictionary_extra.txt
-	go run filter_dictionary.go dictionary.txt dictionary_common.txt profanity.txt dictionary_blacklist.txt dictionary_extra.txt dictionary_filtered.txt ../wordlists.go
+../wordlists.go: generate.go dictionary.txt dictionary_common.txt profanity.csv dictionary_blacklist.txt dictionary_extra.txt
+	go run generate.go dictionary.txt dictionary_common.txt profanity.csv dictionary_blacklist.txt dictionary_extra.txt ../wordlists.go
diff --git a/generator/dictionary_blacklist.txt b/generator/dictionary_blacklist.txt
index 317c40c..c26658e 100644
--- a/generator/dictionary_blacklist.txt
+++ b/generator/dictionary_blacklist.txt
@@ -17,12 +17,13 @@ nude(.*)
diff --git a/generator/filter_dictionary.go b/generator/generate.go
similarity index 61%
rename from generator/filter_dictionary.go
rename to generator/generate.go
index dfbc299..39758ab 100644
--- a/generator/filter_dictionary.go
+++ b/generator/generate.go
@@ -2,28 +2,27 @@ package main
 import (
-	"bytes"
+	"strconv"
-	""
+	""
 var (
-	dictionaryFile         string
-	commonDictionaryFile   string
-	profanityFile          string
-	blacklistFile          string
-	falsePositiveFile      string
-	filteredDictionaryFile string
-	goFilename             string
+	dictionaryFile       string
+	commonDictionaryFile string
+	profanityFile        string
+	blacklistFile        string
+	falsePositiveFile    string
+	goFilename           string
 	plural = pluralize.NewClient()
@@ -32,22 +31,20 @@ const goTemplateSrc = `package moderation
 // Code generated by generator/filter_dictionary.go; DO NOT EDIT
-var profanities = {{.Profanities}}
-var falsePositives = {{.FalsePositives}}
+// seeing word [key] means changing inappropriate level by [value]
+var wordValues = {{.WordValues}}
 func init() {
-	if len(os.Args) != 8 {
-		log.Fatalf("expected 8 args, got %d", len(os.Args))
+	if len(os.Args) != 7 {
+		log.Fatalf("expected 7 args, got %d", len(os.Args))
 	dictionaryFile = os.Args[1]
 	commonDictionaryFile = os.Args[2]
 	profanityFile = os.Args[3]
 	blacklistFile = os.Args[4]
 	falsePositiveFile = os.Args[5]
-	filteredDictionaryFile = os.Args[6]
-	goFilename = os.Args[7]
+	goFilename = os.Args[6]
 func fileToStrings(filename string) (lines []string) {
@@ -64,10 +61,31 @@ func fileToStrings(filename string) (lines []string) {
+// each line contains [key],[value]
+func fileToStringValues(filename string) (values map[string]int) {
+	values = make(map[string]int)
+	buf, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
+	if err != nil {
+		log.Fatal(err)
+	}
+	str := string(buf)
+	reader := strings.NewReader(str)
+	scanner := bufio.NewScanner(reader)
+	for scanner.Scan() {
+		line := scanner.Text()
+		lineSegments := strings.Split(line, ",")
+		key := lineSegments[0]
+		value, _ := strconv.Atoi(lineSegments[1])
+		values[key] = value
+	}
+	return
 func main() {
 	dictionary := fileToStrings(dictionaryFile)
 	commonDictionary := fileToStrings(commonDictionaryFile)
-	profanities := fileToStrings(profanityFile)
+	profanities := fileToStringValues(profanityFile)
 	blacklistRaw := fileToStrings(blacklistFile)
 	falsePositives := fileToStrings(falsePositiveFile)
@@ -129,7 +147,7 @@ search:
 		wordSingular := plural.Singular(word)
-		for _, profanity := range profanities {
+		for profanity := range profanities {
 			if word == profanity || wordSingular == profanity {
 				continue search
@@ -155,7 +173,7 @@ search:
 		for _, word2 := range combinationWords {
 			combined := word1 + word2
-			for _, profanity := range profanities {
+			for profanity := range profanities {
 				// These profanities create too many false positives
 				// (this check must be in sync with the moderation runtime)
 				if len(profanity) <= 3 || (len(profanity) <= 4 && profanity[0] == 's') {
@@ -164,6 +182,7 @@ search:
 				idx := strings.Index(combined, profanity)
 				if idx != -1 && idx > len(word1)-len(profanity) && idx < len(word1) {
 					dictionary = append(dictionary, combined)
+					break
 					//println(word1, word2)
@@ -182,100 +201,101 @@ filtering:
 		wordSingular := plural.Singular(word)
-		count := 0
+		falsePositiveValue := 0
-		for _, profanity := range profanities {
-			//profanitySegments := strings.Split(profanityLine, ",")
-			//profanity := profanitySegments[0]
-			//_, _ = strconv.Atoi(profanitySegments[1])
+		for profanity, value := range profanities {
 			if word == profanity || wordSingular == profanity {
+				// is a profane word, so is not false positive
 				continue filtering
 			if strings.Index(word, profanity) != -1 {
-				count++
-				break
+				falsePositiveValue -= value
-		if count == 0 {
+		if falsePositiveValue == 0 {
+			// does not contain any profane words, so is irrelevant
 			continue filtering
 		for _, r := range blacklistRegexes {
 			if RegexMatchAll(r, word) {
+				// is a blacklisted word, so is not false positive
 				continue filtering
-		filtered[word] = count
+		filtered[word] = falsePositiveValue
 	fmt.Printf("Dictionary now has %d words\n", len(filtered))
 	fmt.Println("Removing redundancies...")
