Creates archieve files with instructions given in a boxerfile
This project uses CMake
and Ninja
build system.
For first time:
cmake -B build -GNinja
ninja -C build
Just for compiling:
ninja -C build
Sets name of box/archive. Adds `.tar.gz` at the end of name.
Adds directory named `DIR_NAME` to box.
If `OUTPUT_DIR` is given then directory name is changed to `OUTPUT_DIR`.
Adds current `FILENAME` to box.
Add file with regular expression.
<REGEX> : [must] is used to get matching files.
IN : [must]
<DIR> : [must] search regex in.
GET : [must]
<SELECTOR> : [must] pick one below
|-> ALL: Add all files matching.
|-> LATEST: Get only latest modified.
|-> FIRST: Get first match.
|-> LAST: Get last match.
TO : [must]
<DESTINATION> : [must] destination directory.
AS : [optional] is used to get matching files.
OUTPUT_FILENAME : [optional] must exists if AS is given.
- Beware of leading
in archive filenames (AS part)
You can find example .boxerfile
in test-files
In project directory, run:
build/boxer -f test-files/.boxerfile
to run tests.