Demo applications using Spring Events
This repository contains 2 projects with different versions of JDK (8 and 17) wich runs on ports 8081 and 8082, respectively.
Just start the containers by running the following command:
docker compose up
The application exposes only a POST endpoint to create a user.
Curl commands to access these endpoints are showing bellow.
Example to create a user:
curl -i -X POST http://localhost:8081/users -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d $'{ "name": "User #1", "email": "" }'
Change the port to 8082 if you want to do a request to JDK17 application
You can watch the log of application's container to see it's behavior on each endpoint call (there's a message on each event listener execution to show the payload of received event).
Run the following command to watch container's log:
docker logs spring-events-jdk8 -f
Execute the same command switching container's name to
if you want to see logs from JDK17 application