The API is written in Ruby in Rails. It's at /api directory.
- [GET] http://localhost:3000/attributes/{name}
- Returns a list with attributes with name {name}
- Available names: position, area, world
- Example:
[ { "name": "position", "value": "ejecutivo pyme" }, { "name": "position", "value": "gerente sucursal" } ]
- [GET] http://localhost:3000/users
- Returns a list with users and their respective family
- Example:
[ { "name": "Felipe Suazo", "position": "Software Engineer", "area": "Development", "world": "Amazon", "family": "Amazon SDE" } ]
- [POST] http://localhost:3000/users
- Saves an user if it has family goal that matches their attributes
- Sucess:
{ "name": "Felipe Suazo", "position": "Software Engineer", "area": "Development", "world": "Amazon", "family": "Amazon SDE" }
- Failure (It happens when user doesn't match a family goal):
{ "message": "FamilyGoal not found" }
- Ruby 2.5.1
- Rails 5.2.1
How to setup it locally:
- bundle install
- rails db:create
- rails db:migrate
- rails db:seed
Run tests:
- bundle exec rspec
Run server:
- rails s
The SPA is written in Angular 6. It's at /spa directory.
- NodeJS 8.10.0
- Npm 6.4.0
- Angular 6.1.0
- Typescript 2.7.2
- @ngrx/platform 6.1.0
- lodash 4.17.10
- ng-zorro-antd 1.3.0
How to setup it locally:
- npm install
Run app:
- npm start
- visit: http://localhost:4200