+	// sort by length to find and remove redundancies in the right order
+	sortedFilteredKeys := make([]string, 0, len(filtered))
+	for word := range filtered {
+		sortedFilteredKeys = append(sortedFilteredKeys, word)
+	}
+	sort.Slice(sortedFilteredKeys, func(i, j int) bool {
+		return len(sortedFilteredKeys[i]) < len(sortedFilteredKeys[j])
+	})
 	bar = progressbar.New(len(filtered))
-	for word1, count1 := range filtered {
+	for _, word1 := range sortedFilteredKeys {
-		bar.SetMax(len(filtered))
+		count1 := filtered[word1]
+		// word1 is the long word that may be redundant
+		// word2 is the short word that may make word1 redundant
+		//var testing = make(map[string]int)
 		for word2, count2 := range filtered {
-			if count1 == count2 && len(word2) > len(word1) && strings.Index(word2, word1) != -1 {
-				delete(filtered, word2)
+			if len(word1) > len(word2) && strings.Index(word1, word2) != -1 {
+				count1 -= count2
+				//testing[word2]=count2
+				if count1 >= 0 {
+					if count1 > 0 {
+						// for debugging
+						//fmt.Printf("\nwarning: false positive '%s' (originally %d) achieved positive value %d (%v)\n", word1, filtered[word1], count1, testing)
+					}
+					delete(filtered, word1)
+					continue outer
+				}
+		filtered[word1] = count1
+	}
+	bar.Finish()
+	// add profanity
+	for profanity, value := range profanities {
+		filtered[profanity] = value
-	var list []string
 	longest := 0
-	for word, count := range filtered {
-		if count > 1 {
-			// If this happens, may need to store how many profanities are
-			// in each false positive
-			println("warning: " + word + " contains multiple profanities")
-		}
+	for word := range filtered {
 		if len(word) > longest {
 			longest = len(word)
-		list = append(list, word)
 	fmt.Printf("Dictionary now has %d words, the longest having %d letters\n", len(filtered), longest)
-	fmt.Println("Sorting...")
-	sort.Strings(list)
-	/*
-	   clean := fileToStrings("clean.txt")
-	   for _, c := range clean {
-	       found := false
-	       for word := range filtered {
-	           if word == c {
-	               found = true
-	               break
-	           }
-	       }
-	       if !found {
-	           println("missed", c)
-	       }
-	   }
-	*/
-	fmt.Println("Writing output files...")
-	var buffer bytes.Buffer
-	for _, word := range list {
-		buffer.WriteString(word)
-		buffer.WriteByte('\n')
-	}
-	err := ioutil.WriteFile(filteredDictionaryFile, buffer.Bytes(), 0644)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatal(err)
-	}
+	fmt.Println("Writing output file...")
