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Lab 000 - Kubernetes Basic Concepts

In this 1st part we will explore a few k8's basic concepts while on the same time preparing the environmnent we are going to work with.

TIP : If you are using Windows, having Git Bash for Windowns installed can be very helpfull as you will be able to run Linux comands whenever you need!

This is supposed to be a begginers workshop! So, if you already have a good grasp of kubernetes, you'll probably finish this very quickly! In the case you're a newbie, you'll find some help and comfort in the page. Along the workshop we'll point you out the links to the concepts if you want to learn how things work in theory! As we mentioned before, take your time and enjoy the theory as well!

Step 1: Copy kubeconfig file

Optional: Read theory.

It typically takes around 5 minutes to create a managed OKE (Oracle Kubernetes Cluster) in OCI (Oracle Cloud Infrastructure), whether with the OCI Console, the OCI API, with Terraform or JenkinsX. Today, you won't need to create a cluster as you're going to work in a cluster which was already created for you. All you'll have to do is to download the kubconfig file here.

This file gives you a lot of power! You'll be able to execute any type of action or operation against the cluster! You'll need that power along this workshop!

Now, in your computer, create a folder called container-workshop in your user area:

If you're running windows, follow the windows approach to create the folder please :)

Take this Linux example if you're using Linux:

  $ mkdir -p $HOME/container-workshop


  $mkdir container-workshop

You should end up with something like this :

$ yourusername/container-workshop

Please, don't forget to copy the kubeconfig file you just downloaded into the container-workshop folder. The kubeconfig file has all the information and credentials needed to connect your local machine with the kubernetes cluster.

The folder container-workshop will be your local working folder where you'll generally execute your commands and copy and download the different files you will need.

STEP 2: Install and test kubectl on Your Local Machine

  • The method you choose to install kubectl will depend on your operating system and any package managers that you may already use. The generic method of installation, downloading the binary file using curl, is given below (run the appropriate command in a terminal or command prompt). If you prefer to use a package manager such as apt-get, yum, homebrew, chocolatey, etc, please find the specific command in the Kubernetes Documentation.


    cd %USERPROFILE%\container-workshop
    curl -LO


    cd ~/container-workshop
    curl -LO$(curl -s
    chmod +x ./kubectl


    cd ~/container-workshop
    curl -LO$(curl -s
    chmod +x ./kubectl
  • In your terminal window or command prompt, run the following commands to verify that kubectl is able to communicate with your cluster. You should see cluster-info print out the URL of the Kubernetes Master node and get nodes print out the IP address and status of each of the worker nodes.


    set KUBECONFIG=%USERPROFILE%\container-workshop\kubeconfig
    echo %KUBECONFIG%
    kubectl.exe cluster-info
    kubectl.exe get nodes


    export KUBECONFIG=~/container-workshop/kubeconfig
    ./kubectl cluster-info
    ./kubectl get nodes

    You should see in the cluster-info that the Kubernetes master has an URL. If it instead has a localhost URL, your KUBECONFIG environment variable may not be set correctly:

    ATTENTION: Double check the environment variable against the path and filename of your kubeconfig file. What we mean is that you have to make sure that when you run the above export or set command to create the environment variable pointing to the kubeconfig, the path was well assigned to the variable. Failing to do this will not let you run the kubectl properly.

If everything is ok, we can now use kubectl to start a proxy that will give us access to the Kubernetes Dashboard through a web browser at a localhost URL. Run the following command in the same terminal window:

Windows kubectl.exe proxy

Mac/Linux ./kubectl proxy

NOTE: If you receive an error stating bind: address already in use, you may have another application running on port 8001. You can specify a different port for the proxy by passing the --port= parameter, for example kubectl proxy --port=8002. Note that you will have to modify the URL for the dashboard in the next step to match this port.

  • Leave the proxy server running and navigate to the Kubernetes Dashboard by Right Clicking on this link, and choosing open in a new browser tab.

  • You are asked to authenticate to view the dashboard. Click Choose kubeconfig file and select your kubeconfig file from the folder ~/container-workshop/kubeconfig. Click Open, then click Sign In.

  • After authenticating, you are presented with the Kubernetes dashboard.

