Full customizable and easy to use.
Created by Guim González.
🚀 Welcome to my developer portfolio template with HTML, CSS and JS. Free to use and easy to customize. Here you have a snapshot of how it looks like.
💻 This is a template made for developers to use it as a portfolio page. To see a live demo visit guimg.github.io/dev-portfolio/.
✏️The first step is to change the profile data. To do so, go to the file: data/data.js
Within the file you'll find a Javascript object, which contains all the profile data. Change the fields to your current one and save the changes.
This is a reduced version of the profile object:
var profile = {
name: "Guim González",
position: "FullStack Developer & Software Engineer",
email: "info@guimgonzalez.business",
location: "Barcelona, Spain",
birth: "1997-07-26"
Let's change the profile information to John's Doe
// My new profile
var profile = {
name: "John Doe",
position: "Web Developer at Google.",
email: "john.doe@example.com",
location: "San Francisco, CA",
birth: "1989-09-06"
✅ Done! Let's begin with the styling.
🎨 If you don't like the color I've put some other ones. Try them and choose your favourite one.
- Nightsky
- Sunset
- Purpledream
- Cutekitty
let page = {
theme: "nightsky"
// ^ themes suported:
// - nightsky (default)
// - sunset
// - purpledream
// - cutekitty
In this first version you can't change the language yet. I'll upgrade it asap.
To see your page on Github pages like this: guimg.github.io/dev-portfolio/, just follow their guide, it's super simple.
For any problem ❗️ or question ❓ of usage send me an email ✉️.
Feel free to open a new pull request here.
For bugs 🐛 or issues
This code is under the MIT License which you can find in the master branch.