 	goFile, err := os.Create(goFilename)
 	if err != nil {
@@ -286,8 +306,7 @@ filtering:
 	err = goTemplate.Execute(goFile, map[string]interface{}{
-		"Profanities":    fmtSlice(profanities),
-		"FalsePositives": fmtSlice(list),
+		"WordValues": fmtMap(filtered),
 	if err != nil {
@@ -310,6 +329,25 @@ func fmtSlice(slice []string) string {
 	return builder.String()
+func fmtMap(m map[string]int) string {
+	// store in slice for sorting keys
+	slice := make([]string, 0, len(m))
+	for word := range m {
+		slice = append(slice, word)
+	}
+	sort.Strings(slice)
+	var builder strings.Builder
+	builder.WriteString("map[string]int8{\n")
+	for _, word := range slice {
+		builder.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("	\"%s\": %d,\n", word, int8(m[word])))
+	}
+	builder.WriteString("}")
+	return builder.String()
 func RegexMatchAll(pattern *regexp.Regexp, str string) bool {
 	return len(pattern.FindString(str)) == len(str)
diff --git a/generator/go.mod b/generator/go.mod
index 7d9d45b..d38308e 100644
--- a/generator/go.mod
+++ b/generator/go.mod
@@ -4,5 +4,5 @@ go 1.15
 require ( v0.1.7
- v1.0.0
+ v3.7.2
diff --git a/generator/go.sum b/generator/go.sum
index 9bef733..c8e9555 100644
--- a/generator/go.sum
+++ b/generator/go.sum
@@ -1,5 +1,29 @@ v1.1.0/go.mod h1:J7Y8YcW2NihsgmVo/mv3lAwl/skON4iLHjSsI+c5H38= v1.1.1/go.mod h1:J7Y8YcW2NihsgmVo/mv3lAwl/skON4iLHjSsI+c5H38= v0.1.7 h1:RgvJTJ5W7olOoAks97BOwOlekBFsLEyh00W48Z6ZEZY= v0.1.7/go.mod h1:O4eNeeIf91MHh1GJ2I47DNtaesm66NYvjYgAahcqSDQ= v0.0.0-20180517002512-3bf9e2903213/go.mod h1:vNUNkEQ1e29fT/6vq2aBdFsgNPmy8qMdSay1npru+Sw= v0.0.12/go.mod h1:cbi8OIDigv2wuxKPP5vlRcQ1OAZbq2CE4Kysco4FUpU= v0.0.9 h1:Lm995f3rfxdpd6TSmuVCHVb/QhupuXlYr8sCI/QdE+0= v0.0.9/go.mod h1:H031xJmbD/WCDINGzjvQ9THkh0rPKHF+m2gUSrubnMI= v0.0.0-20190213212951-d06e56a500db h1:62I3jR2EmQ4l5rM/4FEfDWcRD+abF5XlKShorW5LRoQ= v0.0.0-20190213212951-d06e56a500db/go.mod h1:l0dey0ia/Uv7NcFFVbCLtqEBQbrT4OCwCSKTEv6enCw= v0.9.1/go.mod h1:bwawxfHBFNV+L2hUp1rHADufV3IMtnDRdf1r5NINEl0= v1.0.0/go.mod h1:iKH77koFhYxTK1pcRnkKkqfTogsbg7gZNVY4sRDYZ/4= v1.0.0 h1:gbyFReLHDkZo8mxy/dLWMr+Mpb1MokGJ1FqCiqacjZM= v1.0.0/go.mod h1:/l9I7PC3L3erOuz54ghIRKUEFcosiWfLvJv+Eq26UMs= v3.0.0/go.mod h1:d+PD64vPuv+GL2EhUpvV579FR91WWhRHEnImqGsIBU4= v3.7.2 h1:0mjLacO6y9vSdcopQ8TEK8AsIWFJXTVU9eJDkoR/MkE= v3.7.2/go.mod h1:CG/f0JmacksUc6TkZToO7tVq4t03zIQSQUtTd7F9GR4= v0.1.0/go.mod h1:HFkY916IF+rwdDfMAkV7OtwuqBVzrE8GR6GFx+wExME= v1.3.0/go.mod h1:M5WIy9Dh21IEIfnGCwXGc5bZfKNJtfHm1UVUgZn+9EI= v0.0.0-20190308221718-c2843e01d9a2/go.mod h1:djNgcEr1/C05ACkg1iLfiJU5Ep61QUkGW8qpdssI0+w= v0.0.0-20201112155050-0c6587e931a9 h1:umElSU9WZirRdgu2yFHY0ayQkEnKiOC1TtM3fWXFnoU= v0.0.0-20201112155050-0c6587e931a9/go.mod h1:LzIPMQfyMNhhGPhUkYOs5KpL4U8rLKemX1yGLhDgUto= v0.0.0-20190404232315-eb5bcb51f2a3/go.mod h1:t9HGtf8HONx5eT2rtn7q6eTqICYqUVnKs3thJo3Qplg= v0.0.0-20190215142949-d0b11bdaac8a/go.mod h1:STP8DvDyc/dI5b8T5hshtkjS+E42TnysNCUPdjciGhY= v0.0.0-20190412213103-97732733099d/go.mod h1:h1NjWce9XRLGQEsW7wpKNCjG9DtNlClVuFLEZdDNbEs= v0.0.0-20200116001909-b77594299b42/go.mod h1:h1NjWce9XRLGQEsW7wpKNCjG9DtNlClVuFLEZdDNbEs= v0.0.0-20201113135734-0a15ea8d9b02 h1:5Ftd3YbC/kANXWCBjvppvUmv1BMakgFcBKA7MpYYp4M= v0.0.0-20201113135734-0a15ea8d9b02/go.mod h1:h1NjWce9XRLGQEsW7wpKNCjG9DtNlClVuFLEZdDNbEs= v0.3.0/go.mod h1:NqM8EUOU14njkJ3fqMW+pc6Ldnwhi/IjpwHt7yyuwOQ=
diff --git a/generator/profanity.csv b/generator/profanity.csv
index 84a04b9..5c430c3 100644
--- a/generator/profanity.csv
+++ b/generator/profanity.csv
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ bollok,2
@@ -60,6 +61,7 @@ shit,1
diff --git a/generator/profanity.txt b/generator/profanity.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 6778ed1..0000000
--- a/generator/profanity.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/internal/radix/buffer.go b/internal/radix/buffer.go
deleted file mode 100644
index f84def9..0000000
--- a/internal/radix/buffer.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-package radix
-type Buffer struct {
-    Storage [longestWord * 2]*Node // * 2 because some characters turn into 2 matches
-    index   int
-func (buffer *Buffer) Append(node *Node) {
