Car Rental is a web application that allows clients of HertzUTS (fictional company) to book cars online. The website shows you the avaialbaility of the cars and their respective details (mileage, image, fuel type and etc) from an XML file Cars thet are avaialable can be booked and put in the virtual booking list which can modify the number of days its being booked. Afterwards, the cars in the booking list can than be checked out by the users filling in a from along with their email address. The booking details and confirmation will than be sent to the provided email
- php
- javascript
- html
- css
- Ampps (Dev Environment)
In order to run this you need to have a php server installed in your device. I used Ampps to run it locally
- Install Ampps
- Clone or download 'CarRental_HetzUTS' file
- Move 'CarRental_HetzUTS' file to the ampps/wwww
- Run Ampps
- Go to your browser and go to your localhost
- Select the
- 'CarRental_HetzUTS'