This is the backend of EduCare. Educare is a platform for managing multiple schools with different roles and functionalities. It allows communication and management for institutions, teachers, students, guardians, and administrators.
- React (Framework)
- HTML and CSS (Styling)
- Node.js and Express.js (Server-side)
- Oracle DBMS (Database)
- View added institutions.
- Learn about the platform.
- Add and manage institutions.
- Add teachers and students to their respective classes.
- Create routines based on teacher availability.
- Manage fees and charges for students (e.g., fines for misconduct).
- View assigned classes, routines, and student lists.
- Mark attendance for a particular class on a specific day.
- Enter marks for exams.
- View marks, attendance, routines, dues, and results.
- View a child's results, attendance, and payment information.
- Update payment information by submitting a transaction ID.