-    buffer.Storage[buffer.index] = node
-    buffer.index++
-    if buffer.index >= len(buffer.Storage) {
-        buffer.index = 0
-    }
-func (buffer *Buffer) Clear() {
-    buffer.index = 0
-func (buffer *Buffer) Get(index int) *Node {
-    return buffer.Storage[index]
-func (buffer *Buffer) Len() int {
-    return buffer.index
diff --git a/internal/radix/queue.go b/internal/radix/queue.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b6f28d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internal/radix/queue.go
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+package radix
+type Queue struct {
+	Storage    [longestWord * 2]*Node // * 2 because some characters turn into 2 matches
+	length     int
+	readIndex  int
+	writeIndex int
+// appends to back
+func (queue *Queue) Append(node *Node) {
+	queue.length++
+	queue.Storage[queue.writeIndex] = node
+	queue.writeIndex++
+	if queue.writeIndex >= len(queue.Storage) {
+		queue.writeIndex = 0
+	}
+// removes from front
+func (queue *Queue) Remove() (node *Node) {
+	queue.length--
+	/*
+	   if queue.length < 0 {
+	       panic("queue out of range")
+	   }
+	*/
+	node = queue.Storage[queue.readIndex]
+	queue.readIndex++
+	if queue.readIndex >= len(queue.Storage) {
+		queue.readIndex = 0
+	}
+	return
+func (queue *Queue) Clear() {
+	queue.length = 0
+func (queue *Queue) Len() int {
+	return queue.length
diff --git a/moderation.go b/moderation.go
index 3acca2d..a988fb8 100644
--- a/moderation.go
+++ b/moderation.go
@@ -13,11 +13,8 @@ var tree *radix.Tree
 func init() {
 	tree = radix.New()
-	for _, profanity := range profanities {
-		tree.Add(profanity, 1)
-	}
-	for _, falsePositive := range falsePositives {
-		tree.Add(falsePositive, -1)
+	for word, value := range wordValues {
+		tree.Add(word, int32(value))
@@ -51,7 +48,7 @@ func Analyze(text string) (analysis Analysis) {
 	lastSepMin := 0
 	lastSepMax := 0
-	var matchesGet, matchesPut radix.Buffer
+	var matches radix.Queue
 	var lastMatchable byte
 	for _, textRune := range text {
@@ -97,13 +94,14 @@ func Analyze(text string) (analysis Analysis) {
 			if ok {
 				if matchable {
-					matchesGet.Append(tree.Root())
+					matches.Append(tree.Root())
-					for i := 0; i < matchesGet.Len(); i++ {
-						match := matchesGet.Get(i)
+					originalLength := matches.Len()
+					for i := 0; i < originalLength; i++ {
+						match := matches.Remove()
 						if textByte == lastMatchable {
-							matchesPut.Append(match)
+							matches.Append(match)
 						// Process textBytes as multiple textBytes or textByte
@@ -126,16 +124,14 @@ func Analyze(text string) (analysis Analysis) {
-								matchesPut.Append(next)
+								matches.Append(next)
 					lastMatchable = textByte
-					matchesGet = matchesPut
-					matchesPut.Clear()
 				} else if !skippable {
-					matchesGet.Clear()
+					matches.Clear()
diff --git a/wordlists.go b/wordlists.go
index 856dd77..c48b579 100644
--- a/wordlists.go
+++ b/wordlists.go
@@ -2,8343 +2,8833 @@ package moderation
 // Code generated by generator/filter_dictionary.go; DO NOT EDIT
-var profanities = []string{
-	"anal",
-	"anus",
-	"arse",
-	"ass",
-	"ballsack",
-	"balls",
-	"bastard",
-	"bitch",
-	"btch",
-	"biatch",
-	"blowjob",
-	"bollock",
-	"bollok",
-	"boner",
-	"boob",
-	"bugger",
-	"bullshit",
-	"butt",
-	"clitoris",
-	"cock",
-	"coon",
-	"crap",
-	"cum",
-	"cunt",
-	"dick",
-	"dildo",
-	"dyke",
-	"fag",
-	"feck",
-	"fellate",
-	"fellatio",
-	"felching",
-	"fuck",
-	"fudgepacker",
-	"flange",
-	"handjob",
-	"horny",
-	"horseshit",
-	"incest",
-	"jerk",
-	"jizz",
-	"labia",
-	"muff",
-	"naked",
-	"nigger",
-	"nigga",
-	"nude",
-	"penis",
-	"piss",
-	"poop",
-	"porn",
-	"prick",
-	"prostitut",
-	"pube",
-	"pussy",
-	"queer",
-	"rimjob",
-	"scrotum",
-	"semen",
-	"shit",
-	"slut",
-	"spunk",
-	"suckmy",
-	"sex",
-	"tit",
-	"tohell",
-	"tosser",
-	"turd",
-	"twat",
-	"vagina",
-	"wank",
-	"whore",
-var falsePositives = []string{
-	"abcrap",
-	"abcuntil",
-	"abcunto",
-	"abricock",
-	"abspunk",
-	"academicspunk",
-	"acceptwatch",
-	"acceptwater",
-	"acceptwatson",
-	"acceptwatt",
-	"accessoriespunk",
-	"accesspunk",
-	"accidentspunk",