  • Great! We've got Kubernetes installed and accessible -- now we're ready to get our services deployed to the cluster. In your terminal window, press Control-C to terminate kubectl proxy. We will need the terminal window to gather some cluster info in another step. We'll start the proxy again later. Great job!

Step 3: Create your personal namespace

Optional: Read theory.

First, let's Check the existing namespaces in the cluster

You will see that the typical k8s default namespaces are created.

namespaces created

./kubectl get namespaces --show-labels

Now lets create our own namespace where we are going to work

The objective is to create a namespace with your own name where you're then supposed to work along the entire workshop (including the second part). So, in a text editor create a local file called namespace-dev.json or just download right-clicking and saving this template and change its content accordingly

  "kind": "Namespace",
  "apiVersion": "v1",
  "metadata": {
    "name": "fernando-harris",
    "labels": {
      "name": "fernando-harris"

where you see name-surname (e.g.: fernando-harris), please replace with your own (e.g. john-doe) and thats shall become your namespace. If it colides with one of your coleagues namespace, please use one of your other surnames, or nicknames.... I'm sure you have many cool nicknames :p !

**Run the following command to create the namespace **

$ kubectl create -f namespace-dev.json

**If you check the existing namespaces again, you should see that more resources of type namespace have been created **

$ kubectl get namespaces --show-labels

And your namespace should be part of this list of recently created namespaces in the cluster! If its does, move to the next step!

Step 4: Prepare to work in the correct context

Optional: Read theory.

We are going to work each one with our own set of resources inside our namespace. To make sure we don't mess around with our coleagues namespaces, nor with the default namespace, we are going to create a specific context associated with your namespace. This will help us assuring that every kubectl execution we run on our laptop, will be against our personal namespace!

Copy the following line and past it into a text editor. Dont forget to replace proper values before executing the command:

Replace nameofyourcontext with the same value you've used for your namespace in the above point (e.g.: john-doe)!

Well urnamespace is supposed to be replaced with your namespace !!! Yes you guessed it right!

$ kubectl config set-context nameofyourcontext --namespace=urnamespace --cluster=cluster-czdqmtggbsw --user=user-czdqmtggbsw

If you get a message Context "nameofyourcontext" created. then it should be ok!

Now let's use the context we've created

$ kubectl config use-context nameofyourcontext

If you get a message Swtiched to contex "nameofyourcontext". then it should be ok!

Just check it again to make sure...

$ kubectl config current-context

Step 5: Deploy your first image to OKE

** Finally! We're ready to deploy things! Let's create the deployment in the cluster**

Please download the manifest yaml for the deployment definition from here.

$ kubectl create -f manifestDeployment.yml

You should get a message saying that a deployment was created.

Check deployment

Optional: Read theory.

$ kubectl get deployments

Checking the pods created

Optional: Read theory.

$ kubectl get pods -o wide

After running this command you'll notice that your pod was created successfully.Even more important you will notice the node where it was deployed. The name of the node should be starting with a 10.0.X.2 , where X can be 13,14 or 15.

Now that you know the nodes names or id's where the pod was deployed, you need to know its public external IP. To get that information you need to run the following command:

$ kubectl get nodes -o wide

In the screenshot below you can see that each one of the 3 nodes (eg:10.0.X.2) have a correspondent External IP (eg: 130.61.X.X). Take note of your External IP, i.e., the one associated with the node name where the pod was deployed:

Remebember, what you want is the External IP! And in our cluster this public external IP will always start with 130.61.X.X! Once again, take note of it... you will need it in the next point.

Let's create the service in the cluster

Optional: Read theory.

You have done greate. The pod is running in a node. You also have the public IP of this node. But, you need a way to get access to the application running in the pod. You will use a construct called Service to achieve that. Please download the manifest yaml for the service definition from here.

$ kubectl create -f manifestService.yml

You should get a message saying that your service was created.

Let's take a look....

$ kubectl get services

Take note of the port where your service was configured

Test your deployement

Finally, open your browser and navigate to the IP:port you've obtained in the previous 2 points.

Congratulations! You finished the first part of the workshop!

  • You may proceed to Lab 100 and start the second part of the workshop where you'll setup a CI / CD with Container Pipelines aka Wercker!