My humble abode on the World Wide Web, created and deployed using Next.js, Vercel, Neon Postgres, Prisma, Umami, and more.
Run pnpm install
to install the necessary dependencies and pnpm dev
to start the local server, and then
open http://localhost:3000/. Pages will live-refresh when source files are changed.
Most production steps are handled automatically by Vercel, but running
pnpm build
locally will still generate an unoptimized, less-than-ideal static version which can be served via
pnpm start
☝️ Note: pnpm is highly recommended (for many reasons!) but this project should also work just fine with NPM or Yarn.
⚡ Bonus tip: Volta, a magical, blazing-fast alternative to nvm, is used to pin the exact Node.js version used for development. It's completely optional but I highly recommend it in general!
Site content is licensed under the CC-BY-4.0 license, which means that you can copy, redistribute, remix, transform, and build upon the content for any purpose as long as you give appropriate credit.
All other code in this repository is licensed under the MIT license.