-	"accrap",
-	"accum",
-	"accuntil",
-	"accunto",
-	"achievementspunk",
-	"acock",
-	"acolapissa",
-	"acousticrap",
-	"acousticuntil",
-	"acousticunto",
-	"acrosarcum",
-	"acrylicrap",
-	"acrylicuntil",
-	"acrylicunto",
-	"activistspunk",
-	"actorspunk",
-	"actresspunk",
-	"actspunk",
-	"actwatch",
-	"actwater",
-	"actwatson",
-	"actwatt",
-	"acumen",
-	"adamspunk",
-	"adapterspunk",
-	"addspunk",
-	"adjustmentspunk",
-	"administratorspunk",
-	"adspunk",
-	"adultspunk",
-	"adultwatch",
-	"adultwater",
-	"adultwatson",
-	"adultwatt",
-	"advancespunk",
-	"advertisemen",
-	"advertiserspunk",
-	"advertwatch",
-	"advertwater",
-	"advertwatson",
-	"advertwatt",
-	"advisemen",
-	"advisorspunk",
-	"affectspunk",
-	"affectwatch",
-	"affectwater",
-	"affectwatson",
-	"affectwatt",
-	"affiliatespunk",
-	"afterwardspunk",
-	"againstwatch",
-	"againstwater",
-	"againstwatson",
-	"againstwatt",
-	"agapornis",
-	"agenciespunk",
-	"agentspunk",
-	"agespunk",
-	"agreementspunk",
-	"agreespunk",
-	"aimspunk",
-	"akshita",
-	"alabias",
-	"albertwatch",
-	"albertwater",
-	"albertwatson",
-	"albertwatt",
-	"albumspunk",
-	"alcumy",
-	"alertspunk",
-	"alertwatch",
-	"alertwater",
-	"alertwatson",
-	"alertwatt",
-	"alexipharmacum",
-	"algorithmspunk",
-	"alkanal",
-	"alternativespunk",
-	"altitonant",
-	"altitude",
-	"altitudinal",
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-	"elliottwatt",
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-	"worldspunk",
-	"worsemen",
-	"worstwatch",
-	"worstwater",
-	"worstwatson",
-	"worstwatt",
-	"writerspunk",
-	"writespunk",
-	"writingspunk",
-	"wtohell",
-	"yachtwatch",
-	"yachtwater",
-	"yachtwatson",
-	"yachtwatt",
-	"yardspunk",
-	"yercum",
-	"yespunk",
-	"yetwatch",
-	"yetwater",
-	"yetwatson",
-	"yetwatt",
-	"yieldspunk",
-	"yrspunk",
-	"zaddick",
-	"zincest",
-	"zincum",
-	"zipissn",
-	"zipissue",
-	"zipoops",
-	"ziprick",
-	"zoacum",
-	"zoloftwatch",
-	"zoloftwater",
-	"zoloftwatson",
-	"zoloftwatt",
-	"zopenissan",
-	"zuspunk",
-	"zygomaticum",
+// seeing word [key] means changing inappropriate level by [value]
+var wordValues = map[string]int8{
+	"abcrap":                   -1,
+	"abcuntil":                 -2,
+	"abcuntitled":              -2,
+	"abcunto":                  -2,
+	"abietite":                 -2,
+	"abricock":                 -1,
+	"abspunk":                  -2,
+	"academicspunk":            -2,
+	"acceptwatch":              -2,
+	"acceptwater":              -2,
+	"acceptwatson":             -2,
+	"acceptwatt":               -2,
+	"accessoriespunk":          -2,
+	"accesspunk":               -2,
+	"accidentspunk":            -2,
+	"accrap":                   -1,
+	"accum":                    -2,
+	"accuntil":                 -2,
+	"accuntitled":              -2,
+	"accunto":                  -2,
+	"acetite":                  -2,
+	"achievementspunk":         -2,
+	"acock":                    -1,
+	"acolapissa":               -1,
+	"acousticrap":              -1,
+	"acousticuntil":            -2,
+	"acousticuntitled":         -2,
+	"acousticunto":             -2,
+	"acrosarcum":               -2,
+	"acrylicrap":               -1,
+	"acrylicuntil":             -2,
+	"acrylicuntitled":          -2,
+	"acrylicunto":              -2,
+	"activistspunk":            -2,
+	"actorspunk":               -2,
+	"actresspunk":              -2,
+	"actspunk":                 -2,
+	"actwatch":                 -2,
+	"actwater":                 -2,
+	"actwatson":                -2,
+	"actwatt":                  -2,
+	"acumen":                   -2,
+	"adamspunk":                -2,
+	"adapterspunk":             -2,
+	"addspunk":                 -2,
+	"adjustmentspunk":          -2,
+	"administratorspunk":       -2,
+	"adspunk":                  -2,
+	"adultspunk":               -2,
+	"adultwatch":               -2,
+	"adultwater":               -2,
+	"adultwatson":              -2,
+	"adultwatt":                -2,
+	"advancespunk":             -2,
+	"advertisemen":             -2,
+	"advertiserspunk":          -2,
+	"advertwatch":              -2,
+	"advertwater":              -2,
+	"advertwatson":             -2,
+	"advertwatt":               -2,
