- libxml2
- libpcre or ICU for regular expressions support
- make
- ICU=1 make
By default, both the readable program and the Python extension will be built.
- Create a new directory named readable
- Copy readable.h and readable.c in the newly created directory
- Copy the directory named unicode from the ICU headers into your project (you can get it from the iPhoneSimulator SDK, under /usr/include/unicode)
- Add the readable parent directory, the unicode parent directory and /usr/include/libxml2 to Header Search Path under Build Settings
- Add libicucore.dylib and libxml2.xylib to the Link Binary with libraries Build Phase
- In your code, import readable.h
- Create a new directory named readable
- Copy readable.h and readable.c in the newly created directory
- Add the readable parent directory and /usr/include/libxml2 to Header Search Path under Build Settings
- Add libicucore.dylib and libxml2.xylib to the Link Binary with libraries Build Phase
- In your code, import readable.h
Parses HTML to extract the interesting contents.
- html: HTML code to parse
- url: URL where this HTML was fetched from
- encoding: HTML encoding
- options: See readable.h for the avaialble options
Returns the url for the next page in a multipage article (pretty much in alpha):
- html: HTML code to parse
- url: URL where this HTML was fetched from
- encoding: HTML encoding
This code is licensed under the AGPLv3. If you'd like to use the code under a different license, drop me a line to alberto@garciahierro.com