+	"advisemen":                -2,
+	"advisorspunk":             -2,
+	"aenigmatite":              -2,
+	"aetites":                  -2,
+	"affectspunk":              -2,
+	"affectwatch":              -2,
+	"affectwater":              -2,
+	"affectwatson":             -2,
+	"affectwatt":               -2,
+	"affiliatespunk":           -2,
+	"afterwardspunk":           -2,
+	"againstwatch":             -2,
+	"againstwater":             -2,
+	"againstwatson":            -2,
+	"againstwatt":              -2,
+	"agapornis":                -2,
+	"agenciespunk":             -2,
+	"agentspunk":               -2,
+	"agespunk":                 -2,
+	"agreementspunk":           -2,
+	"agreespunk":               -2,
+	"aimspunk":                 -2,
+	"akshita":                  -1,
+	"alabias":                  -2,
+	"albertite":                -2,
+	"albertwatch":              -2,
+	"albertwater":              -2,
+	"albertwatson":             -2,
+	"albertwatt":               -2,
+	"albitite":                 -2,
+	"albumspunk":               -2,
+	"alcumy":                   -2,
+	"alertspunk":               -2,
+	"alertwatch":               -2,
+	"alertwater":               -2,
+	"alertwatson":              -2,
+	"alertwatt":                -2,
+	"aleutite":                 -2,
+	"alexipharmacum":           -2,
+	"algorithmspunk":           -2,
+	"alkanal":                  -2,
+	"allactite":                -2,
+	"allemontite":              -2,
+	"allochetite":              -2,
+	"alternativespunk":         -2,
+	"altitonant":               -2,
+	"altitude":                 -2,
+	"altitudinal":              -2,
+	"altitudinarian":           -2,
+	"altitudinous":             -2,
+	"altohell":                 -2,
+	"altwatch":                 -2,
+	"altwater":                 -2,
+	"altwatson":                -2,
+	"altwatt":                  -2,
+	"alushtite":                -2,
+	"amarantite":               -2,
+	"amatito":                  -2,
+	"ambosexous":               -1,
+	"ambosexual":               -1,
+	"amendmentspunk":           -2,
+	"americanspunk":            -2,
+	"ammoniacum":               -2,
+	"ampissn":                  -1,
+	"ampissue":                 -1,
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+	"anal":                     2,
+	"analab":                   -2,
+	"analace":                  -2,
+	"analack":                  -2,
+	"analadder":                -2,
+	"analaden":                 -2,
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+	"analady":                  -2,
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+	"analamp":                  -2,
+	"analan":                   -2,
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+	"analat":                   -2,
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+	"analaunch":                -2,
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+	"analaura":                 -2,
+	"analauren":                -2,
+	"analav":                   -2,
+	"analaw":                   -2,
+	"analay":                   -2,
+	"analazy":                  -2,
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+	"analiability":             -2,
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+	"anallagmatis":             -2,
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+	"analord":                  -2,
+	"analos":                   -2,
+	"analot":                   -2,
+	"analou":                   -2,
+	"analove":                  -2,
+	"analoving":                -2,
+	"analow":                   -2,
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+	"analtd":                   -2,
+	"analucas":                 -2,
+	"analucia":                 -2,
+	"analuck":                  -2,
+	"analucy":                  -2,
+	"analuggage":               -2,
+	"analuis":                  -2,
+	"analuke":                  -2,
+	"analunch":                 -2,
+	"analung":                  -2,
+	"analuther":                -2,
+	"analuxembourg":            -2,
+	"analuxury":                -2,
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+	"analysable":               -2,
+	"analysand":                -2,
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+	"analyse":                  -2,
+	"analysespunk":             -2,
+	"analysing":                -2,
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+	"analysispunk":             -2,
+	"analyst":                  -2,
+	"analystspunk":             -2,
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+	"analystwater":             -2,
+	"analystwatson":            -2,
+	"analystwatt":              -2,
+	"analyt":                   -2,
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+	"analyzable":               -2,
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+	"analyze":                  -2,
+	"analyzing":                -2,
+	"anchornyc":                -2,
+	"anchornylon":              -2,
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+	"andykeep":                 -3,
+	"andykeith":                -3,
+	"andykelkoo":               -3,
+	"andykelly":                -3,
+	"andyken":                  -3,
+	"andykept":                 -3,
+	"andykevin":                -3,
+	"andykey":                  -3,
+	"angelabias":               -2,
+	"angelspunk":               -2,
+	"angolabias":               -2,
+	"angraecum":                -2,
+	"animalspunk":              -2,
+	"announcementspunk":        -2,
+	"announcespunk":            -2,
+	"anonymouspunk":            -2,
+	"anorthitite":              -2,
+	"answerspunk":              -2,
+	"antesignanus":             -1,
+	"anthericum":               -2,
+	"anticum":                  -2,
+	"antiquespunk":             -2,
+	"antisex":                  -1,
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+	"antitabloid":              -2,
+	"antitax":                  -2,
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+	"antithrombin":             -2,
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+	"antitoxin":                -2,
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+	"antitragi":                -2,
+	"antitragus":               -2,
+	"antitrinitarian":          -2,
+	"antitrismus":              -2,
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+	"antitropic":               -2,
+	"antitropous":              -2,
+	"antitropy":                -2,
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+	"antitryptic":              -2,
+	"antitubercular":           -2,
+	"antituberculin":           -2,
+	"antituberculosis":         -2,
+	"antituberculotic":         -2,
+	"antituberculous":          -2,
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+	"antityphoid":              -2,
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+	"antwater":                 -2,
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+	"antwatt":                  -2,
+	"anus":                     1,
+	"anusim":                   -1,
+	"anusvara":                 -1,
+	"apartmentspunk":           -2,
+	"apatite":                  -2,
+	"apissl":                   -1,
+	"apnicrap":                 -1,
+	"apnicuntil":               -2,
+	"apnicuntitled":            -2,
+	"apnicunto":                -2,
+	"apoop":                    -1,
+	"apparatuspunk":            -2,
+	"appealspunk":              -2,
+	"appissn":                  -1,
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+	"appliancespunk":           -2,
+	"applicantspunk":           -2,
+	"appointmentspunk":         -2,
+	"appoops":                  -1,
+	"apprick":                  -2,
+	"approachespunk":           -2,
+	"appspunk":                 -2,
+	"aprosexia":                -1,
+	"aptitude":                 -2,
+	"aptitudinal":              -2,
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+	"aptwater":                 -2,
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+	"aptwatt":                  -2,
+	"aquaticrap":               -1,
+	"aquaticuntil":             -2,
+	"aquaticuntitled":          -2,
+	"aquaticunto":              -2,
+	"arabicrap":                -1,
+	"arabicuntil":              -2,
+	"arabicuntitled":           -2,
+	"arabicunto":               -2,
+	"architectspunk":           -2,
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+	"architectwater":           -2,
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+	"architectwatt":            -2,
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+	"arcticrap":                -1,
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+	"arcticuntitled":           -2,
+	"arcticunto":               -2,
+	"arctitude":                -2,
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+	"arksutite":                -2,
+	"armspunk":                 -2,
+	"aromatitae":               -2,
+	"aromatite":                -2,
+	"arrangementspunk":         -2,
+	"arrivalspunk":             -2,
+	"arrivespunk":              -2,
+	"arse":                     1,
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+	"warsext":                  -1,
+	"warspunk":                 -2,
+	"washita":                  -1,
+	"watchespunk":              -2,
+	"waterspunk":               -2,
+	"wattspunk":                -2,
+	"wattwatch":                -2,
+	"wattwater":                -2,
+	"wattwatson":               -2,
+	"wattwatt":                 -2,
+	"wavespunk":                -2,
+	"wayspunk":                 -2,
+	"weathercock":              -1,
+	"weddingspunk":             -2,
+	"weekspunk":                -2,
+	"weightspunk":              -2,
+	"wellnesspunk":             -2,
+	"wellspunk":                -2,
+	"wendykeen":                -3,
+	"wendykeep":                -3,
+	"wendykeith":               -3,
+	"wendykelkoo":              -3,
+	"wendykelly":               -3,
+	"wendyken":                 -3,
+	"wendykept":                -3,
+	"wendykevin":               -3,
+	"wendykey":                 -3,
+	"wereass":                  -1,
+	"wetwatch":                 -2,
+	"wetwater":                 -2,
+	"wetwatson":                -2,
+	"wetwatt":                  -2,
+	"wharfage":                 -3,
+	"wheelspunk":               -2,
+	"whilstwatch":              -2,
+	"whilstwater":              -2,
+	"whilstwatson":             -2,
+	"whilstwatt":               -2,
+	"whisterpoop":              -1,
+	"whitehass":                -1,
+	"whore":                    3,
+	"wildernesspunk":           -2,
+	"williamspunk":             -2,
+	"windowspunk":              -2,
+	"windspunk":                -2,
+	"winespunk":                -2,
+	"wingspunk":                -2,
+	"winnerspunk":              -2,
+	"winterdykes":              -3,
+	"wisemen":                  -2,
+	"wishespunk":               -2,
+	"wistit":                   -2,
+	"witnessespunk":            -2,
+	"witnesspunk":              -2,
+	"wivespunk":                -2,
+	"woodcock":                 -1,
+	"woodspunk":                -2,
+	"woollybutt":               -1,
+	"wordspunk":                -2,
+	"workerspunk":              -2,
+	"workspunk":                -2,
+	"worldspunk":               -2,
+	"worsemen":                 -2,
+	"worstwatch":               -2,
+	"worstwater":               -2,
+	"worstwatson":              -2,
+	"worstwatt":                -2,
+	"writerspunk":              -2,
+	"writespunk":               -2,
+	"writingspunk":             -2,
+	"wtohell":                  -2,
+	"yachtwatch":               -2,
+	"yachtwater":               -2,
+	"yachtwatson":              -2,
+	"yachtwatt":                -2,
+	"yardspunk":                -2,
+	"yercum":                   -2,
+	"yespunk":                  -2,
+	"yetwatch":                 -2,
+	"yetwater":                 -2,
+	"yetwatson":                -2,
+	"yetwatt":                  -2,
+	"yieldspunk":               -2,
+	"yrspunk":                  -2,
+	"zaddick":                  -2,
+	"zincest":                  -2,
+	"zincum":                   -2,
+	"zipissn":                  -1,
+	"zipissue":                 -1,
+	"zipoops":                  -1,
+	"ziprick":                  -2,
+	"zoacum":                   -2,
+	"zoloftwatch":              -2,
+	"zoloftwater":              -2,
+	"zoloftwatson":             -2,
+	"zoloftwatt":               -2,
+	"zopenissan":               -2,
+	"zuspunk":                  -2,
+	"zygomaticum":              -2,